Thaumaturge/Black Mage Starter Guide for Level 1-50: New to the Job? Start Here! [FFXIV 6.45+]

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this guide covers all the actions telemetric and black mage learns from Level 1 to 50 in order we go about how ejection is meant to be used and recommend ways to use it when relevant in the summary we'll cover a detailed attack rotation for use at level 50 that encompasses all of the things you learned throughout this guide now then blizzard is your starting spell I will refer to it as blizzard 1 for the sake of clarity using blizzard 1 makes you enter the umbral ice State signified by one to three blue shards in your Elemental gauge and the number of shards corresponds to the level or stage of overall ice you are in to start you only have access to the first stage but later on casting blizzard one again will increase the level the umbral eye state has these effects as shown the important part is that it causes you to recover an enormous amount of MP every 3 seconds keep in mind that MP recovery is directly tied to server ticks which happen independently from you entering this state so sometimes the first take happens half a second after you enter estate other times it takes the full three seconds as black Mages have very limited opportunities to actually move during combat it may be helpful to learn about the concept known as slight casting I have a short explaining the subject if you're interested at level 2 you learn the spell fire which I will refer to as fire 1 for clarity using fire 1 will make you exit the umbral eye state if you were in it otherwise it will instead put you in the astral fire State opposite to the umbral eye State astral fire has these effects as shown the important part is that you don't recover MP at all but your fire spells hit much harder naturally blizzard 1 will also cancel astral fire instead of entering on real ice if you are in astral fire State when you cast blizzard 1 since level 1 you also have the trait aspect Mastery which makes your fire spells free during umbrella ice and your eye spills free during astral fire at this level this isn't a particularly important effect for now you should cast fire 1 until you can only cast explicit one after which you switch to Blizzard 1 until we have full MP then cast fire 1 again at level 4 you learn the ability tram's pose if you are in either umbral eyes or asphalt fire State using transpose will swap you to the first level of the opposite state if you are not in a state then transpose does nothing whenever you need to switch State use transpose instead of casting fire 1 or blizzard 1 twice a tip regarding transpose is that it also resets the duration of your current state so you could use it repeatedly out of combat to stay in a state which allows you to kick start your rotation faster at level 6 you learn the spell Thunder or thunder 1 for clarity this Spell applies a damage over time effect or dot for short if the target survives the full duration of the dot it does slightly more damage than fire 1 boosted by stage 1 of Astral fire so it is generally recommended to make sure Thunder one is always up on your target optimally consider reapplying Thunder during umbral ice since explicit one is the weaker option there by far at level 8 we learn the Rolex and ability Addle which causes your target to do less damage for a bit with magical damage being reduced twice as much the best time to use adult is When You're Expecting a large amount of damage from an enemy especially if you know it will be magical good examples include when a boss is casting a party-wide attack or a large strike on the tank at level 10 we learn the roll action that spells sleep however outside of extraordinary situations are a perhaps solo situations crowd control is rarely used at all so you may never find this spell very helpful notably the damage over time component of Thunder does not break sleep at level 12 you learn the spell blizzard 2 which does damage in an area of effect or AOE for short around your Target and just like blizzard 1 makes you into umbrella ice or exit astral fire due to a longer cast time blizzard 2 beats blizzard 1 on 3 targets and is equal to fire 1 in power on 3 targets making it unnecessary to bother switching to astral fire in the first place blizzard 2 beats Thunder 1 on 4 or more targets but that's assuming the enemies survived the full duration of thunder 1. so for three or more targets I recommend just using blizzard too at level 14 you learn the rule action and ability lucid dreaming if you end up in a situation where you are not in either State and are also completely out of MP you can use lucid dreaming to recover as it recovers 550 MP every 3 seconds at high levels there are strategies that employ lucid dreaming for a very Niche optimizations but in normal play this ability is not very helpful to Black Mages at level 15 you learn the spell scathe which does instant damage that is unaffected by the effects of both umbral ice and astral fire as such even with its chance to do double damage is activated a so-called proc it will still be much weaker than fire one the only benefit to using skate is that it is instant so it is viable while on the move as it does not benefit from astral fire in any way using skate while an umbral ice allows you to recover MP which does help in general it is worth mentioning that the ineffectiveness of this spill is to a degree that a significant amount of black Mages never use it at level 18 you learn the spell Fire 2 which is a fire version of Blizzard 2 in every way on three or more targets use Fire 2 until you are low on MP then use transpose and switch to Blizzard 2 until you're full and MP and then transpose again if you have enough MP to do so you can also finish an astral fire state with a fire 1 cast if you deem it worthwhile also at level 18 you learn the rule actions and ability swiftcast which allows you to skip the cast time of your next spell with a cast time this can be useful to cast an extra spill while running or to keep up the attack while you reposition at level 20 you learn the trade aspect Mastery 2 which unlocks access to umbral eyes 2 and astral Fire 2 which have the following effects compared to their stage 1 equivalents as shown the key difference is that astral fire does even more damage and umbral Ice recovers MP even faster using an eye spill while an umbral Ice 1 will advance you to umbral ICE 2 and using a fire spill while an asphalt fire one will advance you to astral fire 2 using the opposite element will still reset you to no State and transpose will always switch you to the first level of the opposite State at this level fire 1 in astral Fire 2 is stronger than thunder so it may be preferable to really prioritize applying Thunder while you're in umbrella ice anyway at level 26 you learn the spill Thunder 2 which is an AOE alternative to thunder 1. thunder 2 is stronger than thunder 1 on 2 targets despite that it is recommended to only use Thunder 2 on 3 or more targets due to the trait unlocked at level 28 take note that a single enemy cannot be affected by both Thunder one and Thunder 2 at the same time so on two Targets you can simply apply Thunder one to each enemy on three or more targets apply Thunder 2 whenever it runs out on your targets although preferably it should be done during umbral ice if possible at level 28 you learn the passive trait Thundercloud which causes your thunder 1 to have a 10 chance and you thunder 2 to have a 3 chance every take of damage to cause the Thundercloud effect this effect makes your next Thunder Spell instant free and in addition to applying its normal damage and damage over time effect also will do its full damage over time effect up front as a bonus Dodge deal damage every 3 seconds and a server take as such we can expect a DOT with a duration of 18 seconds to hit a total of 6 times for the listed potency this trade makes it crucially important that Thunder is always up on your target as the Thundercloud boosted Thunder spill regardless of which one is better than all of your other Spells at the moment you should also use Thundercloud procs immediately when you get them unless you know for certain that you will need the instant cast to keep up the attack within a couple of seconds at level 30 you learn the ability Mana Ward which puts a shield on you that weirdly does not cost any MP when you expect big damage to come your way use this I would not recommend that you use it to eat avoidable damage but I guess I cannot stop you from doing so so just make sure to use it early if you do do that also at level 30 do giving your class questline will eventually lead you to the Black Mage quest which is available once you complete the main scenario Quest self-management once you unlock the Black Mage remember to equip your soul crystal to change into the Black Mage job the starting action of the Black Mage is Mana font which immediately recovers 30 of your MP even in astral fire State while the cooldown is rather long the payoff is relatively small so you should simply use it as often as you can in astral firestate while you have less than 7000 MP optimally you want to weave it right after an instant spill like a thundercloud proc Thunder cast this is because using it after a casted spell will delay your next spell cast due to animation locking this also holds for any other abilities such as swiftcast or transpose however ball transpose it is not like you have a choice most of the time at level 35 you learn the trade aspect Mastery 3 which unlocks access to umbral ICE 3 and astral Fire 3 which have the following effects compared to their stage 1 and 2 equivalents on Pro ice3 can max out your MP in Just 2 ticks instead of three and it also makes ice spells completely free both of the stage 3 states also cut the cast time in half of the Spells at the opposite element aspect Mastery 3 also calls a splitter 2 and Fire 2 to instantly both remove the opposite state but also max out their respective states allowing you to easily switch between elements on AOE and also makes use of the fact that the opposite element spills are free you also learn the Spells blizzard 3 and Fire 3 which both have significantly higher cast times and MP costs than blizzard 1 and fire one and not the damage to compensate for it their main purpose is that they also allow you to instantly switch to stage 3 of umbral ice or astral fire on top of this the long cast times are a non-issue due to the stage 3 bonus of cutting the cast time in half of the opposite element blizzard 3 and Fire 3 should only be used to switch State and they are not worth casting in other situations this means that now your rotation requires you to keep up thunder and cast Thunder whenever Thundercloud progs and then you use Fire 3 followed by fire 1 until you can't anymore then use blizzard 3 and spam blizzard 1 until you're full on MP and then repeat usually you need to use two spills aside from blizzard 3 to reach full MP you can still use transpose to stay in a state while running between fives but it is not very important for your rotation right now at level 40 you learn this build freeze which does more damage than blizzard 2 but can only be used if you already are in umbral eyes additionally freeze does not refresh the April ice timer at this level your umbrella ice State on AOE starts with blizzard 2 followed by Thunder 2 and then if not at full MP yet Muse freeze as long as you have at least 9000 MP it is safe to enter astral fire as you will only be able to afford three fire twos after entering astral fire anyway at level 42 you learn the trade Firestarter which gives your fire one a high chance of making your next player 3 cast free and instant if you pay attention to your action bars you can see the dashed lines around Fire 3 indicating this proc about half a second before your cast of fire one finishes and you can and should immediately use this proc at no loss if you don't catch the proc and time and are already busy casting another spell don't cancel and simply use Fire 3 after that spell instead if you have both Firestarter and Thundercloud use Thundercloud first edible 44 you learn the roll action that ability sure cast this ability makes you immune to most knockbacks but also makes you immune to Interruption as a result of damage what this means is that sometimes when you're hit with a particularly powerful attack your casting is stopped this cannot happen when sure cast is active at level 45 Thunder 1 is permanently upgraded to thunder 3 which significantly increases its duration and damage this doesn't really change much since you already wanted to use Thundercloud procs as soon as you got them Thunder 2 is still barely better on three or more targets at level 50 you learn the ability ethereal manipulation which allows you to quickly teleport to the exact position of any other player in your party you should practice the use of this ability a lot as it is crucial to optimizing your play as a black mage you also learn the spelled Flair which can only be used in astral fire and is affected by it and when cast immediately dispense all the MP you have an interesting detail about Flair is that as long as we have at least 800 MP it will let you use it you should always make sure to finish every AOE astral fire state with Flare for single Target flare is not worth using to cap off astral fire unless you can pair it with swiftcast to skip the enormous cast time which additionally should only be weaved on a thundercloud proc or a Firestarter proc which you should not save specifically for this Flair is worth finishing astral firestage with on two or more targets without swiftcast Mana font can also allow you to cast an additional flare after the first one if you like do note however that you can afford both a fire one and flare after manathon now to round off let's cover an actual boss fight opener and rotation lead with thunder 3 then Fire 3 and then spam fire 1 using procs as you get them if you need to Kickstart the rotation faster you can also use swiftcast to skip this somewhat slow cast of the initial fire 3. use swiftcast and then Fire 3 first then Thunder 3. if you get Thundercloud or Firestarter you can weave Mana font after them once you are below 7000 MP this then leads to the general rotation the umbral ice state is initiated with blizzard 3 and then fills with thunder 3 and Thundercloud procs if you get any and blizzard 1 until you have full MP after which the umbral ice date is exited with fire 3. the astral fire state is initiated with Fire 3 and fills with fire ones while using any Thundercloud or Firestarter procs as soon as you get them if Thunder runs out during astral fire you should reapply it even in azure fire once you don't have any MP left to use fire one exit astral fire with blizzard 3. if you have swiftcast and you know you won't need it you can use it after a fire starter Thundercloud proc after your final fire one to finish with Flare note that the damage gained from using this trick is very small so if you need the swiftcast for something else it is better to save it on two Targets you can also use Flair to finish every astral fire State regardless of whether you use swiftcast or not although swiftcast does make it even better make sure to use Marathon for the extra one or maybe two fire ones it may yield on three or more targets replaced under 3 with Thunder 2 Fire 1 and 3 with Fire 2 and replace blizzard 3 with blizzard 2 and blizzard 1 with freeze using freeze as the extra filler if you need it always finish as for fire states with flair on three or more targets and make sure to use Thundercloud procs on Thunder 2 whenever you get them if Mana found is available you can use it either to use flare twice back to back or you can use fire one followed by flare so the extra MP does not go entirely to waste although using flare quicker may be more valuable it is important that you enter asphalt fire with at least 9800 MP as otherwise you won't be able to cast flare at the end additionally do not cast Thunder 2 without Thundercloud during astral fire finally if you have an ether that grants at least 800 MP any high quality either will do or anything above Mega either for normal quality you can use this to chain an additional flare cast if you don't need swiftcast for anything else remember that swiftcasting Flair is also great on AOE now that is all for this video thank you so much for watching if you want to support me on my channel you can make sure to let the YouTube algorithm know by liking the video leaving a comment subscribing and hitting the Bell to get notified when next I post a video and if you want to give even more support than that you can also become a member of the channel like these wonderful people here fun fact before end Walker you learned Fire 3 at level 35 but learned blizzard 3 and aspect Mastery 3 oh rather the equivalent at the time at level 40 meaning that fire 3 was not very helpful for the first five levels you had it the trade magic and mend 2 originally just also granted access to umbral ICE 3 and asphalt Fire 3 as a side bonus
Channel: Caetsu Chaiji Ch.
Views: 32,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ff14, ffxiv, final, fantasy, ARR, Realm, Reborn, HW, Heavensward, SB, Stormblood, ShB, Shadowbringers, EW, Endwalker, Guide, THM, Thaumaturge, BLM, Black, Mage, Magic, Flare, Xenoglossy, Transpose, Lines
Id: s7dSbjLnHyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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