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Colonel Sanders is a robot it's confirmed that's not everybody my name is Finn boy we're playing KFC the hard way this is a game where we get to learn how to make KFC Fried Chicken I've got a comment from someone asking me to try and play this game so I thought I'd give it a crack okay there's some eerie music what is this eerie music I can hear breathing I have like material over my face I feel like someone stuck a bag on my head am I getting wheeled into a room is someone gonna force-feed me fried chicken a day to try it I'm pretty hungry I might eat all the chicken all right I can hear banging I think they're I think they just killed the chicken I can't tell oh hey no room this is killer I could see my hands moving who is that someone's talking Tim I do shadow that's not creepy at all okay I didn't know there was an easy way oh great so we need to make fried chicken or we can't leave is that as a bucket of cold chicken over there no that would be cool I don't know whether to eat that this reminds me of please don't touch anything remember that game that cool VR game we have like a control panel and you had to press buttons and all sorts of stuff that's some good chicken fresh from us farms I need a knife give me the knife I want that what is this thing there's like a card like I can swipe it some way oh hang on I think that's a blade I could probably oh oh okay hang on all right I'm gonna slice the bank there we go we have chicken cool look at this this is an orange light it says maybe hang on maybe yep nope at the moment it's a maybe what then inspect it I'm looking at it alright there's someone back there what the heck man I just want to make some fried chick of fried chicken but I prefer fried chicken when it does never burn in it you know what I mean what are you guys reckon I'm gonna try and throw this drumstick at the pining chicken blasphemy what kind of piece of chicken is that it's like an ugly nugget isn't it oh hang on this this is the breast chicken these are the drumsticks we have wings and I think these are the thigh pieces all right can he catch it from anyway yeah this guy's good what a bat tour what's how you gonna do that in opposite directions ready 1 2 3 oh nice alright okay he can do two pieces of chicken at once can he do all of the chicken at once how am I gonna do that what about if you throw it all in there okay hang on hang on a minute all right ready one two three OOP oh you serious ladies is from everywhere you just can't get rid of this chicken just all the chicken tell me about it thank goodness for tractor beams all right okay so this is the chicken how do I say nope that's right no you have to put it up to your face okay I get it I get it right what about for rub it on the ground rub it oh you can't do this he's called me a psycho Oh chickens bank okay that looks pretty good let's throw that in there looks a little bit like a duck doesn't it like a chicken duck I wonder if this game is actually endorsed by KFC like there's a lot of KFC stuff going on in here now this is actually an oculus rift game I'm wearing an HTC vive at the moment so just don't ask any questions okay okay all right let's whack it in there how we doing now yes inspection complaint done this room is creepy this is chicken over there that keeps looking at me if it's too wet the bread won't stick okay hang on why don't what's these head doing what are you doing that is wheat stop it stop it okay I'm shaking it and shake it I'm shaking the chicken I feel so weird just shaking some chicken nice that was pretty easy all right great ever look ready is that the coding where am I looking all the painting Colonel Sanders is a robot it's confirmed okay it's going noodle arms and gold hands robots the stupid pieces of dumb metal okay all right okay this is this is making me feel kind of uncomfortable okay because I can touch the robot hand step one get a piece chicken scroop under the chicken like this there's a katakana crabbin you go to scoop under the chicken with two hands right you get the chicken breasts and then you go on the floor just on the floor I'm a sick sick person okay it sounded like he was gonna call me something else there for a minute all right let's get some more chicken let's put it back in the net come on you say one potato you know okay all right all right - potato you freaking sweet potato this is freaky I can see they're inspecting rinsing breading all right I'm trying to make that you can go bad so that someone gets some salmonella poisoning this is safe over there what's in the safe and there's some vials vials of something maybe that's the seven hubs and spices or whatever it is or eleven herbs and spices two four six and eleven come on seven potatoes we did it look at this I'm gonna be a pro at making fried chicken by the end of this this is pretty easy I thought this is supposed to be the hard way tell me about it music boxes Wow look at that there's a tiny Colonel Sanders there with like it he's got a guitar and stuff all right play play the thing step one grab a piece chicken step two throw it the robot doesn't work all right I have a drumstick blue it's blinking blue what's going on oh all right but Steve Bart blue well this is too easy I thought it was supposed to be the hard way oh hang on one at a time one at a time there we go chicken wing uh orange this is pretty easy come on man this is gonna be the easiest escape room so far yeah done all right we wrecked the chicken racking is complete we've ranked the chicken I don't know I don't mind as long as we get to eat the fried chicken at the end yeah Martha left all right what was this what's with all the clocks this guy loves these clocks doesn't he I could have walked over there myself Yeah right okay I've never what is this pressure fryer business I've never seen one of these before say deep fryer no I just I push it in there all right done cool Oh what what's going on what is the barb up to it chickens Oh God [Music] right area fried chicken ed that was pretty easy hey I don't want the drumstick I don't like pieces of chicken that have bone in them right I prefer like the the pieces that don't have fun so could I have like the breasts can I qui not are you serious what about the thigh okay drumstick it is cool I can't drop it it's stuck in my hand yeah okay with the drumstick with other head I can do this I kind of remember all the steps how creepy is that face am I being timed right now [Music] rinsing not all here we go alright let's do it inspecting rinsing breading and then track racket racking zhuzh I reckon it does so racking okay look at this oh god what is this that is creepy that is so creepy what do I do with the mess oh oh let's fetus of Jacob eat the chicken Oh nom nom nom okay this is so strange hang on again go yeah that was delicious nice I'm a pro okay I'm gonna try that at home I don't have half of the stuff though now what happens do we do we get out of here now right come on let's get out of here boys the door is jammed did I learn how to make chicken or did I just die oh we're in the kitchen okay a real meal is a meal made the hard way time 30 minutes pieces vaporized 38 uses of mass of vapor ice 36 pieces I got a plus that's pretty good so that was KFC the hard way it wasn't that hard it was really easy the game basically holds your hand quite literally the entire way through making chicken so that was that was actually wasn't too bad but it was loads of fun and it's probably like one of those really cool VR experiences you could show like a friend or something like that to show them VR but let me know what you think in the comments below thank you very much for watching this video if you liked it give us one of these ones I'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 1,732,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, KFC The Hard Way, Oculus Rift game, HTC Vive Pro game, vr escape room, best rift games, make kfc vr, KFC the hard way vive, KFC The Hard Way VR, vr puzzle game, funny vr games
Id: siehPLS5J3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2019
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