Evanglistic Campaign -Pentecostal Gospel Temple Online Service, Tuesday March 01, 2022

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foreign [Music] so [Music] triumphing over them in it we have [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and just think about his love tonight hallelujah think about his love come on just worship him think about his ownness think about his grace [Music] above so great is the measure of our father's love great is the measure of [Music] jesus praise [Music] jesus [Music] jesus reigns [Music] thank you lord you're worthy to be praised [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus prayer [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] oh thank you lord jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] can we raise some praises in the house tonight can we reign some praises in the house tonight praise the lord praise the lord hallelujah hallelujah praise the name of jesus i want to welcome us all tonight to the first night of our four nights of campaign under the theme rebounding through spiritual resilience discipleship and ministry development praise the name of jesus if we say that we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness we lie and do not the truth praise the name of jesus and to continue in our service tonight we'll be doing him number 195 oh i want to see him to look up on his face him number 195 can i invite everyone to stand please for opening him [Music] thank you jesus praise the lord as i journey through the land singing as i go pointing lord [Music] oh i wanna see him to look upon his face [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] with a tender guiding me i can see [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] just say [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] is let me lift my [Music] towards the mountains [Music] low [Music] to look up on his face [Music] let me lift my [Music] the streets of glory let me live then my [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] friends on oh on the streets of glory is praise the lord jesus the songwriter said oh i want to see him to look upon his face dare to sing forever of his saving grace at this moment minister designate um mcgregor will be leading us in our opening prayer god bless him as he comes in jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we give god thanks we give god all the glory and all the honor most righteous and heavenly father we come before your presence one more time our god our king our waymaker there i am that i am father we put tonight before you the service tonight father we ask oh god that you saturate this place with your presence oh god let worshipping oh god be easy oh god fill this place oh god with your glory hope we pray for a special anointing over the moderator god let your lead as you would want her to lead father we pray for a special and not in over the speak of god oh god let him bring a word that will be put into someone's heart that it will make a difference in someone's father i should say the lord oh god we come before you and we put before your god at this time the musicians the praise team oh god we act oh god that you just saturate the god with a special anointing god we act oh god that worshipping o god will be easy in the temple tonight oh father we lift you up we magnify your name in this place oh god whatever it is that is done must be the glory and honor of your kingdom let everything be done descending in order in jesus name i pray amen [Applause] praise the lord jesus let me hear you say praise the lord praise the lord hallelujah hallelujah i just want to use this moment to welcome everyone tonight to our first night of campaign under the theme rebounding through spiritual resilience discipleship and ministry development we want to welcome those who are visiting with us those who are online we want to say welcome welcome and we trust that you will be blessed as you worship with us tonight can i invite you to stand for the scripture reading from first corinthians 13 1 to 13. first corinthians 13 verse 1 to 13. [Music] you may follow in your bible as i read though i speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity i am become a sounding brass or a tinkling symbol and though i have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge and though i have all faith so that i could remove mountains and have not charity i am nothing and though i bestow all my goats to feed the poor and though i give my body to be burned and have not charity it profited me nothing charities suffereth long and is kind charity envy not charity wanted not itself is not puffed up does not behave itself on seemly seeking not our own is not easily provoked think it no evil rejoice it not in iniquity but rejoice it in the truth bear it all things believe it all things hope at all things endure it all things charity never failed but whether there be prophecies they shall fail whether there be tongues they shall cease whether there be knowledge it shall vanish away for we know in part and we prophesy in part but when that which is perfect is come then that which is in part shall be done away when i was a child i speak as a child or understood as a child i thought as a child but when i became a man i put away childish things for now we see through a glass darkly but then face to face now i know in part but then shall i know even as also i am known and now abided faith hope love these three but the greatest of these is love this is a portion of god's holy word god bless you amen praise the lord jesus lead me i will follow lead me praise the name of jesus hallelujah [Music] lead me lord hallelujah [Music] lead me lord i will go [Music] i will [Music] yes i will [Music] [Laughter] it is to you i give the glory it is to you i give the praise for you have done so much for me and i will bless your holy name it is hallelujah [Music] oh it is and i will bless your name forever father [Applause] and i will [Music] let me hear you praise the lord tonight hallelujah [Music] [Music] is your name is [Music] is my hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah we worship the lord jesus tonight because he's worth it he is worthy to be praised hallelujah can we praise the lord can we put our hands together tonight hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah you may be seated for a while thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord praise the lord thank you jesus i just want to welcome and to greet our bishop tonight bishop robert stewart and first lady and i just want to use this privilege to say happy birthday to lady stewart he's celebrating a birthday tonight praise the name of jesus and i'm going to be inviting bishop stewart at this time to come and do the formal welcome and greetings in jesus name hallelujah come on we've got praise come on give god praise he is a wonder in my soul look what the lord has done since march of 2020 we were unable to come together in the sanctuary like we are gathered tonight we ought to give our god praise we ought to extol the name of jesus come on let's magnify the lord let's extol him he is worthy he's worthy he's worthy hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah you can't catch me again [Music] hold me down for a very long time oh you again me down for a very long time for a very long time catch me again for a very long time foreign hold me down for a very long time you can't catch me foreign you hold me down for a very long time oh yeah hallelujah hallelujah when israel out a bondage came i see before them lays the lord reached down his mighty hand and he rolled the sea away then forward still his as well so the village dash and spread and the custom gospel temple with a conquering threat we will push hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah god bless you let us repeat our favorite scripture romans 12 1-3 i beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of god that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto god which is a reasonable service and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and the perfect will of god for i say through the grace given unto me to every man that is among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think but to think so really according as god has dealt to every man the measure of faith now put your hands together and give our god praise amen god bless you god bless you so happy tonight to be in the house of the lord on this first day in the third month of the year first day of march we give god thanks and before i do anything else i'm so happy to see sister nia elaine sunny elaine the lord bless you you are healed in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus want to greet minister arjun makin touch who is leading for us tonight god bless you sister audrey to all our ministers who are present and i'm gonna ask elder edina to sit down there's to come up here amen i know he don't want us to say that he's coming in a little bit later than me but i'm so happy to see your brother ellie come and sit beside sister audrey sister carmen and you're joining them they are our relatives you know wife husband and cousin god bless you but i'm so happy for this night this is the first opportunity that i'm getting to speak to you in the night as your past amen amen you know i i looked in the mirror this morning and i looked the same way but one thing i noticed is that after sunday night i never know that bishop's sleep was so sweet i slept well on sunday night i enjoyed the bishop sleep and i woke up and i look around but i was still the same person but since god is good in the book of joshua it says now after the death of moses you know god appointed joshua and he says to joshua be not afraid i'm not afraid tonight because the lord is with me i'm not afraid tonight because the saints are praying for me i'm not afraid tonight because i am anointed and i am appointed and the holy ghost is with me and he will lead me god is good i want to take this opportunity you know saints god is good this morning i got off the bishop sleeping i was so sweet and i rushed out of the house totally forgetting that today was my wife's birthday so i was on mountain view and my phone was on the seat and it lit up when i look it was brother eddie sending me a message to give my wife a birthday greeting so you know what i did i went back home because i want to make certain that i have a happy wife for the rest of my life so i went home and she was in the kitchen and i ran and i hopped her a man and i told her i love her a man and she's looking at me like she was looking this morning god bless you god bless you happy birthday evangelist stewart lord bless you and i'm so happy tonight to have in our midst and i'm going to ask audrey later on to ask her to give a greeting our dear friend from tom of florida sister sharon heaven so later on she's becoming to give a greeting hallelujah so i'm so happy also to have with us tonight a friend of this church a young man who has blessed our hearts so many times amen and i know we have asked him to minister in youth service and all these things but he's not a youth youth youth anymore is is getting up there so i'm so happy to have our guest speaker for tonight minister larone spence god bless you that so happy to have you you know he's always way so willing to come to shear and i know the hand of the lord is upon his life and i'm expecting a rich blessing so it's saints to all of you until those of you are joining online saints let me tell you this we have i didn't realize how many persons overseas were involved yes on sunday participating in the service and we just want to give god thanks for our overseas saints and our friends overseas and the lord bless you and you know god is with us just after the service yesterday i mean on sunday yesterday was monday on sunday we went upstairs to open the resource center and you know just before we came out somebody turned to me and says i am contributing the first hundred thousand dollars towards the furniture that was on sunday and on monday i got a what's up from our finance director deaconess venetia hawthorne and she says past no she didn't say pastor bishop are not too used to that thing yet she says bishop the money is in the account 100 000 god is good to us we are going to push pray until something happens god bless you in jesus name god bless you i invite elder eddie to come and i know he will introduce our guest or give a greeting god bless you praise the lord praise the lord i saw the lord [Music] love my love [Music] i the am of my life oh oh oh oh let us worship the lord let us worship the lord oh let us worship the lord hallelujah oh hallelujah oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh we thank you jesus thank you very much uh thank you very much just want to greet our bishop and i have to say bishop robert stewart because i don't want anybody to be afraid that there may be another bishop there may be some bishops to it i have to make ensure that we distinguish it is bishop robert stewart uh praise the lord i just want to greet you bishop stewart and of course evangelist stewart i greet you in the wonderful name of jesus our guest speaker i greet you also just want to thank my lovely wife uh you know last night um or sometime yesterday she said that listen um do you want me to start the service and then you take over and i said that's a good idea and a journey that i thought would have taken me two hours took me three so but here i am oh hallelujah i just want to praise the lord i just want to give him thanks because he has been good to us very good to us at this time i'd just like to call upon sister heaven to come forward and to you know give a greeting praise the lord praise the lord everyone i have been practicing for a while so it's really easy bishop i've been really trying to work that one bishop has on a really lovely jacket tonight i have to slip that one in but you know when i got home on sunday i spoke with my husband and he said how was the ordination and i said awesome wonderful then i just started making up adjectives like bishop because he's really good at making up words and it was such a joy to be here i was just looking forward to coming to this occasion and i was really really blessed to be here as you know i am so grateful for the friendship of evangelist stewart i can call sometimes i know she's so busy i say call me when you can i'm so grateful for her covering my family with our prayers it's it's really really good to have a friend you can call and you're not going to hear trash she's going to give you godly wisdom guide you and just tell you right and i'm not sure of the words on that song bishop but i caught enough you can't catch me again and you'll not catch me again so grateful to be a part of the family of god bishop warns on his tombstone i made things better and i'm striving with the thought in my head only what's done for christ will last and as i walk this journey i want my life to make a difference in even one person's life that i can say i took something home of value with me god bless you all it's great to put some faces to the names it's really really good to meet you all and i'm thanking god for just being in the kingdom for such a time as this [Applause] sister evan thank you very much at this time it's offering time it's offering time in the house of god it's offering time praise the lord praise the lord is offering time praise the lord hallelujah and as soon as the commandment came abroad the children of israel brought in abundance the first fruit of god wine and oil and honey and of all the increase of the field and the ties of all things brought there in abundantly and concerning the children of israel and judah that dwell in the cities of judah they also brought in tithes of oxen and sheep and tithes of only things which were consecrated unto the lord their god and lay them by eaves lay them up in heaps praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord sorry luke 6 38 says give and it shall be given unto you good measure pressed down and shaken together and running over shall men give into your bosom for with the same measure that he meet with all it shall be measured to you again praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord we just want to thank god for this moment in which we have the opportunity to give during the collection of the offering our [Applause] group will sing for us our praise group will sing for us will bless our hearts and um [Music] okay so they will do a song for the offering and then the sermonic um psalm and immediately after the sarmonic song of course we will have our speaker to come and bless our heart so as we give remember the same measure that you give will be given to you also let us give abundantly so that we might be blessed by the same measure god bless you they uh care you bow your heads please heavenly father i just want to thank you this uh evening for your goodness and mercies towards us we want to thank you oh god that you have blessed us with resources so that we can come and we can give back a portion to you let us give o lord jesus with thanksgiving let us give joyfully oh god jesus knowing that it is what is given to you oh god jesus that really matter and not what we with all for ourselves we pray oh god jesus that as you continue to bless this assembly with your giving lord jesus it will be used to the glory of your name lord jesus we glorify you tonight as you o god bless our people and encourage them to give into your service in jesus name we pray thank you jesus [Music] hallelujah you're excellent jesus you're excellent you're excellent in all the earth you're excellent jesus you're excellent in all the earth you're excellent on the earth and if the people don't want to surprise you you're excellent in all the years for jesus he made a way for me for jesus it is all right oh it is it is is as long as i'm on [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] then you forgive me the things i should do or i belong to you and i know you will come through [Music] [Music] is [Music] my name is times do i go against your will then you forgive [Laughter] the things i shouldn't do for i belong to you and i know you will come through [Music] my name is many times do it take for me to learn that is only in your beyond glory cause i'm but yet i still hear you calling my name is my day is oh don't call me and you're ready calling my day my life praise the lord hallelujah hallelujah and the lord spends in jesus name hallelujah oh hallelujah oh glory be to god glory be to god praise this name hallelujah amen praise god yes can we just [Applause] bask in that reality that god knows our name the prime minister doesn't know it [Applause] but are bigger than the prime minister knows our name and not only does he know our name but he's calling he's calling and i think that's probably why he's omnipresent because he wants to express his love to every single hallelujah and just feel after him hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah he's not far from every one of us hallelujah he is nearer to us than even our breath thank you jesus god i love you i thank you for your voice that makes such a difference lord god of might and power and love hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus yes i'm i'm giving that allowance for just someone to just reach after god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah yes hallelujah here we are god in your presence take joy take joy take joy thank you god thank you god and even as we're here i'll just be asking bishop stewart to just pray pray for us at this moment thank you god father we come to you at this critical moment a moment when we are opening our hearts to hear a word from you lord brother larone is only a vessel he is the clay you are the potter mold him and make him tonight let the holiest spirit move through him let the anointing rest upon him lord use him tonight as they have never used them before and if there be any physical impediment that would want to obstruct we pray against that tonight whisper against every spiritual force that would want to intervene give your man's servant the release in this place that when he is through lord every heart here and online would be touched that someone would be saved someone will be filled with the holy ghost tonight someone would be revived in the name of jesus and we say thanks in jesus name amen amen god can we just clap our hands on to our king amen what a god we serve hallelujah can someone just say hurry for jesus yes yes yes amen praise god amen we can be seated for a little while and i just want to really greet everyone here amen greetings to bishop bishop robert stewart amen praise god praise god i've been i've been calling him bishop from the first time right so indeed nothing new and evangelist stewart a man she said i can call her my second mother amen praise god so god bless you mommy stewart and greetings again to our saints and our visitors and those that are possibly viewing online praise the lord jesus i see brother jamar praise the lord god i haven't seen him in years it's such a blessing and i congratulations sir praise god praise god praise god amen and i do give greetings from true tabernacle that's where i worship at pastor dale rankin has given me the allowance and i don't know i'm always wondering you know whenever i get an invitation from pgt i'm saying boy you guys not tired of me as yet but i'm really grateful that i'm here for the first night of campaign hey many many men and i can guarantee praise god praise god that once you have me as the first night every other night is gonna get better amen praise god praise god praise god praise god i am inviting us to stand just one more time and we'll be reading from two portions of scripture and then we'll see what happens micah chapter 7 verse 8 and we'll be reading also proverbs chapter 24 verses 15 and 16. micah 7 verse 8 it says rejoice not against me o my enemy when i fall [Music] i shall arise when i sit in darkness the lord shall be a light unto me don't rejoice when i fall because i'm gonna arise and when i sit in darkness the lord himself shall be my light we are talking about rebounding proverbs chapter 24 verses 15. and 16 it says something similar it says lay not weight or wicked man against the dwelling of the righteous spoil not his resting place in other words it doesn't make sense for you to lie in way thinking you're gonna get the stuff of the righteous verse 16 we possibly know this it says for our just man falleth seven times and riseth up again but the wicked shall fall into mischief adjustment fall at seven times and riseth up again but the wicked shall fall into mischief we may be seated we may be seated and i just want to speak as the lord would lead me about the fall factor the fall factor f-a-l-l factor and i believe that the lord would have allowed this to be because i have seen the lineup and i'm confident that the speakers that will follow will be very pragmatic they'll be very potent they'll give very sound advice but tonight i i want to speak to us so that our perspective if it is not already there it may be there because the fact of the matter is that is with our minds that we serve the true and the living god and our right perspective makes all the difference and sometimes we have a skewed perspective of life we have a skewed perspective of god we would like to put god into human terms we would like to think of god and maybe not even like but we have a tendency to think of god like how another human being would think we would suppose that if a man were to think a particular way then god will think this way but the book of isaiah says my thoughts are not your thoughts and this is god's speaking neither are your ways my way saith the lord and indeed the thoughts and the ways of god are higher and i would want to say that that scripture is not just saying that it is higher and it cannot be known i want to go further to say that god is saying yes my ways and my thoughts are higher but guess what i'm inviting you to take a step up i'm inviting you to look at life from my perspective that's why psalms would say that he that sits in the heavens shall laugh the time that we are living in if we are looking at life from that perspective from the perspective of humanity from the perspective of earth then we are not going to be laughing we are gonna be worrying we are gonna be wondering we are gonna be depressed but god says if you sit in the heavens you're gonna laugh hallelujah why because the kings of the earth the enemies hallelujah of our god they are plotting and they are doing all kinds of stuff against the lord and against his anointing they're saying ah we're gonna we're gonna break their bonds asunder we're gonna do all kinds of stuff to them hallelujah they're gonna be suffering and god is saying what a bunch of fools hallelujah hallelujah you have a plan but i have a better plan and on your best plans i'm gonna laugh at it that's the invitation that god is giving to us tonight to begin to laugh to smile when the storms of life come can we lift our hands hallelujah and just feel after god hallelujah and so i want to speak about this fall factor in luke chapter 17 the disciples were asking jesus what are the things that were going to happen right before his coming and the lord went into great detail about the things that were going to come upon this earth hallelujah and every once in a while he would inject something a word of assurance unto his disciples i said don't fear when these things happen hallelujah inside and they said in fact go a little bit further the end is not yet but just keep going a little bit further and so luke 17 ends and luke chapter 18 begins and in it the lord started by saying or the scriptures recorded luke 18 as saying and he spake a parable unto them to this end to what end because of the stuff that is going to come upon this earth because of men's hearts failing them for fear in other words people are gonna get heart attacks just thinking about the things that were going to happen to them jesus spoke a parable and the reason why he spake this probably said that men ought always to pray and not to faint because they see the the lord our god has given a very poor tent solution to the things that are happening are gonna happen and the solution is to go and run to the throne of grace [Music] hallelujah hallelujah the bible says hallelujah that because we have this confidence we can approach the throne of grace to find help and grace in the time of need is anybody here that has experienced that just lift your hands i'm getting somewhere so he said that men ought to pray and not to faint in other words to pray and not to fall david said i would have fainted i would have felt i would have backslidden and remain backslidden if i had not believed to see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living he he was not saying ah i would have backslidden hallelujah unless i saw his goodness he went a little further and said i don't need to see his goodness i just need to believe to see because this life that we're living especially now we cannot operate by feelings because our feelings will tell us not to worship our feelings will tell us not to come to service our feelings will tell us that somebody don't like you hallelujah and you're gonna just go into this period of resentment and bitterness that is what our feelings that's what that's how they impact us amen but i want to go and i want to see we're talking about rebounding we're talking about a transition from being down to bouncing back up and i believe that such a theme was got directed because there may be somebody here tonight or somebody that is watching that although you could have stood up and you could have been clapping your hands and singing perhaps when the lights are down and the camera is off and you're there in your bedroom or in your house there are tears that are becoming your meats hallelujah perhaps there is someone that although you are going through when you you know enough to look the part and appear the part inside of you there is a shred of darkness hallelujah a condemnation hallelujah that is actually impacting you from doing what god wants you to do at its fullness yes you may collect our offerings yes you may be singing on a choir yes hallelujah you may even have a particular title but you know hallelujah that there is just a short a thought that always keeps you boned hallelujah hallelujah that will cause you oh god to just do the beer minimum hallelujah to approach christianity as a set of check marks hallelujah you take it off when someone says stand you stand i say check when they say offering time you give a thousand dollars i said check i've done a good job as a christian but you know that the ministry that god has for you is greater than just coming to a church greater hallelujah than just singing some songs you know that god saved you to impact someone i want to speak to you in the name of the lord jesus christ [Applause] the fact of the matter in fact let's let's turn to luke chapter 22. luke chapter 22 i believe it is verse 31 and 32 and and although this is talking about someone is talking about you it's talking about us verse 31 says the lord jesus said simon simon put your name there put your name there let's read it with your name and the lord said lauren laron behold satan has desired to have you that he may sift you as weeds that's the agenda of the devil every single one of us he desires to harvest and worse that we are pentecostals that are baptized in jesus name and filled with the holy ghost hallelujah the devil looks at pentecostals as his chief trophies his chief possessions because if he can say that i have gotten someone that has a spirit of god residing in them then i have victory can we lift our hands the devil desires to harm us to sift us as we but look at what the lord says but i have prayed for you i have prayed for you lauren i have prayed for you jamar i have prayed for you hallelujah because when i pray that your faith fail not and that's a very important thing because a life of a christian that does not have faith is a life that is lost the bible says that it is our faith that overcomes the world this is the victory that we have faith but i look bishop and i see the lord giving a great lamentation he said in that same saying luke 18 he said nevertheless when the son of man comes when i come will i find faith on the earth i don't know about you but that troubles me and it challenges me because it could very well be possible that we may think that we have faith but it is really a substitute i put it as an example if someone say let's go into the inner city community and let us preach a storm someone would say you have to use wisdom that's not faith that is not faith and that is not wisdom because when i look at wisdom according to james chapter 3 it lets me know that it is added on to faith you cannot have godly wisdom and don't have faith but i i digress the lord jesus says i prayed for you that your faith don't fail in other words i prayed for you that you don't fall but look at what happened peter fell the great apostle peter fell again we're talking about rebounding [Music] the great apostle peter was in the snare of the devil the great apostle peter denied the lord jesus christ and when peter recognized this he fell into a shroud of darkness the bible says that he went out and he wept bitterly he began to have a pity party and he said oh me oh my i embarrassed myself because i said to the very lord hallelujah when they come to take you i'm gonna be right beside you to be crucified hallelujah though men may leave you i will never leave you hallelujah i'll tell you about peter filled and i know it taking long to just give this one point but i want to speak to our minds and i want us to understand that for every single one of us god has factored already our fall he has already factored our failures he has already factored our shortcomings our deficiencies hallelujah hallelujah he's already got that in his plan and there's nobody here that is great enough there's nobody here that's who has sinned hallelujah so big enough and so bad enough that god scratched him ahead and said what are gonna do with this one no no no all of us god has a plan amen [Music] in fact let me take it a little further before our form our failure we can look at it like sin or we can look at it hallelujah as just us not living where god wants us to live hallelujah however there may be somebody here that's a well uh and not sin but guess what sin means to fall short of the mark hallelujah and if you know that god has been calling you and you have been intentionally you know shrugging it away and say no that is for somebody that is fanatic that is for somebody that has a title that is for our bishop and our evangelist no no that is the enemy that is speaking to your mind and you need to rebuke it in the name of jesus christ hallelujah if you've been struggling hallelujah and you know that god has been calling you to wake up a little early and to pray and you sugar off that voice i want to speak to you and say don't shrug it off praise the lord everyone it might seem like i'm not talking to anybody but i think i'm talking to someone think i'm talking to someone our fault this is where i'm taking it the bible actually lets us know that our failures our faults our shortcomings our deficiencies were actually already prophesied if you don't believe me let's turn to isaiah 28 i have just a couple more scriptures and then [Music] i think i'll be finished isaiah chapter 40. verse 28 it says has though not known as though not heard that the everlasting god the lord the creator of the ends of the earth faints not neither is weary there is no searching of his understanding god is the only one that has never failed god is the only one that has never fainted god is the only one that has kept his word and that's the god that we serve and look at what it says verse 29 says this god that never fails he gives power to the faith he gives power to those that have fallen he gives power to those that are struggling he gives power to those that understand where they are that understand in the grand scheme of things that they're falling short and they don't want to make an excuse for it he gives power to such people and to them that don't have any might he increases strength have you ever been there you feel so weak and down hallelujah but you just begin to call on the name of jesus and somewhere somehow you feel something in your belly hallelujah and something begins to push you to tell you i'll tell you that the song man puts it like this something down inside of me telling me to go on [Applause] he increases strength but look at the prophecy it says even the youths shall faint even those who are supposed to be known by their strength because the bible says young men i call upon you because you are strong but isaiah is prophesying and said even these strong people are gonna faint [Applause] it doesn't matter how long you have been in this thing hallelujah hallelujah the fact of the matter is that nobody gets a pass this devil is no respecter of persons he's still walking about seeking whom we may devour [Applause] and because of that this very peter understood after he went through that experience and he said boy brethren be sober be on the lookout i'm talking from experience that is what peter is saying because you have an adversary the devil as a roaring liar walking about if he can get you one way he's gonna try another way hallelujah hallelujah he keeps prowling peter says watch resist him can we lift our hands the prophecy says the youths shall faint and be weary the young men not only are they gonna fall utterly completely far that is what is happening and that's why our perspectives need to change [Music] because the fact of the matter is for many persons i would even venture to say virtually every single person in this place in christianity hallelujah is going to experience some form of failure some form of fall and when that happens if your mind hallelujah doesn't understand that this was a part of the prophecy and if your mind does not understand i'll tell you that god has already affected in your failure then you're going to remain fallen [Applause] i wish i could i wish i could actually be a preacher but the bible says they that waits upon the lord it's not two different groups it's the same group of people that fall that feel and utterly fail but within that group of persons who [Applause] are felt that are saying i am in darkness right now i am sitting in darkness but i am gonna wait on the lord i'm gonna cry out unto him because he is the one that is able to pick me up he is the one that is able to set me back on the right path i want to tell you that every single person that is in that group of those that wait on the line i'm telling you when they bounce back when they bounce back [Music] you can't find another one that is as passionate as them in worship you can't find another one that is so evangelistic minded you can't find another one hallelujah who's willing to serve and to give everything because they understood hallelujah that they were down in a dungeon with no help and no hope left but god who is rich in mercy they understand hallelujah that they were forgiven much hallelujah and because they were forgiven much they owe their master everything and so with every strand of their being hallelujah they're gonna do what it takes hallelujah i'll tell you even when they're sick they'll still press [Applause] is there someone here and has that experience [Applause] halloween i speak for you to understand this was a prophecy and we may ask why and this is the last verse i think in daniel chapter 11 verse 32 let's read and such as do wickedly against the covenant shall a despicable man corrupt by flatteries but the people that do know their god shall be strong and do exploits you're gonna be and you're gonna do those that know their god but let's read on they that understand among the people shall instruct many yet these very teachers these very instructors they shall fall also they shall fall by the sword they shall fall by flame they shall fall by captivity and by spoil many days because that's the thing about the devil if he can't get you to come out of the way of holiness he will persecute you and that persecution is going to be so rough that if you are not careful [Music] you might feel helpless and hopeless the apostle paul even said it he said boy there came a time when it got so rough that we even despaired of living but let's read on now when they shall fall they shall be helped with a little help but many shall cleave to them with flatteries in other words some persons are gonna come to help but it's really not help false brethren but i want to go to verse 35 some of them of understanding shall fall to try them and to purge and to make them white even to the time of the end because it is yet for a time appointed in other words when this thing happens to us and i don't need to be a prophet to tell us all of us are going to experience something it's either because we were not prepared spiritually and it causes us to come out of the way of righteousness or we did not build up ourselves hallelujah to endure the afflictions of living as a righteous man a woman so when these things happen and it will happen don't have a pity party don't believe that your sin is too much for the grace of god the praise team just sang it oh lord i've sinned but still you're calling my name what kind of god is that i would think that the one who has angels and there may be some who have maybe seen visions of angels before and you can describe how you felt hallelujah you felt weak and you couldn't even lift up your head and these very angels that the bible says god himself have to humble himself for these powerful beings to even look and glance at him i would think that this god would only want the best of the best but again god is not like man man puts values on what man value we put value on things that are whole and the moment that something becomes broken in the economy of man it loses its value [Music] but look at god [Applause] the things that are broken for god it actually gains value a broken spirit and a contrite heart god will not despise hallelujah this poor man cried yeah the world doesn't like when poor people cry but god loves when poor people cry when blind men call upon the name of the lord he loves that why because it is an opportunity for him to now showcase his glory i want to say to someone tonight come out of that showd of condemnation i want to say to someone tonight that god has not placed a limit because of your previous shortcomings he said to peter i already prayed for you that your faith don't fail but he went on to say but you're gonna be converted in other words even though i pray for you you're gonna fall but guess what you're not going to remain fallen and maybe this was a word that peter began to remember hallelujah because that's all that it takes now it just takes one word from god hallelujah to begin to make you understand i look at that practical son hallelujah down there in that pig pen hallelujah hallelujah eating in fact wanting to eat of the very things that was abominable to his own religion and to his own race hallelujah but while he was there in the pig pen while he was there in the life of sin something came back to his remembrance there was a word that was spoken there was an experience that he had there was something that he recalled to his mind that said no no no i am not meant for this place hallelujah why am i sitting here when in my father's house hallelujah is a plethora of luxuries hallelujah it's food ah enough hallelujah and more than enough i can't stay here can we stand at this moment can't stay here can't remain in this lonely place i refuse to be called ordinary [Music] i refuse to just be known before the coming of the lord as one that just comes to a service to clap hands and then go home hallelujah and wait for it to be repeated again and again no i refuse that because god is calling me higher [Applause] and folks i'm telling us the reality of this life is such that when certain things happen to us our very theology is gonna be questioned in other words the things that we had grown up knowing about god we're actually going to be questioning it when that happens i look at paul because paul was just like that he grew up in a religion he grew up wanting to be that textbook servant of god and he thought that he was doing well until until he had an experience that completely changed his outlook on god and the very scriptures it's not that he was per se sinning or he was not sinning blatantly but he needed an experience and tonight i want to say that in this season god is going to give us experiences my lord and these experiences some of them are not going to be joyful can i tell you some of them are going to be filled with pain some of them are going to make us cry but it was god's it's all factored in god's plan to cause us to be broken so that we can come to him tonight is there anyone here that knows that god is calling you higher is there anyone here that is not baptized in jesus name that is not filled with the holy ghost in other words you you have never had this experience of speaking in another language as the spirit of god gives utterance i want to say god wants to give you an unmistakable experience tonight and if it is possible for us to come a little closer to come to an altar and to say and to just confess to god that god i am really not where i know i should be we tend to look at the altars just as a place for sinners and unconverted but it is also a place of a commitment it's a place where god hallelujah can show some stuff to us it's a place of purging it's a place hallelujah hallelujah where god just it just wants to be intimate with us it is a time to really come to the light can we lift our hands at this moment hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah lord jesus we come to you we want you to change our mindsets lord god that we can see that you are the good good good good father hallelujah hallelujah god but we want our minds to also be aware that you chasing every son hallelujah god almighty your word declares that it pleased you to bruise jesus and if it pleased you god almighty then how much more us and i i know that lord god almighty our spirits lord god are not always jumping and leaping for joy at the prospect of pain hallelujah and suffering but god almighty in such a time as this hallelujah when people are back sliding left right and center god almighty we need our minds hallelujah to be fortified allow you to understand that we must endure hallelujah as a good soldier and so tonight god we are praying you have your way [Music] take us out of lord god almighty hallelujah an expectation of a luxurious life at all times and cause us to see that a part of the rebounding must be that when we get up when we come out of our slumber we'll see a cross across that every single one of us must carry if we are to truly be your disciple cause us lie to forsake entertainment and to entertain your spirit and we keep worshiping the light hallelujah made a lie due his work is there anyone that really wants to come down as a sign of faith as as a step of faith to say god it's me i don't care about anybody else it's me i need a change i need to come out of this you have called me for more the lord bless us may lord bless us thank you jesus oh hallelujah hallelujah oh hallelujah hallelujah oh we bless your name lord jesus we bless your name [Music] oh jesus we thank you lord we thank you o god we thank you [Music] thank you jesus oh we give you praise we give you praise oh hallelujah hallelujah the altar is still hoping for those who would want to come and recommit themselves to the lord oh hallelujah living by faith living by faith with jesus above trust in confidence in his great love oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] i'm living my prayers [Music] scoring the master looked on [Music] is is i know that he safely will carry me through no matter [Music] by my side jesus is [Applause] oh our troubles [Music] oh is [Applause] is oh is oh hallelujah oh hallelujah there are some things [Music] that we have to see them as they are even though they may not exist and that is all we live by faith we are trusting we are confident in jesus we must live by faith and not by sight sense of god so many things that we see will discourage us but if we just close our eyes and think about jesus then our faith will take us to a better place let us pray today that our faith might be increased so that we will see what jesus can do for us and not what is happening in our environment but what he can do for us can we all pray at this time heavenly father we thank you o god jesus for your word we thank your god jesus for your servant oh lord jesus who have presented oh god jesus your word to us we pray oh god jesus tonight that those words oh god jesus would have fallen o god on fertile soil fallen lord jesus in our hearts where they can grow lord jesus and bring forth fruit if there is one thing we need to do today is to live by faith to trust you to confide in you oh lord jesus to be always sheltering in your arms lord we need to learn to live by faith we pray oh god jesus that you will open up our eyes our spiritual eyes o lord jesus that oh god we will know who you are oh god and whose we are we are your sons we are sons of god and it does not yet appear what we shall be but we know that when you shall appear we shall be like you oh god jesus for we shall see you as you are we thank you oh god jesus for this first night of our campaign lord jesus we know you have planted something oh god jesus somewhere in somebody's heart and it will blossom and bring forth bring forth break forth oh god thank you oh god jesus that we oh god jesus though we are fallen and might have fallen but oh god jesus we have rebounded and now we are rejoicing and living by faith thank you oh god jesus for everything that you have done tonight we pray lord jesus as we leave this sanctuary to our various abort that you will go with us oh god and keep us safe oh god keep us shelter from the prowler who is seeking to devour us oh god jesus oh god tonight by faith we know lord jesus that you're watching over us that your angels oh god jesus have been given instruction to take charge of our surrounding lord jesus that no harm will become of us we give you thanks and we give you praise in jesus name oh hallelujah amen oh hallelujah can you raise your hand for the benediction um just before we do the benediction elder just want to make a quick announcement remember tomorrow god's willing being ash wednesday we have our regular wednesday morning prairie meeting at 6 00 a.m but we are going to continue until noon as we begin our 40 days fast remember every year from ash wednesday we have our 40 days fast we're not going to be indulging in indulgences we are just fasting and seeking the face of the lord as we continue to push god bless you in jesus name okay thank you very much bishop may you raise your hand for the benediction oh hallelujah may the saving grace of our lord and savior jesus christ be with us now and forevermore can everybody say amen amen let us practice to live by faith in jesus name god bless you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] jesus died was buried but on the third day he rose so we are here [Music] you
Channel: Pentecostal Gospel Temple 111 - Online Ministry
Views: 337
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Length: 137min 56sec (8276 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 02 2022
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