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you just touch lava sook you are touching lava you are burning your hands you're burning them I don't know it's a good snowball with a blue face he's out saying I think it's kind of freaking me out okay it's what you - but what is up guys we are my name is Andy and this is my son and we do toy videos we said at the same time yeah Jason fat me cook no I will not do that you have water though yeah I love you like but today he was righteous it is a science experiment we're doing the fire nice volcanic reaction toy mystery toy again we got ice last time yeah and hopefully yeah if you go back on to the turbo toy time channel look for the first science experiment you'll be able to find it but this is a new one and hopefully we're gonna get something different I won't spoil it for you guys but we got some sort of creature inside it last time but we're hopefully gonna get the fire because you can even get fire or ice inside there volcano yes inside your volcano so this is our new volcano let's get it done are you ready yep so you take that over the table I'm gonna grab you tube we're gonna take you over there show you the packaging and then we're gonna get out and do some science experiments thing I'll get the key Rex that'd be so cool we got the t-rex how is over you know we're gonna go the table it's all monkeys do first I go it does right yeah okay Wow all right here's the front of the box or packaging what are you in the face sorry is it okay Wow it looks like a great face it says treasure X Fire & Ice extinct beasts erupt the volcano carved to discover and that's just it well you find real gold dipped treasure and we totally knows not to spoil it but recently we kinda struck jackpot on these toys last week actually we've heard a lot of treasure eggs we'd like treasure X a lot but go watch the video and then we won't say anymore you kid under the water this time oh yes I'm doing the water because you dumped it in way too much all right we'll get there though it says will you find fire or ice then there's ten levels of adventure to remove the tool discover your quest pull open the top water cover by monkey peel to reveal these crack open the meteor did you find real gold bits Ezzor and display your beast those are the order of operations it's a really good-looking box it's all shiny and golden and barcode II gonna be a barcode on this do you like that yeah I like the numbers you know this via a barcode don't I'll bar Clara everything there's not a barcode on me yeah knows that dude there's no barcode your shirt you didn't take your tags off maybe okay so no it's it's beautiful but we're gonna bust this out I'm happy and we're gonna start yeah you can't just pull that up so what what you do first you are you pour water into the volcano to set off some sort of safe chemical reaction that he roughs the volcano wow you got that that was Packaging is awesome like it works really well okay but we're gonna need so here's the volcano you're gonna pull this up and that's we're gonna put the water in and then we'll pull this up and see if it's fire or ice we got a little map it's an adorable map it shows you I like how there's not a lot of options of what you can get so you either get the treasure wrecks the score chess or the wrapped horn for the for the hot ones and then you get frost smash gold thar and gold chill yeah we got gold done so if we do get ice again I hope we get gold shield big the big elephant Mastodon type guy yeah that's another elephant frost masters cool - yeah because obvious I like performies oh dude look at the gold dip here's the ultra rare gold dip treasure but there's a bunch of them that's there's only two of them those are the common treasure yeah now if you're doing this at your house be mindful do it on a place you can clean up because this will erupt a little bit so we're gonna take this and we're gonna hole it oh there's the heat here so I don't know you guys can see that see in there there's little dust but you think I mean we got fire Oh hopefully it means that okay are you ready for this oh it's expanding look at that dude did I not put enough in watch out oh my gosh dude that definitely wait whoa the mole the one dude no let it go let go that is awesome little bit more it's like actually you think we do a little more yeah let's try to do a little more okay that's it just let it go he's good him just get a RuPt man it's like the one time I'm gonna tell you not to like all dude is like really it's like falling down oh dude the treasure you get the stretcher out pull the treasure out there we got the key now I guess we just dispose of this you just touch lava silk you are touching lava you are burning your hands you're burning it does feel cool it's not it's not actually love wow I need something to put this in alright so yeah now we got and this is cool this is very safe stuff yeah that's really neat boy we messed up last time we did it that was awesome that was way more of a science project yeah we'll do it on this then we could have done it more to do there's like there's like rod lava dust in there okay dude we got so much lava everywhere I'm clearly no blob without burning my hand because it's not actually lava oh don't use a Pokemon card or a pokémon like promo card alright Ryan do you want to feel back we're gonna this is the moment we've been waiting for oh you got it [Applause] yes all right here I'll help you out you can already see the whole watch out you can feel it fit you can kind of already see what it is too but the red ones I really like the red prizes Wow good kind either you're yeah I need the scalpel thing there we go wow that thing works look at that now we're in business oh jeez okay so do we just plot this out red just like smash it yeah or just drop it why is this one so watery he's very watery did it like leak in or something I'm gonna dry our lava what is this thing we don't much like see how much water is on this you know weird to think that these are just sitting and target one your toy store or whatnot hunga jell jelly in the camera it is it feels like jelly all right now I get to just cut this this mythical beast out of the the lava is it supposed to be lava yeah I'm sure all right so look at this whoa hold on here chef so this right here has a thing where you can go like this and it splits to see it splits it off and then this piece you can actually kind of cut into it yeah I like that piece yeah it's happening well this is such a crazy toy at least we did this one better like we actually got a volcano to happen this thing like this or this oh okay oh my gosh oh the meteor whoa he's just ripping apart you just ripped it you just got a random head out of it okay so we got oh is it the t-rex mm-hmm or is it a raptor it's crazy how much you can just use your hands with us you can use that sort of like get it get it all out you have gotten look at all this you look at all of this it is like it has a bits of hard jello like petrified jello is what this stuff feels like all right so what's one do we get no we got the Raptor c2 out of this the six are Raptors and we've gotten the Raptors both times yeah so we're gonna do one more of these we gotta get a t-rex you know four more we gotta get a t-rex alright so hold on now we got it we just gotta use this to get get all these chunks off as it's come up pretty easy and it's nice that it doesn't stick to you all right what is that it's like I just cut his tail off come on get out of here I thank you for amassing all of the jello into one pile you know just when I think we got let God at all we don't now do we oh I dropped you I would have said I dropped it on his head but his heads laying on the ground I think I got it all up now what you gonna put oh you know what I got to do so now look we gotta put his face on so I'm gonna go this I'm gonna get it put together and then you get to put this head on okay oh you want to put his head on dawn dawn dawn The Wrap toward has a head pretty cool again you might want oh hey now thanks to rotten rotten what thank you so much for putting on my head you're welcome now look at me how I look alright now we have this where's the keys the thing we opened it okay so where's the key this was in the eruption see this this lets you open it so you find this little square and then you're gonna white here put it in and then twist oh oh there's more oh we got the fire we did not get a gold one there's so much more on around this we did but now we give her the fire that's right there put on his back Bob oh honey logo pretty cool another science experiment to doing we'd have to do four more to get the whole no we're not getting we're not collecting all of them but you could if you really like this toy you could I think we'll do one more here on on this channel and maybe we'll get a t-rex I don't know my hands are orange from that lava and you know what we'll just end it right here right now here is the toy it's very very cool we're of course gonna donate this toy like we do with 99% of the toys that you see on turbo toy time but this is the wrapped horn it don't mind us sounds like a space for like somebody could ride it you know they should have like a separate maybe that is maybe some of the other oh you know what I bet you the the like the alien guys from the bugs that we dissected they might be able to fit on this I think they could that'd be really cool it is it is cool to see like such a fun creative toy line like the treasure X stuff be able to work with each other but this is really neat I like this a lot this and the alien eggs I think are my favorite treasure X so far but we have a big one coming war so look out for that if you want to see more videos from us yes now sign em see more videos we do videos every Tuesday and Saturday but we love this I give this two thumbs up again this is even better than the first science experiment yeah you gave it to all so yeah yeah we did it better so next time we do it we'll know you only rubbed it okay alright fair enough but thank you guys so much for watching the important part through all of this is that yes this is outside go outside if it's not you could always do something oh we have a lot of cleanup to do yeah we're gonna do that right now but you guys want to watch that but have a good day you're right peace to the cleanup boom boom I got a bag right here for you but also I can tip of you oh okay you have a shield I will take this don't attack me the shield not nice but I will ticklish yield didn't work [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: TurboToyTime
Views: 6,860,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: father, son, science, experiment, treasure, fire, ice, slime, volcano, obstacle, court, toy, toys, mini, Andy, andrew, ryden, schrock, play, time, family, quality, tricks, laugh, funny, cute, adorable, laughing, amazing, best, funniest, aw, ever, turbo, trainer, how, to, help, assemble, build, ball, balls, game, challenge, tiny, air, version, baseball, player, miniature, strike, out, home, run, turbo toy time, bowling, pin, hand, hockey, stick, ski, skiis, basketball, alien, erupt
Id: bkORmIwL7ZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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