Complete Heated Exchange between Sen. Rand Paul and Dr. Anthony Fauci

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Sorry y'all, I should have linked the rumble video from Rand's rumble account which is a longer version anyways.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/redditor01020 📅︎︎ Jan 11 2022 🗫︎ replies

I love how Fauci didn’t realize the hate and vitriol Rand receives from the far left for his attempts to maintain accountability. Like he has been shot at, physically assaulted, and threatened by a mob demanding he say Breonna Taylors name after he cosponsored a bill in her name. But Ok Fauci, you were threatened and are upset because Rand wants you to be fired.

Edit: it is funny that the trolls below don’t even make arguments, they just have childish comments. There is nothing to even respond to, not that you want to respond because you would just feed the fat troll, but there is nothing to even rebut. These comments remind me of when Trump mocked Rand Paul for his hair at the debates because he had no other response to Rand’s criticisms. Ironically, the commenting trolls here appear desperate to match Trump’s class.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/CatoFriedman 📅︎︎ Jan 12 2022 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BlueKy5 📅︎︎ Jan 12 2022 🗫︎ replies

This is what happens when a doctor turns himself into a celebrity. If he can’t handle being a “public figure” then he should stop going on tv every 12 hours.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TrappedOnScooter 📅︎︎ Jan 12 2022 🗫︎ replies

Just as history textbooks today describe the stupidity of the Philadelphia Liberty Loans Parade nine days after the Spanish flu had arrived in Philadelphia in 1918, history textbooks decades from now describing this pandemic will show the face of Senator Rand Paul while including his stupid and false statements that:

  • Noone has been hospitalized for the omicron variant. (Jan 4, '22 ad)

  • Face masks do not mitigate the spread of COVID-19 (Nov 29, '21 interview)

  • Survivors of COVID-19 should throw away their masks, go to restaurants, and live again because these people are now immune (Nov 12, '20 interview)

Rand receives vitriol from those on the right and left who value human life. Why do the voters of Kentucky keep electing this person?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/mshelikoff 📅︎︎ Jan 12 2022 🗫︎ replies

It’s funny but I’ve followed Fauci’s recommendations and haven’t yet had Covid.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Msmdpa 📅︎︎ Mar 24 2022 🗫︎ replies
senator paul dr falchi the idea that a government official like yourself would claim unilaterally unilaterally to represent science that any criticism of you would be considered a criticism of science itself is quite dangerous central planning whether it be of the economy or of science is risky because of the fallibility of the planner it would not be so catastrophic if the planner were simply one physician in peoria then the mistakes would only affect that physician's patients the people who chose that physician but when the planner is a government official like yourself who rules by mandate the errors are compounded and become much more harmful a planner who believes he is the science leads to an arrogance that justifies in his mind using government resources to smear and to destroy the reputations of other scientists who disagree with them in an email exchange with dr collins you conspire and i quote here directly from the email to create a quick and devastating published takedown of three prominent epidemiologists from harvard oxford and stanford apparently there's a lot of fringe epidemiologists at harvard oxford and stanford and you quote in the email that they were from dr collins and you you agree that they are fringe and immediately there's this takedown effort a published takedown though you know doesn't exactly conjure up the image of a dispassionate scientist instead of engaging them on the merits you and dr collins sought to smear them as fringe and take them down and not in journals in lay press this is not only antithetical to the scientific method it's the epitome of cheap politics and it's reprehensible dr faucie do you really think it's appropriate to use your 420 000 salary to attack scientists that disagree with you the email you're referring to was an email of dr collins to me if you look at the email that you responded to and hurried up and said i can do it i can do it we got something in wired oh no i think in usual fashion senator you are distorting everything about me did you ever object to dr collins's characterization of them as friends did you write back to dr collins say no they're not fringe they're esteemed scientists and it would be beneath me i did not do that you responded to him that you would do it and you immediately got an article in wired and you sent it back to him said hey look i've got them i nailed them in wired of all scientists went on this wasn't the only time so your desire to take down people incorrect as usual senator you are incorrect almost everything well no you deny you deny but the emails tell the truth of this no this wasn't the only time your desire to take down those who disagree with you didn't stop with harvard oxford and stanford you conspired with peter dazak who you communicated with privately and other members of the scientific community that wrote opinion pieces for nature five of them signed a paper for nature an opinion piece 17 signed a paper that called it conspiracy theory the idea that the virus could have originated in the lab do you think words like conspiracy theory should be in a scientific paper senator i never used that word when i was referring to it you're distorting virtually everything did you communicate with the five scientists who wrote the opinion piece in nature where they were describing oh this there's no way this could happen what's on the lab me what i did you talk with any of those scientists keep the you keep the students the truth it is you talk to any of the scientists privately yes you wrote the opinion you did what were they telling you privately well let me explain you know you're going back to that original discussion when i brought together a group of people to look at every possibility with an open mind so you not only are you distorting it you were completely turning it around scientists that came to you privately do they come to you privately and say no way this came from the lab or was there an initial impression dr gary and others that were involved was there an initial impression actually that it looked very suspicious for a virus who came from a lab senator we are here at a committee to look at a virus now that has killed almost 900 000 people and the purpose of the committee was to try and get things out how we can help to get the american public and you keep coming back to personal attacks on me that have absolutely no relevance to reality do you think anybody has had more influence let me finish this than you have do you man yes do you think it's a great success what's happened so far do you think you lock yourself good for our kids do you think we slowed down the death rate more people have died now under president biden than did under president trump you are the one responsible you are the architect you are the lead architect for the response from the government and now 800 000 people have died right so you think it's a winning success what you've advocated for government senator first of all if you look at everything that i said you accuse me of in a monolithic way telling people what they need to do everything that i've said has been in support of the cdc guidelines wear a mask get boosted and you've added it to make it course take a look at it or everything advocated to be done you've advocated that your infallible opinion be dictated by law all right so again madam chair i would like just a couple of minutes because this this happens all the time you personally attacked me and with absolutely not a shred of evidence of anything you say so i would like to make something clear to the committee he's doing this for political reasons what you need to do is he said in front of this committee you think your takedown of three i was prominent epidemiologist was not political you don't want me to finish you know what i'm going to say that was the question and taking down these three prominent mtv epidemiology paul if you would please um i'm going to allow this uh dr fatchi to respond we have a number of senators who would like to ask questions and i would like him to be able to respond please do so the last time we had a committee of the time before he was accusing me of being responsible for the death of five four to five million people which is really irresponsible and i say why is he doing that there are two reasons why that's really bad the first is it distracts from what we're all trying to do here today is get our arms around the epidemic and the pandemic that we're dealing with not something imaginary number two what happens when he gets out and accuses me of things that are completely untrue is that all of a sudden that kindles the crazies out there and i have life that threats upon my life harassment of my family and my children without seeing phone calls because people are lying about me now you know i guess you could say well that's the way it goes i can take the hit well it it makes a difference because as some of you may know just about three or four weeks ago in december 21st a person was arrested who was on their way from sacramento to washington dc at a speed stop in iowa and they asked the police asked him where he was going and he was going to washington dc to kill dr fauci and they found in his car an ar-15 and multiple magazines of ammunition because he thinks that maybe i'm killing people so i ask myself why would senator want to do this so go to rand paul website and you see fire dr fauci with a little box that says contribute here you can do five dollars ten dollars twenty dollars a hundred dollars so you are making a catastrophic epidemic for your political gain so you have to politically attack your colleagues and in a politically reprehensible the only thing that i like the reputation okay we won't defend it no don't argue it just simply turn around continue this hearing we have a number of questions after another one one more minute please dr i really appreciate your response but we do have a number of questions from senators and we do have a second round and i'm being asked to make sure that everybody has their time so thank you thank you very much for allowing me madam chair
Channel: C-SPAN
Views: 897,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rand Paul, Anthony Fauci, Senate, COVID-19, Congress, Omricon, C-SPAN, CSPAN
Id: kz7OGxb9X6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 11 2022
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