I Was Too Tired To Fight | The Jezebel Spirit Revealed | Bishop George Bloomer - 3.14.21

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[Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] did you hear my scripture this morning did in in the opening did you hear the scripture it says songs of solomon it says the winter is gone the rain has passed the flowers are appearing on the earth again it's the time of the singing of the birds and the turtles can be heard turtle doves can be heard in the air it's the announcement or the announcing of spring that spring is coming and spring means to bounce back and i tell you our message this morning is going to deal with some of those uh elements that will help you i'm encouraging you throughout this season and throughout this time to wear a mask wash your hands practice social distancing 13 months into this and here we are new variances showing up negroes acting like negroes uh uh folks walking around and blowing on people and you know keep yourself safe that that that that's all i'm going to say to you keep your self safe all right now this is your time to uh to send a message to those that you're in connection with those that didn't get the alert it's sunday morning it's 10 a.m all right do you know where you're supposed to be at you're supposed to be transforming your living room into a sanctuary getting ready for the outpouring of the holy spirit on this day january february march prophetically we spoke was going to be dark months but right around the end of march into april may june and july by july you're going to experience not a new normal not a new normal but some normalcy some normalcy things are going to get better so we're praying and believing god for you today that the lord is going to shift things and turn things now there's a scripture in the bible i own that goes this way if there's any that is sick among you let them call for the elders of the church let them pray the prayer of faith let them anoint with oil and the prayer of faith along with the oil shall save the soul of the prayer save the soul and the all is going to heal the person in the bible days the oil was used for medicinal purposes the all was their medicine their medication and so there is an oil flowing in the land and the oil that is flowing in the lamb land is equivalent to a bomb being in gilead a bomb being in gideon bomb gideon was strategically and very important because gideon had uh uh roads that were rugged and edgy roads and the rocks rocky places and they had certain asphalt that came from volcanic eruptions and a lot of people if you fell or you couldn't kneel down or you walked on the ground you had a lot of cuts and so they made sure that there was a healing sab a healing bomb to to perform or to help you with the healing well the gadgets and the and and and the the crisis that we're now in is called uh covert 19. and the bomb that is in uh the united states of america is the vaccine and i am encouraging every person that possibly can to stop listening to the rhetoric and stop listening to the foolishness and take care of yourself it is already estimated that there will be 30 plus million people in the united states of america no matter what they read no matter what comes on the news no matter what the medical or the science says about it they're not going to be vaccinated and because of that we're going to experience the onslaught of deaths and new variances they're going to have to come out with boosters in order to help us with the variances that comes out but you make sure you protect yourself this is not a political statement this is a fatherly statement being made to you today okay and uh the bible says that we're to put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness and we're to lift up our voice to god praying in the spirit praying in the spirit because jesus blessed savior blessed savior he is worthy too worthy to worthy to be prayed from the rising from the [Music] the same he's worthy jesus is worthy god is worthy of each and every praise [Music] each and every praise somebody ought to praise him oh lord oh lord oh lord praise him thank you jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's prayer time you know god lives in the midst of the praises for the word of the lord says that he inhabits the praises of his people inhabit inhabit lives dwells moves takes up his inhabitation amidst the praises and praises does it all way well actually praises comes from uh the greek word utelosis where we get the english word eulogy you know that sermon that they do when you die uh it means to speak well of and um praises is not always born out of something that just uh uh previous uh uh evidentially just happened but sometimes it's just thinking about uh what god has done for you and how he did it and it's out of that that you you go ahead and praise him i i'm telling you this morning that we're coming to the end of all of these things that we struggle with and um there's not a day that goes by on warfare ecology that we start the program before we open up the windows of heaven and i believe that this is that moment right now that you are sitting up under an open heaven and what you need you can get from god there's a consuming fire there's a sweet perfume and you're asking god to come and fill the room this is holy ground and you're standing in the presence of the almighty god so lay hands on someone or nudge someone or set yourself in agreement with someone right now because breakthrough is your portion father we thank you in the name of jesus you said so wherever the souls of our feet shall tread it shall be ours you've given us the authority to tread upon scorpions ah and to snatch heads off of then in this beast you've given us the authority that if we eat any deadly thing it shall not harm us you said that we we if there's any two of us touching you come in the mist and move among us we thank you right now that healing is the children's bread and deliverance belongs to those who are once captive in the name of jesus freedom is now their portion we pray dear god that you would wake us up clothed in our right minds activities of all of our limbs that you would cancel debt and transfer wealth oh it sounds like it's wishful thinking but it's not simply a prayer a declaration a petition that we put before you believing that you're going to do exceededly abundantly and above all that we can think dream imagine according to the power that works on the inside of us so we thank you right now that grief is lifting hardship lifting furloughs to the job changing and i know some of you already rejoicing because all of your hope and your praise is in stimulus checks i know that but beyond the stimulus had not god touched had not god touched the heart and the pulse of this nation many people would be in a struggle that they could never come up out of so father we give you thanks for what has taken place in the secular and we give your name glory for all that you're doing in the sacred in jesus name amen and amen oh bless him oh bless him oh blessed oh bless him oh bless him [Music] [Applause] sweet perfume come on and fill this room [Music] this is holy ground [Music] this is holy ground holy ground [Music] this is is holy ground [Music] [Applause] so come so come so come [Music] i pray that you sense the presence of god right where you are believe him for miracles and for breakthrough that if you shall speak a thing it shall shake and manifest in your life [Music] [Music] me thank you [Applause] bishop did i bishop did i hear you say that you took the vaccine did i hear you say that yes you heard me say it the first one just a little pain in in this arm the second one uh nothing and then the next day my whole arm was i was in pain and then i broke out of the little chills and then i went to sleep i slept the sleep of death i've been resurrected from the dead and i'm strong in the lord and in the power of his might and i feel good and i feel like i'm 20 years younger amen 20 years younger amen 20 years younger a man [Music] amen stay focused bishop stay focused let's have a little bit of church [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey man thank god for that i told you i did the sleep of death i ain't saying i was gonna get up here and kill myself and that's one of those songs you need some help with yeah i ain't gonna kill myself but it was fantastic give yourselves a hand clap on this afternoon father we thank you we we bless you we pray that the word that would go forth on this morning would be a word that you selected for your people's hearing and my obedience in delivering this word should bring us a corporate testimony that it was good for us to be here the way that you're going to move the hearts that you're going to touch the lives that you're going to save the bodies you're going to heal the debt you're going to cancel the wealth you're going to transfer the favor you're going to release we give your name praise give your name praise praise praise praise praise praise [Music] are you getting ready for the word [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign amazing grace amazing grace [Music] amazing grace amazing grace [Music] amazing grace oh lord amazing grace thank you jesus amazing grace [Music] amazing thank you jesus thank you lord somebody's healing somebody's healing is wrapped up in your worship if you can worship him you can get healed [Music] just receive it and it might not all be supernatural i'd be secular and sacred at the same time prayer and dialysis prayer chemotherapy prayer and an operation all healing comes from god all healing comes from god make the right decision and receive his blessings today and because of your dual citizenship between earth and glory when it gets too rough down here allow your worship to uber you to glory when we've been there 10 000 years bright shining ass the brightest star [Music] will no less day to sing his praise [Music] the first praise always feels like the first praise because i can't get a last praise in amazing grace [Music] amazing grace amazing grace [Music] the series that we're in is the jezebel spirit of jezebel jezebel spirit revealed the introduction lesson was you can't keep on doing this it would kill you lesson number one [Music] right covenant wrong friend lesson number two the call for the spirit of elijah lesson number three fight with fire lesson number four can't fight like this like that anymore and tonight i was too tired to fight too tired to fight you know that all of my messages prophetically has its base and its foundation in revelations chapter number five it's in revelations chapter number five that john is on the isle of patmos and he's in exile he's going to experience um his dual citizenship there's days that he's going to be on earth and then there's days that he's going to be in heaven and glory the days that he's on earth are bearably unbearable the days that he is in heaven is joyfully enjoyable he can't enjoy heaven because heaven is now revealing unto him everything that is going to transpire in the realm of the earth the one place that you would want to go to is heaven to escape what's happening in earth but if you get to heaven and find out that when you get there it's a reminder of what you're dealing with in the realm of the earth it'd be quite challenging he sees in heaven after the scrolls and the seals are broken off of the scrolls he sees a white horse a red horse a black horse and a pale pale horse red horse is the horse that we're speaking about tonight that touches on the spirit of jezebel but it's sort of kind of mixed up a little bit with the white horse because the white horse is false religion but the red horse is war and catastrophe and tribulation and the cutting off of the confronting of the supernatural in in the lesson in our uh first lesson a right covenant wrong right covenant wrong friend it is the story of david and jonathan and how david and jonathan are entered into a covenant relationship with one another and i carried you through the scripture to let you see that the covenant that david was making is quite different from the covenant that jonathan was making because jonathan had an agenda what happens when you're dealing with people and you're working with them and you're trying to do right by them but they have a hidden agenda uh their their their goal is not yours and such was with this friendship and uh in secession in royal secession the medieval rule was whoever becomes king must get rid of all of the royals of the past to the fourth generation so you have to understand this you have saul you have jonathan you have mephibosheth and then you have uh methibis chef's son so that's four generations and so after david explains to us out of the book of psalms some of the things that he uh was going through uh the covenant is made in first samuels chapter number 23 14-20 the portrayal is in psalms 41 5 11 and the covenant is broken in psalms 55 11 through 16. uh in in first kings chapter number 19 it reads just like this and it says and ahab told jezebel uh uh it had told told elijah jezebel told i'm sorry and ahab told jezebel all that elijah had done and uh um how he had slain all of the prophets by or with the sword and then jezebel arose and sent a messenger to elijah and said say unto him so let the gods do to me more even more if i not make your life as one of those by tomorrow this time the bible declares that when elijah heard this he rose and he ran took his men and they went far into the south anybody knows anything about about the south whether it's in the bible or whether it's in in the city when you talk about south durham south chicago south brooklyn south beans all hell is about to break out i don't know what it is negroes love to live in the south and he runs south of the city and when he gets to where he thinks is good enough he tells his servants to rest here and he goes another day's journey into the land finds a tree and collapses under the tree for the word of the lord says that he was exhausted that he was exhausted and um long story short he slept i slept the other day i owned i slept he slept and an angel woke him up and when he woke up he saw that there was a cake frying cooking on a stone and some fresh water he ate and he went back to sleep again now the point that i'm making that under the jezebel spirit jonathan and david entered into a covenant the covenant was serious with david but not so with jonathan but nonetheless david did not allow what jonathan had done to him to uh frustrate his spirit so our lesson picks up in second samuel's chapter number two verses uh 11 through 22 in the message bible so it's not a lot of reason because the message takes words and they throw them all together in the message uh or translation and it reads like this david was told what she had done this rizzba daughter of aya and concubine of saul he then went and got the remains of saul and jonathan his son from the leaders at jabesh gilead who had rescued them from the town square at beth shane where the philistines had hung them after striking them down at gilboa he gathered up their remains and brought them together with the dead bodies of the seven who had just been hanged the bodies were taken back to the land of benjamin and given a decent burial in the tomb of kish saul's father they did everything the king ordered to be done that cleared things up from then on god responded to israel's prayers for the land now i want you to understand this particular principle here out of the text as i unfold it for you first and foremost david is dealing with the philistines and the philistines has hired a group of individuals who are called men of stature the scriptures tells us that they are giants and they come of the giants so many times you didn't see the giants in as much as that you could hear the giants the giants had somewhat of a theme the giants had somewhat of of of of of a chorus coming this giants had a a song in the wind and anytime the giants are around you can smell them you can smell them you can sense them they're giants and they're about to do no good i want you to understand this tonight that there was a giant by the name of goliath who the scriptures tells us that he had stood somewhere between nine and ten feet tall that's a huge sucker his one sword weighed 20 pounds and then he had spears that ray weighed 22 and 23's about and he was able to hurdle them it is david it is david who is assigned it is david who is assigned by the holy spirit to deal with this giant david goes before saul the king and when he gets before saul saul says to him uh dress up in my shield and place my helmet on and here's my armor david puts it on and realizes that this is too much for me in fact the scripture says he says i cannot go with these he said what are you going to use to fight the enemy is i'm going to use what god gave me while i was on my way here i went by a brook and the way that the sun glistened over the water i saw five smooth stones he reached into the water and pulled out the five smooth stones and placed it in his shepherd's pouch he is now ready to war he's now ready to go to war remember his training was dealing with the bear his training was uh uh decapitating a lion his training was dealing with wolves and foxes so he knew the strategy of war and he also knew that the strength that one warrior uses may not be the strength of another warrior and so he goes out and he catches the current of the wind and releases one stone and that stone flies across the air arrow dynamically and it hits goliath in his crown and it takes him out the principle of the text is here how do you defeat a giant you defeat the giant by getting into the giant's head if you are going to win any battle is not going to be by your power is not going to be by your might it's going to be by the strategy of how you get into the head of that individual many people are in trouble right now because instagram and and and and twitter and and facebook and all of these things uh rents out or squats in the in the mental real estate of individuals they they they can't go two minutes without texting they can't go three minutes where but in the presence of an individual they don't have five words to say it's it's an amazing thing how the enemy will get into your head and once he gets into your head he just takes one thing and he loops it loops it loops it loops it loops it loops it loops it to the point that now you're mad at people that you don't know and explaining to people things that you should never be accountable to who the hell is the person that you're fighting on twitter and you don't know them you got 1900 friends and don't have three people that you can call on if you go through a crisis you got 375 likes and nobody in your own family would even speak to you it's the trick of the enemy it's not announcing to get rid of twitter or facebook that ain't going nowhere in fact 20 years from now twitter and facebook and all this stuff will be old got a thing out right now called clubhouse that is just knocking down walls it's almost as if facebook no longer exists people got tired of looking at each other so now they've returned back to oral conversations shutting in rooms in places where individuals come and they take up a lot of your mental real estate so i want to tell you a story david who had defeated goliath knew something that others did not know what did he know he knew that goliath had four other brothers so when david reached into the pond to pick up the stones he was not only picking up a missile for one but a missile for five ready because he knew that the brothers were coming for him the battles that many of us are fighting right now some of them are generational or ancestral battles we don't even know where it's coming from i ain't got nothing against you i'm not fighting you i don't have a problem with you and yet you're coming after me like this what's up with that it's ancestral it's an ancestral spirit that is coming after you but i want to release something else ancestrally on you and that is blessings for some of you have an ancestral blessing that is on you and i know it looks bleak right now but i promise you that success is in your near future and you're going to win and every giant that comes your way you're going to win because you're going to learn how to get into the head of that giant and defeat him and take his spoil it's not the amount of education that you have it's not it's not the amount of schooling that you have this season it's the thought that god had concerning you before you was born and then had a conversation with you while you were in your mother's womb and now he's reminding you of what he told you don't spit at greatness and don't throw your ideas in the trash great day in the morning so now david is faced with this situation david is cool he goes to jonathan his friend and he says listen i know what you did to me i know you turned me in and i know you told your dad where i was hanging hiding out that know all that but you know what i'm cool with that i'm good i just love you and i want you to be in my life and i promise i will not raise a hand against you just come back and be my partner be my boy come on let's be let's be tight again i don't know do they use terms terms like that let's be tight again i don't know i don't know the terminology that you new people use and jonathan said no i need to go with my dad and be there for him and he goes with his father they go together and i want you to take a look at this they fall and they die in the battle but the thing that is crazy they take the body of saul and the body of jonathan and they strip it naked and they let it lay in the streets they hang them in the streets with bugs and flies they desecrate israel by putting their king on display and this greatly angers david and refused to turn the body over to david but rather turned it over to concubines and prostitutes the king's body turned over to prostitutes and coccubines and they dressed the body and brought it to david and david got the tomb placed them in the tomb and the scripture says and war broke out again and the scripture says war broke out again and the scripture says war broke out again so after the first war here comes the second war and war broke out again this one was horrible and in this particular war david led it and while david is fighting in the war a giant rises up and hits david and knocks him out david is laying on the floor to the point that the giant feels as if he has slayed him he has slayed him and out of him being slayed he began to declare to everyone that david is dead but one of david's warriors stands up and comes and takes the giant out and then the scripture says there was yet war again and again and again and again until all four of the giants had been taken out hear me now the problem that many pastors are having today is this is that they sort of kind of started off in the same space and place that david started out in david started out a little shepherd boy and after being a shepherd boy uh he is anointed to be a great orator from there he learns how to play the heart from there he learns spiritual warfare and all of this is before age 15. it's at 15 where he is used to be a distraction to the philistines because they had hired goliath so at 15 he has five stones he uses one at 15 but now at age 40 there are four other giants coming and he's almost tempted to fight with the strength of a 15 year old with stones and a brand new group of warriors have now come so here's our problem our problem is that there's many leaders today who are finding themselves in a position and the position that they're finding themselves in is that all of the training they had they had that training when we first started the church but they did absolutely nothing to prepare themselves for growth nothing and so to take out a giant with a little stone is one thing all right the wind was blowing that day but to think that uh the second war or the second group of offenses is going to come at you the same way the others when they've heard of your fame you better think again so the scripture says that when david looked up this particular giant had a sword that was eight pounds and a javelin that was eight to ten pounds and he stood nine feet tall many of us are going to a new battle with old artillery uh those pastors who just can't wait to covet is over so we can get back to church and put the chairs down and have a praise break and dance stuff like that they're gonna be severely awakened they're going to have a sad and bad awakening because guess what a whole lot of people ain't coming back they didn't leave god but they're tired of brick and mortar they have gotten used to click and order they know how to get a message in a second and it doesn't take them all night and all day to get it they don't have to drive to get there they don't have to spend gas to get it they don't even have to pay an offering they don't even have to give a tithe they can connect with god because over the past 13 14 months god evacuated us to this particular place called the cloud now we are past roundabout with such great cloud of witnesses you thought we thought that that meant people who died who had prepared us for what we're dealing with right now are there some churches that never close and uh there's some churches that ain't never gonna open up uh we're we're we're twixt and between certain issues but the one thing i want to share with you about the spirit of jezebel the way that she functions and she works she doesn't only work through pornography and through sexual escapades and eating things that was offered up to idols she also she also operates through stress she also operates through restlessness uh notice that david falls in the category of many great leaders and when they reach a certain place in ministry where they're about to climb and go to another level something happens to them it's called exhaustion they get tired i've been there myself i saw the ministry when the ministry grew i saw us grow from four people inside a living room to 60 people downtown corcoran street to 4 500 people to bethel family worship center i saw two services every sunday and i saw it dwindled back down i was at a time glory be to god where i was just so exhausted and so tired and my mental real estate was so rented out to those that was willing to pay and for those that was just willing to squat that i tried to run and i made my way to atlanta georgia maybe i could rest here because where i am i cannot rest moses is found in numbers chapter number 11 cursing at god and saying to the lord god kill me now i'm too tired of these stiff-necked israelites i'm trying to guide them and lead them to victory and they are depleting my resources great day in the morning uh elijah runs from jezebel when he hears that he runs and not only does he run a week away he runs a day away from the men that are designed or or assigned to protect him great day in the morning we read throughout 2018 19 and 20 how many pastors were committing suicide killing themselves because of the exhaustion because of this this is a spirit of jezebel the bible declares that david went to battle not realizing that he was exhausted and did not realize that he was exhausted until he figured out that what he had 25 years ago that worked was not working 25 years later god help me today help me today and help every person who is listening listen listen listen i've been on the phone every saturday night with a quorum of preachers and i hear them bellyache and i hear them complain and i got to do something and i've got to get them out there to eve if i if we don't do nothing but get them out into the parking lot to beat the horns if they beep the horns then we can pick up the tithe because we're dying their trust is still in men their trust is in men you put your trust in horses others will put your trust in chariots i've decided to put my trust in the lord not one day not one day of covert or a covet 19 not one day did i ever consider glory be to god doing some fiasco to get money uh money likes me money likes to feel uh of my hands money likes to be in my pocket money wants to make sure that my bills are paid money looks out for me you know why because i look out for it y'all in here i don't chase dollars dollars straight day in the morning chases me it's not my education cause you know i ain't got much of that it's not my affiliation you know i ain't got much of that somewhere along the line there was a covenant made with god and somebody in my ancestral bloodline that i have no idea who they are and that and the covenant was made that whenever things get rough uh no matter how bad they get make sure that bloomer is covered down i'm gonna say that again and i want you to put your name there no matter how bad things get and no matter how rough things get make sure that uh bloomer is covered put your name there because the god that we serve made a promise before the foundation of the world that is coming to pass in your life right now and i decree and declare to you in spite of all that you have dealt with your greatest days are in front of you they're not behind you they're in front of you and every giant that is coming your way is going down in the name of the lord for the lord is going to give you a brand new strategy to deal with an old problem let me say that one more time he's going to give you a brand new strategy to deal with an old problem yeah one more time george bloom a brand new strategy to deal with an old problem the problems that you had the struggles that you had the situations that you couldn't get over in this hour it ain't gonna be no problem for you god is going to bring you around to full circles this is your hour this is your season this is your time this is your turn and there are some enemies that are out to get you and they don't even know why i remember there was a time i used to come into the pulpit and preach to people and i was mad as hell i was mad because i saw something on the line i saw something on the internet or somebody made me aware of something that was on the internet and i had to judge myself now why am i mad at the folks who are here about folks who ain't even here that my mental my mental was messed up i remember glory be to god going through a divorce i remember being ostracized i remember being criticized but not one day of being ostracized or one day of being criticized was i broke i was never y'all laying here but i was never broke great day in the morning the gas was in the bentley y'all ain't hearing us and the mortgage was paid on the three mansions everything got covered before he allowed me to go through and i stopped by to tell you today that what you going through is a setup for god to give you an upgrade you're going to go through hell for a little while but the problems that other people have ain't going to be your problem for the god that we serve he's not about numbers he's about favor and the favor of the lord shall be on you and on your life get rid of the grudge get rid of the grudge get rid of the grudge i said get rid of the grudge and let god work it out in your life somebody just need to give god praise wherever you are right now just give god a praise just magnify his name just lift him up he's going to take care of you my god shall supply all of my needs according to his riches in glory in christ jesus let me say it one more time my god shall supply not some not one not three not 10 but all of my needs according to his riches not out of her but according to the earth is the lord the fullness thereof they that dwell therein my god shall supply i'm speaking to somebody who was just about ready to throw in the towel hold on to it the fat lady didn't sing yet god's got another round there's another score that he's going to make victory shall be mine if i hold my peace and let the lord fight my battles victory shall be mine yeah yes yes yes yes i can't wait to get to church and get together with you so you can hear me and i can hear you but not tonight not right now i gotta praise him by myself and it dawned on me i own that for years i'd preach like this to myself in the bathroom no organ no drums no keyboard i preached like this to myself i was my own choir i was my own usher i was my own deacon and now i got to do it by myself i've already rehearsed for it how is the performance that's what i want to ask you how is my performance because god has got you in dress rehearsal for what he's gonna do in your life broke days are over her sick days are over her troublesome times are over debt is canceled her school loan's gone god will he'll work it out for you yes whoa he will he will they said to david said david you're the king i'm just one of your soldiers but i don't like to see my king knocked out by a giant he hit you and you fell like lead to the ground he hit you so hard he thought he killed you and we thought we lost you he said no more on the front line for you lets the lights let's the lights my god my god unless the lights of israel go out and be dimmed he said we got to protect you i'm talking to members in churches you got to protect your pastor he can't do it by himself no more he can't slay giants by himself no more we need regards we need people on his back people on his side there are folks that are after him want to take him down and if they take him down your lights go out keep the lights on god god god i feel the holy ghost in here right now keep the lights on they said no more fighting like that for you you're too good and kind of a man we got to protect you so they took david and brought him back to jerusalem and said every battle that we fight from here on in we'll take it for you is there anybody in your life that will take a bullet for you you got anybody in your life that will ride or die we got anybody in your life that will cover you you got anybody in your life that said no hefner not here you don't say that about him not here i don't know what you do over there but over here you respect him that's my voice that's my vision that's the spirit of god that's moving through him for my behalf and when they began to deal with david like that then god began to move on david's behalf david's blessings came out of a principle that i want to talk to you about as we close today please forgive the preaching i didn't plan on doing that but it felt good that's why some of y'all in trouble you keep on doing things that feel good [Laughter] [Music] david david what what what's your story david david's story is i'm hurt i'm wounded i'm bothered i'm crushed it happened to me because i trusted my friend my friend betrayed me my friend betrayed me you know i've been in prison a few times and i'm gonna be honest with you about this one time i was in prison for what i did the other two times i was in prison is because when we got caught caught i wouldn't give the person up [Music] i owned is doesn't your friend work was she working in in raqqa's uh sea ward i think it's a seaboard one one day in bible study i was teaching and she said something and then she started calling all the names of all my friends on the ward and she said yeah i i know i know you blue and when you bloom is different but when you say blue that was my street name [Music] and for a quick moment i don't know if he was in that bible study or not i said and when i went home i was riding home my granddaughter said to me said why did you just go why'd you say add daddy i said cause i didn't want to bring that up and then the holy spirit says to me that's your power your power is not in running from what happened to you your power is embracing what happened to you because he knows the thoughts that he thinks concerning us and those thoughts are good thoughts that's gonna bring us to an expected end [Music] people will try to hurt you and try to embarrass you but you can't do harm to a person that people love [Music] you can only give red meat to people that hate them and you're focusing too much on your time on people that hate you [Music] what's up with you david he says i'm hurt i'm wounded i'm bothered but let me tell you this george blumer this is what david said to me out of the texas let me tell you this george bloomer i came to a place where it didn't matter what jonathan did to me or what jonathan's agenda or intentions was when i cut covenant i really cut covenant so if he doesn't follow through with his end of the deal that's on him but for me i meant that thing that's where i want to end our message at today and heal people and get people healed and delivered [Music] there's some people you don't talk to anymore there's some people you don't fellowship with anymore because they hurt you they they betrayed you they did you wrong if the truth be told with all of that they still run across your mind from time to time why do they run across your mind they run across your mind because the relationship that you had with them was real and it didn't matter how fake they were you were real with them and and men men are worse at this than women because our ego and our machoism makes us run the minute we're challenged if we can't win it we run it [Music] and if we can't run it the way we want to run it we ignore it [Music] there was a man who came to me he says this ship i just need a little bit of help and i helped him and he went and helped his family a few months after that i saw his wife and i said where's your husband she said he left i said no he loved y'all i tracked him down and this is what he said to me i said why'd you leave your family everything like he said i couldn't stay in the house and see them suffer and i'd be a man and i can't do anything about it and i mean tears was flowing out this wasn't no game he was playing [Music] right up on fayetteville street walking i said they don't care nothing about that they want you i understand but i i got i got two daughters and a son one night there was absolutely nothing for us to eat and i couldn't i couldn't do it i couldn't get it going so i left so i don't see it [Music] i've had conflicts with people down through the years and i vowed in my spirit to kill them i've adapted to phrases like revenge is a dish better served cold wait till it cools off and then kill them kill them in their in their prime kill them in their success then i started developing l ulcers palpitations things begin to happen to me because i'm trying to get rid of somebody [Music] that have already moved on and i asked myself why is it so important for me to get them and here's the answer i love them and it bothers me [Music] so here's the healing david got saul's body from coccubines jonathan's body from coccubines and horlicks embalmed it and entombed them gave them a great burial then went and got matheba chef who couldn't walk and gave him a position in the kingdom got mephibosheth's son and gave him a position in the kingdom broke the rules because that was my partner you want to break the spirit of jezebel over your life right now forgive the person who broke your heart [Music] bishop easier said than done [Music] join the club i know [Music] do you know what it's like i own stand out there in the parking lot on wednesdays thursdays and fridays and cars drive by and i take boxes and put boxes in the cars of people who dog this church out y'all ain't back all of y'all [Music] can kiss my ascension [Music] face you suckers and they drive through and when they drive through i say give them two boxes [Music] i just love you bishop i love you do you know how it feels the people who have left and then somebody dies and the place that they at won't bury them and we lay them stretch them across here all bills paid and the back room chorus is bishop you got to stop doing it don't do it don't don't do it don't do it don't do it you are harvesting a heart that i'm trying to get away from i'm trying to stay successful [Music] i'm trying to continue to fly private i'm trying to continue to live great i'm trying to leave an inheritance for my children's children's children [Music] and if i listen to you hatred and revenge will stifle my creativity so hear me now is there still enough room in your heart victor to embrace and hold the person who hurt you is there enough discipline in your tongue that when you allow them to move back in you don't bring it up it's all of the thought real estate occupied to the point you don't even think about it because you knew where you stood and how you handled yourself in that relationship i'm i'm talking to somebody right now you got some homework to do there's some calls that you got to make there are some people that don't want you to ever connect [Music] with people that make you great and when they see it they do everything within their power to try to rip it apart i used to tell the boys reese you might remember this i used to tell the boys we were traveling i said you got to be very very careful when you're dealing with people because people are of such that if even they don't like me and they like you they will jeopardize the relationship that they have with you to stay in covenant with me and can't stand me but they need what i have don't you allow yourself to fall in that crack really ref yeah yeah yeah yeah really really i remember the night 11 months ago in my living room at the house i looked into the camera and music was playing behind me i said to vanita i said put the camera at the edge so that they could see rhys in the living room she said well if you do that the camera doesn't say i'm gonna talk about because you know you know that she comes from a technical family what's your name uh uh uh uh what's your name dj tj huh ej well i got the j right jay mr johnson [Music] make sure that they see them a little bit i knew what i was doing i wanted them to see the guy in the living room playing with the guy talking in the living room and we did the program that night and we signed off the first telephone call i got came from atlanta georgia it was bishop house house called me says chief phenomenal i said what he said man i'm sitting here looking at the screen and i'm crying tonight was an answer to my prayer that's what he said ain't nobody like you and rhys when y'all get together to do what you do chief that was awesome i hung the phone i was expecting something but not that 11 months later [Music] i was talking to bishop and bishop i'm saying said the bishop he said man your your tuesdays are better than your sundays i said oh he said because it's intimate and the way you guys work together is something i said yeah i'm just careful cause i want nobody to steal my sound he said if they get your sound they don't have the lyrics good he dead the only thing that will do is promote you so huh you say yeah because the minute they hear it they're going to say that's bloom [Music] this is what god is trying to do in this season in your life [Music] are you ready are you ready to let stuff go that doesn't matter are you ready to hold your babies that you made and ratify eradicate the mistake are you ready to say sorry are you ready to say there's still enough room in my heart to let you in because when you were there i was happy and now that you're not there i am not happy and i can play like i am but i'm not happy i do a lot better when you're with me [Music] that's david and that's how he defeated the giants he killed one his men killed four and i'm telling you being a giant slayer doesn't mean that you have to throw the tablet it just means that you have to have people around you that know who you are and know what position they are assigned to i've been praying for victory in the life of my children i said god give them victory give them breakthrough pray for the victory of my grandchildren what have you i don't want to die until i'm well in my 90s maybe 100 years old and i want to have enough money when i die in my 90s and i'm well well into my hundreds that my kids and my grandchildren don't have to worry about life just have to worry about strategy [Music] and so i began to pray and ask god to move things out of the way [Music] every day i never forget to pray that prayer and when i don't pray it i sight so something happened to one of the guys that's dealing with my daughter something happened to somebody told me about it you know what i said thank you jesus [Music] thank you jesus along with it god now send demons to taunt them meant them in their cell put them in solitary confinement for 18 years in the name of jesus that gangrene grow on their toes either they turn to you or they're turned over to themselves but i can't have bad ancestral spirit running through the veins of a person who has been regenerated by the blood of the lamb gotta find the cancer and gotta cut it out and i can't do it you have to do it [Music] so i keep my heart open but i keep my prayers high so you ready are you ready to forgive are you ready to let things go are you ready to let people back into your life that walked away from you and dogged you out and talked all kind of said all kinds nothing you don't pay no attention to that are you ready because i am and bethel when you get back to this church and you walk into the doors and you begin to move around and you begin to see people who walked away violently inside ain't never going back there you kissed by behind all that kind of stuff and you see them there don't you come in here with your bad spirit because they'll be here transformed by the power of god for we would have identified the spirit of jezebel and have broken it david says in his final words he stops and he says under normal circumstances i would have defeated this enemy but fatigue and mental anguish i was too tired to fight i tell you bethel today there was a time when i was too tired to fight [Music] but i'm not now and this battle it's the lords and not mine all i got to do is stand still and see the salvation of the lord and all you have to do is stand still and see the salvation of the lord your greatest days are now in front of you call your neighbor call your enemy call the person that you've been in conflict with and tell them there's still room in my heart for you if we can fix it let's fix it in jesus name [Music] [Music] amen [Music] you too can be saved today by the power and the presence of the lord jesus christ and i want to reiterate this right now one more time a part of your salvation and a part of walking with god and the part of being with god has a lot to do with what you can let go in your 50s and in your 60s and in your old age god is making a promise to you the promise that he's making to you is simply this all that you lost i'm gonna cause you to gain and recover it you're not going to die alone and be by yourself he's going to send someone to you that's going to love you like you're supposed to be loved this is not just encouragement this is a prophetic forecast for you and the lord shall do a brand new thing in your life but you have to prepare yourself for this new strategy [Music] and the strategy is if there's still room in your heart with people who had broke and wounded it tell them give them a final chance and grow that's what salvation is about you too can be saved today you can't walk the owls but you can raise your hand you can say lord jesus i'm a sinner in need of your saving grace come into my heart forgive me of my sins wash me in your blood give me to know that i have life eternal if you prayed that prayer he just saved you he just saved you because he he's already been sitting there he was just waiting for you to say yes [Music] we offer christ to you oh my brother [Music] we christ to you all for christ to you my sister [Music] he will give you brand new life [Music] life abundantly oh come [Music] if i were you i would come [Music] come i get out of the streets and i come on to jesus oh come [Music] come on [Music] to christ [Music] welcome to the royal family father we thank you for saving souls in jesus name amen [Music] and amen [Music] people have lost loved ones and wasn't able to bury them wasn't able to hug them wasn't able to go see them could only see them through face time and god left you in the land of the living and you're gonna walk around with a grudge man get rid of this stuff get rid of this stuff get rid of this stuff get rid of this stuff and connect with your best and do tremendous things there's another battle coming i want you to be strong enough to win that battle in jesus name amen and amen my mother's favorite song was build your hopes on things eternal home to gods [Applause] [Music] times are filled with great transition [Music] none on earth move can stand there your hopes on things he turned out oh to god's unchanging hands hold to his head god's unchanging god's unchanging and church you've been all god's unchanging you better be [Music] you know in a few weeks uh we're going to be celebrating um palm sunday and then easter but also in a few weeks we're going to go back to full service so it won't be a one-man band with a band praise team and ministers and elders all coming back for full-fledged service not in the building but online and i want you to pray for us i want you to pray for us and i want to thank you for supporting this ministry and sticking with us now is the time for you to put your faith where your faith is at and i know most of your faith is in your finances it's time for your offering four ways to sow your seed [Music] text bethel two eight four four eight eight eight ninety one eighty three online giving bethelfamily.org cash app dollar sign vfwc515 or those you that like the turtle mail it too 515 dow street durham north carolina teroma seed giving to roma c given cash app warfare ecology zell bloomer bishop pluma.com paypal me ggb ministries text to give text bloomer to 844 889 1559 get that c and release it [Music] build your hopes on things he turned eternal [Music] your seed text methyl two bethel eight four four eight eight eight ninety one eighty three online giving bethelfamily.org cash app dollar sign bfwc or mail to 515 dow street durham north carolina 27701 cash app [Music] dollar sign warfare ecology sale bloomer bishopbloomer.com paypal me ggb ministries text to give text bloomer to 844-889-1559 better feel your hopes you better build your hopes you better build your hopes you better your hopes on things eternal yeah all things eternal yeah all things eternal [Music] [Music] you better build four ways to sow your seed text to give text bethel to 844-889-9183 [Music] online giving bethelfamily.org app dollar sign bfwc515 or mail it to 515 dow street durham north carolina bill bill bill cash app warfare ecology zelda bishop bishoploma.com paypal me ggb ministries texas to give text bloomer to 844 889 1559 you like the turtle ggb ministries po box 3867 durham north carolina 27702 give a fight to you better be your hopes feel your hopes feel [Applause] [Music] now listen listen i'm asking everyone inside the ministry here to sow a seed over and above your tithe and offering and i'm asking those you that watch us outside of the state and around the country and in other areas that are watching our program uh that you would help support us keep us live keep us on the air all right and we're sewing in three inclements 30 60 and 100. [Music] 30 60 and 100 over and above your tie bishop this morning i'm sowing this seed in the name of jesus money is coming to me money likes the feeling of my hand money likes to be in my pocket money likes to stay in my wallet money likes to be in my bank account money money money money money money my you better your money likes to put gas in my car money likes to pay my mortgage money bill your hopes [Music] feel your hope four ways there you go take special two eight four four eight eight eight ninety one eighty-three [Music] take a screenshot of that and every time you think about blessing somebody bill send it bill bill you better build help god build a house help guard field guards cash air cash out warfare ecology bill zell bloomer bishop bloomberg.com bill pay 84489 1559 yeah yeah you better feel your hopes up you better build your hopes up you better feel [Music] [Music] i see the mothers walking around their house right now yes sir cleaning up [Music] your hopes you [Music] [Music] text method two eight four four eight eight eight ninety one eighty three online giving [Music] bethelfamily.org cash app dollar sign bfwc515 mail to 515 dow street durham north carolina 27701 cash app warfare ecology sale bloomer bishopbloomer.com paypal paypal me ggb ministries text the guild text pluma to 844 889 1559 [Music] [Applause] [Music] unchanging [Music] yes right now don't forget this this sunday at three o'clock the after service today the after service i want to speak to you today in the after service there's an affirmation i want to release so i'm going to meet you live this afternoon in our afternoon service okay i know we've been gone for a little while but we're going to build bill yeah we coming back [Music] remember to watch warfare ecology monday through friday monday through friday warfare ecology four o'clock eastern standard time it's it's it's something great it's something great those of you that want to be a part of our prayer chain send your prayer requests into bishop all right prayer at bishopbloomer.com in the name of jesus tonight we open up the week with our prayer call we open up the week tonight with our prayer call and we close the week with our prayer i want to thank all of you who have been sowing into the life of bishop george blumer to make sure that i'm okay and i'm okay and i thank god for you and the seas that you've sown has helped me to be a blessing to others also so thank you don't stop don't stop don't stop don't stop don't stop you're sowing seeds 60 30 100. that's right thank you new york city thank you thank you thank you thank you all over brooklyn that's right thank you thank you thank you for the sea thank you right now thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you florida thank you gainesville thank you thank you thank you thank you marion marion thank you uh south carolina thank you columbia thank you thank you brooklyn brooklyn brooklyn thank you for your seed derm north carolina y'all y'all should be ahead of everybody everybody 30 60 100 fold 30 60. yeah yeah release that seed right now father i set myself in agreement with your people that the same anointing that is on my life to get wealth will be transferred to theirs this night in jesus name amen and amen your hopes build your homes feel your hopes now remember remember remember to be a part of the prayer we need your prayers remember to do that for us okay all right no matter what you go through no matter what you deal with no matter what comes your way remember you have a god that is fighting for you he won't put no more in you than you can bear he knows what you're going through and so as you praise him and love him you are going to build a relationship with him and he's going to cover you for the battle isn't yours it's the lord's stand still and see the salvation of the lord i'll see you at 3 o'clock god bless you love you very very much [Music]
Channel: generalofwarfare
Views: 1,982
Rating: 4.8545456 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop George Bloomer, Spiritual Warfare, the word network, now network, preaching, teaching, Jesus, Td jakes, benny hinn, jamal bryant, paula white, bible, bishop bloomer, bloomer, george bloomer, bethel family, durham, north carolina, warfarecology, general's daily briefing, bishop jakes, Jezebel, Fight With Fire, Shirley Caesar, Dr Kevin williams, Larry Reid, Zoe Ministries
Id: MpWq5Uqdpbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 39sec (5919 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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