FFXIV Keybinds & Hotbar Layout Guide for Beginners

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hello there today we're going to talk about one of the most requested topics on this channel we're going to take a look at keybinds and why they're so important and afterwards we're going to look at some efficient ways to set up your hot bars to make your spouse easily accessible to you first of all i want to talk about why the default keybinds are so horrible and why i'm frankly always astonished whenever i see an mmorpg now they ship with this kind of setup games like 14 have a huge number of abilities that you have to be able to press in quick succession the default keybinds for 14 are 1 through 0 and ctrl 1 through 0 for the upper hotbar not only is this not enough hotbar space to place all of your abilities on i mean it it's not enough for a single job in the game at max level the keybinds themselves are also completely useless i encourage you to try and hit ctrl 0 without looking at your keyboard you may be able to do it depending on how well you know your keyboard but now imagine having to press a different button combo every 1.5 seconds and having to do so consistently without messing up i get carpal tunnel just thinking about the default keybinds and this is why many people revert to clicking abilities and this works for the early game decently well however if you're interested in actually doing any harder content it's a horrible habit to get into because there are two main issues with it first of all to quickly turn your camera in the game you actually need your mouse you hold right click and then swing around your camera however when you're clicking abilities you have to use your mouse so you're actually not able to press an ability and turn your camera at the same time this may seem fine early on but later on fights are gonna get more hectic you're gonna have to look around and the less you inhibit your view the better the next problem is that it actually makes you focus on your hotbar a lot because to press buttons you have to look at the ability to be able to move your mouse on top of it that means your eyes will be glued to the hotbar 90 of the time instead of looking at your character and what's happening there instead what i'm going to give you now is my idea behind the keybinds that i use which i think are going to work for a lot of people the general philosophy that i followed setting up my keybinds is limiting my hand movement to as little as possible i want to have every single ability that i use regularly within range without having to move my hand across the keyboard at all all of the buttons can be pressed while keeping your fingers on wasd to move around the first four buttons that i use are one through four these are very comfortable hit even when moving around the next two buttons that i use are actually q and e these are prime real estate keybinds because they are so close to w they are extremely comfortable to hit the reason why many people don't assign them is because they're bound to strafe by default what strafe does actually depends on your movement settings you can find these in character configuration if they're set to standard then your character will by default spin around if you press a and d and move left and right if you press q and e and if you're on legacy movement then there's actually no change at all so what i've done is i have unbound move left move right and i only use strafe i tend to switch around between standard and legacy movement sometimes because both of them work fine for me depending on the content that i'm doing and this works for me in both movement modes but give it a try in any case i definitely think you should free up q and e to be used as keybinds instead of movement the next two buttons that i use are r and t these two are still very natural to hit with t actually being at the far edge of what i would consider using as a keybind and the last four buttons that i use are f c x y now you may be wondering why i'm using y instead of z that's because i'm using a german keyboard where the z and y keys are swapped so if you're using a qwerty keyboard then this would be fcxz for you with these buttons in mind we can only fill one hot bar in 14 the most hot bars you're ever going to need for default actions is 3. 36 buttons is more than enough to play every single job however you may want an additional fourth hotbar if you use a lot of macros or you want to keybind your consumables as well to keybind these bars we're going to use what's called a modifier key we already saw that earlier in the default keylines with control what we're going to do is use shift and control as modifier keys shift is a little bit more comfortable to hit for me then control is and that's why i use shift for my second hotbar and control for my third hotbar so assign the second hotbar to shift1234 and so on and the third hotbar to control 1234 and so on and that's going to give you 36 key binds that you can press without moving your hand if you're not used to this this may be extremely awkward at first but you're going to get muscle memory over time you're going to be pressing these without thinking about it i also quickly want to cover two alternatives just so you know they exist in final fantasy 14 you actually have the option of playing on controller and if you're used to games at all you may feel like pressing this many buttons on a controller must be awful but i would actually say file fantasy 14 has such a good system that playing on controller is going to be more comfortable for a lot of people than playing on mouse and keyboard the way final fantasy 14 has solved this issue is not just good it is probably industry leading new mmorpg standard i was very skeptical before i tried it but the game actually feels really really good on controller so if you struggle with keybinds if your hands can't do it then give that a shot the alternative to that is a special mmorpg mouse this kind of mouse has 12 buttons on the side that you can press this corresponds exactly to the amount of abilities you can place on one hotbar and so by using keyboard modifier keys you can actually press a keyboard button in addition to a mouse button and that way you also have access to the 36 keybinds that you would need these are also extremely popular and i actually own one of these and the only reason i don't use it is because i couldn't make myself practice it more after years of playing like this i'm simply too comfortable with my keyboard setup i just thought i should mention these two options for you as well next up i want to talk about how to set up your actions on the hotbar if you're planning on playing multiple drops in the game it's a good idea to place similar abilities on the same keybinds this way you can get muscle memory much faster and you're not confused when switching between jobs i've leveled every single drop so i'm going to provide a screenshot of every one of these jobs hotbar layouts in the video description and i also quickly want to talk about why i set it up in the way that i did the abilities that end up on the first hotbar are very often single target combos as well as abilities that i simply use a lot or that i have to use very quickly intuitively so that can be things like instant cast heels shields dashes anything that would benefit a lot from being able to press it quickly with a lot of muscle memory on the hotbar above that i actually use shift one through four for my aoe combo right above my mallet combo so this way i know that i can press 1 for a single target attack and shift 1 for an aoe attack outside of that i use shift for a lot of spender abilities these are not time critical i can use them at many points throughout the rotation and i can think about the time that i want to use them in a little bit more outside of that this is where i put abilities that i simply use less because pressing the shift combo will always be slightly more awkward than just pressing the button straight up finally on my control modifier hotbar which i considered the most awkward to hit i use either very long cooldowns or abilities that i don't use very much at all this is because i want to avoid using this modifier as much as possible here's a few other things you want to keep in mind whenever you position spells in your hotbar first of all group spells with similar function close together the best example for this is tank damage mitigation you want to place these ideally right next to each other this is so you can see what options you have available at a glance right now i can look at my hotbar and see what mitigation i have available within just a moment you can also follow the same philosophy on healers where for example on white mage i use the two different shields that i have divine benison and aquavale which are not identical in what they do but they do serve a similar function and similarly there are damage dealers who have a single target spell and an aoe version of that for example summoner has fester and pain flair which essentially do the same thing using the same resource but one a single target and the other one is aoe and i place them right next to each other across different jobs similar abilities should be placed on the same buttons and that begins with the role actions if you go through the different hotbars my role actions across one roll are identical this is important because when you get really used to pressing a button on a certain spot and suddenly it's not there anymore you're going to get all confused and this is going to destroy your muscle memory that you're really trying to get but also it doesn't stop at role actions for example i have a default button for damage buffs which is t and a little pet peeve of mine is that my movement abilities have to be on e over time you're going to develop something similar for different kinds of spells and at that point it's safe to say that you have successfully gained muscle memory if this video was helpful to you then you should definitely leave a like this way the youtube algorithm will promote it a bit more and you get queued with fewer people who use the default keybinds which is definitely something we should all strive for also if you're already in the process of changing your settings you should watch this video right here where i go over some more important settings for fire fantasy 14 that have made the game a lot better for me thanks for watching and i'll see in the next one peace you
Channel: Jolsn
Views: 121,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv, ff14, final fantasy 14, final fantasy xiv, keybinds, hotkeys, ffxiv keybinds, ffxiv keybinds guide, keybinds guide, hotkeys guide, mmorpg hotkeys, mmorpg keybinds, hotbar layout, role actions, layout, abilities, actions, hotbar, keys, mouse & keyboard, controller, mmorpg mouse, mmo mouse, g600
Id: 3itPj3z54YQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 29 2022
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