Favorite Legendary Pokémon of EVERY TYPE

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[Music] let's talk about legendary Pokemon we all know them these are the elite rarest and most powerful Pokemon in the entirety of the Pokemon world most of the time well it's about time I talked about my favorites so in this video I give you my favorite legendary Pokemon of every type and just as a heads up guys I'm including mythical x' and ultra because guess what they count as legendaries and if you're the type that gets triggered by that just just leave now we don't want you here but before we get started a quick shout out to this video sponsor manscaped manscaped is the best when it comes to below the waist grooming and hygiene now this might seem kind of random but I wouldn't be promoting this if I didn't think it was useful for you guys that's why I introduced to you the new and improved manscaped lawnmower 3.0 this is the third generation trimmer featuring a cutting edge ceramic blade and advanced skin-safe technology the battery will last for up to 90 minutes for those who need a longer grooming session and it even has an LED light to help you see in those tough places that's awesome with promo code trainer Zach you'll get 20% off and free shipping on the perfect package 3.0 every three months you'll get a free replacement blade which is nice and for a limited time offer you'll get the shed travel bag and the anti chafing and manscaped boxer briefs I'm not gonna show you them but they're hella comfortable manscaped when you trim the hedges the tree stand taller o manscaped get rid of the funk and shave your jaw oh okay ah manscaped they're good all right guys we're way in order from least to most favorite legendary so let's get started with my favorite rock type Niall ego this pokemon is definitely not top ten worthy in my book but I still think it's pretty cool my oligo is basically the mascot for the ultra beast this is because of its involvement in the main story of sun and moon plus it's just a perfect pokemon to introduce the concept it's strange it's kind of creepy and this is why it's gonna be one of the more memorable ultra beasts also because it looks like Lilly favorite bug type goes to genesect now shirt gen7 give us bus wool and pheromones abut genesect is just way cooler it's basically Jennifer's version of Mewtwo with it being created by Team Plasma and all and even though it's movie kinda sucked I still just really like this Pokemon because of its concept I also like how he has the different drives to pretty much give a different type of tax very useful favorite ice type goes to Articuno out of the few ice type legendaries we have Articuno is the most majestic and that's why I like it it's such a classic simple and yet beautiful design probably my favorite representation of Articuno has to be in the Pokemon Adventures when reading couches it and then later on even teams up with it along with blue and green with the other birds to take down home that was really cool no pun intended paper dark type goes to dark cry I feel like no other Pokemon veteran bodies the dark typing then dark ride like most of us I feel like I've really started to like dark cry because of the 10 Pokemon movie it was such a cool plot twist to make the evil Pokemon the misunderstood good guy that really stuck with me also how could you forget Tobias his dark ride that basically swept the sin oh league it's had such great representation in the diamond and pearl anime which made this Pokemon extremely memorable for me favorite fire-type goes to ante okay so a trend you'll start to notice is the fact that a lot of my favorite legendaries are because of the movies and Entei is no exception seeing it in action against Charizard in the third movie made me really love this Pokemon sure it had enhanced abilities because of the unknown but back then as a kid it made me believe that the real entity was just as overpowered too bad he's a pain in the ass to catch in the games favorite normal type goes to solve a line yes it's a legendary how ironic that I think the fake god Pokemon is cooler than the real god pokemon I just really like the whole concept of a chimera Pokemon specifically created to take on the ultra beasts it's an interesting backstory which a lot of other legendaries lack plus he's owned by edge lord gladion and who doesn't love gladion favorite grass-type goes to Celebi alrighty another movie Pokemon this time is from movie 4 with the debut of Celebi it's just so damn cute and as a kid I wish I could become best friends with it like ash and Sam of course it was sad to see it almost die but then we get the scene where gets restored by all of its Celebi friends or alternate timeline versions of itself I I still don't really get that scene and that's what really impacted me such a visually amazing and sweet scene that made me love Celebi even more favorite steel-type goes to Mel medal I'm sure everyone remembers the weirdness that was milton's reveal we thought it was ugly and fake and not Pokemon like in the slightest but once I saw it in action especially in the anime I fell in love with this little dude and seeing Ash's turned into Mel medal was really awesome it's amazing how expressive this Pokemon can be all things considered and now I really love Mel metal and actually want to use one in game and that's a pretty big deal considering I typically don't do that even electric-type goes to taboo cocoa I love this dude it has such a cool design with it being inspired by a totem pole and whatnot I'm not really one for using Legendary's during the main game but I sure as hell had fun using one during the battle reals so I guess that's where we truly began to bond it's also got a great ability great speed and to top it all off great anime representation ooh that battle favorite water type goes to suicune I first saw it in movie 4 and I thought it was so awesome how he showed up to help ashen Sam I remember talking about the movie with my friends and always bringing up this moment I think all the legendary beasts are great and I even have NC on the list but suicune always got way more focus I mean it's even the mascot of its own pokemon game after all I also mostly just really loved his design I cannot get enough of it favorite ground type goes to zygarde during the XY days I didn't really think too much of zygarde I just thought it was a generic third legendary that was eventually gonna get its own game but then zygarde pulled up with not one not two but three new forms and it sells my favorites the scooby-doo form this made him a whole lot more interesting and made us more and more excited about its potential zygarde and Pokemon Z is all I talked about when I first started this channel so the more focus I put onto it the more it started to grow on me and now I really like zygarde although was straight-up disrespected in the games Department I'm at least glad this legendary got some awesome shine in the XYZ anime so I'll take that over a Pokemon Z any day just kidding give us Pokemon Z damnit favorite ghost type goes to Luna LA now when I first went through gen 7 I played through Pokemon moon five times and then played ultra moon this is cuz I'm a big fan of Anala the reason I love this legendary is because of the connection you have with it during the main story this is a legendary Pokemon that is actually part of your journey as a little cosmic Nabi and since I picked Pokemon moon so many times alone Allah is the legendary I ended up getting very attached to I love this ghostly bad favor poison-type goes to Nagano no it's knocking model na gonadal guys ever since boy polls reveal I knew I was gonna like it he's just so damn cute and seeing it in the anime made me love it even more then I went ahead and turned into a dragon sign me the ha na gonadal is so damn awesome and like people seeing its personality in the anime just amplified how much I felt about it I even managed to use one in my recent playthrough of ultra moon and it was a lot of fun favorite fighting type goes to a Shifu now like I said before I'm not big on using legendaries in the main game but I do make some exceptions for my favorites but in the isle of armor you kinda have the use cub food to progress in the DLC story so using it in-game and getting used to its cute little expressions just made me quickly grow attached to it and when it came time to evolve it into a Shifu it was so satisfying felt like we earned it because of that I fell in love with her Shifu and it quickly shot to my list of favorite Legendary's hence White's here it also just has a really cool design and I like both of its different fighting styles and of course I can leave out its badass Giganta max forms look they're great favorite flying-type goes to lugia this legendary is very special to me the reason I love it so much is because it reminds me of my childhood I first laid eyes on lugia and Pokemon the movie 2000 I thought it was the coolest thing ever so it was only fate that my first ever Pokemon game just so happened to be Pokemon silver on the Gameboy Color oh yeah how can I forget but I also loved seeing it in its awesome shadow form and Pokemon XD such a great spin-off game there's not really much else I can say about lugia I just really liked it as a kid so it's always stuck with me ever since he is mostly here for a nostalgia reasons but still he's a pretty cool guy in my eyes favorite fairy type goes Tadashi in a Shion is such a damn cool legendary a wolf with the goddamn sword in its mouth I had to pick sword this legendary little majestic and the badass at the same time it's amazing my favorite moment in sword and shield is when Sachi and pulls up with Zama Zenta to help take down attorney this that whole scene along with the music is so epic and just added to my love of za Chien favourite Dragon type goes to Rayquaza first of all look at its design it's a badass godly dragon without a doubt this Pokemon reminds me of Shenron from Dragonball another franchise I love Rayquaza is probably the most Dragon II dragon of all dragon types that's a mouthful more than you you you and especially you I first fell in love with her quiz' back in Pokemon emerald because you get a freaking level 7 TV equator by the 8th Jim hell yeah I'll take it after that request proceeded to annihilate the elite foreign champion and the rest was history we were best pals forever till I traded it in the GTS I was ten okay and lastly favorite psychic type and all-time favorite legendary goes to Mewtwo honorable mention for the crossbow listen I love this Pokemon every time I see Mewtwo I think of the first Pokemon movie how could you not we're not talking about movie Sixteen they made him you two seem like the most unstoppable Pokemon ever and I mean it kind of was in Gen 1 when I was a kid I used to think that Mewtwo was a combination of every single type because there was no other way to explain its power because of this I always save my master balls to catch Mewtwo no other Pokemon is honestly more deserving than Mewtwo in my opinion and when generation 6 came along and gave it to mega evolutions you know I was all for it I mentioned early on how nya Lee go is the mascot for the ultra beast right while Mewtwo is so iconic that it's basically the mascot for all legendary Pokemon he's just that awesome thanks for watching everyone and thanks again to manscape for sponsoring this video make sure to live your life to the fullest and have yourself a damn good one [Music] you
Channel: Lumiose Trainer Zac
Views: 671,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Legendary Pokemon, Top 10 Legendary Pokémon, Mythical Pokémon, Top 10 Mythical Pokémon, Ultra Beasts, Top Ultra Beasts, Favorite Legendary Pokémon, Favorite Mythical Pokémon, Favorite Ultra Beasts, Legendary Pokémon of Every Type, Legendary Pokémon Ranked, Mythical Pokémon Ranked, Pokémon Sword and Shield, Isle of Armor, Urshifu, Gigantamax Urshifu, Lumiose Trainer Zac
Id: ol_NCNp49tQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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