Ash Ketchum’s BEST Pokemon of Every Type

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in this video we're going over ash ketchum's best pokemon of every type i'll be looking at their win record and overall strength while also looking at how each pokemon represents their coherent type of course i'm ignoring the game logic since this is targeted at ash ketchum from the pokemon anime starting off with all the types we have the normal type over the years ash has caught many normal type pokemon some of the more notable ones however are toro swellow snorlax a raptor and knocktowel except i have to pick the best pokemon of this type which ultimately comes down to the win rates the highest win rate by far is snorlax with the whopping 73 win ratio the second two being swallow and noctal both having 60 win rates snorlax is my choice because of how beastly and overpowered this pokemon really is at one point snorlax even used six moves in one battle people talk about how go uses hacks to catch pokemon in one try with normal pokeballs but ash has been using hacks even before go existed of course snorlax also represents the pure normal type as its design is pretty normal at least in my opinion so snorlax being very broken and representative of its type made me choose it over ash's other normal types continuing the list with the fire types oh well now i'm realizing whatever i'm gonna choose is gonna be really controversial let's start out with the honorable mentions that almost made the cut incineroar a great pokemon and an even greater story sadly we didn't get to see the full power of incineroar after it evolved lastly talonflame overall a great pokemon with a decent win record however the pokemon that takes the spot is just a bit better now we have the boss battle between charizard and infernape i'm just gonna say both of these pokemon equally deserve the spot and don't let my opinion change yours although at this point arguments in the comments are inevitable the best fire type owned by ash is char infernape but why infernape over charizard the biggest answer is the win ratio infernape's overall win rate is 83 compared to charizard's 65 win rate according to this graph i will say though i think charizard better represents fire typing however this video is ash's best pokemon of every type so with that knowledge who do you think is better the pokemon with 83 win rate or the 65 win rate sure charizard may have taken down a legendary pokemon like articuno except what did you expect it's a fire type versus ice type i'm not saying charizard is bad all i'm saying is judging by statistics infernape is just a better battler in terms of winning matches but that's not all infernape is known for i also think infernape has an amazing story starting from a scared pokemon led by an abusive trainer who only sees pokemon as tools and battles to be abandoned and claimed by our boy to become arguably ash's strongest pokemon yet diving into the water types i think we all know who's getting this spot although dracofish is looking to be a close second because of its power it has and other water types aren't super developed which only leads us to the very best water type pokemon this pokemon is palpitoed it's never lost a battle and it has the best moves out of any other pokemon it's awesome like design allows it to dodge any attack and on top of that it has no weakness palpato deserves to be on this list no doubt about it and i got all your ninja fans you really thought i put palpitoed over greninja of course not that's a crime there are many reasons grinja is the best water type that ash owns and they're all good the most obvious being greninja having the second highest win record of 80 percent only behind infernape another reason is the awesome story of greninja and the xy series the bond phenomenon really carries the story to a whole other level it turns a good pokemon into a great pokemon even each battle greninja was in made everything so much more enjoyable to watch i love seeing both greninja and ash practice and train on their transformation to ash greninja everything about this pokemon is just awesome and that's why he takes this spot another typing ash had many prominent pokemon bulbasaur bay leaf torterra levanny snivy and rowlet sceptile however takes the cake i think bulbasaur also could work at the spot because of the win record as it's 56 percent but i think sceptile is a lot more situational and well-rounded pokemon not to mention the takedown of darkrai in the sinnoh league both can work though sceptile's personality also helps it stand out amongst the crowd with the cool twig and the kind of smug attitude it really looks like it doesn't give a crap about anything and i love that easily the easiest choice i made during the picking pikachu is the best and only electric type of the video although i know pikachu can't be replaced i really hope ash catches another electric type because it feels a little empty here and that would be really cool to see nonetheless pikachu is ash's best friend and a great battler with over a hundred battles pikachu still holds a consistent 60 win rate it's also the most recognizable pokemon you can show this to about anyone and they'll know who this is i'd also keep pikachu if there was another electric type with an opie winrate because nothing beats pikachu ice types with almost no competition there's only galali and lapras to choose from lapras is pretty hard to rank because it only had one actual battle that it tied to while galali on the other hand had many battles by many i only mean like nine but that's pretty darn good for an ash pokemon especially since it has a win rate of 57 percent which isn't all that bad galelli is also a pure ice type compared to lappers who for the most part looks only like a water type and it fits in perfect with being the best ice type pokemon oh boy the fighting type was a fun one since i already chose infernape to be the best fire type pokemon that one is off the list ash's other fighting type pokemon are surfaced halucha scraggy heracross primapepe and who else am i forgetting oh yeah lucario this one is hard because these options are tough and all could work for different reasons halucha and primape would be my first choices but then i thought harder and i knew who was going to be ash's best fighting type if you picked lucario then you're correct this bad boy or girl i don't really know is the most optimal choice in my opinion like i said halucha and primap are great for this spot but they lack the noticeability of lucario lucario's win rate isn't the greatest but that's okay since most of the defeats came from it being a riolu and remember this isn't just me ranking the pokemon on their win rate alone it's also about the pokemon representing their corresponding type i think lucario is representing the fighting type the best because of how easily identifiable it is overall lucario is just a great pokemon that takes the best fighting type of ashes mons plain and simple the poison types were pretty easy for me to decide because it was either a giant glob of poison or a poison dragon as much as a giant poison glob is better suited for its type the poison dragon is a lot stronger if we're looking at stats so i think nagano wins this round as it's a poison type and really good i'm also biased since naginatal is an alolan pokemon and i love sun and moon it just had to be here ground types are an interesting typing because all are decent such as dawn fan gibble torterra crocodile palpitoed and glyce gibbel would probably be number one if it evolved but since it stayed a gibble i can't rank it any higher crocodile is likely the best pokemon here in terms of battling but there's another place that deserves more rather than here so the real winner is glasgow and when i was creating this list i knew i had to include gly score somehow and believe it or not for the longest time i didn't know glass score was the ground type i always thought it looked poison maybe that's just me anyways i still think it represents its typing nicely because of how awesome of a battler and pokemon gly score is glyscor has an average win rate of 50 but an amazing story we can't forget hey that rhymes seriously glasgow wasn't all great when it started out but it had hopes and dreams to become better and stronger and with just a few adjustments and a lot of episodes later glasgow returned in an astonishing fashion not really it just kind of flew back but it was really cool to see the development and growth from a scary gligar to a chad glasgow there are some good flying types out there but who is the best well i think i've got that answered well we all know the fact is and pheasant is the greatest bird of all time but hold up it's not the greatest flying type of all time see what i did there now here's the thing swallow could work here i mean it's got a 60 win ratio and it looks like a bird you would see outside your window however noctel would also work because it's a shiny which makes it elegant and it has a 60 win ratio while at the same time remaining a bird type the remaining bird and the best bird type of ashes pokemon is so raptor and the fact is the raptor has fought many battles and still kept a 50 win record all throughout sinnoh it also represents ash because both are brave and caring who also can fight well-rounded and still look amazing with that reasoning without a doubt sir raptor is factually ash's best flying type pokemon no argument can be made psychic is a really cool type but sadly ash only has one of those types being mr mime who i also assumed mr mime was ash's mom's pokemon but no we really never saw mr mine battle until episode 7 of pokemon journeys where miami dominated his opponent i hope to see more of miami in the future as well as ash ketchum catching more psychic types in the bug type category we have levanny butterfree and heracross now at first butterfree would have won this spot because of the unforgettable tale of bye bye butterfree however as annoying and kind of sad that episode was the pokemon hasn't really been seen that much due to the release which makes it harder to judge its actual battle performance if you look at hair cross you can see it maintained a decent win rate of 50 percent and not to mention it almost took out a dark ryan sinnoh paracross also represents a beetle in real life which makes it easily identifiable as a bug type which all this in mind i think hair cross takes ash's best bug type pokemon rock types were pretty easy since it was either bulldozer or lykan rock surprise surprise i chose lycanrock lycanrock's funny personality an awesome special dust form made this pokemon perfect for ash's best rock type not to mention this was the pokemon that led him to his victory in the alola league god bless you lykan rock another cool aspect is a struggle to perfect its power if lykan rock's fur got anywhere near dirty it would go berserk and destroy anything in sight it just adds to how great this pokemon is truly one of a kind like literally ash's one and only ghost type is gengar who is caught in pokemon journeys so gengar automatically takes his place it sucks so because as much as i want to talk about gengar it's only had two on-screen battles in which one gang are managed to dominate the opponent and the other not so much true there have only been 72 episodes of the time i'm recording this but still gengar could have fought a bit more to really show its power sadly we will have to wait and see dark types weren't too bad to pick from because although greninja is a dark type i already chose it for the best water type pokemon then there's scraggy who has a good win rate of 67 but lacks a dark type vibes you know that leaves me with crocodile who has a great win rate of 75 and it is a lot better suited for the dark type role and i mean look at this thing it looks so cool it has the awesome stage just like me and everything in addition to the cool shades it even took down iris's dragonite and in my mind this is easily ash's strongest and best dark type speaking of that dragonite we're now on to the dragon types and what do you know i'm not picking me sadly that's right no goodra or noyvern or raleigh or nagonado which would not matter since i already chose it are making it to the final cut however the mon who is making the cut is that overpowered dragonite ash owns like why is dragonite just so good i thought lucario was supposed to be the ace of the series not dragonite don't worry though i'm not complaining i love dragonite i think it's a great pokemon just a bit suspicious as to why he's so good in the series i don't know let's get back to the actual video dragon boy debuted in episode 10 of pokemon journeys and since then has not lost a single battle and has a loving personality beyond all that i don't think any other of ash's dragon types can compare to the chaos of this thing so let's move on who likes fairy types well not ash ketchum since he doesn't have one or at least one that i can count since mr mime already has a spy if you're watching this pokemon writers please give ash another fairy type thanks who is ash's best steel type well it's mel metal it's mel metal why though is there a good reason yes there is because this thing is made out of steel is that not enough reason plus it's a mythical legendary pokemon which means it's really good in the anime and since you are here why don't i introduce you to my discord server where i will be hosting live events that you can be involved in well how do i join simple all you gotta do is click the first link below that will bring you into my server remember to have fun and don't catch them all because that's a complete waste of time
Channel: Gooey448
Views: 1,014,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon anime, pokemon 2019 anime, ash ketchum, pokemon, pokemon journeys, all ash ketchum pokemon, ash cacthes riolu, ash catches a pokemon, ash catches dragonite, ash catches gengar, ash ketchum pokemon, ash ketchum pokemon teams, ash ketchum teams, ash ketchum top 10 pokemon, ash-greninja, ashs drgonite, ashs gengar, ashs greninja, ashs lycanroc, ashs riolu, best ash ketchum pokemon, every type, pokemon journeys the series, strongest ash ketchum pokemon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 01 2021
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