How Best Buy Scams Noobs...

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I'm currently standing outside my local Best  Buy because I was wondering what kind of gaming   system they'll build for somebody who wants a  custom gaming system but doesn't really know   what they're looking for the problem is I look  like the kind of person that first felt the touch   of a woman when I was like 25 cuz I was too busy  fondling a graphics guy so there's no way they're   going to think that I don't know what I'm looking  for but luckily I'm not 25 anymore and I know an Anna yeah yeah Anna oh there you [Music] go so Anna what's your Strat my Strat is  going to be to ask them to build me a PC   because I don't want to do that okay and I  want to be able to play League of Legends   with some friends maybe stream a little so  the computer's got to be able to like do   that at least and then in terms of budget what  are you going to give them I'm going to say about   $1,400 Canadian so the reason that we kind of I  mean we pred decided on $11,400 but the reason   is because I kind of did a quick look at their  website and it doesn't seem like they've got a   lot of budget options hopefully they're even going  to be able to build it for that amount but we'll see it was a weird experience the first person who  helped me was really formed she was like okay for   your budget you want to get a 30 series card with  an i5 1100 series 1100k okay Vibes anyway and so   then she goes okay this guy's going to help  you he'll make sure everything's compatible   and then he goes uh onto the floor and starts  picking out components but he's just like okay   30 series cards out of stock I had originally  given a budget of 1,400 we ended up with just   over $1,700 Canadian dollar for the components  before tax the whole process of like sourcing   all of the things probably took about 25 minutes  30 minutes okay then they had to go and figure out   how much it would cost for them to build the  system for us okay and the problem with that   was they didn't know what the skew number was so  they didn't know how like how much to charge for   it and for for the actual building process when  the person that actually knew the skew showed   up it turns out they charge $150 Canadian dollars  to build the system which is almost double what a   place like Canada computer charges for the same  service but wait they weren't done yet after   which she told me that okay they actually don't  build computers for non-geek Squad members she   was like you have to get the membership so that  we can also look after it if stuff like if stuff   goes wrong and then how much is the membership  so the membership is 20 bucks a month or 2 240   a year plus tax so it was more like 260 bucks a  year and you can't cancel it and like if you do   month a month you have to pay so you have to do  a year subscription to their membership for them   to build you a system so not only do you have to  pay them $150 to build the system for you you also   have to get a $20 a month subscription you know  just in case something maybe goes wrong with it   and they have to look at it which means at the  end of the first year you've paid them $400 to   build you a gaming system that was already $400  over budget well I mean hopefully they build   the living crap out of that system so I think  you said it's 2 days and then we can pick up   our brand new Best Buy PC now it's been 2 days  since Anna was initially extorted by Best Buy   and the system's not done yet but she did get  a phone call saying that they made Anna buy the   wrong Ram uh they got Anna to buy ddr4 but the  motherboard only supports ddr5 which means you   guessed it Anna has to give Best Buy even more  money now because it was their mistake they did   give Anna a $50 discount on the ramp but she does  still need to pay an additional $50 when she picks   up the gaming system they also very excitedly  realized that Anna hasn't paid for a Windows   license yet which they wanted to charge her $240  Canadian dollar for luckily Anna told them she   already has a Windows key so we don't need to pay  that additional amount so at least we dodged that   bullet uh but now we just need to wait and see how  long it takes them to finally finish the system now the process of picking up our Best Buy  gaming system from the very nice but quite   slow Best Buy Builder people was a mixed  bag on the one hand they didn't use one   of the packs of fans that they got us to buy  so we got a little bit of a discount on the   system cuz they just took the fans back which  puts our total for the components about $260   over budget if you don't take into account  the tax and the absurd amount they charged   us to build the system on the other hand they  did do some interesting things to the windows   install which they showed Anna and we'll have a  look at in a little bit oh there's a big spider   that camera is not mine anymore it belongs to  the spider now now in terms of case we got a   thermal take s200 which according to the box has  actual airflow now on top they don't quite seem   to know their way around a PC box it is in the  the wrong way around but it's not like it was   being shipped anywhere so I guess that's fine we  also get our Wi-Fi antenna pre-installed [Music]   okay on first impression it seems like they  didn't do a terrible job assembling the system   we did pay them $400 to do it so anything less  than Immaculate is completely unacceptable but   still and in terms of IO the system does  decently we've got some USB 3 on the front   although no type-c although the I/O on the tough  gaming motherboard they used kind of makes up for   it 2.5 gbit ethernet ooh we can download League  of Legends real fast they also used hella power   supply which is kind of hard to be mad about  oh wow that just limply falls off when looking   inside it seems like a well putut together system  the only thing approaching I guess weirdness is   that they used both CPU 8 pins that's not a bad  thing it just isn't necessary so I I don't even   know why I'm pointing it out to be honest but they  made some effort to hide fan cables behind places   and down here all of the front panel connectors  are plugged in and hidden away nicely they could   have shortened this run a bit and tucked more of  it away but again that's really splitting hairs at   this point now in terms of specs I'm not sure what  CPU they used going by the z790 motherboard it's   some current gen Intel CPU we get a thermal  take ux 200 air cooler which funnily enough   another customer in line with Anna had to remind  the Best Buy people to get a CPU Cooler also when   Anna picked up the system the technician who  tested it said he was a bit worried about CPU   temperatures butang changed some settings in  the Bios to address that which we'll have a   look at a bit later next to that is our problem  child Corsair Vengeance ddr5 kit which is rated   at 6,000 MHz motherboard wise they used a tough  gaming z790 plus Wi-Fi and then the graphics card   is a PNY version of the RTX 4060 with a pretty  losery looking cooler on it so it it's quite   a base model of one but with that let's take the  back panel off and see what's going on over there that rear cable management is perfectly acceptable  good job Geek Squad person and another nice touch   is they saved us the peel oh yeah so when it  comes to First Impressions Mr Geek Squad did   a reasonable job the main complaint is still  that they massively overp the system for our   given use case however these were the cheapest  components they had available and for some reason   ordering other ones wasn't an option we also  had to pay $400 for them to build it but with   that let's see how it runs ooh it's so RGB who  they really went to town installing crap on this   system there's like multiple versions of Bit  Defender and with the same logic as somebody   wearing two condoms we've got another acronis  antivirus on here I'm very curious to see what   this Geek Squad setup guide is oh yeah and I was  telling me about this these are the product ke   for all the syphilis included in the membership  we were forced to buy so I guess it's nice of   them to give us that oh they even installed VLC  clearly trying real hard to justify that $20 a   month subscription but then I noticed something  they forgot no way so they installed all of this   crap on but they forgot to do anything  above the like standard Windows setup   driver install and the drivers that Windows Auto  installed was almost a year old so after all of   that they forgot to install the one important  thing for a gaming system although on the bright   side they did enable xmp's on the ram so that's  better than most pre-built companies oh and in   terms of SSD we get quite a fancy 1 TB drive and  the CPU is an i5 14600 K which actually I wonder   if they updated the BIOS on this motherboard they  did not update the BIOS which isn't necessarily a   problem the main recent stability issues  with Intel chips seems to mainly affect   like I9 and some i7s so the CPU in here should  be okay oh and these are the settings that Mr   Geek Squad changed in the Bios to try and  deal with the temperatures they switch the   Boost profile from asus's boost profile to the  default Intel one okay so let's see if that's worked so I'm starting off with doom maternal at  1080p ultra settings and the system is crushing   it getting over 200 frames per second I mean  it makes sense it is a 4060 this is going to   be a fast system wow it's so smooth this is a  240 Herz monitor so actually taking advantage   of that extra frame rate and oh so much of the  smoothness now in terms of what the system is   doing the CPU doesn't have to do a huge amount  to keep up with our graphics card uh which does   mean that our temperatures are pretty good the  graphics card is also doing okay despite its tiny   loser little cooler the system has absolutely  no problem running Esports titles like CS2 at   1080p low settings of course this is the case  though it's about as surprising as a dragon fly   successfully murdering a thing now aside from  Esports titles don't worry we'll get to League   of Legends uh but with more demanding games like  cyberpunk here running at 1080p High settings lots   of frame rate 90 frames per second is is a lot it  feels very good and and it looks great as you can   see from the frame time graph as well it's smooth  you know it's there's not much stuttering going   on and if we want some rate tracing action here  with r tracing on medium uh we just need to use a   little bit of dlss we're currently using quality  and we're getting over 60 frames per second so   that option exists as well if you're interested  in slightly different looking light it looks very   very slightly different and when The Last of Us  was building it some shaders we got a taste of   what 100% CPU load does to the temperatures  and the answer is the hell end of Venus   so for gaming the temperatures are fine on the  CPU but for productivity the temperatures are   definitely not eping the last of us does run very  well at 1080p High settings with good frame rates   and everything looking all Fidelity but that's  not what we asked Best Buy for we ask them for   a system to run some League of Legends so let's  see how it handles that now as an adult I don't   really play League of Legends so I have no idea  who to pick but I guess I'll go with the one that   looks like a shadow feiend ripoff now a 1080p  very High settings with the system making the   Bots happen we're pegged at 240 frames per second  and it seems like the system doesn't even realize   there's a game happening look at that utilization  it is basically not doing anything I mean look at   the look at the GPU frequency it's like not doing  anything wait you can't deny creeps so laning   is just free farming at each other that's what I  then pushed the resolution up to 1440p which did   not phase the system one bit but it did seem to  realize something was happening this time but then   I remembered that Anna briefly mentioned wanting  to stream on the system so I fired up some OBS set   up a very basic thing and well again the system  barely noticed I started off streaming using enven   as the encoder which unsurprisingly didn't  impact the performance despite the fact that   we were streaming and recording at the same time  again the system was basically idle even switching   the encoding over to the CPU with a fast quality  preset the system barely noticed it didn't impact   the performance at all and we were still getting  very little utilization now again I was using   about as basic a streaming setup as you could use  but Anna just wanted to dabble in streaming so I   think this is a realistic test so with that should  you have Best Buy build your next gaming system   not even almost just the fact that they force you  into a monthly subscription is enough to deserve a   cruel and unus usual corporal punishment and aside  from the extreme cost for them to build you the   system their tiny part selection meant that the  salesperson pressured Anna into getting a system   outside of her budget during the painfully slow  and frustrating ordering process they may have   done a reasonable job assembling the system but  no I'd rather buy an Xbox than pay them $400 to   build me a system which brings me to the end  of the video thank you for watching subscribe   to the channel if you liked it watch another  video suggestion will pop up in a second and   until the next one bye-bye I look like the kind of  person that hasn't felt the touch of a woman but oh I'm his wife we're walking  down okay okay [Music]
Channel: Dawid Does Tech Stuff
Views: 293,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dawid, dawid does tech stuff, PC, gaming, intel, AMD, Corsair, Gaming, Game, Computer, Gaming PC, David Does Tech Stuff, DDTS, Tech, Stuff, David, Linus, Linus Tech Tips, Windows, Microsoft, CoolerMaster, DeepCool, bequiet!, Technology, cloud gaming, streaming, xbox, playstation, sony, Windows OS, GPU, Nvidia, gaming laptop, laptop, gaming computer monitor, monitor, Nvidia GeForce RTX
Id: IbLOp4-vLRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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