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oh there there's the sound all right oh hold on all right do it oh we gotta do it again gotta do it again i told you my name was jim no i said my name was jimmy [Music] it's what ultimate time it's a lot of ultimates youtube what is up guys we are about yes my name is andy and this is my son ryan and we do toy videos and today we have super mario legos they are the best things ever they're so so cool so uh we have more than just this box but they've already been built so what we're going to do is i'm going to show you this box and then we're going to get it out fill you in how epic mario legos is and then we're going to of course have mario do an ultimate lego battle and try to win the level yeah i meant to have the the starter kit box but um well i'll be uh it got thrown out even though i didn't want to be thrown out so here's a box uh this is what it looks like most of the mario legos you see are expansion kits and the starter kit i i got from lego but i have not seen it in stores yet yeah and you need that because that's the thing that comes to mario but this actually puts the fire suit on mario yeah so you get some firepower and on the back you can kind of see what's going on here there's the pipe how do you put it on them oh we'll do it okay let's just get it out let's do this oh there is some building okay oh here's some mario pants so this is what you're getting in this set and that's it you have to have mario for this to work which we do and we have him right here but look he's electronic yeah look at this so here's the power button but look that is so awesome ready then he turns off oh yeah it closes his eyes yeah i didn't know that lego mario time build his fire suit let's put him in fire fire here so uh yeah this is the it's so cool and like little things appear on his belly and stuff it's kind of like playing the video game in real life yes with legos it is so cool sorry gonna i took his feet off watch that is so awesome okay put his head on why is he being burnt i don't know oh because so when it's on red it burns he thinks he's on lava and our hand yeah i thought my hand was it and he doesn't do the jump he does the how do i get a coin okay let's get the other stuff look at this you can get the flying mario suit the um the squirrel mario and um oh no is that the cat yeah the ring of the cat what that's awesome dude also so look the new suit comes with like a little place to store your suit that you're not using that's pretty cool let's get all of them out now though when you stand on the blue it thinks it's in water let's just set up a course and then we'll show them it okay one second actually we didn't put it together look at all of these pieces it might look like randomness it's so cool though but what it is is each set you build little pods like this like this is a station and then this is a station you connect them all and you make your own mario level yes it's so cool so what we're gonna do is we're gonna take all of these and we're gonna make our own level and then there's a little reader down here it looks like you're looking into the future okay it did get kind of just like oh my gosh it looks like it's from villain my haircut is terrible when i'm 40. it does look like from building yeah all right and then throughout the course it has these little things that it reads now watch and it was a bad guy and you got a coin for it but this thing watch this isn't a bad guy so it knows it's a dangerous situation and he makes that sound effect now watch here's a coin block we got a mushroom okay so you can get like just like in the game you can get different things all right so yeah but um with this star you can beat any enemy in one watch the goomba this is so cool all right so what we're gonna do is we're gonna set up the course we're gonna show you it and then mario will do the ultimate lego battle versus or bowser jr yeah this is so awesome oh also the course always starts right here and i'm not gonna do this because that activates the level when you make him come out of the pipe but if you do it then hit this oh and then the flagpole of course is the final i'm gonna let ryden design the course you ready can you help though you can't look guys the course is done look at it okay let's start here and you're gonna tell us all about it okay so then don't don't make him go because that starts it but if you go in here you 60 seconds to do all of it yes it there's a little bit of timer right yeah he starts at the pipe and then there's a lava um jump you gotta land on that or it sizzles mario yeah and you jump here jump here into the water oh um so if he's in water show what happens it'll show the water yep he's got water on his chest doesn't he then he has to come up here um get on the cloud jump down here jump over here oh look at this thing put them on and then you move it with these okay then he can go this way or or swim to the secret island and there's the coin block thing okay now you have to go back this way and go on the tourney the tourney twister turning bernie tony verney yeah okay the tourney vernee and then what the first bad guy get the goomba boom he's getting excited right there then he has to go this way i don't know how this guy works so we'll figure out how to beat him when we do you go over here oh there's another bad guy he's facing the wrong way um that's for mario odyssey the guys that jump out well he's in super mario world too but then you spin this and it knocks oh okay i didn't know that worked that way all right and then you smash this it explodes but you got to jump on his back right yeah because the center yep how many times um if you have the star just once but but um i think it's about like five and then right here swim to the secret island that you'd be filling or you could just jump over it he thinks your hand is lava yeah it does then you have to jump so high and just land up all right are you ready for the ultimate battle yep mario versus all these guys okay ready yeah do it all right ready set go oh it's got the song jump what does that do it's the clown oh there there's the sound all right hold on all right do it oh we gotta do it again you gotta do it again there you did it all right corn block dude you did that really good oh got him you got him all right jump down there i think you bash him from behind got him okay got that thing plus 15 time [Music] hold on you gotta bash him [Applause] oh you got it it was in the background you got 14 seconds oh get him kick i got him did you get it [Music] that was awesome dude but you didn't show us when you beat him watch dude you were right it was five yeah all right can i try it now yes all right okay what you gonna do kid so for my ultimate battle i'm gonna be classic super mario classic sorry i took your feet off his whole legs you can mix and match him you could yeah i don't want to though are you ready for my my turn yes okay jump down here jump down there oh he's gotta wait for it to come back dude this is hard yeah darn it better you got coins get him got it yeah oh you did it better than me did it yeah it was the p block though this is so fast this is so awesome yeah that was so cool like i just played the lego mario did you realize that when i was beating bowser jr the p block symbol was on there yeah but it still made the sound so i was still beating him but uh there you guys go that's lego mario so there's so many sets and with every set you can build like a bigger mario world and it's so cool with the this is the twisty it's very cool i kind of wish i had a regular mario minifigure yeah but i have like not like a i would like a bouncer pretty much this is so cool dude very very cool we should do the actual bowser one oh the big set maybe if you guys really like this maybe we'll do another mario lego but uh that was mario lego sets i believe this is the starter pack and then an expansion pack with the uh the lava bridge the the this thing this came in its own with that guy yeah he's really durable he just falls over again it's fine so thank you guys for watching that uh we love legos and i we both love mario i feel like they can't do wrong with those this is such a creative cool concept uh two thumbs way up for both lego and nintendo this is awesome yes they're the best thank you guys for watching if you would like to see more videos hit the subscribe button right down below yeah it's free and easy just click and you're signed up and we'll be back with another video uh next week we do once a week right now you got a swamp on your face but the most important thing about this is that you guys have a great day yeah if it's nice outside go outside and play if it's not you can always do something creative inside yep like this legos are very creative they're awesome they're a good inside thing to do yeah um that's it have a good one peace to the mario out i'm sliding down the pole okay i'll get the piece out peace out [Music] [Music]
Channel: TurboToyTime
Views: 5,991,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: avengers, infinity, war, thanos, lego, marvel, superhero, super, hero, iron, man, ryden, andy, andrew, schrock, father, son, dad, child, kid, family, matters, quality, time, toys, toy, playset, package, play, building, cool, review, fun, funny, cute, adorable, 80s, 1980s, cartoon, best, funniest, let's, lets, hilarious, 1970, 1970s, block, haha, ever, atst, rouge, one, at-st, walker, hoth, speeder, blaster, missle, laser, beam, blast, battle, showdown, epic, ultimate, captain, america, hulk, black, widow, hawkeye, avenger, Mario, brothers
Id: cOj2D3w1Pzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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