February 6, 2022 - Divine Liturgy

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[Music] [Music] is [Music] ah [Music] [Music] let us be attentive the reading is from saint paul's second letter to the corinthians wisdom let us be attentive brethren we are the temple of the living god as god said i will live in them and move among them and i will be their god and they shall be my people therefore come out from them and be separate from them says the lord and touch nothing unclean then i will welcome you and i will be a father to you and you shall be my sons and daughters says the lord almighty since we have these promises beloved let us cleanse ourselves from every defilement of body and spirit and make holiness perfect in the fear of god peace be to you [Music] wisdom let us stand and hear the holy gospel peace be with all [Applause] [Music] the reading is from the holy gospel according to saint matthew let us be attentive [Music] at that time jesus went to the district of tyre and sidon and behold a canaanite woman from that region came out and cried have mercy on me o lord son of david my daughter is severely possessed by a demon but he did not answer her a word and his disciples came and begged him saying send her away for she is crying after us he answered i was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of israel but she came and knelt before him saying lord help me and he answered it is not fair to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs she said yes lord yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master's table then jesus answered her o woman great is your faith be it done for you as you desire and her daughter was healed instantly [Music] please be seated if you don't talk you can stay in okay today my friends we read a kind of a strange account really jesus had traveled outside of jerusalem and he went to the region of tyre and sidon where the canaanites lived you have to know that canaanites were not jews they were not jews so they didn't really believe in god like the jews did but jesus was traveling through there and that's when this woman came up asking for jesus's help that because her daughter was very sick and jesus first ignored her then told her that he wasn't going to help her because he went he came only for the jews not for anybody else and then finally he did help her her daughter was healed instantly at the end and do you know why because even though jesus had rejected her maybe a couple of times and not in the most pleasant of terms the woman persisted she kept going after him and kept asking him for help and finally when jesus saw her kind of a humility even after he implied you know it's not good to take food from the master's table and throw it to the dogs in other words the canaanites were like dogs because the jews were the chosen people even in spite of that she came back to him and said lord please help me that showed tremendous persistence on her part tremendous faith in jesus's ability to help her and tremendous humility for her to be kind of treated that way and still come back it's an amazing thing to watch her reaction to jesus even when even when it seems like he treated treated her a little bit at least indifferently and sometimes even harshly the point is that when someone persists in their petitions to god god will listen if it's in his will eventually he'll he'll listen even though we're if we're not perfect i remember um reading an account about abraham lincoln and abraham lincoln you know grew up relatively poor in illinois and he had many failures before he became president you know i didn't i found this out he ran for congress twice and was defeat defeated he ran for the united states senate twice and was defeated he even ran as somebody's um running mate as vice president defeated at that too but he persisted he kept going and eventually of course he was elected president and and tried to bring healing to a to a country that was torn us under by slavery he had such strong feelings in slavery because when before he um went to washington and everything he had traveled down to new orleans in louisiana and he saw the active slave trade there because i guess the boats would come into new orleans with the new slaves and he saw how the slaves were whipped and chained and all that and he couldn't stand and from that minute he decided to kind of devote his self in his life to doing away with that kind of barbaric treatment to human beings and sure enough he did in my opinion george washington is the greatest president that ever lived but but after george washington i'd put abraham lincoln both men of tremendous faith now for you and me i think the best thing for us to do is to look at this woman this canaanite woman in our gospel today to look at her and see what she does and see how she persisted but also see the reward that she got at the end one of the most uh disheartening things that i've ever experienced as a priest is when i have people come up to me and complain to me well you know i got sick why didn't god keep me from getting sick or why didn't god help me in my business or why didn't god do this in other words something bad happens in a person's life the first thing they do is to blame god somehow god is supposed to make the whole world like disneyland where everything's available and everything's nice and sweet the world is not disneyland the world is an imperfect place it's not paradise here it is an imperfect and sometimes very evil world and jesus knows this and what he does is he looks at us while we're in the midst of this imperfect world to see how we react to things that happen to us for some of us one bad thing maybe two bad things three bad things happen that's it i'm done with god he didn't help me i'm done not gonna think about him i'm not gonna go to church not gonna do anything and god sees that but the ones that he admires like he did in the gospel today the ones that he admires the people today who he admires are the people who go through sufferings whether it's at work or home or emotional problems or family but whatever it is and these people stay firm in their faith he looks for those people who stay strong and consistent in their faith in him and this is what i believe and this is what happened in the gospel today he rewards those people who stay true to him faith is nothing but an undying trust in something oh joe's a good guide oh i believe in joe that means you trust joe the same thing when we say i believe in god i have faith in god it means we trust him he might not do what we want right now but we trust him to do the best for us in our life and to take care of us after we leave this world and go to the next life so today my friends this canaanite woman was not a jew jesus kind of resisted her entreaty to help but when he saw her humility and her tremendous faith in him he did what she wanted and he healed her daughter amen please rise now and join with us as we continue in the divine liturgy on page 12 in your liturgy books again we bow before you and pray to you o good and loving god hear our supplication cleanse our souls and bodies from every defilement of flesh and spirit and grant that we may stand before your holy altar without blame or condemnation grant also god progress in life faith and spiritual discernment to the faithful who pray with us so that they may always worship you with reverence and love partake of your holy mysteries without blame or condemnation and become worthy of your heavenly kingdom [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] m [Music] may the lord our god remember you all in his kingdom now and always and to the end [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] seen [Music] [Music] [Music] oh continue now on page 15 in your liturgy books oh [Music] [Music] that this whole day may be perfect holy peaceful and without sin let us ask the lord [Music] for an angel of peace a faithful guide a guardian of our souls and bodies let us ask the lord [Music] for forgiveness of our sins and offenses let us ask the lord [Music] for all that is good and profitable for our souls and peace in the world let us ask the lord [Music] that we may live out our lives in peace and repentance let us ask the lord [Music] for a christian end to our lives peaceful free of shame and suffering and for a good defense before the dread judgment seat of christ love us [Music] remembering our most holy pure blessed and glorious lady the theotokos and ever virgin mary with all the saints let us commend ourselves and one another and our whole life to christ our god [Music] through the mercies of your only begotten son with whom you are blessed together with your all holy good and life-giving spirit now and always and to the ages of ages [Music] peace be with all [Music] let us love one another that we may with one mind confess [Music] oh [Music] the doors the doors in wisdom let us be attentive [Music] please refer now to the pamphlets found in your pews and join in reading the creed i believe in one god father almighty creator of heaven and earth and of all things visible and invisible and in one lord jesus christ the only begotten son of god begotten of the father before all ages light of light true god of true god begotten not created of one essence with the father through whom all things were made who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven and was incarnate of the holy spirit and the virgin mary and became man he was crucified for us under pontius pilate and suffered and was buried and he rose on the third day according to the scriptures he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the father and he will come again with glory to judge the living and the dead his kingdom shall have no end and in the holy spirit the lord the creator of life who proceeds from the father who together with the father and the son is worshiped and glorified who spoke through the prophets in one holy catholic and apostolic church i confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins i look for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the age to come amen [Music] [Music] this is [Music] the grace of our lord jesus christ the love of god the father and the communion of the holy spirit be with all [Music] let us lift up our hearts let us give thanks to the lord [Music] it is fitting and right to sing of you to bless you to praise you to give thanks to you and to worship you in all places under your dominion for you are god beyond describing beyond comprehending neither to be seen nor conceived forever existing forever the same you and your only begotten son and your holy spirit you brought us into being out of nothingness and when we had fallen raised us up again leaving nothing undone until you could lead us to heaven and grant us your future kingdom for all these things we thank you and your only begotten son and your holy spirit for all these blessings both known and unknown manifest or hidden that have been bestowed on us we thank you also for this liturgy which you have deemed worthy to accept from our hands even though you are surrounded by thousands of archangels and tens of thousands of angels by the cherubim and the seraphim six-winged many eyes soaring on their wings [Music] on [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] take it this is my body which is broken for you for the remission of sins [Music] drink of this all of you this is my blood of the new covenant which is shed for you and for many for the remission of sins [Music] [Music] once again we offer you this spiritual worship without the shedding of blood and we ask praying and treat you send down your holy spirit upon us and upon these gifts here offered and make this bread the precious body of your christ and that which is in this cup the precious blood of your christ i mean changing them by your holy spirit i mean i mean i mean [Music] more [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] among the first lord remember archbishop yerasimos grant that he may serve your holy churches in peace keep him safe vulnerable and in health for many years rightly teaching the word of your truth also remember lord those whom each of us has in mind and all your people those who toiling do good works in your holy churches who are mindful of the poor and upon us all send down your mercy and grant that with one voice and one heart we may glorify and praise your most exalted and majestic name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit now and always and to the ages of ages [Music] and may the mercies of our great god and savior jesus christ be with allah [Music] [Music] man [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] having prayed for the unity of the faith and the communion of the holy spirit let us commend ourselves and one another and our whole life to christ our god [Music] [Music] [Music] our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for yours is the kingdom the power and the glory father son and holy spirit now and always and to the ages of ages [Music] be with [Music] all let us [Music] we give thanks you invisible king in your infinite power you fashioned all things and in the abundance of your mercy you brought all things from nothing into being look down on master from heaven on those who have bowed their heads to you for they have bowed not before flesh and blood but before you the awesome god will you then master order what lies ahead according to each one's need sail with those at sea accompany the wayfarers heal the sick as physician of our souls and bodies by the grace mercy and love for us of your only begotten son with whom you are blessed together with your all holy good and life-giving spirit now and always and to the ages of ages [Music] [Laughter] [Music] christopher [Applause] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] please turn out to page 29 in your liturgy books and join in reading the communion prayers i believe o lord and i confess that you are truly the christ the son of the living god who did come into the world to save sinners of whom i am the first i also believe that this is your sacred body and this your precious blood therefore i pray to you have mercy upon me and forgive my transgressions voluntary and involuntary in word and deed both known and unknown and make me worthy to partake of your sacred mysteries for the remission of sins and life eternal amen behold i approach for holy communion o creator burn me not as i partake for you are fire which burns the unworthy wherefore do you cleanse me from every stain those of you have prepared to receive holy communion i ask that you come down the center aisle to receive [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] with the fear of god with faith and with love draw near [Music] okay [Music] the servant of god your yosh receives the precious body and blood of our lord and savior jesus christ for the remission of sins and life everlasting the servant of god richard demetrious receives the precious body and blood of our lord and savior jesus christ for the remission of sins and life everlasting the handmaid of god olivia receives the precious body and blood of our lord and savior jesus christ for the remission of sins and life everlasting the hamlet of god deborah receives the precious body and blood of our lord and savior jesus christ for the remission of sins and life everlasting the handmaid of god harikalev receives a precious body and blood of our lord and savior jesus christ for the remission of sins and life everlasting the precious body and blood of our lord and savior jesus christ [Music] of our lord christ for the remission of sins and life everlasting the handmaid of god nicole receives the precious body and blood of our lord and savior jesus christ for the remission of sins and life everlasting the handmaid of god marie receives a precious body and blood of our lord and savior jesus christ the remission of sins and life everlasting is it what is it a precious [Music] is receives the precious body and blood of our lord and savior jesus christ for the remission of sins and life everlasting the servant of god pericles receives the precious body and blood of our lord and savior jesus christ thank you for the remission of sins and life everlasting of god mary receives the precious body and blood of our lord and savior jesus christ the servant of god andrew receives a precious body and blood of our lord and savior jesus christ for their mission of sins and life everlasting [Music] this is uh solomon the servant of god solomon receives a precious body and blood of our lord and savior jesus christ for the remission of sins and life everlasting the handmaid of god catherine receives a precious body and blood of our lord and savior jesus christ for the mission of sins and life everlasting the servant of god constantine receives the precious body and blood of our lord and savior jesus christ the servant of god she's the precious body and blood of our lord and savior jesus christ with the remission of sins and life everlasting [Music] is [Music] the servant of god jason receives the precious body and blood of our lord and savior jesus christ for their mission of sins and life everlasting [Music] the servant of god gregory receives the precious body and blood of our lord and savior jesus christ for the remission of sins and life everlasting the servant of god stephanos receives the precious body and blood of our lord and savior jesus christ for the remission of sins and life everlasting the servant of god noah sees the precious body and blood of our lord and savior jesus christ [Music] oh lord save your people and bless your inheritance [Music] oh [Music] [Music] be exalted oh god above the heavens let your glory be over all the earth [Music] pandora [Music] me [Music] let us be attentive having received the divine holy pure immortal life-giving and awesome mysteries of christ let us give fitting thanks to the lord help us save us have mercy on us and keep us o god in your grace having us that this whole day may be perfect holy peaceful and free of sin let us commend ourselves and one another and our whole life to christ our god [Music] we thank you loving master benefactor of our souls that this day you have once again made us worthy of your heavenly and immortal mysteries make straight our path keep keep us firmly in all of you guard our lives keep us steady in our way through the through the prayers of the glorious el torques and ever virgin mary and of all your saints for you are our sanctification and to you we give the glory father son and holy spirit now and always and to the ages of ages [Music] let us depart in peace let us pray to the lord [Music] lord bless those who praise you and sanctify those who trust in you save your people and bless your inheritance protect protect the whole body of your church sanctify those who love the beauty of your house glorify them in return by your divine power and do not forsake us who put our hope in you grant peace to your world to your churches to the clergy to those in public service to the armed forces and to all your people for every good and perfect gift is from above coming from you the father of lights and to you we give glory thanksgiving and worship father son and holy spirit now and always and to the ages of age [Music] [Music] [Music] it [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign may god bless you and keep you please be seated i mean just a couple of brief announcements this morning um next sunday i think is the 13th of february i think that's super bowl sunday but uh more importantly it's also lucuma this sunday so i'll put an announcement in the email to send out to everybody remind them the filotos ladies are having a fundraiser to raise money for the kids in cancer program at the saint nicholas ranch um like they do every year so we're going to have our luca mother sale next sunday and plenty of time to have some delicious lucumatis and go watch the game at 3 30 or even take lucuma this home if you'd like okay so that's next sunday some sad news um um uh parishioner peter hasapis has passed away and we will be having his funeral service here on thursday at 11 o'clock if you'd like to come to the trisayon it will also be here in church the night before wednesday night this coming wednesday night at six o'clock so we express our our sympathies to um athanasia and the whole family at the passing of peter hasapis last night was a a lot of fun we had our annual crab feed last night about 175 people this is the first time we've been able to hold a crab feed in two years so we kind of started out small with just a 175 people just to get the hang of it again because we had to get all the committees and all the positions going but it turned out just beautifully what a wonderful night a lot of fun uh beautiful pleasant people that came and everybody had such a great time um they counted the money last night and they tallied up the expenses so when you take the total income and subtract the expenses it looks net profit will be making about eight thousand dollars which is pretty good for uh having missed it for so long um we hope to do better and better each year as it goes on because it was just a lot of fun and the crab was delicious all the food was delicious some of the food that we had that was really good was the clam chowder last night we added that as a new feature and we ordered so much clam chowder that we had a lot of clam chowder over left over so today at coffee hour you get to enjoy some delicious clam chowder they're in there warming it up now and we got bowls and spoons you'll enjoy it i i had a lot last night it was delicious so that's today and today is also on the first sunday of the month and we like to dedicate all the offerings in the basket at the at the coffee hour table for the benevolence fund so if you have a little extra to put in there it goes toward helping people um who um can't help themselves really with we in the past we've helped people with rents and even uh loan payment mortgage payments uh utilities food uh things like that so today is a benevolent sunday okay and then in the back well if you want a nice pocket calendar we have extra pocket calendars we sent to everyone but if you didn't get one you can pick one up there's also stewardship envelopes if you'd like to send in your offering stewardship offering and also stewardship pledge card pledge cards in the back if you'd like to become a member of st catherine we'd love to count you as a full member of saint catherine okay and that looks like it god bless you and keep you please oh wait a minute where is there he is guess what we all know john tatarakis he's here in church today with erica john's um i don't know is it today your birthday john when was it the ao it's coming up in two days john will be a young 90 years old never believe that wow congratulations john that's a big milestone we're happy for you uh he was a policeman at the sacramento city police department so that makes it even more impressive that he reached 90 years old and going strong still his family decided to get a nice cake for him today for his 90th birthday so we're going to serve the cake you can have some clam chowder and then for dessert to have some cake okay for john's 90th birthday congratulations john god bless you and keep you please come down the side aisles now to receive your andidoro better for you to lift it better for you he is strong isn't he you
Channel: Saint Katherine Greek Orthodox Church - Elk Grove
Views: 75
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Greek Orthodox, Orthodox Christian, Divine Liturgy
Id: _LF1hmBz3Fs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 10sec (3310 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 06 2022
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