UNIQUE FOCUS - AGRIAS | Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions Guide to Stats, Skills & Gear

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determined gallant and loyal beyond measure who better to guard a princess in danger than the legendary agrias join me Mikey as we uncover the inner workings of this holy night and discover how best to maximize her abilities lady agrias is an integral part of the story aign to protect princess ovelia from the outset of the game eventually egas joins the party permanently after spending a good chunk of chapter 2 as a guest she also comes with her loyal followers Alicia and Lavan and if you keep all three along with mustadio in your party up until chapter 4 you'll be able to unlock and receive the secret tinar Rouge accessory by visiting a non- castle City on the first of [Music] cancer this amazing lip Rouge is presented to acreas on her birthday by mustadio and while a sweet gesture it will cost you 500,000 Gill so start saving now holy Knights have a wide array of equipment to Adorn themselves with you can look to Heavy Armor for HP Buffs or robes if you were looking to increase your ma for your head you have access to hair adornments and helmets for your weapons of choice you can count on swords and preferably night swords which you will need either of for your Holy Night attacks and finally you have access to Shields to keep yourself safe from attacks for Mobility agrias can rely on three move and three jump while in her holy night job and she also enjoys a huge 25% class evasion rate for the rest of her class stats we're looking at an amazing 140 bonus to HP and 100 for her MP PA Ma and speed for growth stats we can also get excited for excellent hpn MP growth while being less enthusiastic about the standard PA Ma and speed growth aras's main job is a holy night and it comes with impressive abilities to help her Smite her foes all of these skills bestow the element of the weapon equipped have a small chance to inflict a debuff and share the same damage formula your PA multiplied by weapon power plus the power rating of the ability our first ability is Judgment Blade with a power rating of two a range of Two and a one tile area of effect with stop as its debuff next is cleansing strike which has a power rating of three a range of three a single Target and gives a chance to apply Doom North Swain strike has a power of two a range of three single Target with a chance to KO your opponent hallowed bolt comes with a power of four a range of three an AOE of one with one height and a chance to apply silence to its victims last we have Divine ruination which fires off in a straight line of five tiles with a height difference of two a power rating of five and a chance to apply confused to all in its path this concludes our brief look at a fan favorite agrias sworn loyal protector of princess ovalia and one of the most iconic characters of Final Fantasy Tactics War of the Lions share with everyone in the comments below what your experience has been like using this Powerhouse including your best builds for this legendary lady also don't forget to hit that like button subscribe to the channel if you enjoy this content and share this video with fellow tactics enthusiasts it helps out the channel a lot when you do and I appreciate you staying on until the very end thank you this is Mikey from tactics live tournament signing off I'll see you in the next video Until then be well [Music] everyone [Music]
Channel: Tactics Live Tournament
Views: 1,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final fantasy tactics, war of the lions, psp, fft pvp, fft live, tactics multiplayer
Id: 4SQVga5Ojuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 36sec (276 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2023
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