Archeage Classic: How Does Gear Progression Work?

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hey what's up everyone hope you're having a great day today this video will be focused on the gearing process in ArcheAge and it'll pretty much be broken down into out of gear when you're leveling all the way up to 50. what gear to go for after you finally get to level 50 and have the initial quests gear and then after the Aurora opens up what gear you should be aiming for so first uh let's go ahead and talk about the gearing system in general so as you know in ArcheAge classic they have decided to bring back the obsidian system and I don't know if you played ArcheAge Unchained since that was pretty much the last opening or server for ArcheAge it had this thing called Haram gear and that kind of streamline gearing to make it pretty pretty easy and understandable but in arcade classic it'll be a little bit more player choice because now uh since they brought back obsidian you have the choice of either going crafted gear or obsidian gear so a lot of the choices is made up to the player but I'm just gonna go ahead and show you some of the options you have but pretty much the busting all the way up to 50 the gearing is streamlined there's a few quests that you want to do to get this gear and then also after you finally hit Level 50 and get the set gear uh you're pretty much a dungeon farming uh GHA and you're also hassle weapon grinding for your weapons and accessories um accessories a little bit special but we'll go ahead and talk about that later in the video so let's get down to it now as you can see we are in Haslet which is on the east side of the continent this will be the same for both the East and the West faction so don't worry too much about this you'll eventually come over here as the west side and the same goes for the east side because you end in uh or Cassie ridgelands but let's go ahead and get started they want to come to this NPC her name is soil and they have the Quest for either the bow Shield Loot and great club now you want to make sure you pick according to your class of course since this is a one-time reward but this is where you would get these said items now for the next NPC it's also an Hassler in the uh in Gale Garden as well I forgot to mention that but in Guild Garden you also come over to oversea hitchy while you're doing your main quest line or if you finished and you didn't do any uh side quests whatsoever you still want to do this to get your initial gear and you come talk to hitchy and they give you the leather cloth or plate upper pieces but that will get your uh up your pieces situated the last quest line in Hassler that you want to do for the rest of your gear and this is primarily for the one-handed sword the two-handed odachi and the staff is you come here to the cursed Village and you come and talk tomorrow and it starts with chasing rumors I believe there's three quests in this questline so you just go ahead and keep doing these quests until you finally get the uh identifier for the uh nodachi staff for the one-handed sword and that uh ends the quest lines for hasla so a little side note after you finish your uh hassle quests if you are or by any chance playing the East Side since you'll probably start on the castle quests uh there is a portal to get to the west side so uh it's over here in Hassler in the What's this called a row the main city of Rome and you just come right over here and you interact with the world gate it's free not to pay anything then you're already in carcassi to start the next bus line for your final pieces of gear so go ahead and wrap up the quest lines you come over here to carcassi ridgelands the first place you want to go to is located in Iona and this is for the cloth leather plate bottoms and the questline starts with browse you come you do the capture a worm Quest um after you finish this Quest well let me go ahead and do this Quest real quick so we can see where the next quest line pops up so I want to talk a little bit about the early bird system and by the way this questline there was two quests for props uh this system is amazing especially since the XP rates are boosted you're not really gonna need too much extra XP to finally hit 50. uh you can just kill a couple mobs I have this halfway done that you can go ahead and just turn this right back into the same NPC you took it from now go ahead and uh complete early which is really nice I think like this is the only MMO that I've played personally it has a system like this I can't believe I haven't played another MMO system like this but uh that's a little bit off topic but I just want to talk about that a little bit so the NPC that ends up having the last quest for the earpieces we are looking for is Jay on so you come down here you talk to them and there you go you have the cloth leather or plate lowers and this should round out all your pieces and the last piece in carcassi Ridgeland should be the helmet and let's go ahead and check out where that is now and now to get your final piece which shouldn't be the headpiece you want to come over here to dragon war Fortress and I believe this is two quests but we're gonna go ahead and find out right now and uh starts with the Minotaur this Quest will be to kill a Minotaur let's go ahead and do that Quest and see what the next Quest is that gives us the piece when you go ahead and finish that first Quest The Last Quest appears it's right over here still in dragon war Fortress and it's by uh from the Elder Minotaur and the quest is called the shaman of dragon roar you go ahead and accept this Quest complete this Quest and then you finally have your full left side of gear and you're ready to go you finally completed hitting level 50. you finally completed the the side quests to get all your initial questing gear and some of your weapons what is next well what is next is you come down here to the bottom right of hassle and this is what everyone likes to call the hassle weapon grind now why do you come here well it's simple every time you kill a mob you're guaranteed to get a token drop and I'll go ahead and show you the tokens and what you would do is you come to this bench and you decide to pick one of these weapons based on your class so let's go ahead and say uh since I'm a dark Runner let's go ahead and say two-handed ax for some reason I decide to go uh decided to go two-handed I want to go the ax so what does that mean for me every time I kill a mob I am getting one of these tokens a token of the honor loyalty conviction courage Fortune sacrifice and compassion so what happens is after I get 150 of these tokens I would come to this bench I would just go ahead and make a really good beginning weapon to start farming the dungeons later which is also related to uh the gear progression now a little bit about the zone this Zone tends to be very PVP heavy uh it'll be very very contested at the beginning of the game all right the zone does go into peace as you can see right now it's just some tension one so uh PVP is active right now and eventually if enough people bite in this area it'll eventually be sent to war and then after war is done it'll go into Peace So if you're not really too fond of PVP you can always decide to come here when it's in peace and farming in Peace A lot of people do that that's usually when it's the most packed but uh it's very fun very very fun early game PVP to just come here right after your 15 start grinding your weapon now there's also some ways for some reason if you get super unlucky in RNG there is a way to craft a specific Stone um isn't that really too important you will eventually get 150 of your stone to get your uh your rare weapon and then of course after your rare you go arcane which will also cost some Gilda dust but gilded this is very easily obtained by just uh screening down some Guild Stars not too hard then eventually you cap out a heroic in total that is 300 was at 300 200 500 and where's the other one and 150. so that is 650 stones in total a little bit of a grind not too bad it'll probably take a couple of hours now that you got your hassle weapon and uh you can start after you get your blue weapon of course this will start making the GHA grind a little bit easier and I'll go ahead and talk a little bit about that now here we are at GHA this is located on the nuian continent also known as the west side and the top it's very easy to get to dungeon in this game you can always just open up your teleport book click on anyone I haven't been to KC before but I can already go ahead and open up teleport there so really nice uh your greater dungeons I believe have two daily entries and I think your regular dungeons if I'm not wrong has five yeah five so perfect um but this is where you'll be spending a lot of your time getting your left side gear increased uh it's very easy very streamlined you just come to this bench um each boss drops uh or doesn't always drop but it has a chance to drop your uh your gear and depending on what class you're playing you would either pick leather cloth or plate I'm playing Dark Runners so let's go ahead and take a look at leather um the bosses I believe have a drop or sorry a chance to drop the piece all the way from Arcane to Unique so if it drops a unique that's awesome very easy step to go from unique to celestial and uh you pretty much upgrade your gear by using these Abyssal shards these Eternal Summers and these winter chills they also drop in the greater dungeons not only GHA but greater KC greater Hood to your farm whichever you're farming but the gear that mostly um that mostly everybody uses is the GHA gear since they're all pretty good they have some pretty good stat lines like let's look at leather for example you got crit damage from the three set from the force that you have PVE damage reduction which is really good for grinding and farming since you'll pretty much be killing mobs the whole time at this uh state of arcade classic and then you have the five set um piece which reduces all receive damage really nice clutch skill and then you also have the seven set which is just pretty much attack speed uh good stats all around very good for Archer still good for melee uh if you're a dark Runner I highly suggest you wearing leather armor of course you can always go plate light's not bad just more focused on defensive stats but it does give you more strength which is what mainly a dark Runner uses oh with that aside this is exactly a this is the way to finally get your sort of your end game for the first 14 days of ArcheAge classic gear um at this point the end game is technically crafted gear but most people will be just opting to use the first 14 days of the money making phase and waiting for obsidian since obsidian is the more popular choice but if you are doing crafted gear you can also start farming your um farming your life skills for crafting and uh breaking up leather work or mother work whatever your uh whatever gear you decide to use and start crafting uh let's say something like probably towards the end of the 14 days you can be close to crafting ethereum gear but I highly suggest you just go ahead and go for the GHA gear but of course if you plan on doing the life skill for uh leather work you can always just start crafting that type of gear people are going to need that gear anyways for uh manalists so you can always list on the market later and people will be breaking that gear down for manual whisps side note there are some I'll call them uh item equips where I as you can see on my bar I have my necklace my barn if I click alt W it'll just switch to my necklace and now it's on and uh a good example this is the Halsey necklace from The Proven Warrior bench I'm having this on my bar it's an active so when I click alt two I get a protective shield for three seconds and a very popular um very popular active which is very useful for hassle weapon grinding and not only has slope and grinding just for the whole game really is the Monstrous desire now getting this I believe it also drops in the dungeon but um most people will end up just crafting this and uh well yes you you it does drop in the dungeon you have to get the Arcane desire and you can craft that into the Monstrous desire and what the Monstrous desire does it um when you use the active you restore Mana it just helps with a maintaining mana and uh for some reason uh or not for some reason if you do not run to or Messi tree you don't have access to meditate so you're pretty much playing your flute or Mana but this is also another good source of obtaining Mana so I highly suggest you try and grab this if you can I mean you'll pretty much be farming GHA so maybe everybody in your party can possibly get one into 14 days but this is a very good pickup there's also some other um specific like weapon actives but uh those are more Niche to your class and I encourage you to check it out and see if you want any more of these from any of the dungeons I also wanted to mention that uh doing a greater dungeons you can come to these boards and take these quests before you enter the dungeons uh pretty good to do gives uh Adventure growth stones extra Abyssal shards to craft your armor uh Miss might stones for your weapons very useful and I believe this one's also a quest as well yeah so you want to just go ahead and grab these before you enter any of your greater dungeons uh just extra materials extra XP all around good around this point you should finally have your GHA gear seven pieces should have your hassle weapon at around either Arcane or heroic after farming for a little bit now what is also next I want to talk a little bit about accessories in this point of the game it's a little bit special and kind of hard it's uh depends on the player base and who is crafting I'll go ahead and check the marketplace to see if anyone has any accessories that are like on a Marketplace okay perfect so there are some accessories in the marketplace now around this point um I'm pretty sure these are people who just listed the ethereums that we got for free from the closed beta but um around this point you'll probably start seeing I believe like artificers accessories maybe some magnificent and I want to talk a little bit about those so as you can see every accessory has a different equip effect and these equip effects are pretty good um when you're making lower tiered accessories um you're not really buying them for the stat points because the stat points are negligible you'll probably start seeing artifices rings necklaces uh earrings things like that armored place um they're not amazing for your main stat but what you're really going for is these equip effects things like attack speed ignore Defense Max Health magic defense Etc et cetera so that's probably where you'll be at in the point um they should be super cheap they should be well I can't say since uh the server is very different in the rest but from the other times I've played they're pretty Dirt Cheap compared to the amount of income you're making at this time of the game and that's pretty much what you're um your five accessories will end up being just uh artificers are magnificent um highly suggest trying to get them cheap there's no point to overspend at this point in the game it kind of just you know you just slap on some extra effects and at this point after you get that your gear is good to go and you are ready waiting for auroria before I forget this is also another accessory and it's the yiny ring uh your healer in your group is probably crying for you to help them Farm it it's pretty good for you to get as well as a DPS it's uh I believe skill damage and also healing power which is why your Healers nudging you on the back to help them grind for it a very good ring to get um I would highly suggest you have it in one of your accessory slots it's a very good ring um if you're melee DPS and you can somehow get two Gale Rings is not too important because uh defense pen is very very good but uh still good ring nonetheless to have you'll be uh getting it anyways at the end of any greater dungeon I believe it has a chance to drop this Stone orb and I'll probably go ahead and grab a picture and overlay it on the screen so you can see what it is and there's a whole entire quest line for it uh that that's that can be like a 20 minute video there's tons of videos and guides on the internet about it already I don't think I need to make another one and I kind of really don't but uh go ahead and look that up and see if you're interested in it um highly suggest you do it at least for the Healer in your group they will be very happy camper and they will heal you of course and heal you a bit more uh 2.5 healing power is pretty good when you get it up to unique and you also get skill damage from nuts so it's not a bad ring in general to have as a to have is something before you farm the dream ring which is a that's like a that's a super endgame ring but I'll go ahead and talk about it now once again like the any ring it's a whole entire questline uh tldr you're gonna do 100 serpentus runs and 100 dahuda runs and you're gonna hate yourself you're gonna do it anyways it's it is the best ring in the game you need to have that ring if you if you plan on playing this game for the long term um go ahead and look up a guide on that and check it out but uh it's nothing you need to worry about at the beginning of the game or at least for the first 14 days um I believe you can start it I'm not sure on that um the questline might begin in auroria so obviously you wouldn't be able to do it for the first 14 days but if it's like a drop from a dungeon or something you can definitely start doing it I would have to look up a guide and really tell you um exactly where it starts but I'm not gonna bother mentioning that because that's like a super end game ring like super super end game so uh you can decide how hardcore you're playing and decide if you want to go ahead and make that one of your goals go ahead and look it up and it's called the uh the dream ring just type in Celestial dream ring and Google archage and you'll find the whole questline now in this next part for this video in this segment I want to go into crafted gear versus obsidian gear now of course both crafted gear and obsidian gear are great um let's go ahead and take a look at the crafted gear first if you are a life Skiller and if you're deciding to be like a leather worker because you want to go eventually ion AD gear um the best part is that you would just slap on the good pieces of gear that you make for yourself like let's say um for example I don't remember all the set pieces but flame is not an awful set for melee for like a dark Runner because you get a increased crit damage and the Seven set you get increased attack by a seven percent which is really good um you go ahead and you start crafting these pieces and you just slap them on now the best part about um ethereum gear I can take this piece off and still sell it to the market it doesn't become bound to your character and that's kind of the Allure of crafted gear you can always like trade it which is really nice but obsidian gear is a bit different once you have the gear the gear is bound to you once you equip it you can um Trade It so that's kind of like the caveat and downside of obsidian gear but obsidian gear usually does has the the better equip effect because each slot has an equipped effect for example my helmet it's giving me 9.8 melee attack and then let's go ahead and go down to the boots the boots give me Perry rate and each piece of obsidian gear has a special effect like this but um this is where player choice becomes a very big part of the game and uh you don't necessarily have to go full obsidian gear you can actually pick five pieces or to set effect for like delphinet or ethereum or sorry not five pieces four pieces is the four set effect so if you like a four set effect a lot you could go that route um I believe obsidian gear I'm not sure but I believe it's equivalent to the T1 is like equivalent to uh was it magnificent or ethereum let's take a look it's like in between so it's not quite ethereum but it's definitely not magnificent at the same time so it's right in the middle so at this point in the game you have your full um GHA gear you have your full uh artificers and magnificent accessories you have your hassle weapon you're just at the point where you're farming money and deciding whether you want to go um crafted gear versus uh obsidian gear and of course they are both crafted but that's kind of how I want to categorize them for this video now let's talk a little bit more about obsidian gear now the obsidian gear is a pretty streamlined it's not too complicated to understand there's a little bit of intricacies and a reason why you want might want to have leather work a higher level I think it's been a debate in the archives community that um the higher you have let their work the more chance you have at um for example this T1 obsidian Jerkin or let's go ahead and talk about my helmet actually you see how my helmet is in Arcane T1 now if I were to get all the mats and come over here let's say I have all these mats and I'm ready to craft this to T2 this does have a chance to increase a level so it would be able to go from Arcane to heroic for example and uh it's still not quite known if it's uh or I don't quite know if it's um related exactly to your um life scope proficiency but nonetheless Max life skill zero life skill it still has a chance to increase so what most people do is um they get all the mats for their T1 obsidian the crafter T1 obsidian and they try and take this as far as it can go so at this point in the game you would uh be taking it to celestial and um before you equip it because remember obsidian once again Buy and see your character you want to try and enhance it to around um two around either Divine or epic depending how lucky you get if you're re-grading hopefully you get an epic but that's like it's pretty hard to do but uh Divine is very serviceable as well so after that after you get to Divine you go ahead and start farming the mats to crafting to T2 crafting the T3 and at this point you can either equip it or you can sell it um of course since this is a gearing progression guide you're probably I'm wondering what gear and what to get so you'll probably equip it but that's pretty much that um T1 to T3 is pretty simple um T1 and T3 obsidian gear you'll pretty much be farming the golden ruins area for the mats so the topaz drops in um golden ruins the bone chips dropping golden runes these spell gems also drop in Golden runes pretty simple the Mana whips you'll be uh buying gear off the marketplace something uh I believe it's magnificent and higher um it could be illustrious I'm not sure I don't remember um nonetheless they'll be in the market I believe there's some already on the market into CBD so you can always just come here this is us to get a gauge of what the price looks like right now obviously subject to change since it's just a CBT but this is how the market would look like when the game is finally out and this is how um you would go about crafting your obsidian gear the spell gems and the bone chips a little bit harder to come by this is where the grind comes in it is pretty grindy um I myself in the CBT uh to avoid burnout I think I got like I was farming some mats and got like 36 and I was like yeah kind of done I don't want to do this anymore but uh with launch of the game of course since you get to keep everything more motivation but this is how you would be going about your obsidian gear now sitting gear is a little bit special when you get to T4 now T4 let's go ahead and use um the obsidian leatherfist as example this is another point on where player choice comes in now or the fists I believe it's pretty simple since um the equip effect is melee critical damage and the other fists are range critical damage it's pretty obvious which one you want to take depending on the class you're playing you're playing melee obviously you want to take the shadow if you're playing range evanescent but once again this is where player choice comes in and when you're crafting T4 T4 is a little bit special you are farming a library and with Library every mob has a chance to drop these mats and when you go even further up and let's say uh T5 obsidian this is when you start needing special drops from the bosses for example the silent Shadow fists you would need a Alexander's case and this comes from I forgot which floor Alexander's on but um he's on the one of the floors in the library one of the side rooms when you're traversing floor through floor the little break room and you would just go and take a group and fight him and eventually he'll be strong enough maybe to fight him by yourself but uh when you're gearing up you take a group you go ahead and fight him and you go ahead and bid for the case and uh that's how you end up crafting a T5 and T6 gear with uh special bosses like for example T6 takes like a red dragon spinal Ridge so you would have to do red dragon and then you would also have to um kill Glenn in library things like that um around the point you're kind of just focused on T3 obsidian so once again for gear you're pretty much farming golden ruins and uh for weapons weapons I think it's primarily just some primarily like diamond Shores and the like um Regular Warrior areas like x-lock com land zumari well what you primarily need is the malevolent obsidian and I highly suggest you grind in Diamond Shores and uh specifically these areas in the map of your bunker areas and I want to talk a little bit right now why you want to grind the bunker areas so these bunker areas have a chance when the the big bunker is up um you want to make sure that the big bunker is not up in your area uh you can grind either the east or west side doesn't matter obviously PVP might ensue if you're on the wrong side and you got to be wary of um this lodestone distance because it will shoot you if you're not on the um same faction but uh you want to grind these mobs these crabs drag work you want to make sure these are the mobs like in the area because they also have a chance to drop a synthesis Shard which I'll talk about later in the video that's how you upgrade your underwear and your cloak but um these are these mods um also drop the uh obsidian um ominous obsidian I believe what it's called a malevolent obsidian sorry they dropped the um 11th obsidian now weapons are a little bit special where you need special drops as well um their special drops are things like tainted Jewel and x-lock these are kind of hard to come by um even the haunts of sitting which is a blue drop uh it took me a while just to get one into CBT and that's also acquired in sungold fields so all around you kind of want to farm um usually people like to farm their weapon first but in this case I would suggest farming a probably farming golden ruins first and getting your gear up to par since golden Rouge drops all the stuff for your um for your gear but you could go for like an easy fast uh like T3 weapon it's not too awful but um it's not a all in one place sadly you would have to be a traversing from place to place which is unfortunate and some of these drops are kind of hard to get but other than that that's pretty much how you get um how you go about gearing for obsidian very simple not too complicated obviously the hardest part is the regrading that's a RNG always and I highly suggest that you don't take your year past T1 until you get a good enhancement that you like of course I'd um I encourage you to try and go for epic it's not realistic but uh nonetheless I you should try for it if you get a Divine I would say go ahead and craft up that Divine to T2 and just start rocking at the vine and even if uh all you can guess Celestial Celestial is fine as well just get it to T3 I wouldn't suggest taking the T4 T4 is quite a resource uh commitment with the library drops and then of course going past T4 is even more of a commitment some very um expensive drops um very hard content to do well not very hard it just requires gear but that is it for obsidian gearing I want to talk a little bit more about crafted such as like a Delphin and ioned um right after you get your um your GHA gear if you were keeping up with um labor and loving up your life skill or for some reason you're making a lot of money and you decide you want to buy this gear off the marketplace I would suggest starting at Dolphin Ed and I don't even know if dolphin ads will even be on the market and like around this area it'll probably be only like magnificent maybe some ethereums if people kept um focusing their labor into crafting but um it'll probably be around the point right after like towards um auroria opening up the market will probably be around the point having some magnificence and some ethereums and once again ethereum is technically a little bit better than T1 obsidian and um magnificence technically a little bit worse that's not too much of a noticeable difference the only difference is of course to the equip versus set effects now um there's not really much to say about crafted gear it's not too hard if you're buying it but if you're crafting it it's insanely hard it's a lot of mats you'll have to be using fine leather takes small seed oil and just regular leather so you have to be farming your land with leather and doing a I believe it's cross Continental packs to um to get the small seed oil I do not remember yes charcoal stabilizers rice and corn just to craft some sea oils um in my opinion I think crafted gear is like um it's less than obsidian just not by stat wise but just for to hassle it is but if you're like if you have like the hack to making money and you like just want to start buying gear and not really worry about them not worry about like the grinding part um you can just start trying to get some ethereum gear maybe some even some delfinat gear some crazy life skillers will be on the server crafting a dolphin that gear who knows That's the basis for gearing and this is a this is kind of the end game gearing with the uh of course crafted versus obsidian that's pretty much what you'll be farming for the rest of the game not too complicated it's not her ROM gear where you're just farming dailies and the gear is pretty much given to you still have to work for your gear a little bit and this in our cage classic but that is the gear system pretty much in summary there is some special things that I would like to point out such as um cloaks and underwear and I believe costumes are in this version as well let's go ahead and check the cash out for that I think I remember seeing the um the melee costumes oh it's actually not the cash shop it is in the guild shop yes okay so melee basic costumes magic and range and healing okay so let's talk a little bit about the guild shop um being in the guild is very important version of ArcheAge uh you have your guild dailies that give you prestige and the prestige is very important because it allows you to buy very important items from the prestige shop I suggest the first one you focus is the cloak that you want to get because when you get a cloak let's go ahead and look at the emphasis looking at the synthesis interface you see that the cloaks are all mindset based and sadly it's RNG based on which main set you get and the reason why it was talking about why you want to farm your bunker areas in Diamond Shores is because that is what drops these synthesis shards to level up your cloak thankfully the cloak is very streamlined and very easy you get the drop you slap it in here you get XP done but sadly the effects are all RNG now since the cloak is just main stats it's not too bad an RNG and let's go ahead and take a look at what um what some people's cloaks look like at least some people have um some cloaks leveled up already here we go and a Divine cloak um this is a pretty decent cloak for dark Runner strength agility intelligence not awful and you don't want stamina ideally as your dirt status dark Runner but this is what it looks like a little bit you see that um he hasn't had the vine he ranked up to the Vine and you have um just some just pretty good basic sets stream fragility intelligence Etc the cloak's not too insane uh I want to talk a little bit more about the uh underwear as well now the underwear is a little bit more crazy you get crazy effects uh backside melee damage melee attack his defense magic Defense Max health I believe there's a few more stats to hire you go um but since this is a melee undergarment these are the stats that you would be able to roll four mainly which is really nice and uh actually these should be able to fix I think I'm thinking about the costume which I'm going to talk about next and before I forget the there's two ways to get the undergarments there's loyalty tokens which in CBT it'll only take 100 loyalty tokens I'm not sure if this will be the same for the launch of classic I'm just showing you what they have in what they have so far and then I believe it is Guild of stars as well yes so you can use 200 Gilda stars as well and you also get the uh yes so they're wrapped so you get to make the choice you don't have to worry about buying the wrong one when you right click it it gives you a choice melee range magic healing and make sure you pick accordingly to uh to your class so with that said I want to talk a little bit more about the problem child in the room and that is the costumes the Customs are from what I remember very insane they're actually ridiculous and the this is more of an endgame thing but after you pick up your cloak I would pretty much suggest using your points to get the costume next pretty much a no-brainer those are a little bit different to rank up sadly I don't have a costume in CBT but I can talk about it from memory um costumes are a little bit different the synthium shards or the synthesis shards Do not drop from Diamond Shores the shards drop from the greater Dungeons and later on Miss song Summit the Arya dungeon and I believe and let's go ahead and check that I think Alchemy can craft these shards yes they can so let's go ahead and take a look at these shards now um as you can see you see grades rare to Arcane what does that mean well that means sadly that um you can only use the rare Shard from upgrading your costume from rare to arcane and uh kind of sucks um these shards are kind of hard to come by um you do once again you get them in the greater Dungeons and your dungeon ones in general so uh at this point in the game since you have two greater Dungeons and you'll probably be decently geared to slap them with a party you want to just run right through them and I believe the shards only drop from the bosses in Greater dungeons and uh I also forgot to mention they drop from World bosses like CR and gr so you want to make sure you're attending crngr and when Miss song Summit comes out it'll be dropping From the Mob so later in the game it'll be a little bit easier to acquire these but at the beginning of the game which you shouldn't really be focusing on a costume anyways but it's nice just to have that grind go on in the background you'll be getting a few of these from greater Dungeons and possibly crmgr but this is where the RNG is like turned up to level like 100. the costume has quite a bit of stats and once again of course you pick depending on your class melee healer um what was that melee healer magic range all that good stuff and uh what this means is that the stats thankfully will be kind of catered towards what those classes use but there are of course some sucky stats that they included in there I believe for each costume there is around like 11 to 12 stat lines you can choose or have and I believe uh trying to remember how many um stat lines you can have but I think it's around five or six let's go and check that out yeah so around five you can have five um five stat lines and re-rolling these stats and all that stuff I'm just gonna leave that end game since this is just a basic gear progression guide but this is just like the end of end game so I wouldn't worry about this too much I would still pick it up second after getting your cloak or you can pick it up even a little bit later if you wish if there's some other stuff you want to buy in here such as like um the mount for example the tiger Mount or the panther is pretty cool um kind of a big cost two thousand Pioneer earrings are all right as well they're not too bad you get magic defense pen if you're a mage you get Focus another good stat scam but I would pretty much pick it up second just to have it on and start working towards it now you can focus on the other stuff later and uh in my opinion I forgot to mention the loot and flute um we'll go ahead and go back to Solas to look at that so over here back in Solus or if you're the west side one of your towns that has a proven Warrior workbench there's one in LLC for both sides if you can't find it there is the proven Warrior instrument and uh for your Warrior medals you can just craft any one of these for your class uh for example I play Dark Runner so I would want the anthem of battle rage since it increases the battle Focus level by one which is nice there's one for shadow play it doesn't for each stream pretty much and this is a good one to craft for having in the meantime since it just gives you a big amount of your main stat I would upgrade this to like Celestial leave a Celestial for well no reason trying to break it I mean I guess you can get a Divine one if you wish for more Luna gen sockets but Celestial is good enough um Loot and flute you can go obsidian as well obsidian can also be pretty big since it gives you magic defense and then the flute gives you um physical defense really good for healers the flute I would say and not only that the flute also restores Mana so when you're um when you're farming and pving and Dungeons and stuff like that you can always just restore your Mana there's also some special armors yes this so uh for example the guards pretty popular choice for dark runners instead of using the obsidian guards if they're ordering even obsidian guards I don't think there actually were any obsidian guards obsidian guards yeah there's no obsidian guards so um if you choose to go obsidian your guards on your belt are like a flex um Lex slot and what many people used to do is come to this Warrior bench and pretty much fill it up with uh fill in with these slots the dark Warriors guards are an excellent choice you get back to melee damage increase by seven percent and focus very huge I use this back in the day uh pretty not too complicated to get this is um Dark Water jerkin all the dark Watcher gear and just some wind spirit leather not too hard to come by um I believe some of these um some of these use like boss drops like crjr like Reckless captain I forgot which one is uh the CR and gr built but these use um the boss drops from that so you'd have to bid in a Marketplace to get them or just win to drop doing crngr but these are some very good uh very good choices to halves because the additional effect now you could always just choose the easy route and buy a buy an ethereum or something like that off the marketplace but these are very good to fill in those slots if you're using obsidian gear I would highly suggest coming here and picking some of these I believe um one of the best was like the cloth sash no it was the uh what was the active there was an active one where uh you like grips someone in the air it was pretty cool I think it was the cloth slash so it uh binds Target up to 25 meters away for two seconds and just holds them in place which is nice for a little bit so it's not an awful active a lot of people use this to meme on people a lot of cloth players just a pretty cool skill but definitely uh check these out see what you like see if it works for your class and if not you can always just buy um you can always do dungeon ones from The Dungeons like GHA and whatever and see what effects you like and uh always just buy it from the marketplace but that just uh that definitely covers it for gearing I believe that is everything let me know if I missed anything put in the comments uh just to help other people out and that's gonna be it for this video I hope you guys enjoyed I hope this helped you out a little bit understanding how arcade Classics gearing system will be if you are coming from Unchained it's very different is not uh the ROM gearing and uh it's a lot more up to player choice which I like a lot it's very uh it's more creative you'll see a lot more um well everyone playing arcade is probably a meta slave so you might not see different stuff but uh you might see uh some different builds some different um weapons being used and things like that but I highly suggest you uh go ahead and explore look up some um some older videos from other content creators that explained like how they like to get their class um if it's popular I could make like a like a dark Runner video gearing like how I geared my dark Runner and what I planned for classic because I always used to be a dual dark Runner but uh two-handed was pretty much always better I like in this version that two-handed Camp Perry as of right now to end the camp area arrows which is really nice so kind of felt like dual wield like in this version of ArcheAge has a place in The Meta since at the beginning of the game and just playing the CBT and doing the the stress tests a lot of people are playing Archer on like the other side of my faction which is the west side and uh I feel like dual will be a lot better in open world but uh that's a different topic for another day hope you guys enjoyed this video leave a like leave a dislike subscribe and hope you guys have an excellent day take it easy peace out
Channel: Vinbaka
Views: 695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: archeage
Id: -qvtTe73wsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 2sec (2942 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 10 2023
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