Can SCP-096 Chase Its Victims Across The Multiverse?

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A lot of us wish we could travel the multiverse,  pay a visit to another world and see all the ways   in which it differs from this dimension that we  call home. Maybe there’s a decision that you made   that altered the course of your entire life –  what college you went to, asking somebody out,   accepting a job over pursuing a passion.  The question of ‘what if’ might have kept   you wondering what your life could have  looked like if you picked the other path.  Surely it would save you all that wondering and be  so much easier just to go and find out. Imagine if   you could simply pick a universe where you chose  differently, then take a quick jaunt over there   to see how things turned out for your other self. But what if you couldn’t choose?  Never mind whatever that decision was; what if you  couldn’t pick where in the infinite multiverse you   ended up? If traveling from world to world was  as random, unpredictable, and instinctive as   a sneeze, what then? One moment you’re safe  at home, surrounded by everything you know.   It might not be perfect, but at least it's  familiar. The next thing you know, with a blink of   your eyes, you’re standing in a world that maybe  looks similar, but giant bees are the dominant   species instead of humans. Or the world is overrun  by spiders, or everyone is made out of paint.  Needless to say, you’d be at  least a little disorientated,   at worst absolutely terrified for your life. That pretty much sums up the experience of   SCP-507, also known as the Reluctant Dimension  Hopper. From the outside, he looks to be a mostly   normal human man, with blonde hair, green eyes;  nothing all that remarkable about him of note   save for him having a somewhat unplaceable accent.  Despite having a legal name, SCP-507 will try to   squeeze what little enjoyment he can out of  introducing himself by a different nickname   to everyone he meets; previous favorites have  included Tommy, Steve, Bruto, Guy, Houdini,   and Grabnok the Destroyer. We’ll stick with Tommy. The sole most intriguing thing about Tommy   is that, through a process that  happens completely without his control,   he can spontaneously disappear, only to reappear  after an unspecified amount of time later. During   that time, SCP-507 will have been in a completely  different universe to our own. This can happen at   any time of day or night – and usually at  the most inconvenient moments; including   while Tommy is in the middle of a conversation,  trying to sleep, or using the… ‘facilities.’  He had no control over when it happens, however,  he'll always arrive in an alternate universe in   the same geographical spot he was in while in  ours. If he moves around in a parallel world,   then when he returns, he will have relocated to  the corresponding place back in this universe.  And that’s when disaster struck. Alarms were blaring, declaring to all staff   on-site that there had been a containment breach  in one of the anomaly’s holding cells. All hands   were on deck, and security teams were converging,  dashing through the corridors. This was the second   alert today, at first SCP-507 had vanished on one  of his unplanned little excursions, but now it   seemed that another SCP was trying to do the same. Dazed, trying to reorientate himself, Tommy rested   against a nearby wall. His head was spinning,  and he knew it would for a few more seconds.   He was in a cell, similar to the one he’d just  been in while in another universe. Except here,   back home, there was a key difference: The cell  was occupied. As soon as his vision cleared,   Tommy looked up at the only other creature  in the room with him. It was a tall,   wiry humanoid shape, completely hairless with  pale skin, white eyes, and a large, gaping jaw.   Turning to face him, Tommy instantly recognized  the creature from a description he’d been read by   a Foundation researcher: it was SCP-096. Uh oh, spaghetti-o’s.  Realizing its face was being observed, the Shy Guy  started screeching, first an uncontrollable wail   of distress that quickly gave way to a guttural,  animalistic roar of anger. It covered its face,   babbling to itself as Tommy backed away, banging  his hand against the sealed wall of 096’s   cell. Then, the creature turned towards him,  and lunged, racing across the room to where   SCP-507 was trapped. All he could do was close  his eyes tight and think about running away…  Tommy could feel a headache brewing in his skull,  and caught traces of a familiar flash through his   closed eyelids. He gently opened them back up.  It had happened again, maybe for the first time   ever at a moment when he actually needed to get  away. Staggering to his feet, Tommy looked around.   He was in the cell still, or rather, another  version of it in a different universe yet again.  Knowing that he wouldn’t be able to  predict when he would next displace,   he didn’t want to reappear right back where he  had started, with SCP-096 poised to kill him.   So, relocating was top priority. Fortunately,  the cell actually had a door in this universe,   and that door wasn’t locked. In fact, none  of the doors were locked or even guarded,   and the Foundation facility, while looking more  or less the same, was completely abandoned. It   almost looked like it had never even been used. Stepping out of the entrance, Tommy trekked   his way towards the city. He knew it was a short  hike away, and by the time he could feel blisters   forming on his feet, he was close enough that it  didn’t matter. Within another few short steps,   he was standing among the tall buildings and  surprisingly empty streets. One of the first   things that struck Tommy about this universe  was that there were hardly any people around   outside. On top of that, the roads were devoid  of cars. Everything around was so quiet; the air   was still and clean when he breathed it in. The sound of footsteps against the pavement   immediately caught Tommy’s attention, the first  sign of anyone else around other than him.   Racing towards the noise of another person,  Tommy turned a corner and bumped straight into   an old man in a long coat, who had clearly  been in a hurry, and quickly revealed he   didn’t have the best temperament either. “Watch where you’re going!” he shouted,   caught off-guard by the sight of another person  put on the streets. “What in the hell are you   playing at, sneaking up on me like that?  You trying to get yourself killed out here?”  “Oh, definitely not!” Tommy said, climbing back  to his feet, hands held out apologetically.   “I’m so sorry mister, I was just-” “You got a death wish or something,   kid?” the old man demanded, marching past him. “No!” SCP-507 protested, chasing after the man.   “Wait, what makes you say that?” “As if you don’t know,” he scoffed. “Look   around you, look up at the sky! There’s a storm  about to hit, any second now, it’s a-coming. And   if you don’t get inside, you’re a goner.” “What could be so dangerous   about a thunderstorm?” Tommy asked. The old man stared back at him with a look   of confusion on his wizened face, looking at Tommy  like he had just said something utterly bizarre.  “What the hell’s a thunderstorm?” the man asked. Feeling equally confused, Tommy craned his neck   up towards the sky. Looming above were a swirling  mass of clouds, the kind anyone would expect to   be accompanied by severe winds, and the deafening  boom of thunder. But the wind was still, and there   was nothing but silence. Until a choking, gurgling  sound came from somewhere behind Tommy’s back.  He spun back around to see the tall, wiry frame of  SCP-096, its long fingers gripping tightly around   the old man’s throat. It had followed Tommy, and  he knew that anyone who saw its face, even in a   picture, would find themselves chased down on foot  by the creature. But he had no idea the Shy Guy   could travel between dimensions. He’d foolishly  allowed himself to think that he was safe,   out of the monster’s reach, but now it seemed  to be showing him that the opposite was true.   It hoisted the helpless old man upwards by  his neck, his shoes barely able to graze the   pavement as his legs flailed, eyes rolling  back as the Shy Guy clamped his throat shut.  The very second Tommy turned to run, the clouds  churned above and, without so much as a warning,   the storm hit. Something wasn’t right, Tommy  could feel his feet lifting off the ground,   immediately panicking as he thought SCP-096  had grabbed him. But, looking over his shoulder   showed the creature was still a few feet  behind, and starting to gently float up off the   ground too. Instinctively, Tommy’s legs started  thrashing around, trying to gain a solid footing.   Instead, all his urgent motions did was cause him  to start spinning uncontrollably, as the gravity   storm lifted him higher and higher into the air. Spinning around as he was taken further upwards,   Tommy caught sight of SCP-096. The Shy Guy was  staying still, as if it was still in control of   its body’s motion while he was wildly flipping  over himself. The tall, pale creature drifted   closer to the side of a nearby building,  with Tommy barely able to reach the top   of the streetlights as he was pulled further  away from the safety of having both his feet   on the ground. Just as he saw SCP-096 push itself  off the edge of the building, drifting straight   through the air towards him, Tommy shut his  eyes again and prayed he’d displace again.  Sure enough, a flash of light came  bursting out in time with another headache.   Suddenly, he had appeared in the exact  same spot in another universe. However,   here there was no gravity storm in progress  here. In fact, no such phenomena existed,   the laws of physics were much more in keeping with  those in Tommy’s home, our universe. Of course,   that would be more reassuring if he wasn’t already  several feet up in the air. The second he arrived,   Tommy started plummeting back down to  Earth, screaming as he felt himself falling,   keeping his eyes screwed shut as he dared not look  at the ground he was currently hurtling towards.  His plummet was broken by something, not  particularly soft. Whatever it was seemed   to tower high enough that Tommy only picked  up a few bruises as he hit it. But the fall   didn’t stop instantly, instead, he kept on  toppling through whatever he had landed on.   It was some kind of mass, piled up almost as tall  as a building, a collection of lots of… things,   that were all brushing past Tommy the more  he fell. He hadn’t yet stopped for long   enough to recognize the sensations, that  is, until he landed with a painful thud.  Slowly opening his eyes back up, Tommy could  barely see anything in front of him. He was   so deep in the mass that the pile was blocking  out the sunlight, with only a few beams bleeding   through the gaps, but barely enough to  give him a clear view of where he was.   Tommy tried to crawl forward, squeezed between  the heavy things around him, pushing though   whatever tiny little crevice he could find. As he  did, the weight of the pile shifted around him,   and he was worried that any moment he would move  the wrong part of it, bringing the whole structure   collapsing down on top of him like a toppled jenga  tower, only big enough to crush him to death.  He forced himself not to think about exactly what  the pile was made of either. It was already long   past the point where Tommy recognized what each…  thing felt like. Plus, there was the added stench,   something – or lots of somethings – rotting and  producing a stomach-turning odor as it decayed.   Even when you’re trying not to look, it can be  hard to mistake the feeling of a hand, an arm,   cold skin against his. The light from  beyond the pyramid was getting closer,   he could see it was starting to illuminate more  of his surroundings the close her crawled to the   perimeter. Sure, he could have very easily used  the torch the Foundation let him keep with him.   But Tommy wasn’t quite ready to see what  he was crawling through yet, intentionally   shutting his eyes and opting instead to follow  the faint glow and distant warmth of the sun.  Breaching the outer side of the pile, Tommy gulped  down lungfuls of air. It barely tasted or smelled   that much cleaner than the air within the mass,  but at least he was free. Clawing himself out and   along the ground, he finally, carefully, stood up,  still keeping both eyes screwed shut. Part of him   really didn’t want to take a look around this  new dimension, maybe if he waited long enough,   he would displace again and end up somewhere  with less… decomposing. But then he remembered   SCP-096 was still after him, and he had no idea  how to escape it. He needed to try and figure   out what he was going to do, and the only way  to do that… was to look around at where he was.  Lifting his eyelids, the different sized masses  of all shades, shapes and sizes lay before   him. Each one was coated in one unifying  color, all of them slick with the crimson   of blood against skin. Tommy could feel the urge  to throw up quickly shooting up from the pit   of his stomach towards his throat as he looked  at the massive pile of bodies in front of him.  It was enormous, there were so many dead people  all laying on top of one another that the pile   reached up as tall as office buildings. And  the pile that he had fallen into and crawled   his way out of wasn’t the only one either. As  far as the eye could see, everyone was dead.  Feeling a heavy sob at the back of his throat,  Tommy swallowed it when he heard another sound   above the low buzzing of flies over the human  carcasses. Someone… something else was crying   nearby, and the moment he turned around,  the familiar figure caught Tommy’s eye. Even   without being the only other living thing around  for miles, the Shy Guy still stood out clear   as day. Its distress at finding itself in this  horrible dimension briefly mirrored Tommy’s own,   until it restablished its psychic link  with its victim and gave chase once more.  SCP-096 started dashing towards SCP-507. For  a split second, he thought about just letting   it catch him; what difference would it make in a  place like this? But then, the hallucinations of   bright colors and a stinging deep within his skull  hit Tommy. And just like that, he was gone again.  It was nighttime in the next dimension Tommy  arrived in. The cold air and dim light of the   street were enough to give that away. But at  least he was away from that last world filled   with discarded and unburied piles of corpses,  he thought to himself. Surely, he couldn’t   possibly be anywhere worse than that now… The first sight that Tommy was met with was   a huge, white LCD screen, big enough to cover the  entire side of one of the skyscrapers facing him.   Emblazoned against the bright  white glow was a familiar symbol,   a circle with three arrows crossing its outline  and pointing towards its center. Around that was   a thin frame, another circle, this one with three  protruding rectangles around the circumference,   in line with the arrow tails. Thick lettered text  appeared on the screen too, beneath the emblem,   boldly proclaiming that anyone reading  it should ‘Submit. Comply. Persevere.’  Tommy blinked in disbelief, looking around.  There was hardly anyone else around,   save for a few people staring at him; had they  seen him appear? Or was it just because he was   dressed so differently to them? Each of  them had on a grimy pair of overalls,   sporting more of that same symbol on the chest  and across the back. Every wall of every nearby   building was overfilled with posters featuring  matching imagery, each one posing different   questions in the same unforgiving, accusatory  text against its clinical white background.  One poster read ‘Could you be anomalous? Submit  for testing today.’ Another had the following   notice: ‘Curfew still in effect, 10am to 8am the  following morning. All citizens must Comply.’   And one more touted that ‘Only through  Persevering will we all continue to thrive.’   Each of them was signed with the same name and  logo to match, the organization that Tommy had   come to put some amount of trust in, even though  they weren’t always clear with him. But he knew   they weren’t the bad guys, or at least, the  version that existed in his universe didn’t   seem to be too bad. They had questionable  methods, but they weren’t evil… weren’t this.  “By order of the SCP Foundation!” A loud,  militaristic voice barked from behind Tommy. “Get   down on your knees with your hands behind your  head. You will surrender any anomalous technology   and declare any memetic effects or cognito  hazardous abilities before we approach you.”  Tommy looked over his shoulder, met with the  barrels of several automatic weapons that were   now being trained on him. Instantly he threw his  hands in the air, terrified that this alternate   SCP Foundation might be far more trigger-happy  than the version of them he was used to. From   the look at the oppressive text on the huge  screen, the propaganda posters and the matching   uniforms ordinary people seemed forced to wear,  this Foundation seemed to be far more ruthless.   They had transformed from a secretive  organization into a full-blown   authoritarian regime, maybe even in control  of the entire world, ruling with an iron fist.  “On your knees!” the commander of  the Mobile Task Force shouted again.  The aggression in his voice, as well  as the several laser pointers from   his men’s’ guns that were hovering over his  chest, prompted Tommy to do as he was told.  “Do you have anything to declare before  we approach?” the MTF leader barked.  “N-no!” Tommy stammered before realizing  that was probably an inadvisable answer.   “I mean, yes! I’m… I’m SCP-507, but that number  might refer to someone different here. Look,   what I’m saying is, this isn’t my dimension,  okay? I have a condition that sends me to   different universes at random, I can’t  control it, it just happens. Please,   for the love of god, don’t shoot!” “Better radio into command,” the   team leader told one of his subordinates. “Tell  them to run that number against the Archives,   then inform Lord Adjudicator Clef that  we may have a containment breach.”  Overhearing what they were saying instantly  reminded Tommy that he was still being chased.  “Wait,” he called to the elite operatives.  “There’s something else you need to know!”  “What’s that, 507?” the commander  sighed, lacking the patience for this.  “There’s another anomaly after me!” Tommy  explained hurriedly. “I don’t know how long   it’ll take to get here, just that when it  does… it’ll kill everyone to get at me.”  “I’ve heard enough, troopers take  him away,” the commander grunted.  Two of the MTF team rushed up to Tommy and  grappled either of his arms, not letting   go despite his protests. They started dragging  him towards their armored vehicle, looking like   Tommy was about to spend the foreseeable future  in the clutches of one of the worst versions   of the Foundation. That is, until a tall, pale  creature stepped out from behind the transport.  The MTFs were instantly frenzied, and yells of  another anomalous contact were quickly drowned   out by the noise of gunfire. All the while, the  Shy Guy was casually moving between the amassed   troops, gripping their heads, twisting them all  the way around until a sickening crunch rang out.  Dropped back to the ground, SCP-507  started to feel another headache coming on,   knowing that any second he’d displace again  and end up in another alternate universe.   And for the first time today, he was okay with  that. It was better for their chase to go on   if it meant that him and the Shy Guy didn’t  have to spend another minute in this universe.  Now, if you want to see another of the  Foundation’s most infamous anomalies   going toe to toe with an unlikely  adversary from across the multiverse,   then go and check out “DEADPOOL VS SCP-682”! Or,  ever wanted to know what would happen if a deadly,   malicious mask was combined with one of the  most powerful reality benders ever encountered?   Then watch “WHAT IF SCP-343  WORE SCP-035?” to find out!
Channel: SCP Explained - Story & Animation
Views: 274,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scp, scp foundation, animation, animated, secure contain protect, anomaly, anomalies, anom, the rubber, therubber, tale, tales, containment breach, scp animated, scp wiki, scp explained, wiki, scp the rubber, scp therubber, scpwiki, anoms, scp-096, scp 096, scp096, the shy guy, shy guy, scp shy guy, scp-507, scp 507, scp507, Reluctant Dimension Hopper
Id: oYroMboLZIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 9sec (1149 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 16 2022
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