R-37M Hypersonic Vs SM-6 / Aim-174B | F/A-18F Super Hornet Vs Su-27 Flanker | DCS |

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good deal good he good hey guys welcome back to another video we're here in the F-18 Super Hornet once again we are carrying the sm6 uh or the aim 174 or B you know you call it whatever you want uh this thing uh you know we've talked about it in the past it's a it was a naval uh missile he used to launch this thing off of ships it's twice the size of an amam and uh uh they strapped it onto an F18 Hornet to basically make it a little bit more competitive just cuz the amam you know not exactly the longest range missile uh so I think they felt the need to step it up a little bit so they made this thing just to bridge the gap uh between uh the amam and some of the new stuff that the Russians and the Chinese might be coming out with speaking of the Russians uh we are fighting a suo 27 here today and he is firing the r37 M uh here he is he'll be on radar any second now I would imagine uh his missile is the r37 m uh which is Hypersonic uh he's actually locking me up here and for some reason I don't see him yet so I'm going to slightly defend here the sm6 or the a 174b that I'm carrying uh is not Hypersonic this is a big distinction worth making here uh there's some mountains over there uh okay he's got a missile in the air the fact that I can't find him doesn't necessarily come down to the uh Hornet radar it's also user error I'm probably not looking the right spot in the sky over there look at those mountains those look like decent mountains we're going to head over there to try to defend this missile hopefully oh here we go I actually I got him on radar right here look look look right here there we go let's see if we can shoot a missile at him I don't want to let him just push me so let's he's 89 mil off the nose here fox 3 we'll defend towards the mountains those Russian hypersonics are dangerous they're they're very much like uh they remind me of meteors where the meteor will just and and the r37 they'll head over to an area and you can hide and then if you accidentally stick your head up you know they'll reacquire you uh so they're very dangerous that's why I kind of want to head to the mountains uh cuz I think I can get the most cover over there uh and hide from this thing uh one of the major disadvantages of the a174 the sm6 if you will uh is the fact that it's not Hypersonic his missiles are going to get to me much sooner than mine will get to him going to climb here that missile seems like it's lost me the rwr is uh quiet again that doesn't mean that the danger has passed it might be out here somewhere we might have to defend super quickly I have them on radar here once again uh there we go got him lock him up at 65 miles here and let's just shoot one here Fox three that sounds like he shot another one at me as well we'll head back into the mountains one of the other massive disadvantages of the sm6 missile how large it is uh it really puts a lot of strain on my wings so I can't really uh pull too many G's or I'll break my wings off uh the Russian r37 M compared to the sm6 or the am1 74b that I'm carrying is a far more compact missile uh however it's also faster like we talked about the r37 is Hypersonic uh the advantage that I have uh is that you could argue that my Seeker might be better that's Up For Debate uh at the very least it's the same Seeker we're heading into the mountains here and that rwr is gone away uh but the other Advantage I have is that I'm my missile the sm6 is more maneuverable uh than his r37 uh so at closer ranges my missiles will be a little bit more effective I think uh we've come into the mountains here and you can hear that the rwr is clean so uh that missile has probably lost track although I'm a little nervous about popping my head up here I want to you know go up there and see if I can see him see if we can get another missile off we'll just turn back around here cuz we're getting out of the the range of the mountains oh that missile has reacquired me you remember what I said [Applause] [Music] all right so uh we're back here again and we're going to try this one more time uh the hypersonics I told you they're they're very very dangerous uh and you know I I shouldn't have come up I shouldn't have poked my head up like that I got a little greedy I should have defended longer and made sure the missile had hit the ground uh he's locking me up here okay he's already shot at me again so I'm going to defend again I'm having a little bit of trouble picking him up on radar uh not really sure why but I'm going to defend here once again towards those mountains but this time I won't make the same mistake uh you know we'll be a little bit more defensive than last time take our time I do love the look of the Hornet with the four SM sixs on it it looks I don't know it just looks really good in my opinion uh from the top down too look at those missiles they're so beautiful they're huge uh okay so we'll head to these mountains here again you can hear that missiles uh almost lock lost luck on me already you know the rwr is quiet so uh I wonder if the Seekers on these r37 are maybe not great for fighter size contacts uh they are of course intended for tankers and awax and that kind of stuff here we go I got them on radar uh 87 miles we got him Fox three from me and we'll defend back in the mountains he's locking me too then remember what I said earlier if I pull too hard I put too many G's on the aircraft the wings will actually rip off just from the sheer mass of these these sm6 missiles uh those of you who have seen them next to an amram you'll know how big they are I think like twice the the length of one and like twice as thick too so these things are quite girthy so you know whatever moves you're going to make they better be like you won't be able to make sudden moves you know and Dodge missiles and all that kind of stuff you better know exactly what you want to do you better have it pre-planned uh and you better do it nice and smooth uh with these missiles uh on your aircraft at least with four of them I think it's the same for even one on each side I think they're still super heavy uh sounds like we're safe in here R is clean but we're not going to make that same mistake we're going to stay defensive a little bit whenever you think you're safe just defend a little while longer and let's go ahead and recommit here uh having shot a missile off of one side of the aircraft the thing is massively lopsided uh and yeah you can trim it out but then you'll fire the other one and you'll be out of trim again so I just kind of I don't bother trimming it I shoot the second one quickly here and we'll the aircraft will be balanced out again uh here we go 69 mil fox 3 so as of right now my experience uh his missiles are definitely getting over here faster than mine are obviously his are Hypersonic uh but I think if mine reach him which I think they're certainly doing it 60 miles uh he's having a much harder time defending uh the Seeker on my missile I can definitely be wrong about that it's a matter of opinion kind of feels like that uh seems like it takes him a while to defend although to be fair every time I do come back up uh he's there waiting so maybe that's just in my head staying low here once again hiding behind these mountains we'll go cold for a little while longer okay still continuing cold I think we can recommit here give it a go nice long recommits remember once again I can't pull hard uh in fear of Breaking My Wings off here uh but that is a huge Advantage for you know the Russian side the r37 M being much more comp compact uh than the sm6 I think it's a big Advantage not just because of the g-forces that it puts on the aircraft but also consider the fact that the more compact the missile uh the more platforms you can fit it on you know they can fit it internally inside the Su 57 the suo uh 75 if it's ever made uh you know whatever aircraft that has Bay all their flanker series can carry them if they you know wire them up it's not a there's not a physical limitation cuz the missile is compact uh the sm6 here there may be some some limitations similar to the Phoenix not any aircraft could carry a phoenix you know you almost have to be designed to carry one of those giant things uh looking for him on radar here it's taking him a long time to recommit this time here we go got him finally trying to lock him up oh he's got a missile off off I didn't manage to to lock him up I'm just going to defend here a little bit scared of a Hypersonic inside a 60 Mi I don't love the sound of that let me just defend into this Valley here real quick uh definitely put putting up a better fight this time around I didn't poke my head up like that first round and get smoked so things are going well a little bit of a chess match here poking your head up no knowing when to and when not to in a weird way it kind of feels like a sniper duel between two snipers you know from like super long ranges uh everyone sticks their head up takes a shot goes behind cover you know the other guy Maneuvers goes behind cover shoots you know and somebody's going to get hit at the end here uh he took a shot of me that time and I did not manage to shoot back so I need to become offensive here quickly to make sure he doesn't push me uh still here we go finally got him on radar at 78 miles so he went cold quite a bit we had him at 69 and he went all the way back to 78 so he spent at least 10 mil going cold uh to defeat my missile so I know my Miss missiles are definitely giving him some trouble for sure it is kind of wild when you consider you know some of the other fox 3 fights like the r 77-1 and the amram you're fighting at ranges um between like 60 to 30 mil down to 10 miles sometimes right on the deck inside the mar uh these missiles you know you're slinging them from 100 miles 95 miles 120 mil you know it's crazy when you consider the range difference of these more modern missiles and you know it's possible this is the direction we're going you know missiles are just going to become longer and longer range as time goes by imagine like I don't know 4050 years down the road they'll be like 300 miles fox 3 absolutely crazy uh I've got one of these SM sixs left so I want to get a little bit closer uh and give him some real trouble with it if I can it can be hard to find them like I've got my here I'm going to put it to high uh prf pulse repetition frequency uh more the the high prf is better if the Bandit is coming towards you medium is better if he's flanking or cold to you uh this is why it can be sometimes difficult to find guys on radar um here we go I got him at 53 miles and it looks like he's head on so that's why the high prf was able to pick him up got him here at 52 miles I'm going to push him and if he shoots at me this is my last missile so I'm not worried I won't have I won't be restricted by you know G's I can dive down quickly to defend his missile um sounds like he lost lock fox 3 for me at 46 miles uh and he was at 177,000 FT I was at 23,000 40 40ish miles that's a pretty dangerous missile I think especially if he's out in the open and he's not he doesn't necessarily have mountains around him I think uh he might be in trouble and for what whatever reason he's not shooting actually makes me think he's out of missiles but I can't assume that right um but he's not shooting and I'm just going to hold that lock uh we have 54 seconds time to active and we'll hold that 36 mil the longer I hold it the better track that missile is going to have uh the more probability of kill here we go 40 seconds time to active and he is flanking he he's trying to defend I can see it on the radar he's going to be in first surprise any second now oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music]
Channel: Growling Sidewinder
Views: 18,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world war 2, ww2, DCS, dcs dogfight, dcs world, Military, army, air force, F-16 Viper, F-14 Tomcat, F-15 Eagle, Dogfight, F-22 Raptor, how to, tutorial, guide, F-18 Hornet, BFM, Eagle Dynamics, air combat, war thunder, navy, us military, Mirage, dogfight, f22, f18, hornet, f16, f14, viper, mirage, warthunder, military, f-22 raptor, gripen, mi-24, funny, Eurofighter, ef2000, virtual reality, vr, 3080, world war ii, battle of britain, USA, battlefield 2042, ah64 apache, dcs apache, wwii, f35
Id: 8ApYGpltnRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2024
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