FINAL CUT PRO FOR BEGINNERS 2020 | Final Cut Pro Basics

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and if you want to edit it then you have to open this inspector right here inspect your gadget wow [Music] hi everyone welcome back to my channel today i wanted to talk about final cut pro i made the switch from imovie to final cut a couple months ago because final cut does have a 90 day free trial which is awesome and i kind of assumed it would be fairly easy to figure out since imovie is pretty user friendly i was wrong it took me a long time to figure out how to use final cut pro even in the most basic way but now that i've figured it out i wanted to make a video and share some of those things with you if you're not there yet if you're not ready for final cut i did make a video on how to use imovie which i will link right up here and in the description box below but if you did make the switch or are thinking about it then this video is for you i will leave a list in the description box of the topics i'll be covering today since there are a lot of things i want to talk about and i will leave their timestamps as well if you want to skip around to anything um i'm going to be editing on my macbook pro so i'll be including screen recordings so that you can follow along with everything that i'm doing but let's just go ahead and get started the first thing i want to talk about is editing on an external hard drive and if you don't have an external hard drive i would highly highly recommend getting one to keep your files on here instead of on your computer because your computer will fill up quickly with large video files and this is gonna help it just run so much smoother and faster and running faster for longer i guess this is definitely game changing i didn't know that you could edit your videos with your library on here instead of on your computer and it's the library that takes up the most space on your computer so i'm actually going to show you how to do that so i have final cut open right now and i'm just gonna go to file new library and as you can see here my seagate backup that's my external hard drive i can make new library called editing video and save it to my external hard drive and now whenever i import media from my memory card it's going to go onto my external hard drive instead of onto my computer so now once you have a new library you're gonna click new event and again we'll just call it editing video and make sure this box right here is checked this create new project box click that because that'll also create a new project within your event so click ok and it'll create a new project and you can title it whatever you want and now your library is on your external hard drive and you're ready to start editing now obviously you need to import your media files so you're going to do that with this little arrow right here we're going to go into my external hard drive and i am going to import these files from the most recent video that i posted and now they're up here on our sidebar and what you can do is just drag them all into your project but i would actually recommend doing something else before you do that you have all your files up here and what you can do is actually kind of like skim through them like this and for example i want to cut i don't want to drag all this me twirling my hair into my project when i'm just going to cut it out so what i'm going to do instead is click i for in which is where you want your clip to start and then kind of just scroll through and i want it to stop right there so we're going to click o so now i can drag just that clip and it's going to save me a lot of time from splitting and deleting and taking out all of this stuff right here that's completely unnecessary you can also click the space bar to play your clips and if you click l it will speed them up so you can actually watch them kind of like in speedy motion to save you some time with your editing and you can click l again and it'll speed it up even more and then if you just click the space bar it'll pause it and then if you click space again it'll be in normal speed and you can also do that when you're watching your final edit all the way through you can watch it in fast motion with l so you can watch quickly through your video to save you some time another thing you can do in your little task bar up on the left right here is click this and check wave forms so it'll show you kind of like where you're not talking versus where you are talking obviously the waveforms that are higher up are me actually speaking and that can help you decide where you want your clip to come in so again i'm going to click i and looks like i'm still talking all the way through here so let's drag that into the project now another thing that can be kind of annoying while you're editing is if you're kind of like scrolling through you can hear that i sound like a sim card so that's pretty annoying you can actually turn that feature off by clicking this right here this turns off audio skimming so now when i skim through my clips there's no mumbo jumbo happening now let's talk about splitting clips splitting clips is the same as it was on imovie if you just click command b it will split the clip and you can delete those breaks in where you're talking so obviously there is a pretty large break here where i'm thinking really hard about what i want to say and then i keep talking so we can just split that and then delete it and there's another one right here command b command b and we can get rid of that another thing that might happen to you which has happened to me if you accidentally click just b instead of command b you're gonna get this little tool and you might be like oh my god how do i get back to just the select tool this is where all the tools are right here so if you just click on select you'll be able to select clips again which um that took me longer than i care to admit to figure out but again as you can see you can also just click the letter a to get back to select or you can go to your little toolbar here another important thing that you'll need to know how to do is zooming in and out on your project and you can do that by either zooming in or out on your keypad on your trackpad or you can do command plus to zoom in and command minus to zoom out so now that we kind of have the basics going i want to talk about you know transitions effects the thing that really make your video personal to you so what you want to do if you want to make an effect is highlight the clip in question and make sure that this like scroll bar is over the highlighted clip and then you're going to click this box right here with these two squares and here are all of your effects video and audio so we can do let's look let's do fish eye why not and then you can use this circle to change where you want your fisheye to be and then in this section right here you have the ability to kind of adjust the level of effects that you want to do so you can make it more fisheye or less and you can do the same thing for like a color effect too if you want to do like a faded color you just do the amount you just drag the amount bar less and it'll do less of an effect and if you decide um i don't want fish eye anymore you can either uncheck the box or if you have this selected you can do edit remove effects and it will remove whatever effect you put on it if you decide later that you don't like it so obviously this is also where you do audio effects so if you wanted to do like a pitch change you can drag pitch onto it for comedic effect if you want to make your voice higher or lower and then if you want to change audio effects like the level you are going to want to click this audio inspector and if you scroll down here's where you can change the pitch so obviously this is going to make the pitch higher this can work for any holiday you celebrate and this will make it lower so let's just go ahead and get into it really cute i know and again if you don't want to do that you just unclick pitch or you can edit remove effect you can also save effects presets so if you have the same intro for your video where you do like a cool zoom in or something like that you can actually save the preset so every time it's exactly the same and you can name it whatever you want you can even do a new category called presets and keep those in your final cut pro and then use them every single time you want to use that specific effect another thing you can do to kind of mimic effects are to transform your clip and the way you do that is in this section right here obviously you can see the transform so you can rotate your clip you can scale which makes it bigger or smaller you can move it over you can move it up and if you want to reset it again you can just uncheck that or if you click this button right here this little arrow it will reset everything also if you want to make this sidebar go away for a little bit you can actually just click this button right here and it'll give you more room like if you're just watching your clips back and you don't want that in the way you can select that and then check it again if you want that to come back and then the same thing here if you want to get rid of the effects bar you can click that and it'll go away now let's talk about another fun thing you can do which are transitions put your cursor between two clips so i'm going to put them between these two clips right here and i click command t it's going to create a transition and as you can see the default is kind of this just like fade to the next frame but this is the transitions area this little bow tie right here and here are all the transitions that you can choose from there are so many so let's do let's do earthquake why not so now if you want to test how that looks you can play by clicking the space bar and the earthquake will bring you into the next frame and you can make your transition slower by dragging it out or faster by making it smaller oh this is gonna this might happen to you sometimes it's happened to me before if you accidentally open your precision editor if you just click escape it will close it that drove me so crazy you have no idea then we can just delete it if we decide we don't want it now let's talk about if you want to do like a little zoom in for effect so what we're gonna do is i'm gonna split the clip here and we're gonna use this clip and do a nice zoom in so what we're going to want to do is make sure it's selected and then we're going to click this right here crop and you can crop it if you just want to do like a typical zoom in or if you want to do a slow zoom which is a ken burns you can do that here and if you want to get rid of that ken burns you can just go to edit remove effects and it'll be back to normal another thing you can do is picture in pictures so if you want to put like a graphic on the screen and have yourself in the corner or something like that kind of how i've been doing this video where i've been in the lower left hand corner and my screen sharing has been bigger you can do that by dragging a clip on top of another clip and if it's selected you can click transform and if you go and make it smaller you can have two clips in one and the clip that you want to be on top has to physically be on top in your project editor right here so if you decided you wanted this clip on top you'd have to move it physically on top another thing that's happened to me a couple of times is my workspace has changed and i don't know how i've changed it but if you go to window show and workspace it'll show you all the things that are currently open so currently we have transitions open we can close that because we don't need that we have the sidebar open some somehow sometimes that's gone away from me so if that happens to you just go to window show in workspace you can click your sidebar and it'll pop up anything that is checked is gonna be currently open so that's how you can close things out or get things back if they mysteriously disappear another thing you might want to do is add text to your video and you can do that by going to wherever you want the tag so if i want it right here i i'm just going to click that section and do control t not command t that's for transitions control t is for text and if you highlight the text you can drag it around and if you want to edit it then you have to open this inspector and to edit it you click this button right here and here are all the things you can do with your text so there are 2d styles 3d styles you can change it to whatever you want you can click and drag move it over you can change the size tracking is the space between each letter you can change the color which is the face and if you click show that's how you can change the color you can change the outline you can give it an outline and again if you click show you can change the color of the outline you can change the width of the outline make it really fat or really skinny so there's a lot of things you can do with text and if you decide you don't want it you can just delete it okay now let's talk about speeding up or slowing down a clip so if you want to slow something down for a dramatic effect just speed up because you're just doing something that isn't super important people see it if you select the clip that you want and click on modify you'll go to retime and you can either choose slow fast or custom speed and that's how you change it to be either in slo-mo or fast mode all right now i want to talk about one more thing before i go over how you can properly export your file and that's color correction another thing that took me so long to figure out so if you go to this little triangle here that's color correction wow i know right so color board is going to be where you change your like color saturation or exposure exposure will make your clips brighter this is master this is shadows this is mid tones and this is highlights and so now if i uncheck this you can see what the before looked like and what the after looks like and that's just with color board if you go to color wheels i don't i don't ever mess with these ever but the temperature is something i do mess with if i think that my video is too warm toned or too cool toned you can change the temperature to make it more cool toned or more warm toned depending on what kind of situation you have with your natural lighting or your lighting setup in your filming area and then this is a hot tip if you are happy with your color correction if you copy with command c select a clip and go to edit paste attributes you can paste the effects that you did with another clip onto that clip so that way you can make sure your color correction is the same all across the board or for example if you really liked the way that one of your clips was cropped you can copy that paste that effect and that way you don't have to guess oh is this the same amount of crop as the last clip or is it different that way you can make sure it's uniform across the board also if you want to change the volume you can do it by just adjusting up or down so i don't want this clip to have any volume and maybe i want to raise the volume on this one you can also do that by clicking selecting the clip and holding down control and then doing plus or minus so let's see where it's at right now it's at 12. if i do control minus as you can see the waveform is going down now it's at negative 7 or we can do up [Applause] and that way you can adjust exactly what volume level you want your clips to be at okay so now if your masterpiece is complete you obviously want to export it so you can share with the world and you can do that by going up here and clicking master file i always go to settings to just make sure the settings are what i'm happy with so i like better quality and i like the highest resolution and then if i click next it will ask me where i want to save it to i want to save it to my external hard drive of course and then we just click save so that is it for today if you stuck it out to the end thank you so so much i really really hope this helps you with editing your videos on final cut if you liked this video please give it a thumbs up and also subscribe to my channel i really appreciate the support and i will see you guys in my next video [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: How Do You Do?
Views: 28,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: claudia carlucci, claudia, carlucci, final cut pro, final cut pro x tutorial, final cut pro x, final cut pro for beginners 2020, final cut pro basics, final cut pro basics youtube, final cut pro basics 2020, final cut pro transitions, final cut pro youtube edit
Id: fTbzdVFOhmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 44sec (1184 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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