Film Socialisme reviewed by Mark Kermode

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let's get a review on before three well let's start where we as we meant to continue film socialism by jean-luc Godard which films socialism yeah films this film well is it does is that what it means quoi kill what they mean Kel Sabri Oh what does it mean don't ask me I've only seen it I just got a translation well film social yes it's to do images from yes well yes but socialist were the small less or is it who know you shall not let me know let me take a sales questions so this played it can last year right and it was by far and away the worst film can total thing big Johnny Gaddar now is eighty okay and he hasn't made a decent movie in a very long time and I sat in this screening room his film session which is described as a symphony in three act one of them is sort of on an ocean liner a bit of it is in a garage another bit of it is elsewhere to say that it is unwatchable draw Cedars with a tiny little cameo performance by people like gum Patti Smith you know it's I mean it is it is I'd say it was an art installation except that would be being rude to people that make art installations it is not a film in any understandable phrase of the meaning of the word also more importantly being that the dialogue obviously is not in English he's French or Swiss depending on who he's talking to at time but the the subtitles are nomic navajo english sub x meaning one word in about ten are subtitled so every now then you just get three words on the screen to it saying you don't understand this and i'm not going to let you understand it here are my numb except titles figure it out for yourself you english pig dog I was really reminded of that you know Monty Python Ella I rise exactly yes go I shall talk to you a second time your mother was a hamster and your father like Jean Loup got our movies anyway I sat in this thing in camp with this dreary video art snot-nosed intellectual nonsense I mean it is not just a case of the emperor has no clothes this is a case of the Emperor is running down the street waving his Nouvel vogs in your face with a camera you know secreted somewhere where the Sun ago and still critics are going oh yes jean-luc a very interesting look now he has spent a whole half an hour on an ocean liner no one has done anything I can't understand a single word that is going on there is Patti Smith / this must be very clever because I don't understand any of it yes Bravo and the English critics are getting really cross about and it is after I mean utter utter utter utter utter utter utter balderdash from beginning to end and the funniest thing about it is is seeing some of the critical responses people saying yes it's incredibly boring and incomprehensible but so boring and incomprehensible that in fact it must be really quite profound God are at the age where all you need to know about John the guitar is this right genre god I once made a joke about in order to lose faith in British cinema you'd have to believe in it in the first place oh that hilarious Franco Swiss humour also God ah you know what the Jim McBride remake of breathless with Richard Gere in the funny trousers is a better film than a Buddhist sufer a Buddhist oof which cause literally translated means we're all out of souffle that is a better joke than anything that is in film social and film socialism is one of those films when somebody has simply decided to go I make castanets about all that stuff and this entire wave of people going British John Luke it's John and incidentally I received much hate mail having said this in can back then I'm sure it'll happen again it is raspberries of the highest order nouvelle van nouvelle vogue it's your new vagueness dear New Wave nouvelle vogue yeah but you said he was running down the street waving his new valve bags all over yes it was so that I wasn't you know I was input it's the great use of Inuit it's a British thing so send me a note down your mother was a hamster and your father's not the elderberries that's food
Channel: kermodeandmayo
Views: 129,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mark, kermode, simon, mayo, wittertainment, film, review, movie, socialisme, jean, luc, godard
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 56sec (236 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 14 2011
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