FGHT Dallas: A Second Chance At Life

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[Music] from these [Music] from the inside me [Music] you to be loved I [Music] Oh Yuda be glorified you to believe [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] for you [Music] oh it's for you [Music] Oh [Music] we [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh it's for you you to be glorified you to be lifted high [Music] you would be glorified you to be lifted high [Applause] oh let those hands lift those hands lift those hands lift those hands Oh everybody hallelujah oh yes yes we you you you you to be glorified you to be live dead your hands inspire you to be led [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for you YouTube egoriy pie for you to be lived in hi so that's what we all do we're lived that's what we do with your hands everybody that's what we'll do yes we're lived that's what we do oh yes we we that's what yes sir we do that's what - that's it come on come on let me hands everybody oh yeah that's what we do [Music] from the rising of the Sun lawn to the setting of the same that's what [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we have 200 yes sir we lifted almost your name Oh [Music] [Music] your name [Music] [Music] [Music] take your seat if dick thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so that's what we do that's what we that's that's that's what we we lived you that's what we [Music] Oh Hey No I feel the width of his presence here today hallelujah what a great [Music] as a sweet-smelling savour I am pleased with my people yes sacrifice your dedication and for this reason I'm going to take you higher in me of your heart God have come in your mistis day to let you know that the things that you have asked me to do I have done those things desires and your desires I have met I am pleased with you my people continue to worship continue to praise continue to dedicate your life continue to live for me sir god I am pleased with my people [Applause] you ought to reach your hand up and touch it just he's here surely the Lord is in this place and I'm so grateful for what I feel I thank God I told you last week when he shows up he's a businessman he always comes to take care of business and somebody you just needed to know that your labor wasn't in vain your pray has not been in vain as a matter of fact I believe that while we're here God's working on some stuff in somebody's family working on some things in your métier car I believe that while you're praising him right now God is handling some things sitting some things in order putting some things in and taking some things out that's the kind of God that we serve thank you Jesus can we just give them a corporate phrase right now everybody just come on hallelujah Oh bless His name thank you lord I tell you there's no place I'd rather be than where I am right now in the house of the Lord get somebody and tell them me but there is a word from the Lord I am a lover of the Word of God God will speak to us today he that hath an ear to hear let him hear what the Spirit says you got your Bible come on hold that power thank God amen because everything else is going now but the word of our God I told you the other night man bring a Bible to church you don't ever take nobody's word for what God says hey man I won't lie to you hey man I fear God too much to lie but you can't take my word for what God says you've got to know what God says for yourselves they're people they don't want you to bring the Bible they just want you to believe whatever they say but man shall not live by bread alone but he must live by every word that does what that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord st. John the 3rd chapter the first verse the man I want you to get it a man st. John chapter number 3 I want to begin at verse number 1 we're so used a man to go into st. John 3:16 so many people quoted they've learned it from the time they were children amen but very few people know who he was talking to when he said this you know it's amazing people can quote the scripture but don't know the context in which he spoke the word yes for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life but who was he talking to hey man we've got to understand what it is that the Lord is saying to us st. John the 3rd chapter the 1st verse when you have its Amen the Bible gives us this intelligence there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus a ruler of the Jews same came to Jesus by night and said unto Him rabbi we know that thou art a teacher come from God for no man can do these miracles that thou doest except God be with him jesus answered and said unto Him verily verily I say unto Dina that word verily means truly and I told you Jesus didn't need nobody to say man he a man himself twice before he ever said what he had to say verily verily truly truly which means amen amen I say unto thee except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God he won't even be able to come won't be able to recognize it Nicodemus said to him how can a man be born when he is old can he enter second time into his mother's womb and be born jesus answered verily verily again I say unto thee except a man be born of water and of the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom that which is born of the flesh is flesh that which is born of the Spirit is spirit Marvel not that I said unto thee he must be again the wind bloweth where it listeth and thou hearest the sound thereof but canst not tell whence and whither it goeth so if every one so is every one that is born of the Spirit Nicodemus answered and said unto him these things jesus answered said unto Him art thou a master of Israel and knowest not these things verily verily I say unto thee we speak that we do know and testify that we have seen and he received not a witness if I have told you earthly things and ye believe not how shall he believe if I tell you of heavenly things and no man had ascended no man hath ascended up to heaven but he that came down from heaven even the Son of Man and just because it's so close look at verse number 16 what God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting look at what Jesus says to Nicodemus he said no not that I said unto you that if you want things to turn out right if you want the kingdom if you want to enjoy fellowship with the Lord you must be born he said how can these things be if that's what's needed if that's what's necessary then tell me how can a man as old as I am a second time into my mother's wool can I do that and be born again jesus said you don't even understand it's about being born of the water and the spirit then he comes back and he says listen God loves you so much that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life look at some that internal neighbor he'll give you a second chance at life that's what I want to talk about amen not just being born but being born again which gives us a second chance at life touch somebody else and tell him a second chance I found out in my walk with the Lord and in reading the scriptures that God wants us all to be saved the Bible tells us Amen that he is long-suffering not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance that is God's ultimate desire and so many times people have gotten a wrong understanding of God because God is so holy and because God is so righteous amen and because God has owned us amen has our creator he deserves and reserves the right to tell us what to do he can tell us how to live he can tell us where to go he can tell us how to handle our daily affairs because the Bible said he has created us and that but for those of us that are saved amen and sanctified he has bound us with the price amen the Bible says that we are not our old payment therefore our job is to glorify God and the Bible tells us that God has so lovingly set in motion amen things that will allow for such a great change in our lives and I want you to know it does not matter where you are it doesn't matter what you are God loves you are you listening amen sometimes people look at the holiness of God and they think that because God does not tolerate while because a car does not put up with said that God hates the sinner but that's nothing further from the truth God loves you just like you are Amen but now that don't need a man but God loves what it is that you do Amen God has an everlasting love for all of mankind but God loves you enough to want to see you live bless you even as your name is not God for your life to change so many times we figure hey because we can't do it that it can't be done but I want you to know that God has so design you must be now when you talk about change let's define what change is a man change is more than just a change in position because some people just love the boss amen I'm a churchgoer see in the choir but you've got to realize that all of the things that we can do in the house of the Lord I'll be a good man it is not going to you that a brag about what they do you say they start talking about the resume in the house of the Lord when I'm a deacon my granddaddy a man was the past of the church Amen on my mother with you that is going to exist this is why [Applause] that's a problem because the word shade means to be rescue so how can you be saved so you're drowning in the ocean and you see a boat on the horizon I'm saved you drown you know the only time you can boast about then say is when they [Applause] the way salvation is you are not saved if you're not delivered God's got to bring you out of sin because whom the Sun sets free is free what did Jesus come for if he couldn't set you free just leave you know what they did to Jesus do you know how they beat him the Bible said he was marred greater than any other man they beat him till the blood started flowing into the streets they beat him until he was no longer recognizable a crown of thorns on his head they turned around and nailed him do what Ray you know crucifixion is designed to suffocate you it is a slow agonizing death and he died like that just so that you could stay like you were you are [Music] [Applause] that sin is the reason why he died you know how much God hates sin he hates sin so much the Bible said that while Jesus was hanging on that cross he that knew no sin became sin for us that means that while he was hanging on the cross he took on your sin and my sin yo ain't saying nothing while he was hanging on the cross he for the sins of the whole world never sinned you and he nailed the light y'all gettin quiet here the Bible said he became the sin he was never for Nikita but he became the sin he did because God had to turn his back on his own son without God is still looking for a crane Church thrush that has walked away from the things of the world Oh God admitted Dimas the Mason comes to Jesus by night he comes to him under the cover of darkness and many people suppose that the reason why it's because this is an allusion to his condition he was in darkness spiritually he comes to Jesus so he starts talking and having conversation he said listen rabbi I know though I'd come from God because nobody can do the things that you do God be with him he came Jesus as a member of the Pharisees you know what that means that means that Nicodemus was one of those people who was boasting in his theology he was a theologian among the laity of Israel knew the latter but still didn't know anything about being saved and you have a whole lot of people that go to church now bacon quote scriptures but they don't know nothing about what it takes in order to be saved y'all don't got quiet on me again I just need about 30 of you don't help me preach this hit it it's not about whether you go to church or not it's about whether you know God did you know the Bible says to come to me preaching shouting and speaking in tongues only to get to heaven and hear Jesus say I never even knew why would you come the instrument service more than just being religious was religious but he was quiet don't you realize what a cross is all about got a cross hanging around their neck and still don't know what the Klaus is how old are y'all hitting me you know what the cross was the cross was an instrument of death that's what it was if you saw a man carrying a cross that was a dead man walking you sit in Jerusalem you see a man coming down the street with a cross on his shoulder Batman wasn't coming home you never shall no matter how many people get on some kind of uniform in church got a position oh no the Bible said every time the preacher get about three words of a scripture they finish it for him but have no kind of conviction about sin this is that then time when people are just like Nicodemus they know the latter but the Bible says the Spirit of the Lord that he died means that some thing you can do for yourself just attract experience tonight I'm going with Jesus that if I died today I know where I'm going you have a whole lot of folks just religious scared to death that's a matter that's not sure whether that going home to be with the Lord and not listen when you get saved and you really gets greater you know because they nice Jesus says the Nicodemus listen in order for you to see the kingdom of God you got to be born again Nicodemus said has this gonna happen can somebody as big and old as I am go back into my mother's womb and be born a second time come on Nicodemus Jesus says you don't get it I'm not telling you to be born of the flesh twice because what's born of the flesh is flesh and if you're born of the flesh you were born in sin and that's the problem [Music] [Applause] look around you you're looking at a crowd full of people but when you look at her now you can't tell what they used to do y'all getting quite Paul says but such were some of you oh sit down you look like God ain't delivered you from the time you didn't hear all the testimonies that you hear enough there was a time when some things were anomalies just happen every nine then you just just had no ordinary but when you look at this generation you living in now you're gonna hear something everything used to be a time they tell guys listen you don't want to have any one of them loose women you just just you wanna marry a virgin somebody that's sweet number and I told them now you just have to hope who you married having been with another woman I don't care how messed up you your first go-round lord have mercy and I want you to know today somebody's sitting here now you and your early fifties and you have already messed your life you trying to figure out what is the rest going to look like more than half your life go behind you and you're going to live like a fool almost 40 years old and you haven't figured it out yet you still struggling and making ya'll forgive my rhetoric dumb choices like our insanity and you two are to be making the mistakes you make it those are wicked mistakes and you got gray hand you'll be in and you still make it Rickman listen ain't nobody looking down on you cuz we're now had a dump season and and quiet as it's kept somebody on your road could be in a dumb season you know [Laughter] [Applause] it didn't turn out right you could have the dual you're trying to figure it out you already got a record they threatening you now but never told you you a man and you didn't realize you really wasn't a man you just grew tall you're just a tall boy you know when I think got more kids than you can take care of and now everybody won't date money y'all gettin quiet and I saw you with a pair Jordans and you 15 you still wearing Jordans nothing wrong with wearing Jordans if you just want them casually but when you standing in line and you 50 playing video games and buying everything they taking their kids to the Toys R Us and there you go in there bat and video game and they said odd I want my piece of the path and now they're threatening to throw you back in jail because you can't take care of your responsibilities I want you to know today God will teach you everything you don't know everything your daddy failed to tell you God will teach you himself he's that lesson you gotta be born again even after you master your light Nicodemus Oh religious as you are you still don't know the things that are necessary in order to get to heaven you don't understand where I am in life I've done so much to so many people how can I get this right the Bible says what was Hall shall a young man cleanse his ways can you do this how can you get strength after all this time you mean to tell me you haven't come to an understanding yet that's you 200 to keep going over and starting over from scratch the devil is telling you you got time and you got grandkids and the devil is still telling you you got time to get this together y'all gettin quite feel trying to find yourself haven't figured you out yet and you're screwing up everybody that you come in contact with because you don't have yourself together how many times you gonna get married y'all good I just I just like I don't know I don't know I'll be honest I know what y'all say but listen I just believe everybody deserves a chance at happiness and I just keep getting a hold to the wrong one don't you realize about now you are the wrong one you don't merit for different people and there's a problem with every one of listen after why you got a mature to the fact with our God why are you looking at mirror and say wow the one and all of the decisions that you make the time you try to live life without him you just digging the hole deeper and deeper and deeper no you got to do is be born again listen to what Jesus says to Nicodemus and I'll be through whenever I get through saying whatever I'm gonna say after I say this he says to Nicodemus after he asked listen I don't understand how this stuff can happen how can this be a man as old as I am being born again and his mind goes to the natural because when you're not spiritual the natural is always the answer to your problem that's why you keep messing up you are trying to force a natural solution to be the answer to your spiritual problems that's why you keep going to the boss sitting at the cabin and tell him to fill up that's the reason why every time step go wrong in your life you can see that it's God's hand trying to bring you to him you just go straight to the liquor store and you figure that's the way you solve your problems and you don't even realize ya you get drunk but then when that sunlight start hitting you in the back of your eyeball you realize you've made another mistake on top of the first one that you made yeah you get high but when you come back down that same problem is staring you right in your face you are trying to force a natural answer on your spiritual problem and it's not that your body needs more liquor it ain't that you need more tow it's just that you need to be born again [Applause] Nicodemus a good and acceptable works Jesus said I'm still willing to help you just start all over again he said listen the wind bloweth where it listeth you don't see it this is the way the Holy Spirit is wind is always indicative of the Spirit when you see Jesus talk about the wind he's talking about the Spirit of God that activating force that moved over the face of the deep he said the wind can go where you wanna go you don't know where it came from you don't see it you don't direct it but you can feel the thing do you know that's how the Holy Ghost is hey no he's up in here with a suit on but you see the leaves on the trees you know the wind [Music] you know the Bible says husband's love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it Jurgen cried that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of the water by the word when it talks about water he's talking about the Word of God you are clean through the word so you gotta hear the word your life gotta line up with the word of God faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God but then he said the water and the spirit you know who the Spirit is don't you the Spirit is the Holy Ghost you gotta be filled with the Holy Ghost some people tell y'all you got to do is be saved just just come to church and tell the Lord you want to be best friends and pin pals and that's all you need is just to come to church and just be the lord's good friend just ask the Lord to save you lord save me and tell him Lord let's stay together for the rest of our lives let's just stay together let's just hook up like friends and you think you're gonna live a holy like can I tell you something about the world you live in this world we live in is so evil now you always stand up this world has everything but the enemy could stir up to try to turn you around and Pam your show to hell y'all hearing what I'm telling you if you go make it in this world you need the holy cows it's madness than just being shame you didn't get power when you got shame you got forgiving he said he shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you that's acts 1:8 at the cross you got forgiven but Jesus said go to Jerusalem and tarry there until you be endued with power from on high and when he sends the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost is the power that enables you to live holy and to live right listen it's one thing that gets saved it's another thing to be able to stay safe and if you want to stay safe you need the Holy Ghost that's the reason why people appreciate ain't nobody living right got the Holy Ghost but when you get the Holy Ghost you can say no and mean drugs look at this do you see how great of it then lord help how many of you God delivered you from smoking cigarettes see this how many of you got delivered you from drinking liquor that means you don't still drink no more hey man the backs a little sore the stomachs ache that ain't what he said read the rest of the scripture he said no more water but a new wine for the stomach said for thine often infirmities well I am sick I'm sick of life where you gonna be sick he said for your open infirmities when you get the Holy Ghost he gives you the power to do what it is that you cannot do without it this is what Jesus said listen you've got to be born again not just religious because you already religious and your religion got you coming to me by night asking questions you don't even understand it's not about church work it's not about religion it's about your personal relationship with God and if you don't have one you must be born again I don't care what your hang-up is people care about your hang-up God does not care what your hang-up is are you hearing me it doesn't matter what you're in right now I had a woman come to my office once and she said I need to see you it's an emergency she came doing the business hours and and they open the door for and I wouldn't met her and she came in and she's looking all around and she came in she said listen he asked me they after me I used to do some stuff before I came to know the Lord and they they they after me it's a it's an Italians they they I said Lord you would come here and these are looking for you no time did they see me over the dough for you who do they know you're talking to who have nothing to do with this and she said I used to do some things before I got saved she said and I told him I'm out of the game I don't know I don't do that kind of stuff no more I'm sure they said a lot I don't want to know nothing else I don't want if they pull my fingernails off I want to be able to say I don't know nothi all y'all wasting time ain't got none don't torture nothing out of me I don't want to hear it God can save you he can Olivia let's pray together now oh we talked to him about that she said they called me and they told me they wanted me back and I told him I don't do that stuff because I served the Lord now she said I went to my daughter's house and she said in the middle of the night people start banging on the door saying get up and get out she said when I got up the apartment complex the building I was in was on fire she said while I was standing outside my cell phone rang she said I don't know how they got it because I changed number several times since then she said my phone rang and they asked me so are you ready to come back now she said I told them I don't do that anymore I'm serving the Lord now and she said what am I supposed to do I said you ain't got no options if you think your choices I'll hold on to the Lord and go back to the life you used to live then you ain't got no choice see some of us feel like we got options but I don't know what I'm gonna do I want to hold on to God but the into I don't see how much listen if that's one of the choices then you ain't got no choice that's what you've got to do and the thing about it is you can do it I don't care what lifestyle you used to live I don't care what lifestyle you're living right now listen you might be sitting up in here drunk and think there are two people preaching this sermon if you come to the Lord he can sober you up right now y'all hearing what I'm trying to tell you I don't care what Jesus said you must be born again you don't have a choice if you gonna go to heaven if you're gonna see him you gotta be born again are you hearing what I'm trying to tell you Church is not enough being ordained the license it's not enough wearing a collar around your neck is not enough you and your kind of don't burn if you're not born again Jesus said it's what I want to do and then he closes by telling Nicodemus God so loved the world God loves you and I want you to hear me you you maybe they've already convicted you for child molestation I want you to know God still loves you people may have a problem with you but God is saying come unto me all ye that labor and the heaven later than I'll give you rest it doesn't matter what you you may have killed people in your lifetime you don't have to tell me about it but God loves you enough to change you and if you let him he'll turn your whole life around somebody wanted to know what happened to Nicodemus when you read whether that's st. John this is it seven and 15 I think it is when they were talking about Jesus guess who spoke up in the council meeting on his behalf he was Nicodemus and when they went and crucified Jesus when Joseph of Arimathea went and asked for the body of Jesus guess who went with him with expensive ointment Nicodemus Jesus must have said something that night that turned his life around we see him again Saint John seven I believe it's 50 you'll see Nicodemus talking up for Jesus in the meeting letting them know who he is then you see him gathering the body of Jesus after he's been killed I'm telling you when you are born again it changes you and I don't care if you used to be ashamed of church because you know you got broken out and they know he won't try I wouldn't go there I don't want about in our door listen it's not about that if you ashamed of him now believe me when he changed your life and turned you around Wednesday night in garland I told him God is gonna make you a testimony did you hear what I said you look at what he did for Lazarus the Bible said he called Lazarus out of that grave and when Lazarus got up many people believed on Jesus look at what is that the twelfth chapter and it says that while Jesus was there in Bethany at the house of Mary and Martha Lazarus was sitting at the table and the Bible said that not only did the Jews seek to kill Jesus but now they want to kill Lazarus too because so many people started believing on Jesus because of what they saw in Lazarus life can I tell you that that's what you want to do for you God want to make you a testimony that's why the devil is after some of you now it's because of what God has already done and you the longer you live look at your life and know that the hand of the Lord is responsible for who you are I want you to stand to your feet now you must be born again you can have hear me a second chance at life maybe you haven't done right you haven't live right and maybe by now just maybe you have come to a place of understanding there I got to get myself together I got to stop this I want you to come listen if you need somebody to grab them by the hand and ask him if they'll walk you this way they'll do it but you must be born again you cannot get around it you can't get away from it you got to be born again life will never be what you think it will until you are willing to turn it over to him somebody tonight you have messed it up I mean you have really made a pretty big mess but bring it to Jesus bring it to him he can handle it he'll take it he'll deliver you know set you free and he'll give you a second chance and the thing about it is I believe in a holiness that you can see I believe in a deliverance that people will recognize when you go back around your family members they'll know that something significant has happened in your life that's the power of deliverance people come to church and they say Chinese ain't number the place full of people who don't know where I been they don't understand what it's like you don't know who these people are stop acting like you know people like that you don't know well they were five years ago you are looking at the result of the Holy Ghost who comes to bring a change you don't know what they look like before they came to the Lord you don't know what they did in this room right now you got people who used to sell drugs coke that have been in and out of prison you got a lot of people sitting in this room right now but before they came to the Lord somebody messed up they were almost down for the count and that's why I'm telling you don't tell me that you're too bad don't tell me that you've done too much there's too many people that thought of delivered and today I want you to know that same God is here he'll do it for you he'll give you your self-respect back some of you've done some things you're so ashamed of you hope nobody ever find out about that stuff God will give you your self-respect no change all he's asking you to do it's believing his ability and ask him to do it and if you ask him he'll come in he's not gonna force it on you you gotta ask him and if you're ready for change to me listen it takes courage to change but if you have that kind of courage today I want you to lift your hands clap your hands God is about to work for these at this homes look your hands to the Lord and I want you to close your eyes because it's not about you and me it's about you and him now open your mouth and say Lord I'm sorry for everything that I've done that it wasn't like you come into my life and deliver me and set me free ask him lord baptize me with the Holy Ghost and tell him when you do it today tell him Lord I'll live for you for the rest of my life come on believe if you believe it he's doing it for you now father lay your hands over [Music] receive it now with the name of Jesus come on out and do it Li touch oh god don't let it be the same again get the name of Jesus touch him come sit there and 19-5 deliverance Oh [Music] you're [Music] [Applause] in Jesus name [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we change I'm so glad that it's ready what I'm so glad that I'm change and he changed me [Music] [Applause] I don't like I used to walk okay I don't talk like I used [Music] I don't do the things that I that I used to do [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 17,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: pG86qbg4aXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 1sec (5281 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 05 2018
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