FFXIV 1.0-1.23b Story: A Retrospective

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This guy makes some great lore videos and I'm surprised he's not more popular.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SquallyZ06 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 16 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

hey guys, thanks so much for sharing this! Just a couple of things: firstly, yes the serpent in the Limsa opening is PROBABLY not Leviathan. The Limsa story line introduced the whole thalaos/perykos/swallowtail roam/travanchet thread but the devs decided not to follow up on in it following a certain pacific tsunami around the time. So although they were calling it thalaos or perykos at the time, their story has so far amounted to naught, we know that at least one of these beasts is fossilized in Upper LaNos and it seems that Travanchet was not able to release them and cause the kind of realm-wide flood repeat he was hoping for. It's likely that although this serpent shares the same model as Leviathan it was a descendant of thalaos and perykos and the worshippers of Leviathan based their ideas of him upon the visage and legends of these creatures. I've been waiting for the devs to retcon a reason that the Swallowtail Roam story arc didn't go anywhere but they've left it up in the air.

Secondly, Midgardsormr was summoned immaculately by Althyk and Nymeia, and his essence remains concentrated and persistent beyond the death of his body, so he's "kind of" a primal in the same way that the Twelve are "kind of" primals; he's also "kind of" a Warrior of Light and many, many other things and I hate to simplify his ontology but for this appearance the Garleans certainly took him to be an eikon and it would have seemed the same way to onlookers.

I did reduce both of these instances in the interest of keeping the video below half an hour, but in retrospect I could probably have sidetracked a few minutes to talk about the thalaos/perykos background and inconsistencies.

Anyways, I'm really glad that people enjoyed this, and to the people that are irked by my voice - I haven't been well this week and I kept losing my voice 10 or 15 minutes into recordings so I had to make some edits that mess with the pacing in a couple of places, I was hoping no one would really notice/care but I'm sorry for anyone who thought I "butchered it". Well, not that sorry - I've never pretended to be a professional voice actor (or a professional editor at that), I'm just a writer with a youtube channel and if you're not picking up what I'm putting down, that's entirely your prerogative ;)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ethys πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 17 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ethys <3

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Goddessof2ch πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 16 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great run-through of all the 1.0 events. I've directed my FC towards this for any that may want or need a run-through of all the events leading up to 2.0 ARR.

Thank you!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ryuke87 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 16 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

As usual Ethys delivers a wonderful video!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Eliroo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 16 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

Seeing things like this makes me feel like I missed out on 1.0. I just have to remember everyone says the game actually sucked.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lordkaosu πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 16 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

Once again, wonderful video @_@

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/retailrobin88 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 16 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hrm... I sense some minor errors. Although those were probably made on purpose given the understanding we had at the time.

First, Midgardsormr is not a primal, though one would think Garleans might have thought him one when they saw that monstrosity rise from the lake. (hell, this is speculation but Midgard may also be a Warrior of Light, the most ancient of them)

Second, what attacked you in the Limsa beginning is not in fact Leviathan but another type of sea serpent of the same species as Thalaos and Perykos (in fact the current biggest fishing catch is a baby of the same species, called 'Little Thalaos'). But who wouldn't think that is Leviathan when being attacked by it? For the longest time in 1.xx the speculation was that that was i nfact Leviathan.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JulianSkies πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 16 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

brilliant video.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TehJonel πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 16 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies
before the calamity a Asya was a very different place trauma has aged our land and seen her people grow hard but it was hardly to score winters ago that we sat comfortably with one umbral era lost to memory and the next stalking well beyond the horizon of premonition each of the city-states felt worlds apart isolated and independent and sometimes tentative but lasting peace our problems when native and small skirmishes with the beasts tribes kept us fit and weary but errors of walking gods and realm wide wars belonged firmly to Ballad and myth the catalyst for our irrevocable change originated well out of sight far to the north of a Asya in the land of ills abandoned an ambitious young the gators named soulless van gallows began to steadily expand the borders of the golem old republic integrating into its military magitek artillery the likes of which had not been seen since the third era Allegan empire the military capacity of highlands nations had immeasurably regressed since that time so it was the golem old reared itself as a Titan amongst children and Galvez soon declared himself Zeus or Emperor of an empire that would push ever Western southward a threats unknown to the alien States until well after the eleventh hour in the year fifteen fifty seven of the sixth astral era el amigo itself just beginning to recover from a civil war that saw the eradication of its greatest military asset the monks of the fists of rubber was caught unaware and unprepared by the fourteenth Imperial Legion under Gaius Van Belser and fell in little time to complete garleon subjugation and assimilation save a wave of refugees flooding into famine and a small group of resistance fighters that continued to oppose galleon occupation to this day following failed Poly's with the guardians the shaolin colony in southern Ravana was evacuated in anticipation of the onslaught and all returned to their Island homeland in the north save for a few including lorry enjoy or belt and Lewis while live a leader whom traveled to a RZR hoping to store the looming umbral calamity and founded the circle of knowing to this end although the remaining city-states quickly allied the Imperial Armada mobilized once again before the Aeolian Alliance could rally any significant defense pushing into more donar the fleet disturbed the ancient warden of the falls and keeper of the lake Midgard Zoma boom rose to face this unprecedented force compelling a great number of his spawn amongst the drove onion horde to descend upon the fleet in a battle that would forever change the dynamic and very composition of a Asya this was the first any living alien had seen of a primal and the first significant defeat that the galleons would have suffered to date needless to say it constituted an existential crisis with both sides as the foundations of knowledge fell away into an abyss of limitless and terrible possibility the great serpents in the Imperial flagship address fell in twined diving directly into silver tier with an explosion of cerulean of such magnitude that broke the seal to the fount of evil which lay below the immediate effect was a blast that rippled across the land almost completely draining silver tier and petrifying dragon and airship in a static and monumental embrace the Guardians fled before this spectacle that would motivate all of their subsequent campaigns against de Blasio and the a audience bore witness to both the full destructive force of the Empire and the equally terrifying latent power of the Genesis land beneath their feet it would take the following several years for the full effect of the Battle of silver tier skies to become apparent silver tier is in local folklore the very fount of both water and ether for all of the first points of creation the broken seal caused ether to flood through the surrounding land in unprecedented quantity and density a strange power began to awaken within many a ozians which would come to be known as the echo and the natural ether crystals of a Asya began to radiate with power the summoning of primals ritual which required an immense quantity of ether that was previously no impossible to accommodate became relatively easy and as the Asians instructed the beast tribes of these rituals under the guise of Paragons of Lights increasingly commonplace the magnitude of a Ozias local conflicts and the perceived threat of this land to the Guardians with us easily bloated by the a/c ins hoping to bleed Highland dry and usher in another umbral era by 1560 to nail van darkness an inheritor of ancient elegant own stones and artifacts passed down through his family had convinced the emperor to approve development of the meteor project believing the conquering ao0 was not sufficient to eliminate the primal threat he intended to call the elegant satellite dollar moved down upon them using an ancient elegant transmitter early experiments with his device reluctantly performed by Grand Minister of Industry Midas nan gallant father of Sidney garland at the Bahji Citadel causes a burst from dollar moods perhaps a tariff flare to level the entire city in an instant Nell Van Daan has continued to pursue the project despite the Emperor's reluctance and CID learning the fate of Bhoja determined to defect to a Asya the majority of bail sales forces had withdrawn to alum ego as darkness 'as machinations continued abroad but this was little respite for the free peoples of Asia who were now forced to contest with the primals with increasing regularity in 1565 Limsa laments are contracted the company of heroes and they eventually succeeded in slaying both Titan and Leviathan but the ease with which these primers could now return unless the beast tribes themselves were pacified or denied their stores of crystals made these battles seem futile a student of Lois swans thank reet arrived in all da around this time as it feigns a hired turmoil behind festivities and he began to investigate its state of affairs and its likelihood to invite war with golem all the festivities in questions or a goob you break free of its fetters and kill Warburton the father of a young girl named Celia Bruin been working as a double agent within the Imperial ranks for the alum Egan resistance it was soon discovered by thank read that this accident had been set up by members of the aristocracy to give them yet another opportunity to play at being heroes and flam in decided to take young a Celia under her wing in order to redeem herself for her own part in Warburton's death the poor and disenfranchised had at the same time taken to robbing a Magina minds and although thany land was rife with conflict between alder and its neighboring beasts tribes rumors of approaching war had spread thick and fast thang words concern was that the opportunities for profit and glory were blinding The Syndicate of all da eagerly pursuing a war that they could never win even at their highest strength let alone whilst their peoples were divided and squabbling the only foreseeable means to predict and weather the approaching storm was the intelligence collected by a Warburton and with his death there were some who began to entertain plans of necromancy in order to extract it from him believing something even worse than the galleons to be looming on the horizon of which Warburton had known the conspiring aristocrats Neel fresney set out to resurrect the father of young as cilia using long forbidden magics but upon preparing for the ritual he found that the body had been taken and Neill Fresnel was immediately assassinated by a road agents presumably the Galleon spy rumored to have infiltrating the city unbeknownst to those around her Assyria had discovered the truth of her father's knowledge herself as the echo awakened within her and she now determined to bury her past from all whom would hunt her for it changing her appearance and name to fit a new identity a cilia disappeared and in her place the enigmatic jung-min philia set out upon the world with an incredible resolve it was in little time that she identified a audience possessing of the echo across the realm and established the path of the 12 at the waking sands presumably with some help from the wealth and resources for Flom in the next decade begun with darkness seventh Legion being dispatched to a lemme go to join bail sales 14 and the relative calm slipped away as the galleons began to dispatch units into the black shroud to scout against the grid on ian's and annex Gellman ruins in 1572 the year which marked the advent of 1.0 the hedge a magical barrier sustained by the pod jolly and constituent of the path between gridania and the elementals was broken again and again and the subsequent would wrath so the twelves would often regressing to a wild and hostile place for all within two strange travellers Nandita and Papa LUMO crash-landed in the shroud were discovered by a fresh young adventure of possessing of the echo and although they're interested in discerning whether the grid on Ian's were preparing for war with the garlands led some to suspect them to be spies the duo were eventually revealed to be members of luis suarez circle of knowing the gridania north or --'tis were propagating theories that a number of locals including a man named Dunstan had been taken by the would essentially tempered by the elementals and become wildlings this gave the absent men of visage behind which they could scout and plan against Galilean forces without inducing panic or tipping off spies but a young boy named Krim took to the forest in rage over it supposedly taking Dunstan set fire to a great which summoned forth a furious element the adventurer managed to pacify this elemental but during the subsequent ritual to cleanse the green sin from those who were involved in these events they collapsed overwhelmed by the echo the echo resonated concurrently with adventurous traveling to both limps illumines ax and old are the former met the chalet and new stola in transit aboard a ship which suffered both a tempest and an attack by creatures frenzied by the proximity of Leviathan these adventurers found learn OSHA to be all but crippled by partisan pirates competing for possession of a legendary treasure and relentless attacks by Sargon and tempered serpent Rivas in no state to defend against reigniting galleon aggression an a/c enlighting as a dusk white named Trayvon che conspired as an intermediary between pirates and Sahagun to see the limps elementor's remain fractured and obtain a key to the swallow tail grown presumably exploring the possibility of using it to release the great serpents phileo and Perry coos there enchained by limb layin to cause another realm wide flood thankfully this ambition has so far amounted to not the latter adventurer had scarce reached all da before falling in and out of a disorienting series of echoes regarding the young a sillier and the conspiracy surrounding her father's death past and present melted together for a time and although this adventurer would not connect him in fear Leah with her younger self for some time it would seem to them as though they had met the child a sillier and the woman in philia both within the same week as these three arcs reached their climax upon the same time across the city states they observed one of a sporadic series of star showers a misunderstood foreshadowing of the lesser moons descent which was already growing larger in the sky the echo overwhelmed adventurers across the realm whom would later become warriors of light and agents of the path of the twelve in each city bid them travel to the waking sands and meets with the antecedents in philia after accepting her offer to walk the path each adventurer was paired with a companion of complimentary skills and employed to assist in a rescue effort of sylphs threatened by a gharlane unit advancing into the east shroud after rescuing a number of pod links the adventurers were assured by the sylphs that although they could never consider fleeing from the twelves would the cost of summoning their primal to combat the Garland's would be a greater evil they had seen the exile and the Imagi tempered and poisoned and may have already suspected the true nature of the so called Paragons the other beast tribes had on the other hands become increasingly scant in trading crystals with the city-state's through the interlocutors of the ash crown consortium opting in their heightened state of tension to hoard them for the summoning and sustenance of their prime looms the garland occupation of silver tier left only small natural clusters of crystal elsewhere their reigniting activity began be straight aggression and this in turn further motivated the Imperial animosity to the beasts tribes and their icons the consortium requested that the path of the 12 assists in reestablishing negotiations with the Exile in Omaha that had begun to skirmish over crystal harvests in eastern fΓ©nelon although they were pacified attempts to reconcile these factions with one another and with the ash crown negotiators failed the silent appearance of a winged best deal a seer scattered them before any progress could be made and the consortium returned to gridania with only a single abandoned bag of crystals shortly thereafter bail sales airships began dropping link bells over the city states with a disquieting missive explaining the intent of the beast tribes to call forth their icons the message promised protection under imperial rule if the states only determined to eradicate the beast races and all including those possessing the echo that communes with them men philia formed an unpopular idea that the walkers of the path might be able to ally with and unite the beast tribes against this oppression to this end adventurers traveled to the ammaji our stronghold of poggle thong hoping to be granted audience with their leaders and paragon associates they were immediately captured and offered no discourse dragged into the labyrinth and cast before the m/l jars patron efreet along with several other prisoners the adventurer has attempted to parlay with the primal but his response was to temper the entire congregation of which only the adventurers were immune afreet assumed from this that the adventurers were enthralled to another prime revealed that the Paragon had warned him of them and entreated him to spare their lives on the condition that the adventurers themselves forsake the summoning of their own deity men philia had not yet considered the echo to have been gifted by a particular deity and following the adventurers flight from Padua on the news gave her some pause the path soon received a distress call from members of the al-amin resistance operating in the east rail that had sighted still more Imperial forces and upon arrival the adventurers learned that one scout was still being pursued through the forest with knowledge that if she were captured could prove the undoing of the resistance the adventurers succeeded in rescuing the ski and with her squad they returned to the waking sands worm in philia and a companion of the adventurers learned of the resistances desperate plan to steal a galleon airship from Silverton and use it to drive the Empire out of alumi go min philia insisted that similar plans had been made before and met with catastrophic failure and waste of life but the resistance fighters were determined that fear of failure would not deter them from trying the adventurers arrived in more doner in time to watch the resistance being casually and thoroughly routed and they themselves will lure deep into the mists beneath the skeletal ogress you you are wise from you Jim with me the adventurers escaped with the aid of the circle of knowing agents whom implored them not to throw away their lives aimlessly and directed them to seek the one that had blessed them this new path would eventually lead them to sid garland icon louis swallow Valley are victorious confrontations with the Fritz Garuda and mogul Mach the 12th and desperate attempts to halt the onset of meteo following the increase in imperial aggression and relative calming of domestic conflicts thanks to the adventurers gridania elder and Lim Solomon say each work to reinstate their historical grand companies in order to present a united front the elder seats here Connie Senna having lived for a long time within the 12s wood as an intermediary returned to gridania after noticing the increasingly strange phenomena and behavior throughout the wood and it's beasts reacting to the steady descent of Dollywood captain mo web below for swing had established herself as chief Admiral of the Ville brand thala chakra see over the course of the adventurers absence from limbs elements ax and an alum Egon gladiator named Robin Alden and found himself a place on the syndicate of all da by buying the Coliseum with his winnings and earning the trust and friendship of sultana nana meruna these three figures inherited the leadership of the grand companies spurred to the acceptance of their necessity by Arkansas LJ and Louis wha whom had succeeded in warning them of the approaching 7th umbral calamity the adventurers learned that the grand companies had been investigating strange phenomena of the same kind that carnie Senna had been experiencing in the twelves wood searching for a cause they captured a number of garland spires and recovered magitek components which they sent to suit Garland's ironworks for analysis Sid was able to discern that nail vandana's had in fact set in motion the meteor project and despite Belle Tsar's insistence that it was an even greater evil than the primals the seventh Legion began launching attacks again the Aeolian cities in order to distract them from the establishment of castrum novum in madona and the Allegan luna transmitter housed inside hoping to undermine darkness but unwilling to resort to treason Bayelsa allowed the adventurers to retrieve plans for the transmitter from castrum novum which they returned to cid in hopes of developing a countermeasure which could be applied during an assault on the fortress the grand companies agreed to an alliance to facilitate this plan storming the castrum whilst the adventurers infiltrated the facility housing the transmitter they succeeded in destroying the transmitter its generators and the Vanguard which defended it but dalla would already hung low and it was clear that darkness had been enthralled to whatever lay within spouting a.cian nihilism as he pacified the party with a single blow and transformed himself into a living beacon for the lesser moon darkness ascended upon a group of flying islands to complete his pool of gala mode without interruption during meteorites from around the moon to reign upon the world below or ERJ discerned his location and having recovered from their defeat at castrum novum the adventurers hastened to this riven rode upon SIDS airship the enterprise to meet darkness once again in battle despite defeating him and again in his ascended form of day of darkness and watching his essence drawn into dalla moon it was far too late CID rescued the adventurers from the collapsing Riven road but upon their return to gridania Lewis wha cut their celebration short and confirmed their fears for the very worst darlin would continue to descend and the only Avenue left was his own last resort luis Wasat the adventurers upon a pilgrimage to pray to each of the twelve in hopes of awakening them to avert Darlan would they encountered Gaius van Belle SAR along the way and he entreated them to survive the calamity if only to give him something worth conquering and informed them that the remnants of the seventh Legion had entrenched themselves at Cardinal in preparation for a desperate attack against the Aeolian Alliance the Alliance rode out to meet them but at the height of battle the true nature of de la mode was realized and despite luis suarez best efforts and valiant sacrifice we all know too well what transpired next so thanks for watching and I hope you enjoyed this condensed synopsis of final fantasy xiv 1.0 through 1.23 b if you did please take a moment to like and subscribe leave your thoughts in the comments below check out my channel for plenty more Final Fantasy content follow me on Twitter and I'll see you again in the next video you
Channel: Ethys Asher
Views: 231,050
Rating: 4.961165 out of 5
Keywords: Final Fantasy XIV (Video Game), Massively Multiplayer Online Role-playing Game (Video Game Genre), Calamity, Meteor, Gaius Van Baelsar, Nael Van Darnus, Story, Lore, Synopsis, Dalamud, gameplay, Before The Fall, Heavensward, A Real Reborn, Video Game (Industry), Midgardsormr, Battle at Silvertear Skies, Castrum Novum, The Rivenroad, End of an Era, Cid Nan Garlond, Ethys, Ethys Asher, Eorzea, Umbral Era
Id: DjZgp8mUrog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 50sec (1730 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 16 2015
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