Mark Kermode - Bad movies competition

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so what we're talking about is movies with no redeeming features movies of which everyone involving movie the the the acting the editing the directing everything yeah and in fact I know for a fact that I mean I have met people in the past who I've said really terrible things about their movies and I've met them and they've said you know we all knew it was that bad and we're all in cash so what we're looking for really their knees movies with no redeeming fear nothing nothing nothing can be said I'll give you a very good example the guy who somebody who wrote Greenstreet member that absolutely horrible football movie it was basically proto fascism and from Lord of the Rings yeah yeah exactly hobo the football hooligan orable and the guy who either wrote the book or wrote the original screen becoming became up demitted you reviewed that film at Bonnie said yes I agree with you know it was horrible they completely messed it up and I was really pleased to know that he had disliked it as much as I heard Lee mentioned if you have anything else to EXO Green Street then yes he's on the list and will construct this list before four o'clock so there has to be without doubt and without argument these are movies with no redeeming features yes and people should have known better Kevin in peterborough some considering the money spent and the overhype George Lucas's Attack of the Clones has nothing redeeming about it at all it is rubbish daddy I'm sure I don't think we let that in because it has it does have a few redeeming features well I thought it a lot part of a bigger story yes I thought it was rubbish but as I said that the thing that spirit that's really happened for me is that my little boy loves Star Wars but interestingly enough he really loves the Star Wars toys the toys more than the movies and George Lucas himself said that he thinks that something maybe the most radical thing he did was the invention of the toys steve says the sell with JLo I am utterly vacuous and without merit I suspect I'm not alone in this belief Steve you know I say I walked out of it yeah it is it is its first interview JLo Ben inker but it's kind of forgettable isn't it it's one of those things it's not bad enough to even get angry about you just sort of think new boxing alina says Maho i guess looking who's the lead actor in boxing helena oh I take a wild guess Nicole KITT no no the lead actor oh sorry don't hooli incest we go no redeeming feature at all in fact if there was a redeeming feature it would have been chopped off Battlefield Earth Paul in Oxford but have you seen the director's cut of course I have no the director's cut is even worse what the funny thing is about the Chandra voltar thought the Battlefield Earth was savaged you know in the studio version but the director's cut is really crazy so we're looking for movies with absolutely no redeeming features until it's a surprising nominations tears says I love Woody Allen films especially the 70s but his film bullets over Broadway is just dreadful no it's not I'm glad he's not in it says it all I no no no no no no and he is in it it's just he happens to be played by John Cusack Jaws 3-d and carry on Columbus added in from Rob George 3d he's got the most fantastic thing this first he's got that that tagline jaw 3d this time it's personal and it's also got this absolutely brilliant post to all the other time yes he's got this brilliant plot where Ellen Brody right realizes that the Sharks were out to get her and her family and you know specifically so what do they do rather than staying in the middle of America in on dry land they fly to the Bahamas and leap into the sea at every possible opportunity Calvin says we said Jules for no that's jaws for jaws three is the Sea World one Jaws three is the Sea World I'm sorry I've wrongly maligned jaws three jewels 3d 3d that is a reason to exist jaws for this time it's personal that's the one that has 3d one is no 3d is actually alright I'm it's rubbish but it has got the bit at the end when we was talking about 3d please wrong right could have saved your text Rob Shelvin says crow 2 walked out of it home yeah it is a gladiator surprising suggestion food Steve Kelly the film's clearly made simply to fit into your list this afternoon no redeeming features plus I had to pay to get into the cinema to watch it when I could have been better off getting drunk in the pub next door I've waited years to vent my fury at this film in the right place thank you very much well apart from anything else that first 10 minutes that battle sequence is absolutely terrific I mean I think that the thing with gladiator a film that begins and ends in the Elysian Fields and has you know the most terrific battle scene scenes in which you really think that people are getting badly hurt I was amazed when I went to see it originally because I was in the middle of making the baton of documentary I didn't think I was going to enjoy it I don't like sword and sandals movie and I just thought it was terrific I mean other was one of the best films of that year and II says the bad news bears go to Japan I haven't seen him sorry he with very deeming features he says I would have nominated barbwire but it had a couple of good points I suspect though I haven't seen it that that's as sort of a slightly suggestive barbwire is the Parliament Pomerance on film overs with no redeeming features suggested in the last few moments include from Charlie in London Jack by Francis Ford Coppola with Robert William yeah that's horrible that film that's really when he's a grown up in as a young kid in a grown ups body no yes now is confusing it with it with the what's the film is it Jack Frost wears and snow dad's better than no dad yeah yeah bad now that's a bad movie this this suggestion if it's true the nostril picker directed by nut by Mark nawicki apparently if you check it out on the Internet Movie Database no one from the cast went on to do anything else yeah I've never seen it it doesn't large it teaser Demi Moore utterly without merit Martin in Hereford yeah it is rubbish it is rubbish it's a shame all there is one one good line isn't they when because she goes to it you see the club that she works at is called something like heifers and she says it's insulting to women and it's insulting to heifers and this and this finally in this batch from from Jason Johnny moronic with Keanu Reeves was cast as a genius need I say man no he's not cast the genius in Johnny mnemonic he's cast as somebody who's got an empty head that can be used as storage space for other people's information that is a brilliant piece of casting we need someone who looks like they've got a lot of space between their ears is Keano busy Craig Eastman in Chester Mark and Simon I can barely bring myself to type the names bhisma and full frontal oh no let alone contemplate their utter lack of Merit okay well let's have this out full frontal I'll give you okay full frontal nonsense Bazemore is terrific Bazemore is an absolutely great exploitation movie and it so I can know cannot you finish I would say it's one of those films that I thought if you know it's it's so brutal and so exploitative and so completely mean-spirited and yet funny in a sort of gasp oh no I influence kind of way the two women that made Bazemore I actually think that Newegg exactly what they were doing and really went for it and I enjoyed it Robin Wiltshire tin cup with Kevin Cole no I love tin cup I love tin cup you completely wrong because I let me let him finish he qualifies for the US Open using only a 7-iron after snapping his other clubs over his knee oh no it's re middle-aged middle-aged male comedy starring Kevin Costner and Rene Russo and she says you have your moments and he says really she says yeah this is one of them it's a I'm sorry you're wrong let's get it out and David it's a lovely film at Ben McCrory in Manchester mmm is suggesting The Da Vinci Code yeah but then he spoils it because he says the only good thing about it it Isis the only good thing about this steaming pile of manure was the tagline invented by some wag I know what you did last supper now now not only is that extremely funny but I think that all that kind of merrier actually means I'm glad the movie was just so somebody can I know what he did was suffer that's fantastic Barris that that wasn't Annie oh gosh the popular vote for the movie with absolutely no redeeming features at all yeah sex lives of the potatoman yeah well I ain't gonna argue with that wasn't absolutely it's horrible it's horrible and it yes everyone involved should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves
Channel: badhead
Views: 108,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mark, kermode
Id: tfYc0hSLHcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 51sec (471 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2010
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