Final FINAL Boss? - Hutts Streams Slay the Spire

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all right let's do this I'm gonna just standard you guys hmm what do I like better ironclad silent or defect you go for some salami no just salami no guac jam this is salami are you gonna like scoot in so they can hear you director grab salami yeah I think I'm gonna grab salami you don't have to grab the salami it was just an idea she wants the meat um I like I like iron-clad honestly salad is good too but Nolan said ironclad silent clad full of glad that's my favorite the silent that's my forever cuz it's the only one you played Jan is gonna grab hot salami [Music] all right up credit-card enemies in your next week combat have one HP choose a rare card to obtain I'm gonna do it adrenaline thousand cuts you're out of the stream now you cut your cut she's out that's that's cruelty beyond belief denying somebody a guac chip that is I can't believe big oof I'll get some chores Oh none of you guys have anything to say about thousand cuts versus adrenaline danish five bucks only four hundred thirty away from the goal now that's less than nine percent let's go people thank you game slapper forty months look at that [ __ ] it's [ __ ] official 40 months woo thanks for all the last the fun content i hope your little project have seen to all expectations and i can't thank you enough for your help love you gots thinking game slap appreciate the hell audio and i'm putting meat in my mouth malaise malaysia this is good but it takes a whole I turn to do thousand cuts his worse than plus one spring a thousand cuts can be good if I go for a ship run right gentleman slap thousand Salam ease that be too full to eat it if you don't take Malays and you shouldn't take adrenaline won't go Malays then use sass monsters I gotta hit this guy at least on one of the loop throughs that's a really good path though because it's got a lot of fires it's just not so good because they gotta fight a lot of things to get to him so if we're not high on health by the time I get there you whack that we got clumsy too but we can get rid of that fee a survivor unplayable an ethereal or we can just let it let it go let it go let it go be one with the wind and snow is that how it goes malaise them now you should add the walk and co-pays I'd rather not why do I have to try guac salami sneaky strike infinity blades scoop it in there with a chip you can't even dip the salami in the guac it's not meant to be it's a it's salami taco do you put hot sauce in it Oh awesome sneaky strike is like okay but ten dollars blacksmiths couldn't miss the opportunity for twenty haight more like four or five eighty thank you so much blacksmith appreciate you or is it your total 420 away from but not because Courtney just donated $5 guac a la me I see was it was 420 away he was right he was right I'm gonna skip this one because um those other cards are gonna pull me in different builds you know it was better than I thought it was gonna be but still can I disappointed Wacka llama and they actually waste my time with malaise this is exactly what I was worried about though because we're gonna be low on health by the time you get there not like this [Music] outmaneuver SHIVs I think we're gonna need the energy especially with malaise malaise him right now oh I thought it's like it was like a hand that was like one of the fingers like banana-peel yeah all the ships I could have blocked there but I've been hydrating because I've none no water left it's proof that I've been hydrating wish I knew someone nice enough to Wacka mommy Crotched finger ouch who's crunchin I can do it a bit I can do it in a bit hey it worked [Laughter] dagger spray draw one card if you draw skill gain three block hmm here's the thing since we were going to energy now it would be really nice to go also with card draw I think dagger throw doesn't really count as card draw nor does escape plan like a kind that does she's gonna fill it with hot sauce hot sauce water mm-hmm skate plane is always it's a free draw always it's a 1 it's a one-for-one card though it was what I'm saying we're not gaining things to spend energy on hmm I don't like this I don't like this not like this probably could have killed one of the nines unsure though [ __ ] dude goodbye hell it's been fun [Music] we're literally gonna die in the first fight because if your guys's Malee's choice blame you guys entirely 100% by Malays somebody right now convinced had me convinced thousand cuts would have destroyed these tiny fools too Sam you know what I'll destroy these tiny fools how something happened deaths cry thank you so much the prime sub my friend appreciate you here's the problem I got a slice up these guys I don't have a lot of damage so I'm not gonna try to hit him now she's gonna block them try to focus in next turn Oh still balls gonna block currently though to handle this like I shouldn't be having troubles at this early you know what I mean one week is not good who's just gonna up his block of his strength I mean you did skip an entire card the first fight with that card I made a single difference I had no Block III like literally just absolutely [ __ ] hate and this build already I don't think I'm gonna less in the chat next time actually hating all of it thousand cuts at this point in time well we didn't really build our deck around a thousand cuts now did we I would need infinity blades we could add a couple infinity blades alrighty with a thousand cuts we would have been just ripping thousand blades infinity blades Lowell cuts is too late now you want the draw it's too late to go for good things just give up and roll the [ __ ] over ah jeez I wish I could have that I'd spend money to remove the card which still is good because I need to get rid like clumsy but I can't get rid of anything else you can only do it once footwork still eight when did I pick up this game 17 years ago when he was a young warthog Siam's uh zombie zombies Enya that'd be my guess thank you so much to the prom sub friend oh this was the shittiest start [ __ ] malaise is garbage it's maybe good like late game I'm front of the kids not what in front of the who what when warthog slice there defend I forgot about my potion already I can't malaise him cuz there are a very good how's it going really fun so it's a really fun time here really enjoying my life at the moment simply won't be fine use malaise last it's dead card for now literally always go for more energy lull literally did not matter though you guys literally this was doomed to fail drink that I was a young warthog use your card draw it help you get the fire extinguisher can usually get like a big button that when you press it chat shuts off I would say malaise is a good card if you're already like knee-deep like balls deep knees and balls deep both the same time I don't know how or why but both of those things if you're super super deep on your card draw and energy run Hey throw some malaise in there mmm but right now it's like [ __ ] killed me but it's so good yeah but do you like understand how and when and where to use it no well [ __ ] well slap my butt slap my face and pound my body what does it mean I'm not being mean just being real real mean when I wasn't dead well I got a couple of days din here just like a couple like a little bit play this character and take this card said chest laughing as he went off to his duels oh that was fun there's a good round everybody had fun I had a great time now we just lost our ability to get a bonus in the next run it's like fantastic okay so we're playing ironclad then hello again you suck oh you can still get him I thought you had to bite the first boss gnar to get this chat what do you think I should do to them again we do the opposite of what they say oh okay go Malays I think I should enemies in the next Kombat house 1 hp oh that was all kind of garbage right there anyways can I do this guy and get a lot of fires yes I can I can even get a second elite if I'm feeling spice and some good question marks up in her cool rage is good flex is also pretty good thunderclap is pretty good rage matches me right now yeah well that's what's the mean look at the map before you pick I mean it's a weird flex flex flex Thunder rage flex tape that's weird flex I'm gonna slap you with my salami gay to strength at the end of the turn and lose oh I don't like that you only get it for the one turn what about rage attach my rage I feel yeah I like whirlwind but I like rampage rage and rampage so much let's hope and pray for no enemies because then we can fight this guy with 1 hp oh I should have chosen the other one cuz I'm definitely an attack that would have been a good time to take the key piece I just like him [ __ ] flanked it anyways in the first 3 combats half 1 HP Oh cleave can be ok it's just kind of [ __ ] right now I've managed some cleave [Music] why is your heart what they're giving me these status effects and they're putting them into my discard pile judging by what it says whirlwind does it seems good it's one of the cards that uses up all of your energy and then you can do nothing else good but once again kind of in one of those abilities in one of those situations where you can actually where you actually have like more energy I don't know does kind of look goofy doesn't it there's no reason what come fight me you plan to do with the sword like this i'ma smack ya bite your legs off tis but a flesh wound the weight of the blade when he swings we'll slice through via momentum so he's just gonna like kind of like huh doesn't sound like a very good oh come on give me a couple more hits than that when you use this but somebody got very good swordsman don't you want to follow through with your own power to like a senator swing a bat he flops it on their face he whispered love love he whispered I'm not doing well right now that curse wasn't the best thing for me is there a shop coming up in this path no want to tough it out then I think we're gonna need the fires swings it around like a windmill we're getting happy flowers and those happy flowers were so [ __ ] happy like magnifying glass in his face he's like hello but I'm like burning him with the Sun hate it love it but it's not good depending that he currently happens were you it's actually a legit sword fighting stance you step in and turn your body to do an overhead swing useful with big swords likes vy hunters and long swords he just like the way he's holding it the way they drew might feel it just looks like it's not great is it alike right he's very elderly like it looks like if i was holding a sword that big like I'd be like I have it in my hand sign all twenty nine months what's up didn't make him look very intimidating yeah bump up I like the strength I gotta go with it when he was a young warthog it's not quite the lyrics but I like it I kind of want to upgrade my rampage I think I upgraded bash at the three vulnerable is like spicy but yeah it's not the end spicy but what do you guys think rampage is so good though especially when our card deck is small like it is quick chat suggest whatever HUD says we can blame us nailed it are you get the key piece but is it's not like super necessary staying alive is probably necessary let's do rampage I feel like I would have normally done the other card but bash [Music] kill this guy before he escapes but this guy is just gonna end up strengthening himself and a 19 damage this guy I don't know he like hurts me a lot so he's like a cute definitely thing oh no I died I don't think so good just block block block block block but that's lame take him out thirteen damage wolf dude kill the thief Swiper no swiping [Music] it's a really mean thing so anything that goes below a little love that's like oh that's cute it's like not cute I want to stab it yeah it's like one of those like it's like one of those bugs that like crawls up your private parts and you're swimming in a swamp rogue urgh four one one two months and I'll welcome back like nobody thinks those are cute then they probably don't go blah blah blah searing blow I generally don't go with searing it takes away all your upgrades and all your the cards for like minimal damage every time rampage times two could be totally good in flame can be good but it's such a not good thing if you ever get demon strength then you have in flame and you're like this thing is like up damage by five and this is gonna up everything by two but that's why double rampage if you ever did though I'm feeling the elites you know what I'm feeling it I got a tingly feeling rampage Dec I needed all of that that was excellent look at this little like pinchy like if that was walking towards you that looks like it was a like cross I good guy spider bear in mind that things like eight feet tall that would be even scarier if that was like and then it's like lost and I because something like a condo fight with some serious [ __ ] it's not like a cute I dodge $65 from Nerdist puns get paid in like two hours so here thank you so much brah that is hitting two different spins for 4650 are you sharing these with me I mean you want to do what instead clash is super good impervious is also good if I'm running a block deck and I am NOT I gotta go clash here it's sexy alright you guys and it's in the donut man donate gift before 10 push-ups 10 squats I would rather do the push-ups all right got the bars no here goes you don't push-ups and I'm doing squats vibra King from sob what's up welcome friend oh let's do it I need to go through you like this it's better for my balance I didn't breathe that whole time I tell them it's important to breathe when you're working out I beat you that is literally the worst in a deck with a curse clashes litter the worse than a deck with a curse mmm you're not wrong about that but let's see if we can get rid of that quickly oh look at that no curse did you have doubts can't play glass until I defend defend don't want to defend as I could just well yeah probably because I could one shot somebody and I got the two-shot than what the other things but I'd like to use my rampage at some point in time so he would defend his fans clash is 15 so let's take you out we're out somebody louses that off oh we didn't do everything pretty much I'm gonna want to take one damage absolutely no my business so feel free to ignore well what do you do Vegas fine wouldn't know what it comes in and then they got all their information and I'm gonna sell them really we're gonna come back maybe that's good that you talk to some people you just start she just started right that's why it's not like you're a bad car sales oh you're making a sound like you've never had somebody approach you to a party no last to so I started on Monday in the last two days that I work zero people came in but today the five people came in and I talked to three of them cuz I'm a shark mmm-hmm there you go hell yeah and everyone else is like super annoyed cuz they're like oh no the original Peters I did I bitch-slapped a few people I was like get out of my way I gotta do it you gotta do taller than me right so I was like Clash - I know I did take another class just in case there's a you know curse on one of my clashes by fire Firefly what I don't know what I want to upgrade here get out of here smiling at me what do you want me to say you just gotta start for tonight dancing and the whole picture is complete no I want to say possibly the bash at this point in time rage could be really good you're right every time I'm used I've used rage it's been awesome but making bash because it's expensive making it like worth using is also something that's really fantastic don't even need to use rage at this point in time because he's not attacking like to rampage I'm though all over his face I feel like this would be like slimy bubble dududududu really good songs I'm really proud of myself it made those layers shut myself they're so professional not half yet that's perfect slime crush I'm in sales too Jan I sell buildings oh you sell those buildings real estate people into the building and then blow the building no don't do that probably sell it shame that I can't use my clash because of my curse we need to get rid of that ASAP I'm here to shop yet though we're gonna be loaded so I think we should it's not free real estate slime so I can't use MA oh I can totally use that I got plenty of energy all I can hear the thing I mean they make noise in here too if I turn it up you'd hear a little like squishiness yeah yeah pretty much their portable storage buildings some are the same size as single wife family so a lot of those what if you sold porta-potties there's like a whole market for those that's what I thought that it was going with a portable I hear the goober eNOS I need to split him at this point I'm I don't know we're doing just fine what it's doing just fine until now of course look my son is almost exactly the one in the game that's how's it sound effects I am believable 14 damage 11 damage for boss battles at least which you know I sometimes struggle with mind like Nickelodeon use it and then flashes suck in that whoever didn't want me to take clash Limit Break Olli juggernaut whenever you gain block deal 5 damage to a random enemy could be okay but not running a block deck although we are with our needle and thread juggernaut you know kind of passively does a thing limit break would be super cool double your strength um because we do it we start with the only one strength though we're not exactly running a strength build here rage + juggernaut exactly exactly I'm thinking juggernaut at this point we could honestly switch over to a block build Limit Break is super dope zombie like fantastically but we literally haven't gotten a single thing to give us strength besides the one that we start with and juggernaut already works with what we have aggressive block build with body slam and metallus eyes whereas my apple juice is Jacob I will get an apple juice at 4,000 750 it's just hardcore folk it's compared to Jam it's kinda funny to watch I'm 80 to eat you so like I'm always all over the place you just like not it super I mean it's not you're not interested in the game you just don't I'm not playing you don't know all the builds you don't even know half the stuff I'm saying I play the pirate one I'm not this is a not an insult Jan I'm just saying you played this once insulted not not not not not not I'm thinking juggernaut I do like Limit Break I think Limit Break is probably one of the most powerful cards like don't get me wrong here whenever you lose HP draw card card draw what the hell is a BH but house like I'm like actually pretty mad about the fact that you guys I submitted a buck emote and it got denied multiple times and then like everybody else under the Sun has just a naked ass emo just like raining but bah butthole but home run a cube fusion hammer I like smithing at the rest sites I really do what new goodness there's no pants on that that's what that looks like that looks like it's a house but yeah blitz BH though butthole exactly but but home but home white beast what but huts pants are bet homes I think I got to go runic here does that even work though if it's on the enemy's turn do I get those cards her next turn white beast could be super cool but that's just like that was a weird choice but house cuz she's a but house bow-bow-bow I'm thinking about this little path here is sexy with the fires and if we have a lot of health and we're feeling super confident we could Revere off I'm just shopping kick him in the dick but then again maybe we want to follow this nice little poo that's a lot of fights though I'm thinking shop sooner than later looks like it's Apple too dad oh come on Jake up $100 flexing over here I was like we're not gonna get to it okay apple juice or wheel first Jakob Apple wheel wheel juice thank you so much by the way $100 I feel like he could be a game showing like person I mean not that much different this is a game and running a show okay Touche himself for your buds please juice please you want juice first use juice and then we come back and roll the wheel oh thank you so much Jacob that was amazing dude were so freaking close for 250 away from the final goal that's it where's that makeup at looks like he'll hit 5,000 tonight's a zombie I have it with me demon tier 1 sub thank you so much welcome my friends I'm drinking some Viking blood made did I wish had more of that what all right well we're gonna take a short break here I guess and go make some apple juice and then we'll be back okay and we'll put this in the fridge before it goes Brown everything's put away right meats and guac goes and fridge so we can eat it later and enjoy it alright you guys give me like wha one minute and 30 seconds go great you and me press a break button let's leave it okay back hello hmm apple juice all right oh we have to spin the wheel I'm gonna go fight and then we'll do whatever it is that was almost a t-shirt giveaway guys ten more squats and hot sauce I call the squats no one no no because you the hot sauce three is just splitting this with me if such a good girlfriend or boyfriend five no six no no one who did it - pity Danish here's the last two fitty I'm so funny here's the last tooth pity oh haha [Music] all right you want to go get the sriracha and we'll just squirt it onto a chip it's gonna be nothing you already blasted yourself with sriracha awesome you can wash it down with apple juice I already did the squats I can't take him back that's to pay respects night-hunting Jan night mail it's off give her the end I swapped the bottles no she would like I think she would probably pass out no no joke if she had that hot sauce that I had if anybody had that hot sauce that hasn't been doing pepper challenges for the last two years like me most likely gonna be in a lot of pain my tolerance is up there and I was just like not okay I almost lost an eyeball all right I mean like I haven't been eating a lot of hot sauce maybe I need a break here I'm thinking this path up here right to the shop get that curse out ASAP I really hate this guy though I'd like to block but juggernaut good thing we start with extra stuff it could pop my dexterity potion at this point in time honestly not a bad move here because I usually take a lot of damage to this guy and I don't want to mess with them and I didn't even break through his shield at that point in time we'll get more blocking I actually did a little bit right there via needle and thread no the Cholewa does not count the Cholula is like baby song it's baby sauce you were dumping it on your egg you were dumping it on your like it's not even spicy you know oh here's our doubt coming to bite us in the butt with that clash alright now here's your water it's not like he can drink milk either whoo but if you had to take the end I was telling them like I think you would probably pass out it was unacceptable unacceptable unacceptably hot how do I do this so I maximize the stuff and things I don't think I can really accept what parasites is that his name shelled parasite I'd like to get him with a bash but that's gonna hurt that's a lot of damage I thought damage means his face do I weak potion him uh-oh I kind of struck him too for what seven seven for the extra last potion save the potion sriracha Jan Tapatio is better since blacks amiss what is this a little busted peace sorry it's in my mouth now for flavor I prefer Cristal hot sauce what's Cristal [Music] that's not that much that's a dab that's that's daddy you've given Dobby a sock I'm just like she's all over the place telling jokes and wanting to like get a reaction at me and I tell it just a fire joke right there and you just like zones okay let's uh let's not die seventeen damage is a lot of like that vinegar flavor hot sauce [Music] not too bad was it it wasn't well next time when I'm adding more who did what hundred bed some demon ayaats is my first stream i've been able to sub for I may be late but I'm glad I could make it do exactly what she said she beat me to it iron wave probably pretty good with our juggernaut not the best car on its own though you know we're fifty cents and like it makes me uncomfortable that we're design did somebody just donate fifty cents with a seven four seven five 2.50 it's an uneven number fifty is technically an even number I don't want more curse I really don't want to lose 20 HP though I have a lot of money you can have it first time you lose HP draw three cards we got a lot of card draw going on here four thousand bits from grim loving these streams thank you so much grim I appreciate that he's now like dipping his toes into the bits he's like I don't want to give too much yeah charity let someone else step up alright fine it could have been worse and it probably will be next time um bodyslam could go definitely definitely definitely with slide the fibers 501 bars I'm thinkin orichalcum here orichalcum + needle and thread is is what 10 block off the bat and a double block so that's 2 times the juggernaut fight thank you 350 Courtney thank you thank you thank you didn't even put a thing on there she's like I know what it's worth they know what this is for that is four thousand seven hundred and fifty six I'm thinking orichalcum here it's like real good with our bills and bodyslam isn't like the best currently 151 sorry not sorry look at that number now thanks to the 151 Zyliss but the body slam I just feel like we don't have very many defend cards we should really hold off on that I think it could be good but we can try to get it later whenever you shuffle your discard pile gained six block how about abacus dude I've never even seen the abacus madness could be super good as well especially if I like did a madness on like Maya what's it called like a rampage it's getting hot because we're doing a fund raiser for children I'm thinking abacus here that's gonna be so much just random stray block I got go for it it still flex it out put we are at lose all my gold oh is red mask worth it everybody starts with what One Vulnerable what's up gram donates even more I've been waiting for it to go bloop cuz I like the blue toys there it is gram 4249 that is even more than the bits that you dispense so for a total of 4,800 look at that we had to wait for Dolly's mega mega mother's day's wait til excited about this red mask boys that is so close to ten push-ups you want to t-shirt giveaway it is ten push-ups Eugene oh you want to do the push-ups you want me to do the push-ups all right unless then other one is not unless the other ones a shirt giveaway that maybe did push-ups well there's just one thing one thing to do is push ups what have we built at five push-ups I want to do ten or none your shirt I'll do ten them I like push-ups um I want to fight these guys you guys but I'm not sure well I could totally heal here as well but I want to use that to upgrade my other thing I'm gonna lose my gold I'm fine looks like that could have been totally good too but I'm talking about I need to recall my piece as well but now you have no gold by the ends I only have 35 left I'm thinking juggernaut here if we're gonna use it let's make it so worth using that we can't say no to it right that's my thinking behind that oh yeah I can sit on your back while you do push-ups oh that sounds excellent I love that whenever your favorite totally yeah well I was doing the push-ups 1 1 1 [Laughter] oh yeah a merchant at 35 wouldn't have been that good either I could have gotten perfected strike let's see it at the end of turn seven deal 52 damage to all enemies damn now be good in a block build rest site I do like that one too you're like me at the store yeah [ __ ] happens hey oh yeah ice cream gonna go with that something I could never have you can what this is coconut ice cream in the fridge but you can have coconut cream and if you add ice if you freeze it is that not ice cream victory sip toxic - especially we're gonna start pulling block cards my unceasing top oh my that's some what oh they'll be so good okay you sell anything that just doesn't lie to you you coconut dude P protein ice cream eggs exactly like real ice cream Jam promise pea protein it's something I start up a really bad sexual joke am I wrong what if the merchant was like I smell broke up in here dude I cannot believe on ceasing top is right there with the with the ice cream so ice cream makes us that any unspent energy gets saved to the next round it's not exactly super good for my build currently but we can make it yeah maybe it'd be better with the other guy that we had and then this one makes us that if I have no cards in my hand during my turn I get to draw extra cards so like a my head looks like a ton of energy saved up I could just like rip through some cards black still in 17 months what's up what let's hear exhaust all non attack cards in your hand gains seven block for each card exhausted that with this I feel no pain whenever I card has exhausted game three block that could be like a thing going on up in here I can't afford both of them no and I kind of feel like I would need both of them I'll not attack cards not bad though because if I don't do any block at all we're already gaining 10 per 50 from nerd doesn't matter still raising money for children Wow feels good Oh looky here where's 4850 let's spin that wheel you ain't got no money t-shirt giveaway which which one of the mods wants to uh jump on it let's do it says Jacob hell yeah thank you so much nerd for allowing us to give away some free [ __ ] you sounded excited about it until he was like I'll do it I can run it but it'll take me like knows what but nothing fell apart I'm gonna do the second wind here I'm gonna do this because we already have a lot of passive block gaining here ah he said I'm gonna go here and oh you know recall this is a good time it's a good break point what if I won the shirt in track if I'm still technically in the chat yeah if you want to sign in your phone and try to get that shirt go for it your odds are probably never better 265 people here nice to meet her I really wish I had the thing that allowed me to do the stuff and things rampage I currently don't if I use my defend I give up ten block via thread needle and orichalcum so I should probably just forego my clash at the moment and rage no cause if I rage it'll already blong it out rage it's the fans run PI if you want the t-shirt tight huts apple juice in the chat I thought it was Hudson gin Hudson Jan wait what Oh with a and 10 passive block you guys per turn I'm really excited about that and I would really love to use this clash at this point in time but then I net the forego my ability to gain set block Oh No but I'd still getting forced to be we go up to 9 which is oh we killed them with the 7 damage because I upgraded the thing mm has smart let's wait another 2 minutes Jacob no don't like my ear you're not the listen these people Courtney Courtney okay you got it entering multiple times it doesn't do anything do I want to flex flex is like not that bad it's just not that good for me currently thundercloud not that bad but not that good do a wet willy says hey they're just gonna push you to do like more and more things you start listening to them then they're like yeah and then you're gonna have to do the next big thing otherwise you'd be like oh we hate you now right so you put yourself into a situation where they now hate you because you did one thing I feel like you just don't want to wet willy you want it you want to risk it you want to roll the die the hate die I'm always down to risk it for the biscuit what do I want to Smith 571 via tilt if I loving this charity event mothered spar someday shameless self-promotion azimuth Creator yeah I know I would like to dip into that Michael I'm not sure it's necessarily gonna be on my youtube channel though not sure I would do that well we couldn't hate Jam but thanks so much the 571 especially for charity they'll never hate me oh my god somebody asked me to set you on fire now you got to do it I know we literally have to now otherwise he's gonna hate you already do that today just wait till I go to the bathroom question mark our elite you guys I can handle it it's right for the boss - oh I hate this guy Chuck me oh my gosh it looks like a shot it's like a I don't even know how to explain it it's like a magical hand knife coming out of a book it's a hack what 429 Courtney always loved Jan at 4860 thank you for evening that up evening this evening here's my dilemma do I want to defend or I don't want to take my passive block if I wait I'll get 10 if I do this I get 9 but I'll be able to clash it up as well 22 every family probably was worth it if I second wind at this point I'm exhausted I'll not attack cards I'd get rid of all of my defense who is Jen she's girlfriend no a random girl just wanted it and I for Dilek is here yeah pretty much I gotta try it you guys I got to dip my toes into the second wind life yeah dip your toes into getting licked in the air yeah that's that's we go it's that one trying it oh don't hurt me that's all my defense so goodbye juggernaut was I supposed to gain and like hurt him a lot right there purr purr gained it was like a one-time thing I thought it was a multiple time thing that was a multiple choice stabbing we did still do a lot o damage but now we have no more bows we do have an iron way which is gonna be helpful I think a rampage got that damage back girl [ __ ] she Yvonne and with you Courtney that's a French ass named Yvonne one minute left blood vial Sarris combat healed two HP bombed Patel's eyes for sure Oh Bert totes bro that toxic egg was delicious I gotta remember you guys remind me that I have ice cream just just remember that every time you remind him of something he's probably forgotten what you're in my name up but I still helped you remember that's the that's the point isn't it what do you mean are you reminded you about the stare today and you're like I have no idea what you're talking about I don't know I think you may know you specifically asked me yesterday and who made that [ __ ] up I even made I made I've literally as soon as you ask me I put an alarm on my song for 10 a.m. remind John about the stare that is how I stare what stare help me remember right I don't know I told you to help me remember about stairs check can you come up with anything that day why would I need to know about stairs or remember them those stairs I killed in my youth pour one out for one stairs I'll leave it to a girlfriend spoil your name no they know I've publicly announced it fix your stairs I don't need to fix my stairs 98.4% of stair related accidents happen on stairs oh I don't know though cuz I think there'd be a lot of accidents I've had a few now holding the stairs is that building them I wasn't on them they were on me why were they on you who's Pam who's Pam just stare now second wind would do nothing right so I'll not attack cards gained seven blocks for each card exhausted it wouldn't do anything I'll give that 14 passive blog and a participation who won out bands well there you go can't think about it anybody who should have earned it more I guess you guess maybe you'll fall down the stairs and get set on fire get licked again that's aggressive in this block build it's working burn phantom tear one sub what is up thank you so much the sub I appreciate you you call that a weapon he says you should bash him nothing he's got for vulnerable you don't he said he said oh I think I might need a band-aid let's get rid of our defend I don't need good bite on my plated armor though bridge rage maybe it's cuz it's hands I so clean sure this he's got tiny little hands and tiny little wrists and he's like I got it you're gonna piss off Chad at this point I'm tell you about the guy despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage swords the same size as that sword and that guy's just holding that sorta fun yet family's like three times the size of me probably four times the weight now he's pissed 16 times two damage coming in hot anger sauce do I go for a bash again yeah passion runic cube that we got going on the extra cards are actually helping out a bunch oh my God he's totally five puppies just stacked on top of one you're on something there dude demolished what do we want though actually um I would like to have a barricade or an entrench is in trench even a thing anymore I didn't get it looks like a fire forty block is like really good feel like fiend fire would be good at the end of the game exhaust all cards in your hand till seven damage for each cars exist I don't like exhaust cards that are like just nuking your hands cuz then you don't get them back you got that just hope and pray I don't like look at the fixture feet is nice it is really nice but impervious goes with our block build and if we end up getting it um what you can Mak raise your max HP by three how are you not doing that only if you kill them in that last little 10 make sure you do that if we got a barricade and we had impervious we would be impervious but we don't have barricade everyone says feed so I'm going impervious only once per combat for impervious it is exhaustible that's why it's better with those eating the leg of the monster in the picture is that what you want you want to eat people come on just skip it future cards have to Lutz cards to choose from all enemy start with one strength you can no longer see enemy intense I'm tempted to go runic here honestly cuz I'm gonna end up going for the max amount of block anyways per turn and I basically know everybody's attack patterns plus if I die I can just blame you now on barricade shows up it's Jan's fault cracked crown that's a that's a thing in Isaac it's really good crown to last cards to choose from though I've I've done really bad with that I've only taken it once and it was like really bad for me while I nodded nearly napping suddenly there came a clapping as of ass cheeks gently clapping clapping at my chamber door tis a visitor I muttered dummy thick and nothing more like Edgar Allan Poe but like now Edgar Allan Punk go for the stone runic dome Philosopher's Stone this is pretty good too but really bad and you run into those birds runic since you gained block every round anyways but what if I did this admit like there's that strong I agree yeah that's good I liked it probably philosopher's stone if I'm blocking who cares that they have an x rays strength I know everyone's attack patterns finds new enemies oldest stone have confidence I just don't want to run into those birds that's where it bites you in the keister we're still missing one of these guys what is that from we got the one from the elite we got the one from the chest no we didn't get the one from the chest opening I don't think instantly runs into cultists Edgar Alan Thicke when I got to my 9-month I filled out form to get about baby sure but when my subscription ran out and someone said if I research guide it would keep counting anymore it wouldn't keep counting more are the shirts and that the shirt numbers came I'm working on it Kelvin gull I got a big backlog I've got like five thousand dollars with the t-shirts I'm sitting on it's a little overwhelming it's on the chest okay so we'll just have to get to the chest that's no problem then let's maximize our fire output here and there's also some leads that we're feeling confident on the way of this path not gonna end up spending money that way but we don't have that much to begin with so let's just rip it rip and tear tear and rip something like that that's a lot of damage coming in in my face can't really use that because I don't wanna get rid of my metallo size despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage it could probably kill somebody at the moment 11 not you not you see 11 damage coming in that's gonna bump that up to 13 which is 24 with a 7 for damaged women I heal anyways six of the in combat we're fine spine all my rage plus I'm still just blankly staring at me they're not funny honestly could've got some damage on the thorn since I had so much cloth but there's more that came from hey feed I'm so glad I have that oh goodness look at that you can use it on that guy I know oh my gosh who did this for you it's like I'm really happy that I chose that myself I like really need it's like you have a screed person in your life that helps you pick up grease it's okay you can rest it's okay to be impressed full a lady seeing red yeah with my ice cream yeah please I'll take that also fire-breathing could be okay though deal one damage to all enemies for each attack played this turn and I got a couple zero attack with clashes in there and especially if I'm second winning and I got looks like nothing but it you know ice cream yeah well yeah oh my god their little Bluebird boobs are they made of hair are they made it like goop they're called darklings so now have you made a shadow I feel like they're made of hair yeah I'm gonna stick with shadow I think hair I heard him seeing red more like seeing a win it is getting rid of my defense via the exhaust thing is it a good play I'm not I don't know that car doesn't get exhausted itself either it rolls back through and I don't like that behind every powerful man playing spire there's a woman who handed them the winning cards Shadid master says we're finding darklings coincidence if I feed on these guys though it doesn't kill them unless I kill all of them they're all life linked oh that's dumb that's a lot of damage coming in what am I gonna do about that I am going to roll over despite all my rage and also exhausts if I want to use it just for Spain damage below guna I can use this anytime I want to via because of ice-cream 9 times 2 you guys go down son you ain't gonna get to use that it's like a really good block build it's not a normal one it's not one that I've done before it was really helping for feed there to come up no but I'm in a good time I have other cards oh great balrog 'no fools I got a shrug it especially with the extra energy that we have card draw is gonna mean an ice cream card dress good we want to shoot right eye cream eye cream eye cream when did I say that ice cream ice cream ice cream just like super exciting for you cuz like you can do your own thing you don't have to sit here and watch me talk to you really don't want to kill this guy already kill these other guys plus force strength in each of them Danger Danger Will Robinson exhaust that defend for seven block her you would have lost you fools you know yeah but I'd rather lose and have you have an enjoyable night then keep you here and bore you out of your mind like super bored unbelievably is this the okay do these guys gain strength and they block like that I want to say that's why the thing is on fire so maybe I should target this guy instead here's I could probably block my passive [ __ ] when I sit passively don't question it smells so what smells weird the better I probably should not have exhausted my face probably kept the stuff via ice cream instead oh my god the ginger Manton screams were he doesn't know if his house is made of flesh so if he is made of his house ah not the gumdrop buttons do you know the muffin man suddenly Cemal on me lemons spa finish him ok so if I gain abacus block plus orichalcum block it doesn't give me two separate blocks therefore two seven damage things it's only doing one I think if I'm looking at this correctly well he'll still attack potions nice draw two cards despite all my cards I'm still just a font on a train nobody questioned did good snake Oh oil I'm gonna say no to confused I've done a confused run and it was awesome but honestly thing essence of steel at the block though the block is really good maybe I don't want a random attack garden I said I want the energy because of ice-cream how to do that I hate this guy so much he looks terrifying like can you imagine that coming at you like in the middle of the night the transient being like a pawn losing HP loses that much strength until oh oh the more damage I do to him the less damage he can do back so I really want to focus on my damaged company that's where his eyes are then yeah I guess so okay all right well you did to seven damages right there though if you get abacus you don't get orichalcum seriously I thought they were all gonna stack up and be amazing and everyone's gonna be happy this guy dies in the Walmart Ernest that's just part of the song I'm just saying this on don't even need to go again we just wait till he dies so save up my energy like a whole new strategy comes into play when we're talking about ice cream here but in my class first don't forget the donate here oh we aren't far from the goals as Courtney kitty it's true we're so close to make up face I did not mean to burn that oh that was not fun for me get a random attack yes card draw me up brother yeah that worked like a charm yay since you message done discord for out band winning the t-shirt thank you so much I appreciate it and congratulations out bands of underbars aye it's free damage equal to my block so if we would've had impervious at that time though plus 40 block and then hit him with that 40 damage ah that's my armpit would we want to up get her clashes our feed probably make it more useful easy body slam my father goes to check on his daughter in the middle of the night she has a wake she looks at him and says that there's a monster under my bed he rolls his eyes and gets on his knees to look under the bed he sees his daughter she looks at him terrified and says daddy there's something under my bed there's something are in my bed Oh I filled it in with my own words that's so but which one is the daughter killing both start over we're in the whole house down throw the whole daughter away but you can also eat people like so good I really really wish that I got my powers here on the start oh my gosh it's just a head Oh into place it's a giant head it's not just a big head do that before I do my card draw otherwise we're gonna bond it we didn't Bunch there wasn't any buggin honestly probably should have just not done anything to him and then saved all my stuff for my powers for my done daily powers at what I'd really like is a fresh glass there's better daughter I don't know how this is your fault Emily but it's your fault if we ever have kids I'm saying that's where kids you know not really like daughter a fresh glass of daughter I like the way that they said it better you are awesome it's like close it happy gilmore right where the old lady gets but in the home and it's Ben Stiller running it and he's like anything that you need like just let me know he's like super nice in front of Adam Sandler the son like anything is he the son of the grandson I think he's the grandson yeah says his grandma yeah anything you need like let me know I'm here to help like you know and then he walks out which is like actually could I trouble you for a warm glass of milk can trouble me for a warm glass of shut the hell up you're in my world now old lady grandma whatever he said now then Chad who wants to win a free games as Jacob Jan des mots he made me choke on my ice laughing you shouldn't eat ice is bad for your teeth could I confirm with my mom then I'll be there to pick her up yeah I decided that like I might show up might not you guys want to wind and are typed and are into the chat what time is uh would like to pick her out mm-hmm need to pick her up at 9:15 tomorrow in the morning probably just save those for last and stuff that's here slow whenever you play card John had to receive 10% more damage so you want to use your smaller damaged ones first [Music] yeah actually got me good don't want to burn up all my with the second wins we could try it so go small now go small small small and then feed oh you know I can't totally kill him I would do 31 it's like getting really really close but no cigar despite all my rage [Music] greatness I was like I wish we could start with a bottle or our the power of my choice and look at that which one will be better to start with juggernaut probably who's on and on and on and on all thanks of the 14 bits probably juggernaut off the bat I feel like your first move is probably safer to use your energy for something like juggernaut and then batalla sense comes later probably read this first okay so I got a good power what I'm told add more clash probably why everything could be good but at the end of your turn deal one damage to all enemies for each attack played this turn so fire-breathing is a power but only works once oh is that true cuz that's a [ __ ] power that's like really bad Clash can only be played if every card in your hand is an attack chug-chug-chug all day end of each turn course immerse know its each turn read it again it says for each attack played this turn your turn not at the end of all your turns it's for every turn works each turn it can be pretty okay it's stacking up stuff though but then again we get one of these off that's worth like three turns of fire-breathing right there like Clash is way better you guys really thin this fire-breathing is bad it's a power right it like it's okay it's a persistent effect like most powers okay it's just the way I read it it sounded like it wasn't good fire-breathing is trash so I should get it get it I wanted I don't ever take it and I think it's garbage and I wanted I wanted to prove me wrong you're probably right true chat is probably trash I kind of want to make iron wave worth using or maybe upgrade my defense but very clash is pretty okay I want to like it I think is the big thing here marble pretty okay but I think we can get the sapphire key isn't the first time I've ever had all three keys you guys we're gonna do it I think I found something you know he's pretty excited about it the length of the game if you want to look at it dandera dandera in a bizarre universe where the oppressed are on the brink of oblivion and are as awoken appreciate the world very positive this look at that pixel graphics a new hope [Music] dead Dora oh man this is like speedrun [ __ ] it's a 15 dollar game you guys were giving away like really good stuff good work everybody I'm all about that it's a fight so there's a final boss and then like you just end up dying anyways and this is supposed to allow me to go to like a final final final boss or I could like beat the game and I've never done it before it's supposed to be like really hard winner is eight and hell yeah congratulations I'm thinking three colorless cards here we could get something real good that's a year if you have no attacks not gonna happen choose one of three random cards to add into your hand cost zero this turn discovery sounds pretty good at the start of your turn play the top card of your draw pile mayhem sounds awesome as well that's a free card I like choose one of three random mayhem is nice mayhem is really nice I'd have to upgrade it to like really what's the upgraded version look like one cost yeah that sounds really nice what about discovery yeah it's still pretty good discovery does yeah well it depends it's random right RNG could give you like amazing right but it's zero this turn right then they would come back through I guess is a five cost discovery can get you your barricade it could that's hoping on a lot let's here add X random upgraded Carlos cards into your hand they cost the arrow this turn reduce all the cost of your cards in your hand to one this combat draw two cards put a card from your hand on top of your draw pile I think card draw here thinking ahead X cost with ice cream ice cream so I would burn it all up then I mean hypothetically I would burn up all my energy though don't I want to save my energy for all the other stuff that I've got this turn not this fight he's right it's a good card but mayhem was probably a better choice it would come back through and it would have to cost something unless it was that power in which case it doesn't come back through but thinking ahead is I think is a better choice trip apply to vulnerable to all enemies for free that's not gonna happen forager we'll see I want to beat forager I want to stay up until I beat it yeah that was like my goal I know can a ton of Mayhem's at once with transmutation trance makes a lot of zero costs I think a trip here trip is decent the other ones are just kind of not good all right let's upgrade that car that we just got mayhem okay you'll be Bach after the shower that's a magical shower can't wait for you to play me something you're gonna be so impressed I have a keyboard I don't have a keyboard this is me Aldo I like question marks look at that we got a shop while your HP is below 50% you have three additional strength JA card every time an enemy dies flame barrier could be super good started combat with one artifact draw four cards the card draws it's like really good with the energy card draws is really good the energy but I got a flame barrier in a master strategy I see Lenny's he's back there he's just he's hanging out maybe he wants to come up in the chair buddy he's thinking about it flame barrier is pretty solid whenever you're attacked this turn deal six damage back sixteen block flame for the heart I think master strategy for sure here gremlin horn can be super good who's our final boss oh the donut boy not likely to really come in handy I think it's 242 so like the room number run oh that the cost is two for two do I need the card draw I think and I'm thinking flame barrier although it's pretty costly let's do it one of these potions could have been pretty good 212 block a free flex if you guys want to absolve her type absolve er these are super good games this is what you guys get for sticking with me through these little indie games that were playing little a 1 in 200 chance of winning this amazing game I'm gonna take flex and I honestly I would like to fight another elite but at this point in time we're so close let's just rein it in [ __ ] all my [ __ ] damage Oh No juggernaut mayhem shrug it off am I gonna really use up my energy now am I is that what we're gonna do not really a what a 200 everyone knows it's rigged it's it's actually not rate as far as I know I would not pick a program that was rigged I really don't want to have to do this but like it would make a lot of sense if I gave myself a little bit more block at this point in time but what if it saved me in the final final boss turns sub lock all the way up that would rig it for sure I still couldn't block it all burns burns burns that ring fire that ring of fire oh my god that damage coming in oh heavens no five-six damage is good at some point I want to use my master of strategy but when but when chat if not now when now is the time that's the one this also the one and that's another one and if the thing there's another one and the thing in the one and the one of the thing I could use this right now and then I could clash at the end of it its second wind get some block and then clash come back here now can flame bear here right now which would give me 21 which would not block any of it zero gravity bacon prime sub what is up 19 still not enough but I killed him but mmm I killed him I do I really wanted to a card draw at the time because we have any zero cost cards that are really gonna help me out here trip maybe I'm not gonna use it well I'm not gonna waste any cards no I'm not gonna waste any cards I kind of wasted the rampage and I'm not gonna lie kind of wasted it [Music] everyone's dead though I choose a card to put on top of your drop pile oh don't you kill him all he had one health left of my feed barely I could totally be good it could totally also be fodder for second wins I'm like trying not to upgrade my cards you know what I mean full health up coming in that last fight absorber you guys are gonna want to win that game I'm telling you right now 11 times - coming in let's just plated steel now jug jug me metallus eyes oh did I get armaments is that an upgraded jug that I just put on myself at better a [ __ ] bent arm is pretty okay right now metallus eyes probably trip them both squeeze in the middle I'm just gonna um I'm breaking away at their artifact I guess that's what I was really doing their attack potion Yolo rolling causes hero that doesn't even make any sense but I guess I'm gonna take it for later kind of a bummer there with that I supposed to cost zero I want to iron wave what would you take out first does that do anything about use it no it would have if I had rage on who would you uh feed on the donut for an achievement I already got that don't the don't achieve its idiom we're good in there ended up blocking all of that but I got days feed the donut I already have it thankfully actually this is a really good round for ice cream I'm gonna focus on Becca here deca first I usually go deca but I don't you know I don't know if I've just decided that at one point but there's anything behind that what if like a randomly good block build here second wind probably not if I use it though it'll it'll exist it does nothing save the energy look at this though not pleased about the amount of strength that they currently have seeing red is is always good flame there you're probably master of strategy first get some cards out fire-breathing power for free we would be pretty boned you guys if we played the time guy we would be like really boned donut buffs just FYI so kill him first see now that's the thing is he doing the strength cuz that's not good for me draw two cards put a card from your hand on top of your draw pile I want to get bash off I want to get to the point where I can bash him if I will though feed donut or no balls flame barriers good draw two cards would defend on the top just definitely get that rampage off is that is it worth it I should just save it instead of using strikes I feel like it's not gonna do enough I can do so much more with the saved energy with my ice cream I think I lost one health you guys I'm such a failure whirlwind flex whirlwind 60 damage coming in he's not it's not gonna do it my second wind which is gonna burn through my dazed as well which is gonna be fantastic you're just enough damage that I come in with 50 still didn't do it 140 more for st. Jude you guys ripped the feed you're dying you have 30 seconds left 30 seconds left was a timer rip Wow what are you guys talking about you're dying what what everyone yelling about not you huts the giveaway winner I was like there's a time for the keys oh I'm gonna turn my microphone down a little bit actually I can do that here I think it's still clipping though on the program oh you guys made me real nervous there I thought I was boned for some reason I didn't know let's put whirlwind atop my drop I'll we'll get to it later stop pressuring me whirlwind dude that that uh that fire-breathing though am i right six damage is just nothing that's garbage strikes better than my whirlwind really wish I could take advantage that bodyslam man we didn't we get into like 60 block at one point squeezed in we're doing really well you guys what a fantastic build what a glorious perfectly executed and luckily predicted block run I'm talking about that thing doesn't even go away that trip doesn't even exhaust well done totally planned no luck at all no I've died set luckily predicted all right what is this supposed to do you guys what happens ready you'll bleed the heart squirms and leads and I was ultimately still pounding you ask yourself if I've been here before the heart pulse is louder and louder as your consciousness begin to fade it suddenly a burst of energy emanates from inside you jolting you awake the heart retreats up where the large doors revealed at its place whoa this is the first time I've ever done this and I'm excited that we got here oh the ending pop up up up up holy [ __ ] I got a fighter to lead before the heart seriously guess I'm smithing it's pretty lame how'd you get the key thing is you got to be in the beta gots to be on that bait oh my god oh that - probably that - all what would I do what would I double if I could double imagine having a second metallo size or a second juggernaut a double juggernaut so it's 14 damage every time a gain block Oh daddy pack it up they'll be the best thing the best around madness would have been sexy hot - woof [ __ ] off or you spire shield in the fist spire spear that's a lot of damage coming in for my face rampage shrug probably shrug how does it she'll do so much damage north guard these are amazing games I love North guard north guards a ton of fun if you like RTS bro type north guard in the chat you guys Jacob are you buying these games or something did we have these games on backup and I didn't know about it loud the pseudo-3d affecting the shield yeah and that's got like twists the the spear blade the spear head he burned me rage I'm loving the zero cost powers and with a mummified hand would have been so good upgrade everything just card draw I'm probably not gonna use this on upgraded defend card but maybe I want to take my second wind and possibly use it later I could use it right now in fact actually to get rid of my defense good flame barrier up second wind now getting rid of upgraded defense and put me Matt the best move here maybe I should have saved an upgraded defense you still bill you sill head I could kill the shield probably first because only got 110 left this guy is just doing damage on damage though what's this arrow back attack deals 50% more damage as it's attacking you from behind that's not even fair though am I okay am i doing the shield first I haven't done this battle ever you guys legitimately I think that probably shield first you want to face the one attacking you what does that say surrounded receive it wasn't dead can I turn can i turn around can I face somebody else if you hit the left one you have to have your back to the spear okay so the spirits going down then we're doing tons of damage so I'm not gonna be too salty about it fifty-two blocked both of it I'm turning around now I'm seeing red now I'm bashing his skull in now I still got to fight the last heart 12 times - coming in on that lie that side okay okay okay okay okay squeezed in the middle smash down probably kill you I could probably finish you off now I could probably destroy your face but but you did son you going down maybe I could have fed him fed off of them its ups going this one Scoob you're right you have every right to the Xilinx right now I want a palm will strike him to deal like two more cards because I could get some sexy like a another clash but I could get a thing that I don't know we're blocking him anyways [ __ ] dammit remember the type 2 type north guard you guys into the chat if you want to VIN seven block for each exhausted card might just kill him off right there thinking at first round ana.k each strike him down fossilize helix prevents the first time you would lose HP in a combat steroid potion and got a go with it wish me luck chat east guard south guard okay don't know what I'm doing let's see here let's read everything beat of death whenever you play a car take one damage that's not fair I don't like it invincible can only you lose 300 more HP this turn so you can't just kill them in one go let's jug losing one HP / thing that's that's painful fashion I like the idea of getting a bash off don't like the idea that I just pulled a bunch of cards though fire breathing get it off my chest just come vulnerable [Music] strategic can they go back south base 750 hell if that's a [ __ ] boy Oh every single one of the effect cards lovely with 61 damage coming in that's pretty much all of my health okay use a slime card we're dead let's just say that in the second turn I'd died do I still have fossilized hilux available sir please tell me and didn't get destroyed after using my first card [ __ ] a fossilized [ __ ] four times twelve what am I supposed to do nothing roll over and [ __ ] die I could flex I can rage but I can't attack I can't even block sweet dude fair fight really fair fight I like the lot that's good though I'm gonna kill myself just lit with this tak power second wind now not exactly sure what I'm doing you haven't knew 235 is not gonna block 48 like what the [ __ ] dude I don't even know about that though I can only play seven more cards mind you unless I get some defend in there which I have to do immediately shrug it off shake it off shake it off I would have played a defend immediately had I known that my fossilize helix would have been wasted just smoosh two pawns no to you I've done half health to artefact and uh only sixty damage coming in this time not a problem though doable artifacts gonna basically block my - altogether I should have maybe not defended because then I could have had a card draw 140 yeah I know with 140 from nerd I want to see Jam do your makeup on stream next time she might be coming back later depending on how late you'll be up thank you so much with a 140 the holy [ __ ] that is $5,000 you guys that we just raised for st. Jude on the what fourth third stream what good timing we like that was a fantastic run we we handled the end guy like we're talking original game that was top-notch run gotten down to 200 something on a 750 I only gotten down to 400 that's the top notch run I'm telling you right now that was really really good and thank you so much again 140 dollars from nerd thank you I got to spin the wheel three times by the way not great loot it was well played I I thought we did well and honestly I think that we we took some risks in there fire-breathing being one of them not so bad not so bad I kind of liked it kind of liked it especially it was the ice cream that really did it let's not beat around the bush here the ice cream and the fact that we got thread and needle or a calque and what's the other one some other passive block one it was good it was damn good
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 41,228
Rating: 4.8715086 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, slay the spire, the silent, characters, enemies, cards, deck building, rogue like, rogue, rogue lite, best cards, victory, bosses, chest, shop, event, upgrade, early access, strength, exhaust, discard, heavy blade, poison, the defect, new character
Id: wNG738dIqQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 27sec (6807 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2019
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