Final Fantasy Tactics Best Agrias Builds

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welcome back everyone this is Jason and Jace bringing you some builds with everyone's favorite fft character evalisa's Next Top Model agrius Oaks I'll be showing some various setups including a brief recap of my best build for her I made a while back just increase her bravery to 97 for best results and to lower her faith if you'd rather be more melee focused let's get started [Music] it's time to make it to the top or her ultimate Holy Night setup equip Chaos Blade escutcheon 2 ribbon Grand armor and Tyner Rouge you'll have permanent regen re-raise haste protect and shell while also being immune to all negative status elements on top of doing excellent damage even though you will be using holy sword primarily darkness is a fantastic secondary because you'll be able to heal with sanguine's sword you can also change your Grise into a dark knight as you will have more PA and then equip police sword which may be more beneficial holy night has more HP and Ma so using magic as a secondary isn't a bad option or you can always use items as it's always a great and safe Choice then for her reaction abilities things like Mana Shield Auto potion and soul bind are all excellent choices to further increase survivability if you are running equipment with permanent re-raised in Fury and Adrenaline Rush are solid choices too since gaining more PA and speed will help her out just to note that Fury is only a available to the ladies since they have access to dancers the immense or attackers to further increase your damage do you want a truly Invincible build then put on Safeguard to protect your equipment from being broken or stolen combined with ribbon and Grand armor she can truly never die to finish it off move plus three with this build you'll be able to handle the toughest of random battles in Rendezvous missions with ease now if you wanted a more tanky setup equip Grand Helm and Maximilian then for her abilities put on Soul bind Defensor HP boost and life font she won't be doing great damage and is susceptible to negative status ailments but she will be able to tank some of the hardest hitting physical attacks in the game while restoring HP over time this next build is her version of math skill keep her as a Holy Night equip Excalibur Aegis Shield ribbon Wizards robe or lordly robe and lastly Tiner Rouge or chantage then for her abilities arithmetics Mana Shield Arcane strength and manathon I know these kinds of shenanigans get a lot of love but I think agrice does it better especially in War of the lions with Tyner Rouge and it sort of fits as she is a Holy Knight I personally don't like using these kinds of builds much myself but I know some viewers do enjoy it you'll be able to get in the first turn in most battles and you should be able to one shot everything in sight for the veterans and Playstation 1 users this was a popular build back in the day for grias which was dual wielding night swords equip the castle blade in your right hand Excalibur in your left and the ribbon robot Lord's enchantage secondary actionability of your choice then blade grasp tool wheel and move plus two you'll have all the wonderful beneficial spells while doing great damage for these reasons it is one of the strongest night builds in the game before I get finished there is one more build I wanted to Showcase and it's one I did use years ago so thank you Jonathan for reminding me of it it's a late chapter 3 build for Grice if you are lucky and can poach a Defender from an elder Triant equip it along with bracer and increase her bravery to 97 then put on attack boost and you'll be doing great damage at this point in the game if you are unlucky with poaching or even encountering anything from the Trent family then change her into a geomancer to get the best sword available and equip gear that will boost your PA along with attack boost you're going to be happy with the results I hope you all enjoyed some builds the most popular in love character in Final Fantasy Tactics it might be ramza and delete a story but being the Top Model makes you more renowned thanks again for watching don't forget to leave a like comment and subscribe if you love fft and I'll see you next time
Channel: J7Jase
Views: 7,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy Tactics Best, War of the Lions, Square Enix, Final Fantasy Tactics War of the Lions
Id: suZVGIlveaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 3sec (303 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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