Federal Punch vs CCI Stingers

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welcome back everybody this is Eric here with Iraq veteran 888 we are finally getting back and doing some ammo testing and some redneck science and everything and I want to address a very common question that I've gotten from a lot of people about the new federal punch round uh I say new it's been out what at this point maybe a year or so something like that I've finally gotten around to shooting a test on this particular load we have shot quite a few of these 22 rounds into various targets over the years and we've also ran a lot of the CCI stingers and one of the questions that people are probably posing is well why should I buy the federal punch over the CCI Stinger both the projectiles weigh very similar we have done some preliminary testing in terms of collecting velocity data I'm going to share some energies with you here and give you an idea of what these two rounds are doing and we'll discuss a little bit more detail here so we tested them in a 3.6 inch barrel out of a Smith and Wesson m p 22 compact also a 16 inch barrel out of our tipman M4 and a quick shout out to Gun Owners of America this is the Gun Owners of America version if you purchase one of these rifles they will donate a considerable amount of the proceeds to Gun Owners of America and you get the awesome laser engraved Goa logo on the gun Shameless plug for Goa but we support our gun rights groups here so we tested out the 16 inch barrel in the rifle so The Stingers weigh 32 grains out of the m p pistol you're getting 11.59 on the velocity uh for 95 foot pounds of energy okay with the punch it's a 29 grain bullet out of a 3.6 inch barrel you're getting 12 35 for 98 foot-pounds of energy out of the 16 inch barrel the tipman the 32 grain Stingers are moving 1572 generating 175 foot-pounds of energy the punch at 29 grains out of the 16 inch tipman is giving 1604 for 165 foot-pounds of energy we have some gel blocks here these are clear ballistics gel blocks that we're going to be testing these rounds into now looking uh preliminarily at the rounds themselves one interesting point to kind of look at is that with the punch it's a flat Point solid now I don't really know if that's going to expand or if that Flat Point is going to provide a real really nice cavitation in the gel what I'm expecting to happen is that Flat Point is actually going to give us a really nice permanent cavity okay I think the temporary cavity is going to be smaller than the CCI all right now when we look at this this is touted as a varmint bullet the Stinger is a copper plated hollow point projectile so I would imagine that the permanent cavity is probably going to be a little bit larger in the temporary cavity is going to be probably smaller but then again this thing could just steam roll through and of course between the two what we're trying to also see is how much penetration in terms of the distance it penetrates the gel block as well as what these cavities look like from each round now we're probably going to try to shoot the gel block from one side and then flip it around because I don't really expect these rounds to go all the way through this gel block this is a 16 inch shell block that's eight by eight let's go ahead and shoot our first round now we're going to start out with handguns because here's the thing the federal punch generates according to what it says on the box here it says that the velocity it was achieved with a two inch barrel so out of a two inch barrel they are they are saying that it should get velocity of 1070 with a 29 grain projectile so should a 22 use be used for self-defense well here's the thing if you've got a a Ruger 1022 sitting around and you throw some Stingers or some punching that bad boy I think what we're showing here is that you've certainly got a decent amount of Firepower if that's all you've got some people prefer to carry 22s as a defensive unit what we're trying to show here is how will each of these rounds stack up against each other how do they compare against each other and how do they work out of a pistol length barrel what are we going to see in terms of the actual damage that's caused so that's what this gel is going to teach us let's go ahead and back up we're just going to get off a few Paces here and fire a shot right in the center let's have a look and see what happens okay first test is going to be the 32 grain stinger out of the pistol I think you guys get the idea you can see here we go all right right into the block right in the center all right so definitely the result we were expecting out of the Stinger the Stinger is a classic round that's been a long proven uh 22 round for for CCI there um really really great penetration decent looking permanent cavity our temporal cavity quite good at its largest size probably about three and a half or four inches as it blossomed out there you can see in the slow-mo shot so of course I'm very pleased out of that performance out of a 3.6 inch barrel so that I have a pistol a stinger is a pretty good round okay the round did tumble and it wound up base forward which that happens in a lot of jail block shots you're going to see the round usually wind up base forward in fact I guarantee you the punch is going to wind up base forward in the cavity as well and then we got right at a perfect 12 inches of penetration let's go ahead and test the punch see how it Stacks up against the Stinger all right we got the 29 grain Federal punch out of the 3.6 inch M P all right we're going to shoot the same Block in a little bit different location I'm going to go just a little bit low and left and let's see if we can just get this round right where we want it I think we got it I can see the the hole I'm gonna just carefully place this around exactly where I want it all right well Color Me impressed here on the punch uh we didn't bring enough gel block with us we it went all the way through 16 inch gel block and what's really interesting about the punch is that the permanent cavity is really gnarly looking and that cavity continues for a good length of the wound Channel getting into almost an inch beyond the penetration of the original Stinger now the Stinger had a better temporary cavity there in the beginning you could see it really blew up a lot bigger this one had a smaller temporary cavity but that cavitation continued throughout the projectiles travel through the wound channel so it had a larger permanent cavity and a smaller uh temporary cavity so that temporary cavitation is what's going to cause shock to organs you know at the heart and lung area if you have that cavitation you know that's what gives a hunting bullet such energy like a like a expanding projectile that expands and gives up a lot of its energy as it enters the the Flesh in a short term that shock factor from that temporal cavity is what gives it its killing power so this you had a good mixture of penetration permanent cavitation and temporary cavitation so so far I'm happy but we have to do one more thing I'm going to take another block I'm going to move this one back and put a touch block behind it and we're going to shoot the three the 3.6 inch barrel Smith with the punch again on this same block a little bit lower and we're going to see if we can have our other block catch the projectile because I want to see if the projectile expands or deforms and we want to see the amount of penetration we get then we'll set all this up again and test the rifle let's do it that's quite a bit of ballistic skeleton for this round to get through so we're going to see if we can catch the punch again 3.6 inch barrel on the Smith and Wesson m p 22 compact I'm going to shoot just slightly lower see if we can catch this projectile have a look at it okay so interesting thing about this test is that the temporary and permanent cavitation looked identical in both shots so that's good for consistency sake to see the test performed twice with the pistol to know that each result is not just a fluke but now what we have since we have the catch block we know what our total penetration is and it wound up being about 19 19 and a half inches of penetration and the projectile oddly enough wound up nose forward instead of bass forward so that's a really interesting result in terms of the additional penetration it's it's about seven and a half extra inches of penetration over what the CCI Stinger was able to accomplish out of the same barrel length so actually at this point Color Me surprised but now I do want to check out the rifle so we're going to take a 16 inch barrel and perform the same test but this time we're going to flip this block around and shoot it from the other direction I've got a couple of good clear areas here we should be able to see what's going on so let's go ahead and try the rifle out all right we got the tipman M4 Elite here the Goa version by the way and a big shout out to Goa and we're going to shoot the Stinger into the block 32 grain bullet out of a 16 inch barrel all right here we go foreign right where I wanted it all right let's have a look all right so pretty interesting result with the CCI Stinger uh the projectile actually shed a lot of its uh weight and everything we've got some jacket pieces and a bit of the core it did mushroom out and expand quite nicely oddly enough only 11 and a half inches of penetration compared to the 12 inches of penetration in the 3.6 inch barrel so the longer Barrel yielded higher velocity which calls the projectile to lose its energy much quicker so we noticed that the temporary cavity was much larger big old huge cavity right and limited penetration so the CCI Stinger might be a better round if you are going to use something like a Ruger 1022 for home defense or something like that throw some Stingers in it and you definitely have a lot less collateral damage with less penetration that might be a point of consideration of course those temporary cavities and the permanent cavities look pretty good although on the punch that permanent cavity is pretty gnarly as well so I guess it all comes down to considerations but we're going to take the 16 inch barrel and test the punch and we've got a catch block back here so let's see how much penetration we get and let's have a look at that cavitation shall we let's do it okay 16 inch barrel out of the tipman M4 Elite this time with the 29 grain Federal punch round pretty interesting results we've been getting here today all right all right one gel shot here right where I wanted it well that's a fascinating result we actually got considerably less penetration out of the 16 inch barrel than we did out of the pistol well why is that well one reason is because the projectile opened up a lot more that temporary cavity looking pretty gnarly out of the punch we got about a similar amount of penetration so that's looking pretty good we're going to go ahead and pull this punch out with some forceps here I've got it right here all right and I want to show you how good that round expanded so even though it's a it's a a soft point essentially or like a solid it did open up so there's the punch out of the 16 inch barrel and we've actually got what's left of the CCI of the 16 inch barrel right beside it so we're going to pull that out and show you what it looks like as well yep so you can see considerably less weight retention out of the Stinger the punch had much better weight retention and held together being a solid here is the CCI Stinger that wound up base forward we'll grab it out of here all right there's our stinger out of the pistol you notice it didn't open up so it wasn't moving fast enough to open up in a handgun now I would imagine that that federal or CCI rather sells the Stinger as a varmint round and most people using it as a varmint round are going to be using it out of a rifle so good penetration and even though it didn't open up it did have some nice temporary cavitation even out of the pistol all right and last but not least I'm going to move this rifle out of the way I'm going to grab this lonely projectile here look at that like I've done that a time or two all right and then there's our punch fired out of the pistol that wound up settling in into a considerable amount of gelatin there so what we learned is that if you're going to run a rifle for some form of protection the CCI Stinger is probably a great option because it's moving faster it's definitely getting down and you can see with the rifle it's no joke if you're running a pistol obviously the punch is probably going to be a better option for a handgun naturally it would make sense that Federal you know publish the numbers with a two inch barrel to show you that hey they're kind of hinting that this is designed to go out of shorter barrels for defensive purposes so I could see that round being quite effective so interesting result both rounds are great there's a reason that they still make them of course so I'm still going to be in the camp of CCI Stingers that's that's kind of my jam however those punches are quite sweet if I were going to carry a handgun for self-defense the punch would probably be a pretty solid option but then again so with the Stingers so hopefully you enjoyed today's video thanks so much for watching many more on the way I'm so happy to get back into doing some gel videos in the next video that we release we're going to be testing out a shotgun slug in ballistic Shelton so stay tuned for that many more videos on the way we'll see you soon foreign
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 313,320
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Keywords: iraqveteran8888, iv8888, ar15, ar, ar-15, ar 15, 2a, freedom, liberty, gun rights, gun control, top 5 guns, top 5, meltdown, guns, gunsmithing, gun gripes, life liberty and the pursuit, federal punch 22lr review, federal punch vs cci stinger, federal punch 22lr vs cci stinger, federal punch, cci stinger, 22lr ammo test, 22 testing, 22 ballistics gel, 22 ballistic gel test, federal punch ballistic gel, cci stinger ballistic gel, clear ballistcs gel, tippman m4-22, m&P 22 compact, 22lr
Id: xnhYy1ZFxKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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