Film Theory: Falling DEEPER Into The Backrooms!

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latest reports are in looks like they came back with some new footage let's take a look [Music] now it starts to come together that's it huh well it's enough round up the troops we've got a lot to discuss things just went from bad to worse hello internet welcome to film theory the show that wants to no clip into your subscription feed today i once again find myself trapped in the endlessly soggy hallways of the back rooms the analog horror series produced by kane pixels and available right here on for the low low price of free the last time we enrobed ourselves in its putrid yellow wallpaper we concluded that the world of the back room seems to function a lot like a level map in a video game you know how in a video game there's a set map that you're able to explore and that there are walls or invisible boundaries that make sure that you stay within the acceptable area of play well the way i see it that's the real world here in kane series the bounded area that humans are allowed to play in however video games also have tons of things that are hidden in spaces outside the boundaries of those levels unused ideas spare assets cut content you want to know why fnaf security breach's file size was so huge when the thing first came out something like 80 gigs of content well it was just piles and piles of cut stuff full floors of geometry that weren't accessible in the course of normal gameplay but hadn't been removed from the game's files and that my theorists are what i expect the backrooms are the content the spare assets the ai generated worlds that didn't quite make the cut for reality last time we proposed that somehow the company async was able to use electromagnetism to tap into those parts of the map the ones that exist outside the boundaries of reality beyond the parts of the world that we're meant to see given us the various repetitive corridors of the back rooms as we know them now since the release of that last theory kane has come out with three new videos the first is pitfalls where one of async's researchers descends deeper than ever before in the back rooms only to discover an entire underground city the next was reports where we see the immediate aftermath of that incident and async sealing the entrances to the back rooms and finally there was presentation where we see how async pitched this thing as the solution to an increasingly overpopulated world but how they ultimately lost their government contracts when a researcher accidentally causes a lockdown of the facility all three of these new videos are full of lore details but to me the biggest revelation to come out of these uploads is that the back rooms aren't just responsible for warping physical reality they're also warping time itself attention all you partygoers i think i've cracked exactly how and why people are no clipping into this place but enough talking friends it's time to go get lost in these endless hallways of lore now despite the video game concept of noclipping being a key part of the original creepypasta that the series is based on kane has yet to explicitly reference any video game terminology however after watching this new slate of videos i'm more convinced than ever that we're still on the right track for example let's take a closer look at pitfalls in it we follow researcher marvin lee as he falls to a deeper level of the facility only to discover a full neighborhood underground and i do mean full street lights houses trees all of it well all of it except for people there are no signs of life here so either an entire empty town fell into the back rooms or this is yet another example of an unused or incomplete level and when we do get to enter one of the houses things are just slightly off inside there are six inverted street signs just hanging out in the middle of an empty room almost like a level designer intended to put him out on the street but instead just moved him out of sight into the house making things even stranger though the house has a single hallway leading straight back it's like the uncanny valley of architecture it's clearly meant to be a house but it just doesn't nail it almost like it'd been designed not by a human but rather by an ai something that's trying to mimic a human home but without fully understanding the flow and function of the various rooms and hallways but of course it doesn't end there if you've followed the back rooms at all you know that kane likes to hide a bunch of secrets in the descriptions of his videos and two of the new uploads report and presentation link to secret unlisted uploads the first of these is titled this um i'm just going to call it numbers because saying a long string of random digits every time is going to be a pain this numbers video seems to be footage from a traffic camera on a highway nothing too out of the ordinary right but then about 22 seconds in we see a car no clip through the ground not only does this tell us that literally anything can wind up in the back rooms including large vehicles like cars but i think we might be able to figure out who was actually in that car back in the upload missing persons we see posters for multiple people who have disappeared since the opening of the back rooms one such poster is for margaret watson the only poster of the bunch that describes not only her physical appearance but also her car her car is a 1987 ford escort and once you know it but when you compare the footage from numbers to an 87 ford escort they have the same boxy appearance so i wouldn't be surprised if this is meant to be footage of margaret watson no clipping into the back rooms on december 2nd 1989 along with her car but that's not all that we can get out of the secret upload the digits in the title of numbers obviously aren't meant to be random here but what are they all our usual suspects are out ciphers don't seem to work it's not a phone number and it doesn't seem to be long enough for hex code either no kane decided to get even more creative with this one that series of 13 numbers is actually an international standard book number an isbn these are unique numeric codes used to identify books kind of like a fingerprint for a book and 9780415263573 is linked to a book written by charlotte perkins gilman the literary classic the yellow wallpaper yellow wallpaper you say if you've never had to read this for school or even if you did have to read it for school and you didn't this was a landmark piece of feminist literature about a woman slowly going insane after being forced to stay in a room with ugly yellow wallpaper she begins to see moving shapes and people within the wallpaper and she believes that the ugly yellow color stains everything that it touches by the end the woman has peeled all the wallpaper off the walls trying to help the person that's trapped inside only for the woman to then believe that she's become that person now there's little direct correlation between the short story and the backrooms videos but a lot of its ideas are clearly present here for example as we see in pitfalls the bacteria monsters can mimic the voices of their victims can you hear me the monster can also infect the corpses after killing them like we see with a victim named nicholas bolton in the video autopsy report in a way they're almost replacing their victims the monsters are trapped in the back rooms like the people in the wallpaper from our short story their next step then should be trying to get out of the wallpaper out of the back rooms and out into the real world where they can infect more framing this in our simulation theory it's almost like this is a computer virus infecting reality corrupting it just like the ugly yellow color of the wallpaper staining everything that it touches in the short story now while all of that's certainly interesting and i always love a good excuse to work in a literary reference it's the second secret video that really starts to break this thing wide open and it all boils down to the simpsons this one is simply called the simpsons and it fittingly enough features a clip from the simpsons specifically the episode bart gets hit by a car i'd like to talk to you about bringing legal action against the fiend who did this to your boy feels super random right i'm just sitting here watching a simpsons episode now however the clip glitches out about 35 seconds in and suddenly we're sitting here watching a spanish commercial for a cough medication named dymacol and while i could certainly stand here and draw parallels between a medicine for cough syrup and a mutated bacteria monster running around i don't think it's the content of these clips that's important here instead i suspect it's the timeline of their release you see bart gets hit by a car premiered in 1991. this timing makes a lot of sense up to this point practically all the videos of kane's backroom series have been dated from the late 80s or early 90s but the dimecall commercial really stands out in this context according to its archive on youtube this thing didn't hit airwaves until about 2000. what i suspect is that async opening portals to the back rooms temporarily messes with the flow of time here that simpsons clip from the early 90s is interrupted by a commercial from the future only for things to return to normal after async experiment is done does it sound crazy yeah yeah it does but it shouldn't time clearly works differently in the back rooms and this isn't the only example we have here in the pitfalls video as marvin moves further into the hallway in the back of that weird house the camera glitches just a bit and if you listen closely you can hear something playing in the background did you hear it it's really hard to make out but if you listen carefully it's actually a news broadcast from when cuba and the united states reopened diplomatic relations let's compare we'll make the trip to the us do you think that your current president president castro will come visit the united states [Music] that specific broadcast it didn't happen until july of 2015. the date of pitfalls meanwhile is 1990. in this short scene we're actually hearing news from 25 years in the future but it doesn't just stop at news broadcasts or commercials airing decades out of their own time we see the physical interference of time as well as i mentioned earlier the video presentation shows us async losing their government contract with the department of energy because of an emergency lockdown the thing that causes the lockdown an async researcher accidentally enters the control center for the back rooms not all that big of a deal right wrong you see it's the same researcher that saw his team glitch out and disappear all the way back in informational video at the end of that upload we see him open the async control room and set off the red alert but here's the thing this guy disappeared on february 29th 1990. his reappearance in presentation is on may 8th 1990 over two months later but clearly he hasn't been wandering around for that long he's somehow been transported into the future this can even go so far as to explain a discrepancy that i've called out in past videos in the very first upload of the series we see a clapper board that clearly marks the date as july 1990 something but the date in the description of found footage reads as september 23rd 1996 a date that's just completely different from what we saw written on that clapper board when we first covered the back rooms i figured this was just an innocent mistake you know small error in dates during a point in the series when dates didn't matter all that much but now it is clearly setting up the idea that time works differently within the back rooms but that then begs the question how why is time acting crazy and more importantly why now well we might actually have an answer for that you see one of the secret uploads for the series is an archive file from march 11 1990. in it we see the rooms being flooded which would obviously explain the soggy floors but more importantly this is where we first learn about the concept of null zones now if you don't know what these are yeah you probably shouldn't they haven't been explained at all and they've only been referenced once in the main series as a passing comment in pitfalls but what if miller's right about the null zone in the original creepypastas lore there were things called null rooms but kane's interpretation of the entire back room's idea has taken a lot of liberties and his null zones don't seem to relate all that much to null rooms in any way outside of just sharing the word null instead basically all we have to go off of is this one image it's a bit difficult to make out dude the quality of the video but i think it reads due to the elevation discrepancy between panel 225 and 224 a null kx field is created it's not much to go off of but at least it's something and looking back at pitfalls things start to make a bit more sense marvin asks about the null zones after entering an area that's at a slightly offset elevation look at the difference in heights between the hallway and the neighborhood and that news broadcast from the future the camera picks it up only as marvin crosses the threshold of a single stare in the hallway each time we see an elevation discrepancy he is crossing a null zone see the phrase null kx field caught my eye for a lot of reasons seemed like a jumping off point that kane put in so theorists like us could discover something about the world that he's building so let's break down what the phrase could actually mean bit by bit starting with null in physics a null is a point where two opposing quantities cancel each other out basically when two equal waves meet there's gonna be a point where they perfectly reflect each other thereby canceling each other out the channel electroboom here on youtube demonstrates this really well using sound waves right now only the first speaker is on and i'm gonna stay out of its way and turn the second speaker on now i turn the speaker off again on off on so whatever a null kx field is it's cancelling something out some sort of a wave and i have a strong suspicion as to what those waves might be electromagnetic waves we see what appear to be electromagnetic tubes making a ball disappear in the video prototype and we hear talk about magnetic field distortions and other uploads like third test so it seems like a solid hypothesis moving on to the kx here we can assume that the x is a reference to the x-axis you know x y and z-axes on a three-dimensional graph that explains our x which leaves us with k as some sort of a constant i dug around for formulas that use the specific kx nomenclature and while hook's law for the potential energy of a spring was certainly a possibility felt like an odd fit considering the material we're working with here it seemed far more likely that the kx here was a reference to the numerous formulas for electromagnetic field equations that use kx as a dimensional point and here's the thing a lot of our everyday life can be traced back to electromagnetic waves light heat electricity radio x-rays microwaves all of them have a place on the electromagnetic spectrum and objects that use or give off those things also tend to create their own em waves your phone generates em waves your car em thanks to its alternator what's more every person that we've seen no clip into or experienced strangeness in the back rooms has been using technology that uses em waves kane marvin and the researcher from informational video were all using electronic cameras to write information onto magnetic tapes and margaret wilson she was driving her car when she no clipped through what if people are no clipping into the back rooms because they're unlucky enough to be in a spot where the electromagnetic wave from the real world happens to meet one from the back rooms thereby creating a null zone cancelling each other out and letting the person slip through electromagnetism is also one of the four fundamental forces of nature that make up our world if you think of it back in the terms of a simulated reality of a video game it's almost like an integral part of the game engine code that runs our universe and i think that's literally the case here within the universe of the back rooms through their experiments with electromagnetism async has glitched their own reality like a speedrunner that intentionally manipulates the ram of an old game to tweak the code and teleport to where they shouldn't be but this has broken the rest of the game the rest of reality and now that part of the game engine is glitched players are randomly no clipping into places they shouldn't be or hearing audio from far away futures as they wander into these null zones more and more the world of the back rooms is starting to sound like the world's jankiest mmorpg and just like with a video game exploiting a few glitches here and there can really cause the game's stability to collapse which means it's likely that this is just the beginning the physical world and time itself will become more and more unstable as new rooms are open and as more people clip in what started as a high-tech way to expand your garage storage or squeeze in a few extra cubicles will suddenly put the entire world at risk the lines between the real and the simulated will start to blur to the point that just like with the woman in the yellow wallpaper were all infected we're all going a little mad we're all the ones trapped inside of the walls but hey if you've ever felt like you were glitching out or that you couldn't trust the reality of your computer screen it might have just been used in an unencrypted internet connection those things are dangerous friends every time you connect to public wi-fi at an airport a hotel or a coffee shop you are at risk of anyone connected to the same network stealing your personal information that includes passwords emails financial details it's not even that hard i mean i'm not going to tell you how but i could do it if i wanted that said with today's sponsor expressvpn you can protect yourself with just one easy click expressvpn encrypts your network data with its best-in-class encryption and that's not just protection from hackers you live with the roommate significant other your parents well if any of them have admin access to the network they can see what you've been doing online and that definitely includes all the weird pages you're visiting about electromagnetism when you're researching back rooms lore or you know other weird sites that you might be visiting but if you don't feel like explaining why you're looking up time travel conspiracy theories expressvpn reroutes 100 of your network traffic so that no one can see what you're doing but if security is not your thing what about movies did you know that streaming services offer different libraries of content in other 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Channel: The Film Theorists
Views: 5,603,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the backrooms, the backrooms found footage, backrooms, backrooms found footage, the backrooms explained, backrooms explained, the backrooms gameplay, backrooms gameplay, backrooms lore, the backrooms lore, how to survive, how to survive backrooms, how to survive the backrooms, scary, horror, creepypasta, scary stories, analog horror, film theory, film theories, matpat, film theory walten files, film theory backrooms, film theory local58, the backrooms creepypasta
Id: UUJv5VMuafk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 23 2022
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