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[Laughter] let me ask you a question i have to correct you on certain things because i listened to your interview all right that you did um and when you said that alpo you know alpo did have it done to rich porter but he had nothing to do with the little brother right that's what i heard yes preacher was separate preacher and the little brother was separate but he didn't because apple didn't have anything to do i told you i didn't know the difference you did say that but i did i but what my recollection was they were pissed off at him about the little brother so really wouldn't have been because they all believed they all believed in new york that he had killed a little brother right but but let me actually let me ask you this honest question and there's two things i want to say apple said to me on the phone and we go back tell me if this makes sense to you he said to me that we praise rich porter i like rich porter i think his story is is dope and he's fly i like fly stuff look look i'm jiggy but what's the matter with me but he said that we he said that why does why do the people do not praise or throw a party this is what he said this is his words for the brother uh darnell the 12 year old brother that got killed his finger shut off do you kind of agree with apple when he said something like that he said we praised that martyr or we make a martyr of rich porter but we don't even acknowledge his little brother his little brother who was 12 years old and got his life taken at the short well here's my here's my feeling on it see that's where the moral outrage comes from from me because because we don't do stuff like that we if we like rich porter if we think he's a good dude and and and we want to carry his memory with us god bless us for doing that but you can't just stop there you have to you have to take it to your whole community and say hey listen man we've lost two important people uh you know i don't know rich porter is was he a drug dealer was he you know uh in the same business i'm not going to praise him but if people in the in knowledgeable of him thought he was a worthy person and a nice person god bless him you know god's mercy extends everywhere yes all right and so we have to i i'm not gonna ever suggest that you know being good for for rich porter and his brother that should be equal but what what just drives me crazy is that when we put anybody of these guys up on a pedestal we got to do that with a little bit of a you know moral understanding of what we're saying there understand that we're saying that you know people like wayne perry and alpo are worth praising and worth considering as when they just about ruin both their neighborhoods their communities just about ruined it real quick because you you know you start to get read again um alpo do you know why alpo got shot in dc do you know about that yeah can you tell us why you got shot what you found out because dc is that way what happened was um cliff cobb ran most of northeast and uh jim jim and jawbreaker were the two hitters for cliff's little crew over there in in i'm trying to remember it's it's it's the uh what the hell neighborhood is it it's really off a catholic university it's kind of like you know anyway uh it's totally irrelevant to you but uh all they knew was some dude from new york was coming down and acting big they they didn't care who it was they don't know alpo from beans now if you talk to him right now they probably tell you all about how they had done background on him or something like that you know but they've never been brought to to task for it but they shot him and at the same time we were shooting dudes from l.a we were i mean when i say we i mean my community dc was shooting you know jamaicans we were shooting anybody that came into town to try to run run an operation um did you ever hear a guy named uh uh l.a roy summers no eight-tray gangster [ __ ] one of those you know big deal drug dealers from out west who tried to bring mo do you know who i'm talking about used to bring a lot of uh drugs into the east coast and he sold all around dc maryland virginia wouldn't ever go into dc he said excuse my french those dc are crazy and so he says i don't deal with him i ain't going to deal with it and he testified because he was part of the whole you know california scam with the r street group the point is is that um he's you know he was telling it like it was he says they would do a deal with you or new york or dc guys would do a deal with you expect a discount the next time around if they didn't get the discount they'd kill you the third time around that was that was the rep that was going on outside of new or dc and so anybody that came to dc and wanted to operate and you know whatever drove alpo down here whether it was the killing of richie porter or not i guess it was right whatever drove him down here put him in a position where he had to rely on you know people like jim jim and drawback and that ain't people you rely on because they will kill you and so they took a shot at it that's what my understanding of it is so i wish i would have been able to prove the case at the time so how did you find out about wayne perry because first of all you did you did you did a i don't know if you did the interview with a guy named gully did you do an interview with a guy that guy i heard about an interview on his channel gulley tv i didn't do an interview with gully gully took my interview that was done with a retired fbi agent in philadelphia and apparently decided to put it on a youtube thing how did you feel about that about that interview yeah i thought it was a rip-off i thought it was you know and to this day the man's never said you know a word to me and he's used my my picture and my words uh and i don't know if he's making any money off of it and i really don't you know i'm not worried about the money i'm just worried about the you know the absolute uh nerve of the guy to you know think he can uh do that for somebody would you would you have cause it was a good i heard it that's how i learned i mean back in the day i might have done something real bad to him would you expected a call would you like to call from or reach out like you know at least an email maybe like uh something so so so okay so it wasn't it was with a retired fbi yeah i i'd worked all the the the details of that podcast out with the retired agent okay and the other thing i didn't like about because he cut off the important which to me wasn't important but to me it was it was a part of that whole story was i wanted to tell the story of the price that fbi agents and police officers pay to do this kind of work because it's dangerous and you know people ought to be remembered and we want to get into that but before that i want to know two about two people and then i want to get into the remembrance i want to know about how you know about rafale edmond right i'm saying that and how did first let's thought of wayne perry how did that come on your desk how did you find it them well as i told you before i was doing the r street crew and the archery crew immediately led into the first street crew which we got that group done right after our street and we did uh uh uh a close friend of mine associate did the peace street crew which uh involved a guy named kenny mann bryant kenneth ray bryant who was another scary killer that dc you know had you know operating at the same time and uh during the course of all of those investigations wayne perry was the beast over the top of all of what is his story that you know the only thing we knew is that he he was probably fingered on every murder that happened in dc i mean somebody's a body would drop today and within an hour or two somebody call in and say wayne perry did it well we knew that was [ __ ] but uh what it really came down to for me is that well we're going to have to pay attention to him eventually but then i got a call from the captain of homicide after alvita hopkins was murdered when alvida was murdered she had agreed to testify against wayne because she believed that wayne was responsible for the murder of her friend uh froggy james henson does this mean um and they and so wayne killed her well the cops knew that wayne killed her but they had nothing she was left out on 295 there was no crime scene there was really you know no witnesses they had nothing and so captain homicide calls me up and says listen y'all just finished doing well in our street and p street and uh first street so can you come over and i want to give a case over to you and he gave gave me wayne parrott so i it was that was it so once he gave you wayne perry let's go into the how you found out about him like the stuff so he was we don't know why he was killing the way he was killing mm-hmm because he wasn't a hustler he wasn't a drug dealer but he was an extortionist you know which mean that he would go to the top drug dealers and receive money from him because they were scared of him yes right that was that was the plan i think a lot of the top drug dealers thought that they didn't have to pay tribute to him and some of them you know regretted that because he would take them and rob them and and and do lots of things to them like you know burn them with cigarettes and and he had he had his own little crew that was a kind of a side hustle he had that uh if there was anybody that he had decided wasn't cooperative with him they might find themselves snatched one night and spend the night with him and his and his boys and it wasn't pleasant and he'd kill some and he wouldn't kill something so let's he was kind of crazy sounds crazy yeah a lot of a lot of when i listened to the interview that you did you were speaking about a lot of the witnesses that were murdered by him um you fought okay so you found out wayne perry we got to look into him the hum the detective called you and then you move forward now you're moving forward now when more bodies are dropping that's when you're looking into him more what is the next thing that come on here that's about him in the beginning i was running into brick walls and uh but i had i had solid intelligence from reliable sources of information throughout dc by that point i'd really we'd built up a cadre i mean my squad the the agents and the cops that i worked with had built up a a base that we knew we were starting to get to a point where we knew almost immediately who did what and there was a double homicide that happened over in potomac gardens that i had heard about and i knew that that that particular homicide they charged another dude that i knew about i'm trying to remember what his name was um hang on that's why i brought my notes with me i'm surprised the first time he used the notes man everything else he remembered pretty much well he said yeah bad memory the big no the biggest problem that i've had over the years is i used to have the pretty good memory and then i've just lost a lot of that you seem to give a great memory pretty good to me yeah i didn't have any issue with your first time using the notes with two hours ago okay yeah calvin ace smith was charged with this double homicide and i had three different informants say he wasn't by himself he was he was working with wayne that day so immediately uh asa got charged with with with the killing and so i said well i'll just you know sort of shepherd that case along through the u.s attorney because the u.s attorney i was dealing with at the time was a good guy and i thought well you know i'll see what happens with the case and and see if i could get opportunity to talk to the witnesses in that case because obviously they had witnesses that they said that we're going to you know implicate they say in it i said it's interesting because they're going to implicate a say but they're not going to implicate wayne so i never really you know i did i wasn't like being aggressive about it i was just saying okay let's see what happens so eventually and the i think was two or three witnesses they were women they lived in potomac gardens and they were all as far as i recall they were all heroin addicts and so they were trouble and they're getting ready for the trial and of course they needed me to cover them you know to put them somewhere so i said well where do you want them and they and u.s attorneys said he wants them in a hotel somewhere that's safe i said okay well you know and i put him out in virginia and we had them safe and so eventually i got around to interviewing them and i'll go through the whole you know step by step with them and i'm worried about you know their testimony because it sounded weird it wasn't you know my idea of solid testimony and he ate and the detective was working with it she was like buying everything they said and i was like because i knew her and i was like you know you think that's really she says well you know you know how it is i mean they're junkies and this you know and i'm like okay well you know if you're satisfied you're satisfied but i'm telling you you know everybody's telling me that wayne was there well we can't you know we can't get into that so i go into them and i just say you know was wayne there and all three of them turned white and they you know weren't white so i was like okay uh you know never mind kind of disregard i'm not gonna press you on something so they testified in the trial and all three of them fell apart they got destroyed on the stand by the defense attorney and but else they say got convicted of a gun charge because he couldn't get around the fact that he had a gun somebody apparently had the gun connected to him and it was the gun one of the guns that was used to shoot these dudes and they would you know andre hinkle and another guy later on oh well at that particular point so i'm like i'm dead in the water these witnesses aren't worth a damn and so they're not getting me anywhere and so i've got to work another angle on this um but later on when i talk to wayne he admitted yeah i did that so i knew that that case is kind of where things started for me and that was i was getting the right information from you know the people that were talking to me um trying to remember what led us in the right direction okay so i i said i'm going back to square one one thing that we know is that he's running around with alpo right now and i didn't know alpo from adam but you know fbi new york had a warrant on him for kidnapping and something and um my partner angelo had gotten this confession from him when he'd been shot up and so our drug squad was putting together a drug case on alpo in uh in northern virginia which i said well you know that's gonna that's gonna work out because you know it was all basic testimony from him directly and so i thought well that's going to be a decent case i said i just need to get alpo out of the way because he's making wayne turn into a vampire i never get a chance to really do anything you know to really target wayne as to where he's living and and sort of the normal business that you have to go through to start really working a an investigation you got to really start getting a handle on uh the details and we weren't able to get a handle on the details because he wasn't living a normal life found out later that he and and alpo are going to like uh motels every night or they had a place up you know commodore joshua barney that they would spend night a couple of nights at and then they'd go someplace else and so they were just rotating around the city and and uh then i heard that alpo's uh wife slash girlfriend moved down to dc and she was and he seeing her then i developed a couple of really good confidential sources on him including a person that knew uh knew his wife and several of the girls that were sort of friends at a beauty salon and um they were the ones that gave me where alpo was going to be the night he was locked up the ladies not the ladies themselves but my so my source that knew all these folks and so i happened to be out of town but i called up you know the case agent the the drug case agent who was scott yao and angelo of course angelo knew him angelo had really been the only one in dc that had ever seen the man and so i said well he's going to be at so and so tonight and so they rounded up a team and they they grabbed his ass and got him and they grabbed them based off of what though what did were about what my source told me that where he was going to be he was he was no i know no but what was the reason was it because of the drugs yeah they had the drug case they had the kidnapping case all of that was like already baked in okay he was a fugitive so all we had to do was put his ass in cuffs and he was going to be in the decision-making process that i told you about got it so to me the main thing was get him out of the way so i can you know spend time on going after wayne do you think that alpo was smart because he was able to sort of to some people they say manipulate wayne or do you think that they both had a genuine love for each other no there was no love there's no love at least not at least i don't believe there was um wayne was getting money that was what wayne was about he was getting money from alpo because alpo was making sure that he didn't get shot at again and wayne was making sure that he was protected in dc that he wasn't going to get snatched by anybody i mean whatever they were doing was working and i don't think alpo had the the knowledge of the area enough to know i mean i'm sure he was smart enough to be able to figure out you know if i go to a hotel every night i'm probably not gonna nobody's gonna beam on me but he also knew that he had to do business and the only way he was gonna do business is if he had somebody like wayne with him because that way nobody was gonna come at him from the other side so if i'm gonna do drug business i gotta have somebody that's heavy next to me who's gonna scare the hell out of whoever you know would take a run at me and really the only person that was serious enough for them to worry about was fray so frey wasn't scared of wayne hard to say if you talk to frey you'd say no and if you talk to friends of fred because frey was an old-timer he was a you know a big-time gangster that had been you know been a bank robber when he was a kid and i mean a serious you know career criminal he wasn't like you know he wasn't going to be somebody that was scared of wayne but i'm sure he he knew that wayne was you know like a cobra in the grass that's what you gotta you know that's what you that's the way you got to think about it how did wayne perry find out about all the the witnesses that he was able because i heard like i said he killed people that were right if if if if all of us are in at a club and we go outside the club and we have an argument and i kill you who else am i going to kill i may not kill this guy this guy this guy and this guy and this girl tonight but eventually i'll get around to it so he visually remembered me oh yeah and that was kind of his approach to things in other words the normal murder like you know you see a murder mystery and you go wow that guy was smart the murderer was smart he was wayne wouldn't know you know i mean he his way about him was smart but what he operated on was power his source of what he did was power so if i kill you in front of all these guys everybody here right now is scared of me right and then i rock you to sleep by smiling at you and telling you all this good stuff and all this and that and the other thing two weeks from now i'll kill you and you get you're scared and you're scared right but and so who who's got the power now and you know also that i've killed a bunch of other people so that so the way i see it with wayne it was all about power it was all about i don't care if you're you know a dangerous drug dealer i don't because i don't you know because i'll yeah i'll take the hit you want to kill me go ahead and here's something that that wayne understood that i don't think very that very few people understand i understood it because of my history in the military okay when can a cop shoot somebody a cop could shoot somebody when normal course of business when can a cop shoot somebody when they get shot at or yeah when they're when they're when they're in fear of their life so in other words if i'm a cop i gotta react wayne didn't react he acted very subtle difference in other words if i'm standing talking to you and being nice to you and all that kind of thing you're not expecting me to pull a gun no and you're probably if you if i pull a gun you're probably thinking well you know he's going to tell me something first like you no good skunk then at least i can react wayne didn't work like that wayne was boom you're dead that's how he worked i'm gonna ask you a question and i know you didn't want to talk about this but i like those notes i would like to see those notes too please how did you find out how did you find out about because that's the big news now about wayne and being or dealing with other men how did that come to your desk no why are you that are you laughing before i want to know how you found out how that you know that story drives me crazy you know that i heard about it you know you paused it apparently yeah this is your fault i heard it from like five different people that thomas dozier was his his boy in lorton that's how thomas dozier got into it who was thomas dozier thomas dozier was his in quotes flunky that everybody you know some of the people talk about thomas you know you know because of you that came out it wasn't because of me well look i found out as far as i know every everybody that i knew knew about it and that's and that's what somebody said let me tell you let me tell you something about wayne's i don't know sexuality wayne sexuality is that you know i talked to probably 100 women that man he's nice he's so pretty i'm come on man i'm like okay he must be doing something right in that department so i don't know what it is but the fact that that a man in prison and it was like alpo was one of the funny ones talking about he's the one that told us ain't nothing better than a fat butt boy that's what alpo told us well you asked him you asked him did he ever tell the fbi ain't nothing better i ain't going damn no no no no no no no no dead slow down go on yeah and then slow down are you sure that don't say that he said i don't i'm not saying that he's that way you're missing you're missing that's what it sounds like he said that because i heard it and i was like damn he's you know that's i i never i've never heard that from anybody else i heard it from alpha and basically what he was saying was that you know uh sex is sex whatever it's not like a stomach but but all these readers got all upset with it but they don't care that he killed 100 people no i mean look i i look i don't give a damn whether wayne is is gay or not and i don't really think he is gay okay what i think is that you know when when he was in lorton and there was nothing around but you know somebody that that was willing to to to take care of him and and and give him the sexual gratification that he wanted he was okay with that do you think that al paul was saying that just to pull your string or to crack of joke probably yeah because we never have to yeah but probably no not you could if you got a chance to talk to him you just ask him did you ever say that to the fbi agents and if he says no then he's lying he's a lawyer he's a guy and cracking jokes is fine he he was cracking jokes with us and that was part of it but it was in that same context guys what i'm telling you i heard that that that that's something i'm saying harlem joke to me man he's gonna slow down let me ask you a question did the did any men because you said the guy taught what's his name thomas what's that did he admit to did you ever he died he got killed by okay never mind but don't do that don't do that don't do it don't don't don't don't hold on he was killed by a guy named poochie who was frey's nephew thomas dobson was why the phrase nephew killed him man you no i can't i can't go there because respect it's already controversy right now it's controversy right now to this day yeah freya is dead right yeah but he didn't was he killed frey was killed by michael jackson a dude from the mana shop right where the man in the shop up and d you see i'm talking dc stuff so michael jackson michael jackson was a drug dealer who worked with a bunch of guys up northwest and he came to wayne and alpo and said your boyfriend's coming at you and both wayne and poe understood that they weren't going to ever get next to fray they weren't going to be able to get at him and he said don't worry i'll take care of him but you got to give me a key kilo hey my name yeah go ahead and so michael got a couple of guys and they jumped in the car with fray and put a bulletin's head in the back of his head but but why was michael jackson able to get who who is my only michael jackson i know that right now no no no this is a this is a drug dealer who's in prison probably for a long time still at least i hope to hell he's in prison michael jackson jackson is his name and he so he was close to freight that's how he was able to do that yeah because you know fray had contacts mostly in southeast but you got to understand dc is a small town i mean everybody knows everybody and michael jackson was the type of guy who frey would probably let in the car behind him in other words fred wasn't going to let wayne in in the car and he wasn't going to let any of of uh wayne's people in the car with him that wasn't happening did you ever speak to michael jackson find out why did he divide did he well that's a funny story tell me i want to know well we locked him up for that murder for frey's murder yeah and uh and i thought wow and but but he was also deeply involved in the big drug operation that was going out of louisburg with uh with uh rafal and so the u.s attorney's office said well you can log him up for the murder but we really want him on this drug stuff that's another part of the political [ __ ] yeah um so i was like okay well since it's my warrant i get to go on the arrest don't i and they were like oh yeah yeah sure i said okay well i'm gonna go on the arrest and and the guy who wanted to do the whole thing was one of the drug agents who he was a friend but he had kind of gone off in a different direction uh on one of my cases that i didn't particularly like and i you know i was okay with it but you know i was like you know this is just inside stuff that is really is totally irrelevant but the but the bottom line is i'm laying down on the on the on the the the bed in the because they wanted him arrested and brought to a hotel room instead of brought to the office they didn't want anybody to know that he was being charged you know with any kind of crime and to this day i'm like at a loss well what they didn't tell me was as soon as they locked him up they said don't worry you can you can talk to us you can tell us anything you want we won't use anything you want you say against us against you and i'm like i wasn't there so basically they're giving him his miranda and i any time we arrested somebody you give him a miranda and you give him a legit miranda you say hey you know you need a lawyer we'll get one for you et cetera et cetera you know the normal miranda rights but then we say would you like to talk to us do you want to waive your rights and they if they say yes then we go okay and then we're interviewing them we're talking to them about anything well so i come in at like 20 minutes after he's locked up and i'm laying on the on the and so i'm just bullshitting with hey michael what's up so you know i'm the one that's got the warrant for your ass and he's like oh really and i said yeah dude so so so tell me why'd you kill fred man that's some [ __ ] i didn't name it man and i said well man we got three witnesses that tell tell us that you did what the hell were they doing were they looking out the were they were they standing around on the street while i was looking out the window at him well that's exactly what the witnesses saw when he was driving down bryant street he's in the back seat of the car and i had three civilians regular folks that lived on bryant street who were looking at the same thing especially after the gun shot and they saw his face under the street light and i said well dude i didn't tell you anything about a car and i didn't tell you anything about you looking out the window and i didn't so yeah that's exactly right they saw you stick your face out the window when you shot the dude and he's like well wait i know you know so he starts backpedaling on me i said enough said i'm good i don't need nothing from you and so i left and i wrote my report and then i was told that they got given him a free ride that nothing he could say could be used against him so we don't know why he killed him oh i know why he killed him i mean poe knows why he killed asked alpo let me talk to him why michael jackson killed fray so where does sean branch come in because sean said that you had mentioned him come on man come on sean i like sean sean he's a nice guy to me sean said that you have yeah because because the the ten families of people that he's uh of the people that he's killed haven't come to you and said man that's wrong that you're talking to sean hold on a lot of us have wait wait look you don't understand sean a dangerous human being you're going against your belief as far as in god because you said god you said this you said god's forgiveness or what you said earlier he hasn't been he hasn't been paid the price for the other people he's killed but you also said and god's forgiveness has got to got to involve god you know that that our penance that we have to pay i got it but you also said that you're not here to do i mean i i got you all right you're with me no no no no i'm not i'm i'm okay what i'm saying to you is what i'm saying what i'm saying to you is is that um um anything sean branch tells you is going to be self-serving to sean branch which is fine if i could if i could if i could have charged him with with his participation in a murder i would have definitely done it but i'm partly responsible for uh the fact that he got convicted of the michael green case okay partly because i gave the guys who were working the case the right witness in the michael green case but they also had him charged with the monty glenn murder and somehow he got off of that and he also beat another case because the witness who testified against him testified in a hearing on or testified in the trial on friday afternoon and he went home for the weekend because court you know took off the weekend and lo and behold the witness got killed over the weekend and they never got an opportunity to cross-examine that witness now how do you think that happened to me it's a miracle it's not america's okay but what i'm asking you is that so but how did you first hear about his name how did it come because sean said that you said in the interview god didn't hear this part but he said that you said in the interview that he went to go speak to wayne perry about michael jackson but sean said that wasn't true he said he didn't know where you got the information from yeah that's what he said i know i know what he said he's wrong he said he went to talk to to to wayne about demencio benson's murder that's what he said he did dementia vincent yes all right now let me tell you something he and wayne were on the street together for months before wayne got locked up and he rightfully would have gone if he wanted to talk to him about demenzio benson damencio benson had died a year earlier remember this is night dementia benson got killed in summer 91 yeah yeah all right sean's out at least by april of 92. wayne doesn't get locked up until mid-june mid-july i'm sorry of 92. so he has two or three months that if he needs to go talk to wayne about his friend demencio he could do it not in the prince george's county jail which is if you're going to talk to somebody about a murder it's probably not a good idea to go talking to them in jail over the phones that could be you know tape recorded i wish they were but they weren't that's just a you know an unfortunate circumstance of that particular jail at that particular time but the bottom line is his story doesn't make any sense and okay thomas dozier dies a week later but how will we really know we don't okay and if we did oh i know the conversation took place because i have the i had the logs at the time i had the logs from the jail i'm like what the hell is because i'm talking to the guys who are working sean branch i'm like what the hell sean branch visiting wayne because i got i got just they would periodically send me his visitors log and so i'm getting this i'm like and so i'm talking to the the guys were working sean and they're like we don't know what they're talking about dozier gets killed i was getting i was trying to talk the u.s attorney's office and let me go at dozier again because wayne's locked up and i figured now's the time to get dozier and enroll him because i he would be able to tell us you know how he got phrased the gun that killed frey you're not putting it together yet man i'm not going to let it i'm not going to i'm not going to make it easy i'm about to put it together so you're trying to say that that wayne told sean to i'm not going to put it together for you because you're you're on the right track but i'm not going to tell you any more than that well hold on we got to we got to be sure that this information you're right is right man can't you be playing hey look what's the deal if i would have thought i would cause enough trouble already i know but if i would have thought i was right i would have locked his ass up back then for it except that he already got locked up for killing michael green so the point the point is is that you know everything was working at that we didn't know who killed uh thomas dozier until i got called months later months after it all happened and they told me poochie did it i said why in the hell did poochie do it dosha didn't have anything to do with killing fray and then it all sort of struck me now later on i talked to wayne and all i can say is wayne told me what he told me about the whole circumstance and it involves sean branch you're saying yeah
Channel: QuietRoom
Views: 376,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FoB4budy5IE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 58sec (2338 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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