Fault Finding RCD tripping - Electrician

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yo welcome back nicholas adam is here uh we are at a property gonna try and fault find so the problem we've got which i spoke to last night we've got a square d board this is seven yeah one rcd covering all the circuits when they put too many appliances on in the kitchen or in the house or in the shower the rcd trips so we've got a bit of a fault somewhere and my phone's ringing again already what would you say i can't repeat what i said but these are something gross yeah these breakers are they're all the bottom rewards in case you've never seen a square d board some of the younger guys it's like upside down that's how these ones work so they have a it's a it's a bus bar me and adam say and me and dave's everything it's we call it a buzz bar because it's terminating buzzes it shouldn't really buzz but we get corrected quite a lot it's a bus bar it's a bus bar but the bus bar is located behind and the square d breakers have clips on it so they physically clip into the buzz bar and everything's sort of upside down that's the way they did it did that not that often no that was already off it's making sure i got sent so what we're going to do is i'm going to stick the earth clam meter across the tails outside we're going to measure the earth leakage one by one we'll just took a couple of appliances on sorry first of all we're gonna do a round test adam ram test yeah so we'll let adam set that up we'll stick it in a socket give that a go film the thing do the earthquake mirror outside and see if we can figure out what fault's going on for a fault like this it could easily be an appliance when stuff's turned on if there's a earth fault in it washing machine tumble dryer kettle shower really anything that i would say that has an element in it yeah it's very possible this could happen so with coffee machine toaster we've had it before where a toaster had been had a bit of bread stuck in it and it was linking between the metal of the casing and the element you can easily trip it but it's one of them things so i've just noticed that as well what's up really suspect yeah so there's quite a few appliances in such a little kitchen so we'll get the tester and we'll show you what a ramp test is this is a perfectly located bush for our battery no it's uh so we'll stick the camera around in a little bit so the setting we're gonna use on the mega is five times no no the triangle oh yes triangle for the round test so that will go through all the sequences of the tester so half times one times five times on 30 milliamp and we'll plug it in i can then sit here and then the final ramp test when it goes through all of its hang on no the ramp test button is just the ramp it will just trip it to yeah sorry auto does it all through the sequences my bad it's too early in the morning let me turn this light on so with the ramp test it will literally take this up to its limit trip it and it will tell you what it's tripping out it's meant to be 30 milliamp they never are new ones around about 27 28 milliamp one of this size and age covering all these circuits on a board it has no labeling whatsoever fantastic to my knowledge this would probably be about 15 years old we all know there'd be some degree degradation degradation deterioration same word different story um also i've had my hair cut the barbecue my hair way too short so yeah right so about to click it oh hang on everyone has asked as well can you stop saying right so oh yeah i don't know it's really annoying but i just i need new phrases to start when i start recording just say hello there every time no no i'm kenobi it's just like so i'm alright i start in the uh what to call it sentence no that's what i'm struggling at like see if i start recording and like already done to it i like so i've done this right if you want to say right so that's fine i'll cut it out every single time yeah because it's annoying so annoying i i do i said it yeah because i copy you oh my god anyway come on here we go that was a big clunk 21. so realistically that's not very bad that's not oh my god that's okay for it so we're really looking at earth leakage somewhere this is the best thing about fitting our cbo boards is you have an mcb and an rcd combined so there's any fault any type of fault on any circuit it will only just trip that circuit this is what we're trying to get across to people now and homeowners we're gonna stick the airclam meter which is located here let's take this around the live and neutral tail it'll tell me the earth leakage current that is coming back through so we can sort of make a mark of what it is normally in a sort of three-bedroom house that has computers smart tvs and smart devices that give off earth leakage we'll be looking around about 10 to 12. yeah but to kick it up to 21 there's gonna be something somewhere we're gonna start with this see how we get on with turning appliances on see if it jumps up and then we'll start probably just break the ring do some insulation resistant tests on different circuits see what we come out with to then hopefully pinpoint something but because this doesn't trip all the time this is a very very awkward fault to find as any of you sparks would know is if you get some wire and the rcd physically won't reset it's very simple for us to unplug everything disconnect stuff figure out very quickly what's what a fault that doesn't trip all the time i would say most of the time it is an appliance and i hope you guys would agree with me if you don't let us know in the comments i'm going to stick this around here yeah i'm actually filming this oh you put my in out there yeah yeah i can just go around this bit can't i really yeah i think so yeah it's just live and neutral as well yeah get rid of this so we're running at nine milliamp already yeah but we've got one breaker off remember what is that sixteen lounge is it no thousand two immersion lounge i have no idea what that is connections so that's with that off the kitchen is all on correct or not uh well the appliances are plugged in but they're not on don't we does that make a difference there's a fridge on yeah yeah okay so there's a few birds over here as well yeah what's this this one's off so turn this fair on yeah i presume they never turn that on okay that's just jumped i saw it jump to 21 then right so it's sitting around 15. so turn that off for me so you can see the difference if that was you know five six million that's that's a good chunk um power see we don't want to the washing machine on to do the toaster for just push the toaster down so everyone can see the difference well i still got the film on this right that's both sides get off people at home will be cursing me adam i'm taking the film off it you go the film yeah off what clamp here so that's that's sitting the same so you can turn that off uh we've got a kettle in here uh yeah oh wait there let me test it so all we're doing now is the process of elimination just trying to cross some things off the heater was terrible but that is a massive heating element like we've said anything with an element caused a lot of earth leakage the kettle should jump up quite a substantial amount as well we're on that's jumped up to 14. so already that's 18. so put the heater on and put the kettle on i'm going to show everyone it goes up to we're on 20 20.4 okay just jump down to 14 then because the kettle's initially kicked in yeah so it starts making those noise yeah so yeah and you think that's gonna draw a lot that'll draw we've got a tumble drone here a condenser one it's a microwave the oven is probably it's got a thingy but it looks like a doesn't look like a hard wired one does it no it does it's just free standing hard wide one if you turn one of the uh oven elements on now make sure there's nothing in there because i've been there done that before a bit of foil that's fine that's the hob so go across to that setting yeah this one oh hang on which is the arrow that's the grill that's the bottom one you should turn that on that's on now that's not just fluctuating so now it's going down to seven but it was up to 16. what about now yeah streamed up to 11. so we have so down to four now yeah right so what we have is already a high load on it for realistically nothing plugged in correct that's turned off these are all off the washing machine is off no that's all that is the fridge is there an iso for the fridge up top yeah go on yeah that was nothing literally nothing all right before we forget let's have a look everywhere we've got a lamp we've got smart home stuff it says the lounge is off on the fuse board but there's sockets on the lamp are you gonna turn these off adam there's no food in there mate can't pinch that so what we're doing we've unplugged everything we've got it down to 2.2 so really that'll just be lighting if we go around and turn all the lights off it's going to drop down pretty much to nothing so i'm going to jump in the loft have a look because they're nice epc report and they said that the problem started when someone went up in the loft so i'm going to double check he's not kicked to junction box or stamped on a cable and it's fused something i'm gonna do an ir test on the ring main pull that out um which is the ring it's this one so it's thing is nothing's plugged in but it's still jumping off milliamp by turning it off i'm not upset sure we got everything we've turned a few spurs off with the sockets that we can't access so that'll be uh two pole isolators so the um the live and the neutral will be disconnected the earth will still be connected through but we're not gonna have a problem doing an ir on that everything else has been physically unplugged upstairs and downstairs do an ir test i'm gonna jump into the loft and then we'll convene in a second right i know both of these are the neutrals yep always exciting guys oh what's he gonna find you aren't on the way to see what happens really that's a dead short but i can only presume we've missed a socket somewhere something still plugged in to be honest but what the real thing is the neutral to earth so if we link get rid of the lives just yeah and we'll do 250 to start with it's not going to damage anything stick it on both the the seas and realistically even if plug stuff plugs in we shouldn't get a almost dead short at 0.04 which we're getting something a lot higher go on then see that's more like it so i'm happy for you to do 500 volts through that with such a high reading yeah yeah oh and because it's sending more current down the resistance yeah we'll see a better reading if there is a sure yeah look at that no there's nothing connected there so that makes me think on the socket circuit that is an appliance that is faulty with this drop down to one milliamp with the socket circuits turned off the stuff unplugged after we unplugged everything it sort of dropped roughly from seven-ish so you cold mate shut the door okay wet oh getting wet um sorry this profanity on this channel is disgusting uh it dropped down from about seven to about four with everything unplugged and then slowly it's just dropped down as well so a combination between a rcd degrading getting down to about 21 milliamps over time to an appliance that's faulty the other thing we can do we're going to put these back in we're going to turn that circuit back on i'm going to quickly stick my head in the loft and have a look because any coincidence there and we're just going to start plugging in stuff one by one by one until we get like a continuous trip in when something goes on it's very difficult to pinpoint we could go around and if you had a pat tester or the earthquake as well if you plug there's an adapter with tis that you plug in the appliance and you can separate the live and the neutral and the earth separately and you clamp them to see if there's an earth fault on any of the appliances but we don't have one of them right now tis steve hit me up uh so we'll just it's literally just trial and error now so you put that back in mate we'll liven that back up we'll go and start putting some stuff in upstairs there's a lot of extension leads with a lot of charges there's a battery chargers there's tv there's smart tv there's another tv downstairs a lot of led lamps plugged in um more charges like for a laptop we've got a watch charge we've got phone chargers we've got two extension leads behind either side of the bed wi-fi extenders wi-fi two wi-fi extenders the router and then obviously kitchen stuff on top so bear with us and we'll jump through but if anything if you are all screaming at the screen now saying oh you haven't tried this you haven't tested that just let me know because i hate fault finding probably one of my biggest weaknesses other than attach with lexicon uh but yeah let us know nick's just upstairs oh i didn't say it then i was on a kill streak uh i'm gonna say it now i can't remember what i said nick's upstairs so i'm down here yeah i said that i said it in context said like so i'm down here yeah um what we did was nick's had a look in the loft nothing visible in there um customer did say that it was when the shower was on as well which nick kind of forgot so we tried the shower and what i did was it tripped instantly with this currently everything's on and the shower and the shower is currently off at the minute and it's drawing 2.4 now so pretty much everything's gone down after doing ir and stuff but we figured out is definitely the shower as what we what it tripped instantly when when it tripped instantly we turned everything off turned the ocd back on and just had the shower on and it was literally drawing um what was it drawing 21.5 or something like that just off the shower alone when it was on um so yeah it's definitely something wrong with the shower so are you you're gonna turn it on to show it tripping yeah yeah so if it's on 2.4 now yeah you're ready mate go on if you turn if you'll turn it on now should jump up to like 22. they are 22.4 milliamps that is and obviously this rcd when we first did the ramp test was um able to take 21 so yes jumped up to 24 and 25 here i said the rcd like it was going up to 24.5 or something like that so that was when it was on but this is rated at 21. yeah well i said this ain't tripped like this time because we've had that on and off it might have got a little bit better because it's tripped yeah and also at the same time we've not got any sockets any appliances plugged in still there's the ring's on but it's not nothing's plugged in so with the surge of that imagine in the evening like they're all cooking they've got the kettle on the oven on the fridge on microwave on whatever you turn the shower on thanks off straight away so what i would recommend really it's an old old shower it's an original one with the house is we'll replace the shower and uh i'd love to say we'll change the board over but it's not really acceptable in this point because the house is being sold soon bit of a funny one because we can always replace the rcd potentially we could replace the rcd with a newer one yeah i don't think you'd get hold of one like that anymore it ended up being a second second one which we couldn't like testing it you wouldn't know whether or not it's uh 21 milliamp as well um i'm happy with the rcds fairly strong it's stronger than a lot more we've seen we've tested them before they're 14 so you can flip the kettle on it pops off so yeah let us know in the comments what would you do the thoughts of this i test for finding adam test fault finding but not the purpose blokes doing this at all um but elimination process process of elimination we've sort of figured out that it's the should we wire it we'll pull quote rewire no problem at all adam call another video on every wire i'll let you do something on your own yeah no thank you all right no there's too much stuff here to move around uh we'll have a bit more of a fiddle we'll plug some more stuff back in keep an eye on the reading and then we'll jump back at the end right spread the homeowner see i'm saying right now oh i said that quite a lot sorry if there's anything that we say on the videos that annoys you please let me know below just ignore it i'm not changing it in uh not right shower's gonna get changed over but just spoke to the customer and they're having an ev charger fitted at some point whether it's gonna be me him maybe even jordan if he has four billion pounds uh so the board's going to get upgraded there'll be an rcbo board put in anyway so for the time being they can change the shower see how they get on so manage what they're going to be using when they're using it don't use the shower when you're cooking vice versa and we'll go from there but the circuit says okay we did check the immersion as well because that's one of the key things as well is the elements if they've split or cracked they always trip out rcds there's no problem up there we've turned them on there's an economy seven one at the top and the normal load off the main board at the bomb they're fine so uh yeah i hope you enjoyed the video sort of the process of two idiots they're getting a new shower as well yes at the beginning and you will be yeah you can see in the back of the van on my own now also today is uh stormy eugene what's that what they called it eugene yeah i couldn't quite read it i had to give me laughter tell me what it said and nick decided to park under the world's biggest yeah look let's hope you don't fall down so we're but tonight i'm traveling down when i probably shouldn't down to we're doing another bosch film day so we have dan saff me jimmy plumber part ken hud's thailand and phil from kills and kill phil's amazing carpentry uh me ken and jimmy are staying in the hotel tonight because we're filming tomorrow so i'm gonna sit with the camera we're gonna get some footage just mess around and i might be able to get behind the scenes stuff so keep an eye out for that but thanks for watching guys take care now bye bye [Music] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: N Bundy Electrical
Views: 76,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fault finding, electrician, rcd tripping
Id: racPVoc2OT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 18sec (1218 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 22 2022
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