Commercial electrical fault finding

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[Music] what's good guys welcome back to the channel so today I'm at a local local Warehouse to me and they they fix cranes here so it's actually it's actually really really cool but my job today isn't anything to do with cranes unfortunately I've got to just do some fault finding and some other other jobs we've got to change some light fittings add some sockets little bits like that but there's also some faults to find we've got faulty outside lamp posts we youve got a faulty 110 socket a faulty uh 63 amp Supply rotary isolator so I thought I'd take you guys on a little fault finding day with me see if we can find those three faults Rectify them or at least identify what the issue is so we can get it sorted on the rebound but yeah maybe we'll learn something together maybe we'll find something interesting who knows let's let's run the intro and get into this video [Music] the first fault of the day what the hell is that first fault of the day is this so I don't actually know what the diagnosis is other than it doesn't work and it's got some question marks on it we've also got 13 amp socket just flexed in across the base of the pillar drill which is jokes yeah just just laid on there luckily it's an rcd socket but this is in the off position it does turn on pull that out get the cover off this test both sides of the isolator test the socket and see if we can work out what the crack is I think it might be something wrong with the interlocking mechanism but to be honest until we till we get stuck in we're not going to have a clue let's um let's get it undone I'm just going to get this cover off of here if it will come off there we go apart from a load of brick dust we are um we're pretty good in there so have a look in this Dorman Smith is not saying you see every day really these days don't know if it's been bought out or something but yeah it's decent gear some of it we're in here so these are basically fuse holders uh your feeds come into the top you need to remove these fuse holders to get to the terminals a bit like the old rewireable fuse boards so yeah we need to see if there's power here to start with these are these little fuse holders we got some uh what we got in there don't know they should be 32s GG's but I can't actually see the rating there we go yeah 32 amp GG BSA 88s which are very forgiving so if these are blown I'll be surprised but let's have a little look Earth's up there on the banjo we got 230 on L1 230 on L2 and 230 on L3 we got a neutral cool so incoming Supply is sweet basically there's nothing wrong with that also if anyone knows what the that's for please let us know in the comments below looks like medieval torture device right this one's sweet calm down mate that one's sweet that one sweet so that's all fine let's replace these then there there's literally nothing wrong with that isolator so the investigation continues but that's the thing with fault finding you basically if we turn this on you basically just want to narrow down problem and starting at the source is a good way to do that we' got 230 at the socket there there we go that's neutral this must be your one right so we've got everything at the socket so there's nothing wrong with that you all look pretty sweet in there as well um well the first fault is that there isn't a fault basically did you did you see that a Bosch made have you seen my recent video a Bosch made it into the recent video you know when um I was in the switch room and you and Connors were sat at the door yeah and you got go B that made it into the video yeah so proud of myself oh mate screen I've put this on wrong but CU we're recording I'm actually going to have to sort it out I would just walk away normally should we get stuck into the what's it called Mitch Fox anyone knows anything about that's not we should try as well I'm not messing around with it but move the veto out the way this is just banter as well and it let's lay the socket across the pillar drill in the clamp all right I used one of these in college M that literally cut through me right give it a good yeah well fault one has been has been fixed this P Subs on the back we'll charge for that one yeah you did or is it just fixed itself um it's literally there's nothing wrong with it this was live the fuses were fine and then yeah plugged it in turned it on it sweet they said it was this one with the question mark this one's sweet cuz the rcd socket's on yeah there's nothing wrong with that one but even so you just want to start from like one end so we started from the source and just proved it all the way through until we proved the unit so yeah that's just you always want to look at fault finding logically if you start in the middle start messing around stuff like that you're just going to get confused you're not going to know where you are so yeah just always try and work methodically the next f is a 110 volt socket so hopefully there's actually something wrong with that one and we can fix something but yeah we'll uh we'll move on to the next one just wanted to quickly interrupt today's video to talk about today's video sponsor T so if you don't know T have a online portal called t for professionals and it's basically an installers portal for people like you and me specifically in the domestic sector and what you can do is get loads of benefits and rewards as an installer so I don't do a lot of domestic work but if I did I'd be taking full advantage of this you get stuff like discounted T products you can obviously pocket at discount yourself or pass that onto your customers you get uh manuals user manuals all that sort of stuff so you're never going to be short of documentation when you're installing this stuff they also do informational pieces all sorts of cool stuff related to their products you get an extended warranty so you know if you want to spec that to your customers and say look if you go with me you get an extended warranty on these products that can be a very competitive advantage over you know other contractors so that's really cool and also you get rewards for you know buying T products so if you're installing a lot of these um cuz you're you know getting them at a discounted rate offering a warranty Etc you're actually going to build up rewards and get rewarded for buying T products so it's a really really cool portal it's great for those domestic installers out there check out the link below and see how you can take advantage of t for professionals we have got to get to that 110 socket on that back wall so this one is again another faulty socket a apparently but we'll see we shall see we have been given a spare a replacement if we need it on this one um okay this one looks looks okay paddle grinder nice you got a grinder I have bet you switch or you paddle um is it just got an onoff switch it's got a button yeah it's about I know I didn't know where this was going orig Ram the Ang what in you thought he was going to what cut I didn't know what you going to do interesting there is an issue with it oh I can tell you what's happened straight away s up wrong could have never have worked you've got you've got neutral in Earth and Earth in in life probably not going to work no probably not um right let's go find out where these are fed from then turn it off remake this off job [Music] on it's fed from here it's that's crazy so we've got a big suppliance this 110 volt transformer here and then it feeds this board which is just a 110 volt board so they're actually doing the transforming at a distribution level which is pretty cool we'll just turn off all of the wall sockets cool hopefully that's that dead so before my time at Burgess electrical um they do a lot of work at like air bases and stuff stuff like that uh RAF bases and stuff and the Americans have a lot of like setups at Raf bases in the UK so um yeah before my time at the company they actually had to go to one of these RAF bases and wire the whole place in 110 volts with American sockets and stuff like that and they had a similar setup where they had like one big Transformer that transformed it down to 110 and then yeah they had to get like approval from MK in the UK to get their American sockets cuz you're not allowed to buy them here they're not allowed to distribute them so they had to get written approval from the air base to send to MK so that MK would give them the American you know the ones that look like little faces but yeah pretty mad that just reminded me that setup there of when I got told about that we still do do quite a bit of work at like the RAF bases and stuff like that but there's no chance of me filming anything there they literally like scan your phone scan you um do a background check and everything so there's no chance I'm actually an AP authorized person lvp um at one of the air air bases um but yeah no chance of of bringing the camera in there unfortunately right we're dead between live and neutral even though neutral off sweet um so let's BOS them all out the back wonder how long that's been like that it's probably been like that since it got installed and they've just been dealing with it sock's getting a little upgrade look it's being seed yeah and it this is this is rough content man I'm hoping the the outside lighting fult find is a little bit more interesting yeah at the minute this is like we're scraping the bottom of the barel yeah we are nothing I already know the title day in the life of a a maintenance man I wonder if there's any caes interesting cheers mate Jack and there's a maintenance man YouTuber like a little arus man arus i' love to see like a day in the live just see what they go up to where do you want to go for lunch um we're having serious problems down in the left jez that eyes on the camera on the work don't know you're just a hero aren't you Tesco I don't know if there's a Tesco around here there's that garage is there that we come pass on the way in that's got uh Gregs at it oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah there but um smash I you healthy eating no not healthy eating I'm just I'm I'm calorie and macro counting so I just want to get the most the most protein and energy protein dense diet for my uh for my money you're so flinchy mate that is a serious grinder I like makes me feel like I'm going to hurt myself with it right so today on maintenance electrical we have solved our second fault of the day by connecting the socket up correctly recorded that so you can manifest it yeah well if anyone works on a wind farm and they want to yeah they want to make a cool video about it then let's do it cuz I'm so up for that but it's it's not that um yeah if you're invited it's not that easy you've actually got to do there's like a specific course for being able to enter win turbines like a safety course I don't think I'll get through that um and then yeah all the other things but to be honest with you I know a lot of HV jointers that connect them up so maybe I can get in with one of them boys but it would be sick mate and that opening shot me on top of the turbine drone panning out don't even know how i' do it I'd need a cameraman for that or drone pilot I'm not mate mate it's day one with the camera you're not flying the drain that's that one solved another intense fault we're going to go get some lunch so we've got we'll show yours in a minute we've got sweet potato bargie rice and this is experimental for me I'm not doing this I'm being healthy this year but I ain't going to eat this every day but I like to look at this and I saw these which are garlic mushrooms but they just look banging I feel like they taste better warm I've just got an innocent smoothie what have you got look this is how he's going to start the year this is healthy eating for you people that want to out there watching the video you're thinking I'm not happy with my size I'm not happy with my build yeah you're thinking you want some massive biceps like these this is how you do this so what you doing you going starters we've got two sausage rolls get a little size you can see what we're working with they're not small two of them put them on the Shelf next up it gets a bit mystery here CU I don't actually know what's in here I'm just going to take a bite and let you know all right that's the sausage bean and cheese two sausage rolls sausage bean and cheese and then we're going to top it off I don't need to bite this one cuz I already know what this is we got a steak bak and then to wrap it all up just to make sure we're keeping ourselves power through the day for the health health is wealth Monster Energy that's how I'm going to finish it off you wouldn't be an apprentice if you didn't have a Monster Energy do you want to try one Lo yeah go on let me D get them open go on my hands are got a little table look it's like a date I'm not happy about opens but yeah packaging oh really not impressed with this you're right if I just go finger in yeah do it oh this is absolute code right here we go this is this is what you buy from un the sponsor wait and why are you opening them like that decision howse you going to do it you go like that no I've created why would you go like that I've created a nice little opening it if I go for a big one yeah yeah yeah wait I ain't going to eat all of that banging I'm impressed with that they're good I actually feel like just to make sure we're keeping everyone happy just so on the brand yeah well it's got a big label over oh sorry I'll get rid of that maybe we should just do food anyone wants that take out club biters the garlic mushrooms banging oh my God we should have you could do like a special Food review date we'll start a separate Channel high in protein as well yeah I do hear that to be fair seven G maybe is that what we said before six per 100 G is 6 we got 300 G so what we there 18 18 g of protein which a bad for someing everything about that what about too sure about that one there but have to let me know what I saying you up there apies are good good I think we're I think we were there really we yam this and then out in the car park which you probably can't see cuz it's blown out there is a outside lighting circuit with four lamp post that just working to be honest with you I think it's like a photus that was saying they've got a contactor set up so the fact that all four aren't working says to me there's something wrong with the controls but we'll eat this and then we'll we'll go get stuck into a proper Vault hopefully I'll catch you lot in a bit all right so back after lunch fully rejuvenated and we need to work out what's going on with these outside lights so basically there's four well there's lots of lamp poost outside but there's four of them that aren't working all in tandem so that says to me there's either a breaker issue circuit issue or there's something wrong with the contactor or photo cell but the fact that there's only four of them not working says that maybe it's not a contactor issue we're going to run through the main set up see what's going on there make sure we've got power leaving the building and then we'll get outside in the rain in the cold and see if there's any issues out in the field basically but for now we just want to get the covers off these contactors right external liting contactor cool all Dorman Smith boards here as well which again you just don't see that often these days so this is the contactor enclosure if you don't know what contactors are basically the circuits come out the breakers the lives go into these bottom contacts on the on the contactor and then they come out the top and go to the lamp posts but this contactor will only let through if there is voltage on the A1 or on the A2 but yeah so when you apply voltage to this auxiliary connection here it pulls the contactor in the coil which connects the top and bottom together lets the voltage let lets the the the voltage pass through um so yeah that's basically the contact now these are probably controlled by a photo cell I'm not actually sure but there is nothing on the A1 at the minute and there's no timer or anything that's all for the emergency lights I think I don't know but I am going to trace out this gray cable and see if I can override it anywhere but basically that's our setup there'll be something controlling these at a certain time or a certain Darkness outside the outside lighting circuits come on now this breaker here Lamp Post front times four was off so I've turned that on I've got power to this terminal now but that doesn't mean that that's the issue because when I turn the contact run and let these through that may well trip again so what I'm going to do first is see how I can get this to come on if there's an override see if it comes on if it holds and then I'm just going to do some testing on the circuit as a whole and see if I get any funny values or anything weird that we can investigate further [Music] right I think I found where it's controlled from so this is a Sango uh time clock old school mechanical they're actually really really good you don't really see them installed too much these days I've just turned this on basically just manually you just manually twist it and it's it's like a big mechanical clock switch and that has fired up this lot now if I can Jimmy this onto an earth somewhere I've got my uh got my other lead just balanced on there cuz I've got a camera in one hand I put that on there you should be able to see we got 230 230 230 230 230 230 jumping around a bit cuz that leads moving um but yeah so those contactors are letting through because that sang is on and then if we go outside going to need an ND filter otherwise you guys aren't going to see much there we go right so we have got if I turn the ND filter actually look at that so they're all on but these four aren't how bizarre so even with the contactors and stuff on these lot these four here still aren't on so that means I'm going to have to um I'm going to have to investigate further what's weird is like it wouldn't be all full lamps are gone maybe a Cable's gone down or something don't know let's get some tools out and get our coats on as well cuz it looks like it's about to hammer it down why are you trying to look like you know what you're doing no I'm just I remember Steve saying that the old lamp post had strands no shroud yeah yeah some of them come like that it's a bit rough isn't it you'd be happy with it though W you yeah so anyway this this is one of the four fending lamp posts we've got one just outside the compound there two three we should have power out here to be honest with you I'm going to test this one first it's the second point on the circuit if we got power here um then it'll be it'll be maybe like a lamp issue or a fuse issue but it's just weird that yeah all four have gone if that's the case but this let's test for power anyway I'm going to pass you over to my glamorous assistant do you remember that first video you did how long it took you to do that whisker box I was rubbish you was rubbish then oh well yeah we got we got power we got 230 between live and neutral on Earth and then we got yeah so there's power here which means maybe this is just prove that yeah tap that together so the Fus have blown on this one let's go check another one if the fuses are blown on all four lamp post there must have been a fault which has knocked them all out maybe maybe it got struck by lightning could that do that I don't know anyone in the comments know let's let's test another one before we go down that path but it's um proper coincidental that all the other circuits have all their other lamp posts on but this one circuit it's got all four fuses blown fuse is gone and we got 230 here okay let's go test the end of line just make sure as well make sure we got power to the end of the circuit and I think what we'll do is we'll grab these should be the same in all of the lamp posts even the working ones so we'll grab this little uh fuse carrier from one that we know is working and we'll just run around plug it into all four of these lamp post make sure they're sweet and then we know we just need to grab some fuses there is a wholesalers around the corner so I might see if they've got some we might be able to resolve this today but worst case we we're back here tomorrow so we just grab some grab some from from HQ and get them reinstated so this fusees okay we got 230 so they're not all blown but that must mean you've got lamp issues on on this one that didn't sound good we got continuity well at least we know this fuse holder works so we can now try this in all of the other ones and see see what's going on it's about to start raining cool that one's sweet so we know there's nothing wrong with that this fuse this fuse has been setting that light that last like doing nothing and then today it's going to get run through free free lamp posts it's not going to know what hit okay test that hasn't blowing it no right so we need to actually write down what's going on here cuz it's different issues every time lamp post lamp post 3 lamp post 3 was just fuses BL wasn't it yeah both the lamps come on and lamp post for was the fuses were fine no ball on that one okay so that is that is that wrapped really let's just write down this before I forget lamp post one lamp post two lamp post three and then on the other lamp post they're all off again we're going to have to get them back on let's go see if we can get that that outside lighting circuits back on look at this one goet I I knew she weren't a quitter this one was I I just knew when we got here she weren a quitter [Music] do you have the old After Shave reserves replenished over [Music] crimbo no you we we established with K gason that you can't speak French okay that is the easiest day of fault finding I have ever had did you know that I don't think so I think you actually it would have been easier without you even easier somehow without you but you did put that heater up no no leave that out I was thinking who's here who's coming for TR to get in the video I can't believe we're trying to wrap this up with a with an Amber weather warning what is it severe weather warning yeah probably not ideal probably not ideal right guys that is it for today's video probably the easiest fault find to be honest with you but it's real world sparking I've taken you along with me and yeah it's been so easy but it's nice to have an easy one sometimes I always get these outside lightting faults and they always drag out for a couple of days sometimes I don't even find the problem so it's nice to have one where it is just lamps and fuses basically I've written a a list of all of the lamps all of the fuses we need to get this system whole again they actually have a m on site as well so that's going to make it really easy for them to just let us use their on-site Access Equipment replace the lamps and uh yeah get all of these back on if you haven't already please like subscribe hit that Bell button it really supports the channel I'm trying to get to 100k this year that's really important to me so I really appreciate any of the support and I'll catch you on the next [Music] one
Channel: Mike Page
Views: 18,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: electrical fault finding, fault finding, artisan electrics, how to fault find, rcd tripping fault finding, testing and inspection, electrical safety, electrician life, life of an electrician, electrical faults, electrical testing and fault finding, electrical problems, day in the life, day in the life of an electrician, electrician uk, electrician work, electrician day in the life, fault finding electrical circuits uk, testing and fault finding
Id: jYEUGfntYhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 50sec (2030 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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