Final Fantasy VII Complete Story Explained

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[Music] for the last several decades Final Fantasy seven has captivated millions of gamers almost every aspect of this game from the graphics to the music to the replayability has won acclaim and the game is usually cited as one of the greatest video games in history perhaps Final Fantasy sevens most impressive characteristic however is its story Final Fantasy 7 features a complex plot filled with twists and turns playing the game through once is often not enough to truly grasp each facet of the game and some of the events are worth recounting to fully understand the storyline therefore this video exists to explain both the game's backstory and the events that unfold during the course of the game itself I will stick exclusively to Final Fantasy 7 and it's official materials deliberately avoiding information contained within other games in the Final Fantasy 7 universe in the interest of brevity I will pay particular focus to the events of the story line rather than tangential elements and side stories with all that said here we go hope you enjoy [Music] thousands of years ago there was a race of inhabitants on the planet called the cetera the cetera were a magical nomadic race of individuals that could hear the cries of the planet and communicate with it in some ways at some point the cetra took part in a difficult journey that divided the group into two separate subgroups the group that chose to continue the journey rather than settling became known as the ancients the original group of cetera that decided to settle before completing the task became known as humans about 2,000 years before the game begins Jenova a mystical alien creature crashed lands upon the planet and creates a gash on the surface the northern crater Genova is known as the calamity from the skies carrying with it a virus that infects the cetera altering their consciousness and turning them into monsters while humans remain safe from Genova xerath the virus wrecks havoc on the cetera-- population eliminating almost all of them but a very small group that small group of cetera that resisted Genova finally succeeded in locking her within the northern crater ending the catastrophe but endangering the continuance of the cetera as Genova unveiled its destructive powers the planet created five huge creatures to defend itself weapons to resist Genova however since the cetera were able to lock Genova within the northern crater the weapons were never used in their location is unknown the planet at this time began to heal itself from the wound Genova created using its life energy this is a process that could take thousands of years by the time the game begins the planet has not yet fully healed as human civilization flourished and technological advancements were made the Shinra Electric Company emerged as the world's sole energy provider in the decades before the beginning of the game in order to create energy Shinra utilizes maca power harvesting energy from the planet maca is drawn from the lifestream a mystical force shared by the planet and all living things highly condensed Macko is known as material an extremely valuable commodity known for its magical properties after Shinra became wealthy it assumed for itself the powers of world government and created several new branches urban development military astronomical and communications departments are created in doing so Shinra officially transitions from the Shinra Electric Company to the Shinra corporation Shinra reconstructs in Midgar a central government for the world around a power plant Midgar is composed of eight sectors with Shinra operations concentrated in the center surrounding mid guys perimeters are eight reactors placed along the outside which provide power to Midgard Shinra also forms the Turks a special operations force that carries out difficult or clandestine operations while Shinra maintains power over world affairs it seeks to prolong its dominance by searching for the promised land a mystical realm of happiness and unlimited Macko according to legend only ancients know of its location Shinra devotes immense resources to locating the last remaining ancients in order to discover the whereabouts of the promised land and to construct a new city neo Midgard within it about 30 years prior to the start of the game Geneva's body is discovered and successfully excavated by Professor ghast the head of shinra's science department he sets up a research lab in the Shinra mansion and nibel Heim hoping to learn more about the creature initially gas came to believe that Genova was Osetra part of the Genova research team is Hojo an ambitious mad scientist that lacks the ethical integrity of gas additionally Lucrecia appear in fellow scientists also takes part in the project at nibel hi I'm Vincent Valentine a Turk tasked with guarding Lucretia quickly falls in love with her however he realizes that Lucretia has fallen in love with Hojo instead although distraught he accepts the relationship on account of Lucretia is apparent happiness Lucretia soon becomes pregnant with Hojo's baby the two agreed to inject the womb with the cells of Genova seeking to use Genoa's power to create a human with the powers of a cetera Vincent strongly protests the couple's decision to experiment on their own child Lucretia becomes stricken with immense guilt because of their decision and suffers from depression Vincent confronts Hojo who shoots and kills him Hojo conducts genetic experiments on Vincent's body he wakes as a mutant like creature unaware of Lucretia's fate humiliated Vincent encases himself in a coffin in Shinra mansion soon Hojo and Lucretia's child Sephiroth is born with superhuman powers Lucretia dies shortly thereafter although the Jenova cells seemed to have preserved her inside of a crystal in a cave near nibble hime ho Joe tells Sephiroth that his mother's name was Genova but reveals no other information about her presuming Hojo's pursued at the Genova project to be a moral professor gas leaves nibble hime in doing so he brings a fauna the last remaining ancient to join him at icicle in in continuation of his research on the agents genuinely curious about the cetera gastric hordes his conversations with the fauna after learning the truth about the cetera and the promised land he falls in love with the fauna they have a child Eris just 20 days after she is born Gast is discovered by Hojo after Hojo demands a fauna and Eris gasp resists and is killed if fauna and Eris are then captured by Hojo at some point if fauna somehow escapes from Hojo making it to Midgar sector seven train station where she collapses a woman named Elmyra discovers a dying if Alma and Eris and promises to take Aricent protect and raise her although Elmira's husband never returned from the war in what I Eris informed sir of his death revealing her special power as an ancient Eris's power draws the interest of the Turks and sang is assigned to watch her every move [Music] about 21 years prior to the events of the game Cloud Strife is born in nibel hi he is a relative loner but dreams of achieving greatness in soldier Tifa Lockheart is also born in nibel hime around the same time on Lake Cloud she is outgoing and has many friends tea fan club know each other but they aren't close and don't spend much time together in childhood one day cloud gained the courage to ask Tifa to join him at the well after her mother died Tifa ventured into the nibel high mountains the two fell and almost died there from that point forward cloud promises himself to become stronger in order to protect Tifa he learns about sephiroth's exploits and resolves to join soldier approximately 16 years before the game begins Shinra declares war on Wutai and Sephiroth emerges as a hero of the conflict Shinra quickly subdues Wutai humiliating its leader godo in the process shin returns Wutai into a tourist attraction Sephiroth Rises through the ranks of soldier wielding incredible power around the same time Shinra launches a space program in rocket town employing an ambitious young pilot named Sid high-wind to pilot the first man flight into space on the day of the launch technical issues involving his mechanic Shara lead Sid to cancel the launch at the last second Shinra decides to withdraw funding for the space program crushing SIDS dream about nine years before the events of the game a man named Zac fair left his home in gang gaga to join soldier a skilled fighter Zac made the cut and joined the ranks of the elite fighting force shortly thereafter cloud left nibble hime with a dream to pursue the same goal but ultimately fails to make the cut for soldier instead he becomes a soldier in shinra's Regular Force ashamed of this failure he cuts off all contact with his hometown while stationed in Midgar Zac meets and dates eros he sends letters to his parents back in gang gaga that mentioned her five years prior to the events of the game the most important scene in the whole storyline unfolds if you take nothing else from this video remember this next series of events at that time Shinra receives reports that the Makah reactor at mount nibble nibble hime is producing monsters and making life difficult for the workers there Shinra responds by sending Sephiroth and zack members of soldier and cloud a regular Shinra fighter to investigate hoping cloud will be among the party Tifa waits for him cloud keeps his present secret ashamed of his position as a regular Shinra true Sephiroth grows to detest Hojo his father whom he considers inferior to professor guest Teva serves as the tour guide for the group bringing Sephiroth zack and a disguised cloud to the reactor Tifa and clouds stay outside while Sephiroth and zack go inside to investigate inside Sephiroth observes the mutated experiments of Hojo created through exposure to Mack Oh suddenly overcome with emotion he questions whether his origins were similar the party returns them to the nibble hime mansion there Sephiroth discovers the notes left about the Genova project in the basement library including those left by professor guest obsessed with the project and with his past he locks himself inside the library for days in complete devotion to the pursuit of his past when Zack ventures into the library Sephiroth immediately deems symmetry dur he claims to be descended from the ancients thinking the humans that settled why the ancients died off to have abandoned the original cause of the cetera causing the species to die off unaware or refusing to believe that Genova was the cause of the catastrophe he calls her mother and speaks of visiting her as Zack leaves the mansion the entire village of nibel Heim is engulfed in flames and the townsfolk are all dead or dying as a Shinra fighter cloud tends to his dying mother tifa's father Tifa Zack and cloud then all pursue Sephiroth to the reactor their Tifa discovers that Sephiroth has killed her father enraged she runs into the chamber as Zack attempts to confront Sephiroth he is attacked and thrown back Tifa runs up picks up Sephiroth sword and attempts to attack him however Sephiroth slices Tifa greatly injuring her cloud arrives immediately afterward moves Tifa to a safe location picks up Zack sword and moves into Genoa's room to confront Sephiroth cloud stabs Sephiroth from behind then returns to Tifa Sephiroth manages to remove Genova from the fixture but is so injured that he can only carry her head with him as Sephiroth attempts to leave the reactor cloud runs outside to challenge him again Sephiroth then stabs cloud directly through the body somehow cloud is able to take hold of the sword turning it on Sephiroth and flipping him into the lifestream below the reactor cloud then passes out Sangan tifa's martial arts tutor arrives and brings the wounded Tifa to Midgar after she recovers she sets up a bar called seventh heaven Zach cloud and the survivors of the fire nibble hyoma rounded up by Hojo and experimented on in hopes of producing a Sephiroth clone according to official records Sephiroth is proclaimed dead in reality Sephiroth and J Nova's head drifts through the life stream ending up in the Great North cave now armed with the knowledge of the Ancients he schemes to create a plan to rule the planet a task that involves retrieving the black materia the black materia would allow Sephiroth to summon a giant meteor to strike the planet leaving a huge wound on its face this would cause the lifestream to push to the point of impact where Sephiroth plans to absorb the power contained within it and become a god Sephiroth can now use the power of Genova to manipulate the Sephiroth clones and those infused with Jenova cells using them to bring him the black materia he can also appear as an illusion causing people to believe the actual physical Sephiroth is still alive his physical body however remains in the Great North cave Hojo's experiment to create a Sephiroth clone fails and the subjects enter into a coma like state unable to speak Shinra engages in a large-scale cover-up of the nibble Heim incident rebuilding the city and repopulating it with Shinra staff that deny all knowledge of the catastrophe at some point Hojo develops a theory called the Genova reunion believing that all parts of Genova down to the cellular level will eventually migrate back to Genoa's main body believing this may encourage the discovery of the promised land Jenova is brought to Shinra headquarters where Hojo conducts additional research at some point he captures Red 13 or Nana ki for experimentation as well four years before the events of the game the small town of Corel is persuaded to allow Shinra to build a Macko reactor nearby despite the reluctance of one citizen Dyne to accept the construction of the plant Barret Wallace advocates for it because coal has become useless one day after the plant has been bill Baron and dine arrive from a trip to find Corel burning to the ground Shin roll it the town on fire blaming explosions at the new reactor on a rebel faction of Corel citizens as they try to flee from Shinra forces sent to kill them Barrett and ein both have one arm shot off and dine falls off a cliff he is presumed dead Correll is completely destroyed and becomes a prison camp for the gold saucer Barrett returns to Carell to find his wife Mira dead disgraced Barrett leaves Carell he grabs a gun into his arm swearing vengeance upon Shinra he forms the terrorist group Avalanche using the basement of the seventh Heaven bar as a headquarters he brings Marlene dines daughter who he cares for as his own at some point before the events of the games zach and clouds successfully escaped from the Shinra mansion cloud is in a coma-like State from the exposure to Mackel and Genova injections and cannot speak however Zach was already exposed to Mack oh and Jenova cells because of his time and soldier he does not react to the poisoning as cloud does Shinra keeps records in the nibel high mansion noting that the two have escaped zach assists cloud by dressing him in a spare soldier uniform and they hitchhike on the back of a truck to Midgard along the way zach decides that they will become mercenaries together zach tells cloud all about soldier and the events within the nibble hime reactor zach and cloud approach Midgar they are ambushed by Shinra soldiers zach is immediately shot many times and killed but cloud is spared as he is perceived to be no threat at all cloud crawls slowly over to zach picking up his sword with Midgar in the background a woozy cloud somehow makes it to the sector 7 train station where Tifa finds him in a dazed state after recognizing him she decides to keep an eye on him so that he is safe at this point the memories of clouds past are merged with Zacks giving cloud the impression that he was in soldier as a mercenary claude is persuaded by Tifa to assist avalanche and blow up the Makah reactors in Midgar at this point the events of the actual game begin cloud joins Barret and Avalanche to blow up a makkal reactor they successfully set the bomb and escape in the nick of time on the way back cloud bumps into Aris selling flowers in the slums back at the Avalanche headquarters cloud runs into Tifa his childhood friend he recalls a promise he made to Tifa as children swearing to save her if she was ever in danger interested in money most of all cloud reluctantly agrees to join avalanche to blow up a second reactor this time Tifa joins as well after escaping shinra's security alert system the group manages to set another bomb at the sector five reactor their cloud has a mental spasm viewing Tifa alongside her dead father in a similar makkal reactor accusing Sephiroth of killing him as they escaped the group is surprised by the president of Shinra who arrives to deploy a machine air Buster to fight with them air Buster explodes causing cloud to fall down into the sector five slums below cloud awakens in a church where he meets eros again Reno of the Turks shows up to capture eros cloud agrees to protect eros and helps her escape out of the top of the church when they reach Eris's house cloud is introduced to Elmyra her adoptive mother heiress promises to show cloud around the slums the next day but Almira asked cloud to escape alone when he does so eros is waiting for him on the way to wall market they notice a kidnap Tifa in a carriage they find out that she has been captured by dawn corneal the owner of a brothel cloud and heiress concoct a plan to sneak into the brothel and save teeth as they do so Don cornea it's that shinra planned to break the plate above sector 7 to burry avalanche completely Reve the head of shinra's housing department objects to the plan but president Shinra allows him to take leave so that he and Heidegger can bring the plan to fruition when cloud heiress and Tifa make their way back to the Avalanche headquarters they find Bear at fighting on top of the sector 7 pillar when teef and cloud get to the top they fight Reno of the Turks who arms a bomb eris is captured by sang and the group cannot stop the detonation of the explosion in time the pillar comes crashing down completely destroying the sector seven slums Barrett lashes out an anger thinking Marlene is dead however the crew finds Marlene safe a terraces home the group decides to confront Shinra directly at its headquarters after infiltrating Shinra headquarters cloud and the group find out that shinra will not be rebuilding sector 7 at all and will continue instead to seek the promised land planning to build a new city neo Midgar there ho-jon notes that he has been running tests on eros and plans to breed her the group finds a headless Genova on the floor above and cloud has a mental response the crew rescues Eris and a creature called Red 13 but they are eventually captured and brought before president Shinra he says they will use Eris to find the Promised Land for Shinra cloud in the group are then locked up but wake up suddenly to find the doors unlocked and the guards dead they follow a trail of blood from Genova spot up to the highest floors where president Shinra is dead with Sephiroth sword sticking into his body palmer says that he saw Sephiroth refusing to allow Shinra to find the promised land on the roof Rufus has assumed the presidency and professes that his administration will be based upon striking fear into midgar's inhabitants clobb fights with him and he escapes while the rest of the group fights the 100 gunnar as they escaped from the building cloud rides a motorcycle through Midgar while the rest of the group rides in a truck at the end of the trek they square off against motor ball they decide to leave Midgar in pursuit of Sephiroth the crew ventures to the nearby town of calm where cloud tells his version of the events was sefirot that nibble hime five years ago in reality clouds memories are mixed with Zacks upon entering the mines they run into the Turks in their new recruit Elena Elena inadvertently admits that the Turks are following Sephiroth and heading to June and harmer at junín village cloud wonders why he failed to socialize with Tifa during his trip to nibble him five years ago after getting to the harbour cloud dresses as a Shinra soldier and takes part in Rufus's inauguration festivities there cloud finds out that Hojo has resigned from Shinra and that Sephiroth has been seen in jounin cloud and the group manages to sneak onto Rufus's ship they finally see Sephiroth for the first time which is actually Genova assuming Sephiroth's lightness the ship arrives at Costa del Sol where Hojo has found vacationing he doesn't divulge much information but he says the head west and asks cloud if he's ever had the feeling he's being called somewhere the group reaches north corel where everyone hates Barrett for his role in corals destruction he tells the team about his history with Shinra and the tale of the town's destruction as they venture to the gold saucer they find out the Sephiroth has been looking for the black materia without any understanding of what the object is or does there Kate's if a grey cat joins the party Cait Sith is actually controlled by Reeve of Shinra and joins to spy on cloud in the group after suspecting that a massive murders in the gold saucer was committed by Barrett deal throws cloud in the gang into Correll prison there Barrett explains the town's past and learns that dine another man with a gun grafted on his arm is responsible for the deaths Barrett confronts dine and tells him that Marlene his daughter is still alive nonetheless dine gives him a pendant to give Marlene and commits suicide by throwing himself off the cliff after winning a chocobo race Claude and the group are set free by deal and given a buggy they get to Cosmo Canyon red 13's hometown where they discover his actual name is NaN icky they're Bugenhagen explains the lifestream the spirit force that binds the world and assures the continuation of life at the ghee cave nana ki discovers that his father died a hero's death protecting the canyon from the ghee tribe that tried to attack it cloud and the crew arrived at nibble hime surprised that the town has been completely rebuilt following Sephiroth scourge five years ago they run into suffereth in the Shinra mansion library he asks cloud if he'll be attending the reunion then escapes the team recruits Vincent a man locked in a coffin in the Shinra mansion who promises to join upon learning that the team has been searching for Sephiroth and Hojo Cloud learns that the woman who gave birth to Sephiroth was named Lucretia in Rocket town cloud meets CID learning that Rufus is in route Rufus wishes to take the tiny Bronco SIDS plane and Palmer attempts to steal it cloud then takes the tiny Bronco instead they managed to escape but the flying capability of the tiny Bronco is destroyed the group obtains the key stone to the temple of the Ancients from do in the gold saucer but it is stolen by Cait Sith and given to sang of the Turks Cates if admits to being a Shinra spy but is allowed to stay in the group because marlene is taken hostage by Shinra the group then heads to the temple of the ancients in pursuit of Sephiroth at the temple they find a dying sang who has been slain by the likeness of Sephiroth after revealing that Sephiroth is not in fact searching for the promised land he provides the key stone to the parties so that they can enter Sephiroth reveals that he plans to inflict a huge wound the planet forcing the lifestream to focus on healing that area so that sefirot can absorb the energy to become an all-powerful God he implies that the mural on the wall a picture of a huge meteor is the method he will utilize to do so cloud cackles about the black materia experiencing another mental lapse the team obtains the black materia from the temple using kate's it to wait behind and be crushed by the collapse of the structure which is actually the black materia afterward Sephiroth's likeness appears to the group again and cloud has another spasm he is manipulated by suffereth to hand over the black materia then attack Eris cloud dreams that Eris has left to deal with suffereth alone heading toward the Forgotten city although cloud is afraid of himself and his potential to sabotage the group he is convinced to continue on when they arrive they find eros praying cloud has manipulated again by sefirot and almost slices eros until he is stopped by the party at that exact moment Sephiroth falls from the air stabbing eros through the body and killing her a small white materia falls out of Eris's hair into the water below as Sephiroth bulls he is about to become one with the planet an enraged cloud berates him Sephiroth tells cloud that he does not have any actual feelings because he is a puppet eros is put to rest in the water in the forgotten city cloud questions himself again but vows to continue on to confront Sephiroth in order to avenge the suffering he has caused the group ventures north where they are briefly confronted by elena of the turks at icicle in there they discover a series of videos professor gassed left that captured his conversations with the fauna on the ancients and weapon cloud ventures into the center of the crater observing the train of Sephiroth clones heading in the same direction just then the team are discovered by Rufus Hojo Scarlett and Heidegger they descend upon the crater as Rufus believes it to be the promised land Hojo obsesses about the reunion the event Sephiroth referenced earlier after running across the likeness of Sephiroth again cloudy retrieves the black material once more he hands it off to a companion for safekeeping Sephiroth brings cloud into an illusion showing him the true circumstances at nibel Heim five years ago he declares that cloud was not with him during those events cloud dismisses sephiroth's musings as a lie but Tifa seems unsure Sephiroth then shows cloud a picture of the group that day showing Zack Sephiroth and Tifa at nibel Heim cloud is not among them Sephiroth contends that cloud is a failed experiment a Sephiroth clone entirely made of Jenova cells by Hojo five years ago he says that the personality of cloud was created when he came across Tifa in Midgar and Geneva's power shaped itself around tifa's memories cloud and Tifa cannot reconcile their childhood memories and Sephiroth's revelation cloud has another mental spasm and collapses to the ground cloud suddenly appears among the group of Shinra officials and tells everyone to leave Hojo believes clouds acts are confirmation of his reunion theory uniting all pieces of Genova in a specific location he says that Sephiroth is actively controlling the clones to deliver the black materia to him rather than chasing Sephiroth throughout the entire game the team has been summoned and led by Genova in Sephiroth's form Hojo iterates that cloud is simply a failed experiment although he does not have a tattooed number like the other clones a rumble is heard and a giant eye blinks at the group under the control of Genova and Sephiroth cloud receives the black materia from his companion he then leaps up to the Mak oh and case Sephiroth and hands over the black materia a giant earthquake occurs as weapon leaps out of the earth and seals the creator with a huge energy barrier the rest of the team escapes on the high wind Tifa realizes she met cloud at the sector 7 railway station just prior to the events of the game uncomfortable about her previous memories of him she reveals that cloud knew some things he shouldn't have and didn't know other things he should have Tifa awakens days later and Barrett reveals that a giant meteor which was summoned by Sephiroth is headed toward the planet rufus appears and announces that the two will be executed so that shinra can publicly blame them for Sephiroth's atrocities Tifa is separated from Barrett and taken to the gas chamber by Scarlett just as the two are to be executed an alert sounds as weapon is heading toward the harbour a disguised Kate Seth appears to disable Scarlett and free Barrett Rufus orders to fire Jun ins cannon upon weapon the firepower appears to delay the Beast for a moment but then weapon unleashes its own weaponry against Jun on Tifa escapes from the chamber making it to the end of june ins canon where she slaps scarlet silly she then runs and jumps off the end of the canon grabbing a rope to the high wind which has been taken by the rest of the group the group finds cloud in Medea he washed ashore there after having fallen into the lifestream and is experiencing serious maca poisoning Tifa decides to stay back to take care of cloud the group learns that shinra plans to destroy meteor by collecting all the huge materia from Macko reactors found throughout the world using their power as a bomb to hurl against meteor smashing it to bits at north corel they managed to save the first huge materia by hijacking a train taken by Shinra and preventing it from smashing right through the town at Fort Condor the team fights to save a massive Phoenix on the top of the abandoned reactor retrieving a second huge materia when the team ventures back to middle to check on cloud ultimate weapon strikes the lifestream erupts through the earth swallowing both Tifa and cloud there in cloud and Tifa experience scenes from their past at nibble hime Tifa admits that she never saw cloud five years ago and Zac was there instead it is revealed that cloud is actually the cloud from nibble hime but he wasn't especially close to Tifa as a child when Tifa hurt herself on mount nibble cloud felt powerless to protect her and join soldiers so that he would be noticed dressed as a normal Shinra fighter in nibble hime five years ago cloud was actually able to protect Tifa flinging Sephiroth into the life stream where he drifted with Genova 's head to the northern crater and has remained ever since upon these discoveries cloud recovers and comes to terms with his past and regains his consciousness he has a renewed drive to confront Sephiroth and save the planet with cloud back the team heads to Junon where Shinra is in the process of extracting a huge materia from the reactor and placing it on a submarine the submarine carrying the huge material leaves the port the cloud in the gang hijacks another submarine that shoots down the one carrying the huge materia however the huge materia is retrieved and shipped by air to rocket down at rocket town the group manages to fight their way onto the rocket the autopilot device is turned on and palmer successfully launches the craft into space carrying the huge material cyd manages to realize his dream of going to space cloud retrieves the huge materia and the group makes it out in an escape pod the rocket slams face on into meteor but meteor successfully reassembles itself and continues to fall toward the planet Bugenhagen believes the key to defeating Sephiroth lies in the force called holy which was summoned by Eris's white materia before she died the teen retrieves the key to the ancients on the bottom of the sea and brings it back to Bugenhagen cloud and the team realizes that Eris was already attempting to summon holy prior to being slain by Sephiroth the power of holy can only be unleashed if Sephiroth is defeated Cait Sith supplies the news that shinra has taken the huge cannon from Junin the sister ray and has moved it to Midgard Shinra plans to fired upon Sephiroth energy barrier in the northern crater suddenly weapon rises out of the sea and approaches Midgard cloud and the team try to fight it off but it is to no avail and desperation Shinra fires the sister ray upon the weapon it falls but manages to fire a volley of shots toward Midgard president Rufus is killed but the energy barrier surrounding the northern crater dissipates before heading to the crater Vincent runs into Lucretia who has been preserved through Jenova cells she asked what happened to her child suffering rather than to concern her with the current circumstances Vincent tells Lucretia that suffereth is dead Cates it reveals that the energy fed to the sister ray will soon destroy Midgar entirely it is discovered that Hojo is the one supplying power to the canon cloud in the group parachute into Midgar where they run into the Turks and a machine piloted by scarlet and Heidegger when they get to the top they find Hojo obsessed with supplying additional power to his son sefirot after revealing that he has injected himself with Jenova cells the team beets mutant Hojo and manages to shut down the energy feed cloud reveals that there are only seven days to defeat Sephiroth until meteor strikes the planet cloud in the group finally confronts Sephiroth in the northern crater the team defeats his first and second form then cloud faces off against Sephiroth alone Sephiroth is finally destroyed by cloud but meteor continues to plummet the high wind is destroyed thrown aside by the intense destruction of media the emergence of Holi from a cliff group hopes that Holi will be enough to save the planet just as meteor begins to wreak havoc upon Midgar holy attempts to counteract me unfortunately it cannot overpower meteor and continues to fall toward the planet just then the lifestream appears and fights back against meteor joining with holy and counteracting the force as meteor breaks apart a vision of Eris is seen in the lifestream five hundred years in the future Nanak II and his offspring run through a field that overlooks Midgard which is now ruins covered with vegetation and that is the complete plot of Final Fantasy 7 thank you for watching this video and I hope you enjoyed if you liked it please subscribe to my channel [Music]
Channel: Xygor Gaming
Views: 2,411,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final fantasy vii, final fantasy 7, ff7, ffvii, complete story, ff7 story, ffvii story, final fantasy 7 story, final fantasy story, final fantasy, final fantasy vii story, final fantasy 7 recap, ff7 summary, ff7 explained, ff7 lore, ffvii lore, ffvii summary, ff7 story summary, ffvii story summary, ff7 plot, ffvii plot, story of final fantasy 7, final fantasy storyline, final fantasy 7 summary, ffvii explained, ff7 recap, ff7 complete story, Final Fantasy 7, FF7 story
Id: vDCtX9D6n84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 55sec (2515 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 03 2018
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