FFT JOB FOCUS - TIME MAGE - Guide to Abilities, Equipment, Stats

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foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] manipulating time and space as if it were clay in the hands of a sculptor the time age is not your typical ranged caster harnessing the physical nature of the universe comes with atypical results in battle to both the benefit of your allies and the detriment of your foes speeding up Allies so they take their turns faster or even immediately and dampening time for your enemies so they don't act as often is how time Mages bring value to your roster sticking units in place to bring devastating meteors from space onto is also within the realm of possibility for these support units time ages also have access to some of the highest value abilities in the game and are available relatively quickly in your journey so taking the effort to grow on is well worth it hi I'm Mikey from tactics live tournament and today I have another episode in the job Focus series The goal of these videos is to crack open the hood on each class present technical information in a simplified way and help you make better choices when raising your squad in today's job Focus we're going to do a deep dive into the Thai Mage class looking at their equipment choices how their abilities work and touch on how to manage their stats if a strong Caster with an interesting ability set is missing from your PVP roster single player story played through let's slow it down a bit and not get too hasty as we get into a Time age job Focus session [Music] time ages offer up some of the most important abilities in the game and are worth investing job points into when they become available early on in your progression while they may not seem like a worthwhile upgrade from their prerequisite Black Mage job because they do not specialize in damage dealing they're support oriented abilities help bolster other units Effectiveness and decrease the enemies while time Magics are dependent on faith for Effectiveness they do boast some high success rates for most spells and your most frequently used Magics are very quick to cast if you're worried time ages are going to be frail or stunt your unit's growth not to worry as they have decent class and growth stats to unlock the time age you will need a level 2 chemist and a level 3 Black Mage seeing as how we will be using time age abilities throughout the rest of our journey well into end game it is fortunate we are able to start learning them early on [Music] the typical Mage Loadout we can expect some predictable gear selections for our Time Mage stabs are our main hand weapon of choice and stabs only you're going to want to boost your ma if possible though the options to do so with this weapon type are Slim for the rest of your equipment you can Don robes for ma bonuses or clothes to look for Speed bonuses where possible hats are also available to you and again you can look to maximize your successive time Magics with ma boost or be a speedy support with Boost to speed for your accessory the doors are wide open and your choice of defensive items and may boosting gloves or extra movement for your teleport are all good picks go with whatever complements the rest of your build best foreign [Music] our time ages the equipment they need to be the best support possible let's get into the abilities that will deliver on that promise all time Magics follow the standard faith-based calculations we've seen from other jobs that's going to be your faith as a percentage multiplied by your Target's Faith as a percentage you multiply this against your time ages ma stat plus the innate success rate which varies between abilities meteor hits automatically and its damage is calculated much like other time Magics following the standard Faith formula but now multiplied by your ma times 60. definitely expect some big numbers for all that waiting your basic skills haste and slow have very high success rates and cast in only two clock ticks getting these two spells should be your highest priority and using them at the start of the battle will deliver a lot of value the upgraded version of these spells offer higher success rates and three height of effect versus the height of zero for the standard versions you can safely save these for later immobilize is devastating against enemy melee units and has a great success rate stop is equally punishing against every unit type that is vulnerable to it and very difficult to remove while I mention that time ages have no damage dealing that's not entirely true thanks to gravity and gravica which reduce the target HP by 25 and 50 respectively these are amazing ways to get through a tank's defenses or reduce bosses down to manageable sizes not to be overlooked utility spells like reflect and Float have their uses in certain situations reflect is great if you know you'll be facing casters won't rely on white Magics to sustain your team while float will safely Grant you passage over obstacles like water or lava by raising you one height above the ground quick grants 100 count time to the unit it's successfully cast on granting them an immediate turn and success is not high so don't rely on the skill as a Cornerstone to your strategy though using quick on an ally with magic counter will send the spell right back to the caster for some interesting looping if it lands on both targets the last and final timemate spell is rather useless if not completely for show and that's meteor it is quite powerful with a huge effect radius but is excruciatingly slow taking 13 clock ticks to cast [Music] for reaction abilities you have one of the best skills in the game to learn for a measly 400 job points and that's Mana Shield getting the skill in your melee units is a worthwhile grind as it finally puts their useless MP to good use it can serve a defensive purpose for your casters as well but remember they still need MP to cast their spells time ages can also learn critical quick which I recommend way less is getting yourself into critical State just for an extra turn is a desperate move in an easy circumstance to avoid for the enemy for passive skills and a whopping 1 000 job points you can learn swiftness which halves the cast time for all of your spells this is not just great for the time age whose abilities already fire off relatively quickly but for jobs like Summoners and white Mages who need their effects on the battlefield ASAP again you'll find an incredibly important skill on the movement ability section teleport this skill allows you to pass through obstacles or units and reappear potentially anywhere on the map depending on your movement rate for each towel you want to move beyond your normal range subtract 10 from your success rate that means a character with a move of four will have a 70 chance to move seven spaces the other moving ability skill levitate is pretty useless and a permanent float skill can be safely skipped over foreign [Music] let's take a look now at the class and grow stats for our Time Mage like other jobs of this type we are given the standard three move three jump and five percent class evasion when we look at our class stats things are looking a little better and a little more atypical a small head to our HP was 75 120 to our MP is great 52rpa can be expected but 130 to our ma is most welcome with standard 100 to our speed clearly this is a high-powered Mage ready to flex that magical muscle for stack growth we have fairly decent HP and very good MP growth our PA could definitely be worse considering and our Ma and speed remains standard it is nice to see that switching to a Time Mage from a black mage won't lower your total power output too much providing a good Baseline to ensure higher success rates for your abilities and while you're grinding out key skills you aren't hampered with poor stack growth [Music] being the immediate upgrade from the all-powerful Black Mage the time age can be difficult to get accustomed with it does not take long however to realize their value and learn enough skills to last you throughout the game increasing the chances of success for your time Magics depends on your faith the faith of the Target and your ma stat look to your equipment to raise this important stat haste slow and immobilize are your base skills to learn first provide amazing value when used at the start of the battle don't discount gravity for tougher units and story bosses Mana Shield should be a high priority for melee units so plan on taking them down this jaw path at some point the skill serves casters less but still worthwhile to pick up teleport is one of the best moving abilities in the game for both casters and close combat Fighters remember that your move stat determines your teleport range and success rates for extending beyond that they are reduced for 10 percent for every tile you want to move Beyond Your Move rate foreign this concludes this episode of the job Focus series with the Time Mage if you enjoyed today's content throwing out a like is a great way to show your appreciation in getting the video in front of more people by subscribing to the channel you're joining a community of passionate Final Fantasy Tactics players that one day you may be playing with or against in War of the Lions multiplayer the mission of this channel is to get more Rendezvous and melee matches going between all of us and eventually have a tournament to really showcase how fun and exciting these features can be if you're still enjoying this game 25 years after its release it's for a reason and all of us here feel the same way so if you haven't yet hit that subscribe button and help make our mission of a live tournament a reality this is Mikey from tactics live tournament signing off I will see you in the next video and until then be well everyone [Music] [Music]
Channel: Tactics Live Tournament
Views: 2,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final fantasy tactics, war of the lions, psp, fft pvp, fft live, tactics multiplayer
Id: nCzr0QlriMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 15 2022
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