DUNE LORE - Origins of the Fremen (History Before Arrakis)

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while to Outsiders the history of the freman has become inextricably tied to the planet of arus their Origins have important threads which can be traced back across the Galaxy these involve a multi-millennial long diaspora of trials and tribulations dating back to ancient Tera guiding them along the way would be a Litany of scheming entities including the swords of the Empire the transports of the spacing killed and The Whispers of the Benny jeret whether intended or not this fateful combination of factors spawned a zealous race whose legendary history spoke of them as a chosen people on a great religious Journey set to culminate in a climactic end times Battle where the True Believers would ultimately find Paradise thus were they primed on oracus for the arrival of house at trades and a young boy who would be hailed as their long- awaited savior this is the all important story of the origins of the fan with Valentine's Day coming up we're once again be reminded to celebrate things which come together in a perfect match now for me that means binging audio books and rocking it on my raycon everyday earbuds recently I've been having a blast listening to the Dune audio book and it's been made so much better thanks to the everyday earbuds couple reasons why first and foremost is I'm very active throughout the day I'm either cooking cleaning working taking my dog out for a walk exercising and all that and what's really nice about these rayon earbuds as you can see pump them in perfect fit I can whip my head around they are not going to fall out they're nice snug and comfy and in addition to that they have a really nice noise isolation feature to keep me focused and in the zone uh if I have any Interruption where I really have to break the story I can easily use the tap to pause feature to finish something and get back into the mix of things in addition to that I can listen to into the baron scheming all day thanks to rayon's 8 hours of playtime and 32 hours of battery life which makes it an awesome experience in addition to that you can get really good audio quality with these raycon everyday earbuds compared to your usual Brands the cost is going to be way lower for awesome value there so if you want to support the channel grab a pair for yourself using the link in the description or go to by ron.com Invicta for 15% off and free shipping enjoy the freman were descendants of the far wandering people known as the zenuni many different stories are told of their Origins even by their own members and thus their true history is of great dispute we can nonetheless provide one of the more robustly supported narratives cataloged in the Dune encyclopedia this claims that the zenuni had originated on Ancient Tera when our Story begins the birthplace of humanity sits in relative obscurity it has been many Millennia since Humanity left its Cradle to make a home across the galaxy in the intervening years there have been countless chapters written in the history of mankind with Peaks and troughs that have spanned the golden and dark ages of successive Empires amidst this churn one of the peoples of Earth have found their ocean of calm these were The zenuni Wanderers the group itself had originated as a splinter sect that abandoned the teachings of the so-called third Muhammad soon they would be joined by other dispossessed individuals who now found common cause in a new cult that sought to harmonize the seemingly dissonant traditions of Sunni and Zen religions on the one hand Sunni ways taught Community while Zen taught personhood Sunni was rigidly traditional while Zen was accepting of change Sunni grasped for a savior while Zen rejected external agents of Salvation such inherit tension was eased by an appeal to mystery which helped bind otherwise contradictory beliefs and encouraged a highly faith-based Doctrine in this way did zenuni ISM emerge as a cult with passionate followers whose ways were inscrutably alien to their neighbors thus did they recede from society rejecting any secular government which attempted to command them eventually the tribes of the zenuni left the outskirts of the settled World entirely to forge their own path across abandoned regions of the earth such as the ancient Sahara here they lived as wandering tribes who found new freedoms and a deepened identity however in 2800 AG the Imperial Throne put out a levy calling for volunteers to colonize the newly rediscovered planet of pin in an unprecedented move this burden was placed on Old Tera which had otherwise long enjoyed an exemption from such demands this put the planetary governor Baron Miko in a politically difficult position at least until an adviser brought forth reports of an otherwise forgotten people the zenuni nomads who could object to the loss of these self- disenfranchised religious Fanatics and so an expedient solution was found to meet the quota at no cost to mikal's political Capital immediately survey missions were sent to Recon the scattered zenuni tribes search parties were shocked to find their prior records had hugely underestimated the population efforts were thus redoubled by the end an exhaustive sweep of the planet revealed a total of 2.5 million zenuni such a hall would more than cover the tithe greatly pleasing the emperor without even having to dip into the general population soon armed men and ships swept down upon the enclaves with overwhelming Force any resistance was put down zenuni men women and children were boarded onto transports and mass then just as quickly as they had arrived the colonial barges Now set off for the stars the tribes were destined for distant portan the third planet and the Epsilon alang system on this long Voyage the anguish of abduction was assuaged by old religious legend that the 10,000 questions of the sunna were only to be resolved by a journey whose final answer would bring about the end of Humanity's tenure in the universe perhaps this frightful extraterrestrial step was but the first in a holy path leading to a prophecied Salvation such a belief would come to lay at the heart of their culture truly they were the chosen people the Miser thus when the colonists were unceremoniously deposited on portran the zenuni remained surprisingly calm inspired by hope and already in nerd to harsh living they stepped off the transports with new purpose the various tribal leaders or naives now work together to divide the machinery and resources they had been left with before separating to settle in each of their own agreed upon regions the Omens of Prophecy were good each group easily found a sight of their liking to settle the planet proved welcoming with plentiful water a gentle climate and a long growing season thanks to the resourcefulness of the zenuni they were able to take full advantage of this Boon over the generations they would come to make portran theirs within centuries a new civilization emerged now numbering in the tens of millions the zenuni inhabited numerous cities settlements and tribal lands across the planet as such their culture naturally evolved old Tales of a sudden eviction from Earth were warped into a more convenient Narrative of willing flight from persecution meanwhile many of the nomatic Traditions were shed for those more conducive to a largely sedentary lifestyle yet still they clung to intense ideas of community racial solidarity and prophetic concepts of a great journey that would lead their chosen people through the end times cataclysm into Paradise thus it was that when Imperial troops once again returned in 4492 to forcibly relocate the zenuni they largely left willingly only five standard Legions were required to pacify and escort them to the awaiting ha liners some tried to warn the people of their true destination but most were too blinded by Superstition and beliefs in a faded journey to resist they would learn the error of their ways shortly roughly half the population was shipped to the Imperial Prison Planet of saloa sukus here they were to serve as slaves under the cruel treat treatment of their prison Society Masters in an even cruler World they suffered greatly yet the pressure awakened within them the old ways of the resilient nomadic Heritage tears were no longer shed for the harshness of the conditions or the pangs of Separation they were now solely reserved for the Injustice of having been robbed of their hajra the prophecied religious Journey those who managed to survive clung to their faith Unbroken by re-education forced conversion and Massacre the zenuni of salusa akundas endured for 10 Generations meanwhile the other half of the population which had been removed from pin was shipped to Bagus the fifth planet in the Cur singstar system conditions here were not as identic as their prior home but at least proved far more hospitable than the Grim conditions which had awaited their relatives on salusa secundus armed with basic supplies and left defend for themselves these and Sunni were set to repeat the history of pin slowly rebuilding a civilization across another largely deserted Planet this time however they were not as innocent as their ancestors in anticipation of the Empire's return settlements were founded in Far More defensible positions with close enough proximity to support one another the people also adopted a more martial culture which prepared to rebuff interference from Outsiders a Vigilant defense Ive stance held for centuries yet this mattered little when in 649 the Sardar returned in force the zenuni put up a brave defense but could not hope to match the ferocity of The Emperor's finest the invasion was a brief bloody Affair which left many of the Defenders dead those who survived were once more at the mercy of The Emperor's whims at the time coloni efforts called for the population of several planets which included hamant and rosac thus a new diaspora was enforced to split the zenuni up between these disperate regions still they somehow clung to their ancestral beliefs a chant recorded from this period of migrations goes as follows though our enemies scatter us far even throughout the Universe they shall never destroy us for we are Mizer the people and to us have been revealed the F and the which none other have seen this remains we remain unfortunately with regards to the fate of the hamant colonists few records exist the planet itself appears to have been destroyed for unknown reasons within 8 centuries of their arrival all may have perished or perhaps been further spread in an exodus to avoid the Calamity the group on rosac fared little better their planet was a cold windblown environment with little in the way of plant life most of which was poisonous few survived the first winter and generations would struggle to survive amidst The Bleak conditions there was however one silver lining it was discovered through trial and error that consuming the right dose of a poisonous native plant elicited a delirium where a sadena or religious leader could PE within the minds of all the sadena who had come before thus would be born the first Reverend mother and the right which accompanied this transformation such a development had a massive effect on the zenuni long Bound by tradition and culture handed down preciously by mouth they could now become one with the ways of the past such a powerful connection further reinforced their worldview as a chosen people on a great religious Journey soon these newly enlightened Elders deemed that now was the time to reunite the Lost tribes and embark on this trip to the pro promised land no longer would the zenuni be ripped apart by an uncaring Imperium fate would be in their own hands thus did the tribes of rosac begin to pull resources and work towards securing enough funds to pay the spacing Guild for a destination of their choice though the financing was slow and the negotiations Tough by 7193 a deal had been struck which would allow at least a portion of the zenuni to be sent to the location of the lost ones the descendants of the tribes which had been splintered long ago upon salusa secundus before making their own escape with little hesitation the Youth of the tribe were afforded this great honor to fulfill the journey on behalf of all the people it was with heavy hearts then that the new generation boarded The Guild transports alone Destiny awaited however unknown to The Travelers a grand scheme was a foot deeply buried records reveal that the spacing Guild had in fact already been orchestrating a reunification of the scattered zenuni to suit their own agenda this involved a newly discovered planet whose fortunes would reshape the Galaxy oracus Dune it was here that a gold rush was underway to exploit the precious resource of spice the Empire's most powerful entities were all in competition to gain the advantage to this end one of the many ploes by this basing Guild was to see the zenuni on the planet as a useful Ally the arrangement was mutually beneficial on the one hand it allowed the long persecuted group to finally make a home for themselves in perhaps the only world where they would be too difficult to dig out by the emperor and his forces on the other hand the move benefited the spacing Guild who now had a partner on the ground to help them control the precious flow of spice thus it was that the zenuni of rosac along with their Reverend mother would finally be reunited with their lost brothers and sisters to them it appeared as a miraculous fulfillment of Prophecy no longer an aimlessly wandering people they would Now call themselves The Fan with the assistance of the guild they now set about making a new home in what to Outsiders appeared to be a living hellscape but to the fman represented the doorstep to Heaven conditions were brutal but even this first generation was tough they benefited from the communal nature of their Heritage and could draw on the specific Lessons Learned by each tribal group's past in addition to the revelations of their Reverend mother thus did a new blend of zenuni ism emerge that was gradually adopted to the desert life of arus native spice for instance replaced the poison plant of rosac as the means by which the Reverend mothers gained their abilities now it would be supercharged by the potency of the arakan drug which would also be consumed consumed by the fman granting them extended life the local sandworms too found themselves into a new culture being Hil as the Godlike Shai halud guiding this societal Evolution would be the influence of another Galactic playmaker here the subtle hand of the Benny jessar missionaria protectiva seated new beliefs and myths in the furtherance of their own schemes the most important of these was the prophecy that one day the fman would be led by a savior to take take the final step in their religious journey into the end times Battle for salvation and so the zenuni who had already walked this long path for Millennia awaited with patience an ever increasing religious anticipation for such a day to come in our next episode we will explore the evolution and daily life of the fman on arus during this period of waiting in this way may we better understand the true nature of the people who 3,000 years later would look upon the the arrival of a tradies ships with Whispers of thean algib the voice from the outer world and a hope that the era board could be their Mi the one who would lead the people into [Music] Paradise you can catch script previews download all our art and participate in polls by supporting us on patreon or YouTube memberships a big thanks to the current supporters for funding the channel and to the researchers writers and artists for making this episode possible we couldn't have done it without this team and this community if you enjoyed this episode be sure to like And subscribe for more content and check out these other related videos see you in the next one
Channel: Invicta
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Keywords: invicta, invicta history, dune 2, fremen, fremen lore, fremen warriors, dune, dune explained, dune explained in 5 minutes, dune explained 2021, arrakis, dune spice, dune worm scene, dune worm riding scene, dune scene, dune lore explained, dune lore, paul atreides, dune 2021, dune fremen, dune lore fremen, dune movie, dune review, denis villeneuve, dune trailer, dune clip, dune worm scene 2021, dune movie reaction, dune angry joe
Id: PDdiuLri4lQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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