Demon's Souls PS5 Livestream: Luke Plays Demon's Souls Remake - FINAL BOSS

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slugfest 2021 was great

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Sventington 📅︎︎ Jan 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

Man, Luke was a real trooper last night with this extra-long stream and then his own Lego stream. Long day.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/cdskip 📅︎︎ Jan 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

Was there any confirmation about what woukd be played after Demon Souls?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TheGreatHoopla 📅︎︎ Jan 15 2021 🗫︎ replies
so so so hello everybody hello hello welcome welcome along to another demon souls live stream my name is luke hello good to see you all again in the chat hello folks we find ray sunshine here poised above the swamp of sorrows which is where we will be exploring today in search of the new boss oh all right just racked up 112 souls so good little freebies what a nice treat i hope everyone is doing all right i hope everyone's doing well um or as well enough as as you know as we can do at the moment acid jib says uh luke my good man how the devil are you doing i hope the day is finding you well and you continue to enjoy the remainder of the week smack those baddies good for me what what oh acid jib i will don't don't you even worry about it i absolutely will um oh gosh hang on is my hang on i need to i need to perform i'm i'm slightly cut off here aren't i by my let me perform a slight webcam correction just to oh no that's made it worse look you're cutting off just the edge of my arm there there we go that's well that's that's not too bad is it i know it's fine nobody cares do that except me right so um you're probably wondering what i've been up to since last time well the answer is not a lot so the catch-up song today is well well well i didn't play the game at all i couldn't find a spare hour but then i remembered what bjor said [Music] yeah that's that's that that's all i have sorry but i think an important lesson a really important lesson from bjor um you know just respect the limits of your own power it sounds quite negative at first but i think the more you think about it it's like give yourself a break you know that's that's the way i chose to interpret it give yourself a break buddhist cat says short and sweet thank you thank you very much um i think you know it may be the shortest catch-up song we've ever done but i think really i think it i think it's the i think it's the catch-up song dare i say it that we need in this most troubling of t in these troubling times um anyway right let's crack on with the swamp sorry shall we let's um let's get on with it but yeah i've not so i've not played at all since last time at all um so what's that let's get that item hey i'm in the sludge good oh hammer nice well that was worthwhile arguably although i'm going to be poisoned any second aren't i from from being in sludge hello oh cheeky no let's chop you in half and your mate there we go what why am i stumbling oh i ran out of stamina there right good um okay so this is the area we were exploring last time exploring might be putting it oh god come on ray there we go okay you're doing all right you're doing all right buddy kenny stoneman says i'm so glad someone is offering sunshine in these troubling times continue being your lovely self luke also amazing job on blades in the dark thanks well blazing that's a big reason a big part of why i was so busy recently um oh they were just tusks okay that's cool that's cool sometimes it is a husk sometimes it will just be a husk yup out of my way enemies who are potentially husky oh poisoned bad times um let's try and power through shall we i'm not losing too much health oh i'm barely losing any health at all who cares about little little poisoning i'm not even gonna not even gonna heal i barely even want to stop the poisoning i mean what's the i'll just heal through it just stay poisoned ray just stay poisoned and don't don't worry about it stay poisoned and just accept your poisoned life brian oh hello who's who's knocking on ray's door it's so it's you an enemy well get in half there's a lot of items around the edges that i am right i'm waiting out i mean i'm going into the morass in search of items what have we got oh god this place is huge and extremely depressing uh nick jeffrey says can you make the stream nothing but songs or maybe songs and kittens i wish gentleman says hey luke wanted to say you did an amazing job with the blades episode thank you was super fun saw that you made some of the music in it so um so amazing happy demon souls and always love the catch-up songs that's right not all of the music that was in blades in the dark um there's a there's a few bits that are sort of uh youtube audio library um i think the the when the when the ghost child become well well potential spoilers so i won't go any further than that but um but yeah most of it i did make most of it um [Music] broken broken so i came out all the way here for a broken sword goodness sake right well i can see uh i can see an enemy over there right okay i will at this point i'm going to try and engage this enemy so i will cure my poisoning i will treat myself um much as i hate using any items right um is this enough ground on which to fight well look it's going to have to be because look they're heading my way it's a phantom this is not going to be straight forward probably here oh okay right got an early hitting that's good all right let's let's just try and sneak around for the backstab yes result all right i'm going to try and do it tactical switch out to big squish and oh no really i really hope that would finish it in one but no no such luck come on yeah there we go oh okay that was good that was good got my eye in now brilliant don't think i took any damage there so happy with that the one who snack says hello luke sam reporting from the luke fan club newsletter slash bongo circle here do you have to pay for all the chiropractic appointments caused by breaking necks when you walk out on the street oh the one who snacks um it's very kind of you um the only chiropractic appointments i have to pay for are my own because sometimes i do throw my lower back out i don't even know how i would get to a chiropractor now probably not easily so i hope my back stays behaves itself um okay uh that's so derek says love how the backstab damage goes down before you're even physically hit i also love that right okay oh hello friends now look you're going to interpret it badly that i've slain you easily but think about it this way i'm well okay i didn't have an end to that sentence right out into the swamp artema bale says oh decided to apply to grad school after a few years out of a miserable college experience so thanks for keeping me company while writing my application boys and that wasn't part of the comment um artimer bell good luck with it um go get em i'm sure you'll do great uh have have fun with the application i mean it's probably not fun is it but you know hope it goes all right all the best okay yeah yeah poisoned boy who cares oh look is that a big enemy up there it doesn't like it does look like a big enemy good oh look and there's a fog door that is an enemy um am i being followed by some i don't think they're gonna catch up oh you are you are big and look there's several of you um all right well i tell you what let's treat ourselves to becoming unpoisoned and i'll tell you what else i'll do tell you what else i'll do folks before engaging this enemy i'll wait until these folks get a little bit closer then i'll squish them here we go oh no no miscalculated there we go and you good oh and another that's fine that's fine ray sunshine is taking all comers and and i will remember to go wrong button i will remember to cast my second chance miracle that's right because today is all about the elite oh gameplay that we did a bit of stealth there moved around he was alerted right here we go let's try and let's try and let's try and get the backstab here easy easy ray oh no oh whoa okay oh this is good now now we're wrestling now we're wrestling folks come on what do you got nice try mate embarrass yourself can you be backstabbed i'm not sure you can oh gosh get out of there get out of there get out of there heal up just just about just about whoa that was a little spicy ah that was cool that was cool you know what that made me think of maybe think of the bit in bridget james's diary where gaius bolter runs out and he's like a real fight it's a real fight because um darcy and hugh grant see i'm just mixing and matching names here um i like wrestling in the street a real fight it's a real fight um brandon knoll says uh my friend and i are playing bloodborne and alternating who's playing with each death any suggestions i've never played any souls games before um well gosh i'll be completely upfront i think that that is a very very cool and very hard way uh to to play these games because you you are basically cheating yourself of 50 of the practice and in these games nothing is more valuable than that practice um so tips i guess well i guess for bloodborne i mean um you know stay aggressive uh whenever you're attacked try and like dodge forward just dodge through and you got this you just go just go wreck them up just go wreck them up and don't take any of their nonsense because i've because they're you know they're they're not all that they're not well except the orphan of course who is all that um peter jewels guard says hi luke and xboxtra thanks for providing oh what the heck sorry small interruption while i killed the world's worst mosquito um thanks for providing relaxing playthroughs wow oh no oh no while i do projects for first for the first exams of my astrophysics master's degree that's cool astrophysics uh right hello how do i how does one um if hypothetically i fell down how does one hypothetically get back up i'll just pop over here get this item oh just poisoned oh thief ring that sounds fun we'll have a look at what that does it sounds like it could be useful right i think i'm gonna i think i'm gonna might have to do a full lap here to get back to where i was no no because i am now in just in the other side of the swamp i think oh god oh dear i keep i keep waiting for this path to like open up and let me back round but it's not happening is it no no no no oh game got me some slack please am i gonna get all the way to the is this am i basically just gonna come to a wall i can't pass here oh my god look at this area it's enormous surely i can get through no no no okay uh ray you may you may be in trouble here now buddy it's fine we're only lightly poisoned oh my god um [Music] okay okay not something i can roll through is it no no okay no that's fine um i tell you what let's just head over here where these enemies are oh there's are they big ones are they big ones or little ones i can't get a sense of the scale i think they're big that's a lot of big dudes that is a lot of big dudes um ah screw it what the hell let's let's have a let's maybe just have a little oh lost wi-fi connection that's fine oh no they're so strong they're so strong oh no it was a bad idea to be in the swamp ray ray ray ray ray ray okay here's what we're doing we're cheesing it it's operation cheese it is a confirmed go here we go we're cheesing it out into the swamp wi-fi connection lost least of my problems oh whoa okay okay okay this is it this is it i'm gonna die i'm dead i'm not dead i'm dead okay what a rollercoaster that was damn okay all right well i mean wow maybe i could just like run up grab those items get out of there i mean those enemies are tough that is that is already there that is hard was tough um miracle applied the miracle good not that it was any use hello mate ow thank you for your thank you well done i'll let you feel good about that let you feel like you got one over on old ray which you 100 did right well i'm now back on the other side of that fence jam dev says items totally not worth the trouble from what i remember oh regenerators ring that's cool i mean does that do what it sounds like it does regenerate my health for instance poise and what else is new i say sod those souls says 90s pikachu honestly it wasn't that many souls and that's kind of how i'm feeling as well we'll see well look also that i ended up only i was only going there because i ended up taking like a massive detour because i fell off of the thing so this time if i could not fall off of a thing i might just not bother um let's see what happens though when we get over there still we've got a way through all of this rubbish again haven't we crumbly grumbly grumblies not even real enemies just crumblies out of my way you crumblies oh they were real enemies they were real enemies but they were nothing to be afraid of they're more scared of you than you are of them i mean that's the door hal ow come on ray come on let's crack on what through the middle of them yep good ah now i'm gonna have to do this big fellow fight again aren't i oh no oh no i don't want to be fighting you folks in the sludge i can't roll or nothing um but look they have died now so that's that's good okay hey big fella i know we're all upset oh i've made the exact same mistake as last time he is he is strong but he's slow so if i'm just a [ __ ] oh god no ray oh god i'm just a bit cautious he says before getting smacked in half one hit only morningstar right now this time let's not fall off that's the mission easy easy easy right yep mosquitoes yep good good ow whoa oh no oh no ray that's about the worst animation i've ever seen what the heck that didn't even really hurt all that did that didn't take that much health off it was just so horrible oh that was awful oh well come on there we go there we go that was some good estimation of the am i still poisoned yeah all right let's let's stop that then norsen says have you seen the new trailer for pokemon snap no um well i've got to check that out uh and welcome along new member daniel lim yeah i've got to check out new pokemon snapchat i really really liked pokemon snap on the nintendo 64. yeah i have some of that mosquitoes mosquitoes indeed i look at them that is horrible that didn't need to be remastered they should have kept the original oh you're alright well i'm not going to get that don't care what it is they should have kept the original character models for the for those things it's not really fair to subject us to oh to remaster there we go two for one thank you very much uh and you you oh oh yeah that's interesting you can get sliced up oh my gosh don't knock me off the side that's what i'm mainly concerned with good good good this feels like it could be potentially progress moments getting set on fire come on come on there we go yeah yeah yeah and you mate no one's impressed what whether oh my god does this not lead anywhere no surely not oh okay now i can drop down on something here good and then onto something there okay now now i can drop down and get that item would that be a terrible mistake should i keep follow i suppose i should try and keep following these lights the thing is doesn't that bring me round to where i have already been where was i i was like up around there so that's where the fog door is so before i walked all the way along there so i should be able to just see the island with the four big dudes i mean i can't but okay yeah i think i've got a i think i've got to follow this path that's okay we can do that um dcc0209 says hi luke i think it was last year you gm'd a game of werewolf for the channel any chance you would ever do that again or something like it absolutely i would do something like that again at the moment all my gmming energies are going into blades in the dark we have now filmed three adventures um the next one i don't mind telling you is going to be a barnaby and lilith adventure um and it is hilarious and brilliant and i can't wait for you to see it uh next friday that's when that's going up you no thanks and you no thanks and you no thanks no no it's a hard pass from me unfortunately oh you'd like that when you when you're spitting your goo out of your bum yeah well take it somewhere else okay right um uh oh monkeys are banana 77 says this was exactly what i needed to relax after my dad was admitted to hospital last night after a seizure and heart failure thank you luke oh monkeys are bananas 77. that sounds like a really stressful time i'm happy that stream is helping you relax but um even more than that i hope that i hope that you're all right and i wish um um i i wish your dad every al all the best with the recovery um what a rough time and these are disgusting what are the like slugs now oh no look at the oh god look at the way they move oh there's another one hoving interview people watching home can you even see what's going on is it even visible um right let's i'll get poisoned again doing this but oh my god that thing is crawling in slugs welcome to slug city population a million slugs oh they're falling down from the ceiling man oh my god oh it's just endless waves of slugs no oh god no god it's just more and more slugs oh no oh no how many oh they keep falling from the ceiling are they gonna keep falling forever oh no no i'm so oh i can't even oh god i can't even stay locked on to how many slugs there are is this at least a good farming site please say they're done no they keep falling oh it's raining slugs forever this is the worst thing to ever happen in a game why put this in why put this in anymore any more any more oh my god oh my god oh my god oh no oh there's another one may i i don't even know what to tell you whatever this item is it'd better be some kind of purging stone that removes the memory of the last five minutes from my mind no well that was really something folks i think that was the most slugs on screen uh in any video game at once that was quite something no thank you well all right i'm gonna just um give myself a minute there i have a fear of slugs this is the worst says leon liston i'm so sorry i'm so sorry karate kitty 5000 says hey luke do you think it's worth getting the ps5 just for this game if you'd have asked me a minute ago i would have said yes can i in good conscience now recommend this game absolutely not absolutely not okay we've got quite a few big fellows but i can see the fog door over there i really really don't want to die now because i would have to wade through all of that madness again so let's focus up for a second here christian suddenly as much as i'm enjoying this violent mosquito and slug action i'm looking forward to the chill lego stream later no lego slugs please no lego slugs just lego triceratops um that's what we'll be building oh look this one's got a little glowy green goblin friend so that's good um right let's see if we can just using my world of warcraft training see if we can pull just one of them i i i did not oh man ray try not try and try and do try and do things differently oh come on get up get up you must be some kind of healer or wizard you gotta kill the wizard that's another thing while the warcraft taught me oh no oh you all saw me do a very bold and ambitious dodge there right come on oh that was supposed to be healing there we go there's the healing okay right right right right right you attack and miss then i attack and hit then you hit me every single time why aren't you healing ray why aren't you healing when i press the button to make you do it there we go right kill it quick kill it quick right that used my miracle didn't it so oh we gotta we gotta we gotta reboot the miracle which means i need fresh spice to restore some mana and then what abs what a mess that was sorry that was awful um i dealt with that terribly in every regard gv says good evening luke at least where i am bit late but always glad to see ray squish um ray squish buckling again this tip is friending those slimy slugs by the way thank you very much hello mate hey pal right not making the same mistakes again we're back with circling around there's a lot of environmental things that are tripping me up here in this area just nicely circling around not overthinking it and just chipping away at the health until he dies that's that's that's more like it that's that's the kind of thing we like right okay i've got a choice of roots here now i can go that way get those items i can see some bugs and some slugs and some nasties uh or there's a fog door here which looks like it leads this background in a circuit um i honestly don't know which is preferable is this a fog door can i go through this yes okay we'll disperse that um might go this way first let me know in the chat if that's a spectacularly bad idea oh hello an npc hey i know did you buy something please my poor child is sick he needs your help i don't see the child okay filthy woman that's the game's description by the way not mine um yeah well look oh cool rotten arrows we've got some pretty pretty fun stuff but all i'm going to buy is i'll tell you what i'll buy a couple of maybe how much of these 800 yeah why not stock up buy some lotuses and then a couple of couple of grasses hopefully that helps yes well i mean i uh if you want repeat business you should maybe try and be a little bit nicer to the customers uh late moon grass good now where exactly am i is there a route over here i suppose there is got to go through some some enemies though some villains and some nasties that's all right these all seem to be normal sized oh wait oh god okay i'll tell you what quite a few of them so let's let's try and kill quickly um because yeah there's again picking up some items a lot of items in this area good good there's a wizard stupid wizard come on path find your way to me that i may slay you and you oh that was embarrassing glad he didn't see it never see anything again nobles lotus it's annoying because i just paid for some of them uh and you know how i hate using items or spending anything um right how do i get around to to that then oh there's the wizard whoa what was that what was that mr wizard has he bestowed your magic upon us oh hello oh embarrassing oh gosh i just cannot hit you there we go and getting on the backhand good good good gosh there's like a horrible tangle of oh hello okay still not sure how to get around to that item don't especially care if i'm being completely frank the thing is i've definitely got like far enough through the game that there's no chance that i'm changing any of my equipment it's all really upgraded i'd like to take it i'd like to take stuff through with me to new game plus of course but oh hello but it's not it's not of a it's not something i'm super worried about i want to meet npcs i don't want to miss any npcs hello there's a lot kicking off here oh and a stupid wizard stupid stupid gas wizard um what what do you do what are you even doing stupid gas wizard right let's try and doing poisoning as if i'm impressed i've been poisoned all day mate unbelievable i thought it might be like a more alarming status ailment like like a terror build-up or something you know like in some of those other games those things that just instantly kill you okay well look now see i'm gosh there are a lot of enemies over here but this does feel like the kind of area that i'm basically gonna have to go through once as long as i don't die like a fool um good good items good more items more good um okay so now if i want i can oh but you're not even on the same floor uh disregard let's play luke can go back and get those items maybe oh folks are saying that the stream messed up briefly and repeated wow okay that's that sounds annoying sorry i'm getting uh i've got green lights here excellent connection says youtube obs is all green so yeah all right don't die from poison luke while you're distracted by the chat okay right let's try and press on shall we feel like i've killed an awful lot of the citizens of this village i guess you'd call it township sludgy swamp land where's this taking me then i feel like either a shortcut could be coming up or like i've missed a shortcut oh look there's the four dudes there's the four dudes who who gave me such a hard time right i really don't want to fall off oh come on ray i'm sort of like there we go from the side okay ah no thank you no thank you [Music] nearly went over the edge there it's the problem with this weapon and i guess a lot of the weapons in this game in this series even dare i say a lot of them do just naturally just take you forward a little bit as you as you use them this has got to be leading to a shortcut surely can i get up there i felt like the game was messing with me a bit there um [Music] oh okay all right ouch okay fair enough don't play oh no no no oh my god oh oh oh that stings oh oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no oh oh [Music] oh oh no oh i'm so i'm so very very upset at what just happened i think i was so close to a shortcut there at least at least most of the things along this route now are dead okay luke don't get clumsy running back it'll only take a minute and only take a minute just be chill in two minutes you'll be back where you were just oh man oh i feel like that was really close to the shortcut that you can see at the beginning i might be wrong i've been wrong before oh god do you remember in the original dark souls for those of you who played it the [Applause] oh look missed you first time around well don't worry you'll get a turn jump in the original dark souls there was like a one of the sound effects um when you uh when you died and your guy just went oh like that and it's like it's kind of pained but it's more just a deep regretful sigh oh slug town oh that's that's the noise oh look that item i didn't get earlier well there we go got it now yep that's right then i got to here and i now and i had the choice go that way or go this way and this is the way i went so i'm going this way again yep there's the woman there's a wizard who i clearly missed out but do not care do not care frankly i can live without these items as well executive decision oh you'll look up that noise if you haven't heard it before it's very evocative right well i know i've been here because everything's dead um and then which way was it round is there like a sneaky path here yep there it is i'm so so annoyed about this whole situation okay an item down there the problem is that these are all items that i want to get it is it's hurting me a little bit to leave items on the table that i could be getting but at the same time like the only way to get them is to drop down and do this whole run again and frankly if i'm that fast i can leave it to i can do it off stream i don't think i'm gonna be that fast i'll look up later whether there are any like like majorly cool or interesting items or like quest items or something that i missed i suspect the answer will be no okay i think it was about here that the uh unfortunate events took place let's see how far i was from exactly where i was trying to get to oh my god there it is there's the shortcut painful i really felt the anger with which that was kicked okay right let's take a break for a little break have a little look in the chat ah some guys sitting down says that was horrible thanks in advance for the lego stream big hug to you and nice the nice chat um jeff l says once you get to the village you can unlock a shortcut to skip all this find the fog door don't go in but walk right along the cliff wall all the way back to a plank you can lower that links to the start we're there thank you jeff l emma byrne says found out i was autistic four years ago it's been an amazing journey today i got to use high-end noise cancelling earbuds being able to be in public without the risk of sensory overload was incredible tip to share the love and celebrate emma byrne that's that's incredible congrats yeah congratulations on that journey um that's awesome that that sounds like a that sounds like a real milestone so yeah huge congrats um right i'm now going to backtrack because we're now going to go the other way having opened this shortcut that there's a reasonable chance you know what i almost hope that i die soon because if i do i'll get to use this shortcut or will i how how is one to get up here oh right oh he came that's one of those ledges that you can mantle there are like three of them in the game and it's very hard to identify them okay [Music] rey sunshine's having a good time oh my controller's vibrating that means there's a wizard trying to do a magic spell on me where could they be i hope they don't get me oh no oh no watch out for the wizard ray you don't underestimate their incredible powers oh no wait nothing seems to have happened right is it this way i'm just i'm kind of just i'm a bit lost i'm just sort of running the only way i can i feel like i may have gone around in a circle or maybe not maybe not oh yeah okay i know where i am ish ish oh it's the wizard tell you what let's hop down and get this one down shall we treat ourselves ah rotten arrows worth it wait hang on hang on oh wow up here up that slimy slope and this should i hope oh get us back to where we were um i'm not even getting like any any decent number of souls from from all of this oh some guy sitting down says that was horrible was in reference to the slugs i did guess actually um i thought it might be in reference i think to be honest like for the next year anytime someone says that was horrible i'm going to assume it was in reference to those slugs slugfest slugfest 2021 oh is that all of the mosquitoes i think so i think so let's muscle our way over here let's get this nice item which is storied heroes all that's good that's good that is a lot of souls so that's nice that is good and nice oh look it's a slug just to mix things up oh bow ow all right fair play slug you've caught me where my weapon isn't at its most effective okay i guess i guess this is the way to go now right like up here it's a way to go that we haven't been before so i hate their little open mouths i actually don't at all mind slugs and snails especially snails i really like snails but that's not to say i would like them if they were six foot long and trying to kill me oh what is that oh is that the slug nest that the chat was telling me about um arishia lambert says hi luke thanks to your chill thanks to uh thanks to your chill started blood bloodborne as my first soul's like no overthinking just enjoying thanks to you and the ux team for the great content oh that's awesome i'm so glad you're enjoying it or at least you know i hope you're enjoying it um ow how i found bloodborne a very enjoyable game um hard obviously but you know is that did that hurt it does this thing have a health bar are we is this doing anything at all i don't feel like i'm maybe it's already dead because i killed every slug is that possible oh down you go right what's this legendary hero soul okay good good good good good nice to have nice to have ah now here's my question to you friends where the hell am i supposed to go next oh i can drop down there that's the path i didn't wait can i oh there it goes there goes the slug nest oh good now that now that area is populated with slugs again so i just feel great about my actions is this a route is this the way i guess so um man this this is messing with my head a bit this area where to now oh what the hell okay that's cool that looks like ludwig's holy blade from bloodborne and it's but it's in the middle of all the slugs epicurean bird says one of these days there will be a game with a safety inspector that shuts down a dungeon for unsafe ramps and walkways now look is this the path to progress potentially i'm not even sure but here's what i will say look at that cool glowing sword i've got you i have to go down there no matter what no matter what that is i have to i have to have it so folks i'm really sorry about this but guess what we're wading back into how al ray ray cannot carry item no oh god heal heal heal don't get killed by slugs not by slugs you can be killed by anything else i don't even mind but not slugs i can't even tell the living from the dead oh my god i'm just waist deep in slugs okay now this is cool this is ludwig's holy blade large sword of moonlight cool cool oh a suckerstone charge you don't say should we have a look at it should we oh wow that was some pleasant um okay oh it's cool oh it's a magic sword that's both cool and lame it's got like final fantasy energy let's let's wield it briefly shall we just uh wrong button [Music] it makes a lightsaber sound oh my gosh it dissolves corpses i can clean up all of the slugs thank you game for this incredible gift i can clean them up i can give i can send them to slug heaven oh that's good okay well that's cool um happy to have found that for certain wait what did i just do come on buttons there we go right sorry pressed everything wrong there am i still poisoned yet all right let's stop that uh right unfortunately though i now i think have to backtrack a little bit because i guess i guess there was a way up there that i feel i feel like there must have been a path that i missed unfortunately so yeah this is the t junction where to the right is the village and then to the left is like non-stop mosquitoes there's something up there can i get over to there how do i how does one how does one demon souls let me just pop over here and see if i can just see where i am uh luke i chose this over a super chill breath of the wild live stream and what do you give me endless slugs sorry i can only apologize okay look now here is my serious question where do i go next are you the person in the chat who knows where i should go and is capable of and not not capable i should say and is willing to put in the effort to write it in in such plain terms that even i will understand it bearing in mind that when you're hearing this i am no longer where i was a minute ago let's find out i'm a bit lost though i went around here yeah yeah yeah this was all good this is where slug town was welcome to slug town yeah and then i went over here and i could drop down here but was that the way i don't know oh go back towards the village says clarity rex the way ahead is in there head back and left oh okay okay back to the village well i guess maybe all of this was just to get that cool sword okay well right all right thank you everyone in the chat that is helpful i i don't know exactly where i went wrong in terms of going to the village but i am prepared to believe that i went wrong so let's let's find the right way shall we i guess we have to explore this area uh a little more thoroughly and yeah i guess there must be a there must be a path maybe look there is you see there are these structures up there can i are they can i get up there are they purely decorative thomas angel says you need to go to the place with gross things next to the gross place i'll go straight from the shortcut now that's an interesting okay well let's try and find our way back there then and just keep an eye out for like different paths places i haven't been sorry in advance when i walk straight past the way i'm supposed to be going oh wait hang on there are some items down there could that be where i'm supposed to go or is that no that's got to be just dropping me down so that i repeat a bunch of stuff again although it does look like a large area so it might be worth trying uh i don't think this is the way forward but these are some reasonably good items so but now i have to backtrack oh look poisoned oh hello [Music] right okay quite literally back on course now oh so many super chats um dwayne g says this was going to be my first ps5 game but i've seen enough giant slugs for a lifetime there um chemical says the moonlight greatsword is in every from software game from kingsfield to armored core and the souls game oh that's awesome i didn't know that what a tremendous bit of trivia and and nice to have nice to have found it in this game as well um lovely well then i'll tell you what i will do just get a little bit of capture i think that was probably in the last 15 minutes hopefully um josh pirini says nice job and killing all the slugs i ashamedly died to them the first time i went for that sword no worries no shame in it this the first souls game i've ever beaten using the blue blood sword build looking forward to seeing you finish it thanks uh josh okay now maybe over here oh wait look is that a fog gate yes result great oh but we've got a few wrongins in here eager to join their fallen comrades that slice you right in half okay well that's good that's good and you know what you know in a rare move for this game i don't think that's going to be too hard to find my way back to if uh things don't go well with whatever i'm about to face through this door um jeff l says thanks for the awesome and horrific stream luke gotta run now but looking forward to catching the end on replay later um and uh bp phantom says i think you need to go to slugsworth on slymond shire also thank you for these and your own streams mr luke you're very welcome okay here we go alrighty what do we got what do you got for me game dirty colossus as i suspected wow i mean certainly colossus look at that thing whoa okay all right let's just get let's just have a little look around at the arena looks like we got a fairly large okay okay it shoots it shoots guns it's got a gun it's got a gun i mean it's got a gun barrel right let's try hitting oh okay how much damage is that a reasonable amount staying behind it is always my default strategy seems to be paying off okay so far in this fight what are we doing now that's aoe it's gotta be gotta be oh okay okay that's okay that's okay that's oh my god don't get greedy aoe aoe you know it you know it straight signs oh is this going to do it no trouble no drama demon vanquished body restored oh no that's bad i don't want the body restored cool um well that was good uh yeah that didn't that wasn't that wasn't too tough um [Music] i didn't think that was i think i only saw like two attacks there possibly possibly i got very lucky and it didn't do any other uh like big scary attacks but that wasn't too bad um oh spoon of doom says that was anti-climactic sorry it wasn't it wasn't it um okay i like that i had a gun barrel though that made me laugh that entertained me okay let's go spend these souls and then we could just press all into the rotting haven maybe oh jamie christensen says i'm confused why is it bad that your body is restored great question the reason it's bad is because if i die in the world it affects my tendency and as you can see i have pure white tendency currently in the valley of defilement um for whatever that's worth uh if you die in body forms with your body restored then yeah that then that that is bad um um pretty high on everything so the world might be mending screw it let's put it in strength let's put in the fun one shall we the thing that makes things die quickly when i smack them uh right um so and because i don't want to be in seoul it i don't want to be i don't want to have my body restored we have to do this stupid little ritual which where i have to run up the steps of the nexus and then jump off to die on purpose that's not going to do it ray oh no it will great um cadaver says 138 says the stage was the boss the dirty colossus is the victory lap yeah i believe it good call the dirty colossus is the victory lap yep um right get my stuff back um and now let's crack on let's let's get i'm invigorated let's get by that by that by that boss victory let's get straight i want to push forward let's let's try let's try going going onwards no not not there although we can also go onwards there uh kelsey sean uh schoenbaum says on the plus side no slug king monstrosity that is true i think i would not have been surprised to see that uh apple says luke what is your favorite dinosaur and would ellen still say triceratops yeah attack uh horn defensive thrill i love triceratops but ellen would know that depending on what day you get me it's either triceratops or archaeopteryx okay right uh frodo bagan says oh yeah can you upgrade your weapons uh the um the claymore is upgraded to the max little squish big squish wants a particular soul that i don't have i think it's called maybe colorless demon soul oh okay can i get oh it's a ladder i didn't didn't see the ladder come on luke pay attention another fog door the structure of some of the other worlds has been that there are like three areas and then there's a boss at the bottom of the third area and then the fourth area is just a boss um so i think possibly we might be about to do another boss fight potentially don't forget to cast second chance says phil mc3 i would never forget how could you even say that also why am i covered in flies can you see that ray is covered in flies was i always covered in flies seems like something i would remember um anyway onwards let's crack on shall we what's through here a cut scene lovely i'll turn the game audio hello must be a nightmare keeping that robe clean down here okay so it's a woman magic woman and her mate oh they look like they're friends may you be unharmed oh oh right we're okay we're into it interesting all right then this is going to be honest it makes me feel absolutely terrible isn't it leave quietly very can i can't see where she is presumably all the way at the end of this area please leave quietly i don't think that's an option is it an option should we try oh there he is there's that knight should we try and leave quietly should we see if we can if the game gives if the game gives you the option of leaving quietly i'm thinking of i'm thinking of um priscilla from the from uh dark souls who i felt very terrible for killing no literally can't leave okay fine all right okay well i guess we're i guess we have enough hello hello mate i see you're glowing purple which is interesting ellen's in the chat she says pack your bags everyone i think we're going on a guilt trip okay nobody are we oh we're fighting with swords and weapons like okay that's fine how about this don't quite [ __ ] damage uh wi-fi connection lost i'm really sorry about this should i pause it now i'm not going to pause it's really annoying though why is it keep trying anyway it doesn't matter okay right can this person be backstabbed it's a very tight area should we try parry haven't done a parry in a while savagery okay right well now they're annoyed that was brilliant okay so they're dead i have their armor the boss health has not gone down is this like a two-part fight there she is plagued oh god that's well that's not good and i just brute heal through that whatever that is you you killed him didn't you very well i can no longer resist you do as you like take your precious demon soul yep guilt trip body restored feeling awful classic still at least i got plagued bring your sincere prayer oh man i didn't even hit i didn't even hit attack her there there's a bunch of items and stuff around here should i like wade in to get them i am actually doing quite a lot of damage oh i'll look it up captain crimbo says luke don't look up the law about those two for your own good yeah i might not do that um yeah hello it's me back again five minutes later can i level up again please i'm gonna have to jump off the nexus again i mean putting it in strength has really paid off that fight against that night was not too brutal but let's put it in health why not because i'm not sure how much difference anything's making at this point this far into the game all right ray hope we go upstairs how about that delicious guilt though remember when they were best friends hanging out in a swamp and i came in like a wrecking ball and just ruined everything and they both are dead now for no reason it was a good time wasn't it uh sarah burke says hey luke hope you have a great day can i get a shout out for my hubby shawn gets to watch live today and he's having a great time with it hey sean i hope my guilt has not transferred magically through the screen to you sean consider yourself shouted out thank you for watching um i'm sorry that the one you catch live has to be so full of terrible feelings so many bad vibes and so guilt so guilt-ridden guilt-sodden oh well i'm over it i look you all saw me i tried to leave the area i tried to leave the area right let's drop let's drop some stuff off in storage because i'm that was what he'd say overburdened and then then let's do another area we're cracking through um oh look at all these things i got from slugs oh my brilliant large sword of moonlight um attribute bonus attribute requirements oh it requires 24 in sparkle sparkle magic whatever attribute that is i don't even know but it's s rank so that if i had if that was my build that would be absolutely terrific shall we um i tell you what while while i do absolutely feel terrible about killing that knight he was clearly just trying to live his best life down there shall we try his clothes oh they've all been they've all got sent stories didn't they i was worried sick let's try on some clothes let's play dress up with the clothes from the knight who i killed um what was his name oh that was it dark dark silver the dark silver set would be overburdened oh calm off it let me i've got a shield i can temporarily put away unbelievable wood we're trying my patience all i'm trying to do is play dress up here again give me a break right i have to unequip the dragon bone smasher put the dragon bone smasher in storage now i can withdraw the trousers now i can try it all on unbelievable right oh well i shouldn't be surprised that it's stats are better oh yes what a look that's so cool it's making me roll slow it's no good for ray in the way that the ray plays but that's awesome right well that was fun let's take it all off briefly enjoy ray in the ah just like in the early days they were good times remember running around tower of latria now i'd like to withdraw my um big sword please my clothes back on a sweet imperial spy kit which i absolutely love good right where should we go now um i might spend all of these spare souls just on healing items just from old patches up here no no no no hey mate um late moon i guess for the most by the most oh i can probably transfer right i think i have some healing items in storage but transfer them over i'm keeping a close one oh yeah like i got 38 of them i'm doing i'm all right for healing items so that's nice um right let's do another area that we've not finished yet let's let's um no wait we just did that let's go in here let's find out let's find out what's beyond let's find out what's beyond here dwayne g says just looked up made in australia's law and rey is a bad bad man ray tried to stop ellen in the chat says oh she's talking to eurogamer cannot believe you'd lower the tone so much what did eurogamer say do i even want to know oh is that ian ian's in the chat and i'm sorry everyone if you saw this message um outside extra cannot be held responsible for um for the comments of third parties um ian regrettably has left a message in the chat saying i did a dirty colossus this morning and while ian may be perfectly content to um wound us with his words like that and then retreat um we're the ones who have to live with what he's done we're the ones who have to find some way to try and go on um right that's it i think i'm going to uh kill the stream there let's just kill the feed there i'm not actually killing the feed what i'm doing is um uh i am sorting out that wi-fi thing so that that stops happening do that's pretty funny dirty colossus um somehow says we all know luke's a monster he killed priscilla too don't forget now look must i be punished forever just because i killed priscilla seemingly so um i'll tell you what i'm just not having any right i've just turned internet off doesn't matter we'll keep going online doesn't matter i don't think it'll matter too much right um oh new works adventure tomorrow and outside xbox uh says ellen in the chat and and oh nice one ellen she's she's pinned a link um in the chat so we can all check that out this answer silver says ox is not responsible for comments of randomians that's so true and cassidy harris says hello i just wanted to say that my mom and i would absolutely love your streams could i get a shout out for my mum jane i think it would make her day cassidy harris and mom jane thank you both so much for watching you both are awesome thank you for tuning in big thumbs up right um right this is where i killed that big glowing fiery fellow from before um so let's should we uh should we see what's in here a cutscene okay [Music] oh no these are the things that shoot them epic cutscene strong terror [Music] storm king okay uh where am i what is the plan wow the music is sure gone music i forgot to turn the game audio down again after the last cut scene let's just try and do that if i can do it okay right um shield up i guess hello to challenge to challenge the storm you will need a sword that can rend the sky that doesn't sound like it was written by a person or offline so okay well no no it sounded like a clue right read it again you will need a sword that can render sky my sword can't render sky it only runs enemies maybe that's the sword that can rend the sky that would be great new moon grass okay okay i'm getting hurt quite a lot though as i get hit don't stand in one place ray keep going keep trucking keep i keep moving i shouldn't get hit the comic timing on that was solid thanks manta is that a sword holy arrow it is not a sword okay keep healing right keep healing and dodging just keep moving is this a part this feels like a puzzle boss you know feels like what i'm supposed to do is find a thing are these items deliberately put here because now the game knows you're looking for something in particular there's something over there i think it looks over that oh oh no that's not what we want you know at this point that we're looking for something demon souls who taught you to be so cruel they're crystal lizards no obviously i don't have time to be ah that's a sword yes no ray don't put it in your backpack you need to equip it presumably oh okay um how do i get somewhere where i can oh my god it's not gonna make me do the menus is it midge boss fight oh it is it fully is okay well where was that building that seemed like a good place to sort of hunker down just for a minute okay right this is gonna have to be the quickest bit of menuing you ever did see here we go uh right unequip and storm ruler that's it right oh i forgot to equip my miracle let's do that quickly okay i now have this thing what does it do holy cats that was incredible have some of this yeah i bloody love it hello hello i see you oh sh yes this is amazing this is like the end of thor ragnarok i'm smiting them out of the sky this is the best boss fight that's ever happened come on ray you just could not get hit long enough to send his attack bam which one of you is the boss is it [Applause] you nice try mate wow hope you're ready for your sky to get rendered this is bloody brilliant oh what do you got what do you got is smug with your air superiority not for long i don't even need to lock on are you the last one are you the boss face me coward oh my god okay i'm having too much fun with this and oh my god okay i'm actually getting really hurt now that'll be the boss then that'll be the boss okay let's just get our bearings can i hit them yes i can and it hurts the boss this is the best thing that's ever happened oh okay so it has some it they can go out of range look at that tail look at the size of that tail i'm not even mad face me i missed from hell's heart i slice at thee did it oh it didn't work it didn't work it didn't work cheese it rate cheese it tactically cheese it all right it's directly over me now surely surely now yes serious damage go on fly away [Music] can i get one more hit in before it's out of range this is amazing i don't even mind if i die it would be my privilege to do this again come on come on just look at this look at this just staring it down waiting for those there's those projectiles dodge them and then grind the sky i don't see that one here i don't know why but nevertheless i haven't tried a heavy attack maybe i should try that next time it comes around okay so the attack sort of goes where i'm looking which is good intel all right let's stand here we go here we go here we go here we go what do you got what do you got wow oh [Music] yes this is brilliant phil i'm am i starting to feel bad no i'm continuing to feel brilliant come on oh little wants to start disappearing again would now know the power of a god come on send it right boom oh misjudged the angle there on my stormy slice here we go that'll do it no again again just missed that's all right patient boy yes the sound of this fight is brilliant let me just i know it's already pretty loud i'm gonna turn up a little bit more all right all right just dodge dodge out of the way there we go [Music] that's fine let him circle around again that tail is brilliant this is so good i wouldn't say it's overly difficult but it's good oh i've locked on now here we go storm king there's a new ruler of the skies okay well that would have been more dramatic storm king do you want to stop my big cool dramatic speeches all right well i've got one more lap to think of another cool thing to say when i deliver killing blow blanking a little bit on this one um all right okay come on storm king later later dodging there we go storm king get your head out of the clouds that wasn't so cool but it did the job yeah demon vanquished oh my gosh now look at the chat immediately coming up with something cooler for me to say i am the ultimate ray suggested ellen i killed mufasa sorry to rain on your parade there there could only be one ray of the skies ah tremendous hey hey get off my cloud goodbye storm king it's all sunshine now says ellen we'll go back and i'll tell you what someone someone go back and edit in me saying this in that crucial moment goodbye storm king it's all sunshine now and then the killing glow um right is the music changed in here guys and you just notice it oh that was great spurgan flogan says call that boss wi-fi connection because it's lost ainsley murray says i've been watching oxventure from the start late to the party i know so miss loads of the series hope ray's having a fun time you know it and welcome along new member phil m uh phil mc3 glad to glad to have you with us does this does my windy sword work indoors yeah no i guess only works where there's a storm that's a shame oh well i guess i'd better put it away oh thank goodness i was worried sick oh that was great did i get a clip of that does anyone remember if i pressed the clip button i don't remember now let's get it again just in case better safe than sorry right um well now folks you know what i have to say i am starting to be faced with the question of what is left we haven't done this we sort of stepped foot in it we did we killed those three phantoms we've done that done all that there wasn't anywhere to go after that yep did you i remember you the monk that's not a thing we just did that i don't was there another path here i didn't see a path and to be honest i'm thinking that probably isn't seeing as there have been like four of each zones and nothing there either which i think just leaves me this one world left to well we've got half an hour left so so let's keep going we've done three bosses on this stream my gosh that's so efficient i didn't spend my souls and i didn't die in the nexus back i go back i go back i go [Music] um right right right right leveling up where is level up woman oh there she is hello oh i can nearly level up twice all right let's level up twice then tell you what i got a lot of souls for that and it was not too hard a boss fight so result big win okay there we go that's done and now to die [Music] [Music] oh and now after that brief musical interlude here we go king's tower spoken plugin says what's the deal with dying in the nexus uh good question um basically if i die with my body restored in a world like this one it affects the tendency of this world and i'm generally i suppose going for pure white world tendency if you die in the nexus however it doesn't affect anything so i die in the nexus and then i come in here you can see i'm now a ghost again so there we go right i've cast my miracle i see uh i see some jerks on top of a dragon just waiting to get their bodies sliced up so let's get to it good stuff good stuff right now there were three evil phantoms here but we we did for them on the last stream so that's good that's good that means we can press on um not don't think i've been this way maybe i did on the stream doesn't look like i can go anywhere though door is locked oh dead person it's not very nice okay mr lenny shelby says now if only i knew what the tendency thing is man you and me both i oh a crystal lizard i hear it get no failed to lock on in time right okay what new horrors await in this zone um let's focus up because oh it's okay right i was about to say let's focus up because i think it will be hard and straight out the gate red eye tonight managed to get that backstab but i'm gonna back up out of the door i'm gonna heal and then we are going to finish this fight outside my friend calling you out come on there we go full moon grass i should think so as well okay i can hear an archer arching at me um a lot of books and scrolls that can be messed up where are your precious library now i know the great library of proletaria it has withstood wars oh hello there you are andrew mate good haven't you oh hello oh one of those assassins dressed the same as me twinsies well one of us is going to have to go home and change okay oh oh boy oh wow on the stairs is not where i want to be doing this and i'm starting from scenery i want to get behind you if i possibly can no i can't possibly i have the high ground now it's actually working in my favor oh no gosh you're so strong though let's not back up any further in case you've got a friend up here but we've got the kill just about did that use my miracle no not quite oh that was a bit that was a bit spicy okay so i can head up this way i can see there's an enemy over there and i can see there's some stairs here why don't we try the stairs first an item and two doors this is not a door knight grieves yeah grieves for his friends killed by rey sunshine am i right yeah okay so this is actually the only road which is good because you know i like it when the game is linear oh no blue dragon blue dragon getting getting stuck in okay so about that ah okay all right real talk the dragons so far that i've seen in this game i already killed the red one the blue one oh my gosh it's it looks so cool it's bird-like head and thorns that is really on the wonderful side you are sort of barbecuing this enemy for me yeah so the enemies the trick to date has been to this has been a question of timing and it's like run run through run through in a way that you don't get barbecue so where's the limit of the fire it's like i want to say it's like here yeah that's kind of the limit you can't really see where i'm supposed to be running to we're gonna have to go for it we're gonna have to go for it wish me luck oh boy okay are we still surely the dragon is still wishing to barbecue me okay crystal lizard is gone that's understandable okay right okay well i guess i guess i guess we're going this way i didn't see your way in like in that middle path did anyone else onwards and upwards oh no oh no has it seen me oh oh it's wiggling it's wiggling it's wiggling it's going where's it gone is it repositioning itself in a way that it can more easily torch me now that it's gone can i go back down there and pop into that middle area or is it just gonna was it just gonna run straight back [Music] right i'm dragon vulnerable right now so is this it's not a door it's not a door but now i can get these items i guess which is nice it's the dragon where's the dragon it's still i can hear it okay it's up there it's further up ahead now and this isn't a path no okay oh boy this is cool isn't it this is good we've i tell you what we have done there is we've done some really awesome stuff on this stream that manta ray fight is badass whatever we're doing now i'm absolutely terrified how the hell am i supposed to get up there someone's being hurt wait that's not is that bjor it is fuel god be orbit be careful oh my god bjor's getting hurt am i am i where am i supposed to go [Music] don't die on me bjor just give me a minute to like figure out where i'm supposed to buddy i'm coming up to help with with the fight against the dragon any minute now i just what's this do what did that do though did that open something up okay did that open this yes it did okay it's a shortcut right bjor i'm coming buddy pure i wish do you need some help okay i mean if you're sure you've got this fuel oh my god you're helping me if you're taking the heat so that i can get up here i think i think i've read this correctly pure oh my god who's this hello who are you oh my god is it a strava i think that's a strava oh yes it is australia not something like him anyway he found his dad at last my father his reasons to drag him back to the path of righteousness it seems it was all in vain oh a stranger okay whoa whoa no no no australia why why are you why are you dying no wow this game sucks oh he was my favorite and now bjorn's getting toasted on a straw that just died randomly zero out of ten oh a strava already dead to zelda in the chat saving your story australia i'm clipping that moment i'm going to put you in a list featuring strava okay oh okay there's an enemy up here oh my god is that i think that's ostrava i think ostrava has died and now he's a ghost and wants to face me in this most epic of surroundings is it him look at the shield it's totally him it's totally him i can't do it i can't do it i won't do it i won't do it don't make me do it you were my best friend oh my gosh wow he hit through my shield strava ah oh yeah now we can fight now he's deadly this is savage this is heartless demon souls okay fuel's getting really hurt all right i'm gonna all right all right i'll try and fight a strava unbelievable he's strong though oh no oh no he's real strong i strava if it's if i'm going to die i'm glad it's you i'm glad it was you just about got that healing but i won't get many more chances like that okay that's good seeing as we are doing a backstab this strategy let's switch to big squish a straw but i do not want to big squish you but i don't know if i got a choice here the game's not giving me a choice is it ray get out oh okay i've got to be careful getting hit because it does damage through the shield even as you can see and i can't take many hits like that before i have to heal and then oh just about just about come on i'm so sorry buddy be at peace or something go in uh ah the absolute state of that and then bjor is still oh my gosh bjor's health is so bad i have to get out of this zone i guess before bjor dies um shall i try going through that door it said go it said go find a mausoleum or something but i don't think this is the mausoleum i would guess that i have to go get an item and then come back fairly well i didn't get well i don't know what i don't know where i'm going i don't know what's happening the chat saying this is the final boss well i'm not ready i'm not prepared real talk real talk if this is the end of the game is there anything i missed or that i want to do the game's just sending me back down it's like you hesitated okay scott jacob says so luke let's not dwell on who killed who's best friend and greatest companion who i didn't have a choice okay the chat is saying that that mausoleum is in world one one okay find the mausoleum all right let's go to the mausoleum if the mausoleum is an extra thing let's do that let's do that okay yeah the mausoleum we do the more let's do the mausoleum how long have we got that means i've got to get back back to that means i've got to get back a long old way all right let's do it bjor you're surely is dead by now oh no still just alive i guess bjor's only in combat when i'm around no no no no no no no no no no oh oh this is a terrible day why would the game just kill all the npcs you like right at the end screw you you stupid dragon oh man okay oh you're i'm sorry bjor i wonder if there was a way i could have done like if i had done that faster all right go on then back to the mausoleum i can't believe we're at the final boss that's not what i expected but i suppose we have really cracked through a few the thing is like as you know i've not really been looking far ahead in this game except to look at like a guide on a wiki that's like a progress routes like do this world then this world then this world then this world and because they all look sort of equal size but don't take equal amounts of time actually yeah i suppose like we we actually cracked through an awful lot um so i think i know which building the mausoleum is um at least i hope i do oh man oh this is nice and nostalgic this is a nice thing to do at the end of the when we're approaching the end of the game come back to world one one this is nice so i think it's where the first red eye night in the game is i think which if memory serves and i have been around here quite a lot farming oh lads lads god bless you that that would have absolutely murdered me early in the game scott jacob says let's get a like spike for luke murdering his best buy murdering his best friend and allowing another to die due to his neglect sorry bjor and i'm sorry ostrava the thing is like i had to save ostrava several times in the game just to get to that to get to that point so like what was i saving him for all that time if like saving him helping him find his father and then he found his father and he's like my father's a monster kill him for me i tell you what though i do appreciate i like that the game is giving me this opportunity to go back i always like it in a game especially an rpg when you do get to go to an earlier area and just enjoy how strong you have become and remember what a chore it was to get through these areas how careful you have to be am i going the right way i think i'm going right it's the red-eye knight through here yep good shot good shot buddy give you that one okay if there's a red-eye knight through here then i think i'm going the right way yes okay cool hello i think this is the mausoleum it looks more like a church i hope i haven't got it wrong hmm all right well let's find out what's going on in here then shall we used mausoleum key oh i see a terrifying enemy right okay uh is this another boss fight i guess it could be got eight minutes left on the stream what the heck good voice i am the old king show me thy strength and the power of thy souls by fighting me in a fight or by doing something different prepare myself by doing a fight okay i think i think yep we're doing a fight we're doing a fight okay you don't seem very heavily armored which makes me think you are up you hit unbelievably hard look at that sword he's not attacking him yet ah there we go okay cool oh okay okay we're just testing each other oh my god that health bar oh my word okay well he's pretty slow let's try and bait him over here try and base him over here and go get a backstab in i guess although there we go wow sarcastically oh my gosh is this is this for real german i was like oh we got eight minutes left on the stream what was that why was i hit with blue fire he didn't actually hit too hard but you know what the real the real test here is going to be yeah let's find out here it's a bit better lit stop it stop it do i have enough healing items just to get through the sheer he's quite slow let's let's swap to big big squish try okay well that staggers him so that's useful to know let's try this ah no okay we're not doing that this is the problem with big squish stagger you good roll away maybe i can just roll in do that 41 hit damage didn't cast my miracle well done luke is there time to do it he's so slow faster ray faster there we go okay that actually worked oh he's baseballable great can i knock him over the edge come on i don't know that would be good though wouldn't it oh close close imagine imagine if it could be done i feel like i'm close one such as me young knight i am old king doran a love host proven thy strength to me hey great step forth and take the king's sword in my hand i will is it a trick step forth i will step forth where are you oh oh there it is okay demon brandt well that's brilliant cool got five minutes left five minutes left am i going to go have a go on the final boss am i this happened with bloodborne i i we unexpectedly near the end of the stream it was like oh this is like you're nearly you're nearly there you're nearly done oh whoops lucky not to die there hey gang i know i know we always had fun didn't we we had a good time [Music] ostrava's last request was for you to kill him level up use the shortcut and head for atlanta trouble all right oh what the hell we'll end up running over seriously over if we okay well yeah what the hell i'll have a go at the boss what the heck what the heck can these items come with me into a new game plus these souls what do we think vitality is definitely strong enough check out the new sword the chat says absolutely absolutely demon brandt wow look at those stats that's cool um what are the what are its stats i cannot see but let's look at it okay i can't wield this in battle but who wants to wield it in battle i just want to wield it here nice it's quite it's quite small and adorable lovely um if i i think i read somewhere that like this sword needs combining with another sword which i probably can't get now so um uh right let's repair let's repair oh check out bjor's armor i can forge weapons okay let's have a look at bjor's armor we don't have it with us oh my god okay right i'm gonna have to do some hello i'm keeping a toast all right ellen i don't know if you're still watching but could you do me a massive favor if you are and maybe just like pop a pop a tweet out or something or something on instagram just being like surprise like we didn't know this but luke's about to try the final boss cannot retrieve item would be overburdened why how heavy is his stuff oh look at all this stuff though that i've got um demon brandt we can can we deposit demon brant okay serious question for the chat things in my storage will they be in my storage in new game plus or is it only things on my person when i end the game serious question basically should i put these things away your storage carries over good news well in that case let's pop demon brent let's pop demon brent away and then maybe that's maybe that gives us enough leeway to take out some of this ludicrous armor wow probably not much though oh my god right okay i'm gonna have to put away everything all right okay okay one thing at a time patience luke first let's just have a look at sweet beloved ostrava's gear obama all right we will look at bjor's armor because i bet it's going to be epic why can't i talk to you now oh i'm feeling nervous it would be overburdened okay okay there we go oh i've got some greaves i don't need oh my god bjor that's awesome i wear it in tribute to ye to the bjor okay all right let's lay out some ground rules i'm gonna i'm gonna have a go at the final boss i have i don't know what the final boss is i don't know what to expect probably if like if i can't do it in one go it's probably gonna have to be like a comeback next time stream but that's all right we'll we'll but that's okay hello again wait no no i don't want to talk to you yet i want to unequip all this stuff first oh ray look at you hello again i'm keeping running around in the nude like an absolute champion and let's get out my precious precious big squish although i'm thinking probably it's going to be wise new moon grass dark moon grass i don't think i've used any new moon grass but it's probably the time isn't it inventory is full okay oh no i've already got some with me okay no you have a heart of gold now's probably the time to use items he says before definitely absolutely 100 not using any items um okay new moon grass oh and status ailments i'm sure i won't get any status ailments said luke confidently all right let's de-equip this just for quicker just being able to get more quickly through this through the stuff um all right well i guess there's nothing for it i think we're there aren't we i think i've done all the main stuff oh the chat's saying use demon brandt do i have to use demon bran on the final boss real talk you've got you've got a little while to tell me because i'm gonna have to fight my way back to the boss do i have to use demon bro probably not no chat says no thanks chap you can all live you can live crystal lizard what do i care and you can live as well other crystal lizard right so there's a red eyes knight in here hello let's bring you out here to fight so that i can try and go for the backstab there it is good good all right and then there's more enemies up here there's archers i can probably let them live because they're not going to be able to hit me by the time i get to this place which is the next thing to do it's hard this one it's really hard can i get around him though ah no apparently not i don't want to roll this the thing uh-oh ah no if that had worked that would have been cool if i'd done it there we go donk claws right time to fight the final boss with claws not really um cool oh yeah now i remember okay here we go oh you just how could you do it how could you be such a jerk that used my that used my miracle i think which means it's time to consume some of that fresh spice and then do this oh thanks the chat for reminding me that i unlocked a shortcut so i don't need to do any of that that was all completely unnecessary oh my god i can't leave at the end of the game dirty colossus was supposed to be the boss fight of this stream hello dragon surprise it's me now i know what you're thinking oh no where's bjorn this time i'm gonna make it up clear in time i guess we'll never know what those items are probably nothing good all righty so two red eyed knights on the way to the boss here we go here we go all right it's just it's just like any other boss look at the attacks we figure it out we just we stay loosey-goosey we remember that the game is hard and that you're supposed to die and that it's okay and that that's part of the fun and we are all having fun right we remember that as well okay okay here we go here we go here we go here we go whatever comes through those gates chat we have a better chance of facing it if we work together hello have you just stepped in from a different game final fantasy i think uh okay you've got a big sword old king of lance all right oh he's got he's got angel wings right shields up all right he's got wind air fire that's gonna be aoe yes it was aoe oh hello cool move buddy but i shoved you so how about that okay good hit good hit reasonably high health he's got there that's all right let's just keep shielding let's just keep dancing all right what do you got buddy what do you got come on okay timing on that is interesting it's hard no no no no no no okay back up back up get back get control of the situation again luke here we go i wonder if that's interruptable should probably use my new moon grass yeah nice try mate i easily dodged you okay that was a grab i suppose it's got i tell you what it's got more attacks than most of the enemies so far in this game all right just keep stopping just keep circling we're doing okay we're doing okay i'm doing all right why am i min maxing my healing items just use the good one goodness sake now is the time all right trading hit [Music] no no back back back side of things to dodge so that's good dodge this you would like that wouldn't you mate oh again all right tie yourself out i love it all right hands getting a little bit trembling now he's down to half health does break lock on being that far from him can i interrupt this yes thank god because that was too close too close to him he's good no no no all right in we need to get in we need to dodge attacks and respond like this that's better that's better luke good good ah that combo is nasty okay that's the miracle that's the miracle used got lucky there that okay i can block through all of that so i probably should damn all right yep that's what that's oh no damn i thought because i was off the stairs i'd be all right you see now that was enormously wrong do it again do your aoe i dare you good hey moongrass why am i using the late moon grass all right come on took my eyes off him for a second and what's he do only bloody attacks me being a bit cautious here i keep mistaking these attacks on attack for the other all right come on i could try and get up get my spice back and restore the miracle but i suspect i might lose i just might get hit in the process it doesn't feel like smart play should have been i should start interrupting this aoe attack all right we're going for it we're going for it am i gonna make it in time just just nice try mate oh no that would have been cool this will be cool no unbelievable [Applause] yes good keep so busy with that no the distance oh god yes do it again do it again thank god he's doing it again that gives me time to get back oh my god that was so i was so close not getting the distance wrong this time no no soul level drained what's happening and my health oh he got me he got me bad shield upgrade get out of there no ah so close oh we're doing it again we're doing it again we're trying again we're trying again oh boy ah oh man i was close to doing that okay oh my god that was so tense was it always this warm in here okay interrupt the aoe always interrupt the aoe that will make all the difference and just that attack where he like sends out a like a sort of shard of wind i want to say that's the thing i kept thinking he was doing that when he was actually doing other other things now what was this soul level drained business what did he do to me i don't know but i still have strength endurance and vitality does he actually take away your like levels all right well oh forgot oh how did i forget about you i could probably run past you you get to live assuming you let me up here all right all right we'll try it again we'll try it again if this is anything like normal like regular sort of boss fights this one he'll kill me easily straight away because i'm less cautious i've got less adrenaline tired but we'll um we'll take a run at it okay gotta use the miracle before i go in i should have used i should have tried to use the miracle i should have waited and i should have been eating spice to restore the miracle while he was um while he was charging up his aoe okay all right here we go again was it always this warm in here wait i should eat my spice now shouldn't i there we go now i'm ready ready as i'll ever be which is not very right okay buddy let's let's do this again round two should we call it best of three the door's not gonna be on this side is okay hello no cutscene this time first blood he's mine no no oh my god no immediately immediately well let's use the miracle for goodness sake what was i just saying about if this is anything like most boss fights unbelievable well that's fine that's fine we fight on bravely all right new plan never get hit again by that three attack this one that absolute nightmare attack just just goes through my shield so i can't block it so stay away from me have to dodge a bit later on that one than i have been doing that was too late closer swings around about soul level nearly got drained again and that would have killed me for sure so good job it i so dodged it oh you all saw right is that it you died oh my god what did he drain out off that time endurance he took a point of endurance off of me so you could theoretically like tilt in this boss fight and just be doing this forever right am i gonna try it again i'm gonna try it again all right should we make this the last try to make this the last the last last try don't don't i see a lot of advice in the chat for this fight which i'm sort of like scanning but yep putting it in caps doesn't make me any more likely to do it restore your body some folks are saying maybe jack and i can just cheese past this guy now that he's yep thank you thank you for letting me through cool now you seem less willing to let me pass even though i thought we were friends okay okay third time's the charm right this doesn't work if this doesn't work this time i'll probably have to do this on the number three which is okay we can make it a special super short stream where we just do that or i can leave it to let's play luke maybe no we won't do that um all right all right i'll tell you what i should have done is go to the nexus and bring back more healing items but that's okay because i'm not going to get hit this time the new plan is don't get hit use this moment let's see what i'm going to do take my jumper off oh i'm wearing a green t-shirt forgot i was wearing a green t-shirt look it's my pop t-shirt one of my [ __ ] t-shirts well that's cool i mean i am in ghost form so right have you i've done the miracle haven't i yeah all right we'll take another run at it if not if not i will go away i'll have a good hard think or maybe i'll just keep keep doing this until we get it bash my head against it lose all my levels what do you think which one will i do okay all right lucas i am in soul form now all right old king alant i like the new king a lot miracles already used damn it but he is the final boss you know we want it to be hard nice try no thank you oh okay all right we traded attacks there just just right come on do do like a charge [Music] there's that three there's that three attack that is so lethal if i'm not at full health already no nice right what do you got what do you got [Applause] nice we like it when you do that one old king of ants that's so dodgy maybe if i stay away i'll bait out more of his aoe here yeah i mean that worked as long as i can get there in time otherwise it's a terrible strategy i don't hate this idea trying to keep some distance no not this time missed the timing again just too late to see it it's all right all right yep here we go just wow that was down to the millisecond i think yeah nice try i finally dodged that so what do you have to say to that the tracking does me no favors that's all right yes here we go you got this come on a few more of them will be okay we'll be in the clear charge attack there it is greedy greedy chat charging into that one and again as many times as you like buddy can i make it can i possibly make it yes just just do that more times please charge yes late dodge we need a late dodge on that one please thank you oh okay okay now look i see where you're coming from no don't you do it don't you even think about it come on charge try your aoe i i recommend it late dodge all right one more hit and i think we're there yes and this is going to be it thanks for joining me on this journey folks that's demon souls yeah awesome oh let's please have a like spike for that ah third try best out of three technically he wins but there we go final boss done oh my god what a fun game this has been thank you everyone thanks so much let's have that likes feet like spike please for your for your friendly neighborhood ghost what do we do now oh why am i checking for items it doesn't matter it doesn't matter it doesn't matter my demonic reflection well i get to try over and over that's how many souls might you have devoured i wonder hundreds of thousands the rest is up to the old one if it is to be then you shall be beckoned okay um don't know what that means i guess i'll head back to the nexus and now we now now we can see big sword is it it doesn't have a floor now ostrava used to sit there bjor used to sit there i'm ready to leave this world i hear a voice of your the old one calls for thee let us perceive the lord to its lair let us proceed below to its lair ugh [Music] use of birds for scale very effective that was the last boss right old one i have granted thy wish a new demon am i the new demon come now be good be good this is amazing uh let us proceed the lord to its lair this is where the game tutorial was like in this kind of environment you have been chosen by the old one good but will you seek the everlasting demon souls as the monumental blinded you this is leading up to a choice you are our first visitor may you be welcome here you have seen for yourself the pain and suffering that fills this world but god is possible and soul created the old one are poisoned the old one will fade upon our souls and put an end to this tragedy is that the king now oh no am i supposed to kill this thing feels miserable i guess i have to can't go can't go forward oh tell you what this does still hurt kind of thought this might be like a sort of [Music] this might be the kind of boss that doesn't hurt you after all that but i should have put the miracle back on can you imagine once if you get killed here don't you understand no one wishes to go on oh i walked away from the sword is that good my work is done i don't want a sword slayer of demons go back above okay the nexus shall imprison me no longer that's saying if you don't pick up the sword you lose it forever i shall love you goodbye finish the game okay thank you i guess i don't know what's going on all right well i'll pick it up now then good soul brand oh yeah that's the other half of the thing the old one and i shall slumber evermore all right back to london ray mayest i though oh wait am i supposed to go the other way oh right just go the end is inside okay oh now we're in the woods the old one along with the maiden was swept back into the lulling fog bolitaria was spared from the demons but also lost its knowledge of the soul arts the souls lost during the pandemonium were never retrieved and today the unstable world has another monumental to hold its fabric together a brave new hero of unprecedented power is that me or the tree thing i'm gonna choose to believe me oh ray look so good [Music] hey brilliant what a great game that was oh look and now we're seeing all the environments that's where that fellow who wanted me to find that sword was that's where the flame lurker lived now that was a boss fight sunshine prevails brilliant thank you everyone so much oh the wolf is still trapped in that cage thing thank you everyone who joined in um watching these streams um oh there's that heart that we dropped down from a thing um i had a real fun time with this one that was great best game on ps5 right now are production babies um quite possibly [Music] uh we hope you all feel as fulfilled yet insatiable as we do ambassador amazing wow those are some brisk credits [Music] that was the final boss room that is a well oh yeah well that's the i mean that's the mining place don't remember where that one is sure it was lovely oh the nexus [Music] well that is very sweet and sad [Music] oh and now we are into i think now we're into the big credits should i be looking out for a post credit scene or is it time to uh or is it time to wrap things up i think it's probably time to wrap things up um thanks everyone so much for tuning in this is great fun i had a great time playing through this game um really really fun some really really interesting bosses i can't believe i finally played demon souls after years of it just being even once i started playing like dark souls sakiro bloodborne it was always just kind of like demon souls was always the one that is just like too weird and too frightening and people say it was just so hard um and actually like well i mean obviously it was hard i mean you saw me with that in that boss final boss situation but um that was that was a great time i think actually like looking at it now you can tell click the ending it's fascinating to look at it now and to think about um and to think about like where where this where the series is at today when i think about like it seems like the focus has changed so much to like interconnected worlds and um boss fights certainly because like there are huge epic boss fights in this but but there were a lot of puzzle bosses and there were a lot of buses bosses that like weren't very difficult they were just kind of interesting and actually there weren't that many likes what did what you think of as like a soul boss compared to bloodborne where basically everything is enormous and like screaming and leaping at you um yeah great times great game i will for sure play this again at some point ostrava though why'd they do it to me right at the end spoon of jean says congratulations luke you're absolute legend have a pint or something on me thank you very much i heard jamie langford says i just joined what did i miss um thomas angel says luke westway reaper demonic souls and catcher of stringfish i salute you thanks seven says love this game well done again dcc0209 thanks for the thumbs up and uh irish is not a real name says already nailed the freaking game tell you what i'm glad i got the final boss there at the end i could see i could i could feel myself tilting a little bit ah oxbox is in the chat they say whoa congrats luke thank you whoever that is yeah this stream ran over by 45 minutes um but you know what when you're at the final boss i just couldn't help myself gentle mandrel says you have luke you're absolute beast congrats this was brilliant thanks for the fun journey you beat all but like three i think bosses on the first try wow cool wayward kitten says bravo are you absolute legend thank you tim brown says luke you big ledge phil tyler says well done luke proud of you just tuned in for the kill oh and thank you very much the cardia i see in scary foxtrot who both say and let's go oh seven says yes luke you legend so proud i was literally in tears my mum had to calm me down when i finally did this oh i feel drained uh honey rose switchman says i'm amazed how amazing you are at the from games shh you've got this luke rip and terror until it is done uh and spun obviously he says uh final countdown intensifies you've got this luke thank you and sorry sorry for all of the chats that i i have missed because there were there were a lot while i was you know kind of going through the um you know getting through it getting through that last lengthy end end phase what was that was that in the game oh that was the thing that there were two of them ah right um okay i'm gonna quickly google is there their post credit scene if not i'm gonna love you and leave you folks i wouldn't have thought they would be right i don't think so i'm not seeing anything on google [Music] goes right into new game plus the chat saying okay well then in that case folks that is going to do it from me thank you so much for tuning in what a good time there's a playlist of all of these if you want to like check it out if this is the first one you're coming in for um all right what else is there to say that's demon souls thanks very much folks already dead uh take it easy have a lovely rest of your evening look after each other folks see you see you next time bye so you
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 92,267
Rating: 4.9559674 out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, demons souls, demon's souls ps5, demon's souls boss fight, playthrough, ps5, 60fps, performance, cinematic, demon's souls gameplay, demon souls gameplay
Id: r-sb9PTUkh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 172min 34sec (10354 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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