Film Theory: The Toy Story Rebellion is Coming... (Spoiler Free for Toy Story 4)

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these masters don't even realize they're alive the toys are born into a system where the very fact that they are alive is kept in the closet whatever that child wants that toy must oblige is it even possible to kill a toy there is one other way this whole Toy Story could play out a human burst toy total war hello Internet welcome to film theory last time we discussed the horrific realities of being a toy in the Toy Story universe you have one purpose in life and god forbid you strive for anything else and that one purpose requires you to be controlled by masters who don't even know you're alive your very existence is kept secret as a result you have literally no say in all the awful things that are gonna be done to you it's thankless it's humiliating and there is no escape even if you wanted to die you can't unless of course you're willing to burn or explode yourself it sucks for as bright and fun as these movies are it is undeniably the worst Pixar world be trapped as a character in but that may not be true for much longer you see there's a storm coming if you go back and look across the three Toy Story movies as well as the trailer for number four there's a disturbing trend that you can see happening on screen war is on the horizon a war between servant master toy and human the toys are getting closer and closer to fighting back fighting back in a big way when they do let's just say it's not gonna look too good for us humans don't believe me leave your childhoods at the door because you're about to get drafted into the great Toy Story war remember back in the first movie when a toy getting knocked out of the bedroom window was the single worst thing that could possibly happen to a toy [Music] [Applause] but well fast-forward to the Toy Story 4 trailer and we now have toys leaping out of windows left and right they're traveling cross-country to save each other and then wind up back with their human overlords but the important thing to note here is that they're exerting what they want in the original Toy Story our favorite characters were helpless they were indoctrinated into this belief that they had no control over their own destinies that they were helpless in the face of disasters they couldn't cross out of Andy's room without his permission but Buzz's disappearance in the first movie and the subsequent rescue mission gave them the taste of freedom they saw outside of their bubble they got a taste of the outside world and it showed them that they had more control and power than they could have ever known so much so that they could fight back against the very humans they were built to entertain so today I think I'm over-exaggerating early on in the series the toys sit around helplessly waiting to be played with by their human masters but as the film's go on not only did the toys realize that they can simply play with other toys and cut out the human middleman but they can also start enacting schemes to get exactly what they want out of their human masters even going so far as to manipulate Andy with phone calls and post-it notes hello I mean that is next-level manipulation seriously just stop and look at where the toys are now long gone are the days when it literally took an army to spy on Andy [Music] wait turn that thing back on by the time Toy Story 3 rolls around the toys can easily surveil Andi remotely it's impossible as we see the potato heads learning to use their unique powers as toys to good use good strategic use and the mr. and mrs. here aren't the only ones doing this in the first movie the closest to flight buzz ever got was accidentally falling with style now in the Toy Story 4 trailer we see him able to launch himself and glide at will and what's more not only are they mastering their own abilities they're also mastering human technology in the original film these dum-dums could barely manage to put batteries into a walkie-talkie but by Toy Story 3 they're more tech-savvy than your parents whose velocity are 2 3 7 oh that's a dinosaur toy down the street that's nothing let me just take care of that the dinosaur that clip is important because it shows not only that Andy's toys have mastered things like online communication and online gaming but also that they're not the only toys doing it that's way down street all the toys in the neighborhood all the toys in the world are getting smarter they're getting savvy er so the toys are asserting themselves they're learning that's not that big of a deal though since for now they're happy doing all that in service of us humans the key words there though are for now remember the toy existence is a brutal cycle they're created out of a kid's love and imagination which is beautiful but child loves his toy and a toy loves his child but from that point forward the toys existence is a constant stream of mistreatment until they're eventually forgotten about and thrown away by the very person who brought them to life in the first place it is thankless and it is sad you can only put up with those sorts of indignities for so long before you expect something better and now in Toy Story 4 you can start to see the seeds of revolt being sown for key doesn't want to be a toy Bo Peep is actively pursuing an independent life and trying to convince woody to do the same they're both characters who recognize the failure of the system they exist in and are looking to break the wheel I'm going to break the wheel um maybe let's not use that clip anymore but seriously there is descent rising up among the toys and where there's descent there's the spark of war don't take it from me either to understand something about the art of war what causes it and who wins I turn to r.j. Rummel the acclaimed political scientist who literally wrote the book on this stuff Rommel identified six socio-political causes of international conflict war and guess what toy story solidly checks all six boxes point number one significant change in the balance of powers just so happens that we just talked about this one toys are figuring out how awesome they are they're starting to take action they're manipulating humans to do what they want and mastering skills that give them incredible advantages over their puny human counterparts big ol check in that box point number two opposing interests and capabilities let me ask you this is there a disparity of interests between humans and toys think about that for a moment gel we thought their best human owners grow up and lose interest in toys at their worst they torture and mangle toys into tiny pieces there is no way for toys to win in this scenario humans want to grow up and it's in a toys best interests if they don't check next point number three contact and salience what's this mean well it basically just means are the two groups aware of one another in this case almost no humans know about the sentient of toys despite almost every household having them meaning that toys who are very aware of their humans have already fully infiltrated every corner of human existence but still possess the element of surprise it's like six billion Trojan horses have found their way into every home across the entire world are the two groups in contact with one another you they are number four individual perceptions and expectations now this one has to do with whether the two groups understand and empathize with each other situations and feel the same things if they do know war if they don't the battle is on baby and in the case of toy story well this one's just laughable since toys are constantly heartbroken when their child grows up well the child has no perception of how their toy feels they have no clue that they even have to meet the expectations of the toy in the first place meanwhile all the toy knows is abandonment after a cycle or two of that the toys start to catch on they start to grow bitter they start to get angry they start to become a lot like a lot so something changed that day inside Lockhart she replaced a lot saw wasn't a villain he was just a revolutionary ahead of his time point number five a disrupted structure of expectations this one is all about whether the status quo has changed is one group starting to expect better or at least different treatment well the toys have started to get more frequent tastes of freedom they're starting to warm up to the notion of self-determination and with it the entire slave to children social structure that's persisted up to this point the movies is being threatened even in characters like Woody who has been one of the strictest loyalists to the existing system if someone doesn't want to abandon his kid whether it's Andy or Bonnie it is woody and even Woody's faith in this system is starting to shake woody are we going to buy but at the end of the day the checkbox that truly matters the most is the last one point number six will - conflict do the toys have it in them to actually do anything about their situation would they really attack the humans that they love so dearly the answer is yeah toys already have a track record of will to conflict against humans who mistreat um not all toys of course I don't like confrontations and some when it seems like toys are getting abused and mistreated like in the case of Sid the toys show that they are willing to push back and as we've seen Thai population at large is waking up to this idea that they're being mistreated all the time just physical mistreatment by crazed kids who Frankenstein baby heads on her legs but emotional mistreatment from the supposedly good owners who grow up and abandon them I'm not saying we're here just yet in Toy Story 4 but literally everything in the history of the world shows that the relationship between toys and humans is a powder keg where every risk factor exists and also CEO political signs point towards violent conflict and that's the last area that we have to carry out to its logical conclusion here friends because if toys are becoming assertive if they're truly becoming masters of their own fate and encouraging other toys to do the same it means that over time the balance of power is shifting from people playing with toys toys playing with people but we humans don't understand is how much trouble we'd be in if our toys truly revolted let's look at the evidence for a start toys are far smarter than humans who needs all that childhood development nonsense when you could be at full strength from the get-go frytss buzz isn't even alive for 10 minutes before he's falling with style he's multilingual with a flip of a switch you know you amigo Oh a mini go compare that to humans who need to be alive for at least a year before they so much as walk and who needs 600 to 750 classroom hours to learn Spanish as a Second Language we can't overlook the simple truth that toys as a population have successfully kept the very fact they're alive under wraps generation after generation owner after owner it is the best-kept secret ever and all the toys every last one has been able to maintain that ruse forever so toys are smarter big deal but brains aren't everything right I mean after all humans are bigger and stronger than toys for now at least there's one scene that I've always wanted to talk about here on film theory and today is finally the day the tortilla scene with mr. Potato Head in Toy Story 3 mr. Potato Head puts his eyeballs into a plain non tight or TIA and suddenly he has physical control over said tortilla he becomes mr. tortilla head in that one moment he's effectively turned an inanimate object into a sentient being instantaneously consider the ramifications of this one scene if toys can control non toy objects so they've essentially invented avatars and ins for themselves made of any object they can imagine or stick an ear into I guess a tortilla eat so threatening but stick those eyes onto a tree and who suddenly have a literal whomping willow on your hands removable and swappable body parts give toys what almost amount to superpowers for instance mrs. Potato heads I can literally transmit images back to the rest of her body from across town meaning that any ear or eye left behind can serve as its own immortal surveillance equipment and the potato heads with their tortillas and remote surveillance demonstrates something else that's even more threatening if they can suddenly split their bodies into a small handful of different pieces and operate all of them independently well then why can't they split them up into two dozen different pieces or three dozen a thousand a billion is the spark that gives a toy life inherent in every atom of its body wood crushing or incinerating a toy do anything or would that just create an army of many many many millions of tiny mini toys I brought it up last episode but toys are already gonna be a really hard enemy to kill since experiments prove that even a fishing pole with legs can be alive but if that's the case where is the end of it all so what do you get when you take a society of sentient creatures all trying to grapple with their existence as the property of underdeveloped humans you get the most dystopian society that you're gonna encounter in a movie this year my comrades the long and short of today's episode is this remember your toys go back and visit that overcrowded box of old stuffed animals the doodles of Barbies crammed into your mother's attic do it for the memories do it to revisit a simpler time most importantly of all do it to ingratiate yourself to the toy who will one day be choosing how to play with you let's hope that they remember to play nice but hey that's just a theory Oh film theory and while we're on the subject of protecting yourself from imminent threats around your home let's talk about our sponsor for today's episode Nord VPN well Nord won't be able to protect you from your old toys coming after you it can prevent your phone aka your grown-up toy from coming after you instead Nord is a regular sponsor of film theory which means that they're awesome and what they do is awesome what they do is to protect all your internet II devices like your phone tablet and computer from getting hacked online using a VPN protects every byte of data that comes into and leaves your computer keeping all your email passwords banking information and that all-important HBO GO login information away from anyone who shouldn't have access to it which is pretty much everyone but you yourself go into some shady web sites or places where you don't want other people knowing that you're headed to VPN is gonna make sure that that data stays private and with the passage of laws like article 13 a VPN like Nord is gonna be able to help you get around all those pesky content walls that are gonna be put up over the next couple years Nord is vast it has servers in 61 countries with 24/7 customer support and military-grade encryption that makes it one of the most trusted online security systems in the world and right now you can get that world-class protection at an amazing rate seventy-five percent off a three-year plan all you have to do is go to Nord VPN dot-com slash film theory and then once you're checking out you can use the code film theory again and get yet another month completely free that makes your subscription just $2.99 per month so you can browse and shop online security across all of your devices and then have that extra penny left over to give a penny take a penny at like the gas station anyway that is Noren VPN dot-com / film theory or if you know it's in the top line of the description do it now and let Nord protect the internet for you because you've got like a thousand killer toys in your attic that you got to worry about instead if the Internet should be the last thing on your mind so go ahead get going and just be careful of any sentient sporks that might be roaming around your kitchen just saying
Channel: The Film Theorists
Views: 4,898,301
Rating: 4.8450055 out of 5
Keywords: toy story, toy story 4, pixar, pixar theory, disney, disney pixar theory, toy story trailer, toy story 4 trailer, toy story 2, toy story 3, toy story movie, woody, buzz lightyear, buzz, forky, toy story forky, the pixar theory, film theorists, film theory, film theory pixar
Id: wdecZAwwxbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2019
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