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hey it's James electrical on today's video we've got an intermittent RC default so we're going to look into that and see what's going on I'll show you how to do it let's get into this [Music] yeah we've got to run out of the property then so we're going to do a bit of fault finding so we're saying it's rcd is tripping occasionally so I have to investigate and see what's going on all right there's some since the property now then so we've got the fuse guard here so you've been sending this rcd to the left has been tripping so it's got the shower on it's got the sockets first floor downstairs lighting cooker and centrally so I just want to identify where these are in the property so we can look into those but first what we're going to do is just test the rcd then just to make sure that's working as it should because it could be something as simple as that thank you foreign there's been loose neutrals and that's caused it to uh do some funny stuff in the circus I'm just going to test that and I'll be terminals be careful with the one wheel on on the light and if you all the tighten that you can just snap the Earth so you want to be careful all right turn him on onto the CD time there we go what a type we started is so it's a c so we'll change it to let's see there we go there's one to there line neutral alternative we should get a reading so we've got the Earth on line and neutral the outgoing and we'll just press test still testing half times 30 so 15 milliamps it shouldn't trip there we go test it one times it'll true six point seven so anything under 200 passes so we got 26.7 and then anything under 40 for five times professors 13 by three so that's good there we go 7.4 so that's passed out today the last steel treatment is above 30 milliamps so something is causing that to trip so what I'm going to do is test between Earth and line and Earth are neutral okay down the insulation resistance at 100 volts and then we'll just go through these circuits and just see which it is but we'll have to take the neutral out because obviously the line will run through your circuit through the resistance button on your neutral for us to take the neutral out once we test that otherwise we're going to get the the um neutral to Earth readings through this bus fare a blanket test them so that's obviously connected to everything we're in 0.78 so obviously it needs to be over and ideally two Mega room it's a two million ohms for it not to trip so there's something going on there so I'll do just disconnect these neutrals out for these and see which circuit is causing the 0.7 Mega room um reading goes into trip so the acidity off and the line out so pull that neutral out for the lighting so bang it on there get in there we're greater than 100 if we ramped up to 500 volts there we're getting great the phone which there's nothing wrong with that line so okay so let's move down until we find out which is the issue now I'm just pulling out this circuit here I think the cooker I'll go with that out and I test it so I'll test them to an earth and nuclear we're getting there we're getting 100 I'm gonna test two this cable I think it's the cooker rally show I need to have a look at the layered lid first test now a lot yeah we're 0.7 now so it's this cable here seeing how you work knowing that there is in England such a man as you gives us all a sense of Safety and Security God bless you Mr Holmes yeah so it's just at the other side so these circuits here which weren't dripping the rcd but just to prove to the customer that um that these are good so there's no point if I meet him I might just check it you know I mean it's just courtesy in it so right then so the issue seems to be this cookers there's a cooker switch below me I've just showed you those bad ratings that we're getting then so but yeah with that pulled out we're getting uh let's just be a neutral to Earth problem so if I do this 100 volts from line to Earth we're getting 1.5 or Mega ohm so that's 1.5 million ohms that's that's a good reason really but neutral to Earth um I feel like here we are getting eight Mega real so that will uh essentially it's more like an element within the cooker so the customer can well it's a bit awkward default find on a cooker but essentially and there'll be an element within here on the electrical side it could be the the internals of it and then there's no no you can do really and but there'll be an issue within here that's gone it's a trip so but what we're gonna do check the cabling from here to the fuse boards okay so we can do that by turn off this switch which will disconnect neutral and Earth and then all those tests from there to there so you can see if it's cleared um and then after that yeah essentially it's just pulling this out and trying to test this this oven yeah I switched off that switch then so it's proven that the cable is fine so we're getting greater than 100 and then we're going to the line side we'll be right here then uh 100 Mega realm so that's good yeah that's what I'll do is just um potentially pull the other out check out the oven to make sure the cable from the isolate to the oven is fine and then we'll have to investigate it into the actual oven itself there's a back of the cooker then so if you look inside here you'll see a little element with an earth in the middle so what we're going to do I'm going to take the plate out and let's just unplug here which disconnect the air for that element and then test it and if they if it clears it's that element so you have to plug it back in and then they'll have to get Appliance going out just to swap it over because it's cheaper to get an appliance guy out to shop the element than uh us to come back essentially uh but yeah he's running it's obviously where assets there's one in uh dewsbury called Northern electrics so we just send them there and they come out they've got they've got everything in stock as far as elements and that for every Appliance so they just come and fit it and swap it over so normally we won't come out to Fort find appliances um just because it's more effective just to get like an appliance guy out a lot more effective but more it's cheaper so we're trying to look after customers but but yeah so we need to obviously that's got an element we need to find out what else has an element so it could be just that there's just one oven with one element and that could be it not rest could be gas so it's looking that way but we'll check out once we take this player out different suit if you look here we've got two elements so we've got um looks like a little top oven in a bottom oven so obviously want to be live going through its resistance because all that is is just an element just it's just live in there's a there's a big resistance that heats up to go search resistance and back down neutral so that's what that is uh so what we're going to do is um oh well we're going to test to make sure we know which one's live which one's neutral so it's obviously neutral to Earth is a fault and then we'll disconnect the Earth and see if it clears because obviously it's neutral to Earth set the Earth out it's not it's um we attached to this earth if it'll clear all right if we got the right one if I have to bang that on the Earth and to line a neutral yeah not 0.82 so it's still there then so although just disconnect an element at a time so pull that neutral off pull the iron off and see if it clears it's obviously you got mine's worth let's go Let's test that so 1.64 we'll do the same on the other side so it's not the top of an element so we can put that back together and go into the next thing so best thing to do is just take some pictures if you're gonna be unplugging these so I'm going to film this but oranges to the left black to write let's just disconnect that first and test again so again this is the top element I should be testing from that to us we're getting six million arms that's good so that's in Better condition that top oven into it we're getting like one plant some of them won't we uh let's just make sure the Earth is right I've clipped on the side but you never know just clip it on there and just redo that test but yeah if we uh if you're getting clear readings and we can ignore that yeah so six million ohms so now we'll pop that back together to do that bottom element if you see that at the bottom a live on neutral I'm not sure which one this is so we're getting 2.3 Mega Realm so it's called 2.3 again so that seems to be good just to check we're actually there on Earth if we get zero there we go so we're out there I have to move on to something else let's test in these then and appear like an accumulative effect I could even sometimes at it when it's the grease itself on the oven that builds up kind of bridges between neutral and Earth so that I'm testing now so this is the neutral black where you have to put your six Milt at the side you get in at 20 Mega Million which is obviously well well like well uh well it's a good reading so you're gonna get zero to that so these elements we're getting 1.72 so this is the lowest one which is the top oven the next one we're getting six Mega roll which is loads and that bottom one we're getting 2.28 so it's either like a cumulative effect um it's either like grease oh yeah I mean like Bridge them to neutral and Earth sometimes the electrics can travel through that I've let it wear like an arrange because it's been a bit tingly um yeah so uh I've just Disturbed something about it the lowest reading is that top one so it could be that if we turn this over normally expands and then we test it again that the readings go really down causing the acidity to trip so I mentioned about the cumulative effects obviously we've got all three uh ovens in fantastic now yeah 0.85 so all I've done is kicked all three back in so I think the um the Earth leakage between each one individually wasn't bad but I think combined getting 0.85 so if you take them out then you get really good reading so the best bet with this will be just replace all three elements and which are the bits within the oven that heats up and it should be a brand new element so it shouldn't be leak into a leaking to Earth but essentially yeah it's just a neutral to Earth fault with this um with the accumulation of three elements kind of adding up to 0.85 before we get like six Mega room 1.6 and 2.7 but if you're banging all three back in there we go so there's something there between there and neutral which is causing the acetate trip see I was focusing back together then so it's got a picture of the little um mega model of the oven so I'll have to get that off to the northern electrics that appliance shop and they're about to come out and shop three elements so together all three individually they're testing fine together it was giving it um like 0.85 Mega roll so there's obviously something accumulative effect is giving enough Earth leakage to trip the acid V so hopefully if you swap those three out it should fix the issue unless it's some intermittent fault with it which pings on but but yeah everything else is testing out perfect so it's just an issue with the oven and although it's another fault down then so not too bad really so as you as you saw then so we had to take the neutrals out because it was an acid default and was testing uh basically it's got the insulation resistance test so we're sending a voltage down the cables between the two now you shouldn't generally well you shouldn't get a result between neutral and Earth should you um but if it's over two Mega room then it's not gonna blow is it still oh well Meg but we're getting like 0.85 so I would able to go through the neutrals into the neutral bar which took one at a time to took one out tested it if it's greater than what um to Meg and it's not going to be a trip when you have to do when you put stuff through it so that was free on the lighting we did the Coco one next and then that showed 0.8 and all the rest is cleared so that's how we found that then obviously then we have to go into the cooker then identify what were going on with that um so I disconnected all three elements and that cooker was clear you tested each element individually you're getting like two Meg one Meg and six Meg um but yeah if you plug them all in together the accumulative effect that we're giving 0.8 Mega realm leakage to Earth so if they don't want to replace it Best Bets just to replace all three elements and hopefully it works but there could be an intermittent fault with that oven just that way not the same but all we can do is tell them what we can see when we come out and test yeah then so that's just done for today I feel like this kind of content hit the like button hit subscribe hit the little bell notifications you know when my next upload as always I've gotten from me and I'll see on the next one if you don't mind I'd have rather a strenuous day I I think I'll turn in of course good night good night [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Finney Electrical Top Electrician
Views: 8,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rcd fault finding, top electrician, electrical fault finding, electrical engineering, electrical repair, electrical system, electrician, electrician tips, rcd tripping, renewables, electrician tips and tricks, rcd trip test, Uk electricians, rcd faults, faulty fuse, Trip fuse, electrician tools, tripping fuse box, RCD, finney electrical, fuse board, how to install solar panels, inverter repair, renewable energy, solar panels, time lapse, how to fault find, Circuit breaker
Id: 3qDwX1Mw0OU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2023
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