FFXIV 6.30+ Lancer/Dragoon Level 1-50 Starter Guide: New to the Job? Start here!

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this guide covers all the actions Lancer and Dragoon learns from Level 1 to 50 in order we go over how each action is meant to be used and recommend ways to use it when relevant in the summary we will cover a detailed attack rotation for use at level 50 that encompasses all of the things you learned throughout this guide now then truth rust is your starting weapon skill it is the first step in a three-step combo more commonly called a 123 combo so at this point you simply use this repeatedly at level 4 you learn the weapon skill War pull thrust this is your first option as a step 2 in your 123 combos at this point you simply alternate between true thrust and warpal thrust at 6 you learn the ability life surge this ability makes your next weapon skill do a critical hit guaranteed it also makes you heal for some of the damage keep in mind that if the weapon skill does additional damage over time this will not be affected by live surge take note that while weapon skills incur a 2.5 second recast timer where you can't cast another weapon skill abilities are unaffected by this recast timer and so can be cast between them however using any action incurs at least about half a second of Animation locking where you can cast nothing at all if you want to learn more about these Concepts I have two shots on the concepts of global cooldowns and weaving respectively that I highly recommend live search is best used between weapon skills using abilities between weapon skills is called weaving at this level you want to use live search on verbal thrust since it is your hardest hitting weapon skill at level 8 you learn the role action and ability Second Wind which heals you for a significant amount when in a group it is recommended to only use Second Wind if you are the only one that needs significant healing as otherwise the Healer will probably cast a party while heel anyway at level 10 you learn the roll action and ability leg sweep which stuns your Target and can stop enemies with telegraphed attacks with cast times as it's done it can also be used to help give your tank a bit of breathing room by stopping at least one enemy in its tracks for a bit at level 12 you learn the rule action and ability bloodbath which adds a life stealing effect to your attacks if you are actively taking damage or need a lot of healing over a longer period of time then bloodbath is likely stronger than second wind and using both may sometimes be excessive and cause you to lag options later at level 15 you learn the weapon skill piercing Talon which has a range of 20 arms keep in mind that the base run speed is 6 yards meaning in the recast time of piercing Talon you can run 15 yards significantly more if you sprint as such it is not always worth casting piercing Talent as you close in on enemies however if you're forced away from your target for a bit you can cast piercing Talon to keep up some damage output piercing Talent does not cancel your combos at level 18 you learn the weapon skill disembowel which is your second option for the second step of your 123 combos while it does less damage than vorpal thrust it applies a damage buff to you for a while and so you should use true thrust disembowel first and then use verbal thrust instead of disembowel only if the buff is running try to reapply the buff as close to it running out as possible at level 22 you learn the roll action and ability faint which causes your target to do less damage for a bit with physical damage being reduced twice as much the best time to use fade is When You're Expecting a large amount of damage from an enemy especially if you know it will be physical good examples include when a boss is casting a party-wide attack or a large hit on the tank at level 26 you learn weapon skill full thrust which is your strongest attack by far and the combo finisher for the combo involving warble thrust from now on you'll want to use live search on full thrust keep in mind that this sometimes means live search will sit ready for several seconds as you prepare to use full thrust which is okay at level 30 you learn the ability lens charge which boosts your damage for a while on a one minute cooldown when starting a fight you should use Lance charge immediately after disembowel and in the middle of a fight simply use land charge when it is ready if you have a significant amount of skill speed such that the recast timer on your weapon skills is 2.45 or less you may be able to fit a ninth extra weapon skill in the duration of Lance charge if you perform a so-called late weave which involves casting Lance charge as late in the weapon skill cooldown as possible without delaying the weapon skill itself however should your weapon skill recast time be higher than that then late weaving will not help you very much while using line search during land's charge will maximize the value of it you should not make a point of delaying live search to use during lens charge as this causes you to lose out on far more damage due to live searches you didn't get to use you should continue to use live search on full thrust whenever it comes up and live search is available also level 30 doing your class questline will eventually lead you to the Dragoon quest which is available once you complete the main scenario Quest self-management once you unlock the raccoon remember to equip your soul crystal to change into the Dragoon job the starting action of the Dragoon is the ability jump which simply does some damage to your Target and momentarily moves you to each position be aware that in the fraction of a second that you land on the enemy you can be hit by attacks targeting that location additionally take note that the animation lock on jump is noticeably longer than on other abilities so it may be healthy to consider weaving it alone between two weapon skills or at least not alongside another jump style ability in the style part of a fight you should weave jump after lens charge and then whenever it is available if done correctly then jump will naturally fall into the duration of land's charge consistently however should something happen to delay either one to cause them to drift apart it is typically better to use jump whenever it is available compared to delaying it for a significant amount of time take note that you should not stop to use jump if your weapon skill is ready to use which does indeed lead to the optimal approach being running up to the Target swinging at them and then jumping at level 32 you learn the roll action and ability arms length which makes you immune to most knockbacks and also has the additional effect that if an enemy swings at you it reduces their attack speed for a while this is a very strong defensive tool if you need it so consider using this ability when you are targeted by enemies especially if the tank dies for instance at level 35 you learn the ability elusive jump which causes you to backflip 15 yards very quickly take note that this can not be used to jump over walls or gaps in the floor if you angle your character correctly you can use it to move in any direction you wish for instance to more quickly reach the boss you can also use it to Dodge Boss mechanics but just keep in mind you need to touch the ground before your location actually changes otherwise the attack will still hit you at level 40 you learn the weapon skill Dooms back with three or more targets you should use this attack instead of all other weapon skills with the one exception that if the fight will last at least 30 seconds and there are only three targets no more and no less than using true thrust and disembowel for the damage buff is worth it in area of effect fights like this or AOE for short using live search on Doom's back is also better than using it on full thrust at level 45 you learn the abilities behind Shadow dive which on a minute cooldown does some damage and also moves you to attack its location like jump spine Shadow dive also takes noticeably longer solved spine Jetta dive can be used as a gap closing option however as it perfectly lines up with the lens charge and does decent damage in most situations it is recommended to use it after lens charge if you know you will need the mobility to save time running with your weapon skill ready then it is worth saving spine Shadow die for this as the damage gained from pairing it with lands charge is not that large at level 50 you learn the weapon skill chaos thrust which is the combo finisher for the disembowel combo doing a decent amount of damage and applying a damage over time component or dot for short to the Target the full damage of chaos thrust is much greater than that of full thrust but keep in mind that live surge only boosts The Upfront damage so you should still use live surge on full thrust additionally chaos thrusters slightly more damage when you use it from behind an enemy indicated by the open part of the targeting reticle if there is no open path then you can hit it from anywhere and it still works as intended when playing alone don't worry about this but in a group try to always use it from behind the target as a final note on three or four targets if the fight lasts at least 24 seconds it is worth using a chaos rust combo specifically for the purpose of getting the disemboweled buff but also following up with chaos rust is still worth it on five or more targets it is still not worth getting the buff up and you should skip directly to Doom's bike you also learn the ability dragon fire dive which just like spine shadow type moves you to your Target and also takes noticeably longer to resolve Dragonfire dive does a lot of AOE damage and should generally be paired up with every second Lance charge due to dragonfly dive's two minute cooldown you should not save Dragonfire die for Mobility reasons also learn the role action and ability True North which makes all attacks with some sort of positional bonus like chaos thrust automatically succeed as you have just the one attack with such a requirement it is not that impactful but it is worth learning to use this action since you may benefit a lot more from it at a higher level now to round off let's cover an actual boss fight opener and rotation you can use elusive jump to backflip towards the bus or you can simply Sprint up to them depending on preference start with true thrust followed by disembowel and then weave lens charge depending on skill speed you may prefer to late wee bit then use chaos rust and weave Jump Then use true thrust weaving dragon fire dive and then warble thrust weaving live search and spine Shadow dive and finish with full thrust if you find it difficult to properly weave spine Shadow dive here you can use it after full thrust too after that your general rotation is to use pretty much all of your cooldowns when they ready except live search which should be paired with the next full thrust when possible for your weapon skills you alternate between three sets of the full thrust combo and one set of the chaos thrust combo to reapply the disembowel buff if there are two Targets and they both will live at least 12 seconds using two sets of chaos thrust and 2 sets of full thrust is beneficial for AOE on 3 or 4 targets you can use the chaos rust combo to keep up the buff from decent battle and then use Doom spikes repeatedly on 5 or more Targets this is not worth it and you should simply spam Doom's back use live search on Doom's bike and continue to use all of your cooldowns as previously mentioned now that is all for this video thank you so much for watching if you want to support me and my channel you can like the video leave a comment subscribe and hit the Bell to get notified when next I post a video if you want to give even more support than that you can also become a member of the channel fun fact before shadowbringers spine shadow had a stun component to it which no one used it for given that it also did damage more importantly spine Shadow dive also granted the dive ready buff which made a crucially important impact on your damage at level 70.
Channel: Caetsu Chaiji Ch.
Views: 30,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ff14, ffxiv, final, fantasy, ARR, Realm, Reborn, HW, Heavensward, SB, Stormblood, ShB, Shadowbringers, EW, Endwalker, Guide, Jumping, Spear, Dragon, Dive
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 08 2023
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