Final Fantasy XIV Timeline In Less Than 2 Hours (Story Summary & Recap)

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/CrankyPelicans ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 21 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Yo that was incredibly in depth and vastly helpful! Are there any smaller details youโ€™d add?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/NightwingYJ ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 21 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

i was just about to ask for one of these and you drop this, can't wait!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/yuri_haku ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 22 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/TheMichaelScott ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 21 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
final fantasy xiv starts with your character arriving in one of eorzea's three city-states of gridanya limsa lomensa or ulda depending on where you start your journey will be different but they all lead you to the same point where you find out that you're a warrior of light one of heideln's chosen ones after this you're recruited to join the scions of the seventh dawn at the waking science a group that is dedicated to protecting eorzea against all threats which include god-like beings called primals and the guardian empire in your first conversation with this group you learned that the visions you've been getting are called the echo a power that heidelin has given you and that the leader of the scion spin failure has the echo as well the echo allows you to see other people's past and after getting this information you joined the scions finally being introduced to your comrades yida papalimo danquid yoshtola and yoriyanje and last but not least the bookkeeper of the scion's tataru after this you team up with banquet to stop the amalgam that are trying to summon effort but unfortunately you're too late but through this encounter with effort you find out that you can't be tempered which is a fancy way of saying mind controlled due to heidel's blessing so you fight effort and you win but you have no time to rest because the grand companies of eorzia want you to join one of them so you go to the three city states listening to their leaders speeches to see which one you want to join but at each speech you meet a pair of twins named alphanote and alize who seem to have issues with all three nations seeking to help eorzea in their own ways after this you choose your grand company and are sent on another mission this time you help papalima and yida oversee the twelves woods to approach the selves diplomatically to stop the threat of summoning removed and everything seems to be going well with the selfs until we get the news that their leader frixio is stuck within the thousand malls of toto rock as you look for him you encounter a man in a dark cloak and red mask named la habrea who sends a monster to attack you after that you find frixio and with that it seems like peace between the selfs and gridania is guaranteed so with that being wrapped up you head back to the waking saints where you mention la jabrea to menphilia and she calls him an asean but they don't have time to discuss that unfortunately limsa lominsa is asking for help with the kobolds because they're trying to summon their lord titan so union stole a head off to deal with that threat after defeating titan you arrive at the waking sands after olivia's son junas and her guardian soldiers have killed and kidnapped most of your companions after receiving the message of norixia you go to the church of damata landmata this is where you meet alfono properly and he has a plan to restore the scions but first we have to defeat garuda one of the most savage primals that we know of so alphanude recruits said garland the greatest engineer currently alive and his airship so we head to corpus to find the airship and help people there like lord hashaphon after defeating garuda guys van velsa arrives and uses the ultimate weapon to defeat and absorb the primals ifrit titan and garuda after your failure against garuda you turn your attention to saving the remaining scions but just before you can escape you get cornered on a cliff where you get saved by yida yashtola and sid's amazing flying after this lahabre revealed that he is working with the guardians and that he's taking over thankful's body because the asians are beings of pure afro meaning that they can change their vessels at will after destinations of gridania uldar and limsa with the help of the scions of the seventh dawn declare war on the guardian empire meaning that the eorzean alliance is back in action they began their offensive by taking out ritter hen sans arena to slow down the garrison then you defeat olivia sanjunus because she is blocking the way towards the praetorium which is where belsar is after getting in you face nero but he escapes leaving belsal alone after defeating belsaw for the second time la jabra forces the ultimate weapon to use ultima destroying the praetorium leaving you and belsar alone for your final confrontation after this you finally conquer belsal and destroy the ultimate weapon but laha bray can't accept that so he tries to fight you himself but with the help of heideling you exercise la jabra from thanquet's body and escape praetorium before it blows up after this the eorzean alliance celebrates in honor of their victory but you are interrupted by the awakening of a new primal but before you confront this primal you helped sit at the excavation site of the crystal tower where you make a new friend named graha tia and nero reappears they eventually discovered that the tower and everything within it is ancient elegant technology meaning that it's far more advanced than current technology but as they explore the tower they unleash zandi a former elegant king and the cloud of darkness an extremely powerful being that wants to consume all of the light within the world and reduce it to nothing due to a covenant that she made with the former elegant king zandy so you defeat the cloud of darkness but we still have to seal away the tower due to the technology being far too advanced for current times and this is where they discovered that graha tier is a descendant of zandi and that means that he can't control the tower so after some time to himself graham here decides to seal away the tower with himself inside putting himself in stasis hoping that one day when the doors open once again that the crystal towers technology can be understood and used for good and with that you say goodbye to graha tia so you return to the scions where they are considering moving their headquarters to a more neutral location but menphilia is hesitant due to some personal matters so you and alphanode help mephilia with this personal matter and they make plans to move to revenues toll calling their new home to rising stones but soon after a primal is summoned in guidance king margul marg the 12th leading to the revelation that historical figures or concepts that are preyed to or revered enough can be summoned like normal primals and aseans are teaching people how to do this but king mog isn't a match for you and you take him down easily so you go back to the waking science to report tomophilia just after she's been attacked by an asean in a white robe so you follow him finding out that his name is elitibus but you put that aside for right now because everyone goes to the rising stones for the first time and just when the scions are getting settled they have a group of dome and refugees who need their help they're led by a woman named you gary so after getting acquainted with them alphanote sets up a meeting so she can plead her case to the sultana and the syndicate which doesn't go so well so the scions decide to help them for the time being by getting them jobs in reverence toll but our heroes get no rest because the sahagin are trying to summon leviathan so the scions plus you gary go to limsa lomensa and while there were some struggles the scions found a way to defeat the sea serpent and melvibib promises to send supplies to aid the dummy refugees for you gary's help in settling the matter and teaching the people of limsa lomensa her martial arts then the scions find out that telegi adeleji who was a part of the syndicate is trying to take over the cartoony flats so he can get omega an elegant weapon that is stronger than the ultimate weapon but before you can tackle this threat head on you go to gridania to slay remote in a test of strength and he deems you worry so the crisis is averted after this you go back to the rising stones because yorianj believes that he has found a way to destroy the aseans permanently which involves trapping them in an ethereal prison and destroying the prison with a massive amount of afer but unfortunately they don't have anything that can trap the aseans so he does more research after this alpha note inspired by you and the scions begins to make his own grand company for the continent of eorzea so you go around eorzea recruiting people that you've met on your journey and some brand new faces as well while alfano deals with the politics of funding by dealing with the syndicate but nanamo de sultana is worried about the syndicate using this new grand company as their personal army but rabon trusted scions to oversee this conflict properly next you head to camp dragon head and corpus to help hostaphon deal with the heretics led by lady iceheart but unfortunately we can't find her so hostaphon hands off the investigation to the order of holy knights who are the military force of the most northern nation in aortia ishgard so we go back to the rising stones to see alfano's inaugural speech to his grand company the crystal braves so after this you assist the captain of the crystal braves elbert with a couple of jobs which leads you in alpha node back to corpus so you can meet with the leader of the temple knights sir emmerich unfortunately alphanode can convince them to join the eorzean alliance but emmerich promises to make sure that camp dragon head can continue to send supplies to the scions if the science check on the keeper of the lake's recent activity so they agree but just as the meeting concludes the heretics attack another caravan so we go after them because it seems like they're trying to summon saint shiva and this is where you meet lady iceheart who tells you that her real name is jacelle who says that she simply wants to end the war between the dragons and ishgard then she uses an aetheride to leave so we wrap things up in camp dragon head by finding the people who told the heretics about the caravan and then we make our way to gridania for an emergency meeting with the eorzean alliance because garlemald has a new emperor varus sauce galves the grandson of the former emperor so for the time being the alliance will forget about cartoony with telegi at allegie for now to deal with this threat so they prepare for war after this meeting you head back to revenant's toe to meet marida yurianji's childhood friend she she's going to help the scions figure out how to capture the aseans so they can destroy them she starts by helping the scions track down your cell and you find her just as she transforms into shiva after a tough battle your cell escapes to fight another day calling you a fool and asking you to think about why you fight revealing that she has the echo as well but after this encounter you head to the rising stones where mumbrida has made a breakthrough in capturing the aseans she believes that white or site can be a prison for the aseans but only for a short time meaning that when the scions trap an asian that they have to kill them quickly and have a massive amount of effort to do it so everyone goes to do their research meanwhile elbowed alphanote and rabon discussed the portrayal of rabon's second in command finding out that she was a triple agent for rabon varus and the monetarist the political faction that opposes the sultana later nanamo confirms that she wants to make oda of a public meaning that she would give up her crown surprising melvin and connie sienna surprising melvin and conciena and she asked them to help with bond in the chaos that will come afterwards but moving back to our character ishko requests that we check on midgar song because the dragon star is shining brightly meaning that the keeper of the lake is roaring and may wake up soon and you go to check on his corpse and he's awake so you fight him but after this battle he takes away heideln's blessing meaning that you've lost access to the echo and your resistance from tempering he is also interested in you so he decides to travel with you to see what path you'll take and to see if you're worried of heideling's blessing so going back to the rising stones you helped mumbrita create a weapon capable of destroying the aseans by getting a corrupted crystal but while you gather them you're attacked by an asian who tells you that he's going to take tupsomati a staff that holds a ridiculous amount of aether so you and one breeder head back to the rising stones but the asean kidnaps menphilia jumping into a dimensional rift and mambrida is severely injured so you go after the asean to get memphilia and the staff and after defeating the asean you trap him with end of white aurasite but tupes and marty and mambrida's weapon don't have enough energy to take him down so mambrida sacrifices herself to give them the push that they need and with that an asean is defeated and a comrade is lost everyone grieves especially yuryanji but life must go on so ishgard requests the help of the scions and the crystal braves in defending the city against the dragons leading up to the battle you have a meeting with emmerich and you meet estenian who is the azure dragoon who usually holds the eye of nidhogg which makes him extremely powerful but is locked in a vault due to the severity of the attack and they can't let nidhogg get back to full power so you and the crystal braves help ishgard repel the dragons after this the scions are invited to a celebration in uldal in honor of ishgard's victory hoping that this could lead towards a united eorzea you arrive at the banquet getting a glimpse of what eorzea could be then you have a private conversation with nanamo and she asks you to support her decision to make ulda a republic and you promise to so with that she takes a sipper for wine but it is poisoned and you're framed for it while alpha node has been betrayed by the crystal braves you're dragged to the ballroom where telegi atalegi tries to convince everyone that you've poisoned a sultana but fortunately nobody believes this also he reveals that some of the other monetarists have been using the crystal braves as their personal army so at this point telegi makes rabon so mad that he cuts him in half and then goes after lola rito but gets his arm cut off by elbert where he reveals that he's been working for the monetarist the whole time so that he can help pal amigo at this point all chaos has broken loose so con sienna and melvin leave because there's nothing that they can do after this verbon frees you and tells you to clear the scion's name so verbon fights alone at this point the scions have to fight their way out of the city unfortunately you're the only one to make it out with the others staying behind until we see alphanote being escorted by vermont's adopted son pippin he helps you and alphanode meet up with sid and then he flies youtube to camp dragon head so hashefront welcomes you until he can secure your asylum in ishgard so we go to meet our comrades that escaped taturu and yugiri yugiri stays so she can keep an eye on the situation and help clear the names of the scions while taturu stays with you in alpha node waiting for asylum heaven's sword starts with you alphanote and tatu entering ishgard as wards of house for temps then we meet the person housing them count edmont and his sons attorio and emilian after these introductions you help count edmond's sons with their duties to start repaying him for his hospitality so you start with etorio in the corpus western highlands you two get wrapped up in a mystery that leads you to your sail but she is surprised that midgar sarm is traveling with you and explains that all she wants to do is bring peace between ishgard and the dragons so you let her leave after this you head towards the sea of clouds to help a million as you do your duties you get into a confrontation with divanu saving a million but you end up retreating when they summon the primal bismarck so considering the size of the beast you retreat but you are cornered with hostifont and a million at your side but sid saves the day with his airship and you get back to ishgard in one piece upon returning edmond tells you that your actions have earned his house a lot of honor but before you can celebrate alphanude and tatru have been detained on suspicion of heresy but you save them by having a trial by combat proving your innocence after this archbishop thordan the seventh wants to meet you and apologize in person but thordan also explains that he's met the assians and is trying to gain their trust to figure out what they want he asks for your help when the time is right and you agree after that you go back to lord edmonds house to discuss things with alphanote but tatu interrupts informing us that rabon is going to be executed so you and alphanote go back to dandelion to save him finding out that the false charges against the scions have been suppressed by gridania and limsa lomenta so youtube plus you gary rescue rabon after this you four go to the waking sands to meet yurianj and pippen but before any heartfelt words can be exchanged were interrupted by dulala a member of the syndicate who reveals that the sultana is alive and that the poison she drank put her into a coma-like state but she doesn't know where nanimo was being held so in the meantime ravon will recuperate at the waking science with that being settled you and alphanote head back to ishgar to try and convince yasel to stop nidhogg from assaulting ishgard again and estenian joins you so after getting permission from emmerich this trio meets yourself but she tells us why talk is futile explaining that when the elisian came to corpus looking for a home they were met by the dragons and a war started however the tale of love between saint shiva and race felger spread through both groups so they made peace with each other creating a utopia that lasted for 200 years until a group of religion knights led by the original king thorden became jealous of the dragon's long lifespans and decided to take their source of power their eyes after this estenian tells the group that he can feel nidhogg's emotions through the eye he holds and that he has lost all reasons so alphanode recommends that they seek an audience with racefelger so your cell leads them to the giovanni and four lands as we do that your connection to heidelin starts growing again next we'll introduce davidofnir who we need to open the way towards somehow but she is busy with the naf that have summoned their god ravana so you and yourself deal with him after this the path to some isle is open but before we can talk to race vulgar we have to do some tasks for the mughals living there in the churning mist after this we receive a horn that will summon race felger in our conversation with him he scolds himself for thinking that she is shiva's reincarnation and that what she transforms into is just an idea of what people thought shiva was then he explains that yasel told the truth about the history that led to this war but adds that his and nidhogg's sister was killed in the process and that her eyes were consumed meaning that every asgardian has some dragon blood in their veins meaning that if they join nidhogg they can become dragons and lastly he tells our group to leave him alone then he leaves after this conversation your sail is broken so you alphanote and nestinian leave her behind to confront nidhogg but you and alphanote have to make a detour in dandelion to help a bond rescue nanamo after we arrive we find nanimo in the palace and rabon gives her the antidote then lolo vito lets us know that the guardians are working on a new massive airship that will wreak destruction upon eorzia when completed once all of this business is concluded alphanode informs you that he is officially disbanding the crystal braves realizing that he was trying to take a shortcut to unite eorzea so you both head back to ishgard so you can team up with estenian to destroy nidhogg you and estenian travel to the airy and estenian lands the final blow on the dragon taking his other eye you see a vision of nidhogg's battle with king thorden and his 12 knights where he lost both of his eyes and we also find out that every asgardian is a descendant of these people meaning that someone gave nidhogg an eye to save his life and that person was race vow girl after talking to him he doesn't apologize for his actions and tells us to leave but our trio has no time to rest because the heretics are attacking ishgar luckily we arrive in time so yourself can calm down her people after the city has calmed down you hoshophant and estenian go back to house for attempts emmerich is there and plans to confront the archbishop on the true history of ishkar in the meantime you alphanote and tatu axe hilda the mongrel for help in case you need to save emmerich from the archbishop but before she can agree you're attacked by one of the heaven sword and after that skirmish you are informed that emmerich has been imprisoned so lucia will save emmerich and you will look for the archbishop you eventually find him but he's getting away on an airship with the heaven sword america as his son begs him to tell everyone the truth but unfortunately thordan the seventh doesn't want ishkar to change believing that everything that they have built up until now will be for nothing so as you and hashifan try to catch the ship one of the heavenswar attempts to snipe you but joshuafont blocks the blow and dies in the process after grieving everyone figures out that the heavensward and thordan the seventh are looking for ozzy's law so you're informed that thordan's airship was seen by scouts in the sea of clouds and you ask sid to take you there this is where you meet a friendly vanu tribe who tells you that bismarck has the key to azizla in his stomach so sid finds a way for you to fight the primal and you defeat it but you're ambushed by jordan and asian taking the key with them they leave heading towards isis law after this you go back to the vanu tribe but they're being harassed by the guardian emperor varus and his troops but lucia swoops in to save the day so they retreat to the giant airship that lola rito mentioned after this interruption you've tried to follow thordan the seventh to isis law but are stopped by a barrier sid proposes that we create a ram of condensed aether to pierce the barrier but we need an expert in the field luckily tataru has found a lead on one of the scions whereabouts yastola we find out that she used a spell that threw her into the live stream and that the only way to find her is to trace her presence from where she casts the spell and to follow the trail their search leads them to gridania where conciena and your stolen sister help you bring her back yashtola quickly informs us that she doesn't know how to make a ram out of afer but her former master matoya should so they go to the giovanni and hinterlands to find her motoria shares her knowledge on etheric convergence after we find her notes on it in the great library but before we go back to ishgard metoya figures out that yashtola is blind and is using her life force to sense the things around her so we bring the book to sid and he creates the ram but before we leave yo yonji gives us a white oversight knowing that the aseans will be on isis law so you alpha node sid estenian and your stolen go to isla but you are attacked by the giant guardian airship who follows you through the barrier but your cell takes down the ship sacrificing herself in the process so the group lands on isis law safely but as your group continues they let you go on as they hold off the guardians that crash-landed also estenian gives you nidhogg's eye just in case you need it after this you and mid garcon encounter tiamat tiamat explains that she was captured by the elegant empire thousands of years ago and stays on izzy's lot in exile and self-punishment for allowing the aseans to resurrect bahamut by summoning him like a primal describing this primal as a mockery of what he once was this talk with tiermat and mid garcon restores your connection to hide the link completely seeing this mid gauss arm is convinced that you deserve heidellen's blessing and allows you to ride on his back to the final battle as you fight your way inside you fight laha breyer and igeon and you defeat both of them after this you use the white oral site and nidhogg's eye to destroy igeorm and before la habrea escapes thordan the seventh and the heavensward arrive with the corpse of the original king thorden and nidhogg's of her eye then the archbishop transforms into a primal called king thorden and then destroys la jabrea in one hit after this you fight king thorden and the heaven sword in their primal forms and win as the archbishop passes away he asks what are you but you don't have time to think about this question because estenian arrives to take both eyes but is taken over by nidhogg's spirit and the dragon is reborn after this you head back to ishgard with your remaining companions when you arrive midgar some warns everybody about nidhogg telling them if they truly want peace they will have to face him immediately following this ishkar joins the eorzean alliance as you and your friends begin to restore the scions to their former glory but we cut away to see that elitibus has his warrior of darkness that will be facing very soon after a short rest we get back into action with emmerich telling us his plans to contact the dragons and lucia will act as his envoy so you introduce her davidofnir the talk goes well but vitov near explains that she needs to consult race felger before she agrees to anything after this you alpha note angus tola meet kryl in new charlene she is here to help the scions find anchorage but she needs metoya's crystal eye cryo tracks him down to the giovanni and four lands where we encounter the warriors of darkness they sneak attack us but danquit saves the day so the warriors of darkness retreat dangote explains what happened after leaving oda and lets everybody know that he can't use magic anymore meanwhile in ishgard emmerich was stabbed throwing ishgard into chaos then a mob takes control of the vault with hostages so emmerich and the scions stormed the vault defeating the mob along the way unfortunately one of the priests has taken the child hostage and throws her off the roof but vitopnia arrives saving the child's life she tells everyone in attendance that nidhogg is coming and then she leaves after this the scions start gathering their old allies and looking for menphilia their findings lead them to master motoria asking for permission to use the anti-tower a charlene construction that will allow you to look at the ethereal seat you enter the tower and meet menphilia she explains that she became a vessel for heidelin and tells us about the existence of zodiac this is the god that the aseans serve and she begs you to defeat them after this you explain when philly is fate to everyone then you're invited to a ceremony that will be a show of peace between the dragons and ishgard so you head towards falcon's nest in the middle of enjoying the festivities you get poisoned and knocked out when you wake chaos has erupted due to a group of people who don't want peace with the dragons this rebellion is coiled at emilian's order after this we go back to ishgard to assist them in a joint training exercise against the best forces of gridania linzalo mensah and ulda after ishgard's victory the conference continues with emmerich giving a speech that convinces everyone to give peace with the dragons a chance and he caps off the speech with a mural depicting shiva and race felger but he is interrupted by nidhogg who attacks vitovenir and tells ishgard to be ready because he is coming later on you and alfano resolve yourselves to save astinian after this emmerich requested that we help him recruit race welgar to defend ishgard and we agree so you two and emmerich talked to race felger with mir garcon vouching for you as well after hearing you plead your case race welcome gives each of you a trial to overcome to prove if you can back up your words you alphanote and emmerich pass your trials allowing race kralgo to trust man once again after this u3 ride into battle on dragon back race well girl immediately attacks nick hogg but is overpowered because he gives you one of his eyes this allows you to fight nidhogg on equal footing and you defeat him but he still has control of justinian's body so you and alfano try to rip the eyes away but you don't have enough strength until hashefront and yourself spirits help you then you two throw nidhogg's eyes into the abyss below you after a short break you visit estenian who seems to be in good health he also gives up the mantle of the azure dragoon then emmerich is appointed to the highest position in ishgard's reformed government next you and emmerich have dinner but are interrupted by the arrival of dangrit and an injured alize danquit explains that he's been tracking the warriors of darkness and found out that alize was doing the same but she doesn't have the same level of skill as him when it comes to stealth so she was caught so alize and thankful were almost back to ishgard where she got shot in the shoulder with a poisoned arrow but before she is taken to the doctor she tells everyone that the warriors of darkness are making the beast tribes summon primals and that the exo are trying to summon garuda again so you and note stop it from happening after this the warriors of darkness show up with a new member they don't fight you because elitibus may get angry but they explain that they come from one of the 13 reflections and due to their actions light has consumed their world so they have come to the source to break down the walls separating their worlds so their home can have balance and go back to normal but this would kill many people in the process and after this they leave so you two go back to ishgard and see that alize is feeling much better and after discussing this new information with everyone you alphanote and alize go to yoriyanje for advice on what to do next yoriyanje lets us know that he's been hearing rumors that titan may be summoned again so you head to camp overlook to handle the situation this is where you meet gabu a young kobo that asks you to stop his leader from summoning titan to save his parents but you don't make it in time gabu's parents have already been sacrificed and titan is summoned even though he's stronger than last time you defeat him again but gabu was tempered but because he isn't violent limsa lomenzo will take care of him for the time being then the game cuts away where you see the warrior of darkness's new companion explain how to save his world faster after this you go back to the waking scenes where yuri yonje informs you that a large number of crystals have been sent to a resistance group in little ol amigo meaning that somebody is trying to summon a primal so you alphanote and alize investigate you and alphanote catch a speech from the griffin the leader of this new resistance group but you also find yida and papalimo they inform you that they've never met the griffin and that the person giving the speech was a stand-in on top of the fact that he doesn't trust the scions so after explaining why you're there yida and papa limo get you a meeting with the griffin's double hoping that he knows some of the griffin's real plans he explains that they won't use them for summoning anything but will give them to the amalga in exchange for their help in taking back ol amigo after this meeting you call in dangrit to assist you with the amalgam but the warriors of darkness got there first and slaughtered the amalgam then they tried to destroy you but you're saved by yo yanji revealing to everyone that he was working with the warriors of darkness as a double agent to help the scions after the warriors of darkness are defeated we find out that they are asians so we can't kill them after this you use your crystals causing a chain reaction that teleports everyone to hide allen's realm yurianj asks heidelin if they can speak with menphilia and they do menphilia decides to go with the warriors of darkness to save their world on heideling's behalf meaning that this is the last time the scions will ever see her but before they leave the warrior of darkness tells you that it doesn't matter if you have the power of light or darkness just continue doing what's right then they leave after this all of the scions reunite at the rising stones they restructure their organization to allow everyone to pursue their own goals and call upon each other when needed and cryo officially joins the science of the seventh dawn but before we split up we give tomati to papalemo but we cut away to see that the griffin is working with elitibus and that they have nidhogg's eyes after a short break from their duties the scions gather once again to elect a new leader of the group but before they make a choice you're interrupted by an alamegan resistance member manago stumbling through the door she acts as the scions to stop the griffin's attack on belson's wall because he wants to start a war on eorzean lane to force the eorzean alliance to take back ol amigo so does sion split up to tell the alliance leaders about what's going on after this the scions and the leaders gather in the twelves wood to have a meeting in guidance so they prepare for war and go into battle because the griffin disguised his troops in grand company uniforms to trick the garleans into believing that eorzea is launching an attack on them after fighting your way through the battle you find a griffin who turns out to be ill bird and you defeat him but before he dies he sacrifices his comrade and even his own life to summon a primal stronger than bahamut to stop the primals rampage papalimu uses tupesamati to seal the beast before it forms sacrificing his life in the process after this the game cuts away to see a giant man arriving at the waking saints who was found by yoriyanje so the scions the alliance leaders and sid go back to gridania after the battle to figure out what to do about the primal but as they are stumped for an answer nero arrives and he suggests that they dig up omega after a debate everyone agrees to wake up omega with you sid nero yugieri and some other scions going on an expedition to get the weapon but this group makes a detour at the rising stones and the giant man that yurianj found comes in right behind us his name is gosetsu and he has come to get yugiri at the request of their master but she explains that she can't leave until she repays her debt to the scions by dealing with omega so the group splits up and you go to the cartoon flats with sid nero yugi and gosetsu but when you get there the garlic and grindwalt and his troops try to stop you so sid and nero go inside to activate omega while the rest of you hold the guardians off after the skirmish the rest of you go inside as well where we activate omega and let the primal papalemo trap and omega fight omega fights the primal to a draw with both of them retreating after this your group goes back to gridania to tell the alliance leaders what happened at this meeting they decide to make contact with the alamegan resistance to take back girobania and specifically olamigo where yida tells us that her real name is lis and she finally takes off her mask she explains that her father used to be a resistance leader but they got separated and she never saw him again she declares that she will fight for alamigo's freedom then gotsetsu and yugiri leave for doma after this everyone returns to the rising stones because the alliance has requested the scions help they want the science to secure the consent of the alamegan resistance before they start taking girobania back after this lease leads your group to raulgarh's reach to talk to a resistance leader conrad he accepts the offer from the alliance but explains that he only speaks for the people in raugar's reach he promises to help convince the other factions and that he needs more people due to the people he lost in ilbert's sacrifice and morale being low after this meeting you alize and manago go to verbon they come up with a plan for the alliance and resistance to engage the guardians in open combat and win hoping that they will inspire the other alamegans to try again after this you and least go to a village looking to recruit people but the people there have had their spirits broken this leads you to doing some odd jobs which brings the group into an encounter with the skulls and their leader for dola a group of alamedans who work for the guardian empire after this we cut away to see the crown prince xenos getting tired of waiting and wishes to take the fight to eurozia so for dola gives him a suggestion to attack ralgo's reach so you and some of your comrades are on the scouting mission and the guardians attack while you're gone but after seeing the smoke you rush back in in this conflict yestola is heavily injured putting her out of commission for a while then you and xenos fight but he defeats you after the attack you make a plan to fight zenos on two fronts by splitting his attention between garobanya and doma so you lis alize alphanote and tattoo head to kugane a city near doma where they meet hancock who lola rito sent to help the science with whatever they needed and the first order of business is to find yugi and gosetsu so you can help the dome liberation front so they look for a way to cross the ruby sea because that's the only way to get to doma from kugane but unfortunately it's controlled by the confederacy which makes things complicated your search on how to get to the ruby sea brings the scions to encounter a blue cogen named saurobon he let you use his ship but before you leave kugana you hear some rumors of a man who may be gosetsu and the rumors are true after reuniting with the giant man everyone except for alphanote and taturu goes to the ruby c this is where you find out the red cogen are working with the guardians and you meet yotsuyu the lady who xenos left in charge of doma after witnessing her cruelty gosetsu gives himself up as a hostage sparing the villagers and he directs the rest of your group to a tower where the leader of the confederacy lives when we get to the tower rasho the leader explains that they'll only fight the guardians if there is a sign they could win so alice a decides to give them their sign by defeating the red cogen to do this they need help from the blue cogen and they get blessed by the kami allowing you alize and lise to breathe underwater to accomplish a task for them after doing this the blue cogen tells you how to deal with the red cogen and it boils down to defeating susano a primal after defeating their god the red cogen abandoned their post meaning that the guardians lose their numerical advantage against the confederacy so the confederacy saves gosetsu and the village he was protecting plus they regained control of the ruby sea after this you reunite with gosetsu and walk into yangxia finally making it to doma when you enter a village called namai the villagers are apprehensive to all of you some of them even crying because of your arrival a teenager takes your group to the house of defense the headquarters of the dome in liberation front and yugieri is here as well she tells us that she has found lord heen the rightful ruler of doma he is at the azim steppe but she informs us that hen will only fight the guardians if the people of doma want to fight so it is up to us to rekindle the flames of rebellion this leads us to rescue the hostages who supported the confederacy's actions against the guardians but when you and you gary rescue them their spirits are completely broken with no will to fight even though you gary's words sway some of them they still go home after this xenos arrives in doma and yugiri attempts to assassinate him but she fails so you team up to fight xenos but you lose again as xenos is about to kill you your allies and the villagers you've saved come to save you after this xena goes back to girobania and you lis and gosetsu head to the azim's step to meet lord hean he orders yugi to return to yanzia and prepare their forces for his return the rest of you will help heian and the mole win nadam a competition between the tribes in the azim's step this way he and can bolster his army because whoever wins nadam leads the tribes the mole allows all of you to join the dom but your group has to conquer a trial at badarm's medal before they're eligible to participate after finishing the trial the owner forced you to meet their leader magna after forcing you to do a task magnai allows you to go back to the mall after one more night of rest the nadam begins the next day the competition is fierce but you and your comrades win you become the kagan which means you're the king of the exo until the next nadam immediately afterward grindelwald attacks so everyone teams up to defeat him and his comrades next hein explains the situation in doma and the tribes agree to help us so you head back to yanxia to carry out alphanote's plan with one change from lord hean the blue cogen will destroy doma castle's support flooding the palace forcing yotsuyu to the top floor making it easy to find her so the next day comes and we execute the plan perfectly until you face grinwalt one last time after defeating the cyborg we find yotsuyu and kill her but the castle is crumbling so gosetsu holds up the roof so we can escape and with that being finished the scions go back to girobania to help the alamegan resistance and the eosian alliance but before we leave hen promises that he'll help eorzea by sending troops of his own after doma's government is established next the game cuts away to see that cryo has been taken hostage by zenos after explaining what happened in doma york they realized that garlemald is on the defensive and they will seize the opportunity our first task is to capture caster veldona you take back the castro but there is a report from the ananta that one of their tribe the queriana is trying to summon a primal siri lakshmi because the queriana princess was killed in a battle with the skulls so your group tries to plead with the queriana but they don't listen to you and they help siri laxmi fight you after defeating the primal the game cuts away to see cryo being experimented on and fordola has been given an artificial enhancement with an order from zenos now the game moves back to the scions alliance and the resistance taking the watchtower but the watchtower and many people on both sides are shot down by the cannon at castrom arbania under fordola's command in this attack conrad dies and tells elise to lead rauga's reach in his place after this estenian appears and disables the cannon giving everyone enough time to storm castrum abania but alize gets injured and we find for dola but she escapes after taking cast from abania we start the final push in girobania making our way to olamigo where bond lays out the plan to take back the city with the main goals being keeping the civilians safe and finding zenos he says that the science will be a special unit with saving cryo as their main goal the secure a path into the city and tanquit appears to lead them to cryo but fordola is here as well but we defeat her and take her into custody in addition to rescuing cryo once we get back to headquarters the scions figure out that fordola has been given an artificial echo and enhanced physical abilities due to her operation which could explain xenos strength as well after this you and alfano stop a guardian squadron of wolfman by explaining that lord hean is alive and they could go back to doma so they promised to help the resistance when the fighting starts in the city as the alliance breaks down the doors to the city hen arrives with air support after this you enter the city and fight xenos in the throne room and have a draw but he leads you outside to reveal that he's captured the primal shinryu and used his version of the artificial echo to fuse with the primal so you fight the primal that omega couldn't defeat andrew wynn separating zenos in the process after this your comrades arrive to arrest xenos but he offs himself after finally being satisfied in a fight after his death all of the alamegans join in singing alamigo's national anthem after this we cut away to see that elitibus is working with emperor varus then the game moves back to rauga's reach where elise tells everyone that she's leaving the scions to serve as the leader of rauga's reach but they promise to stay friends regardless of that after finishing your adventures you run into arenvald who invites you and alphanote to explore the tomb of the mad king detroit with the hopes of finding his treasure to help the cost of running alamigo after this you three tell least what you did but are interrupted when a riot breaks out because fordola hasn't been executed luckily ravon steps in and calms the people down after this you alphanote are involved and least talk to fordola all of you tried to convince fordola to help olamigo instead of asking for death none of you make any progress until you and fordola look into each other's past by using the echo so you leave fordola with her thoughts wondering how you deal with everything that you've been through after this you leave your friends to help nanimo she wants to let rabon choose if he wants to come back to ulda or serve his homeland olamigo so she asks for your help to prove to a bond that he doesn't have to watch over her anymore this leads to her having a meeting with lola rito where she makes a deal with him that will allow the alamegan refugees to return home and make oda a lot of money proving that she can deal with the monetarists by herself after this you and your comrades oversee the first meeting of the various leaders of girobania where elise declares that they don't need a king anymore and proposes the idea of a republic the meeting is going well until the coriana queen summons siri lakshmi to temper everyone in the room so you and armenwald hold off the primal while robon and alphanode protect the leaders and lastly lisa goes to get help and just when we can't hold out any anymore elise brings for dola to help so alphanode protects the leaders while the rest of you defeat shiri laxmi after this fordola goes back to a cell and you talk with rabon but after you finish talking nanimo speaks to a bond telling him to stay in girobania and help rebuild his homeland so with that the best friends go their separate ways and the following morning rabon announces that he's staying in girobania so with your business in alamigo finished you alphanote and alize get a request to come to kugane hancock tells everyone that he's been getting reports that people have seen gosetsu and yotsuyu around the area u3 joined yugiri to find gosetsu before the guardians find him but when you get to the ruby sea the guardians are attacking the confederacy and this is where you find gosetsu protecting yoktsuyu after a small skirmish gosetsu explains that they survived the castle collapsed then they drifted to a desert island and yotsuyu lost her memories after this explanation everyone goes to the house of the fifth to meet lord hean for his judgment on youtube he and decides to hide her in the castle for now so no one can see her after this you you geary and heian meet an ambassador from gallimault named asashi who is yotsuyu's stepbrother he explains that he wants to negotiate peace with doma and the media moves to the doman enclave the main talking point of this conversation is how gala mold wants to form an alliance against the practice of summoning primals but he and axis asashi how they're supposed to trust each other considering recent events so asashi proposes a prisoner exchange for the domains that garlimold has captured and the guardians that doma has captured making it clear that yotsuyu must be a part of the deal he and ends the meeting by saying that he needs to consider asashi's proposal so in the meantime you and a couple of others show asashi around doma until you find the red cogen harassing a young boy and his sister after this fight your group goes back to the doman enclave to witness hen's decision on what to do with yotsuyu he has a conversation with gosetsu deciding that if you also use memories returned by the time of the exchange she will go to garland but if her memories don't return he will allow her to live in doma so heen agrees to the prisoner exchange but he tells asashi about his condition with yotsuyu and asashi agrees but he asks to see his sister before he leaves after this he leaves for garlemald but before he gets on his ship he makes it very clear that he hates doma and used specifically for killing xenos after he leaves you tell everyone what he said so they're not to trust him then the game cuts to asashi meeting with his sister and he gives her a crescent-shaped mirror and we see that zenos is alive after this we save you to you from a mob at nemai after she went to get fruit for gosetsu yotsuyu is regaining her memories and apologizing for what she's done even though she doesn't have the full picture yet after this we meet with asashi and his subordinates he explains that the domain hostages are on his airship but before things can't proceed asashi brings out his parents to jog you to use memories and it does but yotsuyu doesn't admit it after this everyone has a meeting about everything that has happened then at the end of this conversation a maid tells us that yotsuyu has disappeared so we go looking for her in your search you find yota you step parents dying then you get a vision showing that they're still horrible people by trying to sell you to you again but at this point youtu has all of her memories back and she murders them for revenge after this asashi approaches her offering her an opportunity to get revenge on doma itself after this you he and alphanote and yugiri meet asashi on his ship and yotsuyu reveals herself then she transforms into the primal tsukiyomi so you fight her while he and alphanote and yugiri look for the prisoners on the ship after defeating yotoyu asashi comes in and shoots her taunting you over the fact that you can't kill him because he's an ambassador but luckily for everyone yotsuyu had enough strength to kill him herself and after this she passes away after this one of asashi's subordinates confirms that xenos is alive which leads to confusion because xenos is supposed to be buried near olamigo then they do the prisoner exchange with no issues but alphanote interrupts axey maxima if he can go to garland mall as an ambassador for doma and investigate xenos after this the doman prisoners are reunited with their families and gossetu tells everyone that he is putting down his sword he explains that he will go on a journey offering prayers for souls who died suffering after this you go back to girobania and confirm that xenos body is gone then the game shows us that zeno's soul is in the olimegan soldier's body next we cut to a scene where the ship alpha node is on is shot down and he is attacked but he's saved by a mysterious man who has asian masks hanging from his belt after this you meet dankrit to give you an update on how the guardian empire is dealing with other nations after the uprising in doma and the alliance is sending aid to help those smaller nations but the most important point of this conversation is that an asean is using xenos body and that alpha node never reached garlamald so thankfully information leads you alize yastola and yugiri to investigate the ship's crash site in the barn the group doesn't find anything useful other than some elegant ruins so we go back to doma where elise is waiting for us she tells us that al amigo has officially joined the eorzean alliance and that the leaders of the five nations are having a meeting hoping that hean will join them as well so he accepts the invitation but he tells lise to inform the alliance that he needs to make sure that doma's defenses are set up before he comes hen wants to make an alliance with the eastern nations of doma hingasi sui nosato naxia and damasca to combat the aseans and the guardian empire yeshtollah suggests that they use the elegant ruins at the burn to make an energy field like aziz law so gullible can't invade doma by air but to power this shield they need a large amount of energy so he suggests that we use an allegheny efa regulator in the azim step but we need the permission of the dofraue to use it so we go and ask them and they agree but sadhu their leader wants to fight the warrior of light in exchange this fight turns into a giant battle between your group of hen and yeshtollah the darfur and the ornith the sadhu is satisfied your group goes back to the april regulator and yashtola connects it to the ruins in the burn after this hen and the scions joined the leaders of the alliance at the meeting in alamigo at this meeting tanquet proposes that the alliance use ninjas to infiltrate gulemont to spread the rumor that zenos's corpse is being used by a dog presence to create a war of succession and make garlemold weaker from the inside but before everyone agrees to the plane the scions all double over in pain as they hear a voice in their head asking for their help but it stops quickly afterwards stanquid passes out after getting him to a doctor conciena explains to the scions that they were being called meaning someone was trying to take their souls from their body and take them somewhere else so the remaining scions meet yurianji at the rising stones who explains that he heard the voice too they discussed the fact that some areas of the world are running low on afer and that is strange but before they can talk anymore the voice calls them again this time your stoler and yoriyanje souls are taken after she calms down alize invites you to limbs alomensa to visit gabu who was still under the effects of tempering then we cut away to see varys talking to his grandfather solas zos galves in a young body and he reveals that he's an asean then he exclaims that he only created the empire for the sole purpose of sowing the seeds of chaos to carry out his goal of rejoining then the game cuts to a scene where alphanold and the people who saved him arrive at their camp where everyone is dead the man named shadowhunter tells alphanote that golemote has been developing a gas called black rose and if you breathe it in once you die then we go back to the rising stones and cryo is back in action she recommends that we track the aether of the scions that were called as she did for dangrit so you alize and cryo go to master matoya to use her crystal eye again unfortunately when cryo tries to track them she says that their trail just stops leaving them confused after this you and alize go to girobania to meet maxima who came to alamigo without alvino he goes over the events i talked about earlier and clarifies that alfono chose to stay in garland to continue his investigation with the asean hunters he also tells everyone that the empire is planning to invade olamigo silverbond plans to open up negotiations with the commander of the army so they can have as much time as possible to set up their defenses after this you and analyze are called again but neither of you are taken so you two go to doma to update heian on the current situation next he invites you to see the barrier in the burn activate and it works with an imperial ship not getting past the ship lands with shadow hunter coming out carrying an unconscious alpha node shadowhunter tells us that alpha note has been called and you figure out that this man is gaius van belsar gaius explains that he wants revenge against the aseans and explains that the red mass aseans are the strongest with elitibus and an asean named emmett selk being the only ones left that we know about he believes that elitibus is currently using zenos body also before he leaves he informs us about the gas called black rose and that he destroyed the facility making it so it will be a while before they can use it after this you head to the front lines of olamigo you alize and the alliance leaders are invited to talk with varus before the battle begins the main point of this meeting is that varvis reveals that he wants to commit wide scale genocide by helping the aseans complete the rejoining with the 13 reflections and returning the world to how it used to be after this everyone calls him crazy and the war officially begins after this you alan say hey and yugi fight your way through waves of enemies and defeat varus guards you take a short rest but when you and alexei are called she is taken leaving you and cryo as the only remaining scion after getting alize off the field you head back into battle to fight elitibus in xenos body but you're called in the middle of your fight and teleported to a place you don't recognize and you meet the person who's been calling you he tells you that the battle you're fighting is pointless and that you need to open the gates in the crystal tower to get to the first then you wake up in ishgard where emmerich explains that you were saved by estenian when you were called and that danquish planned for garland mold is working after leaving ishko you return to the rising stones and taturu has returned from kugane then you explain to her what's been happening so tartaru theorizes that the other science must be with the man who called you so you tataru and the remaining scions that aren't affected by the calling searched the crystal tower then you wander off and find a device only to be called once again but this time you let the voice take you waking up in the forest under harsh sunshine you run into a traveler who says that it's night which leaves you confused but you don't linger on this too long and walk towards the settlement in the distance however you are stopped by the captain of the city guard lena who lets you through after the crystal exhaust leader of the crystarium explains that you're one of his guests he explains that we are currently in the first and that he called the scions here to help him save this world because the first has been consumed by light and only one-tenth of the world is livable then he finishes the conversation by saying that the monsters called sin eaters are born from the light and that you can save the source by saving the first then you continue the conversation inside the crystal tower on the first here the crystal exhaust explains that time flows at different paces between the first and the source meaning that some of the scions have been here for a long time but currently time is running at a similar pace between the two worlds so you shouldn't worry about it he also tells you that they came to the first as spirits separate from their bodies meaning that they have no way back home at the moment but they're still working to try and stop the dark future yuri andre saw after this the crystal exile gives you a tour of the crystarium and introduces you to fail ooh a pixie that will act as a gateway to send and get stuff from home so you make a pact with her then you retire to your room for tonight and this is where you meet the warrior of darkness ardbird who is confused that you can see him he explains them in philly and his comrades gave up their existence to stop the flood of light leaving him alone and then he leaves so the next day you see the x-arc and he tells you where the scions are located and recommends that you find one of the twins first due to the ease of getting to their locations so you go to colossia to meet alphanote when you meet he explains that he wants to get into umor a city where the richest people in the first spend their days in luxury to gather information and form a plan about how to save the first as you get closer to the city he explains that people camp outside of the city hoping to be chosen to get in based on their talents and we see an example of this also you notice the mysterious food called myo after this alphano pulls you away explaining that he has a plan to get in yumor however kaiser steals his idea but is caught by youtube so shir explains why he has to get in yo more so alfano takes pity on him and lets him go so we go back to the camp outside of euromore where they're looking for an artist for the chives and alfano fulfills this request by explaining that you're his assistant getting both of you into your more you meet the chives fulfilling their request but your attention is dragged away when you hear a scream only to find out that it's kaiser he's being punished by the mayor of euromorph varfrey because he entered the city without permission after arguing revolt free on top of finding out that he can control sin eaters you and alpha node get kaiser out of there then you go to arma rang to get alize and alphanode goes to the crystarium during your adventures in arma rang you meet tesseline the head caretaker of the end for people who've been corrupted by sin eaters and she knows alize after you get to her end you find alize fighting sin eaters but you don't have time to rest because you her and tesselline have to find howrick one of the patients at the end your group finds him but a sin eater is trying to change him into a scent-eater and in the process of saving him tessalyn gets turned into a sin-eater herself after this you and alize take howard back to the end and go back to the crystarium the xock explains that defeating the light wardens may cause the lesser sin eaters to disappear and get rid of the light all over the first then the exhaust explains how rejoining works as the source was split apart giving birth to its 13 reflections none of them were as balanced as the source meaning that if one of the reflections were filled with too much of one element that world would be consumed by it and that extra energy would go back to the source resulting in a calamity after his explanation you alize alphanode lena and the xr go the homner switch to defeat a light warden attacking the village after defeating the warden you absorb the light it contained bringing knight back to lakeland after this the exhaust begins calling you and the scions the warriors of darkness and you go back to your room in the crystarium then albert reappears explaining that he's been watching your journey so far and warns you that your journey will cost you something then he leaves then we cut away to see estenian and gaius teaming up in garlemald to destroy the black rose facilities the game cuts back to you and the exhaust explains that yomo's emissary ranjit is coming to ask questions about the dead light warden wanjit says that anyone associated with the crystarium is found to be responsible for the light wardens death valfry will declare war so the exact doesn't admit to helping but makes it very clear that he's happy the warden is dead so ranjit leaves to deliver this message to valfrey then lena reports that it looks like your most forces are capturing menphilia which leaves the scions confused then the exhaust sends us to the crystarium library to get an explanation while he's preparing for war this is where we find out menphilia has been reincarnating in the first for generations to continue her fight against the flood of light after this you help the cristarian fight a few more the scions main goal in this fight is to save mimphilia and to get her out of danger but you and the scions are beaten down by ranjit then saved by thankword and the exarch then we escaped to ilmeg the fairy kingdom the home of yo yonje after we get away from the fighting dankride explains that the exxon gave them two orders to meet with yurianj and to defeat the light warden in ilmag after this the newman philia explains why she ran to lakeland without telling tanquet and gets scolded however our heroes are forced to play with the pixies until fail ooh works out a deal so you dangrit and menphilia can see yoriyanje yoriyanje explains his vision in detail saying that when the empire unleashed black rose they couldn't stop it and the gas killed far more people than intended destroying society itself in the process also he informs us that the light warden is in the castle within the middle of the lake after distinguished explains that three years ago the old menphilia took over the current one's body to explain to him that if the pneumophilia wishes to give up and stop fighting that she'll take over her body in her place or if the pneumophilia wishes to fight for her own reasons she'll give her power to the pneumophilia ending her recycle of reincarnation then she leaves asking thank her to watch over her until the day she makes her decision after this the scions acts to pixies to let them enter the castle and they do after forcing them to play again next the scions do a couple of tasks for the people of ilmeg until they're disturbed by the scream of the pixie king titania the light warden and ranjit with fiomo's army entering ill mag so you go to defeat titania while the scion star ranjit but there's one issue with defeating titania someone must take her items and become the new king so fail ul steps in to do that so you can continue your journey then failure fights off ranjit and do you more soldiers and promises to help if you ask for it then the scions return to the crystarium only to be encountered by solas who reveals that he's the asean named emmett selk he explains his frustration that you're messing up his plans and then asks to watch your journey offering his knowledge and strength in return explaining that the scions don't know what his goal is and hopes that they could find some common ground then he leaves promising to see them soon after this you go to your room where you talk to ardberg where he begs you not to trust emmett selk and to not fight blindly the next morning the scions and exalt meet emmett selk in the crystal tower where he reiterates that he meant what he said but realizes that his presence isn't wanted but continues to watch the exact recommends that we split up to find the locations of the other light wardens so alfano takes calusia alize goes to ameren and the rest of the scions go to ratika greatwood yoshtola's home immediately after entiretyka the scions are surrounded by the knights blessed a group of people who live in the great wood and are led by ishtola who doesn't recognize you until you talk due to her blindness and your a for having so much light due to you absorbing the light warden's power after this encounter they're brought to the village of the knights blessed sliver bow yeshtollah explains that to explore the forest fully we need to access the other part of the force yiksmiya but it's guarded by a tribe of warriors who refuse to let strangers in so she and yurianje will try to decipher the tablet the exarch gave you believing that it opens a way for everyone to explore yikes maya the rest of you explored the city learning about the night's blessed culture and your importance as the warrior of darkness after this we ease drop on yori yanji and yoshtola who are discussing the effects the light warden's power is having on you but before you can hear any more the eumorans attack sliver bout ranjit demands that the knight blessed answer to your more now and if they don't cooperate in time they will be considered enemies and exterminated after this they discover where the light warden is hiding and enter another set of ruins to unlock the path but ranjit and an emissary catch up to you and yashtola claiming that he poisoned the knights blast before getting here claiming that they have the antidote unfortunately in this fight the floor collapses and the antidote falls in so yashtola sacrifices herself to throw the antidote to you falling into the pit below after this ranjit gets thrown into the pit as well then all of you head back to fan out emmet suck reappears and the scions discuss your stoller's fate and come to the conclusion that she used flo again so emmett selk offers to bring her back hoping to finally gain the scion's trust after this the scions head into the quitan arrival to destroy the light warden after beating the monster you'd absorb its light and bring back the night sky as the scions leave the ruins they stopped to look at a mural and emmett's selk appears to tell them what the pictures mean he explains that the aseans were the original inhabitants of the source but as the end of days were coming for them they prayed and sacrificed creating zodiac to save them and he did but there were some aseans who didn't believe in zodiac and from their fears heidelin was born to be his equal and opposite so the two of them fought until heideln won striking zodiac so hard that she split him and the source into 14 pieces then he drops the bomb that heidelin and zodiac are the most powerful primals and that the rejoining is a way to bring back his people after this the scions head back to the crystarium and go their separate ways you head back to your room where arbor asked you if you two are just slaves to heidelin's will after hearing emmett selk's explanation but you don't answer then the game cuts away to astinian and gaius discussing the possibility of another asean being in the golem old capital and seeing xenos spying on them then the game goes back to the first where you wake up to the sounds of people scrambling then you alphanote and alize helped set up a barrier for the crystarium at the exalts for quest getting it up before the sin-eaters arrived then u3 joined the rest of the scions and the city guard to protect lakeland the casualties are heavy but they manage to fend off the sin-eaters after this victory walford shouts a message from yomo's airships gloating about his victory next the scions and emmett selk meet the exact in the crystal tower where they come to the same conclusion that walfree directly controls sin eaters and is the source of this attack den alize tells everyone that an abandoned mine in western amarang could be a hiding place for a light warden but it's too big for her to explore alone so she came back this is when menphilia recommends that she goes to the spot where the flood of light was stopped so that she can choose to give the old menphilia her body or to get the full powers of the oracle of light herself either way once her decision is made they'll be able to track down the light warden using her powers so with this recommendation the scion split up with you dankrid menphilia and yoriyanje going to omareng to get to nabatharang the site where the flood was stopped but we have to help a run down village to help us rebuild a talos to push a minecart to our destination after this you thankful and menphilia go to nabath arang while yoriyanje goes to get the other scions when your group gets to nebafa ring you're attacked by ranjit so tanquit holds him off and defeats him nearly dying in the process meanwhile you and midfielia go to the exact spot where the flood of light was stopped after this the old menphilia appears and asks the newman philia what her choice is the newman philia expresses that she wants to help the people who helped her and that she wants to save this world with her own hands so the old menphilia gives up the rest of her power and says goodbye for the final time after this menphilia gets new hair and eye colors then we meet with the rest of the science and menphilia gets a new name and from now on will be called rain then she leads everyone to the mind with the light warden inside after defeating the light warden there was some discomfort when you absorbed this light but you ignored it for the time being later on the scions go back to the crystarium and you talk to artwork once again but in the middle of your conversation the light overwhelms you again and albert accidentally helps relieve your pain after this the exile comes to check in on you and after he leaves your echo gives you a flashback of a destroyed house for attempts with two unknown people having a conversation after waking up you head to the crystal tower everyone agrees that it's time to fight yormore and finish this however this is where emmett selk interrupts and explains the history of the aseans again but adds one important detail most aseans and other beings from emmett's sucks time were split into 14 parts as well giving birth to everyone we know now the only three that were spared were emmett's selk elitibus in la jabrea and that he doesn't consider anybody other than the aseans to be truly alive except you he has high hopes for you after this we find out that yulmor is preparing for an attack so the scions head to colucia before they can build their defenses only to find the people under walford's mind control denrine sees samiyah and can sense it's made out of sin eaters which explains walford's mind control over the people of yormore after this the scions fight their way through your more defeating ranjit for the final time after this we confront rofrey and this is where we find out that he's a human sin-eater hybrid and that he is the light warden of colucia but he escapes to mount gog raising it into the air before you can fight him then reign reverses the effects of walfree's mind control but alphanote explains that every mean-spirited thing that the rich of yumor did to the less fortunate was of their own doing after this the citizens of euromore offered their help to pursue offering and china's offers his expertise in talos to get the lift working again but afterward they were faced with another challenge actually getting to mount gold without getting shot down so we call upon our friends from every corner of the first to help china's build a giant talos that can grab mount gold and give us a path then the game cuts to zeno's challenging elitibus for his body then the game goes back to the first after getting on mount gould the scions fight their way through waves of sin eaters holding off the weaker ones so you can fight valvrie one-on-one after defeating him you absorb his light but is too much for you and your soul begins to break but the crystal exhaust steps in to take your light and jump into the void to save everyone and at this point you figure out that the exarch is graha tia but before graha can finish his plan he's shot in the back by m itself he explains that he's disappointed that you couldn't contain the light and explains that if you could have there would have been some merit in working together explaining that he would have seen the scions as something more than a fractured piece of life den tells you that you're nearly a sin eater now after this you pass out and emmix out leaves telling you to find him in the tempest if you want to become a sin eater in peace and takes grahatia as a hostage you wake up in your room at the crystarium and open up the window seeing that the sky is filled with light once again then arbor explains that the scions are looking for a way to save you so you wander around the crystarium eventually getting some encouragement from ardbert and fayou after this you go to the crystal tower and get a vision that explains how this graha tia is from an alternate timeline where you didn't stop black rose and the world went to chaos he went back in time to the first by using the crystal tower but went back too far so for a hundred years he set things up in the first so his plan would be ready to go once he called you two the first and extended his lifespan by fusing with the tower after getting this revelation you tried to leave the crystarium by yourself but the rest of the scions promised to stay with you until the very end accepting that you will most likely die so our heroes head towards the great lake to ask the faye bismarck to take them to the depths of the tempest but he is too busy sleeping so you call feyor who commands bismarck to help the scions after getting to the bottom of the tempest the scions have to help the ondo living down there to find emmit selk's hideout and they find an asean city called amara as they go through the city they find out that all of the aseans and the city itself were just emmett's self's creations in honor of the people and whom he lost your journey in amorite lead you to talk to heilodeus who is aware that he's a creation of emmett selk the main point of your conversation is to find out that nearly half of the aseans gave up their lives to create zodiac and that you and albert used to be a part of the same person also lastly emmett sulk must have known the original you but after getting this information you regroup with the scions to face m itself so the scions have one last talk with emmett selk explaining that they get where he's coming from and because of that they will fight for their loved ones as well so emmet selk challenges the scions forcing them to fight through a recreation of amurod's last days then he attacks them knocking out everyone except for you and at this moment the light overcomes you but albert steps in joining with you allowing your soul to hold the light within you easily and emmet selk sees a flash of the asean you used to be and then you two fight you end up beating him itself but can't destroy him until the rest of the scion step in using the white aura sight they brought along to let you get a finishing blow by using the access light you have so emit silk accepts his defeat gracefully axing the scions to remember that his people once lived and they agree so he fades away after this the scions and graha tia returned to the crystarium having a meeting in the crystal tower about how to get the scions back home without killing rahatiya so you go back to the source alone to give tataru and cryo an update on what happened in the first then the game cuts back to garlamald where we see that elitibus has run away and zenos has his body back on top of killing varus the game cuts back to your conversation with cryo and tataru cryo explains that the link between the scion's body and souls are weakening and she doesn't want to find out what happens when the link breaks so you go back to the first and tell everyone about what cryo said after this grahatiya explains how he summoned the scions to the first hoping that they can bounce ideas off of each other and figure out a solution y'shtola comes up with an idea for you to carry the assaults back to the first and yuriyanje recommends that they use white ironsight to store their souls and that they just need to test the idea so graha recommends someone that may be able to help and after completing their trial bail luck joins you at the crystarium graha explains the situation to bail luck and they agree to help but request for some help with their field work so you alize alphanote and bail luck go to arma ring to start testing their theory with familiars and to see if they can reverse the effects of the sin eaters corruption on the affected after making a breakthrough alize points out that the sin eater's corruption is similar to tempering from primals and comes to the conclusion that the tempered may be cured after this you and alfono go to colucia to find china's who disappeared after being elected as the mayor of yumor we find him just as he finds warden the former adviser to um's former mayor so chai gives warden an answer that he can't deny and proves that he is capable enough to lead yurmor so after that adventure you go back to the source to update tartaru and cryo once again at this meeting you find out that estenian is taking care of the zion's business while they're in the first and informs you about what's happening with the golem old empire and xenos then he takes his leave after this the game cuts to someone approaching zenos who wants to help him find zodiac then the game cuts back to you and cryo meeting gaius and rabon in this meeting gaius reveals that the empire is trying to rebuild the ultimate weapon and that a prototype is on his way to eorzea after this you go back to the first to update everyone about everything you learned then graham and beo luck show their progress on making a vessel for the scion souls but state that there is some more work to be done after this you and some of the scions reveal the true history of the warriors of light within the first to the people of the cristarium so people will remember them fondly but soon as you finish talking a man who looks like ardbir appears preaching to the crowd of people that they should become the new warriors of light during his speech the scions returned to the crystal tower to discuss things with bale luck and graha and jastola confirms that arbor is still within you which leads them to one conclusion elitibus is posing as ardberg after this meeting alpha note follows elitibus yoriyanje leaves to inform thancrit and ryan of the current situation and lastly you and yashtola go back to yiksmiya to explore some new ruins that are about the disaster that befell the aseans which we don't find but after exploring the ruins yastola thinks that if someone possesses the echo and has been rejoined enough times that they remember things from their time as an asean after this ewing is told a rendezvous with the rest of the scions to confront elitibus they tried to find some common ground with elitabus asking him to think about emmett selk's last words to them but this is where elizabeth tells the scions that he has the same goal as him itself and that he will not stray from his path after this elitibus leaves yastola recommends that we explore the tempest once again to learn more about the world that once was and the asians themselves before they fight elitabus so the scions ask bismarck to take them to the ruins that they want to explore after fighting their way through ander they find a room with giant crystals that held great significance to the asians then a device within the room projects holograms of a meeting of aseans discussing the end of days and a defector from the convocation but these conversations are shut down by an asean named vernat the scions figure out that these asians summoned heidelin then they activate the device again seeing but not talk about becoming heidelin's heart and she wonders if this is how the convocation felt about elitibus meaning that at some point elitibus became zodiac's heart leaving the scions confused about who they're fighting after this yastola stays at ander to see if she can find out more so the rest of the scions head to the crystarium only to find a place in disarray many of the people who work for the cristarium are resigning because of elitibus's words but before the science can even process this situation an illusion of a star shower appears with many people hearing heidelin in their head then elitibus continues his deception by convincing these people that they're warriors of light then he tells the scions that the echo is a power that everyone could use and that heideling just helps people activate it after this everyone splits up and you go to sleep then the game cuts away to zenos who was having dreams about the final days and asks his asean companion to tell him about it the next day you run into elitabus who is walking aimlessly and you get a flashback of him becoming zodiac's heart then you talk to graha who reminisces about his past but you're interrupted by reign who tells you that thanquet collapsed after talking to him everyone concludes that the bond between his body and soul is getting weaker so you go back to the source to check on their bodies and to update cryo then she tells you that their physical conditions are deteriorating and that they need to get back home soon after this you return to the first and update the scions on their condition graha and bail luck show off the completed vessels for the scion souls and mines but they still have to do some testing with an extra vessel so the scions hunt down elitibus minions while you get just taller from ander as you arrive you find your stoler unconscious as the bond with her body gets weaker then elizabeth talks to you again and you get another vision of his past which confirms he's lost his memories then he kidnaps yestola and makes you fight imitations of your friends and enemies in a gauntlet that leads to him then you fight elitabus who is still using albert's body and defeat him following this your stolen catches up to you and explains that after leaving zodiac's heart elitibus became a primal and that his goal is salvation for the aseans that prayed to zodiac and asks him does he remember why he became zodiac's heart elizabeth tells her that that is irrelevant and reveals that he has helped made and even become heroes over the years to rejoin the world while you wait for your stoler you follow and collect a trail of talking crystals that lead you to hilo days he explains that the crystals are fragments of the 14 convocation members and listens to your explanation of the situation with elitibus after listening to what you said hidipholis expresses that he wants you to live he reasons that you can't keep your promise to emmet silk if you're dead and gives you the last crystal of the 14th explaining that this one is from the defective that opposed the rest of the convocation and it will help you if you wish for it after this unistola meet the rest of the scions at yulmore however another star shower appears summoning misguided heroes from different worlds to attack you so the scions fight their way back to lake land but realize that there are too many heroes to stop so they let you go ahead to the cristarium to fight elitibus along the way you find graha who tells you that elitibus is using the crystal tower to summon the heroes so you and him go to the tower but guaja stays inside the tower so you can fight elitibus one on one you confront elitabus on his ideals one last time then he transforms into the warrior of light incarnate attacking you but the crystal of azim the defector from the convocation of 14 activates and protects you then you in a little bit battle with graha using the crystal tower to deal the final blow after this graha tia reaches his limit and the crystal begins to overtake his body but before that happens he puts his memories into the extra testing vessel then he passes away following this the scions say goodbye to their friends and family that they made in the first then they enter their vessels and you bring them back home then the game skips to a couple of weeks later and it's revealed that you woke up guahatiya and gave him the memories of his other self then he joins the scions of the seventh dawn then the game cuts away to zenos finding out the name of this new asean fan daniel and confirming that they're going to start their plan then the game goes back to the scions getting reacquainted with their home then lease comes to the rising stones to learn about the scion's adventures in the first and to request the presence of the scions at an alliance meeting in alamigo except for you alize and graha tia because u3 are going to continue alize research into curing tempering so they go to isis law because guajartia says that the alligans were interested in the subject but they need sid's help to extract the data from the archive node so they go back to the rising stones where sid will meet them and in the meantime find out what happened at the alliance meeting dangrit and yurianj will go to garland mall to get an accurate picture of the chaos happening in the nation and the alliance plans to have peace talks with the various beast tribes after that sid arrives and opens the archive note the research inside reveals enough to give them a breakthrough so sid and nero run simulations on how to cure tempering which fries their computer system but they get the answer they needed now that they have their cure so you alize and graha tia go to limsa lo mensa to test out this new magic on gabu and meet alphanote and your stole it there as well so they assist then they leave the rest to alize so the others wait until alize comes back with a fully healed gaboo who is back to normal so their attention turns to producing as many familiars as possible so they go to ask master matoya she helps the scions create a familiar that will create other familiars who can cast a curing spell following this you alize alphanode and graha go to limsa lomensa to help melvip get the pirates under control and to get their support in peace talks with the beastmen after helping melvin with the pirates your group goes to cure a cobalt leader of his tampering which you do but the meeting seems like a disaster until gabu speaks up and melvip admits to limsa lomensa's wrongs against the cabals and convinces the kobold leader to genuinely try making peace but before they can breathe a mysterious tower pops up in vilbrin and we give reports that towers are sprouting all over the world so they're directed to al amigo because the guardians look like they're going to be making a push on the city but as soon as you arrive van daniel rides into the city on the back of a dragon he calls lunar bahamut and he wants to recreate the final days with the help of the towers around eorzea after a short rest we pick up with the scions listening to dangerous report about what he saw in garland explaining that the people were in some kind of trance building a tower that channels aether and that ravan wants to see the scions in a meeting in alamigo so most of the scions go at the meeting they learned that the scouting parties that were sent to check out the towers came back tempered chanting glory b to garlamald and that the abduction of the beastman all over eurzia might have something to do with the towers popping up after this arenvald and fordola step up to investigate the towers because of their resistance to tempering then they leave to start their mission in the meantime the scion split up with your group going to ishgar to meet up with estenian when we find him he mentions that he was going to assess law to see if tiamat would know anything about bahamut's resurrection so they go with him where tiamat explains if bahamut has been summoned that means that van daniel must have dragons of masidia under his control this leads to our heroes convincing tiamat to help them stop bahamut and her kids but she is afraid of meeting bahamut because she is still tempered by him so alize promises to cure her so after doing their research on tiamat and multiple applications of the untempering spell alize frees tiamat and alfono takes off her shackles after being freed she promises to help you in the upcoming battle against lunar bahamas so all of you head to the battlefield where the amalga are being attacked you and the scions fight your way through waves of enemies and you destroy lunar bahama after this termite vows that neither her nor her children will ever give the aseans the time of day again and by helping the amalga in their time of need they promise to have peace talks with oda then we cut away to see armenwald and fordola in one of the towers finding out that the towers are being powered by a captured beastmen but when arminvale tries to free one of them he trips the alarm and they're attacked by a lunar effort then the game cuts back to alphanote getting the news about arenvald getting severely injured but he puts this news aside to join the scions meeting with the sultana where they figure out the towers are making primals by manipulating the people within to summon their gods for the good of garlamald then nanima reveals that there are seven of these lunar primals roaming around but none of them are nearly as strong as lunar bahamut so she asks the scions to rest until the alliance calls for them so the scions with ostenian go back to the rising stones and this is where cryo acts as astinian to join the scions while she asks for charlien's aid against the coming threat as an asean emissary then she brings up that it's weird that heidelne hasn't spoken to you since the end of the dragon song war and she's hoping to find some answers about that in charlene then she turns her attention back to austinian to get his answer and after an uncharacteristic speech he agrees to join the scions after resting a bit most of the scions go to alamigo to take part in the most recent alliance meeting at this meeting the eorzean alliance gets all of the beastmen to agree to peace and join the fight against garlemal and you get the honor of renaming the eorzean alliance to the grand company of aorzia after the meeting you alize alphanote and graha go to gridania to help conciena in a meeting with a charlie and envoy which ends up being the twin's father for chanu but unfortunately this meeting goes wrong with forshenu stating that charlien will not intervene between eorzea and golemal following this alphanote and alize speak up against their father but he blows them off and disowns them after that he restates charlene's position and leaves the scions are called to help the grand company of ayozia to fight the telophary at the cartoon flats but before your group leaves gridania you run into arbenvald who gives alfono the news that he may never walk again and asks him to realize how many things he's achieved and to stop overthinking then you meet the rest of the scions at the cartoon flats after meeting up with everyone the scions rush into battle together until they split up to defeat the lunar primals after the battle comes to a close everyone stays at the moon wondering what comes next then the scions return to the rising stones and agree that charlien is hiding something and that that should be their next destination after this the game cuts away to show zenos has a new weapon and that his eyes are solely focused on you then the game moves back to the scions who figure out that the aphid around eorzea has significantly weakened proving that the towers are sucking the ather out of the land so they go back to the rising stones to inform their allies but as you do a mysterious figure shrouded by blinding light tells you that the fate of the source is in your hands and with that you are ready for end walker if you enjoyed this video please like comment and subscribe with notifications turned on because i will be doing a separate and walker timeline video after the game releases and i'll be doing timeline videos on kingdom hearts games because 2022 is the 20th anniversary of the series and if you like anime and gaming video essays stick around as well but with all of that being said it's been skips and i'm out
Channel: Skipx
Views: 106,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Final Fantasy XIV Timeline In Less Than 2 Hours, final fantasy xiv timeline, ff14 timeline, final fantasy xiv summary, final fantasy xiv recap, ff14 summary, ff14 recap, shadowbringers summary, heavensward summary, a realm reborn summary, stormblood summary, shadowbringers recap, heavensward recap, a realm reborn recap, stormblood recap, final fantasy xiv, final fantasy xiv story summary, shadowbringers timeline, heavensward timeline, stormblood timeline, skipx
Id: nkJCFz-hGgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 37sec (5677 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 20 2021
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