FFXIV Versus: Dragoon VS Monk VS Ninja VS Samurai VS Reaper (Melee EW Edition)

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foreign Mr Happy here and welcome back to Final Fantasy 14 verses this series Compares all of the jobs within a specific role in the game discussing their strengths and weaknesses in this video we'll compare the now five different melee jobs we have in end Walker now while the series is called versus and I'm gonna declare a winner the winners aren't the must play option if you enjoy any job in this video enjoy it improve on it and you'll have no issue bringing it into any content in the game also bear in mind that I won't talk much about roll actions unless one job can utilize them in a unique way with that use the timestamps to skip around the video and let's get started let's start off with one of the games two OG melee DPS Dragoon having been in the game since its Inception the job has had plenty of time to grow into its place in Final Fantasy 14. Walter goon doesn't boast a quick gcd like most of the other melee it is ripe with skills to keep it busy five part combos Buffs and of course the job signature jumps while the job has on and off struggled with a number of gameplay and balance related issues over the years it usually lands in a great spot sooner or later every expansion right now it's a really solid pick though it is going to be reworked in 7.0 so fingers crossed there Dragoon's base gameplay Loop is very simple they have two combo chains they are chaotic spring combo which applies a DOT and a personal damage buff and their Heavens thrust combo which is meant to deal more direct damage these combos then extend into a fourth and fifth skill Wheeling thrust and Fang and Claw the order of these two skills is reversed depending on which combo chain you finish first but you'll always alternate between these two actions when you're maintaining your attacks on a single Target for AOE you just have a single three-part combo chain this will maintain your damage buff as well and can't get much simpler to follow your first skill in either the single Target or AOE combo chain is also enhanced when the combo Loops back around and this plays an important role in their damage at the higher levels we'll touch on that briefly later between all of their combos they have a massive array of off-global attacks to weave throughout most essential is their high jump skill which sets off Dragoon's primary job mechanic when using a high jump it provides the dive ready buff which grants access to another off-global Mirage dive this then provides one gaze of the Dragon stack once you have two gazes of the Dragon utilizing the jerskogul skill and AOE off Global that you have as well will activate life of the Dragon this empowers the Dragoon even further changing your skogle into nastrod a stronger version of the same attack nastron's cooldown is also only 10 seconds so you'll get three uses of it per Life of the Dragon max level it also grants access to Star diver a massive AOE jump that can be used once per Life Of The Dragon after your life of the Dragon wears off you'll just do this Loop all over again there are ways of optimizing the use of your life of the Dragon windows but the flow of battle is always familiar regardless of the fight now they do have a bunch of other skills to support their damage as well spine chatter dive is a two charge off Global that also serves as a gap closer great to use under Buffs to utilize for damage or to save a stack for movement later on Dragonfire dive is an AOE jump with a much longer cooldown while it can be used as a cap closer it's available too infrequently to do anything other than used during Buffs finally they have worm wind thrust every time you perform that enhanced first combo skill we discussed earlier whether it be raid and thrust for single Target or Draconian Fury for AOE you receive one stack of first mines Focus for every two of these you get access to worm wind thrust giving you another off Global to keep up on now that's it for direct damage skills but Dragoon has a number of damage Buffs to provide itself and its allies Lance charge will increase the dragoons damage dealt for 20 seconds once every minute which is pretty self-explanatory life surge will cause your next weapon skill to critically hit and heal the Dragoon for a portion of the damage dealt with two charges you'll use one on Heaven's thrust the ideal weapon skill since it's the highest potency and either Wheeling thrust or Fang and Claw law which tie for the second highest potency in its opener it's usually Fang and Claw just to have enough time to be able to put all your Buffs up but they are the same potency so it's good to know that just in case for party Buffs battle litany increases the critical hit rate of yourself and nearby allies while dragon's sight grants a damage buff to the Dragoon themselves and a single Ally of their choice proper use of these Buffs weigh heavily on your damage output especially when combined with their personal Buffs so learn to use them effectively the only remaining skill of note is elusive jump a backflip used strictly for getting around it's most often utilized to reposition around the arena even as a gap closer in place of your other jumps you just turn your back to the boss and then use it as if it was a gap closer since it sends you backwards you'll need to be very careful about the direction your characters facing and since it's a fixed distance ensure you know just how far it will take you expect some uh trial and error you do have a ranged attack as well but please don't have to use piercing Talon if you need to use it but hopefully you don't have to so for pros Dragoon is one of the more straightforward melee DPS it's simple alternating combos make for a cozy base while you learn how to utilize the jobs off Global skills it's incredibly mobile when it needs to be has strong party Buffs and overall strong damage though honestly that's not much of a standout all of the melee have really good damage so I don't even know why I'm gonna bring it up in this video If you play any of them you're probably doing good damage if you're playing well and Dragoon is no exception the cons are largely long time design issues with the job things they've tried to address but still kind of irk some of us it has a lot of animations that are slightly longer and lock the Dragoon in their movement leading to difficulties double weaving and sometimes with positioning depending on mechanics this extends to the busyness of their burst windows and can even lead to deadly situations where they are animation locked into attacks they have worked on improving this over the years but even the slightest positional change from your jumps can cause issues depending on the fight speaking of positionals it's also the only melee with three of them chaotic spring Wheeling thrust and Fang and Claw I guess not really a con but for some people it is so I'm throwing it here it's also the least defensively capable of the melee relying on Roll actions and life surge as their only means of self-preservation use of dragonside is also clunky as you must either drop the enemy Target to Target an ally or utilize a macro which often takes a bit of practice to get working correctly all of that said the job always lands on its feet and is a reliable Choice even if it sometimes takes a patch or two to get it to that spot we'll see how it is in 7.0 with the rework our second job is our second OG in that of Monk this fast-paced brawler has seen its fair share of ups and downs as well but more often than not has been a Powerhouse within the role it not only provides the fastest average global cooldown in the game it also packs a serious well punch or kick you get it you get it it has taken quite a few iterations to get where we are now but the reworked Monk and end Walker is proving to be one of the strongest versions of the job Monk's combos function differently to all other jobs in the game instead of just chaining skills together one two three instead monk has three different stances opo Oppo Raptor and co-world each of these stances provides a bonus to certain weapon skills both single Target and AOE While most of these skills require these stances to be functional they can be utilized in any form of combo chain this allows you to freely float between your different combos to utilize the skills that are best in any given circumstance this single Target skills kind of work in pairs Dragon kick and boot shine are your opal Oppo skills and your opening skills in the situation where you are stanceless Dragon kick provides lead and boot which will buff the potency of your next boot shine boot shine will automatically crit under opal Oppo stance so you'll want to alternate between Dragon kick to get lead and Boot and boot shine to utilize that buff on top of the crate whenever you Loop the combo back around for Raptor stance you have twin Snakes and true strike the latter is just damaged while the former provides a damage buff for 15 seconds you'll ideally alternate between these as well using Twin Snakes every other time you access Raptor stance finally coworl is your sort of finisher stance snap punch is simply damaged while demolish applies a powerful dot this dot lasts 18 seconds so you'll usually do two snap punches to every one demolish the choral skills are also your two positional skills with SNAP punch being flank and demolish being rear understanding how you flow between these skills is essential especially when you get into their primary job mechanic Perfect Balance this two charge skill allows the monk to freely flow between all of their stance skills while still reaping all of their benefits for the next three weapon skills these weapon skills also grant their own Beast chakras to your job gauge during each use of Perfect Balance sharing the namesake of The Stance with which these skills use so opal Oppo Beast chakra etc etc depending on the chakra stacked up a finisher is unlocked after Perfect Balance called a masterful blitz for three of the same chakra you can perform Elixir field for three different chakras you can perform Rising Phoenix any other combination performs Celestial Revolution which is considered a failed Blitz always aim for either Elixir field or Rising Phoenix at max level these two skills also provide their own gauges called nadis lunar Nadi for Elixir field and solar Nadi for Rising Phoenix when you have one of each Nadi active your next masterful Blitz will become Phantom Rush regardless of which three chakras you accrue during Perfect Balance this is your most powerful skill and your end goal with your job gauge after using it you'll work on regaining your nadis to perform it rinse and repeat there are lots of optimal ways to reach Phantom rush and even move it around to benefit from Buffs in different ways that being said part of the job strength is adapting to every fight's individual needs so understanding the job lets you play it in such a way that makes it incredibly flexible and Powerful that isn't even their only job gauge meditation grants access to the job's regular Chalker gauge which at five Stacks provides access to one of two off-global attacks either the single Target forbidden chakra or the AOE Enlightenment while you can use the meditation skill to instantly gain 5 chakras out of combat or even one when you're in combat you also earn chakras upon Landing Critical Hits you'll simply want to keep an eye on your regular chakras and use them whenever the gauge fills unless you lose Stacks from not utilizing them the rest of Monk skills are all utility one utility is another Global cooldown attack six-sided star this skill has a massive potency and provides a short movement speed increase but the global cooldown it triggers is double the length of all your other ones this skill is used only in specific circumstances as it otherwise completely disrupts the flow of the job use it when you'll be disconnected from a boss for an elongated period of time whether that be them jumping away or attacks preventing you from being in melee range you can also use it as the final hit before an enemy or boss dies so long as it won't stop you from attacking your next Target immediately or you don't miss time it and then you just end up kind of wasting a weapon skill then they have riddle of fire a personal damage buff once a minute and Brotherhood a party damage buff once every two minutes brother Hood also causes affected allies to occasionally Grant the monk bonus chakras greatly hastening the rate at which they gain access to those extra off globals just ensure you don't clip your Global cooldown when attempting to utilize these extra forbidden chakras or enlightenments especially given how tight monks damage Windows normally are they also have riddle of wind a 90 second cooldown that massively increases their Auto attack speed use it on cooldown and if you can pair it with bloodbath for the extra Auto attack healing that doesn't hurt either riddle of Earth is a personal mitigation skill that provides a 20 damage reduction until the buff wears off it has three stacks and loses a stack every time a monk uses a weapon skill so time it close to an attack hitting so you don't lose the buff while it's just attacking these individual Stacks don't do anything whether you have one or three you just need any number of stacks to get the damage reduction the skill also comes with three charges so yeah you're pretty survivable as a monk speaking of survival Mantra is another party utility they have it boosts the healing received by all nearby allies for a short time once every 90 seconds this is invaluable in high-end content and one of Monk's strongest aspects especially on top of their sheer damage they also have Thunderclap their Gap closer they can jump to any Ally or enemy with three whole Stacks this just lets them zip around in ways that seems a little unfair at times finally they have a notman this channel skill maintains their damage buff disciplined fist at Max duration so long as it's channeled this skill is almost completely useless outside of very French cases so don't feel bad if you're not using it too often for pros monk has them in Spades it's super fast super mobile and often has among the highest DPS in the game it's also incredibly defensive thanks to riddle of Earth helps the party with Mantra and is one of the few jobs in the game with a flexible burst window it's not to say there isn't an optimal one there definitely is but the fact that it can kind of move throughout its combo so freely just makes it able to adapt to different fights more easily this gives it an incredibly satisfying learning curve built on top of a very fluid combo system the cons for the job are more about how it might feel to players than they are actual downsides first the job has no real ranged attacks with Enlightenment and the roll action faint being the closest things that doesn't matter in most content you really shouldn't be using range attacks unless you absolutely have to but I'm sure deep dungeon players definitely wouldn't mind something here the speed can also be somewhat overwhelming and weaving skills can be a nightmare because of it this is exacerbated by the volatility of chakras during Brotherhood which can really tempt you to making bad decisions just to burn those Stacks the combo system can also be confusing to some especially during Perfect Balance so practice is super important that being said the payoff for mastering monk is super high especially as of this video where monk is often the strongest performing job in the entire game and yeah they have Mantra on top of that that's nuts on to job number three let's step out of the shadows and talk about Ninja this job was originally intended to be released at a realm Reborns release but didn't get implemented until patch 2.4 that being said from the moment of its implementation it has been an absurdly powerful job in every regard while expansions and job changes have moved where it is strong around a bit it is still one of the most reliable job picks if you want to have a big impact in any fight the job's main mechanic is its Ninjutsu every 20 seconds you gain one charge of ninjutsu which allows you to chain up to three mudra hand gestures and perform a variety of attacks these Ninjutsu all have different functions and utilities but the primary damage ones are very strong that being said misperforming your mudras or interrupting the process with another skill will cause you to perform a rabbit medium instead essentially giving you a brief dunce cap so everyone can laugh at your mistake so memorizing and mastering Ninjutsu is key to success as for the actual Ninjutsu hutan grants you an attack speed buff that you'll want to maintain right on does high single Target damage and Katan does high AOE damage doton places down an AOE damage feel that Heavies opponents hyoton binds enemies and suetan provides a buff that can be utilized to access other skills there is also fuma shuriken for quick single Target damage but after the early levels you'll only use this as part of another attack we'll talk about in a minute Ninjutsu can also be enhanced or utilized in many other ways most notably with kasatsu this ability instantly provides access to your Ninjutsu regardless of the current cooldown and greatly increases the next ninjutsu's potency in addition to those effects it also transforms certain injutsu into much more powerful versions Katan is transformed into gokamekyaku for greater AOE damage and Hilton is transformed into show Ron Ryu for absolutely massive single Target damage these are the only two results you should ever be considering when under kasatsu then they have 10 Qi Jin named after their three mudras this skill is used to chain three Ninjutsu back to back to back in Rapid succession as you press the mudras it will instantly perform the respective nanjutsu that matches your mudra pressed up to that point so your first mudra press will always perform fuma shuriken whereas your second and third will determine the other tune in Jutsu you perform as a trade-off for this massive burst in utility the ninja cannot move during its use doing so will instantly end the skill and you do not want that so when you use it be sure you'll be safe for the entire duration ninja does also have their ninky gauge which increases as they perform weapon skills it is used on either single Target or AOE off globals Baba Kaka and hellfrog medium respective it is also used on bunchin a buff that causes your next five weapon skills to deal bonus potency and Grant bonus ninky it also grants access to Phantom kamatachi which will consume one of the stacks and deal High AOE damage bunchin sits on a 90 second cooldown and should mostly be used on cooldown so it won't always align with Buffs now their Ninjutsu does also interact with their other skills the job does have several basic single Target and AOE combos but their armor crush and AOE convos can be used to extend the duration of hutan ideally you only have to huton a couple of times a fight at most ideally only once but sometimes it's just some fights are designed differently Horizon is another Standalone weapon skill they can use to extend the duration as well but you'll only use this in select circumstances and not part of your regular rotation then sueiton grants access to a buff of the same name which grants access to two other skills trick attack boosts the Ninja's damage on The Afflicted Target for the duration once a minute and mesui consumes the buff to Grant 50 ninky once every two minutes it also Buffs the potency of your next Baba kakra to 500 so it adds quite a bit to burst windows mind you that trick attack can technically be used without sueton but only if the ninja is under the effect of hide making them invisible and reducing movement speed this skill is only available out of combat so it really doesn't have much applicable use outside of maybe leveling or the lucky application during a dungeon Hyde however does also reset the charges on your Ninjutsu so it's often used in high-end raid so you can buff yourself with huton before a fight begins then hide immediately before the pull to ensure you have all of your ninjutsu for your opener the final bonus effect Ninjutsu has is right on which grants you access to the Raiju ready buff this allows you to use either forked or fleeting Raju an extra weapon Skillet deals massive damage the only difference between the two is that forked Raiju is a gap closer while fleeting isn't you must also use these as your very next weapon skill after ryton or you'll lose the effect of Raichu ready well I said final but technically by using your AOE combo you can cause your Dotan to explode for bonus damage with Hollow nuzuki though you'll rarely use this outside of dungeons on trash shikuchi will let them jump to a selected location in an instant this has two Chargers and the recast is even reset when using certain Ninjutsu so their Mobility is pretty good shadeshift provides a 20 Max Health Shield to help with survivability and finally their most important skill mug this off Global skill deals some damage but it also increases the damage the target enemy takes by five percent for 20 whole seconds your team will want to capitalize on this every two minutes as will you so get used to burst Windows within Mug's timer alright so pros and cons time Pros are in line with a lot of the other melees you know their DPS is strong but a particular Pro of ninja is in its absolutely insane burst damage any fight with frequent downtime followed up by burst phases from the party we'll see Ninja perform exceptionally well mug makes them always great to have around their Mobility with shikuchi is very high and that little bit of extra survivability they get with shade shift is very much welcome the cons like most melee come down to feel Ninjutsu as a system requires a lot of Rapid button presses and memorizing combinations I promise it's not nearly as bad as it may seem but new play players you know may be intimidated by the sheer volume of buttons their combinations and the risk of failure the job is also super boring between burst phases listen hardly you need con a lot of jobs have this problem in N Walker but ninja feels that way even more so than most of the other melee in fact most of the other jobs honestly those are the only real cons though so if you like how the job feels to play you are walking into an easy choice to bring to rain melee number four has us dashing ahead to stormblood for Samurai the job has had its ups and downs since joining the melee roster whether that be because of the job's performance or because of its feel however it's rarely been outright bad providing a variety of potential play Styles hard-hitting attacks and great reliability in most fights that's gonna depend on the skill of the player in question a little more than other jobs but a good Samurai is always good to have around now Samurai is a job is heavily focused on its weapon skills it has three primary single Target Combos and a couple of AOE combos while you'll be managing your personal Buffs for more damage and attack speed using these combos the end result of each of them grants the samurai a different sin for their job gauge the number of sends you have at any time Alters your EI Jutsu skill allowing you to perform different finishers for different scenarios one send changes EI Jutsu to higanbana a 60-second DOT you'll want to keep this up on bosses as often as possible two sends makes tenkagokin which is a more powerful AOE weapon skill and three sends gives you midare setsugeka this is a massive potency attack that automatically crits providing the job with reliable bursts of damage these are all essential to your job's performance so ensure to manage them carefully the big thing with EI Jutsu is that it actually has a short cast time on it as well so you'll need to commit for just over a second anytime you want to use it don't bait yourself into making a positional miscalculation when using this always position in such a way that you are safe and you can finish the frequent EI Jutsu casts now to quickly generate Zen Samurai has mekyoshisui this allows them to use any weapon skill without meeting combo requirements and even grants them their personal damage Buff when performing the final action in their respective combos get two charge charges of this as well so you get tons of sends for your EI Jutsu and lots of burst damage these EI Jutsu also interact with a couple of other skills subamagashi is a once a minute skill that copies your most recently used EI Jutsu while you must use the skill immediately after an EI Jutsu for it to take place it basically lets you double up and dish out serious damage most often this will be used right after midare doubling down on its huge output tsubame is also instant cast with two charges so not only do you have no extra cash times to worry about but you get to copy two midari's during your burst that's a lot of damage every EI Jutsu also grants one stack of meditation three stacks of meditation led to the samurai use shoha or shoha too a single Target or AOE off Global ability respectively a couple of other skills do also offer meditation Stacks so just ensure that you execute the desired show hop before using any of the other skills that generate the resource Samurai has another resource it needs to manage as well called kenkey this resource is mostly generated from your weapon skills more so when performing some of them from certain positions generating kenkey is essential for consistent damage output and its uses range from filler off Global skills to some of your hardest hitting attacks shinten is a single Target off Global that costs 25 Kanki this is your bread and butter off Global for any single Target fight and you'll be using to spend excess Kanki a lot so get used to pressing it kyoten is the AOE equivalent so dungeons you'll see a lot of spinning around then you have Garen and sene gurin is a massive line AOE damage off Global and cine is a massive single Target damage off Global these two abilities share a cooldown till you use one or the other every two minutes depending on the situation kinky does have a few other uses and skills involved with it as well yat-10 is a small backstep that costs 10 kenki and gyoten is a gap closer that costs 10 Kanki after using yatan Samurai's ranged attack NP is slightly buffed up and grants 10 kenkey to help refund the cost but you'll only use NP in very select circumstances you don't want to do it every time you use the at 10 or it's gonna cause problems to help generate more kenkey they have a couple of other skills meditate is a downtime tool a channeled ability that generates kinky every few seconds so long as you don't interrupt the channel it also grants snacks of meditation for shoha so it's really powerful and extend ended boss downtime situations then there's hagakure which lets you convert sends to kenki at a rate of 1 cent to 10 Kanki you'll use this when you have two or three gcds to spare due to fight mechanics mostly but you'll need to get very familiar with when it's optimal to use don't just press it all the time don't do that then there's icky shoten which grants 50 kenkey instantly on top of the resource dump to spend during burst Windows it also grants you access to ogi namikiri this skill is a conal AOE that deals massive critical damage with how powerful it is you must use this during two minute Buffs it does have a cast time like EA Jutsu though so be careful however it has a built-in subamagashi style mechanic it has a follow-up attack called keshi namakiri which you'll always activate right after oginamakiri this second attack is just as strong critically hits and even has no cast time back to to back Auto crit 800 potency aoes every two minutes yeah that's a lot of damage oh and okinamakiri does also Grant one stack of meditation in case she doesn't but bear that in mind when managing your shohas Oh and before we get to pros and cons I almost forgot third eye it only lasts four seconds but it's a personal buff that reduces damage by 10 and increases your kinky by 10 if you get hit with it when you have it up so timing this with incoming damage is something you should really strive to do all right now we're on the pros and cons Samurai's Pros are definitely down to the jobs reliability given that so much of its burst has 100 crit chance with such high potencies it has a much lower damage variance than a lot of other jobs Direct Hit still plays a role in the variants but still the job is also a decent bit more flexible in its rotation between burst phases and can switch things up for each fight's needs more easily than a lot of other jobs not to mention Third Eye short 15 second cooldown gives them a good amount of innate tankiness the cons on the other hand almost kind of play off of the job strengths since it has no raid Buffs of any kind performance on the job is key it's not like the job is super hard to play but the player's individual performance is much more important here this does in turn mean that you can really dictate your own performance in the case that you have allies that may not be a skilled or maybe just aren't playing as well letting you stand out even more than usual the job having cast times also means newer players are going to have have some slight Growing Pains as they get used to it honestly though if you can get the important bits down Samurai is a solid reliable melee whether or not it's top DPS amongst the melee at any given patch and on to our final melee job Reaper just introducing the end Walker expansion this job burst onto the scene with massive popularity a mix of hard-hitting slower skills and rapid fire slashes made great impressions on the community while its play eventually balanced out it is still remained quite popular and prominent amongst endgame players even during a time of weakness a time that has since passed as of this video Reaper operates on a very specific gameplay Loop the job's basic weapon skills Grant Soul gauge this Soul gauge is used on bloodstock or Grim swathe for single targeter AOE respectively these skills do transform at later levels but the idea is the same these effects Grant the Soul Reaver buff which lets them use gibbet Gallows or Guillotine for a single targeter AOE respectively using any of these skills grants 10 shroud gauge with 50 shroud gauge the reaper can use in Shroud changing all of their soul gauge and Soul Reaver attacks into faster versions after four fast Global cooldowns and two off globals they finally finished with communio a super hard-hitting finisher for their shroud window it has a short cast time but boasts an absolutely massive potency once in Shroud is gone the reaper just does that all over again pretty much the entirety of the jobs kit revolves around reaching and utilizing these in Shroud windows and there are other skills either Empower themselves or help them Reach it faster Soul slice and soul Scythe are single targeted AOE gcds that instantly Grant 50 Soul gauge they share a cooldown and share their charges so they just serve the same purpose depending on the situation gluttony is a one minute cooldown skill that acts as an empowered replacement for bloodstock or Grim Suave it costs 50 Soul gauge deals higher damage and grants two stacks of Soul reeving allowing you to do jibbet and Gallows back to back or do two back-to-back Guillotines I should also make mention that gibbet and Gallows are your two positional skills so may make sure you hit those for the extra potency then there is their raid buff which doubles as a super potent attack when casting Arcane Circle your party will be granted three percent bonus damage for 20 seconds they will also all be granted the circle of sacrifice buff while the reaper obtains the Bloodstone Circle buff upon casting any spell or using any weapon skill you and your allies will consume their buff and Grant a stack of a mortal sacrifice to the reaper up to a maximum of 8 Stacks the number of stacks obtained here determines the potency of your follow-up attack plentiful Harvest this is a massive line AOE that instantly grants 50 shroud gauge so your two minute windows with this and your other tools allow for a ton of gauge generation plus a ton of big hits now they do have some other skills to support themselves as well Shadow and whirl of death apply the deaths design debuff causing the reaper themselves to do 10 percent more damage to any affected targets the targets will grant 10 Soul gauge if they die with this effect on them but primarily you're using it to apply and maintain the debuff to deal more damage across a fight then they have solso this channeled skill will grant them access to one use of Harvest Moon outside of combat it will be instant but inside of combat it has a 5 Second charge time Harvest Moon is a ranged AOE weapon skill that otherwise doesn't really do anything special however because of the long charge time you won't be using Harvest Moon often and you won't be charging Souls so very often so it's best saved for parts of a fight with guaranteed downtime as opposed to using it as part of your burst Windows you can charge it mid-fight if there is sufficient downtime but ensure you don't catch yourself charging it while there is a target to hit then their final two skills are utility Arcane Crest is a short 10 HP shield for the reaper when it's popped it grants a small regen on the party for 15 seconds it's not game changing but hey No One's Gonna complain about free healing finally they have hell's Ingress and hell's egress these two skills work interchangeably as either a back step or a gap closer they send you a fixed distance in either direction while also opening up a portal from where you initiated the ability by pressing the opposite skill in the next 10 seconds you will be sent back to that portal location this gives the reaper solid mobility and positioning power in fights these skills do also cause Reaper's ranged attack harp to be instant cast but you'll only use this in very select circumstances so often you'll be resisting the urge to press it we're here at the final set of pros and cons for pros the Chubbs gameplay Loop is incredibly straightforward and satisfying to pull off cool visuals big numbers and moments of super quick gameplay really give the job some Flair it's got a unique set of Mobility some good raid utility and after its recent Buffs it's doing okay like I said at the beginning with Dragoon all the melee are doing okay but Reaper's recent Buffs definitely helped it a little bit for cons the gameplay between burst Windows is a bit shallow and slow they don't really have any haste outside of a shroud and they don't have too many off globals outside of their burst so it does feel a lot like you're almost waiting for your rotation to start a lot of the time their burst window is also a bit awkward to get used to albeit that can be said about any job in the game without enough practice and I guess their range attack having a cast time outside of Ingress and egress is a con but that's hardly a factor now before patch 6.28 they were really struggling but like I said earlier they did get some Buffs that being said the job still really struggles with encounters that have lots of downtime and even in full uptime encounters isn't performing quite as well as some people would like thankfully that balances out a little bit with it having a raid buff at having the AOE regen but I still think Reaper could use a little bit more in a few categories so I'm curious to see what it gets going forward that being said that information is relatively recent the Buffs haven't been out too long but we are still waiting to see if anything else happens to it in the coming patches but if you enjoy the Fast and Furious gameplay of Reaper as well as some of those big hits don't worry you'll have no problem clearing any of the content and you'll probably have a lot of fun doing it alright this is the first ever versus to feature five jobs and boy does the length of the video show but we still got to pick a winner amongst all of them and you know what rarely do I have such a clear-cut winner but I have to go with my favorite job and that of Monk and no I'm not just picking it because it's my favorite legitimately I don't know how this job gets away with being as strong as it is it has potent personal Buffs it has raid utility in the form of a damage buff and a healing buff and it's got a triple stack defensive ability in the form of riddle of Earth yeah it can be a little bit tough to pick up but the fact that it's often one of the highest performing jobs and the highest utility melee is just insane it's almost impossible to imagine this happening in any other role although actually it has happened before but either way monk is definitely the clear winner as for second through fifth after the reaper Buffs I don't know they're all really close the only reason monk gets a clear Victory is because of Mantra riddle of Earth like all of that stuff stacked on top of each other the rest of the jobs have like bits and pieces that make them each individually strong in different ways and individually weak in different ways but they're all so close to each other performance wise that it would be kind of ridiculous to mark them as second through fifth it would have to be solely based on which ones I like and don't like and while I made mention of being having monk as a favorite Ah that's not the case with the other the other four so the other four just get a tie across the board sorry to anyone who is looking for a more proper ranking for those jobs but hey that means you have plenty of choices anyway that is going to be a wrap for this episode of versus sorry this one took a while I was waiting for patch 6.28 and on top of that it's a monster of a video so thank you for watching be sure to like favorite subscribe and share and stay tuned for more videos on the channel I'll see you all in the next one and until then take care
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Views: 115,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Square, Enix, Mrhappy, Game, Games, Gaming, MMO, RPG, MMORPG, FF, Final, Fantasy, Final Fantasy, FF14, FFXIV, Final Fantasy 14, Final Fantasy XIV, Guide, Tips, Tricks, How To, Lets, Play, Lets Play, Monk, Dragoon, MNK, DRG, Reaper, RPR, Ninja, NIN, Samurai, SAM, Melee, DPS, Melee DPS, Versus, Comparison, How To Play, Job, Class, VS, Best, Best DPS, Best Melee, Best Melee DPS
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 33sec (2253 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 01 2022
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