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many comedians will peel it oh my gosh is that slippery so stop stop what could you do you cannot replace frightened no can't he's my son and you're what plastic you're but you call me Dad unless you're Cyrus I should call me Dad and we did toy videos of course and before we get into this well we are under a little bit of renovation so we're filming this way there is a hole in the wall purposely don't worry about that we have fire and ice from Treasure X okay we did the ones we did the aliens and those were super fun you guys liked them and ridin saw this commercial so many times yeah and by golly we're doing it we're doing treasure expire ice pour water any inator ups you get fire light if you get five you can get the key wet if you get so we want the t-rex you get and the warming well it was really is that it is that the only option okay cool but this one is it only the soup I was six large beasts to collect that's not that bad I like that you know a lot of these toys are like you get like thirty things to collect six is manageable you know and house well you you did you get any birthday money yeah how you didn't get any birthday money well I'll let you do some work around the house they can that's how you get things in life is that you work for it so I'll let you do some chores if you want to get another one okay and some chores outside of your chores what no we're not gonna do it maybe if this is cool maybe we'll do another one but right now we're just gonna do one here on turbo toy doc we're gonna we're gonna donate this we're knowing okay let's show you the package it says treasure X Fire & Ice it says extinct beasts erupt the volcano carve to discover and you can kind of see the ice right there the blue stuff no it'll be in here right never think that you need for this way is in this box just the water this this is cool this is kinda like a science experiment yeah all right yes so all right this is a very neat concept for a toy I'll tell you what we're treasure X like they do really good things so we're gonna feel a lot I do I'm offensive I'm gonna open this up carefully that was really easy to open the box Wow open it from the bottom if you guys get this it has a map that shows you all the beasts you can get you get a treasure X a sponsor Soros a raft or honestly for I like the war mammoths or I like the mammoths but like the others are all dinosaurs and all of them are cool yeah so you can't really get anything bad here but we investigate very sadistic tool that way better tool you know what's good about these videos is that if this is a messy fiasco you guys can watch this and know before you get this yourself are you ready so peel the top off fill cup with water and pour in the top of all key oh you don't have to put a lot in at all wait were there stuff in it I know there's like there's like dust right well unless you you can see this you guys see it yeah yeah dude dude you just made it comedians you just don't everywhere will peel it oh my gosh that slippery saw stop stop what could you use that what you do watch the volcano erupted the lava get lava ice look it it's cold I don't think the water was just cold oh ok so look now you're supposed to do so was that ice no dude this is everywhere you should not have too much one this is crazy this is a science experiment you put way too much work oh it's ice is blue so look at this guy's oh look you can kind of see what it is you're watching now you're about together so now you just like plop it this is - now we get to carve it will start slicing and dicing it would you have two paper towels down here do we really need them but what you do here if you do this in it kind of like close it oh it does well give me that you just made like a french fries slime no it's it's actually kind of like heavy duty she's gonna carve it out well I know which one you got already I native you got the one I wanted you to get if you got it if you got ice this is disgusting actually are you writing you're gonna do this you guys hang out with him I'm gonna go get a bunch of towels okay this is really fun whoa look at this it's literally blue ice it's kinda hard to get all the stuff up when you will go for joy wow this is cool you know I should get this if you're here to let you but it's really fun it takes some strength okay got the asteroids whoa look at that it's like a body get out whoa oh you did a good job all right look look ahead if the cover then looks fun oh dude you got so much stuff on this table I'm Mickey I you know what went right in place with really messy stuff you got it on the lens dude when Ryan plays very messy stuff we put a tarp down and we didn't this time what's down Lido next a baby like what so if you guys get this boy put it on a place they can get messy all right are you ready to put them together I'll be easiest so we got a bunch of stuff in here out of a dinosaur this guy's called the gold thar I don't know what that means like Raptor gold part I guess what it means this isn't a slime that gets stuck to your hands so that's kind of cool like it just you just touch it and you slimy but it doesn't stay to stick look how it is Oh does it that's not good so wash your hands after playing with us Ryden do you undo the the finishing touch to make this guy look to make it yeah but we we still have one more thing we do right what does that do there's something inside it yeah you bonus real gold does it say that you can't oh yeah will you find real gold dipped treasure cool what is this this is a little treasure piece - what's this do were you supposed to use this oh this opens up the asteroid later don't open it no I'll let you do it can you put this on my cam I'll do that you did to her let's clean the table of then we'll do the mystery possible gold dip thing yeah there's probably the other stuff in it redden he looks it looks really cool cuz he has sunglasses on see him guys Goldar he's pretty cool don't put it on your face but you were just talking about making your skin itch don't do that alright time to get all of this ice oh my gosh it is so slimy it's not making me itch so at least there's that home worrying in that oh look who's helping now don't let don't let your parents just do all the cleaning up after you you help your parents out soon it's a it's a group effort right right in it's a big help like this okay we've cleaned up I'm gonna right open it so you don't think you owe and that is prize and opening okay twist it like a key that worked it's think you get a guitar pick good it's hot does it only it does it looks like it would look ready oh he's gay right there ya go that's wrong it doesn't make him look learner but I just need is need a tail put it on there I don't know if that was supposed to be his tail but it is now if it's not then his tail was somewhere still in the ice and we just cleaned up and threw it all away whoa hopefully we didn't mess up there you go so I think it was like $15 it's a bit pricey for what you getting but again kind of with the aliens it's a experience and I would not mind doing this again yeah so if you guys like this let us know by giving this video a thumbs up if you guys can't I think you guys can do that oh no not if you're on TV but they're guys go that was treasurer Xfire nice we got one of the ice maybe if we do this video again we'll get fired thank you guys so much for watching I think it's a really cool toy so fun is the treasure X P we bought the series of toys they're like really they're really grown-up they're really cool I agree so yeah if you guys love the experience that we just went through you can do this yourself any of your local toy stores should have it we see them everywhere at least and write-ins in a picture frame but thank you guys for watching if you want to see more videos yep and no sign you ever see more it's free and easy but either way the most important thing about all of this is that you yes if it's nice outside go outside and play if it's not you can always do something creative inside right in your house that is it you guys have a fantastic day we will see you soon [Applause] you sound aggressive well he's gone so I get the peace out but feather Rex gets it what it's like Professor X but Professor Rex over there you go [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: TurboToyTime
Views: 1,624,352
Rating: 4.6635242 out of 5
Keywords: father, son, science, experiment, treasure, fire, ice, slime, volcano, obstacle, court, toy, toys, mini, Andy, andrew, ryden, schrock, play, time, family, quality, tricks, laugh, funny, cute, adorable, laughing, amazing, best, funniest, aw, ever, turbo, trainer, how, to, help, assemble, build, ball, balls, game, challenge, tiny, air, version, baseball, player, miniature, strike, out, home, run, turbo toy time, bowling, pin, hand, hockey, stick, ski, skiis, basketball, alien, erupt
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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