FFXIV: A Beginner's Guide To Tanking Your First Dungeon

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[Music] hello folks and welcome to so your first dungeon as a paladin what we're going to do is we're going to queue into satasha and it's not going to be a like a dungeon guide you know go here go here it's gonna be me going for it talking about some paladin stuff early on some general concepts for tanking and just all that sort of stuff really so if you're having your first dungeon as a tank and you're a bit worried about it now have a watch of this and let's see see what we can do with it i'm not doing satasha for a while actually so it should be pretty fun i'm going to do this live as i'm playing as well first thing i'm going to do um do you guys want to try big paws or small so what i'm doing now is i'm asking the chat very first thing turn on your tank stance that can always happen the reason i'm asking in the chat if you want to try big or small is because this is the first dungeon in low level dungeons and first dungeons i always ask do you guys want to try big or small end game dungeons i don't do that because it's morally assumed um so again this person said not confident that's no problem um we'll go we'll go a bit at a time see always ask at low level even if you're new it really helps people out so we're going to take this slow so we're going to we're gonna do these two to start off with um and i'm gonna because there's two of them i'm gonna focus on my riot blade combo once you get to about three enemies start using this total eclipse um but yeah we'll pull these uh pull this one i'm gonna do my combo i'm not doing my aoe yet because i'm gonna do that when i have three or more mobs it's just a bit um it's just a bit better um also i don't know what the puzzle elements of this fight are i was terrible at them so don't worry about that they say we should be good with bigger pulls so they've tried out what i'm going to do now is i'm going to hit all of them once throw a tomahawk as i'm going and now this person has said we're good with higher poles i'm going to keep pulling now as i'm running i'm tomahawking um just in case and i'm going to stop here i feel as though this is probably enough mobs so i am going to activate my arm's length from reprisal arm's length will slow the mob when it hits you reprisal also reduces uh damage by 10 now i just did an aoe there on two mobs that's fine you know don't at this level don't don't worry about it you know um you don't have to be crazy optimal with what you're doing just you know just try and uh just try your best really these it's a lot harder to do um aoe in these smaller dungeons um so i'm popping my damaged steroid just helping out with a bit of aoe notice there's only two mobs left i'll swap to my single target a few more mobs coming out so i'm going to pick them up with aoe and i'm just going to run through here and i'm going to pick up a bit more see how much we can you know push this one you know this looks like a good amount to me yeah okay let's push these i'm going to try and position myself where the rest of the mobs are coming i'm just going to keep hitting that r for me it's r but it's total eclipse and you're going to keep aggro don't worry about it um if as long as you've got your tank stance on you're going to keep your egg room so going back to single target because there's only two or three two mobs left um i'll do a bunch of pulls here so i'm gonna again get some aggro here i'm gonna run up i'm not gonna use my call down here because we're about to enter a boss room so i am just going to do a big reprisal here and hit nothing there we go see they killed it really fast which was funny so yeah you you will make mistakes but just have fun it's a dungeon you know um we're at our first boss again i suck at the colors here um so i'm gonna let these guys pick the color and we'll see what happens first thing i'm gonna do is um oh did they get it right nice nice oh gonna go hit the switch i'm gonna be doing purely single target so i'm gonna do a fast blade wait a bit do my damage boom and now just for this boss you are going to be doing your fast blade and your riot blade make sure to dodge aoe i could stun with low blow so bosses at lower level dungeons are stunnable at higher level dungeons not so much um i don't really use shield bash that much because it takes up a gcd but low blow is enough global so that will help as well we're going to do a bigger pull on this one the group's getting quite more confident so i'm gonna hit sprint now tom hawk to get the first one stop total eclipse to get the mobs run ahead that will keep you aggro for the most part got a tomahawk total eclipse hit my cooldown i'm losing aggro a little bit but that mob died you can watch your enemy list here as long as they stay red you are going to have good aggro if they start to turn orange you're slowly losing aggro you can lose aggro if people are hitting mobs as you're running but it's not it's not a big issue in all honesty if you hit them once or twice going back to my riot blade combo stunning for five seconds but he runs off anyway because that's part of the cutscene so if you're worried about tanking or anything like that just you know ask in the chat can i take it slow do you want bigger pulls if you die it doesn't matter it's a game chill you know have some fun with it i'm gonna do a big pull here i'm gonna hit provoke that kill these i'm gonna try and pull them to the archer because the archer is not moving and that means more aoe for everybody i'm going to go back to some single target now we're getting down to two mobs i'm going to go up and run to these other mobs now tomahawk i've got a riot blade so i'm gonna do that i'm gonna stick to my single target because there's only two mobs in later dungeons you will be having bigger packs and you will be pretty much exclusively using aoes um outside of bosses but it's good to get the practice in now hit my damage steroid go straight into a right blade turn the boss away i should have turned it a bit faster but that's okay always try and face bosses away if you can uh let's pick up that key and if kind of like this series we did the one to 90 skills which is good in theory but let's see how it's used in action you know so i'm gonna do this as the first dungeon and then you know if people like what's going on with this i'm going to um i'll do a high level dungeon maybe level 50 and then i'll do an end game dungeon and this is for people who are not too sure about tanking not sure how to approach it um just want to see how it would be done in general um i'm trying to help guide you for it essentially so yeah all that sort of fun but yeah these dungeons were redesigned recently with better graphics lighting and puffing like maybe a month or two ago and it's working quite well get the first mob with tomahawk wait for them to run in total eclipse total eclipse again hit reprisal there's only two mobs left i should have hit my fight or flight earlier but it's you know no big deal i've got it up now and it lasts quite a long time so can this boss be stunned yeah there we go hitting with the low blow always good to try and stun mobs if you can in high level dungeons the bosses don't let you get stunned we've got some dogs coming in gonna let them run in pick them up with total eclipse pick up the two friends total eclipse hit a cool down we go sorted so you don't have many skills with paladin early on but it's a good training ground for you to get ready for later dungeons uh we're gonna do big pier so tomahawk total eclipse sprint tomahawk total eclipse now this is a really big pack i'm gonna pull them back to the archer we're gonna hit arm's length which slows them down i'm gonna hit reprisal ten percent damage gonna use my damage steroid i'm gonna stun the archer to try and help yeah look at those numbers so yeah archers try and pull the mobs back to the range mob that way it's you don't have that one mob kind of stuck on the edge i think we'll be able to get into the final boss now hey there we go nice pacing of the dungeon looks like everyone's ready and we will pull this boss now i can't quite remember this boss i know that you have to stop the ripples from happening so i'll try and keep them close to one of them uh stun him yeah there we go i'll let my team deal with the ripples he's gonna cast so i can actually go and get these ripples here there we go put my mitigation up it's a damaged steroid a second stun is coming up stun him there we go there we go oh someone leveled up and gigi there he goes so i'm going to give a player calm to the healer so yeah that's the first dungeon it's nice quick not too stressful um i highly recommend going into it if you want to tank not even as a paladin as tanking as anything i know this this series is focused on paladin but um you know getting there and getting itty gritty with it so that's kind of my approach to it and i've played tank for a long time don't worry if you want to take your time okay ask in the chat see what people want to do see what you're also comfortable with as well once you've run the dungeon once or twice you got super confidence to run it three or four times with all those mobs so yeah that is so you want to run a dungeon your first dungeon as a paladin hopefully that helps if you like the video consider subscribing more videos to come but for now i am out [Music]
Channel: Taru TV
Views: 3,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final fantasy xiv, final fantasy 14, ffxiv, endwalker, guide, beginner, square, enix, gaming, final, fantasy, rotation, expansion, how to, abilities, skills, level, help, class, job, role, tank, tanking, discussion, MMORPG, FF, MMO, RPG, Paladin, Dungeon, Guide, First Dungeon, ff14, boss guide, dungeon guide, paladin guide, pld guide, beginner's guide, tips, mitigation, starter, new player
Id: rpX6x5sLqiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Mon May 23 2022
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