FFXIV 6.28+ Samurai Level 50 Starter Guide: New to the job? Start here!

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if you're about to pick up Samurai for the first time and find it a bit overwhelming to get started then this video is for you this guide will teach you how to play Samurai in end poker at level 50 specifically including everything from weapon skills to abilities this guide will not really cover roll actions as they do not directly affect your attack rotation in a meaningful way however take note that they are helpful defensively in each their own way when used situationally now then let's start with your combos you have three different combo sequences at level 50 with both similar and different uses whenever you finish a combo or more precisely correctly use the final step of your combo you are given a sin according to that combo these sen are unique so doing the same combo twice in a row will not award your Ascent both times unless you spend the Zen in between combos we will cover what sins are a bit later let's focus on combos for now your first combo hakase jinpoo Gekko gives you a 10 damage bonus called fugetsu caused by jinpoo as well as the sen getson additionally Gekko does extra damage when performed from behind your target your second combo hakase Shifu Kasha gives you a 10 production in weapon skill recast times caused by fuka from Shifu as well as the sen Ka additionally Kasha does extra damage when performed from the side of your target your third combo hakase yukikase simply gives you the sin setsu and does not have a positional the general rotation revolves around bringing both of your Buffs up as quickly and efficiently as possible and then keep refreshing them throughout the fight because the Shifu buff makes you attack faster it is recommended to apply this one first outside of cooldowns I will explain what I mean by this a bit later focusing on just your weapons game this means that your opener in a fight could look something like this hakase shivu Kasha akase jinpoo this then leads us to the EI jutsus they send Spenders the weapon skill III jusu is an action that changes into one of three actions depending on how many sen you have it does not care which sin you have just how many if you have one sin it turns into hikan bana a damage over time effect or dot for short that lasts for a long time if you have two sin it turns into tenka goken an area of effect attack or AOE for short if you have three Zen it turns into midari satsugeka while it does a lot of upfront damage and always critically strikes for even more power he can banana does significantly more over its duration keep in mind that effects like higan bana actually memorizes your stats at the time of application a feature known as snapshotting so applying higan Banner with jintos who gets so active does 10 more damage than applying it without it since you cannot pick and choose how many sen you want to use you have to use he can Banner when you have one sin if you want to use it how this fits into the rotation is simple if you have both Buffs up and he can Banner is either not active or is about to run out you use it when you can if he can balance just fine you can use mid-autisukeca for a big hit using EI Jutsu does not cancel your current combo and as such this means your opener continues as follows the five actions as seen before hakase Shifu Kasha hakase jinpoo and then we use higan bana followed by Gekko to finish the combo at this point the best option to continue your sequence with is hakase yukikase since both of your Buffs are recently applied essentially the rotation Loop is to cycle through the three combos in some order to make sure both Buffs are running and to never use a combo if you already have this in and won't be able to spend it in time to break up this sequence a bit we have the ability make your shisui it enables you to use any of your combo actions freely three times more precisely you can use jinpoo immediately without hakase or more importantly Gekko instantly without having to go through the two prior steps using these three actions does however break your existing combo so try to only use this ability after finishing a combo sequence the best way to use make yoshisui is to only use the combo finishers with it meaning Gekko Kasha and yukikase in fact if you want to be the most effective only use it on Gekko and Kasha this is because they do the most damage and saves you the most time not to mention Gekko and Kasha will apply the Buffs associated with jinpo and Shifu respectively when used during make your shisui allowing you to skip that step entirely too for some examples of best practices with make your shisui you can use it while not having any followed by Gekko ikanbana Kasha Gekko akase yukikase or as another option if you already have setsu that you can say sen use Gekko Kasha midar setsuke and then Gekko or Kasha depending on which buff you want to apply first if you have both setsu and another sin you can also start with this and you don't have without a set of gecko gecko Kasha and go from there spending one of the make yoshisui usages on Yugi Kasai is also fine in fact it is not uncommon to do exactly that at max level when optimizing for burst damage just keep in mind that the other options are better in terms of time saved overall which outside of heavy raid optimization automatically results in more damage make Yoshi sui also gives rise to a much more optimal opener compared to the one described earlier Start a Fight by using make your shisui as you run up to your Target and then use Gekko first followed by higan bana then Kasha and then Gekko again the roll action True North can allow you to ignore positionals increasing the damage of Gekko and Kasha in opener alternatively if your target will not live for very long you can open with make your shisui Gekko Kasha yukikase the base open I described earlier can still serve your will for any situation where you either can't access make your shisui or want or need to save it for something else whatever reason that may be the reason we always start with Gekko first when opening with make yoshisui is because when these two Buffs are added back to back the benefit of boosting the damage of Kasha outweighs the benefit of casting Gekko quicker next let's talk about AOE rotation you want to employ a rotations when there are three targets or more and to do that you have two combo sequences to use the first one this sequence gives you quetzu the same Zen as the gecko combo it also gives you the damage boosting buff jinpoo applies your other combo sequence fuga Oka works the same way instead grinding car and the speed boosting buff from Shifu on three Targets in terms of raw damage the ei2 tankagogan beats midari satsuke and on four targets it beats higan Banner however in situations with three or more targets enemies are not likely to survive long enough for hikanbana to be worth it in the first place this means that your AOE rotation on three or more targets becomes puga man gets it puga Oka tenkagoken repeat keep in mind that furuka specifically is a frontal cone attack while all your other AOE attacks are circularies position yourself accordingly additionally if you have make your shisui available you can use it followed by mangetsu okay Tenga gokin mangetsu to get you started when there are only two Targets the rotation turns into an odd combination of both single Target and AOE rotations start by getting both of your Buffs up either do it with fuga mangetsu fuga Oka tenkagokin or if you just make your shis we use Keiko Kasha tenkagokin followed by gecko or Kasha consider using True North for this additionally if you know either of the targets will live for at least 30 seconds apply he can Banner to them this means an opener like makes your shisui Gekko ikanbana Kasha higanbana Gekko so apply to both or make Yoshi sweet Gekko ikampana Kasha gecko senkagoken for just the one the reason why the AOE finishers are used outside of make sure she sui is that the fact that they are one step shorter to get the sand compensates for the lower total potency however during nature Gecko and kasha's disadvantage of being three steps is completely removed now one should have gotten your Buffs up and applied higanbana as you need this is when it starts to get really weird tenka gokin on just two Targets is more effective than midari setsuke due to dealing nearly the same damage meaning the main benefit of midasuke is its guaranteed critical strikes this is not worth the effort of a full third sand though since you only need two sin to do tenka goken and your yukikase combo is objectively better than your AV combos in every way on two Targets this leads to the following rotation Kruger then manketsu or Oka depending on which buff is closest to run out then hakase followed by Yuki cassai and then use Tenga gokin a clear demonstration of this is as follows puga mangetsu pakase yukikase yukikase repeat as this combines an AOE attack normally intended for three or more targets with a two-step single target attack let's call this the 3-2 tankakoken combo let's summarize for single Target open with make Yoshi sui into gecko hikanpana Kasha to get your Buffs and debuffs up then you simply cycle through gaining sin prioritizing the least recent one and make your best effort to use make sure shisui only for Gekko and Kasha if you can which typically means using yukikase just before make your shisui if you reach 3 sin use without a Setauket an additional tip is if possible to apply he can Banner specifically with hakase yukikase ikanbana as the shorter combo means that it costs less time to apply which means more damage over the course of a fight for two Targets you apply both Buffs with ocher and mangetsu if either Target will live long enough for he can Banner make sure to use mangetsu first for the damage bonus then move on to the 3-2 tenkagoken combo for three targets you simply alternate between the ocher and mangetsu combo and finish with Tenga Goku repeatedly remember if you use make Yushi on two Targets use Gecko and Kasha in place of yukikase and AOE combo finishers during it for three or more targets using make your shisui simply lets you skip fuga to finish let's take a short look at your defensive options namely third eye and NP third eye is a very weak 10 damage reduction for the first hit within 4 seconds once you unlock the Kanki gauge at level 52 successfully reducing damage with third eye will also give you 10 of this resource worth around 100 potency and damage making regular use of third eye is really helpful especially when alone NP with its very weak 100 potency should only be used if you can't reach the target at all take note that NP does not break your combo so if necessary you can always step away and use NP for a bit for safety keep in mind your character runs about 6 yards per second by default so without Sprint in one weapon skills recast time you will run about 15 yards meaning that using NP as you run towards a Target is only really worth it if you run the full distance before your weapon skills are ready again now that is all for this video thank you so much for watching if you want to support me and my channel you can like the video leave a comment subscribe and hit the Bell to get notified when next I post a video if you want to give even more support than that you can also become a member of the channel fun fact despite Samurai being known for its incredible burst damage potential its strongest attack by far is still he can Banner
Channel: Caetsu Chaiji Ch.
Views: 13,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ff14, ffxiv, final, fantasy, ARR, Realm, Reborn, HW, Heavensward, SB, Stormblood, ShB, Shadowbringers, EW, Endwalker, Guide, Melee, Samurai, Japanese
Id: 4uXbzcvIMGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2022
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