FATHER & SON TREASURE HUNT! (Minecraft Science Experiment!?)

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you got oohs didn't you can you feel i don't think so i don't think so we got sad we got sick i did get a new phone it kind of looks like turtle food but i like it yes youtube what is up guys we are yes my name is andy and this is my son ryden and we do toy videos and today this guy doesn't even know what we're doing yeah i don't but he's excited yes because usually when i surprise you you're you're hyped right yes i have a mystery bag treasure x we're doing minecraft minecraft we're doing treasure x minecraft what i saw this and i was like oh my gosh ryden's gonna love it all right this is one they partnered up with look and another portal treasure x is this not the coolest thing ever so cool all right so i guess you get like a guy a figure okay and we don't know what we're gonna get but it says somewhere on here oh it says will you find sand or ooze so there's either sand to dig through to get your guy or slime which dad is not a huge fan of slime i want the sand too yeah all right so uh i just i this was like the coolest collab ever and i was like we gotta do this i looked at the toy aisle okay and the worker did not know what i was doing okay but i looked right at the toilet and i was like you're coming with me bub and then the worker was like i'm gonna ask have to ask you to leave and i grabbed these bottom and then ran away tell me your restaurants please what to be here you asked the best place to meet you especially yeah sure okay so we'll do these one at a time um we're going to show you the box we're going to get it out and play with it and play with it which one do i do first yeah i agree because if you look at the back on this oh my gosh okay i can't wait all right and with treasure x as most things on turbo toy time what do we do with the toys we donate them we just donated a big holiday thing to uh the victims of tornadoes that happened here in the midwest and we hope that the toys got to some kids that could use them and made their day with treasure x it's kind of hard to donate because we use and do the cool things with them so we usually i need to buy two more of these so we can donate because we're gonna do it because that's what we're all about here on turbo toy time um all right the front of the box says has has like a steve right there he's like a cartoony steve yeah um it says mine discover craft overworld mine and cr mine and craft is that that can't be right mine and craft character help help will you find real gold dipped treasure so just like all treasure x you can get actual gold or gemstones it's heavier than you think uh this this is pretty heavy too you might have gold might have gold um this is by moose toys as as is all treasure x uh they do awesome treasure eggs are really really cool yeah and this guy likes minecraft yes i do too minecraft's fun michael's my favorite gift um it says new aqua stick so i guess like how you like glue the head on is that you do we have water we do have water right there okay you put like a little heart in his neck and you put water and then you put the head there and then you got a figure okay um it shows you the steps on the back it shows you some of the people you can get i want the skeleton patrick patrick that's his name patrick and you want the zombie yes on the bottom we've got the barcode we do have the barcode all right so let's open this puppy up and we'll do it we're just gonna do the treasure x please please tape get off the box rip it rip it okay okay okay what's exactly what moms can you not do what's that okay don't break this it looks like a flower pot it tells us what to do uh first we open up that and has everything we need we are opening it it's a potion i just punched that's a diamond pickaxe wow we've got a diamond pickaxe we're rich i want to use it i don't want to sell it here we go okay so what do we do i want to put on us oh and then you just bash that into this okay okay hold on here all right i'm gonna hold this and you have got you've played minecraft you know how to do this okay use your diamond pickaxe smash it uh smash it harder i think it's a little bit longer you gotta do it right there uh i think you're supposed to like kind of like stab it yes yes yes yes keep going like you mean it oh wait yeah that's what i thought we would have done that forever okay all right remember everything i just said now do it right here oh okay do it do it it's harder to do it hey there's another bag inside oh okay get the bag we're just making we're just making a mess at this point you got oohs didn't you can you feel i don't think so i don't think so we got sand we got sand we got sand usually that's not exciting but today it is because it means we didn't get this oh that's a lot of slant you got steve you got steve cool you know we picked something else to get but steve is like the mario of minecraft right so that's pretty cool am i afraid about this hand it's kinetic sand it is kinetic sand which is honestly the coolest i think it's the coolest type of sand it's easy to clean up so here's a diamond pickups this big and then a sword this big that's kind of weird why why i guess this is actually our diamond pickaxe it's a bummer that the diamond pancakes doesn't like go with steve so i gotta get all this sand out there's like a lot of sand he's got purple eyes he always has purple eyes yeah oh there's the thing put a heart in okay hold on what you got to get all the sand out before you start like gluing it with the heart okay so yeah once you like get you like excavate your dude you have to put them together with hearts hold on get all the sand off there's like the sand is a thing i think the ooze might have been easier i think so oh my gosh this is a lot of stuff all right so we're almost ready i think we just got to clean up and now we then we can glue this guy together basically yeah one arm's attached to him and one's just like ah it's a floating arm now i'm going to show you an easy way to clean up kinetic sand all right you just you just dab it you just pat it well you just broke it yes you're kind of making it a more mess aren't you no no it is cleaning up told ya and i'm just going to paper towel to make it simpler but that did work will you find more real damp to gold treasure where were we supposed to [Applause] is it in here no that's where i got the sword where were we supposed to find gold dude you can get diamond armor steve oh you get enderman chicken wait it's in here oh how do you open it i think we just put it in water everything turns into a science experiment not really but it feels like a science experiment all right wait we're about to find out if we got real gold dip treasure real gold dip treasure okay uh throw the potion into the water science experiment time no no that's why it's a guy uh push down [Music] and now i'm gonna see if that's actually what we're supposed to do you did you you just made a squirt gun oh that's your drop where is the treasure this is not a science experiment anymore this is not where the treasure was out of the chest oh we got a sword oh the sword uh the sword is our treasure yeah we uh we're learning here okay so this is cool we got like a little dropper guy there's the water and now let's build him okay i just have to do that so wait we need one on the top the new one on the top so their heart goes here and a heart goes here now i'm gonna drip water onto the hearts all right so the hearts are ready put like a little a few drips on each there's one so this feels like a science experiment okay now it's locked in place is it that i don't know do you think that's gonna work turn it upside down well that's i mean i think it would have worked either way all right so we're gonna put more hearts onto his head more hearts onto his head that's what i just said got one in okay and then this this part this is like no other treasure x we've ever done okay we're making him now we just need one more his head is very big for his body i hope this works it is a very cool toy so oh and then his like sword [Music] there we go oh there you go look all right so there's our steve now i can collect them and put them on by shelf and stuff like that yes oh he stands right there yeah that's super cool all right are we ready to move on to the nether portal yes all right here's another portal yes it says mind discover create craft craft i thought it was gonna say create this is the nether portal these are the only two products i saw from the the minecraft treasure x line but if you see more get them yeah there's probably more it says again we have a chance of finding real gold the back shows the steps um there's some guys i don't know what you can get in this i guess you get two things oh we have another chance to get the zombie or the the skeleton patrick and then there's the the piglet look look right right here you get um these guys will walk on lava and another they're oh yeah yeah i know you're talking about okay we're gonna get right to it oh my gosh this is so cool if i can get it open okay how cool is that oh whoa um i don't know what sword it is that's a is that another red sword no um it's purple and it's enchanted so i'm guessing you open up that first oh look yeah it comes off yeah it's called a strider so there's a shivering strider and a baby straighter and then these things these things there's only three things you can get yeah those fishing pole things you can get a saddle and you can put it on and then ride them pretty cool oh it's a witherspoon it's a wither skeleton that's the one i want okay did we open this no do we open this i don't know no i think we're over this oh we're not supposed nobody yet okay okay yeah so first you open that we got slime you got the things you're talking about is that what you wanted yeah all right so look at it this feels so weird feel that oh it's like hard kinda if we ever like break it out all right i'll hold it you cut these things out oh you could like just like oh you're removing big chunks whoa weird yeah that is weird oh it's slimy you just got a pancake of minecraft stuff i bet you could just take the things out they come out better than the sand look oh my gosh can you guys see the heart in there is that what you're talking about it made like a thing out of it put all the this stuff back in here it's not like necessarily slime but it's not not slime yeah okay there's your dude and now we just got to glue these back and that's it where's the treasure don't open that here that no we need to that's the next step oh it is oh the treasure's in this so this is where oh we'll do this last okay we have this again all right so get all the hearts out in there i know but i gotta does it go like this yeah okay all right so again we're putting the heart there so now you put the water on okay put the water on and then you put them together and it it's a little sciencey it is sciencey i like it i need a heart in here stat like we're doing surgery on toys this toy needs a heart all right thank you oh he's kind of cute yeah i love straighters now this one's easy we just do it once right yep all right get your hearts this they like match the color this one does yeah you can't see the heart boom daddy that's his name his name's boom daddy this is boom daddy yeah the only thing left to do this is johnny mcdaddy oh it's in there too do the fishing rod oh yeah i think it's a fishy girl that's cool i like that you actually have to like mine the stuff yes right it's like minecraft but this it's really easy this stuff you could just like peel apart with your just out like that and there's the fishing rod show it all right that was treasure x minecraft just to show you what you get in the first one which you can get different figures than steve we just happen to get steve you get a little piece of grass and dirt with a sieve that sits on top but how cool would that look in a collection right everyone has their own little base and then in the nether portal i mean keep in mind that you get another portal right that's cool you got your own little minecraft world here and then you got there's striders but you can get different ones like a wither skeleton and uh what's the other one uh um a zombie pigman zombie pigman and little baby yes well we both love treasure eggs they're very creative fun sometimes it feels like you're doing a science experiment um toy uh but there's also there's just it's a process it's an experience and then at the end you still have really cool toys to play with i give it i'm always gonna give treasure x two thumbs up i'm pretty sure 22 thumbs up right here from turbo toy time guys thank you so much for watching this um we found these i found these at target they're probably anywhere you can get toys but if you have a local toy store support your local community and if you have a smaller shop make sure you try to support them and then if you have toys you are not using make sure you donate them and they can go to somebody that could use them and remember you don't always need new toys to have fun you can get your old minecraft toys out whatever you have and just think of a creative new way of playing with them yes what's your final remarks on these ryden they're awesome get them they're awesome get them okay thank you guys so much for watching hit the subscribe button if you want to see more from us it's free and easy yeah you just click it it's right down there uh but the most important thing about this video is that you have a great day yes if it's nice outside go outside and play if it's not you'd always do something creative inside boom boom yeah wait i i will win i have the bigger materials are you fighting steve yeah he why would you fight him pvp okay strider piece strider out those are not striders they're villagers holding them invisible villagers yeah all right we're gone [Music] [Music]
Channel: TurboToyTime
Views: 2,926,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ghost, scary, Halloween, ghostbusters, avengers, infinity, war, thanos, lego, marvel, superhero, super, hero, iron, man, ryden, andy, andrew, schrock, father, son, dad, child, kid, family, matters, quality, time, toys, toy, playset, package, play, building, cool, review, fun, funny, cute, adorable, 80s, 1980s, cartoon, best, funniest, let's, lets, hilarious, 1970, 1970s, haha, ever, atst, rouge, one, at-st, walker, hoth, speeder, blaster, missle, laser, beam, blast, battle, showdown, epic, ultimate, captain, hulk, avenger, Mario, brothers, stranger, things, Minecraft
Id: EE0j7Z5UFtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 29 2022
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