Final Fantasy 14 Xbox Controller Setup Guide

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hello everyone and welcome to another Final Fantasy 14 video my name is Brian if you happen to be new to my channel and I've been advocating for Final Fantasy to come to the Xbox for a very very long time and that time has finally come and I see a lot of comments especially on my final fantasy Xbox setup video asking about the controller and while I do have a big epic ultimate controller guide video already on this channel I'm going to try to make this a little bit more concise and to the point for what you're needing especially when getting started but that's not to say if you have any other questions you can always sound off in the comments below you can check the top Link in the Discord or to find the Discord link and also the podcast and more if you're curious and you want to get more involved in the content and Community here at the channel but all those plugs aside I just appreciate you being here so I'm not going to try to waste any time let's get into it let's start with the basics and especially when we talk about targeting I think that's going to be something very critical and interesting one of the nice things about targeting in this game is that if you're ever near an NPC you can always just press the A Button this also works for enemies as well but just note that if you ever in a crowd of people and you're trying to hit a Target it's actually very easy to just do that it's like basically a Target nearest option now there's this concept called Soft Target and hard target you see the symbol Above This character's head that that's a hard target that means I am really focusing on them but if I hit left and right on the d-pad all of a sudden you see my little soft target Circle going around and I can press then a and then you can now see which my hard target has if you're struggling on the controller you can always press the left stick as a click and it's going to do this nice little lock in for you so that way you have that ability to easily move around and you can just turn it off by unclicking it if you don't you don't have anything targeted you will just sheath and unshed your weapon by default and I think it's also important to note that you might see a couple different button presses that might be different from yours pressing start going into your system configuration controller and controller bindings will allow you to customize your buttons however you see fit I tend to swap the Y and the x button cuz I prefer to jump with X and open up my map menu subcommands with Y so just note that's going to be something slightly different different we'll go over more of these settings here in just a little bit but you can see here I can Target left and right with my d-pad and if I have a party I can press up and down to cycle through my party menu but this is fully customizable and that's what I want to show you guys right now under your filters tab in your character configuration control settings when your weapon is sheathed versus when your weapon is drawn you can have various different filters for example left and right on the d-pad would also select your party members if you don't want your party members to be selectable left and right you just you want them you just want them on the up and down you just want to turn that off you can see here when my weapon is drawn I have it kind of set to others but maybe I just want to just do enemies so that way I'm only focusing on the things that are trying to hit me and the things that I'm trying to hit you can also do even more customization filters down below by turn turning on the enable customization and this will enable the left bumper plus the ybx and Y buttons to actually act as different filters that you can switch to so I'm going to leave that on I'm going to show you how this all works just like I said you can hold down left bumper ABX and Y and you can see down right by my HP you can see exactly what filter I'm using this will then only target enemy so this player that's running by cannot be targeted but if I go into my all now left and right on the d-pad allows me to Target them and others so it actually works out in your favor so find a filter that really works for your play style because that's going to be one of the most like I guess annoyances for new players is that when you're trying to Target the right Target and you're not doing so now under character configuration there's a few other things I'd like to kind of highlight and that kind of comes into new settings that they have added Auto Target settings Auto Target according to Priority either line of sight or closest range so this is for certain abilities that require you to have a Target and if you don't have one selected the ability will fail this will just allow you to make sure that that ability is going off I personally recommend it but that is something you can play around with you can also look at automatically lock on Target when initiating your auto attack that is that left three click button on its own so just note that if you want want to have this happen automatically you can do so in this case but let's go ahead and get into a fight let me show you guys the basics of combat you're going to Auto attack and you can see that symbol now above the Hard Target circling and that's going to indicate my hard target attack I'm going to go and switch targets now and I need to press a to make sure that that symbol is switching so I am attacking now that's just my auto attack you have abilities and you want to hold down your left Trigger or your right trigger to access these and there's additional hot bars that you can access and I'll show you that here in a second but as you're getting started and you're learning these skills it's not going to be as important you'll see any abilities that combo kind of light up on the screen and as you can see here with my fast blade Riot blade combo and just executing the abilities by holding it and let's say I want to rearrange some of these abilities I want to bring that stun that is on my up button on the d-pad cuz you got to think about it if I hold down the right trigger up down left right AB XY becomes these eight buttons If I go to the left trigger I can Sprint I can emote I've got my auto attack and teleport by default let's move things around if you're ever holding down the left or the right trigger just press select then you can actually press the button that you want to move and then the direction that you want to move it to so now you can see here I've moved my low blow over to my y button I can press select to exit this menu so you have that ability to always be able to edit and even more so we've got we'll show you guys setting skills especially as you learn them in the game itself so all I finished off those enemies what's also nice let me see if this is set up this way if I'm in uh not in combat I can press the r bumper to Tagle between different or toggle between different uh menus so just note that's something if I'm in comat I can and I'm holding down the left and the right trigger I can use the right bumper and right trigger to a hard lock Target another enemy so if I was AGG gring all three of these enemies and wanted to easily filter you can do so again left and right will do that but you see the soft lock versus the hard lock happening in this case and I can just cycle all these different enemies so the targeting hopefully this will hopefully make targeting easy for you now now earlier I alluded to the Elite Series 2 that I am using with the back paddles let's see here if it is set up and then the way that it is sometimes I have different profiles so no that's not right there we go let's do this there we go so now I have my back paddles set to being able to move my R3 and L3 options there so I figured that much depends on what what I'm using I have different you know different buttons that those I want them to use uh depending on the game that I'm playing so I really enjoy uh this controller let's go into our abilities actions and traits is going to be found under the character menu when you press start and you're going to see your actions as well alongside your roll actions for the class that you have and the abilities that you want to equip now on any of these you want to press your subcommand menu button on by default that's X for me it is y and then I can go ahead and hold down the position that I want to put it in now imagine let's say I didn't want that ability here let's uh say example for auto attack I'm going to hit select I'm going to edit and I'm going to press it twice and now I have deleted that option so that is targeting that is setting abilities let's talk about navigating the UI couple things you want to know you can always press y to bring up your map and press y to close it that's pretty straightforward and simple and I say why for you by default it's X anyway I'll try to do my best to keep translating to navigate different UI options you press the select button and this will help tab you between the different uis on it so in this case the current main scenario Quest well this will tell you where you need to go to advance the story that is one thing the the option below it is where you will go to advance your character's role your job your class uh in this case and so you want to keep on top of these because at level 10 it will give you the ability to change your job by just changing your weapon and more then if you want to get down into the chat options you can do so there or press it a third time will take you over into your quest log this is just a nice little uh simple shortcut to getting there you can always get to all of these options via the start menu and as you play the game more and more of these features will unlock like your mounts and so much more let's dive back into our character configuration and let's talk about our additional hot bars you have your hot bars you can display hot bars if you want to use something if you're coming over from like world Warcraft or you remember like like you know I think it's called easy aura or something like that you can set hot bars that are just going to communicate cooldowns to you and that's where I think my ultimate controller guide and controller guides really help out uh new players so I'm not going to rehash that there but just note there's a lot you can do with this UI you can make it as clean and and free as you want or as cumbersome and overwhelming as you need under sharing this is an important subject that I really want you to think about as you start to unlock new jobs new classes so let's say you want to go you start off as an Archer and you want to go and check out draon like all of those things are available in this game however your skills and abilities this is what sharing means hot bar and cross hot bar so cross hot bar is for the controller players hot bar is just your hot bars that are on the screen whether you're using keyboard or Mouse and more if it is shared that means no matter what job and what class you pick those skills will be on that hot bar no matter what on that cross hot bar no matter what so here hot bar 1 2 and three for my cross hot bar are going to be job class specific so if I change it all those abilities that I've set are going to be wiped out everything on four five 6 7 and 8 are going to be shared so keep that in mind uh going over into cross I have it always an enabled to cross hot bar here's something where it comes down to hand dexterity if you're struggling check out toggled or mixed mode it's going to take some options off the table with the expanded cross out bar but if I'm in toggle you can see I just click the the right trigger and now all of my options are are lit up until I click it again so it says I'm active and then I'm you know I'm I'm not active in this case so that's something that's really uh a great little option for players as well toggle that's sorry this is the mix mode that's toggle I just showed you in mixed mode you can hold and if you hold release it acts just as your normal mode you'll get into trouble on mixed is if you tap it so it basically is blending the two where you want to hold and press generally speaking the when you get more comfortable with the game and its settings hold tends to be something I prefer because it gives you a lot more options to play around with then as we go into custom you can enable expanded controls and the W cross hot bar controls on the uh in the game as well now if I go ahead and apply these changes all of a sudden we're going to see a few new things if I double tap all of a sudden I've got new abilities and you can choose to keep these things on your screen at all times if I hold right trigger and then left trigger I get a whole additional cross hot bar but if I hold left trigger and then right trigger I do the same thing again now by default it is setting up itself to hot bars 8 left and right and that is something that you should kind of play around with under the display I'm going to scroll down and I want to display both the pet hot bar and cross hot bar display only the pet hot bar I want to look at over here where it says I want to say hide on assign slots that's a very nice feature to say and under the cross hot bar I think maybe it's below here yes always display the W cross hot bar I like setting it to return to the Cross hot bar after W cross hop bar input uh you can kind of play around with what feels more comfortable that means if I go over here and use teleport it's going to automatically return me back uh to the main thing if I go over here and press on character you can see here I'm right back into that right hold option as a pro tip to every new player out there as you're leveling hit recommended gear it's going to Auto equip the best gear that you need to equip so you don't have to worry about managing your inventory that much it's going to be very helpful for you and I hope that that saves you all kinds of time now let's talk about running and Camera controls if you press the left bumper you're going to go into your auto run mode so now my character is going to run and I can steer and I can turn the camera as needed and I will not break out of the auto run mode however if I want to adjust the camera I can hold left bumper and I can pull the camera back with the right stick and move it forward with the left stick and you can I mean sorry the right stick in both cases you can also have it go into first person mode uh by default I set my R3 click to focusing in on Macros which will be handy for mounting so much more later in the future and my ultimate controller guides go into that detail for you in those videos so check them out if you get the opportunity and that's pretty much going to I think wrap it up for everything uh We've covered the start system we've covered the select we've covered navigation and controls and so much more so I really do hope this has been a help for you I really appreciate y'all spending some time with me today if you feel like you got something good out of this video hit that like button subscribe to the channel for more content and check out some the other videos that I post I generally post on the regular I love video games and I love sharing my love of video games with you uh as well so I appreciate your time hopefully you got something good out of it and hopefully I'll see you next time but until then take [Music] [Music] care [Music]
Channel: Ginger Prime
Views: 12,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final fantasy 14 xbox controller, final fantasy xiv xbox controller, xbox controller, ffxiv xbox controller, ff14 xbox controller, ginger prime, ffxiv controller guide, final fantasy xiv, controller guide, ginger prime ffxiv, ffxiv guide, final fantasy, ffxiv controller setup, ginger prime ffxiv controller guide, final fantasy 14, ffxiv controller guides, ffxiv new player guide, ffxiv controller, ff14 controller setup, ff14 controller guide, ff14 controller, ff14 guide
Id: XNlR4SMzuzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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