FGHT Dallas: The Power Gifts

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what a mighty car we serve or angels bounty for doing something great for somebody right now you're in the middle of a miracle season and you ought to praise it for it come on I need to hear somebody give him a real genuine authentic praise that means you gotta say something come on the Sun has set out bless the Lord at all times and his praises sell continually be in my mouth we're so grateful to the Lord for this wonderful and blessed opportunity to be in the house of the Lord one more time I was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the Lord does anybody beside me love coming to church I loved coming to the house of the Lord Amen I love being around the people of God there's no place I'd rather be than in the presence of the Lord tonight amen thanking God for His goodness and listen he hadn't just been good to me and he hadn't just been good to you he's been good to everybody around you why don't you take a minute and go and shake somebody's hand tell somebody you love them with the love of the law [Music] that's it [Music] oh come on that's it hallelujah bless you [Music] hallelujah come on say that the tree to the fit me [Music] yes you are easy yes you are [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah sure [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what might happen [Music] yes sure oh yes you are you ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] yah [Music] all right come on clap your hands [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes you are yes you are you [Music] you're insane come on [Music] [Applause] yeah stay right back [Music] my brother yah my chest you ran my yes to honor your rate is there [Music] yes you are you read is it [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ever given praise and glory in the house of the Lord tonight god bless you you may be seated on this fine Tuesday night a man for us this is family night mothers bring your daughters and fathers bring your sons let us worship the Lord together amen it's always a good time a man to serve the Lord and I just believe in that serving God should be a family affair amen it's something that we should do together hey they used to tell us the family that prays together will stay together and certainly amen the Bible says if you train children and the way they should go when they get old it won't depart from a man and I'm believing a man that what we're doing now is going to benefit us for many many many years to come would you just clap your hands for the Lord one more time boy that shows a weak hand clap for the kind of God we serve hey man listen let me let me say this to you you don't ever clap for a man in a greater way than you clap for your God now y'all listen to what I'm trying to tell you I believe in giving honor to whom honor is due but now don't you ever find yourself getting more excited about clapping for a man then you clap for the Lord now I'm gonna give you one more chance to redeem yourself clap your hands and give the law the plays up in here now the action account appraised you give a card like ours hallelujah now while you're clapping throw your head back again over planes with your limbs cut off [Music] thank you treats us ah and we praise him all right now listen that's the kind of praise I want you to give him from now oh hey man and don't you act like you're tired of praising him cuz he ain't tired of waking you up a man he's still giving you the activities of your limbs hey man you ought to clap and clap and clap and clap and clap and clap some more because he's the one that's giving you the ability to doing hey man he better not just that he gives us the ability to go to work and work hard all day long and make it from one place to the next and don't tell me you use all your energy for that kind of stuff and don't have a reserve for the Lord the devil is a lie we anticipates with Thanksgiving and we enter his courts with praise Amen touch the man and remind him tell him don't you have a clap for a man in a greater way than you clap for your God a man a man I mean that don't you ever do that a man because they nobody got the power to wake you up and ain't nobody else got the power to heal and all of our souls disease is nobody else has that kind of ability amen so we praise in proportion to ability and man ain't got that kind of abilities so there is a praise that is reserved for God and him alone amen and if I'm gonna jump up and down and run and do all that ain't doing it for no man I get praise and honor in proportion to ability but when it comes to my god if I turn cartwheels and I don't nobody try that now but hey man hey man if I roll on the flow just understand it is in proportion to his ability who else could have rescued me who else could have turned my whole life around nobody but the Lord amen and we certainly heard some wonderful testimonies tonight come on clap those hands for the testimonies that we heard amen thank God for sister Polly Smith amen let the redeemed of the Lord say so Amen oh she she said so tonight didn't she hey man I certainly enjoyed that God blessed us we were in Houston last night they met left Sunday night after church went to Houston amen we were there last night in service with the Saints from that area Amen Rosenberg was there orange was there amen temple came and so many other visitors showed up we had a great time in the Lord on last night Amen God did what we asked him to do and we came back to night amen to be in service with you because I believe there's a word from the Lord and if you believe that look at somebody and just tell them there is a word from the Lord now tell them and I'm a lover of the word of God Amen I love mine and I got mine you brought yours come on hold that power up tonight hallelujah because everything else is going down but what but the word of our God amen we've been talking at last Tuesday at 9:00 Amen we understood Amen that's what some companies call an act of God a man you know the storm came through and knocked everything out heat man we had a few lights and then only a few lights it hit our sound system and we were not able a man and I didn't have the voice to project all the way to the back of the sanctuary for any length of time Amen so we were not able to complete our service on last Tuesday night amen but we're here tonight amen and I believe that God's going to speak to us and we've been talking amen about the ministry amen and about the giftings that God has given we talked about the vocal gifts amen we talked about a man the gift of prophecy a the word of wisdom amen we talked about all of those the diver kinds of tongues interpretation of tongues discerning of spirits Amen prophecy and tonight amen we want to talk about amen the power gifts somebody say the power gives the power gives are the gifts that do amen they are they are active they are gifts that actually accomplish amen and we want to talk about that tonight and we've been staying right there in the book of 1st Corinthians amen the 12th chapter and we'll go back amen to that so if you can they come with me follow me amen to 1st Corinthians the twelfth chapter and I want to begin reading again amen again at the fourth verse Amen let's read verse four through verse number eleven amen that's first Corinthians chapter number 12 verse number four through verse number eleven amen first Corinthians four at 12 and 4 through 11 with you habits amen the read what the Bible says now there are diversities of gifts it's a it's a diverse list of gifts that he meets out according to his will and according to his plan read but it is the same spirit all of these different abilities and gifts are given by God and they are all powered by the same spirit it is the same Holy Ghost that gives the ability to prophesy the ability of the diversities of tongues it is the same only goals that empowers us with the discerning of spirits all of these gifts operate very differently but they are all actuated by the same power and it is the Holy Ghost read and there are differences of administration's is of administration's uh-huh but the same Lord but it is the same Lord and there are diversities of operation diversity is the Bible says of operations or the way that it works uh-huh but it is the same but it is the same God which worketh all in all it is the same God that worketh all in all that's the reason why and I've said it before I'll said again tonight there is no room for jealousy when it comes down to how God chooses to use somebody you know I've seen people get angry and want to know who you are to be used listen if it's gonna that's choosing then why is there any room for jealousy uh for us to have attitudes because somebody is doing something that we have not been given to do it is God that makes the decision and I choose to believe that have God made the decision God knew how each and every one of us could be used some of us just have to understand we don't have the capacity to be used in certain ways and so listen I thought if I heard a preacher say if I'm only a cup all I can handle is a cup fall I can't get jealous because somebody else has a picture fool because if he's using me to my capacity then he's using me in the way that's proper and right and there is no need for us to look around the body of Christ and look at somebody else that God has his handle and feel like it's not fair who are they I've been here longer listen God understands each and every one of us he knows what we can do he knows what we are not equipped to do he knows what we can handle what we cannot handle and listen if he is a God that makes no mistake like we testified then there is no place in us and I was spiritual walk with God to think that God's not fair because he's not using us the way he's using somebody else that out of your mind what God is doing his doing for the benefit of the body at large he does not give us gifts to make us look big or important but when God gives us gifts he gives it to us so that the Empire party a prize is fully furnished and equipped read what the Bible says the manifestation of the Spirit is the one is given by the spirit the word of wisdom the word of wisdom to another uh-huh the word the word of knowledge by the Saints the same spirit aha another faith faith and still the Holy Ghost still the Holy Ghost so another to another the working of miracles to another prophecy to another discerning of spirits to another divers to another the interpretation of tongue read verse 11 but all these worketh but all of these gifts work that one that one and the selfsame self same spirit dividing to every man severally as you will as he wills but it is the same spirit and so tonight I want to talk about the power gifts you look at verse number nine and it says to another faith the gift of faith to another gifts of healing did you see that by the same spirit to another verse damn the working of miracles now we're talking about the gifts now that God has given to the body and brothers and sisters in spite of what people are saying now amens you've got to know that God is still moving that God is still working and I think it's wholly appropriate that we talk about the power gifts because you know in this time people who choose to believe that God has abandoned and that God has left us to our own devices you even have a meant entire denominations that trout and preach about God's abandonment Amen what he ain't doing anymore how God's not moving anymore I wouldn't go nowhere ain't meant what people tell me what God cannot do because the Bible said he is the Lord our God and there is absolutely nothing too hard for God and I'm trying to figure out now with God stop moving on the behalf of his people what was the purpose for it amen if there was nothing too hard for God then why would God abandon us now why would he not rise on our behalf and meet us at the point of our knees my brothers and my sisters sons and daughters of God amens you've gotta understand that what we have just read was that God placed certain things in the church the holy spirit but you can find nowhere in the scripture where he took them out y'all done got quiet hey man listen you can't find a where where God took anything that he put in the church amen out what would be the purpose for it as long as the church survives as long as we are here he met there are certain things that God has seen it to the body of Christ we've got to still walk we've got to still run we've got the sphere preach that we've got the sphere proclaim and these things are helpful and necessary in our engagement of the kingdom agenda if you remember when Jesus was here he says watch that you see me do shall he do and greater works than these shall you do because I go to my father now you've got to understand that when he left here up to the church he meant to keep going the things that he spotted while he was here we're going to the but he's very much active in the world and the gives the power gives gifts that will show for the power of God his power over nature this power over spirits y'all get glad amen that's why it is so important we understand what the power gifts are all about they are gifts that display the ability of God over everything that's contrary the people of God statement and our growth in the Lord and so the Bible tells us that when he gives gifts to the church he does so so that we will be fully equipped now if he did not give these gifts to the church then what would happen if something the rules and the church was not able to meet that need what would happen amen would you still be a part of a church and praise a God that didn't have [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] so why would he remove these gifts so that we will be furnished and so the first thing that he tells us first man to another everybody don't have this gift now the bible does say that God has given to every man the measure of faith one of us has the ability to exercise some of us got faith and we put it in the wrong people but we have the capacity to exercise they must put faith in things we still have the capacity operate in faith he's not talking about that measure of faith he's talking about the gift of faith now the gift of faith is very different from that measure of faith because the measure has been given to everyone which means don't do it Oh [Laughter] oh yeah you see it Amen of course God believes in his own ability to believe God's Word through faith you know I remember seeing a picture my father when he was a little boy what did it baby and and you those of you that were blessed enough to sit up on the bus a lobbyist Maria you heard that testimony about how my father had a tumor on his brain and they said it was what the size of a teacup teeka and the cause of the pressure that the tumor imposed on the brain it caused my father's eye to sit over in the corner and one of his eyes was crushed because of the pressure from the tumor on his brain and you know while Samara was a faith preacher I mean the best I ever heard we think and and and he was preaching about what God could do God can work this miracle and God can turn situates in the round and and then one night out there he preached a preacher so-called preacher walked up to him and said if you got so much faith why don't you go over there lay hands on your son and ask God to uncross his eye but you know some people can be just but you know what that did that ignited something on the inside of him [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] so sorry get me first King 17 get get then when a person just knows what God is going to do they have the full assurance to declare it first King 17 you gotta read what the Bible says first verse and he likes you the Tishbite uh-huh who was of the inhabitants of Gilead risen to Ahab said under a hat as the Lord God of Israel is as the Lord God of Israel living before my stand before whom I stand there shall not be do no rain these years but according to my word now how could he say this he declared that it wasn't going to rain for three and a half years how do you know that he decreed and he believed it when he said it now you know you gotta have some kind of mindset to go up to a king and say to him listen at my word until I say so it ain't gonna rain for three and a half years get ready I hope you got good crops stacked up because you don't have rain but three and a half years your Harv is going down for the next three and a half years because until I clear the clouds to cry and no rain coming out this sky and for him to be and do you know the Bible said it didn't rain this man reached up and turn the faucet off and said it's not going to happen until I said will oh do you think he was shaking when he said that no because he knew that God was going to back up whatever he said would happen and that's the way this faith operates it just knows that God is gonna back me out get me March 11 and 12 I'm trying to hurry my time is running and known tomorrow and on the morrow when they would come from Bethany he was hungry Jesus was home because you know he was a man like like like like I am me he was a man like you are he got hungry he got tired in this human frame and the Bible said that he was hungry free and seeing a fig tree afar and Santa Fe trip off having leaves leaves he came he came happily he might find anything there all ah and when he came to it and when it came to it but leaves this tree was telling lies it had leaves but it wasn't producing nothing and Jesus walked all the way over to this tree thinking he's about to get some off this tree won't in to get something off of this tree get there and only find out that this tree is boasting in some that it cannot produce and you know what happens let's read what he says and jesus answered saying unto it and she I keep telling you when the Bible said he answered and said I said it makes you feel like he had a conversation what did the tree say for him to answer the tree like this give me some fruit ain't got none all right no man eat fruit of you what here after he happened forever for ever now the tree still had leaves on it but Jesus had the power and he had the faith to speak to a tree that had leaves on the land and he said you know what nobody's gonna eat fruit of you anymore forever leaves on him maybe because the Bible said the time of figs was not yet so it could have produced figs later on at the right time but Jesus said no I don't care when the time of figs coming and nobody don't eat fruit from you forever and you know the Bible says Jesus went on and did he was doing in the temple and the next day when he comes back the disciples looked and they said Jesus that tree that you cast is dead and it's weathered they were the only one surprised because Jesus knew when he said it that this tree was as young and quiet this tree died the moment Jesus spoke that word it just took a day for the benefits but it happened because he spoke remember few years ago I saw a preacher and a woman had I forget what kind of condition she had in her body but this preacher laid hands on her and he said God is going to perform a surgery on you tonight and that woman right there when he laid hands on her started coughing and some just came up and they grabbed the paper towel and tumors just started coming up out of my body that faith to believe God for her healing to decree her miracle to decree that this was her time to receive from something from God that was faith to make that declaration that God is getting ready to move on your behalf that's that same kind of faith that Peter and John in the book of Acts when they went to the temple saw a man that's sitting at a beautiful gate with a agnes situation Bible said they walked up to him he asked them for money we don't have silver and gold but we got something else to give you the Bible said they looked at him and said look on us that means somebody something would happen here what can read this man been like this all this time and these two men table make surplice a look on us what about it but something was getting ready to happen and people believing that today was history for a member the Bible says to receive God the Bible said immediately his anklebone started getting stronger and he went into the temple liepman and shouted praising God God's gonna do it let me hasten that's just the first of the power gives then that's gift in the power gift series the Bible says gifts of healing and when you look those words up those words are both plural gifts of healings it means more than one and the reason why is because there's so many different ways that people need to be healed Healing there's not a one-size-fits-all kind of cut y'all getting quiet again cuz cuz you have some people that are sick in their bodies you have some that are psychologically impaired you have y'all getting cried again if you have some Amen that are emotionally sick and then you have some that are spiritually not well so he says gifts of healing are you hearing me so that means that it's not just one way that God is going to do it every time there are gifts of healings different manifestation different ways in which God understands on the emotional or physical these years appreciate everybody don't need God to heal people they are emotionally sick some of y'all can't even say man you still hurting Amen some folk adjust emotionally there are so many things fracture people's emotion now you have some people I never thought I would talk to so many people a man that have gone through some sort of physical trauma amen and even if the scars on the body emotional scars that seem like they are always wrong they are always open and now [Applause] you know the Bible talks about a man in the country of the gadarenes some was wrong with this fella his mind was it wasn't right Bible said he was in the tombs day and night this man had a tormenting spirit tormenting spirit the Bible said he was there and he was cutting himself this man's mind was so gone bleeding and you know I asked a young lady once because she told me she's an apostle I'm a cutter and you know I didn't know what that was at first and she said I'm a cutter and I said what is that she said well I'll take razor blades and I'll cut myself sometime on the lines of my fingers off between my fingers are just take something and just start cutting my own and I said what is that a I've been hurt myself Jesus then a cemetery naked and streaking you know nobody wanna be no7 especially at night you walking home past the cemetery 9 some other people not behind naked as the day they came in the world naked and bleeding and here somebody chasing you down the street bloody and naked Yahweh's sanity Jesus came just for him listen and I want you to know some of this stop Lord I don't wanna get hung up in some of this stuff that people are dealing with now this psychological stuff this is the work of a demon spirit these multiple personalities and I'm 33 my name is James oh no listen this some men that need come on out see even the Bible says Jesus went about doing good we gotta pay attention to the scriptures healing all that were what oppressed of who so sometime the healing that he brings about is a result of the fact that there's a devil trying to pressure y'all get quiet again and when Jesus goes all the way over to the other side of the sea gets over there to the coast of the gadarenes here's this man coming out the tombs tormented has no control of himself these demons got him out of his mind Jesus calls a legion of demon spirits an Allegiant is to this man had demons after jesus healed the man that was oppressed they found him sitting here you ain't gotta sit up in your house and go crazy different ways to hear people the Bible said they shall lay hands on the sick the sick she'll recover they're being infirm among you infirm let them call for the elders of the church that have been knowing him with all for the prayer of faith shall save the sick in the Lord shall raise them up you talk about gifts of healings and there are some people that ministry is characterized by healing yes I've seen people get saved and when they get saved God turns around and he heals them at the same [Applause] the reason why this is so important is because this helps to strengthen our absolutely nothing like the word miracle it's a miracle this man let him do it the Bible says he spit and made mud you gotta Jesus playing in the dirt just working out the right kind of consistency and when it was right the Bible said he took nod and wiped it on the man's eyes and you know what Jesus had to a blind man go find the poo blind man to go friend but the Bible says however he had to do it he found that poo and when he washed that miracle mud off of his eyes he came pump God's got a million ways to do one piece he said gifts I feeling there was a woman in the temple I'll bid over jesus walks in sees a woman came straighten herself up Jesus looks at her and says woman Thou Art Loosed from that spirit of infirmity some sicknesses are caused by demonic power but then other sicknesses are called by your disobedience see he can work a miracle for you and get you out of anything you hand whether it's your own bad eating habits that got so many of y'all in trouble God can get you out dog and cry because some of us set up and we just keep asking God to heal us and God said look I keep doing it for you and you're going right back to that same old stuff listen to what I'm telling you if you know you got diabetes ain't no need in you drinking soda all day long are you hearing what I'm telling you that I exercise and faith but I just believe I'm healed you crazy your hot blood pressure and you got bacon cut up and everything bacon in your omelet bacon in your salad bacon in this bacon bacon bits bacon strips now hey Shannon come on now God can do anything but you gotta use some wisdom true so whether it's emotional whether it's physical whether it's mental God can work that out and he gives the people the gifts of healings God can heal you everywhere that you're hurting the Bible says in Matthew 14 and throws your Bibles did you Matthew 14 and 36 the Bible talks about Jesus see we used to hearing about the woman with the issue of blood we read that sister owed and besought him and they besought him that they might only touch the hem of his Lord there were other people who understood the hem of the garment can a miracle it wasn't just a woman with the issue of blood there were people that God healed and he brought about these miracles through the life of Jesus and now that Jesus is gone he put that gift and those gifts in the church so that these same miracles to continue happen he's at what Rita and besought him uh-huh then they might only touch the hem of his Lord they just wanted to touch to him of his gum and as many as touched were made perfectly oh no what would he take disability out of the church do you know that the Church of the Lord needs to be healthy at home if he says to us go into all the world how are we gonna do that when all of us got to stay within 15 miles of the hospital now y'all looking how we gonna go into all the world when we can't even leave and go out of town because we're sick and ailing in our body the church has to be healthy the church has to be whole and he I'll heal you but listen just like he said in the Word of God he's not healing us supposed to go back in a toaster the heels are going sin no more don't get yourself back in this shape but he can do that and lastly finally the Bible talks about the fact that he sent miracles in the church verse number 10 to another the working of miracles you know what a miracle is a miracle is what's called a happening that is contrary to nature it literally breaks the laws of nature and it is a miracle because it's not something that is supposed to happen and anybody that'll tell you God is not a miracle worker run there are whole denominations right now that I tell you God is through working miracles so I guess if you get sick in that denomination you just did but the Bible said he gave to another the working of miracles that means that it doesn't matter where we find ourselves God put this kind of gifting in the body miracles still take place see a healing could work on her own on several different levels because sometimes you get a you know healings can be gradual and I don't want nobody to leave out here saying you know what with God God can't do this and Godwin he didn't do that nah sometimes healing is a process yeah it is healing is a prime lesson let me say this whether God choose to do it at the altar of you obey the doctor than God connect with what they know and use them to bring about a healing is a healing doctors can work on you but doctors can't heal your body some people feel like because it happened last week then it's not gonna happen for me sometimes you don't even know that a healing is a gradual process yeah as long as you you're getting better and you're gonna look up one day and you're gonna try to figure out was I ever even as sick as I thought I was because that's how God operates okay remember who it was was telling that testimony but they talked about how they had a pain in their bodies for so long and then one day they got up and they couldn't even remember when they stopped feeling it just knew that they were healed in their body and that's the way God works but now he says I gave some the working of miracles you know what a miracle to do a miracle will defied the doctors when a doctor look at an x-ray and you see that big old tumor the size of a grapefruit and then you go to somebody's church they put some oil on your head lay hands on you it's not even there is deliverance God gives the sum the ability to do this look at Jesus Bible said people follow him and I mean Jesus must have been preaching some kind of gospel the Bible said he got in a ship when they went to the other side I was reading yesterday and the Bible said people just took off on foot they trailed him and walked across and walked around the whole sea and caught up with him on the other side they loved him his words one day they got too far to go home and Jesus said listen we got to feed these people what are we gonna feed them went along we don't have enough money to feed all these folk you know how some people are well I mean I didn't got none for him I'm sorry I give y'all some water jesus said now we can't do that you'll find me something and they brought it and said Lord we have here a little boys lunch just two fish and five barley loaves of bread what are these among so many this can feed nobody this is a little boy's lunch he probably wouldn't even get fooled off it is and you got five thousand men besides women and children men and the Bible said Jesus took it blessed and broke it and gave it to them and five thousand men beside women and children what faith that day and I tell you it's an even greater miracle because the Bible said when they got through they took up twelve baskets twelve but now you talk about more than enough that's a more than enough kind of miracle and he's still working those kinds of miracles right now we've seen the miracle of deliverance miracle of healing miracle of supply whatever kind of miracle you need you can receive it God has people anointed with these gifts to light hands and to decree God's going to bring you out that God's going to provide that God's going to heal these are the power gifts and in a time like the one we're in now we need these power gifts you know it's the time I'm looking at you talking about gifts of healings I'm looking at the fact now that the enemy it seem like he's touching everybody now everybody knows that I possibly need you to pray cause the devil is trying to make me sick he's trying to touch and afflict my body you got people who are doing good one day and the next day just look like their help is in the basement and you're trying to figure out what in the world is going on with these power kids this is why God put them in the church because he know we're gonna need this some of this stuff is not our power some of this stuff is the work of a devil trying to keep you from operating in the things of God but God place these gifts in the church so that the church would be fully equipped are you always saying up in here so then we can't do the work of the Lord these are the power gifts the devil would love Buster just get sinking down but God said no I'll give you gifts give you a healing give you a miracle and I'll give you faith the power gifts and listen I'm telling you when you start seeing people now exercising faith like we're starting to see listen God is not dead people trying to make God have to be some father who's prone to abandon his children hadn't seen them in a long time hadn't heard from in a long time he must be dead and you know even nature put that out that God is dead and we have killed him we don't need him no more we've outgrown him where we're more mature than that we don't need a man in the sky for us to do good we don't need that and so now people are trying to do away with God but you know what I'm starting to see I'm starting to see that they're people of God there are people that won't go [Laughter] [Applause] about to bring the greater manifestation of these power gives those of you sick in your body God still gives to some the gifts of healing and I don't keep this in your brain then you're back in your foot in your knee and your kidneys and your liver God is a healer yes he is maybe some people watching us now YouTube lad I don't care what the doctor is telling you I've come to tell somebody he was wrong get you a second opinion cuz I just believe that since you got the first one God have worked a miracle for you well y'all given what I'm trying to tell you that's the kind of God we serve miracles are not in short supply Laura remember he and all these testimonies about how God is able to work miracles ain't got none do it just healing I'm talking about miracles miracles when people should have been dead in and God blessed you to make it out of line you talk about a miracle you're in a car accident you get out sometimes the car look like it fell off a cliff and you step out of that and you can walk in got no scratches there and none of that ain't nothing but a miracle that's how God operates yeah God gotta keep you out of some stuff sometimes gotta give you a miracle of deliverance and that's why I tell you see that's why we always have a reason to praise God when you come to church you are the end of these gates with Thanksgiving and into these courts with praise I'll tell you why because sometimes God delivered you from some stuff you didn't even know was about to tell ya I believe that all things work together for the good of them that love God who are the called according to his purpose I learned how to stop complaining and start thinking God maybe if you work in a miracle I remember one night on you and brother Alan used to have Knick Knack Highlands candy truck but I don't let me work with him in in the candy truck and I remember one night so the out of you I was sitting up there fixing nachos that was my specialty and I took my Bible over there with me and I had my Bible but I left it in the truck my dad blew the horn it's time to go and I just ran out the candy truck and got in the car we were up the street maybe about two minutes I said daddy I left my Bible I turned around he turned the car around went back to go get the Bible and got the Bible got back in the car he said we gonna stop it drugs guess I dated myself y'all not old I am that huh Eckerd drug sprays alive right next to the five-and-dime store and and and we got there when we got there people start running out the door you remember that we go walking and answer what just happened they said a man just came in and pulled a gun on all of us and robbed us and he just ran out the door and I said I have done for you I don't know somebody was praying something that God had his hands on somebody anointed to work miracles that might have been talking to God for me on my behalf saying God protect them keep them out of things just both seen and unseen yeah he gives some these abilities some people they just got that kind of thing if you say I'm believing God and you know I told him I don't care what nobody say sister Mary got that gift of faith I can tell you a story out the story and anybody that's been in it at the time they'll say listen if sister Mary said it and so for them I remember we were trying to get us a house now stand to your feet we were looking to get a house and and and and I lived in an apartment for ten years just about well know about six years I lived in a one-bedroom apartment for about six here I preached it on TV living in a one-bedroom apartment and I traveled and folk oh man I know you got oh I know you living in a spray and they didn't even though I was living in a one-bedroom apartment closets too small I had to build me a shoe shelf so I did all that and I said Lord got to be something better nice we got half and I have us a house in and I remember I was talking to somebody about Annie told me well you know and maybe a little - oh yeah you know you need to get you a starter home like you know me like that and I remember when I was talking to sister Mary about it in cuz that need to be praying she said huh God gonna do that I said I need your praying she's not telling you after you've lived right and you preaching the word God is going to do that for you and I said all right I need you praying she said I'm telling you God's gonna do this for you and I was talking to a builder and he was talking about building us this house and he just went through the process we in sign no paperwork no nothing he's building the house we talking about the colors for the house we tell me which life fixing to putting out and waiting Gators Banda haven't signed no papers or nothing and we pick it everything out for the house I'm senators in love and she said all God is God and I remember I went over and when the house got done I took some pictures of the house and I brought the pictures think of back then you had to develop pictures and when I developed them I brought him and I set him up under this rug right here and I said lord I need these pictures up he'll hold it round because I need this house and I set him up under here and one day someone of the same came up to me and she's oh I saw your house it is beautiful and my chest out going like this I said Lord what's gonna happen if I don't get this house and now all these hope think that's my house they don't see in these pictures somebody done took my pictures out from under the rug and looking at me in the house and I'm saying Lord you said your people would not be made of shame and sin Samara told me she said I'm telling you God is gonna give you that house do you know the man that built the house said you know what coast good little bit of money but I'm gonna see what I can do he took a class paid for it himself to go and figure out how to get me in that house he took the class didn't ask me for no extra money he took the class and figured out how to get me in that house and I'm sitting up here scared because I don't know what's gonna happen and so the mirror was telling out that God's gonna do that but you watch God is gonna give it to you God is gonna work that out I'm telling you some people have that gift of faith they can tell you what he's gonna do and God honors that word he gives these gifts to the body and they're still here and I'm telling you now God's gonna work you can't stop him from working he's known for working miracles he's known for his yelling saying nothing this is what he's known for and if he stopped healing he'll stop being God because he said I change not ever head bowed every eye closed hallelujah maybe there's somebody here tonight maybe you are not saved but you need to be you don't have the Holy Ghost but you need it I want you to step out into that aisle and make your way to this altar I want to pray I want to believe God with you that God is gonna raise you up as an instrument to go out and bring deliverance to somebody else show them through your life the power of God's deliverance come on he wants to fill you with the Holy Ghost and empower you to go out there and reach somebody else hallelujah come on maybe that's somebody else you can come come on come on whatever you need him to do he can do it maybe you're saved feel what the Holy Ghost but you have a need I want you to know God can meet that need yes he can God I honor you if you honor him he's still doing everything that the Bible declared he could do yes he is I'm seeing God Hill I'm seeing God make waves I'm seeing God raise people up he's doing it and if you can believe tonight God will work that miracle for you is there anything too hard for the Lord I said is there anything too hard for the Lord he can do it elders would you come he can yes he can come on I need somebody to believe God with these that are standing at this altar [Applause] hallelujah thank you Jesus [Music] [Music] Granite Jesus or God receive it in the name of Jesus do it [Music] yes Lord yes Jesus hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah Oh God do it do it tonight grind it by your power [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well somebody left those hands lift your hands and praise and would you hallelujah thank you Jesus hallelujah thank you lord hallelujah god bless you you may be seated in its presence thank you lord [Music] I know that God can I know that it will
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 18,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: RJH_55K4sDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 45sec (5325 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2017
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