Every Ninja Skill from Every Expansion - FFXIV Job Retrospective

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foreign Mr Happy here and welcome back to another Final Fantasy 14 job retrospective video we've been looking back on all facets of the game to celebrate a realm reborn's 10th anniversary how was it when it released how has it evolved since then etc etc now the last time we did a job retrospect we covered scholar which was the final 2.0 job to cover for this video series however it's not the last job I want to cover I think we have one more in A Realm Reborn that's worth taking a look at as well as the heavensward release jobs so for this video we'll be taking a look at ninja which was added in patch 2.4 the only non-limited job to be added in a major patch as opposed to a brand new expansion launch this ended up having a profound impact on the stress the development team faced going into heavensward since they were also working on three jobs for that while trying to finish ninja which they originally wanted out with 2.0 itself some of the design choices will make sense given that despite the fact they were working on the heavy more jobs after the fact either way we've got a lot to look over so let's get started all right and here we are on the Rogue page which we'll talk about in a second but just so you know in order to look back on time you know I don't have all this stuff written down or documented anywhere for myself except maybe a few YouTube videos so we're using something called the way back machine this allows us to look at archived versions of sites like wikis and job guides that have that sort of information that we need to at least get a feel for how things were the rest will be coming from my memory banks which fortunately with Ninja I at least have a decent decent memory regarding that stuff but using the Wayback machine we've pulled up a page from 2014 I believe the end of 2014 to look at Ninja's Base Class the last Base Class that would ever be added into Final Fantasy 14 and I don't think that's going to change anytime soon Rogue now Rogue being a melee DPS and being a class kind of fits in this weird place it is is part of the class system because A Realm Reborn was built with the class job advancements in mind and like I said Rogan ninja were initially meant to be released in 2.0 so because Rogue wasn't a part of 2.0's release and instead 2.4 they couldn't put it on the startup screen they couldn't get it into the launcher to make it a class you could actually start the game as instead you need to complete one other classes level 10 class Quest and then go to the actual Rogue Guild in limsolo Mensa because the road Guild was in limsolomensa though if you weren't marauder or uh Arcanist then you couldn't even get to it until you had access to the Airship which was part of the level 15 msq and it's still that way to this day likely for the same reasons and well again it was probably only like this because it was being developed at that time heavensward jobs abandoned base classes altogether so sorry Rogue just kind of fit in this weird in-between Place Rogue is also called called Rogue because they didn't want to use Thief as a name they said that the thief had too much of a connotation with being sort of underhanded and being a criminal and so the Rogue Guild story kind of Builds on all of that talks about thieves versus Rogues etc etc now another thing it was the first melee class to use something other than strength as its main stat it actually used dexterity but there was no scouting gear in A Realm Reborn instead they retrofitted striking Gear with dexterity throughout the remainder of A Realm Reborn which fortunately this released with the final raid tier so it was just everything that was relevant and they just slapped Rogue and ninja onto the monk gear in my opinion they probably should have kept it that way because it would have made melee gearing a lot simpler going on expansions down the line instead of a whole nother class of armor which they did end up getting in Heaven's war that being said we do have some actions to go over and a lot of it's still very similar to stuff we have today spinning Edge Gus slash as well as some of the combo finishers are still present or have been present in some way in recent iterations but looking at things in order the level 2 skill is an especially well perfect one perfect Dodge completely avoid the next physical attack for five seconds on a two minute cooldown incredibly incredibly powerful skill I'd say the only skill that was Stronger that was in the same vein would have been black mage's Mana wall which completely blocked two physical attacks so perfect Dodge was used to completely avoid attacks that were classified as physical I believe things like Titan's Landslide counted I know things like final coils uh what were they called Earth shakers you could mitigate one of them anytime there was a physical attack if you could avoid it then cool you could use this and just completely ignore any sort of positionals or movement as long as you're sure that was the only instance of damage you were going to be taking they would eventually get rid of this but when it released oh boy was that was that an effective tool now going down a little bit we have Kiss of the WASP now Rogue had two of these different kisses very similar to the monk fists of old where you would just get a passive bonus while having it now kiss of the wasp and kiss of the Viper the one we would get later increased damage dealt by 20 percent they both also had an additional effect Kiss of the WASP here at level six changes your jugulate skill to a stun it's normally a silence but with this it became a stun something that wasn't too terrible generally you didn't want to trigger things like diminishing returns or a lot of bosses were immune to stuns so kiss of the WASP was a lot less frequently used it was only used in the very very few situations you wanted to use jugularly but there is a more interesting thing about this when ninja released in 2.4 the player base immediately went to kind of tearing it apart and trying to figure out how it was optimal one of the biggest things that they figured out was to use hutan before the boss was pulled and then wait in enough seconds to make sure you could then do a Ninjutsu in your opener apparently the developers didn't account for this and it changed the way that damage was meant to be dealt so ninja was performing way above part of the reason for that is because Kiss of the WASP was all damage dealt so because of those extra Ninjutsu casts they were getting they hadn't really accounted for how that was going to I guess swing the DPS and give them a little more than anticipated so increasing damage dealt would be changed later to only physical damage dealt and we will take a brief look at that when we look at Rogue later but didn't change the fact that they had introduced one of the most important jobs one of the most toxic jobs for allowing other melees and DPS to fit into parties because it just became such a staple and why you know most of you know but it'll make sense as we scroll down mutilate was just a DOT you know every job had to have some sort of dot maintenance so every you know 30 seconds you would reapply that is like 18 seconds at the lower levels but you know max level it was it was 30 seconds hide now Hyde is actually somewhat useful of a skill nowadays but back then it was not useful at all yeah it made you invisible and you could sneak past things and that was cool but it didn't work on higher level enemies it couldn't be executed in combat still can't but it also didn't have any other effects it was literally only there to Grant you access to a couple of skills which then one of your later skills will let you access in combat so it's just impossible to use in a practical sense in any meaningful encounter yeah it's nice and like low level dungeon trash to just throw on hide real quick and then hit something with one of your other attacks that requires hide but other than that you know you couldn't really get a whole lot out of it assassinate basically like Mercy stroke which we talked about a lot in this series you just it's just an extra off Global that can only be used when an enemy is under 20 hp just helps finish things off a little bit faster once every 40 seconds throwing daggers basic range attack nothing fancy there then we come to mug now mug is a very different function nowadays but when it first came out it was just an off Global no that off Global could have one or two bonus effects the first well one or another bonus effect so the base effect is increases the amount of items dropped by Target if mug is dealt before or as the finishing blow yeah not a great thing now yes you could actually use it on Overworld mobs that you were farming if there was like a material you wanted but once every 90 seconds I'll say I remember using mug and getting something as a bonus from a primal like one of the crafting materials or something so I guess that would have been the most useful use for that the problem is the Viper Venom Kiss of the Viper the other one we haven't you know scrolled down to yet would change that effect to absorb 50 of the damage it deals is HP very small heel but definitely the go-to kiss usage because again the stun aspect to the other one just wasn't very important nor was the item drop here with this one so you know jugulating mug just two off globals with a little bit of potential utility or sustain but nothing too major gold one of the most important skills that ninja had for a long time it just allowed you to gradually restore somebody's TP for 30 seconds uh one of your allies once every three minutes and TP was very finite especially in Heaven's Ward when some jobs like Dark Knight would just drain themselves in under three minutes when playing optimally everyone was begging for goad if they weren't begging for pay on from a Bard so it wears gold Ravens where's trick where's gold where's this where's everyone's just like ninja you're the best please give me those things and then I'll be the best too and it's they were just stacked with things like that now sneak attack new bait stick attack delivers an attack with a potency of 300 500 when executed from in front of the Target now I'd like to remind you that when you're in front of most targets uh they're hitting the tanks and a lot of monsters will cleave so being there is generally not considered to be a good idea so this was something that you would maybe use with hide while you were leveling maybe in the Overworld for example hide sneak attack and just burst down like a quest Target very useful for stuff like that targets that would already die really quick you could just destroy them instantly but again in front of the target and now we all know what one of the other skills is going to be we all know trick attack is coming later it was available in a realm we're born and there were people who would try to justify the use of sneak attack over trick attack because trick attack's a lower potency but has that 10 damage dealt increase they would be like but sneak attacks higher potency so why wouldn't I just use that oh I remember having that argument so many times there's a lot of arguments about ninja all the way through Heaven's Ward it was a job that was so terribly misunderstood by players who are either used to other MMOs or weren't experienced in Final Fantasy 14 or just didn't have it or any sort of you know job proficiency on it I suppose aeolian Edge the end of their basic three-part combo they get that by 26. very boring job up to that point okay so the Viper we've already mentioned that it does the damage dealt the mug absorb and you know just it's the alternative to kiss of the WASP jugulate we've already mentioned a bunch so don't need to talk about that dancing Edge now dancing Edge is another one of those things that made ninja as almost required in Rage as it was so up to this point the damage resistance debuffs were available on just a few jobs Warrior had the slashing one and would provide it for both Warrior and Paladin Dragoon had the piercing buff debuff and would provide it for themselves and bards and monk had the blunt debuff along with intelligence reduction and that the blunt resistance was really only for themselves you know it was like book smacks and and Rod wax and that was like the only other thing that benefited still to this day as a matter of fact but when ninja got dancing Edge two things happened one if you had a warrior in the party ninja could skip this and their overall potency across the fight would be higher unless the warrior needed help and you would communicate hey can you do the next slashing and then you'd go okay fine um or you know you could be providing it if it was maybe just like a double palate income it basically gave them just another thing on top of goad on top of trick on top of some of the other stuff they'd get later that just made them stand out and it made monks blunt resistance reduction look even worse that would be something that would get much worse for Monk and heavensward but we've covered that in this video series already death Blossom Point Blank AOE shadowfang used to be a part of a two-part combo you would do your first part of the combos spinning Edge the first part of all three of your Combos and then this was just a two-parter you would apply Shadow Fang it would last 18 seconds so basically every three combos you would reapply shadowfang and it was just on top of mutilate another thing that you had to maintain finally we have trick attack you know it through and through but it was a little bit more griefy back in the days because the increased targets damage taken by 10 effect used to require access to the boss's rear so if you missed this oh boy was it a bad time you of course couldn't use it again for a minute and just just imagine missing a trick just imagine if you didn't get access to a trick attack window because the boss turned and the ninja wasn't accounting for it we didn't have true north we didn't have any sort of tools to assist with this you just had to make sure the boss wasn't gonna turn at some point or it was going to be a real bad time now of course you could access it with hide but more importantly ninja skills would provide access to it as well as for the Rogue traits Rogue traits were always kind of weird uh they looked like they just looked at World of Warcraft and said I guess we'll do that on top of dexterity reduced damage taken when falling and increase movement speed like the increase movement speed still there to this day and sometimes when you need to be kiting mobs at a specific Pace at specific speed it could be a little weird but most of the time it ends up okay uh enhanced go just more TP uh Shadow stalker lets you move quicker while hidden not a big deal because of the WASP busts them up to 20 percent and actually gives them those change effects or those things we were covering earlier or more specifically part of traits and then you would have mutilate duration to 30 seconds and death Blossom potency to 100. nothing too fancy there in the traits like I said it's like they copied Rogue and and wow and then added a couple things so no biggie but ninja of course is what Rogue becomes at level 30. now you do need level 30 Rogue and level 15 pugilist now and of course being a melee DPS there are some other skills that they get access to with cross class that are basically mandatory now the big thing with their skills three or I'm sorry four of their six job skills in a realm are born were 10 Chi Jin and Ninjutsu so basically Ninjutsu looks at which of those three mudras you've pressed the order you've pressed them in and then allows you to execute an injutsu at the end of it you have to do all three of them back to back and they were up until all the way in 5. 5.1 off Global skills if you interrupted them with a weapon skill press the same one twice then you would get a very negative effect from Ninjutsu which will show off in a second as for their other job skills shikuchi is Gap closer they still have access to it now it's even more mobile the animation is way faster now and we have better ground targeting uh quality of life than we did back then so it's way easier to use and then kasatsu which back then simply reset the Ninjutsu recas timer end insured critical damage if you're newer to the game and you wonder why some people think kosatsu guarantees a crit it's because it used to and they just remember that and aren't too familiar with how it works nowadays days but again just another part of your burst window another part of your trick window now moving into the Ninjutsu actions all of these are some combination of Tenchi or genus kind of cut off on the right hand side I'm going to actually adjust that sometimes we're going to do a little bit of editing on the Fly and that's A-Okay would you look at that simple and done and these things are where we ran into a lot of new player bait or grief or disagreement amongst players first and foremost fuma shuriken one button any one of your three mudras and then Ninjutsu bam throw it done instant quick awesome then you have Katan which is you know AOE around the target pretty simple you have right on stronger single Target two button presses just like Katan and then hyuntan only for utility very rarely used it uh yeah the bind in PvP was something that was nice but in PVE it's just very rare you get there were cases I've seen it used in PVE but it is not very often then we get into the three button presses now hutan I already mentioned and was something the developers didn't account for us doing before polls 15 attack speed I mean hutan's been huton for ages it might have changed duration or how it's extended but who Don's always been hutong similarly dotan's always been Dotan you would put it down and it would do you know a little bit of damage every few seconds for 24 seconds and apply a heavy while people were inside of it or while enemies were inside of it however when ninja first came out a lot of people didn't know how the game's damage over time system worked there is currently two means that damage over time is calculated by ground effects and by applied debuffs applied debuffs sit on what's called an internal timer basically the entire game sits on this three second clock in which heal over time effects and damage over time effects all occur on that three second clock every time it ticks that could be 0.1 seconds after it's applied it could be 2.9 seconds after it's applied but you'll still get the same number of applications and Dot ticks the entire time ground effects do not follow that internal clock and instead just tick every three seconds however people thought that it ticked every one second so they would use single Target dotons going oh 30 times 24 is this why would I not ever use it when it's really 30 times 8 because you'll get eight three second ticks across that 24 seconds so you used to see that mistake all the time and you do still see it occasionally but at the very least it would have some instances of use pre-polto tons would become a thing at some point as well as the more useful uh more useful bits of it in AOE pulls to make it more competitive with katana and some of the other later skills but it's always been an incredibly me skill because people don't understand how to use it optimally it was way worse back then and then sueton which to this day still does basically the same thing grants you access to suiton which then is can allow you to use your hide skills sneak attack and trick attack at this point while in combat so essential you'll use it once a minute on trick attack back then and you know nowadays we have other applications with mess we on top of Trek attack the rabbit medium is if you do anything except these combinations you get a rabbit medium which gives you a little dunce cap for a few seconds funnily enough though some people would get a rabbit and then not press it because oh I don't want to be embarrassed but by doing that it actually delayed the Ninjutsu so it was actually a DPS loss to not just accept that you screwed up and pressed the button which was even more truly so that actually dissuaded a lot of people from playing still does occasionally because they don't want a visible representation that they were unable to do something not to mention it means that if you lag for even a second at times it could be an absolute nightmare especially if you were playing in a high ping scenario you didn't want your gcds clipping and they were pretty much guaranteed to clip with all these off Global cooldown two and three button four button if you include the Ninjutsu button press options and then if you had a high ping there was a chance that maybe the animation would lag or like the button press would lag and it would just refund your Ninjutsu and again that's still been a problem even up to patch 6.3 where it was a major problem despite all the the changes they've had over the years on top of that the activations were longer it was just way clunkier I loved it though I ended up swapping to ninja for the final coils after we realized that double Bard probably wasn't ideal and while it took me a while to learn longer than us actually finishing the fight I grew to love it and use it in Heaven's Ward as well now moving into cross class um these are pretty standard for the melees you have Lancer and pugilist you'll want Blood for Blood you'll want invigorate you'll want second wind and internal release and then most people would take Mantra as the last one as an option Keen flurry maybe for defenses and featherfoot same deal but rarely are those ever useful in actual PVE keep flaring more than likely but Mantra would have been the go-to in most cases but either way that's ninja as it released in 2.4 and I've kind of already told you the changes it would get before uh 2.5 but I guess we could just take a brief look most of this stuff is exactly the same but again I mentioned the change to physical damage for Kiss of the wasp and kiss of the Viper as opposed to the all damage that it did now that create did an interesting scenario because going to ninja the one thing I left out about fuma shuriken is it's a ranged physical attack which meant that fuma shuriken was getting that 20 Boost from your kisses on top of that that means it also benefited from the slashing resistance down and any sort of physical damage only buff that would be provided or debuff that would be applied on top of that it only being a single Ninjutsu press means you needed to break down the effective um action cost of each individual Ninjutsu and mudra action and it came out that fuma shuriken and ryton were very close together especially in high ping scenarios it was considered super acceptable to just fuma shuriken so you don't clip your gcds because then that gets factored into ryton's potency as well this would eventually change as they started moving things around potency wise uh but that was another big big thing with Ninja just another byproduct of the way it was designed that could make for really awkward scenario Arrows with the Ninjutsu so as you can see while there were a whole bunch of problems a whole bunch of interpretation issues regarding the skills the job still had so many beneficial and influential skills that would carry it as a near mandatory raid spot for years even to this day when it's no longer absolutely necessary people still look at it and go okay so we're bringing a ninja when's mug when's mug when's mug back then it was when's trick when's good when's this when's that and you know what heaven's Ward just made that even more the case so while monk was already being pushed Into Obscurity by the job that not only stole its gear but was also stealing its place in the rain moving into Heaven's word it became even stronger all right now we have Heaven's Ward Rogue now if I recall the Rogue page probably hasn't changed too much the biggest thing is perfect Dodge has already been changed to shade shift they were not going to let that continue to be the case with the complete Dodge effect on perfect Dodge now an HP Shield something that will be consistent through most of the rest of the expansion I think it changes maybe in value or in cooldown or something over the expansions but it has that General effect for the rest of its existence they also lowered Kiss of the WASP down to only five percent and kiss of the viper well actually I say that this might not be factoring in traits that happens a lot with these old Pages sometimes they include the traits in the description sometimes they don't so you know what that that actually is the base value of these things in A Realm Reborn as well so let's wait and see that instead of just considering that the change Moodle and you know what actually to support that mutilate's only showing 18 seconds here where it showed 30 seconds before so almost certainly the case so same same same the physical damage as well same uh hide same assassinate same 40 seconds even throwing daggers mug same same same goat same stick attack this is going to be increased by a trait I'm almost sure because 300 just doesn't seem to be correct uh there you go there's the Gus you know Gus slash into that and the kiss of the Viper showing 10 but again we'll see the traits down later and then jugulate with the silence the dancing edge with with the slashing resistance and the healing resist and then and then Shadow thing like it's all the same like there's nothing to say about this at all yeah so then at level 32 you got enhanced sneak attacks fit and you can see all the other changes see Rogue almost no changes at all it kind of makes sense the job was put in in 2.4 how much was the Base Class really going to need changes so then we go into ninja and ninja also I mean largely the same you know tenshi and Jin still the same kasatsu still pretty much the same let's see if it's the same cool down as well as kasatsu still uh two minutes let's we gotta scroll up here is that two minutes as well here it was two minutes as well here so you know what it's just continuing on but there are new actions were significantly different so first of all smoke screen and shade Walker they're level 52 and 56 skills smokescreen would allow you to reduce enemy generation of an ally for 20 seconds on a three minute cooldown shade Walker would allow you to transfer enmity you're generating as the ninja to another Target so you would put shade Walker on tanks and smoke screen on healers or anyone who's just getting really high on enmity and it just gave them another thing they had go now they had enmity control and when you didn't have these things it changed the way tanks had to interact with the boss entirely and that would continue again for two expansions they were insanely powerful you know how many times I'd go with something other than Ninja to join a group that was doing stuff with Ninja like oh we don't have a ninja now and the Healer will just get smacked by an auto attack because enmity generation was an important thing back then it happened a lot especially on fights with tons of very upfront healing like the very first minute or so having a ton of healing gcds required happened all the time especially because going into Heaven's weren't on sorry my nose itches all of a sudden um tanks were starting to get used to a different play style tanks were starting to completely forego tank stance or try to forego it as much as possible I'd say if you've kept tank stance on most of the time it would be unlikely you would need things like smoke screen or shade Walker very often they helped a lot with tank swaps I can tell you that was one of the most common uses for these things but other than that they were much less useful but that wasn't the way endgame was played so these tools became again they felt mandatory just ninjas spot just kept getting more and more cemented they also got armor Crush another three-part common so now they had three three-part combos and one two-part combo an armor Crush extends the duration of hutan I mean that's still something that's familiar to this day there's no dancing Edge anymore and you know Shadow Fang do they have shadowfang right now I don't remember it's not part of a two-part combo if they did but I think shadowfang went away in N Walker I haven't played much ninja in N Walker I played it a bunch at the end of shadowbringers though uh and then you had this is a skill I had actually completely forgotten about Duality doubles the number of non-critical strikes for a single Target weapon skill combo bonuses and additional effects will only be applied once doubles the number so I'm trying to remember if this made you hit twice or if it did two additional hits I think it just made you hit twice but essentially you only ever wanted to do Duality aeolian Edge and I gotta figure out all my nose that's just so much in the recording it's so distracting I'll do it after the heavensward part but yeah you would essentially always aim to Duality aeolian Edge during trick Attack under Buffs like that was that was just it it was just another button to press before alien edges if you absolutely had to you could use it on a different skill but that was considered you making up for another rotational mistake that you had committed to and I just I forgot that it existed in all honesty it's just it slipped my mind until we were I was going through this page and making sure everything was up to date and I saw the name and I was like oh yeah and then Dream Within A Dream three hits each with 100 potency for a total of 300 but the big thing is is that each of those individual hits of course is looking at their own chance to critically hit and it was just another off Global to manage you know every 90 seconds you'd press it and then you know did damage and that was it it didn't really change a whole lot but smokescreen and shade Walker giving them the enmity tools armor Crush helping them not have to use huton ever if they were smart in a fight Duality helping with their person dream of them dream I mean they just got even better there was just there was no way around that they just kept pushing it into a direction where it was an uncontested spot in most high-end raids looking at the Ninjutsu as well I mean they hadn't really made any changes here everything is still functioning completely identically to the way it did in A Realm Reborn and that also goes down here it looks like they got rid of impulse drive here as a cross-class skill but I mean that doesn't really affect your options because you weren't really taking impulse Drive anyway I you know what though actually I say that at how much are the Rogue gcds 150 and 200 impulse Drive was 160. oh I don't even remember did Rogue take impulse drive if they had it at low level thing on on Lancer where you would actually only impulse I don't remember if the potency is lined up I guess we can go check her real quick we're just going back one old expansion 150 and 200 and then where is impulse Drive where is it where is it where is oh interesting it's not here do you need hmm because I could have swore oh maybe they got rid of it in the middle of the expansion no it's here no you know what this could just be a trick of the jobs sometimes again these these Pages were not kept entirely accurately but um it could just be that the ninja page there is showcased yeah because it's gone from here too yeah I was wondering because that was a big thing for a Lancer and I don't remember my ninja was already 50 going into 60 so I would have never experienced that but I I had to I had to know I had to check and honestly I don't remember ninja changing much going into the rest of Heaven's Ward so this might be pretty quick these potencies are all still the same you know shade shift is still there because of the WASP is still there mutilate uh High I mean the job was so strong like I'd be shocked if there were any Buffs of anything I'd expect there to be Nerfs here um maybe goads potency changed and I can't really tell because of you know the way that it's written down you know 320. did that get adjusted at all I mean I I literally have to break it down to the smallest of numbers to see if there's a difference in things because the job was strong I'm looking at the end of the expansion you know numbers right here and everything looks the same to me and if there is a difference it's one that just kind of slips by you because what are you and what are you really considering I mean they started to adjust PVP actions so there's a few more PVP uh adjustment only adjustments here like Shadow fangs HP Recovery via healing magic you know that was something that was exclusive to shadowfang and PVP and trick attack is still here the traits are all still here they're all read the same looks like death blossoms trait may have been buffed yeah that's the only change that I notice um and the only reason I noticed that is I remember aoing on ninja was pretty bad but even then I remember thinking like the job is great in single Target do we really need to give it anything for AOE like just let it be a single Target God and apparently they felt like yeah it still needed to be better I guess uh and then going down here now we just have the actual actions the icons for them um armor Crush shade Walker Duality yeah it's just it was so strong it was so strong and so stupid Oh but these ones broke fantastic and they still hadn't made any changes really to potencies over here so yeah I mean that's ninja and Heaven's word it was ninja from A Realm Reborn but way better I mean that's there's really nothing else to it and I'm not gonna lie maybe I'm misremembering maybe I'm misremembering but I think it goes the same in store but I think it just becomes heavensward ninja but even better it just keeps happening so let's move on to stormblood at this point all right now we're off the console Gamers Wiki and in to the official job guide but we're gonna rewind back to what is that July 4th 2017. good day yeah let's look at ninja and Merck a day and we'll just see how it was so fortunately being the start of stormblood and being the job guide site we actually get these changes listed over here on the right now interesting thing I kind of glossed over from before action now exclusive to Rogue and ninja so you might be thinking to yourself oh that means shade shift was cross-class before it was but it was only cross-classable for well classes no job had access to Rogue skills except for Ninja itself so this was just a formality because they removed the cross-class system in storm blood but otherwise ninja was the only job that could realistically access it in meaningful end game content though in PvP when people would go as classes shade shifter was kind of nice for them got slash potency increased High to finally getting that useful utility we know it for now resets Ninjutsu recast timers if out of combat so you could huton before the battle and then hide and then you would be able to start the battle with uh your actual Ninjutsu so hide now a very useful skill and would continue to be so into the future assassinate still the same throwing dagger still the same mug now reworked no longer anything to do as you can see the kisses aren't present here no Viper no no wasp anything like that and that means the absorb effect is gone as well however they had introduced job gauges and storm blood and so this generated ninky this is still one of its major functions I believe actually even this mug still has that doesn't it even after they made it the five percent actually I guess I don't I don't remember either way it's it's been through uh quite a bit and mug has always had this kind of more useful place it wasn't just a random ogcd anymore it was a part of your ninky management and part of your major job mechanics so this is the start of that even if it would undergo some changes especially going into the more recent times an end Walker trick attack now level 18 and that is because sneak attack is gone I finally got rid of that attack and it should have been gone in Heaven's Ward no more Noob bait on that one aeolian Edge just changing its potencies around changing its TP costs around jugulate uh now just has the Silence on it doesn't have the stun effect that you can change it to or anything fancy like that so just an off Global with a silence if you needed to use it you could and then we have the Ninjutsu we have 10 we have Chi and we have Jin we have the Ninjutsu skill shadowfang combo action changed from spinning Edge to Gus slash so now it was part of a three-part combo I remember not being a huge fan of ninja and stormblood personally and I know I'm far from the only one because of some of the other skills that were introduced and while you acquire it earlier it has the 21 seconds it also had the reduced Target slashing resistance by 10 because dance oh that's right dancing Edge was gone at this point wasn't it because they combined Shadow yeah man I forgot they did that I I didn't like I said I didn't play it I played monk all throughout stormblood as much as I played ninja throughout the early portions of Heaven's ward in the late portions of a realm are born yeah so now was the combined reduces slashing resistance and the Damage over time oh okay okay I had forgotten about that okay okay no more healing effect on it however uh that's that's now gone entirely the one from dancing Edge that is chicuchi unchanged death Blossom now Rogan ninja exclusive and got a flat potency buff that's because I believe they got rid of the trait so they just made it the potency that the trait used to make it kasatsu still the same so screen armor Crush at its potency buffed up and of course had its TP cost reduced like all the other skills shadewalker unchanged Duality no longer stops critical damage so now Duality hits cook right and so it was buffed that's oh boy Dream Within A Dream only one minute and its potency was increased to 150 per hit skills which mostly had to do with ninky hell frog medium which was an AOE ninky spender now back then for a long time it was 80 ninky to use a skill and you could hold up to 100 ninky so hellfrog medium and Baba kakra AOE and single Target ninky users uh alike you know you needed it to be almost full and there was a regular risk of overcapping it was a genuine concern for a lot of people especially in fights with like down times and breaks or your ninky management would change to some degree so that was that and then their last ninky spender was ten Chi Jin now Ted Chi Jin when it was first introduced very similar to the way it is now basically it was an off Global it would you know make it so that every time you you basically could do a chain of ninjutsu but when it was first introduced you had to press 10g gen which meant you couldn't move you couldn't do any other action or you would interrupt it and screw it up but you'd still have to press a Ninjutsu uh I'm sorry a mudra then an injutu then in a mudger than a Ninjutsu then a mudger than an injutsu so it was six button presses after 10 XI Jin to go through it and all those were off globals and it was kind of weird and clunky for quite some time now it did also double the potency of those skills so you know it was it was really strong but you had to having to press them Jutsu between every single button was still a bit of a pain even if it was still way less mudger presses than trying to do three individual mudras as a whole so this scared a lot of people away from the job because of the risk of binding yourself at a bad place and losing a ton of damage ninky was getting too close to cap so people are having trouble managing it and they were still responsible for the enmity generation on smoke screen the enmity generation on shadewalker they were still a trick attack bot and then some of their remaining tools were thrown into roll actions but I mean just it was what it was and then you still have right on his 360 fuma shuriken has 240 so you still had all that that had to be considered but you didn't have the kisses anymore that was a big change that changed the value of fuma shuriken amongst ryton because they know longer had those built in but I don't I don't think there were traits that did what the kisses did but I guess I'll find out as we scroll down suitean doton huton nothing else fancy to say about all these moving into the roll action Second Wind arms length leg sweep being a stunned diversion you know reducing enmity generation basically the old quelling strikes invigorate for TP goad now being a roll action you know still quite useful bloodbath faint crutch and True North nothing fancy here these are just a bunch of other cross-class actions some they had access to already some they didn't and now they do and you at the beginning I believe at the beginning of the expansion you had to choose yeah you could choose up to five and then within a few expansions or within a few patches I should say you were able to bring all 10 if you really wanted to you didn't usually but it ended up it was funny because they were talking about like oh we're trying to reduce button bloat with stormblood a little bit and then you know we don't want it we don't want anyone to have too many buttons so we're gonna limit this to five and then we had the limit raised to 10 at some point and it was like they had completely undone all that stuff it was so so weird moving down to traits they have the dexterity trait the still the falling tree ah increases damage dealt via actions by 20 yeah I was Dripping blades too but that's just it's all actions you know there's nothing fancy about that this is ninky every Auto attack you got six ninkey and then on top of that of course mug would generate it after you got to this trait and this was the introduction of enhanced shukuchi after using Katan writon or hyoton it would reset the recast of shikuchi awesome trait even more it's it's insane how powerful that trade is nowadays uh just the sheer amount of Mobility was absolutely nuts already and it just kept getting better and better and better even if it hits a bit of a clunky spot at the start of n Walker they got rid of the kisses they got rid of mutilate and they got rid of uh death Blossom's trait now these are all the traits specifically that they got rid of and then for the actual skills they got rid of should say it right here wasp mutilate goad stick attack Viper and dancing Edge now moving down into the job gauge I mean this I've already explained in detail so I guess we don't really need that but that's you know they've looked like this since pretty much forever so going into the end of stormblood I don't remember much changing I guess these are a little broken right now I'm sure there are potency changes somewhere in here that are important uh because I I just kind of remember that being the case but I'm trying to find stuff here they still have the rear bonus on trick attack my goodness I can't believe how long that survived potency and then there's there's that and there's Earth and there's ninjuto why are these all broken sometimes way back machine is is not always the the cleanest I suppose yeah shikuchi death Blossom is still 110. all that's still there kasatsu critical damage two minute cooldown smoke screen armor did they just realize I mean I'm sure there's a potency change or another TP cost change or something the ninky the ninky gauge cost didn't change tenshi Jin I think they slightly like spruced up tenchian by this point nothing major I think they just made it a little cleaner they were always working at stuff like that but they they were things that would feel kind of good right when they made the update but then you'd be reminded that kind of the core idea needed to be updated as a whole which is why in shadowbringers 10 XI Jin goes under a big facelift after a patch and then going down here yeah I mean everything's still the same except for the images not loading properly everything is still pretty much identical here I think dotan's potency changed at one point was that 45 here too or did that change mid expansion because I don't remember yep it did see I I really listen see I'm found a difference that's don't know why they made that difference but yeah you know that's fine it's there it's different sueton still 180 360 on that 240 on this oh and then yeah it can select and use up to 10 roll actions that's the other major change that they ended up facing True North did also change to nullify all directional requirements and last 15 seconds what was it before was it like for one hit what was it no for 15 seconds oh it was it's the cooldown it has 150 seconds here it has 90 seconds that is a pretty major difference um and then everything else here is again pretty much identical they did update some of the page a little bit but yeah it's a little broken I think they were starting to get ready for the shadow Bringers update page at this point from when we pull from this January 8th this would have been about four months four and a half months before we started getting an idea of shadowbringers ninja and shadowbringers ninja really the last major change ninja got but not going into the expansion going into the expansion I got a cool a few cool new things but still had a lot of the similar clunkiness and the similar problems that it had in storm blood but the Journey of ninja throughout shadowbringers is one of profound change for a job that was already a staple to round it out and make it play just that little bit better oh boy did that have repercussions for years to come all right and here we are with the shadow Bringers ninja this is from July 30th 2019 so about a month after Shout Bringers came out and as we can see with the revisions here there's a few things one shade shift now nullifies all damage types so it was only physical damage up to this point and now it is all damage in Shadow Bringers we also have more potency changes here and remember TP was gone at this point so that is not something we need to be concerned about anymore mug went from 30 to 40 ninky again they're still making that change but it was also increased to 110 seconds so you basically used it right before two minute windows or it still was there for two minute windows at the end of the day and my nose is still itching gotta figure out why that is before the end of this video or I guess after the video is done trick attack when did this get removed when did they change this to not just be a rear maybe it's in 5.1 I keep looking at it waiting for it to change the big thing is is that the potency yeah and then the potency is 500 now it still requires the really it required the rear for the debuff for this long why did I think that part was changed I know they changed the potency obviously they changed it right there but like I could have swore that was gone way earlier potency changes for aeolian Edge they were doing a lot of calculation based changes so potency started swinging much more wildly here and trust me when you see 5.1 you're gonna see how wildly they swing uh combo action change for shadow Fang um it went back to spinning Edge at this point so now it was again a two-part combo again still had the damage over time and still had the reduced slashing effect but no longer a three-part combo so no lar three three-part combo problems like they were having before uh going into death Blossom another 10 potency was given to it and it was learned at an earlier level shikuchi now has two charges kasatsu no longer critical damage instead now it just increased the damage of the next then due to action by 30 percent also with the two maximum charges which made for very very strong two minute Windows they also had Hakeem much in satsu which was just a follow-up to the death Blossom AOE that was something they got brand new for this expansion we have armor crush with the flank potency combo being changed Dream Within A Dream Dream Within A dream's Change caught me of really off guard so this was still a three-fold attack now 200 potency a hit goodness gracious but also granted assassinate ready and at level 60 you could then perform assassinate so it was basically an off Global combo but assassinate was a big animation lock and you were kind of forced into it at this point you had to do it within the next 10 seconds or you know it was going to go to waste so this one was a little weird also I don't think Dream Within A Dream transformed into assassinate so you needed a button for each of them to boot so that was also a little bit weird and a little bit clunky on top of all the Ninjutsu stuff and ninky and all that we still have hellfrog and Bava still 90 still 80 ninky each and then ten Chi Jin which was still functioning largely the same with the 100 second cooldown was that 100 seconds in the previous expansion let's go back and take a look I don't remember if it was 100 seconds it was 100 seconds okay was it 100 seconds the whole way through because now now I feel like I got it now now is it 100 it was 100 seconds okay just making sure because I couldn't I couldn't remember precisely because I wasn't paying much attention to the cooldown then we have their new skills mess we dispel sweton and increase the Nikki Gauge by 40. this is a very important skill nowadays but it had questionable use back then because you'd here's the thing you'd technically be able to get two suetons in most cases because you would get one from Tenchi Jin and you would get one from just doing your general Ninjutsu so yeah but getting just the 40 ninky gauge I remember a lot of people not being like crazy about that I feel like I remember some people going down the Dotan path just because no that doesn't sound right I don't know I remember some something weird about mess we at the start of shadowbringers that made it seem less useful or like people weren't using it as well I don't remember something something's off I just can't remember what it is and then uh oh you know what it might have been people might have used tension no that doesn't sound right I was trying to think if people did Tenchi gen as their soul Suite on and then just did trick attack after that and then did like right on and double casata like all that stuff like I'm trying to remember if that's what it was because I could have swore people for went using mess sweet as a whole right when it first came out but I might be thinking of like media tour Math versus live math that changed it but uh I don't know I don't remember but yeah only 40 ninky from sway when I was first introduced and bunchin when it was first introduced duration of 15 seconds ninke Gage cost 80. Shadow becomes animate and attacking enemies each time you execute a weapon skill Nikki increases by four each time your Shadow lands an attack so very important to make sure that you punch it at the right time you get all the right gcds and you could do that once every two minutes as well I feel like I remember you only getting a few bunch in gcds because you I feel like you were busy with other stuff during that you know roughly two minute window you might have you know what it might have been you might have activated bunching and used it on some weak gcds prior to your two minute and then used it on like one or two strong gcds after yeah I feel like it did something weird like that or that it was incorporated in some weird way fun thing at the media tour which I attended for shadowbringers where we got to play an early build bunjin actually applied shadowfang twice so you could double up the dot but that wasn't something that made it to the live version I was very disappointed in that case but also some skills that were gone jugulated smokescreen shade Walker Duality tank aggro it wasn't really a problem anymore and Duality was basically replaced by bunchin although they didn't function the same entirely but you know the ideas were similar enough now going into Ninjutsu the potency increase on fuma shuriken again they were making some potency changes and ryton also got an important change they both got plus 40 potency and at this point we were no longer like fuma shuriken ing very often like the whole off Global using fuma thing had kind of gone the Wayside because of all the potency changes and trait changes and skill changes they've been making already and this while it increased both of them which of course made them both more useful under 10 Qi Jin it otherwise you know it was just kind of a surface level change and then sueiton now lasting 20 seconds that's a huge change because people with sueton well before their trick window and then hold it until their trick window and this was the beginning of that kind of trend was a huge quality of life that made their burst window much more manageable and also act as kind of another signal of when to start it so I was a big fan of that change when they made it initially on top of that kasatsu also grants access to a few new spells once you hit Level 76. Katan under kasatsu becomes goka mekiaku a super powered AOE and hyosho Ron Ryu which was the replacement for hyoton so now hyoton had a use while it was under kasatsu instead of using ryton and its 400 potency but bear in mind yosho is under going to undergo a major change within one patch after the expansion launch now we of course have the roll actions which had changed a decent bit at this point you know leg sweep was now level 10 and you know it just wasn't is bloated anymore you know you don't see gold in here you don't see what is it diversion invigorate golden crutch all gone TP was gone so these two went and midi control was basically a null and void thing at this point and crutch was never that useful in the first place and these are the ones that survived the most important ones of course being arm's length True North faint the things that you know it for now the role actions you know them for now this was where they were really really solidified they started in storm blood but really got it right here then for traits you had ninky you know you just they got rid of all the dextrates and everything they got rid of all the kiss straight like almost every original trade is basically gone here and then they have the ninky trait which uh is no longer Auto attacks is now weapon skills and completing combos for the bonus so uh no more of that weird that was another really weird thing the auto attack minky made it so that if you missed Autos bro you were dodging mechanics it was just so much worse and then you had to gauge and then trying to stay in Auto attack range to make sure you have the right amount it was just really weird mug now 40. we covered that earlier uh shikuchi having charges that's a trait right here the enhanced kasatsu to give access to those other spells and then ninky going up to eight per weapon skill and completing combos at level 78 but you can see dripping blades all gone that just base damage increased traits which is a lot of the reasons why we saw a lot of those trait in the the base damage increases across the rest of the jaw and all the dexterity traits now this was all well and good but ninja still had one glaring problem and it was a problem that was getting worse and worse as they added more and more Ninjutsu related stuff more and more ninky related stuff then Ninjutsu being off Global was still scaring people away it was still a bit clunky in people with even mildly rough internet connections Little triple digit ping at the very least we're still running into a lot of issues playing the job so in 5.1 they light reworked the job and it's much more similar to The Way It Is nowadays most of these skills are still relatively similar you know mugs still the 40 you know Gus slash still here hides still here all of the bases here are still very similar but change number one trick attack no longer requires the rear in order to get the effect of the Boost however the Boost is now only five percent and lasts 15 seconds this was actually seen as a pretty good change because the 10 second window for the original was very very rough for a lot of jobs this made it easier for the ninja this made it easier for other players at the cost of it being a lower amount which no one really mined it at the end of the day it was just it just changed the way that we utilize the window as a whole moving forward I believe uh shadowfang no longer a combo action it was a standalone button you'd press every 70 seconds to apply the dot which means yes you would apply it every trick attack window basically uh then we had changes to 10 Qi Jin and Ninjutsu they were all put on the global cooldown I suppose putting them on the global cooldown is the simplest way to put it basically pressing it would trigger the cooldown of weapon skills mudra and then due to actions so instead of trying to weave them between globals they were now a part of that same system which made it so that it was much cleaner and more comfortable what it also meant was all the Ninjutsu saw Mass potency increases because they were no longer competing with other off-global skills and were instead competing with all of your other Global cooldowns which had also gotten potency Buffs in this expansion which exacerbated that and you'll see just how much it went up in a little bit it's pretty nutty you're pretty familiar with the way it works now and it's pretty much the same thing um and then you know allows the execution of a single ninjuto without consumption of mudra charges so on top of that yeah they also had two mudra charges I think that's also new I don't think they had major charges yet here no they didn't yeah they also gave them charges at this point you could hold up to two of them and kasatu would make it so you didn't even consume the mudra so this is where they became almost like Melee spellcasters because they would just sling Ninjutsu literally not I love when they made this change and I still love the way it works now I love doing you know the it's just there's so many of them back to back and it just for me it feels really good I was a huge fan of the 5.1 changes and how it's gone since then especially when I would bring it into raids towards the end of the shadowbringers expansion uh but wait till you see those potencies in this crisis assassinate assassinate ready you know all this stuff they also changed all the ninky skills to only cost 50 and brought their potencies way way down as a result of it no longer being 80. but it meant that you know having a hundred meant you could use two of these skills and it just made the ninky management way better for all the players they also took 10 Qi Jin off of the ninky gauge as a whole which on top of the other change just made it a far more usable skill they also made it a flat two minutes which just makes it way easier to use and mess we granting you exactly 50 means it grants you exactly a baba kakra or Hell frog medium which also made it far more user friendly instead of being half of a Ninjutsu it was not one whole I mean half of a ninky skill it was one whole ninky skill in value and that was very much enjoyed bunchen still costs Nikki Gage still that now the 50 but now is a stacked skill you got five stacks and each stack would allow your Shadow to attack the enemies each time you executed a weapon skill its potency was then based on the type of skill you used and not what the individual skill was I believe it was 50 of your potency for the early one I don't think it said that in the skill but I think it was 50 of the the skills potency was then used by the shadow here it's just a flat amount far easier to calculate far easier to understand far easier to figure out what would make it strong so if you use the melee attack 200 Max potency you could get out of this was a thousand you also got the five ninky gauge every time your Shadow lands an attack and speaking of which the ninky generation of course through the traits was also going to be fixed to make these new numbers make more sense now looking over at the Ninjutsu I told you they got massive potency Buffs because they were put on the global cooldown and given that fuma shuriken was 500 no not exaggerating Katan 500 right on 800 Hilton 400 although hyoton's not the one you need to see hutan doesn't have a potency nothing to change there dot on a hundred a tick suiteon 600 then you get to goka mekyaku and hyosho 750 hyosho 1200 now bear in mind that's 1200 as a base potency from hyosho Ron Ryu if you read kasatsu it also increased the damage by 30 percent yeah that's one of the reasons why ninja is one of the swingiest jobs in the game if that crits or direct hits or Direct Hit crits the value difference between a not a non-crit non-directed hyosho and one that hits both it's like you've used a whole nother skill or two and every time it happens like that it just gets more and more exacerbated and this is why with the two minute meta we have nowadays that we've been working towards throughout shadowbringers it uh it just it's gotten swingier and swingier for ninja and I don't think it's good for the health of the game yeah big hero shows feel good but non-big ones just make you feel like you're wasting your time and wasting your energy and that oh that could have been a kill if not for like there's just it's too much I really think they need to look at these and Rain them back in but that's a discussion for another video in fact it's a video I've already made or been a part of that being said uh other than that you just have the you know the roll action changes and you can see the ninky now being five each instead of being you know you know six and eight which is very very weird and then 10 here uh also uh shadowfang on top of that so this says Landing certain weapon skills this one specifically says shadowfang or completing a combo with aeolian Edge or armor Crush I think what this is I think they both work in conjunction this is every weapon skill but then these specific ones would then become 10 which would make the generation faster once you hit level 78 and then you go down here and everything else looks good and looks and feels the same now very briefly let's look at the end of shadowbringers before I take a brief break before I record the last bit because my nose itching is bothering me I'm foisty as you can probably hear from my voice and uh yeah I'm gonna need a second uh oh and also with Hyde and I think that was present here too but in my distraction from my itchy nose I didn't notice yeah uh Hyde also restores two charges it restores all the charges when you use it now so that was in the 5.1 but it's also again here uh mug I think the potency did the potency go up or is it one's at 150 no it's still 150 yeah I don't think ninja changed again like at all I I don't I don't think it did I don't I don't think they changed anything going into the end or they did it's something that's like I don't remember and thus it probably wasn't super important armor crush's potency is the same I think all the cooldowns are the same dream oh did they no this is still the same I hear 200 with extra potency and then hell frog and Baba still 200 300 and this is still 120 and this is still 50 and this is still five and yeah I don't I don't think they changed anything else here I think this is all pretty much as it was looks to be the case and there you go that shadowbringers ninja they got it right in 5.1 and didn't need to change a damn thing I feel like they still might have made like an under the hood change that made it work more consistently uh specifically in regards to the Ninjutsu being on the global but uh it's hard to track all those much much smaller changes but yeah I mean that defines ninja and while n Walker ninja would get a few new things it's still very very familiar to some of this stuff someone the clunkier stuff has taken away in N Walker some new clunkier things were added at the start of n Walker and have since been adjusted so let's take a look at that and then we can wrap the video up all right we have the start of end Walker ninja here and again fortunately we have all the revisions being listed so we had again some potency changes some Mist they made a lot of like missed combo generation changes and also some other potency reductions here to make up for some of the other things they were going to add in uh the range change on the ranged attacks uh trick attack now being you know they just wait that's 500 oh they went back down to 400 oh I hadn't noticed that aeolian edge you know potency changes rear attack yeah they just they just reduced they reduced a lot of the potencies and increased the rate at which you gained ninky and then on top of some of their new skills they basically performed about the same I feel like ninja might have been in a little bit of a weird place when it first came out but other than that oh man assassinate was still in at the start of end oh yeah yeah that's right it transforms into a different skill later um and no longer delivers a critical uh critical Direct Hit was it a critical Direct Hit hold on I gotta go back now wait a minute wait a minute I don't did it say that oh I forgot I just missed that entirely I was okay there you go uh yeah it no longer does that it's just 200 potency off Global um and requires assassinate ready where did that come from again I'd see now I'm I'm like struggling to remember some of these things that because it's still required oh wait no no they got rid of the requirement I'm done oh yeah yeah it's it's saying the whole thing the way it was structured was weird because you see how it's on like its own separate line but the quotations still contain it I was like wait a minute what the heck that confused the heck out of me uh potency changes hutan's duration was only 60 seconds or was made only 60 seconds at the start of end Walker ninky changes huton duration changes potency changes all of this um and then this uh delivers a three-fold attack no longer grants assassinate ready I'm pretty sure assassinate became Dream Within a dream or becomes Dream Within A Dream I'm almost certain of that I'll have to take a look um but yeah and then this is still just three hits no longer 200 potency a hit down to 150. um but yeah it no longer has the whole assassinate off Global combo thing Horizon basically for granting huton in a single gcd are giving you the 60 seconds of it so you don't need to do full huton recasts in case an encounters some encounters you can just hooton during down time and you don't need to ride Jen but other encounters you feel like you need to Horizon because of the duration of the downtime I'm not a super big expert in it but I do see Horizon uses in some of the ultimate so I know that there is some functionality for it in those potency changes potency changes 10 XI Jin pretty much identical uh this still 50. oh that's right and now this also increases the potency of Bava so your next Baba hits a little bit harder that's nice bunchin potency potency potency also grants access to the new Phantom uh and I Arthur's makes fun of me all the time kaimaitachi there you go because I call it like kamatachi or something like when he first heard me say it um this is one one stack of your bunchin will be used on Phantom but I remember the potency of the Phantom being questionable in the media tour and I think it was also questionable when it first released and just remember people not being okay and I think we'll see that reflected in the current potencies because it's only 550 here I feel like if I look at hmm hold on let me go let me go look at some of the other things because you're choosing one gcd where that doesn't end up mattering and then it's like this is 370 and and then that's 480 because then you'd have to delay a gcd and I I think when the calculations all came down to it it was questionable about whether or not you wanted to use it for a bit but I guess I'll have to remember that when we see the potencies later on if I'm remembering it correctly Hollow nozuchi you can now do an AOE combo off of your Dotan you know while you're doing your AOE requires hake mujin satu to be executed as a combo action or un or upon executing Katan gokamekyaku or Phantom kaimatachi yeah essentially just increase their AOE Effectiveness by a lot because while they were in a Dotan you could combo things like kasatsu or have your other charges and you would just do this like extra pulse and it added up I actually really liked this mechanic when they added it the start of end Walker the big thing that was controversial though were the Rye juice forked and fleeting Raiju so these were two gcds that you would gain access to after you would use a right on and then you'd have to combo them together so you'd do a fort dry Jew immediately followed by a fleeting Raiju and they were both animation locks they were one of them were they both got app closers as well am I looking at the current one or am I looking at where that's 110 20. I think I'm looking at the current one right now oh no no 110 20 23 would have been that yeah because I remember these being um Gap closers did they already changed you know what that might have been something no rush is the Target no I was right look the first one rushes The Target ah you know what I think changed this one doesn't say Rush is the target it's just a single Target one um can only be executed under the effect you know what I might be mixing up the media tour because in the media tour you had to Forked ride you and then fleeting Raiju or you just lost access to them these are reading like use they are separate were they really separate at the start of the expansion when did I pull this from this is from oh this is from January this is like a month and a half after I think it launched in fact I should probably pull up another page from the thing because I'm almost certain that when it first went live these were comboed together and you had to fork and then fleeting I do remember them making the change pretty quick that might be why Phantom kaima kaimaitachi uh looks like it's better than I remember it being as well because they might have made those changes within the first month which would have been the very start of January I didn't mean to grab the January page but all the same these were a huge pain point for ninjas at the start of n Walker and they've gradually gotten better especially since they changed they fixed a lot of the animation locks they fixed it so that it wasn't as intrusive to the rest of your rotation especially with the sheer volume of raytons you'd have to use anyway which made it so they felt like you were doing nothing but forked and fleeting right it was just way too many of them even with the high potencies and then looking here see that's why I thought this was right because generally this revision section is only like this when it's like factoring in for the start of the expansion so I think I am mixing up how they were in the media tour versus how they are here um I guess we'll read the most recent one because like I said I haven't played a lot of ninja this expansion so I'm actually I feel like I know more about early ninja than I do about current ninja because I played it a lot more over the other expansions uh versus now and then these had some potency adjustments you know a lot of these were brought down actually you know right on only 650 and fuma only 450. you know these a lot of these were just brought to a little bit lower levels except for yosho which was 1300. it went even it went up even more even more I do not have the thing anymore this is it not nope it's still kyosha why do they keep doing it oh it's even more frustrating than I remember it being uh this is the 10 5 change as well to the uh to the roll action for faint at all had the same thing on the other side except the other way assassinate becomes Dream Within A Dream at 56 I did remember that correctly as well uh this deleted upon yeah shadowfang was gone so they got rid of the word wording for shadowfang this increased it to 15. this had a potency increase this had the mess we effect and this is the ride you ready with the maximum stacks of three yeah the only way you could stack up a bunch of raichu's here was to do a bunch of back-to-back ride-ons because if you used any weapon skill other than a Raiju it would delete it and that was I wasn't a big fan of that I think it still is that way I'm not a big fan of that but yeah I just remember the when they were forced to be comboed together in the media tour building that was very very concerning let me just take a look at some of the modern stuff on ninja I want to see what was it I wanted to look at I wanted to look at well I know the most the biggest change to Modern ninja I think they made this change in 6.1 mug is now the ability effect that you have uh you know it's the thing that gives you the trick attack effect and it's 20 seconds now that's the most notable change the way it is now versus the way it was at the start of the expansion and trick attack now is just increasing the Ninja's own damage towards the target uh then let's see what else also mug is 40 was mug 50 or 40 here here too yeah it changed they changed that over as well it wasn't the flat 50 like it was before uh aeolian 10 I feel like I'm seeing some potency increases as well 440 on aioli yeah 440 on aeolian yep so that's that's a little stronger now than it was before okay I remember Phantom kamatachi and uh let's see kasatsu hakke someone I see some more potency changes here as well who ride gin tinchi Jin miss sweet bun Shin uh yeah here we go 600 and well yeah I mean they made changes to aeolian as well so this would have had to have happened regardless but yeah Phantom I just remember being uh horribly underpassed oh you know what it was it wasn't that Phantom was competing with gcds like slicing or like like uh you know uh their starting combos like Gus slash and spinning Edge it's because you were doing all the ryju's and the Raiju potency was so high that it made committing to a phantom a little bit weird because you would have wanted to get the Raiju plus the hit from the bunchin and Phantom also I remember not getting a bonus hit from bunch and it would just use one of the stacks which was really annoying as well so yeah it had to undergo a few Buffs and a few changes but you know now now it's it's in a decent spot you know and other than that I mean yeah everything else looks like it's largely the same so Ninja one of the most influential jobs on the game it hit the game at a really weird time instantly through everything into kind of a panic and continued to do so for years and years even at its weakest Point ninja is generally just looked at as a de facto job it's really not anymore with the mug being five percent and it not being it doesn't stand out as much here there's no enmity control anymore they don't have to worry about being a TP bot like they were with goad and mug it's much more in line with what other jobs bring ninja still however has a massive strength in fights with long downtime specifically ultimate level encounters where you're trying to defeat these bosses in very short time Windows having their own one minute buff window with trick attack and having all the major potencies on things like Kyosho than Ninjutsu their their burst Windows as a whole has still made them a loved asset but no longer a mandatory one that being said Ninja is a choice you can't go wrong with and I'm very curious to see if it maintains that status when we to get a few more jobs in the game people are anticipating suspecting predicting speculating that another scouting job would probably be added to the game's roster in the next expansion or two if that is the case you'll have to stack them up against Ninja and make my versus video that much longer anyway with that thank you for watching this video hopefully you enjoyed this little trip down memory lane for Ninja if you've enjoyed these videos be sure to check out the playlist and check out any of the ones that you have not gotten to yet be sure to like favorite subscribe and share and of course throw a comment in the comment section as well if you have something you want to say go ahead and type it I encourage it anyway with that I'll see in the next one and until then take care [Music]
Channel: Mrhappy1227
Views: 16,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Square, Enix, Mrhappy, Game, Games, Gaming, MMO, RPG, MMORPG, FF, Final, Fantasy, Final Fantasy, FF14, FFXIV, Final Fantasy 14, Final Fantasy XIV, Guide, Tips, Tricks, How To, Lets, Play, Lets Play, Ninja, Rogue, Class, Job, Job Guide, Class Guide, Skill, Skills, Ninja Skills, Ninja Overview, Ninja TLDR
Id: yGyEK5Gmy-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 32sec (4352 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2023
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