RCD Tripping - Fault Finding Exercise

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[Music] so I'm here so I'm jumping out on this quick call out just to see what's going on I'm not sure exactly what the prom is gonna be so let you know and get in there and see what's going on so that was an easy fix which is nice and ladies say can I pay by cheque and I said no it's alright I've got a card machine today I'm just gonna do a card payment yeah I hate checks I actually felt my invoices we do not accept checks so I just take card payments super easy with its little eyes at all thing really amazing just connects to your smartphone and then you just take a payment and they take like a warm percent commission or something okay it's pretty good so I just got a phone call from that lady who's Alice Edie was tripping who I went out to a couple of days ago and she said she its tripping again it won't reset now so obviously it wasn't just a bulb that I've blown it must own something else but it's weird that it reset before but now when reset so I'm gonna go back there and have a look and let you know what I find so essentially what I've done here is turned all the circuit breakers off one by one then reset the RCD that stayed in then reset them the mtbe's one by one and when it got to first floor sockets it tripped so I turned that first floor sockets off reset the RCD again then carried on ground floor sockets immersion heater first of all lights ground floor lights everything stayed on so then you know that the fault is on the first floor sockets and then what I've done is just walked around the whole house well first floor unplugged everything then reset the MTB it stayed on so I know that it was something that was plugged in so now I've gone round plugged things back in one by one and as soon as I plugged in an extension lead in the bedroom it tripped so that's where the fault was okay so what I found was that the RCD were stripping it wouldn't reset so I turned off all the MC B's the ICD reset and it stayed in and then I turned on the MC B's one by one until I found the circuit that was tripping and it was the first floor sockets circuit and so I decided to go round everywhere and check to make sure that it wasn't something that was plugged in so I unplugged everything then tried to reset the MCB and the RCD stayed in so then I went back one by one plugged everything in and as soon as I plugged in this extension lead it tripped so seemed like that was the culprit so I followed the extension lead and it led to two things it was one of those full way splitter things which was a bit dodgy because the cannibal had pulled out the cord grip and stuff like that but plugged into it were two fans one was a class 2 fan and one's a class 1 so I decided to just try those plugging those in and see if either of those had a problem and in fact a class one fan was the thing that tripped as soon as I plug that in it tripped everything out again so that's the culprit so I've told the customer obviously not to use the fan anymore because it's faulty I've run some tests on the socket just to make sure everything else is okay and there was nothing else untoward going on and the socket had a little bit of a high zs reading zero point eight I'm spending awesome right on the top floor I was actually on the second floor in like a little loft bedroom full of dust yeah not the nicest place to crawl around in but anyway pounds back on I've recommended to the customer to get any ice er done because there's loads of dodgy looking stuff around there I found a dimmer switch that was kind of cracked and bulging a little bit off the wall so I'm a little bit worried about that there was a couple of pendants that were just like the covers were smashed off as well hanging down from the ceiling and the whole lot just looks kind of old and a bit dodgy so as well as a consumer unit change which I've recommended I said first you need to get any ice er done well check everything out make sure all the wiring is okay and safe and we'll do a consumer unit change and repair the few little things a dodgy around the property and she also asked me about her boiler she said that she's not getting much hot water at all and it takes ages to heat up and stuff like that so I had a look at the boiler and it's a valent boiler which is you know good good boiler it doesn't look that old but it hasn't been serviced for quite a few years the last service label was quite a few years ago so I just recommended that she gets a boiler service as well get some gas engineering to do a boiler service and probably it's just clogged up with gunk or something I learned you just needs a good overhaul so yeah that was just an update on that local job sometimes they go like that I mean in hindsight I I suppose if I on the first visit if I'd have not just assumed that it was a bob blowing but rather come round and done some IR tests maybe it would have showed up maybe it wouldn't no that's the trouble because the fan I asked the customer if her daughter had unplugged everything when I got there and she said she had but then today I checked and she said no actually I hadn't unplugged stuff I just turned things off like the cooker and the boiler so I think the fan was still plugged in when I visited two days ago and when I reset the RCD it will stay stayed on so I'm not quite sure why it reset then but now it's faulty it's just one of those intermittent faults that you there's no rhyme or reason to them sometime and it's one of those you know products nowadays like this fan is one of those sort of column fans I'm not going to start taking it apart and try to figure out what's wrong with it because they're all sealed units they've got those funny metal screws that you can't undo basically they're all sealed and like molded casings and stuff they're not designed to be repaired so this is where those things you've just got to say to the customer sorry you need to check the fan away and get a new one which that's the society we live in really it's a throwaway society in the old days everything was you could kind of take it apart yourself and and repair it but I suppose that manufacturing is so cheap now out of places like China and labor in this country is so expensive relatively that it would be more expensive to get a qualified and experienced technician to actually come out and take the fan apart and try and figure out the fault than it is to just pay 20 quid to buy a new one so this is the way the way the world is now let me know in the comments what you think about that it's probably not the best way to do things because we do end up with a lot of stuff going to landfill but what can you do it's just the way the world works unfortunately you go to these countries like Morocco and you see them all driving around on these really old motorbikes and all the taxis are these really old Mercedes cars like these really old Mercedes Benzes like 40 50 years old and they're still going strong you know and it's just because they they repair them they keep them going something goes wrong with it they don't just think I'll scrap it I'll get a new car they just repair it I mean probably the safety standards are not quite the same here maybe they wouldn't pass an MOT or something like that but actually you know they keep those things going for years and years it's the same all over Africa you see some of the machines and equipment that they keep running in places like that and those kind of things when they were built they were built to last with solid metal parts that you can be replaced or repaired you know whereas nowadays everything's designed to just last a few years and then P replace because technology moves so fast that in a few years time somebody's not gonna want it anyway they're gonna want the new version so yeah anyway that's disappear of a rant I'm talking about not really complaint is such just an observation that that's the way the world works [Music]
Channel: Artisan Electrics
Views: 100,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rcd tripping fault finding, Fault Finding, rcd tripping, fault finding am2, fault finding electrical circuits, fault finding lighting circuit, fault finding on a ring main circuit, fault finding test, fault finding with a multimeter, rcd tripping but not fuses, rcd tripping but not mcb, rcd tripping intermittently, rcd tripping nothing plugged in, rcd tripping out, rcd tripping problems, rcd, am2s, city and guilds, eal, electrical, fuse, overload breaker, practical, repair, testing
Id: Wu99y4Wynus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2019
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