First Look At Hermit Mod! *Act 4 Win* | Slay The Spire

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okay first look at the hermit mod let's take a look guys 77 75 out of 75 alone undead gunslinger from a far away place haunted by the inescapable receptor of the past starting like his memento memento says pain decay and regret do not harm you at the start of combat shuffle the regret into your draw pile excuse me excuse me pain decay and regret to not harm you and we get regret into our draw pile at the start of combat i like the animation the cute little drawing looks pretty cool i must say max hp unless we get a snipe which we can do we've got snipe here but this is ascension zero so who's gonna go for a sniper zero let's see look at our deck strike strike strike strike defend defender defend snapshot deal 12 damage dead on this card has a bonus effect if played from the middle of your hand [Music] what the location of cards in my hands make a difference that's a little funky exhaust the card draw a card if you exhaust the curse draw one more that's funky what's the upgrade of this interesting i have to deal with the mechanics of what cards are in my hands okay go for three elites do you mean if i do this okay on i get no pain from this okay i like the mechanic it's kind of interesting it's different so this is the middle of your hand you get concentration concentration makes your next card always get its dead on effects even if it has if it has any ah so then you can get that no matter what so this helps you get that on no matter what concentration you get too frail but you do some decent damage malice exhaust the card deal 16 damage if you exhaust a curse you deal 16 damage to all enemies instead now compare that to the watcher the watcher has a card that does that damage aoe for one cost wait regret is a little bit better now because we don't get hurt by regret we get a relic and if we exhaust the curse we get more out of malice and if we exhaust the curse with this we get more cards roll so regrets actually oh we got feather okay now we got sustain remove the card from my deck i can remove the strike so i can draw the snapshot more often i like gold though this let's remove a strike all right more relics one two three four hey we got the boot all right it runs doomed whenever debuff is applied to you you gain one strength interesting deal six damage gainer strength exhaust dead-on don't exhaust if it's in the middle of oh this is strength scaling so if this is if you play this in the middle of your hand you do not exhaust it you keep any strength interesting okay you play all strikes in your hand on random targets okay you apply weak and vulnerable interesting you gain dexterity and then lose it okay this is called strength scaling i like it i dig it i dig it i like it but it's kind of like slow comparison to things like i like determination a lot i think it's quite sexy wait is this constant this constant debuff loose 3dx 30 counts as a debuff right wait a minute that's that counts as a debuff no or no i must should we test it i have a lot of curses on my deck i can't play snapshot but if i play the strike boom why is the grundenham harder intersection zero holy crap i have lethal so i'm gonna do this three strength baby molten egg oh sick deal seven damage apply too weak this is great too weak like that i like it i like it a lot gains three additional block for each of your debuffs game three string this turn at the end to lose three strength whoa this also is a debuff for works for determination this works with determination as well okay we have a determination deck out of nowhere just like that we got a termination deck guys welcome to my determination deck sick so we gotta apply some self debuffs and gain some strength draw two it's not bad not a bad turn to get some block which then gives me strength wow this is a cool concept i'm giddy play this right now snapshot is a big hitter boom boom and like much drink that game bomb although we i'm very happy i got sustained because we're taking lots of damage yeah this sounds nice ah i'm gonna need to rest the next game fire it's modest mod it's in my title pocket watch okay i like it you'll find demonstrate random enemy three times shuffle a doubt that's pretty good shuffle the dow we get more card draw from the thing that exhausts curses and then we also get malice to be aoe and it this dumps my strength right add x defense to your head they call zero there's combat whoa this defense plus and they cost zero this is an interesting card defend defense for zero this is a deal 10 damage it gains energy and draw card this is a pretty good card spring play gives me so i want to do another elite so i want to go here and rest and then do another elite but over here i can get some upgrades let's do for upgrades we have sustain i'm really glad we have sustained this this class really wants to stay so we want to do this we want to draw a lot of cards with that we want to get rid of strikes and then the deck is actually a nice determination deck so i do not get uh harmed by a decay pain and regret thank you for the tier one sub z appreciate it buddy welcome man 10 months got malice at the palace baby malice at the palace you guys know what mouse of the palace is pocket watch is fantastic another determination oh double the strength deal damage equal to the size of your hands then you draw two cards i think cardio is so good and with pocket watch this is a pretty decent damage card except the dead-on makes it awkward determination round two but carter makes coalescence really good as well wait this is a pretty good deck this is a cool little deck i like it that's my first time playing the class so i'm learning i'm learning i'm gonna take the goal and be greedy and then i might have to rest for this next week for this boss yeah i know i have pocket watch but think about it i um the dead-on has to be applied with the um i guess i have concentration of the deck so i could i could make that on work regardless he said maybe maybe i could have done it do 22 damage and apply three boosts to all enemies brews creatures take extra damage from attacks after each hit bruise is reduced by one damn that sounds interesting but one less energy next turn gain seven block gains in four additional block if you have lost hp last turn gain seven block all enemies whoa flash power is insane enemies lose strength count me up that's a disarm that's aoe i can upgrade that now i don't need to rest because this makes them lose strength now i don't need to rest pog double determination oof but i don't want all right flash powder sick all right it's a good turn it's a good turn i this is a good turn this is one of them good turns 19 damage you say 19 damage you say how do i make snapshot perfect because i also want to play flash powder [Music] oh this works it means i can also play flash powder sick now we're getting strength scaling determination all right i'm gonna go for the pocket watch value i want to play spray and parade smack them up malice at the palace more concentration that last between turns [Music] oh the only last per card played interesting spring pay look at that the damage is quite insane my friend dude look at what strength killing we're getting with a double determination we're 22 strength we're at 22 strength [Music] we had 28 strength with a doubt in our deck 32 strengths it came to my realization that like the doubt is a weekend which gives me two strengths look how much strength scaling we just did holy crap the deck is done deal 36 damage to everyone excuse me includes me right that includes me is that what i was trying to say it's also including me it's very specifically saying everyone i think it includes me the 16 damage for each curse in your hand whoa that's good because i got pocket watch and i got quite a bit of curses stunned any that don't tend to attack meaning they skip their turn stun is a powerful effect deal 18 to all enemies if they don't intend to attack you stun them stun is a powerful effect it's not giving me a stun as a key word but i'm pretty sure it means skipped their turn yeah everybody knows what stun means no streamer i don't what does stun mean i think final counter is the best thing for my deck at the moment because i do have multiple curses and it does dump my strength and it is retained but aoe with stun interesting purgatory hitting me in the face a little bit awkward transform three cards can no longer smith which is not bad considering i have a molten egg or coffee dripper which is not bad because i have sustain wait this is probably a coffee jumper deck all right it's a coffee to protect give me energy energy and control i love it it's a really good relics to be fair these are broken relics the class is could be a balanced class but i have unbalanced relics i wanna do some elites i'm finally gonna see a shop as well malice at the palace how much damage do we have twenty three so twenty three this is a watcher-esque math all right twenty-three um forty-one 63 plus all right not quite lethal somebody if i can get snapchat to work then it would work but no wait did snapchat work here one two when it's all said done the snapshot work then i have lethal if it does it doesn't right oh if i do this first snapshot work it's just from the middle of your hand right if it's on the edge i can't play it it's on the edge i can't play it oh i didn't think about boot ouch ouch that hurt but luckily i have sustained gains all black add an impending doom to your hand unplayable dead on at the end of your turn deal 13 damage to everyone uh how about deal 22 damage costs one less per strike or defend play this turn whenever you draw a curse game five block yes shadow cloak i can't say no to that it's a curse deck let's go we need more curses in our deck uh this is quite hard actually this is quite hard okay we're taking lots of damage but we have sustained right more malice more spraying prey springfield is good it gives me more curses and more curses gives me more debuffs which gives me more strength which gives me more cardio which gives me more okay i like it apotheosis oh dual damage equals to your missing health that's pretty good because we're gonna be low on health due to the due to the fact that we're depending on our sustained relics that's interesting deal for damage this car permanently gains four damage if you get this early this is kind of insane this is a zero cost card that keeps getting four damage bronze skulls is very good i like orery apotheosis is interesting hmm wait every time i apply two bruised enemies that's kind of nice okay uh this is the hermit mud i'm taking bronze skills i've take over deal double damage tracking shots kind of nice all right let's not take so many random stuff draw that many cards roulette interesting add a defender to scarpal yeah shuffle clumsy yes whenever you play striker defend draw a card oh he's playing on striking defend huh high noon is interesting play on striker defend your game you draw a card that's not that great whenever you trigger dead-on effects your next attack does do more damage this gives you plated armor it gives you plated armor what the frick too rugged whenever if you take unblock damage to reduce it to one and lose one rugged if you want to take unblocked damage reduce it to one and lose one rugged what seven damage gain energy up to your maximum okay that's amazing rugged is amazing frail gives me more strength but hey game blocking weekend yes that's good it gives me good block which i need and it gives me weaken which is more strength another regret oh i don't mind regret wait this is kind of good this is kind of good rugged is insanely busted and determination this is the good stuff i think they played armor from dive but i'm curious does the concentration end last between turns it doesn't huh oh it does oh that's just in the middle of my hand i got lucky okay we're getting a lot of strength from all the steep ups look at these debuffs my lord oh my lord wait this class is s nutty choose a card it causes you this comment to scar the rest of your hand do you guys wanna treat cursed weapon yes we do wait this class is nutty guys shadow club is fantastic it's gonna be our block how many curses uh how many at least i want to do a lot of elites let's do what two elites or they took a couple of leads here another kunai shuriken shuriken shuriken okay whatever triggered that effect add a random card to put that in your hand okay shuriken is interesting but do i need it i think i get enough strength as it is what about dolly's mirror and we get more rugged effect and we dollies mirror the rugged effect here that's a broken card if we do double shadow cloak then we can have a lot of block from curses as well and with things like whenever you draw a curse draw a card where is that whenever you draw a curse draw card where is that thing called i have a power that says draw cursed rock card where is it did i find the power randomly where is it that's kind of interesting fraction periods i could have swear i had a thing that if you draw a curse you draw a card hmm i thought i saw that did i was i imagining things see i was thinking that curses are not tobaccos of that no no draw construct card i i saw it here maybe maybe i was getting confused with it maybe covet is actually really good though to manage the curses and give me more card draw that cup is pretty good it's one of the best cards in this class and the second spring play is pretty good as a result with two cupboards plated armor is interesting hey i gotta get the draw cursed rock card thing oh my god we have every sistine relic in the game fantastic we got malice of the palace we got malice at the i palace get to get pocket watch but did the boot just get that extra damn did the book just take away both my rugged wait guys oh i didn't have rugged applied what am i talking about [Music] i didn't have rugged applied whoops so sorry i lost track sir look how much curses that block look how many curses that drew and got all that block fantastic draw three curses yes wait and drawing curses is so good because i get blocked from it wait this is really good too holy [ __ ] manifest is insane wait drawing curses is not i don't realize the mechanic with this the game this class is broken this class is broken this class is broken anyway we work very well with that class with that with that um isn't rugged just insane here [Music] isn't rugged just nuts another shadow cloak yes because i have draw curses now i'm getting too many things though i got to like torn it down a little bit i am getting too many things taking out of control a little bit i saw drugstore i said direction would be interesting but um i was too expensive i mentioned it you can check the bot i mentioned it draw two cards and add an injury to your hand [Music] whoa yes yes rude scotsman yes fatal desires nuts wait the cards are on this glasses nuts so yeah the rugged is insane rugged just carries this fight no damage i have full block here of spite which is crazy it's like intangible but no it's like buffer because it's for for that specific thing that is hitting you and pending doom counts as a curse play this out three times shuffle shame i'm gonna escape i need all this stuff i think my deck's done actually i think it's done i draw all my curses which is unfortunate but it's like i drown on my cursor's kind of better because now i can't do malice dragon shot was bad that i didn't mean to take tracking [ __ ] i don't know why i took that card actually uh enemies um i'm gonna escape all these supreme players really good for me though all right we do this i think once you get all our powers out like we're really good once we set up all our powers like these we're obviously really really good here like our these powers are insane these powers break me actually all right i'm over now i broke i wrote the game it's it's done beautiful what a beautiful beautiful thing i should have waited to have more strength i could use as my final kill like i'm so strong right now it's crazy [Music] i'm i'm very strong right now what's up sophia how you doing i just use gestalt and take like like minimal damage but i have 30 strength already like dude the strengths going on this is insane wow this class is fantastic just got off of work and now i'm on for the next few days i'm living on good life yes that's exciting 2011 damage of x times if fate will get a bounty bounty gives me 15 gold 35 gold or 75 gold at the end of your turn you can exhaust up to two cards game five block for each cards you can't you don't have to exhaust you don't have to exhaust we have so much card draw that are alive interesting well and the ultra instinct is this it's a cool mod man i like it it's cool concepts i want something zero though so things look a little bit more powerful of course yeah let's do adapt try it out oh running pyramid curse key curse key let's go i welcome the kursky i welcome thee all right we gotta do the sparkle and then we gotta do that's it five energy as well wow it's a hot one for sure absolutely i didn't take cursed weapon that fight though did i bird face chemical x do we have any exhaust cards no choose you know manifest is so good holy [ __ ] manifest needs to be upgraded but it's so good and if it's like one of the best cards i can i can have in my deck it's so good [Music] man this is insane who called krishki who was it [Music] i have rugged here so um [Music] shadow x connection follow buddy [Music] can you try to click out earlier as much it's really important actually one finale would be sick well if i didn't beat get like the final nail in the coffin what that hand is the final nail that's all i need dude spike is so good though i've seen everything else but spite on the feel of the cards i'm tradition allows you to play uh dead on from what any position is it gonna hurt [Music] [Music] dude adapt is insane too exhaust cards and game block for it that's insane squadron can add the four rarest cards from drop out of your hand four rares cards [Music] gain energy to your maximum that's good i have big hands so gain energy by maximum is actually really good because i have five max energy so that's really good adding just all is fantastic let's draw some curses here i need shadow cloak that's what i need oh that's a big final center i don't even mind if i get a curse here i could exhaust but i don't need to there's a thing that draws cards with curses know which i need to put [Music] [Music] shadow club i don't mind the parasite do it not really i still have rugged right brian thank you for the tier one sub man appreciate it do this elite max hp yikes but i have good uh i have good what's it called scaling let's get our shadow cloaks out my skin is pretty good shadow cookies have come out though there's one shadow cloak [Music] let's get our strength skilling going [Music] i shouldn't maybe the later army there i think it's gonna be getting pretty high though oh either storm is nuts let's play that uh we don't need to right now actually let's just wait let's hold on to final center that's whole i should i could i should exhaust my defense i don't need defense i'd rather just drawn to curses i don't need my defense actually i just realized so i just get rid of my defense and i don't draw questions and i just have like an insane deck that's like constantly drawing constantly doing damage [Music] we're always weakened but we don't really care oh look at this now we keep drawing oh it wasn't dead on whoops it wasn't dead on dionne you got me buddy you had me in the first half i must almost i must say you got me in the first half they had us in the first half who needs defense who needs defense man curses are my defense [Music] bag of prep that's good for each card you've exhausted this combo abandonment what no you're fine dion you're fine but what so his flash powder was really good there too but whoa okay [Music] now we're scaling in damage as well one weird exhausting that's insane this is the hermit welcome to the hermit my friends [Music] super cool super cool character very unique [Music] i don't want to take too much damage though that's the only problem this is where i need rugged look at the artworks i mean honestly look at the defend just look at the defense card or even tracking shot it's very good art oh there are blocks a little bit suspect when we don't have the shadow um so we scale up and block so what happens is like our shadow club comes up and then we start scaling with curses in our deck and then we start getting blocked but at first our block is quite bad like very bad [Music] but rugged allows us to kick some ass yeah the train we doesn't matter at all because of strength exactly but yeah we scale with block for sure but rugged basically wins the game here wait what oh rugged only works attack damage no [Music] don't say that i need a recall oh but i want to upgrade shadow cloak all right get rid of that another regret no worries regret doesn't affect me quite literally regret does not affect me we got our shadow clip which is fantastic we got adapt out which is fantastic we got more karja which is fantastic sick get the diff we don't need defense in our deck get him out of here [Music] the boot's quite nice he still hurts though but now we got all our blog let's go don't need to defend anymore all we need is these uh curses shadow cloak now we get 14 block for each curse feels good man [Music] i don't need to dive anymore let's go for the kill final center for the kill let's go for the kill oh we can go for the kill here you ready manifest gg [Music] game for plated armor you just get a plated armor potion yo you can damage outer strike plus i'll take the four player armor yes sir that sounds good [Music] i don't have shadow cloak so this actually hurts i didn't have shadow quick that actually hurt like hell luckily we saved our ass and didn't take any more damage but that was actually potentially really bad i'm literally exhausted on my defense [Music] i think i play this class again i can do things a lot better too let's do a final center wait isn't from beyond kind of insane right now oh wow calibers have been saying in this class oh wow black apply six brew it's nice more rugged oh baby get a relic upgrade all cards or heal the fool get the fool and get a curse let's go for rare relic this is cool look at all these ruggeds get all these ruggeds i don't have questions to draw whoops what's up young's poodle's hiding buddy game gold fine i'll take it i'm pretty good man all right what real rug did we get captains feel fantastic [Music] all right let's go get the meal ticket sustained how many questions do i have my draw oh perfect full block look at that from beyond makes them lose hp so it goes through block ah it's so good [Music] it's so good this could upgrade them any number of times oh there's such a thing as a maintenance link i was kind of wondering why are the cards that give me skills and defense now this card shows up this could upgrade your strikes and defends any number of times so we got to make a maintenance deck at some point because i was wondering like why why would you want to keep offering all these strikes and defense this is what that's cool strength and effect deck interesting amateur card draw all your strikes in defense oh my god with maintenance maintenance and fully loaded look at this main isn't fully loaded that's the combo i mean how heaven i mean let's do that do that let's save money for the next actual shop recall boom let's get our rugged out well let's do this ah i'll give her one rugged out then waste both of them here it's okay [Music] springfray i have the storm manifesto oh [ __ ] wait i need to play one more card [Music] i can only have one card next turn somebody all i need is one card that's all i need all i need is one card got discovery in the deck life's good i love it do some snipage from beyond itch what's up buddy i'll take you out now [Music] all right let's go for the kill now [Music] all right all right constant block tons of block tons of block my deck generates purses [Music] [Music] beautiful let's go kill the heart let's go kick their hearts ass let's go kick the hard sass with the hermit my dog's uh crying i think he's time for what time is right now all right he wants full time walk time all right let's let's do this let's do this with flying colors don't want i wanted that to be more playable i also want to have discovery more than once but at the same time this is fine all right how much gold do we have but a decent amount medical is not bad i like all these upgrades actually i got discovery upgraded pog let's get the power pot this firefight call it a day all right boys we should be able to do this with flying colors and before i lose i'd be very very much game one rugged increase the card of this card i won this combat whoa continuous rugged that's interesting that is interesting weaken myself but it's okay because we have strength scaling [Music] i need i need my shadow cloak it's very important that i get my shadow cloak because as a result now we're missing so much block shadow cloak makes the deck the deck without it i'm nothing [Music] there it is i got rugged anyways sgg before rugged is game over time to do the kill [Music] [Music] final center is the final countdown yeah i don't know why i added medical kit but here we are my hook has been added dissolve i know there's a lot to keep up with these these mods all right 20 doctor great now we have more sustain exhaust any number of curses from your drop pile heal four hp for each whoa sick cards sick cards i like it all right guys let's play all the cards let's do all the things one two three let's see what this is when we play striker defend draw a card whenever you have to apply to add more strength yes adapt let's go i didn't play rugged yet though but i do want to stop the vulnerable [Music] here [Music] i need shadow cloak i need shadow cloak shadow cloak and the game's over shadow flexing the game's over there's one all right sick sick sick don't need depends i'll need a shadow cloak and i'm good i can exhaust two defense at a time for my deck fantastic who needs trigger it just give me free exhaust determination spring prey and attention one heart is quite easy i must say i must say interesting all right so let's go ahead and mount us to the palace real quick manifest thank you thank you thank you put your intellect from disguise your hands just do gestalt actually do i have any curses any more curses in my deck now that i think about it oh i gave one to myself why did i do that i added to myself that's crazy okay let's kill him now [Music] adapt i'm gonna exhaust four cards now oh it just gives me 10 block per exhausted card holy [ __ ] that's silly yeah it gives you ten blocks instead of four cards interesting gigi so rugged is like a buffer basically cool mod i guess come on i still have to explore a little bit more there's interesting stuff going on here but interesting first look let's see the ending this is beautiful [Music] almost [Music] you
Channel: jrm1ah
Views: 44,255
Rating: 4.9092121 out of 5
Keywords: jrm1ah, jrmiah, slay the spire, slay the spire gameplay, slay the spire act 4, act 4 win, act 4, modded spire, mod the spire, modded spire gameplay, the hermit, hermit mod, the hermit gameplay, lets play, card game, deck builder, roguelike, guide, first look
Id: LwtUe7PPKbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 21sec (3681 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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