7 Simple Tips to Improve Your FFXIV Experience: BEGINNER FRIENDLY Pointers (Xbox + Controller)

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congratulations if you clicked on this video you're likely starting up your grand journey into the world of Final Fantasy 14 you've made an excellent choice let me first say welcome and I hope you have a great time that being said it can be a little bit daunting jumping right in especially if you're using a controller and are accustomed to the more traditional keyboard and mouse play styles of other MMO RPGs but don't fret controller support is topnotch in this game and I actually prefer it over the alternative to get you started here are some easy tips and tricks that might clear up some confusion and make your transition into aoria just a little bit smoother number one switch to Legacy movement if you're using a controller or playing on Console you have the option to control your character either through standard or Legacy movement in the main menu under system character configuration control settings general movement settings you'll find the options for standard type and Legacy type the game May def default to standard whereby the camera is fixed to your POV from the back if you tilt the right stick to turn the camera your character will also automatically turn as if they're looking in the same direction this means that you're essentially locked into facing one way and this really comes into play in the different directions your character can move going left and right becomes strafing motions while moving backward is a slow backpedaling the whole time you remain facing forward as well Legacy movement on the other hand decouples the camera and your character movements completely right stick is dedicated solely to the movement of the camera POV while left stick enables you to freely move your character in all directions see the difference between left right and backward movements between the two options and how much further you can travel with Legacy Legacy also allows you to quickly face away from your opponents a popular mechanic for some enemies with a downtilt of the left stick whereas for standard you will have to turn your entire camera or character to achieve the same effect it may feel awkward at first but all in all getting used to Legacy movement will be less restrictive over standard and will only help you in the long run number two set up your action bars each job in the game has a ton of actions and if you ever hope to be able to use them all you'll need a lot more space than the default 16 slots initially available on controller of course you can access your actions on the base crossbars by holding either right Trigger or left trigger but in the settings you can also enable other command to increase the number of actions easily available to you from the main menu under system character configuration hot bar settings custom you'll find the options to enable expanded hold controls here you can add the option to include additional crossbars by double tapping the right and left triggers and even more by doing a hold of the right trigger into left trigger and vice versa this triples your available actions at the pull of a trigger and makes it much more manageable to insert all of your abilities into accessible crossbars to make it so that your expanded crossbars are always visible toggle in the cross menu and check on always display wxhb you can also choose which crossbars the commands access and customize which of these crossbars are static or dynamic between all of your different jobs under shared for example you can set one crossbar so that the actions will remain the same between job switches things like Sprint limit break teleport and return while the the rest can swap back and forth for job specific abilities remember that nearly anything can be added to the crossbar items menu shortcuts Etc so it would be worth it to set up your bars for ease of access as soon as you can number three make targeting easy starting out a controller the fundamentals of targeting can be less than intuitive controller users don't have the luxury of easy point and click like those using a mouse and keyboard but that doesn't mean targeting need to be a hassle in the main menu under system character configuration control settings Target you'll see all the options for targeting first ensure automatically lock on Target when initiating Auto attack is turned off Target lock is unnecessary in all circumstances all it does is create a restrictive field of view and movements for your character around your target there are no real benefits and simply Target selecting denoted by the arrow is sufficient and allows you to do everything Target lock does without those restrictions I'd also recommend turning on automatically face Target when using action and auto Target according to Priority plus enable full auto Target the former makes it so that you never have to worry about facing your character in the correct direction when you cast a spell or use targeting ability as they will automatically face toward your current Target and the latter makes it so that in a situation where you don't currently have a Target selected but you press a damaging ability or something you will automatically Target onto the nearest enemy it may seem like a small thing but these are two huge quality of life features in situations where you're fighting a swarm of small enemies in a dungeon for instance it becomes such a headache to have to manually Target a new opponent each time your current Target dies before being able to use your actions or spells again or to have to reorient your character to face an enemy that's situated in a different direction with these two settings checked you can simply spam your button and continuously attack otherwise you'd constantly get annoying error messages I'd also highly recommend practicing the different methods of switching targets one option is to use the right and left d-pad to cycle through your targets another option is to press the bumper while holding down a trigger in the case where you just want to Target the closest thing to you it might even just be easiest to press B to untarget your current Target than press a or use an ability which should automatically Target your nearest foe these are for targeting enemies if if you're in a party and instead want to Target one of your teammates simply use the up and down d-pad to easily cycle through your members or yourself definitely play around with it and find your groove number four customize and clean up your UI this one ultimately comes down to personal preferences but it can certainly be helpful to make your UI elements more readable from the main menu if you go into HUD layout you'll find all the settings to modify your onscreen HUD interface for one if anything is glaringly in your way you should move it to a more appropriate spot the job gauges for instance initially appear pretty much right smack in the middle of the screen but you can move them by searching under the current UI element drop down menu and dragging them with the right stick to the side on that note you can also resize each of the individual elements if your job gauge is too big you can make it smaller and vice versa you can even switch to a modified version that distills the information down to its most basic minimalist Necessities if that's your fancy some elements can also be broken down into different parts as well for example the target bar has several sections and each one can be separated out and manipulated individually one thing I'd actually recommend is taking the target info progress bar basically the enemy cast bar blowing it up and moving it to a more centralized position on your screen normally it is tucked away at the top near the enemy's health bar and can sometimes be easy to miss this can be cumbersome if you want to make sure you always have an eye on what the enemy is casting like if you know a certain move is especially deadly or you're waiting for the right time to cast an interrupt by separating the cast bar out making it bigger and moving it nearer to where your eyes naturally fall you'll be in a much better position to ensure you won't miss a thing in the end though the world is your oyster when it comes to setting up your UI to how you like it checking out some guides can also give you some inspiration or new ideas for how to set up your own number five remove animation bloat this game has a lot of really cool battle animations and many of them can be very flashy which is a good thing obviously you want to look cool while you're kicking ass however in a party of four or eight or even 24 when everyone has flashy animations going on all the time it can sometimes be impossible to actually see what's going on in battle luckily there's a way to tone that down or even turn it off altogether this is another personal preference setting but if you go into character configuration again under control settings character you'll find the battle effect settings in the beginning it can be cool and super hype to see everyone's effects happening all the time but over time it might become well too much sometimes it literally does become too much and the animations end up preventing you from seeing important markers or mechanics in a fight turning down the effects to show limited or show none can offset those situations feel free to customize as well I personally like the to see all of my really cool effects with show all but everyone else's I turn down to limited especially in higher end content where one misstep on a mechanic can lead to a wipe Clarity usually wins over cool I I can see I can fight number six navigate through all the names depending on how populated your server is sometimes walking through a major city can feel like waiting through a sea of text it's just names names and more names everywhere for many this is a non-factor but for others it can kind of dampen the immersion and obscure how pretty some of the areas in the game are luckily there are settings to modify how names appear in the game in character configuration under display name settings there are a ton of options to customize names names can be modified so that only for names or surnames are shown or even just initials name colors for groups like friends or raid mates can be changed to your personal preferences as well you can also choose to hide the names altogether whether that be your own other players or lesser NPCs like minions and summons as you can see this can make a world of a difference for how the game looks no longer will a quest giv or be hidden by a swarm of player names all gathered around the same NPC but then again at times seeing someone's clever name can enhance your experience too personally I keep full names on but hide all player names unless targeted this makes it so that the Overworld feels clean but I can still surf through silly names if I ever get the urge there are also options to change how names appear when you're in a party or in your chat window to increase Clarity you can customize the color of party members names to correspond with their role and even add an icon to correspond with your class or job if you're one of those players that always seems to be out of range of your healer for example turning this on might be helpful so you'll never lose sight of them again hey freak y you're going nowhere number seven bits and Bob's gameplay tips finally here are some little things to consider as you embark on your adventure if you're feeling lost or don't know what to do next just look to the top left corner of your screen it will display the current or next msq that's main scenario Quest as well as any vitally important Quest beneath that can be a job quest or a mount unlock Quest or a necessary Zone on Long Quest usually if there's a quest underneath it's a pretty safe bet to do that one ASAP by navigating and clicking on this Banner the game can lead you to the next logical step of your journey attuned to eits and the etherite network shards in the major Hub cities as soon as possible eits in the various Overworld zones are a no-brainer for teleportation purposes but don't sleep on also running around the main cities touching the small etherite Network shards chances are you'll eventually need to go to all the random parts of the city at some point in your adventure and having a nearby etherite Shard already a tuned for quick teleportation makes the menial travel so much faster and more bearable it's best to just knock it all out in one go and complete the network as soon as you can rather than waiting around for later always have your job stone equipped at level 30 for each class you unlock a quest to upgrade to the full-fledged job Marauder becomes Warrior Archer becomes Bard etc etc once you've unlock the job to receive the job stone there is no reason not to have it equipped when playing that class or job with the stone equipped XP gains apply to both the class and the job and you have access to job exclusive abilities you only hamper yourself by not having it equipped at that point but it can sometimes slip to the cracks and you might forget so just be sure that doesn't happen to you and lastly talk to your quest NPC friends this final tip goes hand inand with the Final Fantasy 14 Mantra of enjoy the story ff14 is a very story-driven game and the best way to experience that is to immerse yourself as much as you can in the world and narrative one small but impactful way you can do this is to speak to the characters that accompany you along the journey click on all your Scion friends that are crowded around the quest marker before you accept the quest do the same before you turn it in see what Dang is up to as he sits in the hallway of the waking Sands interact with this party of other adventurers huddled near the entrance of satasha nobody tells you to talk to them and there's no direct incentive to do so in most games speeding through the quest accept Quest do and Quest Turnin process is the common way to do things and I mean that's totally acceptable to do here too but if you lower the blinders and take the extra 15 seconds to absorb the optional flavor dialogue you'll go through the game with a much better appreciation for the struggles of these characters who you'll eventually come to call your closest friends thanks for watching I hope you found this video helpful or informative if you're interested in more Final Fantasy 14 content check out my other videos or try my msq playthrough guide on the dawn Trail where I sometimes speak in funny voices good luck on your journey Warrior of light and may the light of the crystal watch over you now pray return to the waking sand
Channel: Cringe Corner
Views: 4,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv xbox, ff14, final fantasy 14, xbox, controller guide, beginner's guide, controller settings, settings, UI settings, move UI
Id: 94lUAQtlhyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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