Fighting Fire with an ACTUAL Firefighter... again

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that's the situation let's get out of here yep that's right i'm playing another firefighting game once again joined by my good friend jack who is actually a firefighter in training in real life and once again he's trying to give me valuable information on how this stuff actually works and i am just ruining that and this time we're playing an actual firefighter simulator like one that's more realistic compared to the last one if you haven't seen the last video we did on a firefighting type game make sure you go check that out after this video as well but with that being said i hope you guys do enjoy this game on firefighting simulator if you do make sure to leave a like on it i very much appreciate it and even if you're new to the channel or find yourself coming back on the regular make sure you hit subscribe as well it is free and i'd very much appreciate it and with that i hope you enjoy the video oh oh okay uh all right yep we're driving where's the where's the first person there it is now we're talking are you in the passenger seat with me uh i have no idea oh my goodness hey welcome to firefighting simulator we're kind of just thrown into it immediately here but we're back again doing bro [ __ ] oh no this one's a lot more realistic than the last one i'm joined by my friend jack who's a firefighter in training in real life a traffic accident i'm getting lots of citations for this dude yeah you're hitting everything brother hold up bro wait wait i'll fit a whip this hoe oh no oh so close this goddamn pole managed to stop a three-ton fire truck oh you have turn signals we do shut up oh nice oh there we go i found the horn and siren buttons oh yeah dude i don't even get to do any of this cool stuff i would offer to drive but i don't know if i can let you oh dude we're flying again you know what this means i don't know we haven't even found any fires yet and i'm already being why do you get three traffic accidents this is what being a firefighter is all about oh i see the smoke oh what kind of smoke is that pop quiz pop quiz bro you know we ain't finished the tutorial all right we got park in front of the building yep everything will be oh okay oh a person oh it was a firefighter yeah i know i thought it was a pedestrian you're just gonna hit a pedestrian yeah they're not they're not trying to just get rid of the fire we are oh that's not that big so you think we can die in this game i'm trying to what are you trying to do here trying to test your theory i'm dying all right we got lights we gotta we got a window back here we need breaching tools man there's a locked door there we go there we go i found that that was me controversial window yeah it's all barred up yo what up tom and bill all right so i'm gonna just oh they're ready with the nozzle i got a pry tool we're going in oh they got mail hold on i'm going in i'm testing the theory don't do it i'm grabbing an axe what is that bro are you dying oh my my god is just saying hey hey uh why is there explosive barrels here why does every house have explosive barrels we go this guy's just got a table saw and everything nice all right i got the fire don't worry we're going old school wait we gotta look for people eh i don't think there's people in here uh incapacitated victim in bedrooms that could back could mean anything all right well i found them and i'm gonna take them wait no no no hey i got it no no no no you gotta let him let him experience bring him near the fire hey you stole him hey uh we should disable that boom look at that dropping victim he's got to be next to the to the experience jack you got to take over here man you can't let me do this no i don't want give me an attack tacos move cap tacos right now and i gotta get nozzle oh okay it's not safe jack i [ __ ] up jack i really [ __ ] up i opened the door and it's spreading i opened the door i uh no one was here to tell me not and i did it oh no go into the kitchen look what i did what we do keep going keep going it's just a blazing inferno to the left oh my god right i'll get it i'll get it i'm [ __ ] up connect attack line connect supply line i don't know what i'm doing you want the attack line because uh the supply line's already hooked up supply line is what we use the fire hydrants for oh my god see there's a little bit of knowledge followed by an oh my god i'm just gonna grab another fire extinguisher on my head back in tell you what let's tell you what tell you what i'll tell you what dude stop spraying me you get you're getting hot bro sound effects hey oh my god it's cool i'm spraying you know oddly a lot more satisfying in like calming than the last yeah you know it's it's somehow less stressful yeah just put no fire you know hey we did it no we didn't there's still raging fires no no no oh it's just not loading hey let's go first mission down the hatch baby like a dropping like a good drink why wait why'd you drop the hose because i'm being the first one out i'm going in again look at that driving time medium how'd we get medium for that how could you do worse than i did in that driving oh we start outside yeah yeah this one's this one's four kilometers away oh this one's gonna be a drive uh-oh yo slow down nah it's cool we're not turning nah we're taking the next turn see gps yo this guy knows stuff that i don't okay this is actually the fastest route they just don't want to admit it to you okay oh dude is that a costco it might be [ __ ] it might be we'll get some [ __ ] saving oh lion no no no no no pulling in to see the line oh my god oh no you just went just you just went no no no we're still moving i'm just getting a better look at the lion yo there's a fountain up there how am i let's go see that maybe we need more water bro we're still almost three kilometers out and you're driving us into a fountain bro look at this fountain oh it's like a like an arena nice all right it's good sightseeing good sightseeing good sightseeing all right now we're moving hey where where did our boys go oh they took the right route well they took oh yeah we took the scenic route see we're gonna be along a nice little lake here a little reservoir we're gonna get some nice views in we've already seen the lion the fountain i'm just going out today you know oh have it having a me day you know that's all these people calling us to take you know put out fires it's like come on like give me a break look see there's the lake to the right this guy is nice that's uh okay you know what i was skeptical at first but you're right the lake is nice yeah i told you sometimes you just gotta have a little faith and put a little time to yourself even though there's a burning building potentially with people inside dying dispatched the homeowner and other members of this family oh no look look what was just said yep yep yep wow that's ironic don't be afraid we're here hey if we beat them here i'm just saying like oh we didn't we did not not even close [Laughter] i'm thinking first and foremost we're gonna need to figure out where these people are okay um yeah that's actually a good strat i like that i'm going up the ladder jack all right i'm checking i'm checking the top oh my god it's a murder what is it she's just dead uh don't worry i got this oh god there's two dead people up get the other one yo this is huge all right let's just go how do i traverse window nice all right so this isn't actually the angle that you would use for uh you want to like get out of the way here i got an idea jack don't do it whatever you're gonna do don't do it i did it but it didn't work oh you could climb with them on your back wow we strong yeah look at that i was gonna say that's not the uh the proper angle that you would use for rescuing but imagine it ain't matter hey that hose don't look right either yeah i saw that on the ladder i'm just gonna put mine on the ground here yeah you just put them on the ground there's no space victim trapped in the kitchen oh [ __ ] can we go through this uh i don't know oh yesterday i don't know if that's a good idea no no we could nope all right all right i'm trying to get my tool back nope i need that all right uh i'm gonna take my tool uh all right we'll just go through the front yeah there's a lot of fire there careful we should open that then because then it's gonna burst open oh i heard him i heard him dying no that was i think that was our boy upstairs right here oh what wait where where oh yo tell victim to follow can you traverse windows ah look at that [ __ ] idiot you just could have opened the window and went out i don't understand all right so missing cool oh that's that's hot i just realized what what do you just realize we need to bust in somewhere or do you want to go from the top down well bottom would be we got all this well we have to open that door that's the problem or a window are you sure um not really all right we'll do it but is he going to die here is this going to be a uh all right let's get it this is what it's all about baby that's why we wake up in the morning try and hit it from the bottom okay that's where it's gonna stop it from spreading more thank you for the useful tip again oddly peaceful you know right it's it's it's kind of nice like there's a blazing inferno in front of me yet i feel at peace i feel like i could ride a haiku right now this is what we do before the haikus i'm gonna write a haiku right now all right uh was it 575 i believe so water does not bars bars [Music] what you're spitting bars right now i'll tell you what i'm upstairs okay and there ain't nothing out there oh my god big fire i'm closing this door [ __ ] it fire can't come through there if we close it i mean well technically for a bit oh i mean the sounds like it's busting through yeah structural integrity is uh kind of compromise there chief that's fine i think worst case we die uh yeah that's not like the worst case hey hey we cleared the room room clear now we just got to deal with this yeah this is the one that i was this is the one that i had problems with all right problem solved we just go in stand in the middle of it i have the perfect angle i'm not getting hit here my screen is just all fire i can't see they're trying to see through you look at this the boys are back in town baby hey look hey a good thing these survived right jack these little decals the shark oh dude somebody's hearts explosive hot dogs my friends [Laughter] jack this one's super important all right there's hot dog stand on fire this one means a lot to me we gotta go save it all right so is it like chili dogs like coney dog what are we dealing with i don't know i just go there and i ask for hot dog and smother it mustard mustard yeah mustard you got a problem with that turn turn the truck around [Music] [Applause] you really want to talk about this right now you want to do this right now my favorite hot dog stands on fire you want to talk about my preferences for a hot dog i'm sorry that the condiment of choice is wrong get out you get out get out um no i literally can't get out so i can't either all right then i guess we have to deal with each other okay all right fine man this is an important [ __ ] hot dog thing if we're driving two kilometers for it holy [ __ ] this has no turning oh my god okay all right bro this thing does not turn there it is oh god yo we gonna speed run this yep we gotta speed run it okay not a good start i almost killed the emt let's pull them back what is this camera angle what am i coming for you exit the subway and there's a hot dog stand on fire all right let's take a look at our tools this mission why can't i oh there we go oh oh we got pry tools we ain't need any of that that's it that was um that's i expect free hot dogs for life i swear to god oh nice night no no we'll do like a i'll come out of the subway i'll come out of the subway yeah and we'll make it look real cool all right cool cool you can't go in can you no just just spray the for the [ __ ] yeah i got it right here this is the life look at that you pick them up didn't even didn't even put them up all right before we go are you gonna do i gotta do something are you gonna fuel up oh yeah oh dude no problem why why you just say so just thought it was obvious because we were sitting at a gas station but you know i guess people don't pick up on those types of cues i suppose i missed the the common knowledge god damn it i can't get out that's fine we're just going if we run out of gas it's your fault all right okay so we gotta go at this roof with a circular saw see how that goes gladly if we fall through we die heroes aim for the bushes where do we uh where are we parking this piece right here baby oh my god they have one of those things jack yes lifts are things oh my i'm going up there that's the situation let's get out of here oh i don't want a supply line give me uh oh yeah we need fire extinguishers do we yeah it's cause grease fire oh well there's also a victim in the bedroom so that's probably not good i'll take care of that yo what up what up what up another person injured by exercise am i surprised not really died on the treadmill what the [ __ ] what was that um oh nothing all right i'm saving this man's life maybe save it a little bit faster there's a [ __ ] fire going on okay so grease fire is only in the kitchen i think yes so you can use a regular hose for just about everything else what happens if i spray it i would not do that but i want to learn hey not too bad it just spread a little bit that's all i mean the fire's not going down but this is probably not good what i'm doing right now is probably yeah uh are you making things worse no you know what i got it under control it's fine okay never mind every time i spray it gets worse stop all right let's get this this fire under control if you want to go to the roof you can why don't we do it together jack let's just drop everything and go to the roof it'll be so romantic how do we get to the roof though okay i guess we just send it how long did they make these hoses because they're not usually like i walk through the house and then around it like i know hey mission complete baby time to celebrate let's go get some beers and hot dogs beers and hot dogs and hot dogs beers and hot dogs i'm so [ __ ] hyped see me over in the corner beers and hot dogs yeah you know what the one thing i miss from ember what is it getting paid shooting hoops shooting hoops oh god damn it why can't there be basketball in this game what a day what a day jack thank you for coming along with me to to teach me more about the ways of firefighting i really do appreciate it i think our guy just got in the traffic accident he just drove off to the left there see that jack are you alive what oh jesus christ are you okay i yeah bro something weird happened it was crazy you like tripping out i feel like i'm not i feel like i'm not even in the truck anymore did you leave well that's gonna do it for this video though hopefully you guys did enjoy the the firefighting experience with a firefighter in training if you did enjoy the video make sure you leave a like on it and if you're new to the channel or have come back in the past and have enjoyed the content you've seen make sure you hit subscribe it's free so why the hell are you doing it jack tell them to sub i ain't paying for it all right it's either exactly you don't have to pay for it it's free he's right it is free thank you guys so much again for watching and yeah i'll see you in whatever i upload next because i really don't even know at this point it's literally a firefighter game i don't know what's next i don't know
Channel: SMii7Y
Views: 3,130,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: firefighter, firefighter simulator, firefighter simulator the squad, fire, fire game, firefighter game pc, firefighter simulator gameplay, firefighter simulator the squad gameplay, smii7y, smii7y funny moments, funny moments, gameplay, fireman game
Id: bW4L8hOEVzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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