Fault finding on some tripping spot lights!

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foreign [Music] welcome back guys so this afternoon we've had a call out regarding some lights that are tripping in the kitchen in a property that we've recently done some workout now the customer isn't saying that it is us but she would like us to come around have a look just to make sure that there's nothing that we've done that's causing it to trip and obviously if we can find the problem to put it straight um by the sound of it it's something to do with the spotlights in the kitchen and the dimmer switch which is something we've done nothing where we've not even attempted to modify any lighted circuits in any way but we will obviously look at it we have put a new light up in the bathroom um doesn't sound anything like that because I'm pretty sure that the bathroom light is on the upstairs lighting circuit and the lights that are tripping around the downstairs lights and circle but we're going to look at it regardless and we're going to obviously try and sort it out for the customer so she's got some lights when she gets back later I'll take you inside now and we'll go and have a look right so we're inside as you can see you've got the silver basil spotlights and we've got four above me here which are on a dinner six above the kitchen area which are also on a dimmer I've got two pendants linked together which are on a dimmer and then we've got the under unit lights which are also on a demo but it's a dummy demo so they don't actually do basically what the customers told me they're not here at the moment what they've told me is when the dimmer is getting turned up on one of the circuits for one of the sub-circuits from the four grid light switch um it's causing the rcb8 Trek now obviously it could be many things could be a faulty dimmer switch so we will look into that could be a bit of an overload on a fault on a light could be a burnt out neutral on the light could be all sorts of things could be something as simple as the wirings not um adequate could be anything so many different things so first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to take the light switch on when I've looked behind um after I found which circuit is make sure I know the cables are crashed in the back porch or anything like that anything's silly um and then we'll go from there and then um we'll basically just do common denominator one thing at a time so we'll start with the dimmer start with the neutrals in the back of the box and believe its Mains at the switch here then we'll start with one light at a time just checking the connections making sure everything's connected correctly we'll do that in process of elimination as well so I'll take you through as I do it so you can see the steps to try and find this fault that's causing the license circuit to trap right so I've just taken the uh screws out this is the uh four gang dimmer switch now it's a British general one one that I have installed before I've never really had any issues with these to look at first thing everything seems to be wired as expected so we've got common and switch wires linked out as they should be um nothing visually on the neutrals in here um a little bit of press on these cables but I don't think it's damaged them or anything like that it's obviously going to be quite a tight squeeze in that box now let's try the lights so it's not those because that's maximum for those um that's the under cabinet lights I've got nothing there oh that's the pendants they're maxed out as well so it must be those there and there we go that's tripped so that is the one there it's that circuit let's link out the common and the L1 just to see if the dimmer is causing us the fault but for it not to trip straight away it's quite unlikely but we'll do that anyway so I've just linked out the L1 and the common and it's not that so that is good news to an extent that is not the demo module which just means we won't have to replace that obviously it means that the fault is somewhere else I'm going to start pulling these spotlights down one at a time um and just find out which one it is by effectively taking one at a time checking the wiring on them making sure that the lights also aren't overheating or something silly like that so I'm gonna do that now just make sure that it's not the fittings themselves so very straightforward Chuck in the wiring in this one this one seems to be okay again this one is also right um I've disconnected that light and that light turned the power back on it still drips I've done the same with that one done the same with that one I've done the same with that one I just connected this light it didn't trip can anyone see that in there someone has wired the neutral and the Earth the wrong way around so when I disconnect that light pop it down there come back over here up to turn them back on down with me there he is over there turn them back on four dim maxed out they stay on so there's our problem something as simple as that was causing the lights to trip out now why that they're why they're not tripping initially and they're only tripping on full load this is a tncs here so a pme setup so it is a combined neutral Nerf so that would be one of the reasons why it wouldn't pick up sometimes from the low dim but as soon as you put full load onto them obviously they're going to trip out like anything would so that is our problem solved so let's get these spotlights put back up get the wiring changed on that one and then job is done and there we go wired up as it should be so let's get things back up difficult doing this one-handed so I'm not gonna maxed out there we go and and full no need to get the tester out today because the fault was a visual one see you on the next one guys thanks for watching guys so today's job was quite a nice one obviously fault finding can sometimes be tricky today it seemed to be quite an easy one really so as a visual find something that you don't always get sometimes it's quite tricky but today we've managed to find it quite easily gone in faulty wiring in regards to the way it was wired originally so the live it's in the right place with the neutral and the Earth were reversed causing the lights to trap out when they were full load on the dimmer so great find in and out today job done thanks for watching hit that like button and also subscribe if you can see you on the next one [Music]
Channel: The Cable Guy
Views: 5,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yglua-6M2ws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 58sec (478 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 28 2023
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