"I Used to Be in a Cult, and We Did Something Horrible" | Creepypasta

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klancy pasta presents I used to be in a cult and we did something horrible written by Zacharias Frost [Music] I didn't grow up like most people because my late teens through mid 20s were spent as a devoted member of a cult it's not quite what you think though I know that's probably exactly what you'd expect in Ex cultist to say right truth is it is only now some 30 odd years since I last associated with them that I can even recognize the group or what it was cults don't always involve the higher power sometimes is just a group of people whose noble intentions are used to justify the most horrendous actions there was no God in our cult no stringent religious doctrine child abuse mass suicide or anything else the one would normally equivalent to call like behavior there was however a strong emphasis on adhering to the prevailing narrative dissidence was not tolerated and hearsay was punished with excommunication which to me was worse than death I've always loved nature animals and being out in the wilderness in general I've dedicated the majority of my life to conservation efforts in preventing disruption of wildlife ecosystems in whatever way I can some would probably call me a hippie and I suppose I am but we called ourselves earth protectors you're probably rolling your eyes at how pompous that sounds and I wouldn't blame you it was pretty cheesy but I always kind of liked that it was the title I adopted for over a decade when I was part of the earth defense and environmentalist Network Eden as it was known was initially a localized group of like-minded individuals which began at the University of South Paulo Brazil I was a freshman there when I first met a guy by the name of Thiago Lemery Lemery was much like me enthusiast of nature and passionate about the conservation of it and I hit it off right away and Quigley became close with our group of friends Lemery was a born leader a strong spokesman and visionary perhaps too advanced for his contemporaries he seemed to gain a following wherever he went and used his profuse charisma to enthrall others to his mission we dedicated most of our weekend's back then to environmentalist efforts whether was picking up trash from a local beach helping to transplant trees in logging areas or volunteering at animal shelters anything and everything we could do to help nature survive and thrive we happily did it was not long after that Eden became the unofficial title of our group there were nine of us in the beginning a son went on more members joined in things began to grow strained several members of the group wanted to legitimize the group and make it an official organization but Lemery myself and others disagreed it was our belief that if we became a legitimate business entity it would take away from our initial goals Lemery argued that it would prioritize profit rather than conservation and many of us agreed a group split soon after that unable to mediate our differences we lost over two-thirds our members then went on to found a rather high-profile organization that still exists to this day it was then I first began to notice a change in Lemery he was always an upbeat guy always friendly and welcoming but after the split he became more bitter it seemed like with every cleanup he became more resentful and spiteful he would scowl at people frolicking on the beach as we used our pikes to impale candy wrappers and soda cans it's really disgusting what people do to this planet you know he stared at me with narrowed eyes as he took a swig from the Jose Cuervo bottle it had been a long hot day of shoveling trash from the canals of Rio de Janeiro he passed me the bottle and took a swig as he continued like with all the beautiful things in this earth people are content to just it up like no one even cares about it I lower the bottle is the rush of tequila descended my throat I do I handed the bottle back wincing Lemery scoffed yeah we can only do so much though he stared away from the campfire into the dark of the night [Music] that's what happens when the ecosystem is unbalanced another voice broke our conversation and Larissa strolled up to the fire she was another long-standing member of our group she took a seat across from us and Lemery handed her the bottle how many people on this planet six seven billion if you took a swig and her eyes glinted at Lemery he glared back too many i went to bed not long after that but that should have been my first warning sign most of our conversations took on a much more sinister undertone after that as if a great storm was approaching but I was young and blind to the danger on the horizon a man by the name of Ruben Cavalli joined the group soon after that it wasn't like the others though the others were passionate easygoing but Cavalli he was somber rarely spoke his eyes seemed dark and brooding at all times like whatever lingered on his mind was something he dare not say he and I rarely ever talked but both Larissa and Lemery seemed to take a unique liking to him I'd always see them chatting and laughing amongst themselves I don't think he trusted me much because whenever I came around he would suddenly become stoic again Lemery seemed to get worse growing more hateful and contemptuous he lash out for the smallest of things and more than once he made another member of the team cry for the tiniest of errors I didn't understand his sudden change but one night our conversations made things much clearer for me did you know if bees went extinct the entire world would basically die he suddenly asked the question after he and I had been conversing for a while keep in mind this was back in the 80s and the whole bee phenomenon was not yet widely known [Music] no I didn't know that Lemery nodded and stared the ground yep they wouldn't be there to pollinate flowers anymore crops would suffer as a result and struggle to reproduce the animals that eat plants would then be hard-pressed to find them so on and so forth he paused and gave a slight chuckle amazing how delicate the balances you know one single organism disappears and we're all pretty much and nodded back to him butterfly effect I guess Lemery nodded something like that but you know if humans disappeared every other species on the planet would flourish I laughed and nodded back I wouldn't get your hopes up for that that's what happens when you're so far above the food chain that there is almost zero risk population grows out of control I mean be honest or second with me how many people on this planet do you think are absolutely necessary I didn't have a good response for him at the time but now I've got a hundred I wish I would have argued it wouldn't have changed his mind but it may have alleviated some of the guilt I didn't say anything because I liked Lemery had begun to hate humanity and so I was content to let the cold chill slither down my spine unheeded a couple weeks after that conversation something happened two people were caught at an oil refinery about an hour north of us with a van full of explosives they had over a dozen homemade pipe bombs in their possession and that led police to assume they were attempting to detonate them and sabotage the pipeline those two people were also members of Eden I never knew of their plans to do anything like that and that discovery really caught me off guard Lemery didn't seem to be fazed by it though the cops investigated us but we denied any and all involvement I still don't know whether or not that was true things got a lot more divided after that the media spun it is some sort of eco terrorist operation it was false for the most part but it was enough to scare away nearly half of our members at the time that should have been the moment I called it quits as well but it wasn't I didn't have a whole lot going for me at the time no real family left and no other ambition to do anything else I also wholeheartedly believed in Thiago Lemery in the message he spoke so I stayed convinced by my peers and determined to continue our work that event really galvanized Lemery and he began to speak in terms of frantic measures we needed to undertake he cursed those who had left his treasonous cowards and assured us that we were on the path to something incredible his rhetoric became far more radical from that point on you could almost see the flames in his eyes and taste the venom from his words as he angrily lectured about the disgusting human species he spoke of a bizarre wish that he held of his desire to see an apex predator to keep human populations in check he said he wished she could revive dinosaurs or other ancient beasts to help slash human populations or coal the herd as he called it his cracks began to show but I of course downplayed the sentiment because it wasn't like his fantasy was actually going to happen I was young I was naive and foolish and I bought into his message hook line and sinker I began to truly hate human beings outside of our group and became convinced that the world was doomed if we did not do something to save it back then I would have done anything to save the world I loved at the time Lemery owned about a dozen acres out in the woods just outside of barreto's it was their than most of us made her home a small compound away from the cities in which we would all work together to survive off the land I realize now how cold like that sounds but at the time it was just a community of like-minded people who cared about nature Lemery had quickly begun to grow more radical though you've seen the lies they've told about us you've seen how the rich tycoons who plunder natural resources point the finger at us and dare to accuse us of being the problem is if protecting the planet is a bad thing but we all know we all know what the real problem is don't we members of his audience nodded back and in the corner I saw Ruben Cavalli leering with the wide eager grin humanity they rape pillage and destroy this beautiful world slaughter animals death camps to feed their insatiable appetites poison oceans with filth and eviscerate the forced to accommodate more of their parasites they are the real problem they sit atop the food chain with nothing to keep their numbers at bay he paused and let his words roll amongst the crowd for a moment another member then stood and posed a question what can we even do people just don't care about this enough to change Lemery paused at his podium and a meager smile crossed his lips we must show them the danger of not caring Lemery than locked eyes with Cavalli and seemed to share a silent secret together the congregation questioned him how he planned to do it but in Lemery didn't say much more for months we were subjected to that barrage of misanthropic propaganda while Lemery Cavalli and others began to sow the seeds of malcontents I remember the night it happened we had prepared for months gone over the details of the procedure ad nauseam and recited the details again and again I thought it was only a ceremony of some kind or a Rite of initiation I had no idea what I was in for one group stood there garbed in black robes with our arms spread out and crossed formation we had spent hours applying the intricate patterns on our faces with red and white paints I felt like a fool standing there as the pyre flame bellowed in front of me but I didn't dare question it I didn't even think that what I was about to be a part of was anything out of the ordinary Lemery had spent years studying the customs and teachings of local tribes and men of the wild turns out they knew a few things we didn't specifically things I had never thought possible the fire burned bright and hot at least 10 feet high as our group awaited the appearance of Emory before long he finally showed companied by Larissa both of them wore the black ropes the opulent necklaces embroidered with scarlet jewels their eyes were wide yet unfocused as if in a trance then he came after a man who for years had been a constant anxiety for me Ruben Cavalli a renowned practitioner of the blood arts a radical things that had been long outlawed by local authorities but there were those who continued to dabble he held a scroll of parchment in his hands and upon it something eerie was depicted I had the faintest idea what to expect but I held my position all the same as the fire grew taller and hotter as Cavalli began to chant and even as the shadows began to twist around me Cavalli laid the mural on the ground and even now I find it hard to describe an ancient thing instructions from those whose origin has a long faded into oblivion upon it there was a beast of otherworldly appearance razor-sharp claws on its hands and legs t9 scales on its back and chest covered by a blanket of black feathers whip-like tail that ended in a vespid stinger and a long slender neck topped by mammalian snout with jagged and mismatched teeth an abomination by all counts and a thing that should not have been Cavalli continued to chant as the maddening sound of the chorus serenaded the forests somewhere far off I heard the agonized cries of animals as if they were deeply opposed to what was transpiring the winds bolstered blowing the flames about the vicinity and sending showers of sparks in all directions then I heard something deep in the woods which to this day makes me shudder laughter from something that enjoyed a dance of heathens Thiago Lemery and his lover Larissa both entered their respective coffins Lemery looked at me one last time I saw no shred of hesitation in his eyes only hatred other members of our group placed the lids on the coffins and rolled them into position atop the open pits the other members then logged in the two offerings two men rich business types from the city they were bound and gagged and their faces were rife with terror they pleaded in indiscernibl voices for mercy but none listened Lemery had diligently convinced his congregation that they were the enemy and no mercy was to be shown to them it were held in positioned and the locks upon the sides of the coffins were secured Cavalli then lay his hand upon each of them and began to speak his blasphemous words I've never heard a language like that before and I hope to never hear it again the carved runes which decorated the coffin seemed almost a glow in the light of the fire Pahlavi's words grew louder his eyes rolled back into his head leaving only wide slits the flame seemed altogether unbearable and lashed back and forth up and down like the sea in the midst of a cyclone several of the others suddenly fell to their knees while others began to writhe about as if intoxicated by ecstasy Dagon II they cried cackles moaned and screamed hysterically I then felt it a creeping madness nibbling at the back of my mind I tried to resist it but the feeling was altogether overwhelming vision struck me like bolts of lightning world's burning oceans boiling and an innumerable number of people suffering and waste to court esque to even mention I knew then it was wrong my eyes began to flutter and I fell to my knees like the rest had with all my strength I managed to look towards Cavalli just at his acolytes slit the throats of the two men they gurgled and flailed before being tossed onto the coffins blood poured from their gullets staining and saturating the lids and soil the coffins began to shake about and I heard terrible screams coming from inside something then changed within me as I watched the breath drain in the two men a horrifying realization struck me and I realized what I was no no stop this Cavalli this is not right I begged and tried to force myself towards them but all the strength had fled my body I could do nothing but watch and cry as my two friends were lowered down into the pits coffins still adorned by the fresh corpses of the businessmen the last thing I remember before fading out entirely was Thiago LEM Ruiz screaming from within his coffin the last words I ever heard him speak more booed my eyes opened and daylight greeted me i sprung up to a seated position and coughed from the oppressive smoke but once raging pyre had smoldered into ashes and cinders around me lay the other members of Eden still fast asleep I then realized the coffins were gone at their position I realized the pits had been filled with dirt I scrambled toward the mounds and frantically began to dig with my hands I had get them out they're not ready yet a familiar voice called out I looked up to see the shatori entice of Ruben Cavalli staring back at me what the hell did you do Kavali dusted the ashes from his robe and looked to me with a devious smirk I made them what they needed to be others in the congregation began to stir around us then no no we need to get them out they'll die I screamed as I resumed digging and we will but not until the time is right he and I stared a mutual disdain simmering between us I thought they were both dead and I thought I had witnessed their murders and been unable to do a thing about it I don't know Howard if I could even rationalize what I saw that night all I know for certain is that when I put my ear to that mound of dirt I could hear a rhythmic pulsing almost like a heartbeat for three entire days I questioned my own sanity and everything that had happened that night I wanted to go to the police but I knew they would never believe what happened I didn't have anywhere else to go and more than anything I feared what the repercussions would be if I'd betrayed Eden that moment was a true crossroads for me and for those entire three days I couldn't eat or sleep a wink it was like I knew what I had to do but I hated the idea of doing it finally as dawn broke on the third day I left it all behind I just couldn't get over the guilt and didn't want my life to solely consists of hatred and vengeance I went straight to the police and told them everything that I have here today they were skeptical to say the least but agreed to accompany me back to the compound I returned to my former home with the police the next day the primitive wooden homes came into view as we crested over the hill but immediately something seemed different the cops sprung into action and swarmed to our small village they screamed orders for everyone to exit with their hands up but no one answered the call I could see the confusion begin to swirl in their eyes and after a couple minutes of searching the police chief approached me where is everyone I didn't know how to answer everyone was gone but something found in one of the houses seemed to offer a clue there was a large hole torn in the side of the small building and within it the spackling of blood coated the floor I began to inspect it with them until another officer called for our attention he was up on a hill towards the area that our strange ceremony had taken place his face had gone pale and his rifle quivered in his hands as we approached once we crested the hill I saw what it was that had terrified him there was a girl there well what was left of her anyway she was missing her right arm and had a large hole in her sternum her name was Rosa she couldn't have been more than 20 years old [Music] my knees grew weak beneath me I turned to vomit as I saw her the cops too seemed incredibly disturbed by the sight flies buzzed around the vicinity and the hot Sun had begun to rapidly degrade her corpse leaving a horrendous smell I don't think anyone expected to come across something like that but the worst is yet to come show me the spot the police chief turned to me with sharp and hateful eyes I hold myself up from the dirt and although I didn't want to I had to know [Music] we continued along the trail for some time and soon a powerful stench began wafting through the air the smell of rot was so harsh and made my eyes water with every step I grew more nervous of what we were about to see finally we entered the small clearing and I felt my heart completely deflate there were more bodies there at least half a dozen by the looks of it but they were so mangled it was difficult to be sure some were headless others were missing limbs and large chunks of abdomen and some even looked like something had taken a bite out of them the pyre stood is a blackened pit upon the ground and around it the vegetation seemed to have retreated from the spot It was as if even the plants fear that place now in the center of it all though was the most disturbing sight of all the two coffins sat upon the ground wide open mangled and empty the two men killed as sacrifice were nowhere to be seen but beside the coffins I recognized a familiar face Ruben Cavalli dead like the rest with an enormous hole for his chest at once spent [Music] others in the police brigade began to gag wretch and a few drop to their knees to say Hail Marys the police chief took a look around and even he seemed entirely appalled what in God's name did you do once again I didn't have an answer but as I pondered my eyes fell upon something sitting in the dirt Pahlavi's mural that parchment that displayed that a wretched creature both of us just stood staring at it for a moment before something split the very air of the evening a scream a sound so wretched and painful it seemed to rip the bark from the trees my blood turned to ice in my veins as the inhuman crime let out like thunder the cops drew their rifles and formed a defensive blockade around the camp their hands were shaking I could see their pupils double in size you must have stood there for at least 10 minutes cowering and awaiting whatever terrible fiend and made that noise it had to have been dumb Locker perhaps their appetites had already been satiated because whatever made that dreadful sound never showed its face we finally left some time after but the damage could never be undone my memory after that point is a bit clouded it were cops and mesta geishas trials and oh so many questions they must have interrogated me at least a dozen times in my desperate stupidity and told them everything I had written here today seven of our members lost their lives that day and five others have never been found Thiago Lemery and Larisa Villa are two of them some members of Eden had escaped and a few of them were found and brought in for questioning their stories ended up being remarkably similar to mine they spoke of the two monsters that had arisen from the coffins and slaughtered everyone they could get their hands on another girl named Mary Rose had a massive wound across her chest and looked an awful lot like claw marks to me but the police run willing to even entertain the fables after a lengthy negotiation process and unwillingness for the police to substantiate my story we were all tried for manslaughter after my testimony I was deemed to be mentally unfit and was ordered to an asylum I spent the next 17 years there and every day I questioned everything I had seen and heard I probably never would have been allowed to walk free if I didn't abandon trying to tell them the truth no one believed it and I don't blame them I'm an old man now and I wish for nothing more than to erase these memories but this is my life and these are the things I've done I don't expect forgiveness for what I took part in I just hope others can learn my mistakes don't assume that your benevolence will yield positive outcomes because there are those who will use it against you be smarter than I was and beware those who seek to use your kindness against you I still spend most of my days cleaning up litter it's the only thing that really brings me peace as you may have imagined they never found any trace of those thanks some nights when I belong back in my house I can swear I hear that wretched howl once more every once in a while we get a story here in Brazil of someone being horrific aliy mutilated by an animal attack it's not animals though it's monsters they're not Lemery in larissa anymore they are the apex predators they always wished for hunting down humans just as they had wanted all along I doubt they'll ever be found but the sake of all of us I just hope they can't breathe [Music] thanks for watching and I hope you enjoy today's video I'm gonna give a huge thanks to all of my supporters over at patreon and YouTube's memberships your support makes these narrations possible and I appreciate it a ton if you'd like to join these lovely ghouls you can head on over to my patreon at patreon.com slash Clancy pasta or click the join button below to become a member and if you'd like creepy cool shirts make sure to head on over and check out my official merch store for some awesome tees hoodies stickers and more alright thank you all for watching and I hope you have a great night Cheers [Music] you
Channel: ClancyPasta
Views: 45,838
Rating: 4.8934846 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, reading, narration, creepypasta reading, creepypasta narration, scary stories, creepy story, horror stories, asmr reading, asmr story, creepypastas
Id: 6m0p43cJoeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 55sec (1975 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
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